Pushover Analysis of An Unreinforced Masonry House

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Pushover Analysis of an Unreinforced Masonry


1 Description 3
2 Finite Element Model 9
2.1 Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.3 Boundary Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.4 Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.5 Mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3 Pushover Analysis 50
3.1 Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Appendix A Additional Information 61

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1 Description
This example is based on a particular typology of Dutch residential building (a pre-1940 unreinforced masonry house), that is common in the region of Groningen, The Netherlands
[Fig. 1].
The house has a timber diaphragm in the first floor, a pitched timber roof finished with clay tiles, 208-mm-thick, single-leaf masonry walls, support floor and roof framing members.
This tutorial presents a nonlinear pushover analysis until failure to determine the resistance of the house under seismic loading.

Figure 1: Dutch pre-1940 unreinforced masonry house

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The structure is composed by masonry walls, timber floor, timber roof rafter and concrete foundation [Fig. 2].

Figure 2: Structural elements

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The overall dimensions of the house are presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Dimensions of the house

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The following points were considered in this model [Fig. 4]:

• the beams and girders are simulated with beam elements

• the roof and foundation are simulated with regular curved shells
• the walls are modelled with curved shells with drilling rotations
• the soil is simulated by means of a boundary interface

Figure 4: Geometry of the house

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The material properties used in the model are listed in Table 1. To model the masonry walls in D IANA we use the Engineering Masonry Model. In this material model the tensile strength,
compressive strength and fracture energies relate to the direction normal to the bed joints.

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Bricks - Engineering Masonry Model
Young modulus Ex 6.519e+09 N/m2
Young modulus Ey 5.5e+09 N/m2
Shear modulus Gxy 2.292e+09 N/m2
Mass density ρ 2059.2 kg/m3
Table 1: Material properties
Cracking parameters
Concrete for the foundation (Mapefill) Head-joint failure not considered
Young’s modulus E 1.0e+10 N/m 2 Bed-joint tensile strength ft 4e+05 N/m2
Poisson’s ratio ν 0.15 Fracture energy in tension GF 1 50 N/m
Mass density ρ 2500 kg/m3
Crushing parameters
Timber for beams Compressive strength fc 4.65e+06 N/m2
Fracture energy in compression Gc 3.3e+03 N/m
Young’s modulus E 1.1e+10 N/m2
Poisson’s ratio ν 0.3 Shear failure parameters
Mass density ρ 450 kg/m3
Friction angle 34.95 °
Wooden panels Cohesion C 4.0e+05 N/m2
Fracture energy shear Gsh 70 N/m
Young’s modulus E 1.1e+10 N/m2
Poisson’s ratio ν 0.3
Mass density ρ 450 kg/m3
2817* kg/m3 y
(*extra roof material)
Head joint
Failure: σxx = ftx
Soil interface

Normal stiffness 1.0e+08 N/m3 Orthotropic material
Shear stiffness 1.0e+08 N/m3 x E x, E y
x local element axis along the bed joint

Smeared failure model

fty = bed joint strength
Bed joint ftx = head joint strength
� = angle diagonal crack and bed joint
Failure: σyy = fty

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2 Finite Element Model
We start a new project for a 3D structural analysis with quadratic elements. We choose the default (SI) units and we change the angle from radians to degrees.

2.1 Geometry
We create the different components of the model. We start with the sheets for the walls and floor. There is a 5 cm gap between the floor and the walls.

Main menu Geometry Create Polygon sheet [Fig. 5] [Fig. 6]

< Repeat the same action for creating the other sheets with the coordinates presented in Table 2 >

Figure 5: Geometry - add sheet Figure 6: Sheet wallx1

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Table 2: Coordinates for the sheets for walls and floor
wallx1 0 0 0
6 0 0
6 0 3.8
0 0 3.8
wallx2 6 4 0
3 4 0
3 4 3.8
6 4 3.8
wallx3 3 5 0
0 5 0
0 5 2.8
3 5 2.8
wally1 6 0 0
6 4 0
6 4 3.8
6 0 3.8
wally2 0 2 6.8
0 0 3.8
0 0 0
0 5 0
0 5 2.8
0 4 3.8
wally3 3 4 0
3 5 0
3 5 2.8
3 4 3.8
floor 0.05 0.05 2.8
5.95 0.05 2.8
5.95 3.95 2.8
2.95 3.95 2.8
2.95 4.95 2.8
0.05 4.95 2.8

Figure 7: Geometry - walls and floor

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We now create the beams of the floor. We create one beam of each type Table 3 and array copy them to make the grid. The longitudinal beams have two lengths (BeamF1 and BeamFL1)
[Table 3] [Fig. 9]. We use polygon lines for the longitudinal beams in order to create the vertices that will connect with the struts of the roof. We create a straight line for the transversal
beam BeamFT1.

Main menu Geometry Create Polyline [Fig. 8]

Main menu Geometry Create Line
< Repeat these actions for the other beams with coordinates listed in Table 3 >

Table 3: Coordinates for the beams of the floor

BeamF1 5.95 0 2.8
polyline 5.95 0.5 2.8
5.95 3.5 2.8
5.95 4 2.8
BeamFL1 2.95 0 2.8
polyline 2.95 0.5 2.8
2.925 3.5 2.8
2.95 5 2.8
BeamFT1 0 2 2.8
line 6 2 2.8

Figure 8: Add polyline Beam F1 Figure 9: Types of beams in the floor

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We copy the longitudinal beams BeamF1 and BeamFL1 five times with a distance of -0.5 m in the X direction. We array copy BeamFL6 again with a distance of -0.4 m in the X direction.
We copy the transversal beam BeamFT1 once with a distance of -1.5 m in the Y direction and once again with a distance of 1.5 m in the Y direction to finish the grid [Fig. 11].

Main menu Geometry Modify Array copy [Fig. 10]

< Repeat as described in the text above >

Figure 10: Array copy beams Figure 11: Beams of the floor

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The floor is complete.

Figure 12: Floor with beams

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We now create the structure of the roof. As the roof is not equal in all the longitude of the house, we need to create different rafter structures and array copy them along the roof. We add
a polygon line for the first rafter RafterL1 and straight lines for the struts Strut1 and Strut 2 and tie Tie 1. We copy it once with a distance of 0.4 m and 5 times with a distance of 0.5 m in
the X direction.
Main menu Geometry Create Polyline
Main menu Geometry Create Line
Main menu Geometry Modify Array copy
< Create the polyline and lines with coordinates listed in Table 4 and array copy as described in the text above >

Table 4: Coordinates for the long rafter

RafterL1 0.05 0 3.8
polyline 0.05 0.5 4.55
0.05 1 5.3
0.05 1.5 6.05
0.05 2 6.8
0.05 2.5 6.05
0.05 3 5.3
0.05 3.5 4.55
0.05 4 3.8
0.05 5 2.8
Tie1 0.05 1.5 6.05
line 0.05 2.5 6.05
Strut1 0.05 0.5 4.55
line 0.05 0.5 2.8
Strut2 0.05 3.5 4.55
line 0.05 3.5 2.8

Figure 13: Elements of the long rafter of the roof Figure 14: Elements of one long rafter of the roof

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We repeat the same actions to create the shorter rafter from the other side and add the correspondent ties and struts (Rafter1, Strut 15 and Strut16). We first create the rafter in the
location of the inclined part of the roof.


Main menu Geometry Create Polyline

Main menu Geometry Create Line
< Create the polyline and lines with coordinates listed in Table 5 >

Table 5: Coordinates for the short rafter

Rafter1 5.95 0 3.8
polyline 5.95 0.5 4.55
open 5.95 1.0 5.3
5.95 3.0 5.3
5.95 3.5 4.55
5.95 4 3.8
Strut15 5.95 0.5 4.55
line 5.95 0.5 2.8
Strut16 5.95 3.5 4.55
line 5.95 3.5 2.8

Figure 15: Create a short rafter of the roof Figure 16: Elements of the short rafter of the roof

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We know create the other rafter that is also part of the inclined roof Rafter2.


Main menu Geometry Create Polyline

< Create the polyline with coordinates listed in Table 6 >

Table 6: Coordinates for the short rafter

Rafter2 5.95 0 3.8
polyline 5.45 0.5 3.8
5.45 0.5 4.55
5.45 1.0 5.3
5.45 1.5 6.05
5.45 2.5 6.05
5.45 3.0 5.3
5.45 3.5 4.55
5.45 4.0 3.8

Figure 17: Create a short rafter of the roof Figure 18: Structure of the rafter

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We now create the short rafter Rafter3 and the tie Tie7.


Main menu Geometry Create Polyline

Main menu Geometry Create Line
< Create the polyline and lines with coordinates listed in Table 7 >

Table 7: Coordinates for the short rafter

Rafter1 4.95 0 3.8
polyline 4.95 0.5 4.55
4.95 1.0 5.3
4.95 1.5 6.05
4.95 2.0 6.8
4.95 2.5 6.05
4.95 3.0 5.3
4.95 3.5 4.55
4.95 4 3.8
Tie7 4.95 1.5 6.05
line 4.95 2.5 6.05

Figure 19: Create the short rafter of the roof Figure 20: Structure of the rafter

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We copy Rafter1 and Tie7 three times with a distance of -0.5 m in the X direction. To complete the structure of the roof we copy Strut15 and Strut16 five times with a distance of -0.5 m
in the X direction.

Figure 21: Structure of the roof

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Now we add the other longitudinal beams of the rafter and rigid beam at the top of the roof.


Main menu Geometry Create Line

< Repeat to create the lines with coordinates listed in Table 8 >

Table 8: Coordinates for the longitudinal beams of the roof

Rafter long1 0 2 6.8
line 6 2 6.8
Rafter long2 0 1.5 6.05
line 6 1.5 6.05
Rafter long3 0 1 5.3
line 6 1 5.3
Rafter long4 0 0.5 4.55
line 6 0.5 4.55
Rafter long5 0 2.5 6.05
line 6 2.5 6.05
Rafter long6 0 3 5.3
line 6 3 5.3
Rafter long7 0 3.5 4.55
line 6 3.5 4.55
Rafter long8 3 4 3.8
line 0 4 3.8

Figure 22: Longitudinal beams of the roof Figure 23: Structure of the roof

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We continue with the modeling of the roof. We add a part of the wall that was still missing and the other sheets of the roof1 .
Main menu Geometry Create Polygon sheet
< Creating the sheets with the coordinates presented in Table 9 >

Table 9: Coordinates for the sheets of the roof

wally4 6 0 3.8
6 1 5.3
6 3 5.3
6 4 3.8
Roof1 4.95 2 6.8
6 1 5.3
6 3 5.3
Roof2 0 2 6.8
4.95 2 6.8
6 1 5.3
6 0 3.8
0 0 3.8
Roof3 4.95 2 6.8
0 2 6.8
0 4 3.8
6 4 3.8
6 3 5.3
Roof4 3 4 3.8
0 4 3.8
0 5 2.8
3 5 2.8

Figure 24: Sheets of the roof

Tip: at this moment we can use the mouse to create the sheets by connecting the vertices of the roof structure.

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We now make the openings for the windows and door. We create sheets and subtract them from the walls. In total we have 11 sheets to create and subtract.


Main menu Geometry Create Polygon sheet [Fig. 25]

< Repeat this action for creating the other sheets with the coordinates presented in Table 10 >

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Table 10: Coordinates for the sheets
for windows and door
Sheet1 0 0.5 0.5
0 1.5 0.5
0 1.5 2.3
0 0.5 2.3 X Y Z
Sheet2 0 3 0.5 Sheet7 6 2.5 0.5
0 4 0.5 6 3.5 0.5
0 4 2.3 6 3.5 2.3
0 3 2.3 6 2.5 2.3
Sheet3 0 1.5 4.5 Sheet8 3.5 4 0.5
0 2.5 4.5 4.5 4 0.5
0 2.5 5.5 4.5 4 2.3
0 1.5 5.5 3.5 4 2.3
Sheet4 0.3 0 0.5 Sheet9 1 5 0.5
1.3 0 0.5 2 5 0.5
1.3 0 2.3 2 5 2.3
0.3 0 2.3 1 5 2.3
Sheet5 1.9 0 0 Sheet10 6 1.5 3.8
1.9 0 2.3 6 1.5 3.4
2.9 0 2.3 6 0.9 3.4
2.9 0 0 6 0.9 3.8
Sheet6 6 0.5 0.5 Sheet11 6 2.5 3.8
6 1.5 0.5 6 2.5 3.4
6 1.5 2.3 6 3.1 3.4
6 0.5 2.3 6 3.1 3.8

Figure 25: Geometry - add polygon sheet Figure 26: Sheets for openings

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We now subtract the shapes from the walls.


Main menu Geometry Modify Subtract [Fig. 27]

Figure 27: Subtract shapes Figure 28: Walls with windows and door

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We continue with the modeling by making the foundation. We add two sheets (inner and outer) and subtract one from the other to make the foundation around the house.
The geometry of the house is now complete [Fig. 30].

Main menu Geometry Create Polygon sheet

< Repeat this action for creating the other sheet with the coordinates presented in Table 11 >
Main menu Geometry Modify Subtract
< The target shape is ’Foundation’ and the tool shape is ’Inner’ >

Table 11: Coordinates for the sheets for foundation

Foundation -0.3 -0.3 0
6.3 -0.3 0
6.3 4.3 0
3.3 4.3 0
3.3 5.3 0
-0.3 5.3 0
Inner 0.3 0.3 0
5.7 0.3 0
5.7 3.7 0
2.7 3.7 0
2.7 4.7 0
0.3 4.7 0

Figure 29: Sheets for the foundation Figure 30: House with foundation

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We can organize the geometry in shape sets. For that we add new shape sets from selection and rename them as Floor, Foundation, Roof and Walls. In this way we can show, hide and
select the different parts of the model in a faster and easier way.

Geometry browser Geometry <select shapes> New shapeset from selection [Fig. 31]
< Repeat 4 times, select the correspondent shapes, create the shape sets from selection and rename the folders accordingly >

Figure 31: Geometry browser

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2.2 Properties
We define the element geometries. For the walls we have sheet shapes and element type of curved shell with drilling DOF (degree of freedom) to allow for the rotations of the beams
connected to the walls. The thickness is 0.208 m. We start by defining the geometry for walls in the X direction: Shell208 x.

Main menu Geometry Element geometries Add element geometry [Fig. 32] [Fig. 33]

Figure 32: Walls - add new geometry Figure 33: Walls - edit geometry properties

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We repeat this procedure for the other sheet shapes of the model considering the properties presented in Table 12.

Table 12: Geometry properties for the sheet shapes of the model
Name Location Shape Element class Thickness (m) Local element axis (x axis)
Shell208 x Walls [Fig. 34] Sheets Curved shell with drilling rotation DOF 0.208 100
Shell208 y Walls [Fig. 35] Sheets Curved shell with drilling rotation DOF 0.208 010
Foundation Foundation [Fig. 36] Sheets Regular curved shells 0.500 100
Foundation boundary Foundation [Fig. 36] Sheets Structural surface interface element - 100
Shell18 roof Roof [Fig. 37] Sheets Regular curved shells 0.018 010
Shell24 floor Floor [Fig. 38] Sheets Regular curved shells 0.024 100

Figure 34: Walls in X direction Figure 35: Walls in Y direction Figure 36: Foundation Figure 37: Roof Figure 38: Floor

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We now define the cross-section and local element axes for all the linear elements of the model. We use 3D Class-III beam elements.

Main menu Geometry Element geometries Add element geometry [Fig. 39] [Fig. 40]

Figure 39: Floor beams - add new geometry Figure 40: Floor beams - edit geometry properties

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We repeat this procedure for the other line shapes of the model considering the properties presented in Table 13. We present in detail the geometry assignment to the different types of
beams in the model in the next slides2 .

Table 13: Geometry properties for the beams of the model

Name Location Shape Element class Shape Height (m) Width (m) Local element axis (z)
BeamFloor 1 Transversal beam in floor [Fig. 41] Lines 3D Class-III beam elements Rectangle 0.225 0.075 100
BeamFloor 2 Longitudinal beam in floor [Fig. 42] Lines 3D Class-III beam elements Rectangle 0.225 0.075 010
Rafter Inclined beams in the rafter [Fig. 43] Lines 3D Class-III beam elements Rectangle 0.114 0.064 100
Rafter 1 Longitudinal beams in the rafter (56°inclination) [Fig. 44] Lines 3D Class-III beam elements Rectangle 0.114 0.064 0 0.559 0.829
Rafter 2 Longitudinal beams in the rafter (56°inclination) [Fig. 45] Lines 3D Class-III beam elements Rectangle 0.114 0.064 0 -0.559 0.829
Rigid Longitudinal beam in the roof top [Fig. 46] Lines 3D Class-III beam elements Rectangle 0.12 0.038 010
Strut Vertical beams sustaining the roof [Fig. 47] Lines 3D Class-III beam elements Rectangle 0.16 0.064 100
Tie Horizontal beams bracing the roof [Fig. 48] Lines 3D Class-III beam elements Rectangle 0.114 0.064 100

Figure 41: Floor beams Figure 43: Rafter beams Figure 45: Rafter beams Figure 47: Struts

Figure 42: Floor beams Figure 44: Rafter beams Figure 46: Rigid beam Figure 48: Ties

Tip: we can confirm the local axis of the beams in the geometry view with the option show element axis or the the position of the cross-section of the beams in the mesh view (after creating the mesh) with the option
show beam and shells in 3D .

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We now define the materials. We start with the material model for the masonry walls: the Engineering Masonry model. See the material properties in Table 1.


Main menu Geometry Materials Add material [Fig. 49] - [Fig. 51]

Figure 49: Brick - add new material Figure 50: Brick - edit material properties Figure 51: Brick - edit material properties

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We repeat this procedure for the other materials of the model considering the classes presented in Table 52.

Figure 52: Material classes and models

Name Location Class Material model Parameters
Brick Walls [Fig. 53] Concrete and masonry Engineering masonry model Table 1
Concrete Foundation [Fig. 54] Concrete and masonry Linear elastic isotropic Table 1
Friction Foundation [Fig. 55] Interface elements Linear elasticity Table 1
Timber beams Roof [Fig. 56] Concrete and masonry Linear elastic isotropic Table 1
Wood plates Floor and roof [Fig. 57] Concrete and masonry Linear elastic isotropic Table 1
Wood roof mass∗ Roof [Fig. 58] Concrete and masonry Linear elastic isotropic Table 1

Equal to material Wood plates but with extra mass density to account for the roof material that is not modeled (isolation, tiles, etc.)

Figure 53: Walls Figure 55: Foundation interface Figure 57: Wood plates

Figure 54: Foundation Figure 56: Timber beams Figure 58: Wood plates, extra mass

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We now assign the properties to the different elements. We start with the walls in the X direction.

Main menu Geometry Assign Shape properties [Fig. 59]

< Repeat this action for all the shapes of the model as shown in the following slides >

Figure 59: Properties of walls in X direction Figure 60: Walls in X direction

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We assign the properties to the walls in the Y direction.

Figure 61: Properties of walls in Y direction Figure 62: Walls in Y direction

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We assign the properties to the foundation.

Figure 63: Properties of the foundation Figure 64: Foundation

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We assign the properties to the floor.

Figure 65: Properties of the floor Figure 66: Floor

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We assign the properties to the longitudinal beams of the floor.

Figure 67: Properties of longitudinal floor beams Figure 68: Longitudinal floor beams

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Assign the properties to the transversal beams of the floor.

Figure 69: Properties of transversal floor beams Figure 70: Transversal floor beams

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We assign the properties to the roof panels.

Figure 71: Properties of roof panels Figure 72: Roof panels

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Figure 73: Properties of roof panels Figure 74: Roof panels

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We assign the properties to the rafter beams of the roof.

Figure 75: Properties of rafter beams Figure 76: Rafter

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We assign the properties to the tie beams of the roof.

Figure 77: Properties of tie beams Figure 78: Tie beams

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We assign the properties to the rigid beam of the roof.

Figure 79: Properties of rigid beam Figure 80: Rigid beam

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We assign the properties to the rafter longitudinal beams of the roof (one side).

Figure 81: Properties of rafter longitudinal beams Figure 82: Rafter longitudinal beams

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We assign the properties to the rafter longitudinal beams of the roof (other side).

Figure 83: Properties of rafter longitudinal beams Figure 84: Rafter longitudinal beams

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We finally assign the properties to the struts of the roof.

Figure 85: Properties of struts Figure 86: Struts

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2.3 Boundary Constraints
We assign the properties (material and geometry previously defined) to the boundary interface to account for the soil behavior. We include the supports by fixing all the translations at the
bottom of the foundation.

Main menu Geometry Assign Connections [Fig. 87]

Connections Support Add new support [Fig. 88] [Fig. 89]

Figure 87: Assign interface properties Figure 88: Interface - attach support Figure 89: View of the model - supports in the interface

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We then unite the edges of the walls to the foundation.

Main menu Geometry Assign Connections [Fig. 90] [Fig. 91]

Figure 90: Assign interface properties Figure 91: View of the model - unite walls to interface

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2.4 Loads
We define the self-weight and the pushover load to all the elements. As the geometry of the house is not symmetric it is not clear which eigenmode will be the critical one. We will check
two eigenmodes. For that we will do two pushover analysis, one for each mode. We need to perform an eigenvalue analysis to see which is the adequate eigenmode for the pushover. In
this case, as we will see later in this tutorial, mode 1 and mode 2 are the most dominant translational modes in the two orthogonal directions. Hence, we define two pushover loads: i)
PushoverY considering mode 1 applied in the Y direction; ii) PushoverX considering mode 2 applied in the X direction.

Main menu Geometry Assign Global loads [Fig. 92]

Main menu Geometry Assign Loads [Fig. 93] [Fig. 94]

Figure 92: Load - self-weight Figure 93: Load - pushover (mode 1) Figure 94: Load - pushover (mode 2)

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2.5 Mesh
We set the element size as 0.25 m for all the geometry and we generate the mesh.

Main menu Geometry Mesh Mesh properties [Fig. 95]

Main menu Geometry Mesh Generate mesh [Fig. 96]

Figure 95: Mesh properties Figure 96: Finite element mesh

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3 Pushover Analysis
3.1 Commands
A pushover analysis starts with an eigenvalue analysis. For the first pushover analysis we consider eigenmode 1 PushoverY. So, in a new analysis we add a command for the structural
eigenvalue analysis followed by a command for the structural nonlinear analysis. For the eigenvalue analysis we keep the default characteristics and set the number of calculation modes
to five.

Main menu Analysis Add analysis

Analysis browser Analysis1 Rename Pushover Y [Fig. 97]
Analysis browser Pushover Y Add command Structural eigenvalue [Fig. 98]
Analysis browser Pushover Y Structural eigenvalue Execute eigenvalue analysis Edit properties [Fig. 99]

Figure 97: Analysis browser Figure 98: Add command Figure 99: Edit number of eigenfrequencies

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In the structural nonlinear analysis we add a new execute block with load steps. We rename the first execute block as SW (self-weight) and the second as Pushover. In the nonlinear
effects we consider the geometrically nonlinear effects as we are applying out-of-plane loads to the walls. We apply the self-weight in one step and we keep the equilibrium properties as

Analysis browser Pushover Y Add command Structural nonlinear [Fig. 98]

Analysis browser Pushover Y Structural nonlinear Add... Execute steps - Load steps
Analysis browser Pushover Y Structural nonlinear new execute block Rename SW
Analysis browser Pushover Y Structural nonlinear new execute block 2 Rename Pushover
Analysis browser Pushover Y Structural nonlinear Nonlinear effects Edit properties [Fig. 101]
Analysis browser Pushover Y Structural nonlinear SW Load steps Edit properties [Fig. 102]

Figure 100: Analysis tree Figure 101: Analysis properties Figure 102: Self weight - load steps

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We apply the pushover load incrementally until failure. As we are doing a nonlinear analysis until failure we set some specific properties in order to ensure convergence. The load
PushoverY is applied in 40 increments with a factor of 0.1. We activate the arc length control to follow the path of response until failure with automatic scale of load steps. In the control
type settings we consider the translations in the Y direction for all the nodes of the structure (except the ones of the foundation, because they are supported).

Analysis browser Pushover Y Structural nonlinear Pushover Load steps Edit properties [Fig. 103]
Properties - LOAD Arc length control Settings [Fig. 104]
Arc length setting Control type - Regular Settings [Fig. 105]

Figure 105: Pushover - arc length control

Figure 103: Pushover - load steps settings Figure 104: Pushover - arc length settings settings

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For the equilibrium of the iteration procedure we use the secant (Quasi-Newton) method with a maximum of 50 iterations. We use displacement and force convergence and we choose
to continue the analysis even if convergence is not achieved within the maximum number of iterations (for both norms). We use the user selection for output results of displacements,
support reactions, crack widths, total strains and stresses. We also ask for the status parameters of linearization at failure which is available for the Engineering Masonry model. We
select all steps for output.

Analysis browser Pushover Y Structural nonlinear Pushover Equilibrium iteration Edit properties [Fig. 106]
Properties - Iterative method Displacement - Settings No convergence - continue [Fig. 107]
< Repeat action for Force - Settings >
Analysis browser Pushover Y Structural nonlinear Output Edit properties [Fig. 108]
< In the user selection choose the desired results for output >

Figure 106: Pushover - Equilibrium iteration Figure 108: Output for

settings Figure 107: Displacement convergence norm nonlinear analysis

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We duplicate the analysis PushoverY and rename it PushoverX. We change the direction of the arc length control to the X direction. And finally we run the analyses.

Analysis browser Pushover Y Duplicate analysis

Analysis browser Pushover Y - Copy of Rename Pushover X
Analysis browser Pushover X Structural nonlinear Pushover Load steps Edit properties [Fig. 110]
Properties - LOAD Arc length control Settings [Fig. 111]
Main menu Analysis Run all analyses

Figure 109: Analysis browser Figure 110: Pushover - load step settings Figure 111: Pushover - arc length settings

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3.2 Results
We start by analyzing the results of the eigenvalue analysis. We show the total displacements DtXYZ for the first and second eigenmodes. Both modes show translational behavior and
will be checked in the pushover analysis. We observe that mode 1 shows a dominant translation in the Y direction and also some influence of the roof and mode two shows a more
dominant translation behavior in the X direction.
Results browser Pushover Y Output Nodal results Displacements DtXYZ

Figure 112: Displacements DtXYZ - eigenmode 1 Figure 113: Displacements DtXYZ - eigenmode 2

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Now we analyze the results of the two pushover analyses until failure. We show the total displacements in Y direction TDtY at peak load (load step 35) for analysis PushoverY that
corresponds to mode 1. We can make a graph of displacement at a critical point of the structure versus the load factor. We select the node in the roof with the coordinates of (0, 2, 6.8) m.

Results browser Pushover Y Output Nodal results Displacements TDtY Show table

Figure 114: Displacements TDtY - peak load Figure 115: Displacements curve

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We do the same for the analysis Pushover X considering mode 2 by showing the total displacements in the X direction (TDtX).

Figure 116: Displacements TDtX - peak load Figure 117: Displacements curve

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For the pushover curve we need to make a graph with the total base shear force versus the displacement in each direction. By summing all the reactions we have the total base shear
force for each load step. We ask for the table of reactions in the Y and X directions in all the nodes (from analysis PushoverY and PushoverX respectively) and we copy the data to excel
to make the graph (reactions and displacements). We observe that mode 1 is the critical one with a lower ultimate capacity then mode 2.

Figure 118: Pushover curves

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We can now inspect the crack widths for peak load for both pushover analyses. We observe that the cracks concentrate in different locations. The cracks appear near the window and
door openings in the loaded walls: walls aligned with the Y direction for the analysis PushoverY and walls aligned with the X direction for the analysis PushoverX.


Results browser Pushover Y Output Element results Crack-widths Ecw1 [Fig. 119]
Results browser Pushover X Output Element results Crack-widths Ecw1 [Fig. 120]

Figure 119: Analysis Pushover Y - crack widths Figure 120: Analysis Pushover X - crack widths

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The output of elements that are linearized after failure can also give an idea of the damage location.


Results browser Pushover Y Output Element results State parameters LINELM [Fig. 121]
Results browser Pushover X Output Element results State parameters LINELM [Fig. 122]

Figure 121: Analysis Pushover Y - linearized elements Figure 122: Analysis Pushover X - linearized elements

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Appendix A Additional Information

Folder: Tutorials/GroningenHouse

Number of elements ≈ 4200

ANALYS : eigen geomet nonlin physic.
CLASS : large.
CONSTR : suppor.
ELEMEN : beam cl18b class3 cq40s cq48i cq48s ct30s ct36s curved drilli interf rectan shell struct.
LOAD : pushov weight.
MATERI : elasti engmas isotro orthot.
OPTION : arclen bfgs direct lagran newton normal regula secant select total units update.
POST : binary ndiana.
PRE : dianai.
RESULT : cauchy crkwdt displa eigen force green princi reacti status strain stress total values.

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