Letters of Support For FALLOUT Investigation

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1126 Lomowonry Beams Conmrrer ox ArPRORRIATIONS rae BOATS phe nae pene Tim Ryan “ee Concness oF THE Unrrep States iene 13H Distuict, Ouio June 16, 2022 Duane Pobiman Chief Investigative Reporter WERC-TV 1906 Highland Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45219 Mr. Pohiman, I wanted to let you to know how much I appreciated your coverage on the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS) in Pike County, Ohio, For Years, as part of my oversight work on the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee, [have had a keen interest on the health issues, including high cancer rates, in the community around the PORTS. As you know, I recently traveled to Pike County to talk to leaders and citizens about these concems. My work on this issue has depended a great deal on your reporting, ‘The connection between radioactive contamination and cancer surrounding PORTS remained clusive and underreported until you began airing your investigative series, “Fallows,” which helped connect some of the dots. In two years, your investigation shined a light not only on contamination surrounding PORTS, but your most recent, in-depth series also raised scrious questions about plutonium from Russian supplies, shipped during the “Megawatts to Mezatons” program. As of this writing, I have begun to ask those questions direcily to the U.S. Department of Energy, which oversees PORTS, While the answers are not yet fully known, please know that your comprehensive reporting has served an important role of informing me and the public and, as such, you have demonstrated how a fee press is essential to a healthy democracy, Sincerely, on Tim Ryan Member of Congress 197 Weer Mawar Soe Sue (00 201 Wear Fea Sout, Sue 31 130 Rast tausnnoe Ave “Wrasen, ON Younstorn, GH N03 ‘Aiton, OH 435 0 Saisecnon SSucrad-oloa te ss 7.00 Fax 330-750 0182 Tax, sei630-7 FTA ERX 431Gordon Avenue Waverly, OH 45690-1208 Phone (Voice): (740) 947-7998 Phone (Mobile): (740) 352-2891 Fax: (740) 947-1565 httpvhwww dmanuta.com Email: me2@dmanuta.com Re: Recommendation Letter: Mr. Duane Pohlman Dear Jurors, My name is Dr. David M. Manuta, Ph D., FAIC Gellow, The American Institute of Chemists) and Tam a former Research Staff Member 11 (de facto Chief Scientist) at the now closed Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS) in Piketon, OF. write to recommend for your consideration the outstanding investigative joumalism that Mr. Duane Pohlman has been conducting as the Chief Investigative Reporter on WKRC-TV Channel 12 in Cincinnati, OH. Elis on going series, Fallout, has been nothing short of remarkable in shining a long overdue light on the origin of the off-site radioactive contamination at and near PORTS. ‘Over the past two (2) years Mr. Pohlman has spearheaded an investigation into how the US Department of Energy (DOE) has apparent taken advantage of current employees, retirees, and neighbors of PORTS om the radioactive, contamination at PORTS and in the neighboring: communities. ‘The investigation depicted in Fallout is specific to PORTS, but also addresses a very real radioactive threat at sore than three hundred (300) other federal nuclear weapons complex sites, ‘Mr. Pohlman has demonstrated great courage and determination to tell the truth about America's on-going miclear legacy. ‘That truth is rooted in science so complex that most journalists could or would not report it. Mr. Pohiman has shown great dedication to leaming the fundamental facts about nuclear physics that are key to understanding the ‘rue threat posed by PORTS and other facilities lie it He and Thave spent a great deal of time together going over science so that Mr. Pohlman could understand the fundamental facts - even when those facts contradicted the official DOE position offer to you my highest recommendation to Mr. Poklman, who demonstrates that such outstanding joumalism ‘makes a real difference in the lives of our atomic hetoes/heroines, their families, and their neighbors - whether at ‘ornear PORTS or throughout the USA. Sincerely avid ML Jae PhD, FAIC President, Manuta Chemical Consulting, In. NA NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Dear judges, jurists, and panelists: January 2, 2023, '?m Michael Keterer, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Northern Arizona University In my position as 2 retired environmental chemist, lam conducting 2 variety of pro Bono projects in support of communities affected by Cold War- era muciear legacy contamination. My work led me to become familiar withthe Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS), located in south-central Ohio just outside of Piketon |.am writing to provide my enthusiastic recommendation for Duane S. Pohiman as you consider him for your prestigious Journalism award. As Chief Investigative Reporter for WKRC-TV in Cincinnati, Duane developed the series, “Fallout” that scribed many aspects ofthis contamination; ating more than a dozen pieces including stories describing the contaminated Russian uranium feed during the Megatons to Megawatts program, [My familiarity wth PORTS has given me considerable insight into how affected communities such as Pike County, OH struggle to {gain a voice and to protect ther interests considering the US Department of Energy's operation ofthe site, its cleanup, and its plane for the future ofthe ste. ve seen firsthand how DOE officials make fale statements to the public regarding sources Of ‘the contamination and have personaly encountered DOE's attempts to discredit me scientifically, using its contractors at ‘Savannah River National Laboratory. The resents have few options in pushing back against DOE's actions; however, the best Cption in pushback s truth teling. This is where Mr. Pohiman has weighed in. Mr. Pohiman has bravely and persistently taken a stance that will not win him popularity with the US Government, the nuclear industry, State of Ohio regulatory agencies, nor any others that benefit from the status quo at PORTS. It is apparent that Duane 's akin to a dog on a bone when it comes to pursuing and exposing the truths: The ite is contaminated; the public has been and 's stil being exposed tothe detriment of community heath, and DOE and ts predecessors have been deflecting and ‘mislrecting the public from the truth since Dwight D. Eisenhower was President. Its not without risk, personal and professional, for anyone to stand against these interests, and Duane has done zo, unhesitatingly. | personally met Duane when he traveled to Norther Arizona University in une 2021 to interview me about various aspects of lab work. This was Duane's ides, and| believe the resulting segments were highy effective in showing the public how some of ‘the key results are generated, and in removing the mystique behind lab science. cannot emphasize enough how much this “segment adds to the breadth ofthis story. Duane has 2 unique ability, among many journalists I've interfaced with, to distil complexity down into simple concepts, and I believe he was able to show viewers 3 convincing case as to why itis true that enriched uranium is present in locations such as Zahn’s Corner School. One of the most important aspects of Duane’s stores, however, s depicting the human face ofthe community that fives near PORTS. “Thanks in arge part, to Mr. Pohlman’s dedication and courage, community members are being given the voice they need ‘to begin to bend the arc towards 3 better outcome for their community. Me. Pohiman is worthy of my highest recommendation, and your strong consideration for this award Wel Kee ‘Michael E Kettrer, PD, Professor Emeritus, Chemistry and Biochemistry Michael Ketterer@nau.edu Phone: +1928 853 7188 ‘Charles Lawson 229 Brookside Drive Lucasville, Ohio 45648 Dear Jurors, My name is Charles "Chick "Lawson. I'm a husband, father of four children, and a former ‘Special Response (Anti-Terrorism) Team member, a Union safety officer, and a certified OSHA investigator Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS). ‘While working at PORTS, | uncovered serious safety issues and when | stood up against these and other practices, | was forced from my position at PORTS. After many years of injustice and outright lies about the radiological contamination at PORTS, I contacted WKRC-TV's Chief Investigative Duane Pohiman for help. | shared ‘some documents with him that showed him the scope of the contamination extending far ‘beyond the boundaries of the plant. | also pointed out the apparent connection between radioactive exposure and some cancers that were claiming lives, including children ‘surrounding PORTS. ‘While I knew Duane was an accomplished journalist, | had little hope he would be able to help. After all, the issue is complex, and the plant and its surrounding area are outside ‘the viewing area for the station where he works. But somehow, he convinced his station to allow him to investigate PORTS and its threat. In the two years that followed, Duane has relentlessly and courageously pursued this sstory, capturing the complexity of the issues, documenting the truth, and telling the real and tragic stories of the victims of the contamination. His investigative reports are bringing to light life and death issues in our often forgotten ‘communities, interrupting the long-standing position of the U.S. Department of Energy that there is no threat posed by PORTS. His work has now captured the attention of ‘Congress. Duane's unique and compelling investigative stories are clear, shocking, and undeniable ‘evidence allowing everyone to see what is really happening. For people living in these ‘often-ignored communities, Duane’s has also demonstrated that top-level journalism involves a reporter who cares. In these underserved communities, that is a powerful message of hope. up. For his courage, dedication to the truth and conviction that every voice should be heard, I wholeheartedly endorse Duane Pohiman and WKRC-TV for your award. Respectfully, Cheeks, O. brda— ‘Charles 0. Lawson Jeffery 8. Walburn 1204 Riverside Drive Greenup, Ky. 41144 Distinguished Judges, My name is Jeffery B. Walburn, a nurse and former SWATI/Anti-Terror officer at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS) for 31 years and a resident of Appalachia. | write fo you to recommend WKRC-TV'S Chief Investigative Reporter Duane Pohiman, who has stood steadfast for two years - like David versus Goliath - facing the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) with irrefutable evidence of radioactive contamination. I've personally testified in front of The United States Senate and other government inquiries from Washington D.C. to my home in Southern Ohio giving indisputable proof of contamination and cover-ups by the DOE. nothing changed. Ohio's Appalachian region remained radioactive and riddled with cancer, while our government continued to avoid telling people the truth. Despite our best efforts to change this reality, nothing changed, Then, Mr. Pohiman arrived and began his investigation, "Fallout", and single-handedly changed the narrative In two years, Pohlman proved the connection between radioactive contamination and PORTS, showed evidence that on-going demolition at the plant caused radioactivity to rise in nearby communities, and raised serious questions about plutonium contamination from Russian shipments to Southern Ohio. Mr. Pohiman has also told powerful and emotional ‘stories behind the tragic loss of area children to rare cancers and proved that Pike County, which is home to PORTS, has the highest cancer rate in the state. In nearly 30 years of researching this issue, | have never witnessed any person or organization do more in those decades than what Mr. Pohiman achieved in just two years. He has worked tirelessly to expose the truth and bring a voice to families who have long been ignored. Because of his work, there is new hope that truth will finally bring change. Mr. Pohlman’s reporting stands above all others and speaks to the highest calling of joumalism. For this, | offer to you my highest recommendation for consideration of Duane Pohlman and WKRC-TV for being honored with a top award for this outstanding work. Yours truly, 6. didlo feffery B. Walburn

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