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A vernier caliper consists principally of a main fixed scale, M, a sliding or moveable auxiliary
scale (called the vernier scale, V) and a thin strip protruding at the end, E. There are two types
of jaws. The upper jaw is used to measure inner diameter, and the lower one for outer
diameters. The tin strip E is used to measure depths.

In reading the measurement on the vernier caliper, we consider the following terms.

1. Least Count (LC) or Vernier Constant (VC)

It is minimum distance that can be measured accurately with the vernier scale. It is
calculated as the ratio of the value of one main scale division (MSD) to one vernier scale
division (VSD).

smallest division of main scale

Least Count, CD =
no . of divisions of vernier scale

Example: in one model of the vernier caliper the smallest division of main scale is 1 mm,
and there are 10 VSD. The least count is thus,

LC = mm = 0.1 mm pr 0.01 cm
In another model, the smallest division of main scale is 1 mm and there are 50 divisions
of vernier scale. The smallest distance that can be measured accurately by this device is,

LC = mm = 0.01 mm pr 0.002 cm

2. Zero Error

Before doing any measurements, the instrument should first be zeroed. For vernier
calipers this is done by bringing the jaws on contact with each other. Ideally, the zero on
the vernier scale should line up with the zero on the main scale. If the zeros do not
coincide with each other, then the instrument is said to possess a zero error. There are
two types:

A. Positive Zero Error

This occurs when the zero of the vernier scale lies to the right of the zero on the
main scale. It can be calculated by noting the main scale reading N on the left zero of
the vernier scale and also the vernier division x coinciding with the MS division zero.

Zero error = + xN (LC) and Zero correction = - xN (LC)

B. Negative Zero Error

The zero of the vernier scale lies to the left of the zero on the main scale. It is
calculated in the same way as in positive zero but in this case,

Zero error = - xN (LC) and Zero correction = + xN (LC)

3. Total Reading of Vernier Caliper

Supposing the zero of the vernier scale lies at the Nth division of the main scale, then
the main scale reading, MSR = N.

If the nth division on the vernier scale coincide with any division on the main scale, then
the vernier scale reading = n (LC)

Total Reading, TR = MSR + VSR + Zero correction

Example: In the diagram below where the integer readings are in mm,
Least Count 0.1 0.1
= 0.01 mm = 0.01 mm
10 10
Reading on the main scale, 0.2 3.3
Coincidence on the Vernier 6 0
VSR 6 (0.01) = 0.06 0 (0.01) = 0.00
Total Reading, TR 0.2 + 0.06 = 0.26 mm 3.30 + 0 = 3.30 mm

In this experiment, you will use a vernier caliper to measure the outer and inner
diameters and also the depth of a cylinder and calculate the volume of the solid that comprises
it. Then you are to use this volume to determine its density, given the measured mass.


Vernier caliper, metallic cylinder, weighing scale


A. Outer Diameter of a Circular Cylinder

1. Determine the smallest division in both the main scale and vernier scale.
2. Find the zero error by bringing the moveable jaw BD in close contact with the fixed-
jaw AC. Make three trials, recording the result each time. If there is no zero error,
record NIL.
3. Open the jaws, place the cylinder between the two jaws A and B, adjust the jaw AB
such that it gently grips the body without any undue pressure on it. Tighten the
screw attached to the vernier scale.
4. Note the position of the zero mark of the vernier scale on the main scale. On the
main scale note the reading just before the zero mark. This reading is called main
scale reading (MSR).
5. On the vernier scale note the division which coincides with some division of the
main scale. Let this be n.
6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for three different positions. Record the observations in each

Smallest division on the main scale: __________

Smallest division on the vernier scale: __________

Zero mark: _________

Trial 1 2 3 4
Main Scale
Reading, MSR
Coincidence line
on the vernier
scale, n

B. Inner Diameter of a Circular Cylinder

Repeat A 3 – 5, but this time, put the jaws AC inside the cylinder.

Trial 1 2 3 4
Main Scale
Reading, MSR
Coincidence line
on the vernier
scale, n

C. Depth of the Circular Cylinder

1. Keep the edge of the main scale strip on the upper edge of the cylinder.
2. Press the jaw BD downwards so the line strip E moves downward and touches the
bottom of the cylinder.
3. Repeat steps A 3 – 5.

Trial 1 2 3 4
Main Scale
Reading, MSR
Coincidence line
on the vernier
scale, n
D. Mass of the Cylinder
Use a weighing scale to measure the mass of the cylinder. Record your data.

Mass of cylinder: _________ g

Report Sheet for Experiment No. 1

Group No. __1__ Section:

Physicist of the Day: __ _______ Date Performed: February 7, 2023
Associates: ________ Date Submitted: February 7, 2023


A. Outer Diameter of Cylinder

From your data, find the least count and the zero correction

Smallest division on the main scale: ___0______

Smallest division on the vernier scale: _________
Least count:

Zero Mark: ________

Zero Correction, ZC:

Trial 1 2 3 4
Main scale 2.2 cm 2.2 cm 2.2 cm 2.2 cm
Reading, MSR
Coincidence line 0.5 cm 0.2 cm 0.3 cm 0.1 cm
on the vernier
scale, n
Vernier scale 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.01
reading, cm cm cm cm
VSR = n (LC)
Total Reading, 2.25 2.22 2.23 2.21
TR cm cm cm cm
+ n (LC)
Average Outer 2.2275 cm
Diameter, cm
Fill up the table by calculating the vernier scale reading, the total reading and the
average outer diameter.

B. Inner diameter of Cylinder

Trial 1 2 3 4
Main scale 2 cm 2 cm 2 cm 2 cm
Reading, MSR
Coincidence line 0 cm 0 cm 0.2 cm 0 cm
on the vernier
scale, n
Vernier scale 0 cm 0 cm 0.02 0 cm
reading, cm
VSR = n (LC)
Total Reading, 2 cm 2 cm 2.02 2 cm
TR cm
+ n (LC)
Average Outer 2.005 cm
Diameter, cm

Fill up the table by calculating the vernier scale reading, the total reading and the
average outer diameter.

C. Depth of Cylinder

Trial 1 2 3 4
Main scale 12.4 12.5 12.5 12.5
Reading, MSR cm cm cm cm
Coincidence line 0.9 cm 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm
on the vernier
scale, n
Vernier scale 0.09 0 cm 0 cm 0 cm
reading, cm
VSR = n (LC)
Total Reading, 12.49 12.5 12. 5 12.5
TR cm cm cm cm
+ n (LC)
Average Outer 12.4975 cm
Diameter, cm
Fill up the table by calculating the vernier scale reading, the total reading and the
average outer diameter.

D. Density of Cylinder

Mass of Cylinder, g 99.55 g

Average Outer Diameter, D2 (cm) 2.2275 cm
Average Inner Diameter, D1 (cm) 2.005 cm
Average Depth of Cylinder, h (cm) 12.4975 cm
Average Volume of Cylinder, cm3 9.244 cm^3
V = π ( D22 - D 12) h
Density of cylinder (g/cm3) 10. 77 g/cm^3
Material the Cylinder is made of copper
Theoretical Density (g/cm3) 8.96 g/cm^3
% Error in Density 20.2%

Fill up the table by calculating the average volume of the solid making up the cylinder.
From the measured mass, calculate the density. From the known density of the
material, calculate the percentage error in the density.


1. In a vernier caliper the smallest division on the main scale is 0.5 mm, while the vernier
scale has 50 divisions. What is its vernier constant?

0.5mm/50= 0.01 mm

2. In a vernier caliper, the smallest division on the main scale is 1 mm, while the vernier
scale have 20 divisions. When the fixed jaw touches the moveable jaw, the zero of the
vernier scale lies to the right of the zero of the main scale and 15th division of the
vernier scale. What is the type and value of the zero error?
3. What will be the readings shown in the figures below? Zero error = 0

a. 0.64
b. 4.58

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