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ĐỀ 1

Exercise 1: Điền một trong các từ trong danh sách sau vào chỗ trống sao cho phù

hợp nhất.

supply counter-urbanisation dedication charitable reputation

patriot unemployment urbanization lifestyle depletion

1. With a certain amount of __________ and determination, you can achieve a great deal.

2. A __________ once said “It is a sweet and honourable thing to die for your country.”

3. You should __________ your car with petrol before starting on a journey.

4. The continued _________ our ozone may cause terrible destruction to our planet.

5. _________ and poverty force people to engage in anti- social activities.

6. High crime rate is considered to be the worst effect of __________.

7. While urbanisation has led to fast urban growth, __________ has resulted in the opposite


8. It is the underserved __________ that damaged his life and his family.

9. Bill Gates has made large donations to numerous __________ organizations.

10. For some people, a green __________ means eating organic food and wearing organic

Exercise 2: Sử dụng dang đúng của từ để hoàn thành các câu sau:

1. During the Medieval period, people were made public __________ of being witches.


2. Martin Luther King devoted his life to the __________ of voting right for black people.


3. Water __________ is essential during the summer months. CONSERVVANY

4. The more __________ food we consume, the more health benefits we gain. ORGANICALLY

5. Before the Industrial Revolution in England, the majority of the population were employed

as __________ labourers. CULTURE

6. Nguyen Trai had a(n) __________ career as a skilled strategist and prominent scholar.


7. Because __________ vegetables are grown without the use of chemical fertilisers, they are

considered healthier. ORGANICALLY

8. Using renewable resources is the best option for preventing the __________of fossil-based

resources. DEPLETABLE

9. She is not a very nice girl. She seems to enjoy the __________ of others. FORTUNATELY

10. A __________ once said “It is a sweet and honourable thing to die for your country.


Exercise 3: Chọn từ đồng nghĩa với những từ gạch chân trong các câu dưới đây

1. The speaker paused. He hesitated to answer the direct question raised by the audience.

A. decided B. continued C. determined D. wavered

2. Her courage not only inspired her followers but moved her rivals as well.

A. depressed B. motivated C. overlooked D. rejected

3. The government's plans to cut taxes really stimulated the economy.

A. discouraged B. started C. weakened D. improved

4. Chauvet Jeans was a well-known nineteen century painter whose paintings are
extraordinarily sophisticated.

A. old-fashioned B. basic C. primitive D. complex

5. Recognizable smaller than most of the kids in his age group, Lionel Messi was diagnosed by

doctors as suffering from a hormone deficiency that restricted his growth.

A. inadequacy B. sufficiency C. abundance D. strength

6. The Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline is a national service for women

experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf.

A. in the same country B. in the same family

C. in the same office D. in the same school

7. Polish artist Pawel Kuzinsky creates satirical paintings filled with thought-provoking messages

about the world.

A. inspirational B. provocative C. stimulating D. universal

8. With so many daily design resources, how do you stay up-to-date with technology without

spending too much time on it?

A. connect to Internet all day B. update new status

C. get latest information D. use social network daily

9. Online Business School also offers interest free student loans to UK students.

A. no extra fee B. no limited time

C. no repayment D. no interest payments

10. There has been a hot debate among the scientists relating to the pros and cons of using robotic

probes to study distant objects in space.

A. problems and solutions B. advantages and disadvantages

C. solutions and limitations D. causes and effects

11. For environmental safety, we need to find ways to reduce emission of fumes and smoke of


A. leak B. release C. poison D. pollutant

12. Nylon is a man-made fiber, the use of which has helped more people to have cheaper and more

colourful clothes to wear.

A. natural B. plastic C. synthetic D. artificial

13. The advances of commercial airplanes resulted in a shrinking world.

A. decreasing B. reduced C. smaller D. compressing

14. We have to suffer from traffic congestion and pollution every day.

A. accident B. fullness C. mass D. crowd

15.Many animals were born in captivity. Resultantly, they do not always breed well.

A. imprisonment B. lock C. detention D. freedom

16. Each form of mass media has an important impact on society.

A. influence B. pressure C. affection D. role

17. The programme invited viewers to write in with their ideas.

A. people who watch the programme B. people who sponsor the programme

C. people who produce the programme D. people who edit the programme

18. Journalists can make mistakes, so don't believe everything you read in the press.

A. publications B. news bulletins

C. reference books D. newspapers and magazines

19. Face-to-face socializing is not as preferred as virtual socializing among the youth.

A. Direct B. Facial C. Available D. Instant

20. She thinks that unfortunately they may not understand the benefits of online information.

A. advantages B. points C. features D. amounts

21. When it comes to diversity, language can be a bridge for building relationships, or a tool for

creating and maintaining divisions across differences.

A. assimilation B. distinction C. uniformity D. variance

22. The situation got out of hand when the festival organisers couldn't foresee that the mob would

get angry because they were stopped from taking the offerings.

A. hard to complete B. difficult to control

C. impossible to find D. unlikely to happen

23. A number of practices at local festivals have come under strong scrutiny in recent years.

A. approval B. attention C. disapproval D. examination

24. Local people believe that the festival is an opportunity to teach younger generations about

patriotism and bravery.

A. heroism B. justice C. loyalty D. truth

25. A smiling Princess Anne was attired in an aqua-blue hat and matching jacket, with white top.

A. caught B. grabbed C. revealed D. shown

26. This is especially important in the age of globalisation, where countries face a daunting

challenge to preserve their own cultural identities.

A. intimidating B. delighting C. encouraging D. urging

27. The Indigenous experience, like with any form of belonging, is highly fluid and context-specific,

meaning there are countless examples of what such cultural pluralities can look like.

A. countable B. uncountable C. too few to count D. too many be counted

28. Steve Kootenay-Jobin, Aboriginal housing coordinator at Mount Royal University, notes that many

Indigenous students who move to the city for education, encounter culture shock.

A. avoid B. confront C. overcome D. wipe out

29. Culture has been described as features that are shared and bind people together into a


A. divide B. engage C. force D. unite

30. Once you have been accepted as a pupil or student at the school or college, it's against the law for

them to discriminate against you because of your religion or belief.

A. judge B. neglect C. misinterpret D. expel

Exercise 4: Chọn từ trái nghĩa với từ gạch chân trong các câu dưới đây

1. During the Great Depression, many people suddenly found themselves jobless after a night.

A. unemployed B. redundant C. unoccupied D. supplementary

2. I was relieved by the news that they had gone home safe and sound.

A. comforted B. concerned C. relaxed D. lightened

3. She comes from an admirable and respectable family.

A. good B. respected C. unworthy D. dignified

4. They are going to have to amputate his left leg which was badly injured in the accident.

A. remove B. separate C. cut off D. mend

5. White blood cells help defend the body against infection.

A. abandon B. cover C. protect D. fight

6. Her identity will never be revealed in order to protect her children from being judged. A.

uncovered B. proclaimed C. leaked D. hid

7. There are several interesting things emerging from the report.

A. fading B. rising C. coming up D. developing

8. This boy is poorly-educated and doesn't know how to behave properly.

A. uneducated B. knowledgeable C. ignorant D. rude

9. I prefer reading fictional stories to hearing about real events.

A. imaginary B. unreal C. existent D. legendary

10. It is not fair to give such a challenging task to an inexperienced staff like her.

A. comprehensible B. difficult C. provocative D. intriguing

11. White blood cells help defend the body against infection.

A. fight B. cover C. protect D. abandon

12. The new policy will help generate more jobs.

A. bring out B. form C. produce D. terminate

13. Her only problem is the limited experience because she is too young.

A. narrow B. considerable C. insufficient D. restricted

14. The river is badly polluted with toxic chemicals from that factory.

A. poisonous B. harmful C. all right D. deadly

15. I don't believe in anything he says, he is unreliable.

A. inaccurate B. unstable C. trustworthy D. irresponsible

16. If we continue to deplete our planets natural resources, we will damage the environment


A. use up B. add to C. reduce D. exhaust

17. She stays incredibly focused and is never distracted by others.

A. disturbed B. confused C. bewildered D. concentrated

18. Globally, farmers encroach on forest land to grow crops.

A. leave B. invade C. make road to D. intrude

19. Poverty in many African countries increases the likelihood that people poach animals to earn their


A. chance B. prospect C. possibility D. improbability

20. Funds are diverted from conservation to military because of war.

A. redirected B. shifted C. stayed D. turned aside

21. The number of rhinos is in steady decline. There are fewer rhinos than ever before.

A. occasional B. constant C. stable D. persistent

22. They fear that with the enactment event taken off, the festival may fade away in obscurity.

A. darkness B. dimness C. fuzziness D. sharpness

23. Launched by the federations and foundations, Group's brands find local expression through the

promotion of social solidarity and culture.

A. division B. identity C. teamwork D. unity

24. Many ethnic groups find it hard to maintain their own languages.

A. continue B. discontinue C. preserve D. speak

25. The 21st century has witnessed the surprisingly increasing formation of multicultural societies

where a varying number of ethnic people stay together.

A. continental B. global C. universal D. worldwide

26. The custom of worshiping ancestors is a beautiful, rich, and colorful and joyful tradition in

Vietnamese culture.
A. blaming B. praying C. honoring D. respecting

27. He said he was only joking, but his comments were so close to the bone.

A. annoying B. offensive C. personal D. respectful

28. His panics are expected to abandon their heritage to live in the US.

A. adopt B. discard C. drop out D. withdraw

29. For this reason, many immigrants flock to this country in search for new beginning sand better


A. crowd B. gather C. group D. spread

30. Cultural changes in identity can be stressful and result in problems with self-esteem and mental


A. anxiety B. confidence C. dissatisfaction D. modesty

Exercise 5: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu:

1. Nuclear power plants produce a lot of dangerous waste that they continually need to __________.

A. dispose B. dispose of C. replace D. get rid

2. The fireplace was blackened with __________.

A. white B. snow C. chalk D. soot

3. Children who develop ________ find it difficult to breath.

A. cold B. fever C. asthma D. headache

4. ________ can be used as a source of energy and it most often refers to plants or plant-based

materials which are not used for food or feed.

A. Nylon B. Biology C. Biography D. Biomass

5. With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural __________.

A. conditional B. habitatual C. habitat D. habits

6. The mass media are __________ of communication, such as books, newspapers, recordings, radio,

movies, television, mobile phones and the Internet.

A. models B. means C. parts D. types

7. TV companies __________ their programmes across the country or even across the world.
A. broadcast B. refresh C. connect D. publish

8. While a sports match has spectators and radio has listeners, television has __________.

A. audience B. witnesses C. viewers D. commentators

9. I hate __________ newspapers; they're just full of gossip, scandal and lies!

A. online B. daily C. tabloid D. rubbish

10. There's a great __________ show on BBC tonight. Contestants have to race through a supermarket

as quickly as they can, filling up their trolleys as they go.

A. talk B. game C. quiz D. live

15. High crime rate is considered to be the worst effect of __________.

A. industrialization B. modernization C. telecommunication D. urbanization

16. __________ zones are developing rapidly in the urban areas.

A. Agricultural B. Industrial C. Technical D. Evolutional

17. More and more people are migrating to __________ areas to look for better job opportunities.

A. outskirts B. urban C. rural D. country

18. The talk was long and overloaded with useless information, so I __________.

A. turned off B. came off C. got off D. switched off

19. Water _________ is essential during the summer months.

A. conservation B. purification C. depletion D. pathway

20. Carbon dioxide and black carbon, or__________, are two of the most dangerous air pollutants.

A. soot B. clutter C. organic D. combustion

21. The continued __________ of our ozone layer may cause terrible destruction to our planet.

A. combustion B. weakening C. depletion D. disposal

22. Since the ________ is made from plant life, it's a source of energy that can be recreated.

A. pathway B. habitat C. geothermal D. biomass

23. Iceland is actually relatively warm and comfortable place to live, since it is heated by __________


A. geothermal B. combustion C. combust D. conservation

24. The ink cartridge for this computer printer is supposedly _________, but you can save money

simply by refilling it.

A. disposable B. disposal C. dispose of D. disposed

25. The _________ of the world's fresh water supplies will reach a crisis over the next few years.

A. depleted B. depletion C. restoration D. renewal

26. Changes in attitudes, family values, __________ status can occur in both the majority and minority

cultures as the two interact; however, typically one culture dominates.

A. generation B. generator C. generating D. generational

27. Nothing valuable could come of a __________ of the German martial spirit, better to leaveit behind

or bury it.

A. revivalism B. revivalist C. revival D. revivalation

28. Kootenay-Jobin says the cultural integration experience can be __________ by challenges such as

racism and housing.

A. exacerbate B. exacerbating C. exacerbatable D. exacerbated

29. Post-migration stresses include culture shock and conflict, both of which may lead to a sense of

cultural confusion, feelings of __________ and isolation, and depression.

A. alienation B. alien C. alienability D. alienate

30. His father used to be a __________ professor at the university. Many students worshipped him.

A. distinct B. distinctive C. distinguishing D. distinguished

31. Mark Zuckerberg's enormous success has taken a lot of hardwork and _________.

A. indifference B. dedication C. loyalty D. reputation

32. I can't believe she didn't do anything for the company. I will _________ and be in charge.

A. take over B. take on C. take up D. take in

33. He is _______-influenced by his father and grandfather. His behaviors and decisions are exactly the


A. mightily B. strongly C. terribly D. weakly

34. New __________ devices have been developed cater to users ever-changing needs. A. electricity B.

electronic C. electrical D. electrician

35. Teenagers can become __________ to social networking if they can’t control the time they spend


A. addicts B. addition C. addictive D. addicted


Đề 1:

Bài 1:
1. dedication 2. patriot 3. supply 4. depletion 5. Unemployment
6. urbanization 7. counter-urbanisation 8. reputation 9. charitable 10. Lifestyle
Bài 2:
1. accusation 2. achievement 3. conservation 4. organic 5. agricultural
6. distinguished 7. organic 8. depletion 9. misfortune 10. patriot
Bài 3:
1D 7A 13 C 19 A 25 B

2B 8C 14 D 20 A 26 A

3D 9D 15 B 21 D 27 D

4D 10 B 16 A 22 B 28 B

5A 11 B 17 A 23 D 29 D

6A 12 D 18 D 24 C 30 A
Bài 4
1D 7A 13 B 19 D 25 A

2B 8B 14 C 20 C 26 A

3C 9C 15 C 21 A 27 D

4D 10 A 16 B 22 D 28 A

5A 11 D 17 D 23 A 29 D

6D 12 D 18 A 24 B 30 D
Bài 5
1A 7A 17 B 23 A 29 D

2D 8C 18 D 24 A 30 A

3C 9C 19 A 25 B 31 B

4D 10 B 20 A 26 32 A
5C 15 D 21 C 27 D 33 B

6B 16 B 22 B 28 C 34 B 35 D

ĐỀ 2

Exercise 1. Chọn từ đồng nghĩa với từ gạch chân:

1. Despite being a kid, Tuan always helps his mother do the chores every day.

A. homework B. works C. housework D. house duties

2. When I was a child, my mother used to teach me table manners.

A. etiquette B. rule C. problem D. norm

3. Many parents find it hard to understand their children when they are teenagers. A.

adults B. elders C. adolescents D. kids

4. There're many problems which are unavoidable when living in an extended family.

A. profits B. issues C. views D. merits

5. Mary has a strong desire to make independent decisions.

A. dependent B. self-confident C. self-confessed D. self-determining

6. My mother mistakenly believes that my fashion style breaks the norm of society.

A. routine B. barrier C. rule D. conflict

7. I always look at this matter from a different viewpoint.

A. point of view B. view from point C. idea D. opinion

8. We find it unattractive when dress flashily.

A. luxuriantly B. ostentatiously C. cheaply D. fashionably

9. Consuming too much junk food increases the risk of obesity.

A. decrease B. reduce C. rise D. raise

10. I feel extremely depressed as conflict occurs frequently amongst generations in my family.
A. comes on B. comes up C. comes in D. comes into

11. I was shocked to find out my boyfriend had cheated on me.

A. angry B. pleased C. upset D. worried

12. He was furious with himself for letting things get out of control.

A. angry B. confused C. sad D. surprised

13. Mary and John have a lot in common.

A. live together B. spend lots of time together

C. share similar ideas D. share accommodation

14. She felt unsafe and insecure in love.

A. anxious B. calm C. silly D. unlucky

15. I am now reconciled with two of my estranged siblings - not just my older brother, but my sister,

whom I hadn't spoken to for 17 years.

A. contactable B. harmonized C. opposed D. truthful

16. When couples encounter problems or issues, they may wonder when it is appropriate to visit a

marriage counsellor.

A. advisor B. director C. professor D. trainer

17. He doesn't completely trust online partners, as they usually hide their real identity.

A. argument B. decision C. opinion D. personality

18. Sometimes, in order to get things done, you have to take the initiative.

A. make the last decision B. make important changes C. raise the first idea D. sacrifice for


19. From the moment they met, he was completely attracted by her.

A. accepted B. fascinated C. influenced D. rejected

20. She was so happy when he got down on bended knee and popped the question.

A. asked her out B. asked her to be on a date

C. asked her to give him some money D. asked her to marry him

21. Gary didn't always see eye to eye with his father, and this is where the honesty shows through.

A. agree with B. be truthful with C. look up to D. take after

22. Some parents strongly oppose their children's romantic relationship.

A. assist B. forbid C. ignore D. preserve

23. I'm totally exhausted after having finished successive assignments in only a week.

A. jobs B. works C. exercises D. problems

24. He is truly a reliable friend. He will always be with me and never let me down.

A. mean B. independent C. decisive D. dependable

25. At last, Huong made a determined effort to get a scholarship so that he could have chance to

study overseas.

A. tenacious B. serious C. unresolved D. necessary 26. In spite of poverty and dreadful

conditions, they still manage to keep their self-respect.

A. self-reliant B. self-restraint C. self-esteem D. self-assured

27. All students are revising carefully, for the final test is approaching soon.

A. going fast B. reaching fast C. coming near D. getting near

28. The government's interference in the strike has been widely criticized.

A. disapproval B. intervention C. limitation D. postponement

29. The emblem of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations was designed basing on rice - the

most important crop for the Southeast Asian people.

A. banner B. logo C. motto D. slogan

30. The scholarship is renewed annually and may be stopped if the students have poor academic

records or bad behaviors.

A. every day B. every month C. every week D. every year

31. In Thailand, it's against the law to litter on the pavement. If you are caught, you can be fined up

to $2000 Baht.

A. evil B. illegal C. immoral D. wrong

32. The beautiful sights in Sa Pa, Mui Ne and Ha Noi all contribute to the country's magic charm.

A. beauty B. fame C. image D. value

33. ASEAN organized different projects and activities to integrate its members.

A. combine B. interest C. separate D. upgrade

34. The major shortcoming of ASEAN as an organization is the inability to go through many

declarations, agreements, and instruments that they have proliferated over the years.

A. advantage B. benefit C. drawback D. success

35. Young college and university students participate in helping the poor who have suffered badly in

wars or natural disasters.

A. get involved in B. interfere with C. join hands D. come into

36. They give care and comfort to the disadvantaged and handicapped children and help them to get

over difficulties.

A. accept B. face C. overcome D. take

37. At first, there was a lot of opposition from the parents of the disabled children as they were not

under the impression that their children could learn anything at all.

A. didn't believe B. didn't report C. didn't declare D. didn't support

38. Every year, the United Nations set up an activity to call for world-wide support for the rights and

well-being of disabled people.

A. apply for B. ask for C. care for D. persist in

Exercise 2. Chọn từ trái nghĩa với các từ gạch chân dưới đây

1. If you live in an extended family, you'll have great joy and get support of other members.

A. close family B. traditional family C. nuclear family D. large family

2. Our mother encourages us to be open-minded about new opinions and experiences.

A. optimistic B. elegant C. close-knit D. narrow-minded

3. Domestic violence is strictly forbidden all over the world.

A. permitted B. limited C. restricted D. prohibited

4. Jane found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career.

A. disagreement B. harmony C. controversy D. fighting

5. I can't concentrate on my work because of the noise caused by my children.

A. focus B. abandon C. neglect D. allow

6. My grandpa's point of view about marriage remains conservative.

A. progressive B. traditional C. retrogressive D. conventional

7. Finally, I decide to follow in my father's footsteps to work in state-owned enterprise.

A. private-owned B. public limited C. privately-owned D. government-owned

8. My grandma usually takes care of us when my parents are away on business.

A. follows B. abandons C. concerns D. bothers

9. We greatly respect my teacher for all of the best things that she brought to us.

A. look up to B. look forwards C. look for D. look down on

10. I regretted not to buy those trendy shoes through lack of money.

A. shortage B. abundance C. scarcity D. deficiency

11. I was really depressed about his winning the election, like a lot of people.

A. fed up B. pessimistic C. satisfied D. unhappy

12. Miss Walker was a mature lady when she married.

A. annoyed B. childish C. energetic D. sensitive

13. Students are advised to tune out distractions and focus on study.

A. avoid B. forget C. neglect D. regard

14. Don't confess your love to your friends unless you know they feel the same way.

A. admit B. conceal C. declare D. expose

15. Among friends again, we may be happy to confide our innermost secrets.

A. admit B. conceal C. hint D. reveal

16. Most of us, even with every communication option possible, drift apart from friends.
A. be independent B. be associated C. be isolated D. be separated

17. Then the strangest thing happens - Will and Marcus strike up an unusual friendship.

A. cover up B. give up C. make up D. remain

18. He'll give Joe a red rose and a lovey-dovey poem he wrote.

A. lovesick B. romantic C. tragic D. wild

19. Feel free to bring along your significant other to the party.

A. dear B. foe C. mate D. spouse

20. I look up to my father for my whole life.

A. depend on B. disapprove C. disrespect D. underestimate

21. He's a wonderful example of a kind-hearted person with good judgement.

A. inhuman B. tolerant C. generous D. sympathetic

22. The situation seemed hopeless and desperation filled them both with anger.

A. pessimistic B. pointless C. promising D. useless

23. Sadly, many non-disabled people have negative attitudes toward children with cognitive

impairments in developing countries.

A. helpless B. disappointing C. pessimistic D. positive

24. Little Mary had a disadvantaged childhood with little education and money.

A. difficult B. poor C. prosperous D. starving

25. According to WHO, many disabled people still face challenges, discrimination, poverty, and

limited access to education, employment, and healthcare.

A. controlled B. inadequate C. short D. unrestricted

26. The theme of the upcoming conference is to remove barriers to create an inclusive and accessible

society for all.

A. abolish B. stick to C. get rid of D. keep

Exercise 3. Chọn đáp án chính xác nhất

1. I don't know what to say to break the __________ with someone I've just met at the party.
A. air B. ice C. leg D. rule

2. Their close friendship __________ a romantic relationship.

A. brings about B. puts up C. takes over D. turns into

3. It's time I __________ and raised a family.

A. carried on B. grew up C. settled down D. worked out

4. They fell __________ because they disagreed on the care of their young son.

A. apart B. away C. out D. over

5. All the three boys seem to fall __________ over heels in love with her.

A. head B. heart C. mind D. soul

6. She says she has kissed and __________ up with Nigel, and the reunion was a fun


A. caught B. done C. made D. took

7. Due to financial conflict over years, they decided to get __________.

A. divorced B. engaged C. married D. proposed

8. Many husbands and wives can't remember why they ever got _________ in the first place because

they no longer have anything in common.

A. divorced B. engaged C. married D. proposed

9. We started __________ out together before we realized we were in love.

A. asking B. eating C. going D. hanging

10. Parents are always willing to lend a sympathetic ___________ to their children when they have


A. hand B. ear C. eye D. paw

11. I have a __________ on a classmate who is very near and dear to me.

A. crush B. desire C. flame D. passion

12. Jane arranged for me to go on a/an __________ date with a guy from her office.

A. blind B. group C. online D. speed

13. _________ dating involves couples going out together. It gives you the chance to see how your

date interacts with other people.

A. Blind B. Group C. Online D. Speed

14. If you are lucky, it will be love at first __________.

A. look B. see C. sight D. site

15. When you start dating somebody regularly, we say that you are __________


A. knowing B. looking C. seeing D. viewing

16. His youngest daughter was the __________ of his eye.

A. apple B. honey C. sweet D. strawberry

17. They volunteer to take care of children who have been _________ by the AIDS epidemic.

A. supported B. suffered C. left D. orphaned

18. He eventually ___________ his disability to achieve some business success.

A. overcame B. destroyed C. overwhelmed D. suffered

19. The new law allows school districts to spend more money on less __________ children.

A. advantageous B. disadvantageous C. advantaged D. disadvantaged

20. We're __________ to announce that you were selected to be our new faculty manager.

A. happily B. unhappy C. happiness D. happy

21. The Braille alphabet was created by Louis Braille, who went ___________ after an accident.

A. blind B. dumb C. deaf D. cognitive

22. People with __________ impairment often have difficulty understanding new things and cannot

learn quickly.

A. non-abled B. speech C. cognitive D. hearing

23. I used to __________ children who wanted to do a sport.

A. volunteer B. change C. coach D. improve

24. East meets West aims to provide healthcare, education, clean water and good

A. jobs B. school C. park D. hygiene

25. People with a disability can still integrate ___________ our communication.

A. with B. among C. in D. on

26. We should get ___________ in charity work to help people in need.

A. involved B. involve C. involvement D. involving

27. ___________ of clothes, toys and books are always needed at the local charity shop.

A. donate B. donation C. donors D. donating

28. The Braille alphabet has been one of the greatest _________ in human history

A. invention B. inventions C. inventors D. inventive

29. Everyone can help the needy by making a _________ to a charity organization.

A. donate B. donation C. donor D. donating

30. We couldn't hear anything because of the _________ noise of the drums the next-door neighbors

were playing.

A. deaf B. deafen C. deafening D. deafness

31. __________ believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring

happiness to others.

A. Voluntary B. Voluntarily C. Volunteer D. Volunteers

32. During summer holidays, university students are willing to take part in providing education for

children in remote and __________ areas.

A. mountain B. mountainous C. mountaineer D. mountaineering

33. People with disabilities always need to be _________ after.

A. asked B. cared C. looked D. Taken


Bài 1
1C 7A 13 C 19 B 25 A 31 B

2A 8B 14 A 20 D 26 C 32 A

3C 9C 15 B 21 A 27 C 33 A

4B 10 B 16 A 22 B 28 B 34 C

5D 11 C 17 D 23 C 29 B 35 A

6C 12 A 18 C 24 D 30 D 36 C
37 A
38 B
Bài 2
1C 6A 11 C 16 B 21 A

2D 7A 12 B 17 B 22 C

3A 8B 13 D 18 C 23 D

4B 9D 14 B 19 B 24 C

5C 10 B 15 B 20 C 25 D
26 D
Bài 3
1C 7A 13 B 19 C 25 A

2D 8C 14 C 20 D 26 A

3C 9D 15 C 21 A 27 B

4A 10 B 16 B 22 C 28 B
29 B

5A 11 A 17 D 23 C 30 A
31 D

6A 12 A 18 A 24 D 32 A
33 C

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