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AUGUST 24, 2017 (Honesty, Punctuality, Perseverance)

I. Learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:
a. identify three degrees of adjective
b. construct sentences using three degrees of adjective
II. Subject matter
a. Topic: Three Degrees of Adjective (-er and –est)
b. References: CG, English 7 Voyagers for Junior High School
c. Materials: real objects, cartolina, bond paper, pentel pen, pictures, laptop, chart
III. Learning procedure

Teacher’s Activities Learners’ Activities

A. Preliminary activities
Good afternoon class.
How are you this afternoon? Good afternoon teacher.
You may take your seats. We’re fine teacher.
Checking of Attendance Thank you teacher.
Who are absent today?
Classroom secretary, will you please give
me the list of absent on a ¼ sheet of paper? Okay teacher
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation

Do you want to see something? Yes teacher.

That’s good! There’s something I’d like to
show to you.

Okay, this is our topic this morning.

2. Presentation of the Lesson
This morning/afternoon, prepare
yourself because we’re going to tackle
on the three degrees of adjective. After
this period class, you’re going to define
each degree, identify the correct degree
of adjective to be used in each sentence

3. Unlocking of Difficulties
Adjective- is a word that describes noun or pronoun
4. Discussion Proper
Ask three of the pupils of different lengths to stand
in front of the class. Describe the length of their hair
using the degree of comparison of adjective.

Example: Jane’s hair is long.

Anne’s hair is longer than Jean’s hair.
Sarah’s hair is the longest among the
three girls. The first sentence simply makes a
(The teacher writes these sentences on the board.) The adjective used is long.

What have you noticed to the first sentence? No teacher. Jane’s hair is not compared
at all.
What adjective is used? Yes teacher there is comparison.
That’s correct!
Is Jane’s hair being compared to anyone? Anne and Jean

Now look at the second sentence, is there any

comparison made?
Who are being compared?
Take a look at the third sentence.

5. Application
(Picture Analysis)

We use the positive degree of adjective

if the statement has no comparison at
6. Generalization
Now, when do we use the positive degree of We use the comparative degree of
adjective class? adjective when we are comparing two
items, things, and person.
Very good!
We use the superlative degree of
What about the comparative degree? adjective when we are comparing three
or more items.

That’s correct! The importance of learning the three

When do we use the superlative degree of adjective? degrees of adjective is that, it

Very good!
What do you think is the importance of learning the
three degrees of adjective?
IV. Evaluation
Directions: ½ crosswise sheet of paper)
Identify the correct degree of adjective to be used in each sentence.

1. The Central Plain is the (big, bigger, biggest) of all the rice granaries in the
2. The moon is (bright, brighter, brightest) tonight.
3. Agusan forests are (thick, thicker, thickest) than Bulacan forests.
4. The Philippine is a (rich, richer, richest) country.
5. Jessie is the (tall, taller, tallest) among her friends.
6. He is the (old, older, oldest) man in town.
7. Daniel runs (fast, faster, fastest) than Jacob.
8. I am the (early, earlier, earliest) bird who came in the seminar.
9. This is the (wide, wider, wider) island ever found.
10. A creek is (small, smaller, smallest) than a river.

V. Assignment
On a 1/4 sheet of paper, construct 10 sentences with degree of adjective.

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