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Try This! “Noon at Ngayon”

Societies are organized to emphasize either the me-self or the I-self. How would you characterize
the Philippines in the 1970’s as compared with the Philippines today?

Fill-in the needed information on the given table below by interviewing/asking elderly people
(50 years old and above for the “Noon” column) and teenagers or young adults (25 years old and
below for the “Ngayon” column) in your household or community on their views and opinions
on the listed ideas in the table.

“Noon” “Ngayon”
* physical  Woman who has long  Long hair/ straight hair, fair
hair and beautiful. skin, slim, sharp nose.
 Hardworking, kind,  Handsome, tall and dark.
easy to get along with (standard of woman).
and sense of humor.
 Sense of humor,
hardworking, have plans for
their future.
* process  Serenade (harana)  Dating apps
* approval  Letters  Online interaction
* interaction  Paninilbihan  Dates
* Duration  Conservative (woman)  Gifts
 Duration of courtship  Approval of parents
takes time.
 Blessing of parents
* clothing  Traditional  Modern
* games  In terms of games:  Industrial
saranggola, patintero,
* education  Trend and style (Fashion)
tumbang preso…
* prices of commodity  Technological era
 Education: religious
* transportation knowledge were  Digital/ online learning
integrated or being
* work taught.  Majority of products are
* means of communication  Cheaper price of
products.  Majority have their own
 Not enough
 Mostly on agriculture
 Face-to-face
interaction/ daily
* romance  Arrange marriage  Physical attraction
* attraction  Stronger and lasting  Word of affirmation
* love language  Spending time together
 Personality (action/ act
* expression of love  Giving and receiving gifts.
of service)
 Commitment
 Physical Attraction
 Word of affirmation
 Quality time for each
 Commitment
* gender roles  Women are expected  Men and women now has
more in terms of both seen to be equal.
household chores/
 Women now are
independent, they venture
 Parents were more strict on profession they want.
on their female child
 Men are brought up to
take after their father.

a. What are the similarities/differences from the views/opinions that you have gathered?
 SIMILARITES: In terms of beauty, both elderly and teenager agree to consider both
physical traits and personality such as being handsome/ beautiful, hardworking,
sense of humor. In courtship/ dating, one factor that they have both similarity is the
approval of parents. They consider it as one of important to take consideration in
entertaining suitors. In love, physical attraction, commitment, word of affirmation
and act of service are considered as both expression of love/ love language.

 DIFFERENCES: In terms of life, as expected there’s a major change, before people

dwell more on agriculture as the way of their living, now, there are many jobs as to
which a person decide they want to pursue for living be it on agriculture, in industry,
or jobs abroad. Another major shift is on the behavior of people, before, they are
very conservative on the way they dress and act, now, we become more open and
we express what we want to express as long as we don’t hurt anybody. Major
difference in gender role is seen, women before were considered to be weak and
they should be just do the task assigned to them in their household. Now, women
are empowered, they are both seen as equal as men, although there are still
instances in which discrimination takes place.

b. What factors do you think made the differences in the views/opinions?

 The advancement of technology is one of the factor that created differences on their
views, experiences, and opinion. In terms of courtship/ dating, the presence of
technology gave a major impact, from traditional courtship, shifted to online dating
or they court through means of gadgets. Advancement of technology also affects the
transition of life, before, the interaction of individual happens through daily
conversation and f2f interaction, but with the existence of technology, anytime and
anywhere we can communicate with our relatives even if they are on another
place/country. With the integration of technology in learning, acquiring knowledge
become easier. Foreign clothing adapted by Filipinos also had an impact on the
way people dress now, they are on trend and style or what we so called fashion. As
times goes by, women are more recognize. They venture and they have more
independence as much as before.

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