Art App Activity 2

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Observe Francisco Goya’s “The Third of May 1808.” Compare and contrast the
work with Juan Luna’s “Spoliarium” (research this artwork online). Do not mind the
historical context of the work yet. Just try to observe each one. Form small groups and
discuss the possible interpretations of the paintings. Try to think of all the factors
involved in creating it and list down the parallelisms you can find.

Answer these questions in a discussion and write down your answers as a group:

a. What kind of event is being portrayed in the paintings? What emotion/s are the artists
trying to evoke? For what reason?

 This event is all about the Spanish resistance armies during the
occupation of 1808 in the peninsular war. It was provisional government of
the Spain. The painting centers on a rigidly poised firing squad. The
Emotions of the artist is to know the new version of the people just not like
the old man.

b. As mere, frail human beings, why do you think we have such artworks to process the
 It makes process this emotion in the terms of painting. He will do an
artwork to see what happen on the year of1808. It would be prove on
herself that is a good artwork that have a good idea and meaning of their

c. How did the artists elicit the emotions of the narratives through the subject matter?
 The emotion is the centered around the experience of something new and
unexpected and can be eliciting by sensory in congruity. Art can elicit
surprise when the expectation about the work are met but the work
changes those expectations in the under stable way.

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