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Lesson Title: Articulating the Importance of Mathematics

in the Modern World

Importance of Mathematics
Mathematics can teach us how to look for solutions and reasons logically - a skill applicable to any career and life in
general. Almost every student studies math during their academic life. We know that math is an essential part of the
world. It is almost everywhere, from counting to evidence seeking.

1. Math is good for the brain promotes logical and analytical thinking. A study done by Dr. Tanya Evans at Stanford
University proved that the students who solve math problems in their daily life have higher logical skills than those
students who don’t solve the problems. Students also solve math problems for their brain exercise and to make their
bodies stay fit. If we are able to understand mathematics and arrive at logical solutions, we will be able to prepare our
minds when we have real problems.

2. Math helps you with your finances. With the help of math, you can easily make your financial budget. You can
calculate how much money you have, how you can spend your money, and how you can save money. Businessman
uses math to calculate their profit, loss, loans, investments and many more..

3. Math makes you a better cook. Almost every recipe, there is a need to put the ingredients. Therefore, to make
anything delicious, the cook needs to know the perfect measurements of the ingredients. Apart from that, if the cook
needs to cook food for many people, then they need to know how to increase ingredients are required.

4. Every career uses math. There is no profession in the world that doesn’t use math. We know that mathematicians
and scientists rely on mathematical principles to perform their basic work. From blue-collar factory workers to the
managerial level white-collar professionals, everyone uses math in their work. The use of math varies for every career.

5. Time management. Time is the key to success for everyone and being more calculative helps us to do better time
management. With the help of math, you can make a wise decision on how you can spend your time effectively. If you
are doing your homework, then you can also calculate how much time will require to finish the task. Especially during
your mathematics exams, you can calculate the time that will take to solve the particular question.

6. Helps you understand the world better. Every single part of nature is based on math. You can also put the math
calculation to understand nature creations.  From golden ratio formula to mathematical figure in the real world, like the
hexagonal bee combs, spider webs, triangle mountains, and many more. Mathematics can explain how things work,
that is, we can express our thoughts and ideas with clarity, coherence, and precision.

7. Mathematics is essential in a world of constant change. New technologies are changing the way we work and live.
Mathematics can be very useful in understanding how and why things work the way they work from beginning to the
new world.
Always set your reading goals, highlight key points in the notes and read in portions to absorb the concepts clearly.


Have you ever thought about how nature likes to arrange itself in patterns in order to act efficiently?
Nothing in nature happens without a reason, all of these patterns have an important reason to exist and
they also happen to be beautiful to watch. Check out examples of some of these patterns and you may
be able to spot a few the next time you go for a walk. Here are some math patterns in nature.

A Fractal is a detailed pattern that A Spiral is a curved pattern A Voronoi pattern provides clues to nature’s
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looks similar at any scale and that focuses on a center tendency to favor efficiency: the nearest
repeats itself overtime. It shows point and a series of circular neighbor, shortest path, and tightest fit.
simple shapes multiplying over time, shapes that revolve around
yet maintaining the same pattern. it.

Fractals in nature are snowflakes, Spirals in nature are pine Voronoi patterns in nature are skin of giraffe,
trees branching, lightning, and ferns. cones, some shells, corn on the cob, honeycombs, foam bubbles, a
pineapples, and hurricanes head of a garlic.

*If you have extra time, visit this site to view several animated patterns of

Any fractal has some infinitely repeating pattern. When creating such fractal, you would suspect that the easiest way is to
repeat a certain series of steps which create that pattern. Instead of the word "repeat" we use a mathematical synonym
"iterate" and the process is called iteration.

Suppose a circle is drawn as shown in figure below. Iteration 1 has 4 circles created around the previous iteration. Iteration
2 has 4 circles drawn around each of the circles created in the previous iteration. How many circles would be created
(added) in Iteration 3? _____________ Draw Iteration 3 below.

“Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS.
Write your score on your paper.”

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Lesson Title: Differentiating Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

 Inductive Reasoning “bottom-up logic” Deductive Reasoning “top-down logic”

 From facts to details and  Starts with conclusion, then

moves to a general explains the facts, details and
conclusion. examples.
 It is probabilistic.  Links premises with
 It is strong or weak conclusions.
 Can be proven false  If all premises are true and
clear, the conclusion must
also be true.
Illustration: (Inductive) Illustration: (Deductive)

"The coin I pulled from the bag is a ₱10. The second coin “All men are mortal. Harold is a man. Therefore, Harold
is a ₱10. A third coin from the bag is a ₱10. Therefore, all is mortal."
the coins in the bag are ₱10’s."
In inductive reasoning, you go from specific to the
general; that is, make many observations, discern a
pattern, make a generalization, and infer an explanation For deductive reasoning, the hypothesis must be
or a theory. correct. It is assumed that the premises, "All men are
mortal" and "Harold is a man" are true. Therefore, the
Even if all of the premises are true in a statement, conclusion is logical and true.
inductive reasoning allows for the conclusion to be false.
Here's an example: "Harold is a grandfather. Harold is
bald. Therefore, all grandfathers are bald." The conclusion
does not follow logically from the statements. In deductive reasoning, it is possible to come to a logical
conclusion even if the generalization is not true. For
example, "All bald men are grandfathers. Harold is bald.
Therefore, Harold is a grandfather," is valid logically but
it is untrue because the original statement is false.

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At this point, you must have tried your best to compare and contrast inductive and deductive reasoning. Try to make
your own reasoning: The argument should consist of three (3) sentences, indicate whether you are using inductive or
deductive reasoning and Underline the conclusion.

Lesson Title: Illustrating Polya’s Four Steps in Problem Solving


Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

George Polya (1887-1985), a Hungarian mathematician who immigrated to the United States in 1940. He published
the book “How to Solve It” in 1945 which quickly became his most prized publication translated into 17 languages.

Note that Polya’s work describes the steps to solve the problem, so when you get confused on Step 2 (device a plan),
there are many strategies you can choose and we will discuss some of them in the next three modules.

The Polya Fours-Steps can be illustrated clearly when solving “word problems” in algebraic approach to finding
solution sets. The process of (1) identifying the given, (2) writing mathematical formula, (3) solving the unknown
variable(s), and (4) checking if the value defines the formula follow Polya’s idea.

Example: (Number Relation Problem)

Twice the difference of a number and 1 is 4 more than that number.  Find the number.

Solution: Step 1: Understand the problem. (Read the problem several times)
“Find the number.” means we are looking for a number  let x = the number.

Step 2: Devise a plan (translate phrases to mathematical formula)

“Twice the difference of a number and 1 is 4 more than that number” means
2(x – 1) = x + 4
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Step 3: Carry out the Plan (solve the algebraic equation)

2(x – 1) = x + 4
2x – 2 = x + 4 (Distributive property)
2x – x = 4 + 2 (Combine like terms, all the x terms on one side)

Step 4: Look back (check and interpret)

“Twice the difference of 6 and 1” = 2(6 – 1) and “4 more than 6” = 6 + 4 ,
2(6 – 1) = 6 + 4 , (so this does check!)
Answer: The number is 6

Lesson Title: Illustrating the “Make a Table” and “Find a

Pattern” Strategies in Problem Solving
Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Problem-solving strategy #1: Make a Table or an Organized List

Make a table is a problem–solving strategy that can be used to solve mathematical word problem by
Activity 3:
writing theSkill-building
in a more(with answerformat.
organized key) (18The
mins + 2 mins
created tablechecking)
can reveal patterns and relationships that
*** Teacher adds this prompt for self-assessment: “Check
suggest answer to the given problem. Using this strategy provides an your answers against
opportunity to the Key to
practice Correctionstables,
constructing found at the
end of information
collecting this SAS. Writeand your score on
recording yourinpaper.”}
them tables in a logical way to develop a solution. The number of
columns and rows will depend on the quantity of data needed to obtain the answer.

Example #1: The Problem below uses the strategy “Make a Table”.
There are six swimmers on each relay-race team. The first team member swims 300 meters.
Each team member swims 50 meters less than the swimmer before.
a) How many meters did the last team member swim in the relay race?
b) How many meters does each team swim in the relay race in all?

Solution: The problem says that, “The first team member swims 300 meters. Each team member swims 50 meters less than
the swimmer before.” Let’s make a table to solve the problem.

Swimmer Distance 3 200 meters

1 300 meters 4 150 meters

2 250 meters 5 100 meters

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6 50 meters

By looking at the table:

a. The last team member swims 50 meters.
b. Each team swims 1050 meters.
(add all the number of meters)

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Problem solving strategy #2: Find a Pattern

A pattern is a regular, systematic repetition which often occurs in problems where there is a
progression of data. Patterns may be numerical, verbal, spatial/visual, patterns in time or patterns in
sound. By identifying the pattern, one can predict what will come next and will happen again and
again in the same way.
Example #2: The problem below uses the strategy “Find a Pattern” .
Five students, Cely, Flor, Jay, Ady and Carl, were sitting around the table. Cards with numbers from 201 to
1000, arranged in order, were placed on the table. Jay took the first card, Ady took the second, and so on
until all the cards have been taken up.
a. Who received the card with number 215?
b. Who got the card with number 301?
c. Who picked the card with the number 998?

Solution: You can also create a table to see the pattern clearly.
Cely 204 209 214

Flor 205 210 215

Jay 201 206 211

Ady 202 207 212

Carl 203 208 213

a. Who received the card with number 215? Answer: Flor

Notice that Flor got all the cards that are divisible by 5.
Now, 215 is divisible by 5.
b. Who got the card with number 301? Answer: Jay
Since Jay sits after Flor, he got all the cards divisible by 5 plus 1.
Thus, 301 = 300 + 1, where 300 is divisible by 5
c. Who picked the card with the number 998? Answer: Carl
Carl will receive all cards divisible by 5 plus 3
That is, 998 = 995 + 3
***(Ady will receive all cards divisible by 5 plus 2)
***(There are only 5 students, so the Cely will receive all cards divisible by 5 plus 4)

Lesson Title: Illustrating the “Guess and Check” and “Working Backwards” Strategies in Problem Solving

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Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Problem solving strategy #3: Guess and Check

The Guess and Check is a problem-solving strategy that can be used to solve mathematical
problems by guessing the answer and then checking that the guess fits the conditions of the problems.
Make a guess and check to see if it satisfies the demands of the problem. If it doesn’t, alter the guess
appropriately and check again, until a solution has been found.

Example. In Ms. Brown’s class, there are 24 students. There are 6 more girls than boys.
How many boys and girls are there?

Solution: Because we know the class total (24), we can form a table with boys, girls and the total. There are 6 more
girls than boys, we can guess a number for the boys, and then calculate the girls and the total from there.

First guess:
With an initial guess of 12 boys, we see that there would be 18 girls, giving a total class size of 30.
The total, however, should only be 24, which means our guess was too high.
Knowing this, the number of boys is revised and the total recalculated.

Second guess:
Lowering the number of boys to 10 would mean there are 16 girls, which gives a class total of 26.

Third guess:
Consider 9 boys and 15 girls. This is correct!
Answer: Therefore, the solution is 9 boys and 15 girls.
There are problems that give the end results of the situation and ask about the initial conditions
or something solving
that occur strategy #4: Working
earlier. One backward
way to solve this type of problem is to work backward from a
known result to find a fact at the beginning. Furthermore, this is the strategy that contains series of
actions that are better understood and clarified by working backward from the end to a desired action
sequence. The inverse of each of the operations is used along the way.

is most often used with problems where it is necessary to work out all possible combinations of

This time, you try to solve the problem below, use the strategy “Working backward”, start with the result and
apply the operations in reverse order until you find the starting number.

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Problem: Four students in the class weighed themselves. Carter was 15 kilograms lighter than Adrian. Gary
was twice as heavy as Carter and Jeremy was seven kilograms heavier than Gary. If Jeremy weighed 71
kilograms what was Adrian’s weight?

Lesson Title: Illustrating Tree Diagram Strategy

in Problem Solving

Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Problem solving strategy #5: Tree Diagram

A tree diagram is a diagram used in strategic

decision making, valuation or probability
calculations. The diagram starts at a single
node, with branches emanating to additional
nodes, which represent mutually
exclusive decisions or events. In the diagram
below, the analysis will begin at the first blank
node. A decision or event will then lead to
node A or B. From these secondary nodes,
additional decisions or events will occur
leading to the third level of nodes until a
conclusion is reached.
The Addition Rule is used for dependent events, as well as mutually inclusive and mutually exclusive
events while the Multiplication Rule is used for independent events.

Addition Rule – For 2 events, A and B, the probability of selecting one event or another is given by:
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) −P(A and B).
Multiplication Rule – For 2 independent events, A and B, where the outcome of A does not change the
probability of B, the probability of A and B is given by: P(A and B) = P(A) × P(B).

A tree diagram allows a you to start at a single point and make mutually exclusive decisions or
experience mutually exclusive events to follow a path down the branches of the tree. Using the tree
diagram is simple once you assign the appropriate values to each node. Chance nodes, representing a
possible outcome, must be assigned a probability. Decision nodes ask a question and must be followed by
answer nodes, such as "yes" or "no." Often, a value will be associated with a node.
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Example. Irvin opens up his sock drawer to get a pair socks to wear to school. He looks in the sock drawer
and sees 4 red socks, 6 white socks, and 8 brown socks. Irvin reaches in the drawer and pulls out a red
sock. He is wearing blue shorts, so he replaces it. He then draws out a white sock. What is the probability
that Irvin pulls out a red sock, replaces it, and then pulls out a white sock?
Solution: First draw a tree diagram.

There are 18 socks in Irvin’s sock drawer.

The probability of getting a red sock when he pulls out the first sock is: P(red) = 4/18 = 2/9

Irvin puts the sock back in the drawer and pulls out the second sock.
The probability of getting a white sock on the second draw is: P(white) = 6/18 = 1/3
Therefore, the probability of getting a red sock and then a white sock when the first sock is replaced  is:
P(red and white) = 2/9 × 1/3 = 2/27

One important part of these types of problems is that order is not important.
Now say Irvin picked out a white sock, replaced it, and then picked out a red sock.
Calculate this probability. P(white and red) =1/3 × 2/9 = 2/27
So regardless of the order in which he takes the socks out, the probability is the same.
In other words, P(red and white) = P(white and red).

Now try this!

What is the probability that Irvin pulls out a white sock on the first pick, replaced it, and a brown sock on the
second pick? ________________________

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_____ 6. A list of numbers has been given. Find
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the the pattern necessary to complete the remainder
correct answer and write it on the space provided of the sequence: 55, 89, 144, 233, 377______
before the number. (1 pt. each) a. 754
______1. What is the rule for this pattern? 32, 688
36, 40, 44 b. 500
a. add 4 d.
b. multiply 2 610
c. subtract 4
d. divide by 2 _____ 7. Using the information provided, which
of the following is a conjecture could be proposed
______ 2. Which of the following is NOT an from the pattern?
example of Fibonacci numbers found in nature? 3 + 1 = 10
52 + 1 = 26 72 + 1 = 50
a. spirals on a sunflower 92 + 1 = 82
c. pinecone spirals
b. the number of petals on a daisy a. One more than the square of a
d. a mountain range prime number is an even
______3. Good exposure to this strategy b. One more than the square of a
enhances one’s skill in estimation. prime number is a multiple of 5
a. Make a table c. One more than the square of an
c. odd number is an even number
Guess and check d. One more than the square of an
odd number is a multiple of 5
b. Tree diagram
d. _____ 8. The first few Fibonacci numbers are 0,
Venn diagram 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... These numbers are named
after Fibonacci, whose real name is?
______4. It is also known as reversed a. Leonardo da Vinci
mathematical strategy. c. Leonardo da Pisa
a. Tree diagram b. Leonardo Di Caprio
c. d. Leonardo da Euler
Guess and check _____ 9. All of James and Patty’s sons have
brown eyes and all of their daughters have blue
b. Make a table eyes. They know from the ultrasound their
d. new baby will be a boy. James and Patty
Working backward conclude their new son will have brown eyes.
Which statement below is correct?
______5. Which recursive rule best describes the a. The conclusion is true, since it is
sequence 5, 3, 1, 1, … ? based on inductive reasoning
a. a n=2 an−1−4 b. The conclusion may be false,
c. a n=a n−1 +2 since it is based on inductive
b. na =3 a n−1−8
d. a n=2 an−1−3 c. The conclusion is true, since it is
based on deductive reasoning
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d. The conclusion may be false,

since it is based on deductive ______15. Which statement is a valid conclusion
reasoning based on the argument? If a polygon is a regular
pentagon, then the polygon has exactly five
_____ 10. This type of logic in which one goes congruent angles. This polygon is a regular
from a general statement to a specific instance: pentagon.
a. Deductive reasoning a. Therefore, this polygon is a
c. Inductive reasoning rectangle.
b. Mathematical induction b. Therefore, this polygon has
d. Proofing exactly five congruent angles.
c. Therefore, this polygon is a
______11. For a sequence with recursive rule regular quadrilateral.
a n=5−2a n−1 and seed a 1=3, which of the d. Therefore, this polygon has four
following represents the 4th term of the congruent sides.
sequence or a 4 ?
a. 7 _____16. Lucas is working with a Pascal’s
c. – 9 triangle. The first five rows are shown. He adds
together the numbers in each
b. 23 row of the triangle and makes a
d. 27 conjecture. Which conjecture could
be made from Lucas’ process?
______12. A certain number added twice to itself a. The sum of the
equals 96. What is the equation? numbers in row n is 2n
a. x + 2y = 96 b. The sum of the numbers in row
c. x + n is 2n-1
2x = 96 c. The sum of the numbers in row
b. x + x = 96 n is 2n
d. 2x + d. The sum of the numbers in row
2y = 96 n is n

______13. When 18 is subtracted from six times _____ 17. Consider the following statements: (1)
a certain number, the result is −42. What is the All piano players are musicians. (2) Fred is a
number? piano player. Which of the following is a
a. −1 conclusion which can be reached from the
c. −3 statements?
a. All piano players are named
b. −2 Fred c. Fred is a
d. −4 musician
b. All musicians are piano players
______14. The sum of three consecutive odd d. Fred is not
integers is 255. What is the 3rd integer? a musician
a. 83
c. 87 _____18. Consider the following scenario. Thalia
was given two statements: (1) All even numbers
b. 85 are composite. (2) Two is an even number.
d. 89 She concluded from the statements that 2 must
be a composite number. What was the error in
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this scenario? (Note: Composite numbers are b. 3 = 25w – 8

whole numbers that can be divided exactly by d. 25 = 3(w +
numbers other than 1 or itself) 8)
a. The original statement “All even
numbers are composite” is _______ 22. A marine biologist is researching
untrue the structure of a nautilus. The shell’s
b. The original statement “2 is an pattern follows a sequence discovered
even number” is untrue by the mathematician Fibonacci. Insert
c. The conclusion should have the next three numbers.
been that all composite numbers 1 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 ___ ___ ___.
have 2 as a factor a. 22, 35, 55
d. There is no error in the scenario c. 23, 36, 56

_____19. Which of the statements cannot always b. 21, 34, 55

be true about mathematics? d. 20, 33, 54
a. The functions of mathematics
are essential part of business _______ 23. Which sentence correctly
and researches. represents this algebraic equation: 2x + 5 = 15?
b. The numerical results alone are a. Twice the number is the sum of
enough to make inferences. five and fifteen
c. Some mathematical findings are b. Twice the sum of fifteen is the
based on probability theory. number and five
d. System is a vital part of every c. Twice the sum of the number
mathematical principle. and five is fifteen
d. The sum of twice the number
_____ 20. The Fibonacci sequence can be and five is fifteen
written as a “Rule”. First, the terms are numbered
from 0 onwards like this: n = 0 1 _______ 24. Daniel has lots of pets. He has
2 3 4... three more goldfish than he has turtles.
Xn = 0 1 1 He has one less canary than goldfish.
2 3… Six of his pets are birds (canaries and
Which of the following is true for its rule? parrots). He has two parrots. How many
a. X n=X n +1+ X n+2 pets does Daniel have?
c. a. 13
X n=X n−1 + X n−2 c. 14
b. X n=X n +1+ X n−2
d. b. 12
X n=X n−1 + X n+2 d. 15

_______ 25. On Bill’s football squad, 1/3 of the

_______ 21. Which algebraic equation correctly
players walk to practice and 25% are driven by
represents this sentence: Twenty-five is three
their parents. The remaining 15 players take
times a number, decreased by eight?
the bus. How many members are on the football
a. 25 = 3w – 8
c. 3 = 25w + 8
a. 48
c. 36

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_____ 31. What is the number in the series: 18,

b. 24 30, 48, 78, 126, 204, _____?
d. 30 a. 350
c. 252
_____ 26. It involves going from a series of
specific cases to a general statement: b. 278
a. Deductive reasoning d. 330
c. Proving
Identities _____ 32. What is the empirical formula of
b. Inductive reasoning compound following a general rule CnH2n+2 if there
d. Conjecture are four carbons?
a. C4H6
_____ 27 Mr. Tea Café serves two desserts, c. C4H8
cake and pie. They also serve three beverages, b. C4H12
coffee, tea or juice. Suppose you choose one d.
dessert and one beverage. How many possible C4H10
outcomes are there?
a. 3 _____ 33. What is the sum of the first five (5)
c. 5 terms or n5 in the Fibonacci Sequence?
a. 12
b. 4 c. 10
d. 6 b. 7
d. 8
_____ 28. It is the ability of mind to think and _____ 34. Which number is a counterexample to
understand things in logical way: the following statement: All numbers that are
a. Syllogism divisible by 2 are divisible by 4?
c. Irrational a. 100
c. 12
b. Reasoning
d. Conditioning b. 28
d. 42
_____ 29. What is the last step in Polya’s four
steps in problem solving? _____ 35. Using the statements: If it is Friday,
a. Interpreting then I will get paid. Today is Friday. What is the
c. Translating probable conclusion?
a. It is not Friday
b. Solving c. It is
d. Understand the Friday
problem b. I will not get paid
d. I will
_____ 30. What comes next in the sequence: L, get paid
LL, LLM, M, MM, MMN, _____, _____?
a. N, NN _____ 36. In Ms. Anderson’s class, there are 24
c. N, NM students. There are 6 more girls than boys.
b. NN, MN How many boys and girls are there?
d. NN, NNM
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a. 7 boys and 17 girls b. 3(x+5) = 2x + 20

c. 9 d. 3(x + 5) = 20x + 2
boys and 15 girls
b. 10 boys and 14 girls ______41. A number increased by one-sixth of
d. 8 itself equals 14. What is its algebraic symbol?
boys and 16 girls 1
a. – x = 14
_____ 37. If I spend 15 hours per week studying 1
research methods, I will earn an A in the course. c. x + x = 14
I will study research methods at least 15
hours per week. Therefore, I will earn an A in the 1
course. What type(s) of reasoning is this? b. + x = 14
a. Inductive reasoning x
c. d. + x = 14x
Neither of the two
b. Deductive reasoning ______42. It is the science that deals with the
d. Both logic of shape, quantity and arrangement.
reasoning a. Technology
c. Social
_____ 38. The sum of 2 consecutive odd integers Sciences
is 44. What are the two integers? b. Mathematics
a. 21 and 23 d. Engineering
c. 19 and 21 ______43. Francis purchased a new pair of
b. 23 and 25 shoes at SM City Cebu for ₱914.30 which
d. 15 and 17 included the value added tax (VAT). If the
VAT is 11.5%, find the price of the shoes before
_____ 39. In contrast to deductive they added the VAT.
reasoning, inductive reasoning: a. ₱814.25
a. Involves conclusions that are c. ₱820.00
more or less probable b. ₱870.75
d. ₱854.00
b. Is less descriptive of human
thought processes ______44. Find the three (3) consecutive even
c. Moves from general principles to integers if the sum of twice the 1 st even integer, 3
particular conclusions times the 2nd even integer, and the 3 rd even
d. Should be avoided in science integer is 46.
whenever possible a. 4, 6, 8
c. 8, 10, 12
_____ 40. Which of the following equation b. 6, 8, 10
corresponds to: Three times the sum of 5 and d. 10, 12, 14
the number is 20 more than twice the
number? ______45. A father is 47 years old and his son is
a. 3x + 5 = 20x + 2 8. In how many years will the father be four times
c. 3x + 5 = 2x + 20 as old as his son?
a. 11
c. 9

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b. 7 1
d. 5 2
______46. In a rectangular room, the length is 3 c.
inches more than twice the width. Find the 2
dimensions (length and width) if the b.
perimeter is to be 18 inches. P = 2L + 2W 9
(Perimeter for rectangle) d.
a. W = 4 inches and L = 14 inches
c. W = 4 inches ______49. Determine the next probable number in
and L = 9 inches the series 3, 5, 8, 12, 17, 23,
b. W = 2 inches and L = 7 inches a. 31
d. W = 2 inches c. 29
and L = 12 inches b. 30
d. 28
______47. If you toss a coin 2 times, what is the
probability of getting 2 heads? ______50. Andrew can paint the house in 8 days
1 and his brother can paint the same house in 6
2 days. How long will it take for them to do
1 painting together?
c. 3
a. 3 days
1 7
b. 5
c. 3 days
1 8
d. 1
b. 3 days
____48. Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up 2
d. 3 days
and then a ticket is drawn at random. What is 3
the probability that the ticket drawn has a number
which is a multiple of 3 or 5?

[Type here]
[Type here]

Lesson Title: Describing Data Presentation and Constructing Frequency Distribution Table

Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)
Types of Data Presentation


Textual Tabular Graphical

texts, phrases, horizontal and lines, bars,

paragraphs vertical form pictures

most effective
narrative in easily catches
way of showing
nature attention
*This module will focus on the first two types

Example of a Textual Presentation

June 12, 2020

Metro Manila, CALABARZON, Bicol Region, Zambales, Bataan, Northern Palawan including
Calamian and Cuyo Islands and Western Visayas will have cloudy skies with moderate to heavy rains while
Bicol Region, the rest of Visayas, of Central Luzon and of MIMAROPA will experience light to moderate
with at times heavy rains as the Low Pressure Area (LPA) estimated at 110 km Northwest of Virac,
Catanduanes may intensify into a tropical depression as it moves northwest towards the Quezon-Aurora
area today. Residents of these areas are advised against flooding and rain-induced landslides may occur
during heavy or prolonged rainfall especially in areas that are highly or very highly susceptible to these
hazards. Meanwhile, the rest of the country will have partly cloudy to at times cloudy skies with isolated
afternoon or evening rainshowers and thunderstorms. Moderate to strong southeasterly to northeasterly
winds will prevail over Northern Luzon and coming from the southwest and west over the rest of Luzon and
Visayas with moderate to rough coastal waters. Light to moderate southerly to southwesterly winds will
prevail over Mindanao with slight to moderate seas. -Press Release (June 11,2020)

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[Type here]

Textual presentation is effective if the data to be presented is very minimal or limited to fewer variables.
Looking back at the example, most of the data mentioned are nominal scale. Writing the weather outlook in
descriptive type makes the data looks more important. But when there are many variables and values to be
presented then a tabular presentation must be needed. You may visit the PAGASA website to see a lot of data
presented in tabular and graphical form.

Let us take a look at the currency conversion table below, a tabular presentation is much better to used when
the values are numeric and independent. A table is a set of data arranged in rows and columns and is one of
the most common way of putting information across to people. A table consists of several boxes with
information inside. The first row and the first column are generally used to denote the titles. While any type
of data can be presented in table form, that too in a very accurate manner, interpreting the data in table
form is more difficult and time consuming than the other modes, all of which are basically pictorial or
graphical in presentation.

Example of a Tabular Presentation

It is easy to evaluate the comparisons of the values, rather than when written in paragraph form. It is easy
to see that British Pound is the highest currency value compared to the Philippine peso. What currency has
the least value against Philippine peso? _____________________
It is very important for table, whether horizontal or vertical, that each variable should be labelled correctly.
Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)
The frequency distribution is a tabulation or grouping of data into appropriate categories or classes showing
the number of observations in each group or class. Grouping data is recommended when you deal with
“many” data. In statistics, “many” is considered to be more than 30 but not limited to this condition.
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Example: The following data set are the monthly sales (in thousands) of ABC Store for 4 years:
11 12 14 15 15 15 17 18 19 19 23 23

27 28 29 30 30 32 36 36 38 39 39 39
41 41 43 44 45 47 48 49 49 50 54 55
55 56 57 58 59 60 60 61 63 65 67 68

Step (0). It is suggested to arrange the data for easy counting in the next few steps.

Step (1) Find the range (R) of the data: The range is the difference between the largest and smallest
numbers. R = 68 – 11 = 57

Step (2) Decide the approximate number of classes: Must be between 5 and 20. H.A. Sturges has given a
formula for determining the approximation number of classes (K).

In this example the total number of observations is 48, the number of classes would be:
Sturges Formula=K =( 1+ 3.322 log N ) =¿
Therefore, the number of classes is 7. (Note that you need to round-off the value)

Step (3) Determine the approximate class interval size (C): The size of class interval is obtained by dividing
R 57
the range of data by number of classes. C= = =8.143 ≈ 8
K 7

Before we continue to the next step, it is important to summarized and double check the first 3 steps
because one wrong step will not lead you to the frequency distribution table you wanted to obtain.

R = 57 (whole number if the data is whole number)

K = 7 (rounded-off to whole number since this is a discrete value; number of class intervals)
C = 8 (always a whole number and this represents the counting length of the class interval)
C is also called the Class size – The difference between two consecutive lower class limits
or two consecutive upper class limits.
Step (4): 1 Column of the FDT

Create the Class Intervals (c.i). Set the lowest number as the starting point.
Class intervals consist of end numbers called lower and upper limits.
 In this example, 11 is the lowest value so the first interval will start with 11 and end at 18.
 Always include in the counting the smallest value, 11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18, So there are 8 in
all, which is the C or class size required.
 Note that the number of intervals can exceed to at least one (1) class interval, if the last value
of the data set does not fall on the interval yet.
 In this example, biggest value is 68 and upon creating the class interval, the 7 th class interval
(since (K = 7) do not include “67” and “68”, thus you need to add one more class interval; that
is “67–74” .

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Class Interval Tally f LCB UCB CM <CF >CF Relative

Frequency (%)
11 – 18 IIIII-III 8 10.5 18.5 14.5 6 48 16.67
19 – 26 IIII 4 18.5 26.5 22.5 12 40 8.33
27 – 34 IIIII-I 6 26.5 34.5 30.5 18 36 12.50
35 – 42 IIIII-III 8 34.5 42.5 38.5 26 30 16.67
43 – 50 IIIII-III 8 42.5 50.5 46.6 34 22 16.67
51 – 58 IIIII-I 6 50.5 58.5 54.5 40 14 12.50
59 – 66 IIIII-I 6 58.5 66.5 62.5 46 8 12.50
67 – 74 II 2 66.5 74.5 70.5 48 2 4.17
TOTAL n = 48 ≈ 100%

Step (5): 2nd Column of the FDT

Tally the raw data to identify the frequency. (You can omit this part, whichever is convenient for
In the example, since the data is arranged already, counting is very easy.

Step (6) 3rd Column of the FDT

Class frequency (f) the number of data that belong to its class interval.
Distribute the data into respective classes: The total of the frequency column must be equal to the
number of observations or sample size (n).

Step (7) 4th and 5th Column of the FDT

Determine the LCB and UCB. *see the values on the table
Class boundaries are the numbers used to separate class without gaps created by class limits.
Lower Class Boundary (LCB) – is the middle value between the lower class limit and the upper
class limit of the preceding class.
Upper Class Boundary (UCB) – is the middle value between the upper class limit and the lower
class limit of the next class.

Step (8) 6th Column of the FDT

Determine the class mark. This is the average or midpoint of the upper limit and lower limit.
Class mark (CM) can be found by adding the lower and upper limits and then dividing it by 2.
Do not round-off the CM. Class mark of Class interval: [11 – 18]
CM = = 14.5
Step (9) 7th and 8th Column of the FDT
Cumulate the Frequency means you need to add-up the frequencies of each class interval.
Cumulative frequency “less than”(<CF) – is obtained by adding the frequencies successively from
the lowest to the highest interval .
Cumulative frequency “greater than”(>CF) – is obtained by adding the frequencies successively
from the highest to the lowest class interval.

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[Type here]

Step (10) 9th Column of the FDT

Determine the relative frequency of each class interval by dividing the frequency of the interval by
the total number of observations.
Relative frequency percentage (RF%) is the frequency divided by the total frequency and multiplied
by 100 to express in percentage form.
In the example, for the 1st class interval, we have f = 8 and n = 48
f 8
 1st RF% = = x 100% = 16.67% , then continue to complete the column.
n 48

Lesson Title: Interpreting Graphical Presentation

Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)
Graphical presentation is a way of analyzing numerical data. It exhibits the relation between data,
ideas, information and concepts in a diagram. It is easy to understand and it is one of the most
important learning strategies. There are different types of graphical representation. Some of them are
as follows

1) Bar Graph  Uses solid bars to represent quantities

 Effective for discrete variables
 Multiple bar graph for comparing figures of two or more categories

2) Line Graph  Show trends over a period of time

 Information of is connected in some way
 Effective for continuous variable
 Multiple line graph for comparing figures of two or more categories

3) Pie Chart  Circle divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion

 Each part represents a percentage of the total.
 A good way to show relative sizes

4) Pictograph  A way of showing data using images

 A fun and interesting way to show data, but it is not very accurate
 Can be vertical or horizontal

Can you name the following graphical presentation?

Write your answer on the space below the graph.

[Type here]
[Type here]

__________________________ __________________________

_________________________ _________________________

“Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS.
Write your score on your paper.”

Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

General Rules for Graphic Presentation of Data and Information

1) Suitable Title – Should clearly indicates the subject for which you are presenting it.
2) Unit of Measurement – Clearly state the unit of measurement.
3) Suitable Scale – To represent the entire data in an accurate manner.
4) Index – Explains the different colors and shades, lines and designs and include a scale of
5) Data Sources – Wherever possible, include the sources of information at the bottom of the graph.
6) Simple and Neat – Easy to understand and attractive to the eyes

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As every graph tells a story, the graph creator has to be a good story teller and needs basic
knowledge in creating and interpreting the graphs produced. Also, the person trying to understand the
story, needs some basic knowledge about graphs. Otherwise reading a graph is like reading a text in
a foreign language.

Instructions: Study the graph below and answer the questions. Write your answer on the space after
the questions. The bar graph given below shows the sales of books (in thousand number) from six
branches (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and B6) of a publishing company during two consecutive years 2000
and 2001.

Sales of Books (in thousands) from Six Branches of a publishing Company in 2000 and 2001

*colors may not be clear when printed in SAS: 1 st rectangle (2000) and 2nd rectangle (2001)


1) What is the ratio of the total sales of branch B2 for both years to the total sales of branch B4 for the
same period? ______________

2) What percent of the total sales of branch B3 for both years is the total sales of branch B6 for both
the years? ______________

3) What percent of the average sales of branches B1, B2 and B3 in 2001 is the average sales of
branches B1, B3 and B6 in 2000? _________________

4) What is the average sales of all the branches (in thousand numbers) for the year 2000?

[Type here]
[Type here]

5) What is the total sales of branches B1, B3 and B5 together for both the years (in thousand
numbers)? ____________

6) What branch showed the highest sale for both years? ___________

Lesson Title: Computing Measures of Central Tendency

Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

In statistics, the three most common measures of central tendency are the mean, median and mode.
Each of these measures calculates the location of the central point using a different method.

Measure Description / Ungrouped Grouped Data (FDT)

mean > Average
Population mean: μ=
∑ fX
> To describe the middle of N
a set of data that does not
have an outlier. Sample mean: x=
∑ fX
Arithmetic mean: x=
∑x f =frequency of the class
n X =class mark of the class
Weighted Mean: n=sample ¿ ¿
w x=
∑ xw N= population ¿ ¿

( )
median n
> Middle value in an −¿CF b
arranged set ^x =LCB md +C
f md
> To describe the middle of
a set of data that does have Median class: md=the class interval where
an outlier. ¿ CF is greater than∨equal ¿ for the first time
> Md or ^x 2
LCB md=lower class boundary of the median class
C=class ¿ length of the classinterval ¿
n=sample ¿ ¿
f md=frequency of the median class
¿ CF b =less than cumulative frequency before the median class

( )
mode f mo−f b
> Most frequent value x o=LCB mo +C
2 f mo−f b−f a
> When the data is non-
numeric or when asked to
Modal class: mo=theclass interval with thehighest frequency
choose the most popular
LCB mo=lower class boundary of the modal class

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> Mo or x o C=class ¿ length of the classinterval ¿

f mo=frequency of themodal class
f b=frequency before the modal class
f a=frequency after the modal class

Here are examples showing how to solve for the mean, median, and mode.
A. Ungrouped Data
Find the mean, median, and mode for the following list of values:
8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 13
Mean: (8 + 9 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 12 + 13) ÷ 10 = 105 ÷ 10 = 10.5
Median = (10 + 11) ÷ 2 = 21 ÷ 2 = 10.5
Mode = 10 and 11 (this is called a bi-modal distribution)

B. Grouped Data
Consider the FDT of the urine amylase of 42 patients. Solve for the mean, median, and mode.
Round-off your answer to two decimal places.
Classes f X LCB <CF fX
10-19 5 14.5 9.5 5 72.5
20-29 8 24.5 19.5 13 196
30-39 11 34.5 29.5 24 379.5 Median class
40-49 12 44.5 39.5 36 534 Modal class
50-59 6 54.5 49.5 42 327
Total 42 1509

Before you start solving the different measures of central tendency, make sure to fill-up (if not
given) the parts of the FDT that are needed for the computation. In this example, since the class
mark (X), lower class boundaries (LCB) and less than cumulative frequency (<CF) are already
given, you will only need to add a column for “fX” meaning you determine the product for each
frequency (f) and class mark (X), then write the sum on the last row. Now, you proceed by applying
the formula.

a) Mean = x=
∑ fX = 1509 =35.93
n 42
b) Median class = =21  21 < 24 (3rd class interval)
C = class size = lower limit of 1st class – lower limit of 2nd class = 20 – 10 = 10

( ) ( )
n 42
−¿CF b −13
2 2
^x =LCB md +C = 29.5+ 10 =36.77
f md 11
c) Modal class: 4th class has the biggest frequency of 12
x =LCB mo +C ( f mo−f b
2 f mo−f b−f a )
=39.5+10 (12−11
=40.93 )
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>median class and the modal class can be on the same or different classes
>modal class can be more than one classes
>if the modal class is the 1st class, then f b=0 and if the modal class, then f a=0 .

Lesson Title: Computing Measures of Dispersion

Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

The Range is also a measure of dispersion: R = Highest Value – Lowest Value

It is simple to compute and is useful when you wish to evaluate the whole of a dataset. It is not the
best way to describe the spread within a dataset since it only considers the highest and lowest values
without considering the values in between.

The Variance and the Standard Deviation.

Measure Sample Population

> measures how far a set of numbers is spread out and 2
∑ ( x−x )2
∑ ( x −x )2
far each number in the set is from the mean. ( n−1) N
> A large variance indicates that numbers in the set are
far from the mean and each other, while a small variance
indicates the opposite.

Standard deviation
> square root of variance
√ ∑ ( x−x )2
√ ∑ ( x− x )2

√ σ 2 or √ s2 )
*In this module, we focus on the sample formula since our data frequency are small that usually
represents a sample from a population.
**Some statistics books may use other formula that are mathematical equivalent but when computed
manually, it may result to a negligible difference caused by the rounding-off process along the
***explore your scientific calculator functions for quick standard deviation operations

Let’s have a look and compare the scores Sophia and Daff in the recent 4 summative tests by solving
the mean, range, variance and standard deviation.

Sofia’s Scores: 75, 75, 75, 100 Daff’s Scores: 80, 81, 82, 82

75+75+75+100 325 80+81+82+82 325

Mean = x= = =81.25 Mean = x= = =81.25
4 4 4 4

Range = 100 – 75 = 25 Range: 82 – 80 = 2

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Sample Variance: Sample Variance:

x (x−x ) ( x−x )
x ( x−x ) ( x−x )

75 75 – 81.25 =  6.25 39.0625 80 82 – 81.25 = 0.75 0.5625

75 75 – 81.25 =  6.25 39.0625 81 81 – 81.25 =  0.25 0.0625
75 75 – 81.25 =  6.25 39.0625 82 82 – 81.25 = 0.75 0.5625
100 100 – 81.25 = 18.75 351.5625 82 80 – 81.25 =  1.25 1.5625
(x−x )2 468.75 (x−x )2 2.7

∑ (x−x)2 = 468.75 =156.25 2
∑ (x−x)2 = 2.7 =0.9167
n 4 n 4

Sample Standard Deviation: Sample Standard Deviation:

s= √ s =√156.25=12.50 s= √ s =√ 0.9167=0.96
2 2

Based on the answer, what can you conclude about the grade of Sophia and Daff?
“Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS.
Write your score on your paper.”

Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)
Given the following data sets, determine the range, variance, and standard deviation . Write your
complete solution at the back of this page.
Data Set Range Variance sd

4, 6, 9, 12, 5, 4, 12

7, 13, 4, 7, 19

10, 3, 8, 15, 23, 18

9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5

30, 24, 40, 50, 60

“Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS

[Type here]
[Type here]

Lesson Title: Computing Probabilities Under Standard Normal Curve

Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

The Standard Normal Curve

The normal distributions are a very important class of Standardized Normal Distribution
statistical distributions. The standard normal distribution is
a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and standard X = normal value
deviation of 1. All normal distributions are symmetric and µ = mean
have bell-shaped density curves with a single peak. All σ = standard deviation
normally distributed variables can be transformed into the
standard normally distributed variable by using the formula
form the standard score:

The normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution and several implications are:
 The total area under the normal curve is equal to 1.
 The probability that a normal random variable X equals any particular value is 0.
 The probability that X is greater than a equals the area under the normal curve bounded by a and
plus infinity (as indicated by the non-shaded area in the figure below).
 The probability that X is less than a equals the area under the normal curve bounded by a and
minus infinity (as indicated by the shaded area in the figure below).
Additionally, every normal curve (regardless of its mean or standard deviation) conforms to the following

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 About 68% of the area under the curve falls within 1 standard deviation of the mean.
 About 95% of the area under the curve falls within 2 standard deviations of the mean.
 About 99.7% of the area under the curve falls within 3 standard deviations of the mean.
Collectively, these points are known as the empirical rule or the 68-95-99.7 rule. Clearly, given a normal
distribution, most outcomes will be within 3 standard deviations of the mean.

To find the probability associated with a normal

random variable, use a graphing calculator, an
online normal distribution calculator, or a normal
distribution table. In the examples below, we
illustrate the use of Stat Trek's Normal
Distribution Calculator, a free tool available on
this site. In the next lesson, we demonstrate the
use of normal distribution tables.

Standard Normal Table (z-score Table)

 To calculate the area under the normal curve, we use the standard normal or z-score table
 In a z-score table, found in the last pages of this module, the left most column tells you how many
standard deviations above the mean to 1 decimal place, the top row gives the second decimal
place, and the intersection of a row and column gives the probability.

Steps in Calculating Probabilities under Normal Curve

1. Translate the problem into one of the following: P ( z< a ) , P ( z >a ) ∨P ( a< z< b ).
2. Draw a picture of normal curve. Shade in the area of the given probability P on the picture. This will
help you to visualize the problem.
3. Standardize a (and/or b) to a z-score using the z-formula if it is not yet standardized.
4. Look up the z-score on the Z-table and find its corresponding probability.

Let us now solve for the area under the normal curve: Remember that the process we are using in
reading the areas value always starts FROM LEFT TO RIGHT.

Case 1. P ( z < a )
Determine the area of under the standard normal curve to the left of z = –1.06.

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Answer: Using the z – distribution table, go

down first to the left column (the negative
z-scores) labeled z to “–1.0”. Then go
across that row until the column 0.06. The
number in that table, 0.1446, is the area
under the standard normal curve to the left
of z = –1.06.
Can be written as P ( z < –1.06) = 0.1446 (

Case 2. P ( z > a )
Determine the area under the normal curve to the right of z = 0.71.
Answer: Since the total area of the curve
is 1, then 0 to 0.71, then to solve:
P(z > x ) = 1 – P (z > x ) = 1 – 0.7211 =

Thus, the area to the right of z = 0.71 is


Case 3. P ( a < z < b )

Determine the area under the standard curve between z = 0.08 and z = 1.96.
Answer: The area to the left of z = 0.08 is
0.5319 and the area to the left of z = 1.96
is 0.9750. The required area is the
difference between the bigger area and
the smaller area.
P (a < z < b) = 0.9750 – 0.5319 = 0.4431
Thus, the area between 0.08 and 1.96 is

*Percentage of Area under the Normal Curve means you have to multiple the area value by 100.

Your Task!!! Try to answer the combination of Case 1 and Case 2, other books will this the “outside” case.
Case 4. P ( z < a) and P (z > b)
Determine the area under the standard curve outside of z = –2.13 and z = 2.55
P ( z < – 2.13) and P (z > 2.55)

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Lesson Title: Computing Linear Relationship using Pearson Correlation Coefficient

Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation, r Formula

n ∑ xy−∑ x ∑ y

[ n∑ x 2− (∑ x )2 ] [n ∑ y 2−( ∑ y )2 ]
where; r = Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation
x = the observed data for the independent variable
y = the observed data for the dependent variable
∑ xy = the summation of the product of x and y
∑x ∑y = the product of the summation of x and the summation of y
∑ x 2 = summation of the squares of x
∑ y 2 = summation of the squares of y

The value of r ranges from 1 to 1. Hence, there is neither a value of r that can exceed 1 nor lower than 1.
The interpretation of the value or r can be determined using the correlation scale. If r is +1, then there is a perfect
positive correlation. If r is 1, there is a perfect negative correlation. If r is zero, there is no correlation Note that the
results of r should be interpreted as shown below.

r Interpretation
∓1.00 Perfect positive (negative) correlation
∓ 0.91−∓ 0.99 Very high positive (negative) correlation
∓ 0.71−∓ 0.90 High positive (negative) correlation
∓ 0.51−∓ 0.70 Moderately positive (negative) correlation
∓ 0.31−∓ 0.50 Low positive (negative) correlation
∓ 0.01−∓ 0.30 Very low positive (negative) correlation
0.00 No correlation

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Example. Computing Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r)

Below are the PG1 grades (x) and PG2 grades (y) of selected students.
Compute for the Pearson Correlation Coefficient.
Student x y
1 75 80
2 70 75
3 65 65
4 90 95
5 85 90
6 85 85
7 80 90
8 70 75
In order to solve the Pearson’s r conveniently, we must add columns and rows to solve for the other
notations in the formula in solving Pearson’s correlation coefficient. That is

x y x2 y2 xy
75 80 5625 6400 6000
70 75 4900 5625 5250
65 65 4225 4225 4225
90 95 8100 9025 8550
85 90 7225 8100 7650
85 85 7225 7225 7225
80 90 6400 8100 7200
70 75 4900 5625 5250
∑ x = 48600 ∑ y =54325
2 2
∑x = 620 ∑y = 655 ∑xy = 51350

Computation for r :

n ∑ xy−∑ x ∑ y 8(51350)−620 (655)

r= = =0.949
√ [ n ∑ x −( ∑ x ) ] [n ∑ y −( ∑ y ) ] √[ 8 (48600)−(620) ] [8 (54325)−( 655 ) ]
2 2 2 2 2 2

Interpretation: There is a very high positive correlation between the PG1 and PG2 grades.
This means that the grades in PG2 is very highly associated by the grades in PG1. The trend shows that
those students who get high scores in PG1 will most likely get high score in PG2.

*you can also visit for the online

Pearson’s calculator or used the excel data analysis function or even higher version of manual

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Lesson Title: Predicting Behavior using Regression Analysis

Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Regression analysis is used when predicting the behavior of a variable. The regression equation
explains the amount of variations observable in the in the independent variable x. It is actually an
equation of a line, meaning to say that there should be a significant linear relationship between the
Dependent Variable: The main factor that you’re trying to understand or predict. 
Independent Variables: The factors that you hypothesize have an impact on your dependent variable
In symbol, y=a+bx . To get the regression equation, we have

n ∑xy −∑ x ∑ y ( ∑ y )−b ( ∑ x )
b= ∧¿ a=
n ( ∑ x )−(∑ x)
2 2 n
where: y = criterion measure/dependent variable
x = predictor/independent variable
a = ordinate or the point where the regression line crosses the y-axis (y-intercept)
b = beta weight or the slope of the line

Example. Regression Analysis

The data in the table represent the memberships at a university mathematics club during the past 5
years. Form a curve of the form y=a+bx to predict the membership 5 years from now.

Year (x) Membership (y) xy x2

1 25 25 1
2 30 60 4
3 32 96 9
4 45 180 16
5 50 250 25
Σ x =15 Σ y=182 Σ xy =611 Σ x 2=55
Solution: Since n=5 , we have:

(n)(∑ xy )−( ∑ x)(∑ y ) 5 ( 611 )−15 (182) ( ∑ y )−b ( ∑ x ) 182−6.5 ( 15 )

b= = =6.50∧¿ a= = =16.90
n ( ∑ x )−(∑ x)
2 2
5 ( 55 )−152
n 5

y=a+bx=16.90+6.5 x

Since you need to predict the membership five years from now, or at 10 years, substitute 10 for x in
the equation. Thus, 5 years from now, y=16.90+ 6.5 ( 10 )=81.9 ≈ 82members

[Type here]
[Type here]

Five years from now, the club would have 82 members.

You can also plot the line using the equation. The line drawn in the scatter plot is called trend line.
It is drawn in such a way that the sum of the vertical distances above the line is the same as the sum of the
vertical distances below the line. The line can be used to estimate the number of the members five years
from now. From the figure, one can see that the estimate is about 85, which is very close to the computed
value of 82.

SECOND PERIODICAL EXAM answer the items 2 – 8

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the Classes Frequency Cumulative

correct answer and write it on the space provided frequency
before the number. (1 pt. each) 28-33 7 7
34-39 12 19
_____1. Which of the following is the operational 40-45 10 29
definition of cumulative frequency? 46-51 4 33
e. Groupings or categories defined 52-57 9 42
by lower or upper limits of 58-63 12 54
frequencies Total 54
f. Arrangement of data where
frequencies are added _____2. Which of the following is the lowest
successively lower class limit?
g. A plot of class marks against the c. 58
class frequencies c. 28
h. Frequency divided by the total d. 33
frequency or total number of d. 63
_____3. What is the relative frequency of the 3 rd
Given the frequency distribution table below,
[Type here]
[Type here]

class? g. Get the difference of the two

a. 18.52 % consecutive lower class limits
c. which is 6
16.67 % h. Add the two consecutive upper
b. 22.22 % class limits and divide by two
d. which is 36
7.41 %
_____9. Which of the following is NOT true about
_____4. What is the number of classes in this Frequency Distribution Table?
frequency distribution table? a. A tabulation or grouping
a. 5 c. Categories and or
c. 3 classes are shown
b. 4 b. Shows class mark as average
d. 6 d. Presents the number
of observations in each group
_____5. Which of the following is the class mark
of the 5th class? _____10. In making the Frequency Distribution
c. 54.5 Table, what should be the essential first step?
c. a. Determine the upper class limit
42.5 c. Determine
d. 30.5 the lower class
d. b. Find the class mark
60.5 d. Find
the range of the data limit
_____6. Which of the following is highest upper
class limit? _____11. All of the following are common
a. 58 examples of a graph, EXCEPT:
c. 33 a. Scattered diagram
b. 63 c. Bar
d. 28 graph
_____7. Which of the following is class size for b. Pictograph
this FDT? d.
a. 6 Array
c. 5
b. 7 _____12. The following are the basic indicators
d. 10 that your Frequency Distribution Table , is correct,
_____8. Which of the following is the CORRECT a. Class size is visible in the class
way of determining the class size or width in the interval
table? b. The total Relative Frequency is
e. Add the two consecutive lower 100%
class limits and divide by two c. Number of frequencies is equal
which is 31 to the number of samples
f. Get the difference of the two d. Class size is visible in LCB but
consecutive lower class limits not in CM
and divide by 2 which is 3
_____13. How does the class size affect the
[Type here]
[Type here]

Frequency Distribution Table?

a. It aids in the assumption of the
total relative frequency

b. It helps to easily determine the

class interval, LCB, UCB, and
c. It determines the range, and
total number of frequency
d. It gives the approximate number
of classes
_____16. How many packets were weighed?
a. 9
_____14. Which measure of central tendency is c. 14
derived from the most common value? b. 65
a. Mode d. 92
Median _____17. What is the frequency of the median
b. Sample mean weight?
d. a. 12
Range c. 7
b. 8
_____15. The range of a sample gives an d. 14
indication of the:
a. Way in which the values cluster _____18. What is the modal weight?
about a particular point a. 9.9 kg
c. 10.1
b. Maximum variation in the b. 10.2 kg
sample d. 10.5 kg
c. Number of observations bearing
the same value _____19. The mean of a set of numerical data is
the value that represents:
d. Degree to which the mean value a. Middle value of the data set
differs from its expected value c.
Arithmetic average of the data
Given the graph below, answer the items 16 – 18 set
b. Most frequently observed value
d. Average of
the squared deviation of the

_____20. The graph that displays the data using

lines to connect points plotted for frequencies is

[Type here]
[Type here]

a. Bar chart value in the data set?

c. a. Mean
Histogram c.
b. Frequency polygon Frequency
d. Line b. Mode
graph d.
_____21. The class mark of a class is defined to
be the ______of the upper and lower limits of the _____26. Which of the following is not true about
class. normal curves?
a. Minimum a. They are all bell shaped
c. c. The area
Maximum underneath the curve is equal to
b. Average 1
d. b. They are all symmetric
Frequency d. They all
have mean 0
_____22. What type of graph must be used if
each quantity is shown in relative to the whole _____27. The amount of spread in the data is a
quantity? measure of what characteristic of a data set?
a. Pictogram a. Variability
c. Pie c.
chart Shape
b. Bar chart b. Center
d. d. Line
_____28. Which of the following statements is
_____23. The class interval with the highest a. If a data set is skewed to the
frequency. right, the data are higher than
a. Modal class they should be
c. >CF b. If a data set is skewed to the
right, then the lower values are
b. Mean class more spread out than the higher
d. <CF values
c. If a data set is skewed to the
_____24. The grades of Michelle in five subjects right, then the higher values are
are 78, 88, 89, 90 and 95. Find the mean grade more spread out than the lower
of Michelle. values
a. 87 d. All of the above
c. 88
_____29. Correlation relates the relative position
b. 90 of a score in one distribution to:
d. 89 a. Standard deviation of the z-
scores for both distributions
_____25. Which of the following would be b. Relative position of a score in
affected the most if there is an extremely large another distribution
[Type here]
[Type here]

c. Mean of the z-scores from _____34. What is the biggest advantage of the
another distribution standard deviation over the variance?
d. Total variance of all scores in a. The standard deviation is in the
both distributions same units as the original data
b. The standard deviation is always
_____30. If there is a very strong correlation
smaller than the variance
between two variables then the correlation c. The standard deviation is
coefficient must be: calculated with the median
a. Any value larger than 1 instead of the mean
b. Much larger than 0, regardless d. The standard deviation is better
of whether the correlation is for describing skewed
negative or positive distributions
c. Much smaller than 0, if the
correlation is negative _____35. Which of the following correlation
d. None of these alternatives is statement is INCORRECT?
correct. a. There is a correlation of 0.54
between the position a football
_____31. It tells us the number of standard player plays and their weight
deviations a score lies above or below its mean. b. We found a high correlation (r =
a. Mean 1.09) between the height and
c. age of children
Percentile c. The correlation between planting
b. Variance rate and yield of corn was found
d. z- to be r = 0.23
score d. The correlation between the gas
mileage of a car and its weight is
_____32. Which of the following describes r = 0.71
measurements that have a normal distribution?
a. The majority of the measurements are _____36. We say the data is “normally
somewhere close to the average distributed” if it satisfy the following EXCEPT:
b. The farther away you move from the average, a. Mean is equal to median and
the fewer individuals will have those more mode c. 50% of
extreme values value less than the mean
c. The mean of the measurements is located in b. Asymmetrical about the center
the middle of the bell-shaped curve d. 50% of the
d. All of the above value greater than the mean

_____33. The standard normal distribution is a _____37. Measures which indicate how the
normal distribution with a mean and standard observations are scattered or dispersed about
deviation of: the average.
a. Both 1 a. Measures of Variability
c. 0 c.
and 1 Measures of Position
b. 1 and 0 b. Measures of Central Tendency
d. Both 0 d.
Measures of Skewness
[Type here]
[Type here]

beers consumed (x) and blood alcohol

_____38. It explains the amount of variations content (y) was studied in 16 male
observable in the independent variable x. college students by using least squares
a. Regression analysis
regression. The following regression
Linear correlation equation was obtained from this study:
b. Regression equation y = – 0.0127 + 0.0180x. The above
d. equation implies that:
Regression factors a. Each beer consumed increases
blood alcohol by an average of
_____39. If two variables, x and y, have a very amount of 1.8%
strong linear relationship, then: b. On average it takes 1.8 beers to
a. There is evidence that x causes increase blood alcohol content
a change in y by 1%
b. There might not be any causal c. Each beer consumed increases
relationship between x and y blood alcohol by 1.27%
c. There is evidence that y causes d. Each beer consumed increases
a change in x blood alcohol by exactly 0.018
d. None of these alternatives is
correct _____43. The mean score of 10 students is 45
with a standard deviation of 2. If each score is
_____40. It is possible for a correlation increased by 5 points, what will happen to the
coefficient of 0.09 to be statistically significant standard deviation?
when: a. Remains the same
a. The variables have a positive c.
covariance c. The Increased by 5
variables have a negative
b. Decreased by 5
d. Increase five-
b. The sample is large
d. The fold
sample is small
_____44. Which of the following indicates the
strongest relationship?
_____41. The correlation coefficient is used to
a. r = 0.72
determine: c. r = 0.5
a. A specific value of the y-variable b. r = 0.09
given a specific value of the x- d. r = 0.5
b. A specific value of the x-variable _____45. In an environmental study conducted in
given a specific value of the y- two sites, what would it mean when the two set of
variable pollutant data are highly correlated?
c. The strength of the relationship a. Sites have similar properties
between the x and y variables c.
d. All of these Methods used are the same

_____42. The relationship between number of

[Type here]
[Type here]

b. Pollutants have similar c. A wide band of points trending

concentrations d. Pollutants from lower left to upper right
have similar sources d. A curvilinear pattern

_____46. Which of the following is NOT true _____49. Regression analysis is a reliable
about correlation assumptions? method of identifying which variables have
a. Requires both variables be impact on a topic of interest. Which is NOT
quantitative true about its process?
b. Describes linear relationship a. Determines which factors matter
c. Describes curve relationships most, and can be ignored
between variables b. Has dependent and independent
d. Follows a systematic variables that affect each other
mathematical equation c. Described by the equation of the
line y=a + bx
_____47. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient: d. It can calculate the value but
a. Varies between 0 and 1 can’t predict the variable’s
b. Is negative if the variables are behavior
inversely related
c. Can be very high yet there may _____50. Suppose one individual in a certain
be no causal relationship population had a z-score of −2. Which of the
between variables
following is true?
d. All of the above
a. This individual’s measurement is
2 standard deviations below the
_____48. In examining a scatterplot of a mean
correlation with a positive coefficient, which of the b. This is a bad thing because the
following are we least likely to find? individual is below average
a. A cloud points in the shape of a c. This individual’s original
measurement was a negative
b. A narrow band of points from
upper right to lower left number
d. All of the above are true

Lesson Title: Computing Simple Interest and

Maturity Value
Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Simple Interest is an interest computed on the amount the Maturity value is the amount payable to an investor at
borrower received at the time the loan is obtained and is the end of a debt instrument's holding period

[Type here]
[Type here]

added to the amount when the loan becomes due. Thus, (maturity date). For most bonds, the maturity value is the
simple interest is computed only once for the entire time face amount of the bond. For some certificates of
period of the loan. deposit (CD) and other investments, all of the interest is
paid at maturity.

F=P+ I ∨F=P(1+rt )

Calculating simple interest is an essential skill for anyone who maintains a bank account, carries a credit
card balance, or applies for a loan.

Read and understand the problem then try to solve some similar problems afterwards.
Let’s have an example:

Sample Problem #1. Jan borrowed ₱ 3,000 for 4 years at 5% interest rate. How much interest will he pay?
How much is the total amount he will pay?

Answer: I = Prt = (₱3,000) (5%) (4years) = (₱3,000) (0.05) (4) = ₱600

Thus, a loan of ₱3,000 for four years at simple interest rate of 5% will cost Jan ₱600 in interest.

Maturity Value is the sum of principal received on loan date and the interest.
Maturity Value = Future Value = Principal + Interest

F = P + I = ₱3,000 + ₱600 = ₱3,600

Hence, on maturity date in addition to the principal of ₱3,000 that Jan received when he
obtained the
loan, he is to pay ₱600 in interest; or a total of ₱3,600.

Problem #2. Try this now!

A young entrepreneur wants to borrow ₱25,000 to upgrade his small business. The bank he
inquires quotes 11% interest rate for 2 years.
a) Compute the interest amount he will pay on the loan on the maturity date.
b) How much will he have to pay the bank at the end of the two years?
“Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS.
Write your score on your paper.”
Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)
PART A. Compute the simple interest value and the maturity value.
Principal Interest Rate per Time Interest Maturity Value (F)
(in Php) Year

[Type here]
[Type here]

1 50,000 8% 2 years

2 1,000,000 12.7% 18 months

3 64,400 5½% 7 months

4 750,000 3 6 months
10 %

5 800,000 15% 31/2 years

6 540,000 11.9% 2 years

7 337,500 8.4% 10 months

8 1,250,000 12 ½% 5 months

PART B. Solve the following problems and show solutions.

(You may use the back pages of this module for your computations.)

1) Jenny borrows ₱3000 from her local bank at an annual interest rate of 3.25% to be paid back in six
months. How much interest will she pay at the end of the loan?
2) Find the simple interest on a loan of ₱12,500 that is borrowed at 9% for 7 months. How much
would it cost to repay the loan?
3) Diego invested ₱10,500, the bank gives him ₱2,520 simple interest after 4 years. Find the interest
4) You deposited ₱35,000 into a bank account paying 1.2% simple interest per month. If you receive
₱2,520 as interest, find the time for which the money stayed at the bank.

Lesson Title: Calculating Present and Future value at

Compound Interest
Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Illustrating Compound Interest

[Type here]
[Type here]

Say you borrowed ₱300 from a friend today and he will collect the payment after 4 days and giving you 2%
compound interest per day. How much will you pay after 4 days? (Round-off to 2 decimal values.)
Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4
300 x 0.02 = 6 306 x 0.02 = 6.12 312.12 x 0.02 = 6.24 318.36 x 0.02 = 6.38
300 + 6 = 306 306 + 6.12 = 312.12 312.12 + 6.24 = 318.36 318.36 + 306.38 = 324.74
Therefore, the amount will be approximately ₱324.74 after 4 days.

What if you forget to pay on the fourth day? You only remember when you met your friend 7 days after you
borrowed the money? Your friend says that the same interest per day will be applied to the compounded
value. Thus, how much will you pay after 7 days? Write your solutions in the columns below.

Day5 Day6 Day7

“Check your answers against the Key to Corrections found at the end of this SAS.
Write your score on your paper.”

Compound Interest (or compounding interest) is calculated on the initial principal, which also includes all of
the accumulated interest of previous periods of a deposit or loan. Thought to have originated in 17th
century Italy, compound interest can be thought of as “interest on interest,” and will make a sum grow at a
faster rate than simple interest, which is calculated only on the principal amount.

The mathematical formula for
calculating compound interest depends on
several factors. These factors
include the amount of money
deposited called the principal, the annual
interest rate (in decimal form), the
number of times the money is
compounded per year, and the number of
years the money is left in the bank. The
amount payable is called the future value

Sample Problem #1. If you deposit $4000 into an account paying 6% annual interest

compounded quarterly, how much money will be in the account after 5 years?

Solution: Plug in the giving information, P = 4000, r = 0.06, n = 4 (since quarterly), and t = 5.

( )
4 (5 )
0.06 20
Future Value= A=4000 1+ =4000 ( 1.015 ) =5387.42
Thus, after 5 years there will be $5,387.42 in the account.

[Type here]
[Type here]

Lesson Title: Solving Problems involving Business and

Consumer Loans

Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)
Definition of Terms
 A loan is a written or oral agreement for a temporary transfer of a property (usually cash) from its owner (the
lender) to a borrower who promises to return it according to the terms of the agreement, usually with interest for
its use.
 A business loan is a loan specifically intended for business purposes. Business loans offer access to credit
which can be paid back over an agreed period of time plus interest.
 Consumer loans include personal, home equity and automobile. Personal loans are known as “unsecured” debt
because they are not backed by collateral, such as your home or car, as is the case with a mortgage or auto
loan, respectively.
 An annuity is a financial product used to grow money in order to give the owner a constant stream of payments
in the future, such as when they retire or a structured settlement.
 Amortization is paying off debt in regular instalments over a period of time such as with a mortgage or  loan.
Amortization measures the consumption of the value of intangible assets, such as a patent or a copyright. It is
similar to depreciation except that depreciation is used when referring to tangible assets like a building, or
equipment and amortization is used solely for intangible assets.
 A mortgage is a debt instrument, secured by the collateral of specified real estate property that the borrower is
obliged to pay back with a predetermined set of payments.
 Both business loans and consumer loans usually require collateral, (but not always for a consumer loan)
otherwise known as assets, to secure the loan. For both types of loans, collateral may include real estate or
investments. In addition, a business loan may be collateralized by equipment, furniture and fixtures, or inventory.
In addition to securing the assets of the business, a business loan may also require that the business owners
make personal assets available as well.

In order to calculate the interest expense for a mortgage you need to know several key details.

the monthly payment on the

the term of the the mortgage the interest rate on the
mortgage to determine what
mortgage; most principal, loan, which will remain
portion of each payment is
are for 30 years, which is the the same throughout
going to pay principal versus
but other terms amount you the term if you have a
interest for each month of
are available financed fixed-rate mortgage
the loan

Illustration 1: Stephanie wish to purchase a second-hand car worth ₱312,500.00 and the seller requires a
20% down payment. What is the amount of her mortgage loan?

[Type here]
[Type here]

Solution: To compute for the down payment:

Down Payment=Purchase price × Down payment %=₱ 312,500× 0.20

¿ ₱ 62,000

Therefore, if you pay the 20% down payment, the amount of the mortgage loan would be
the balance after the down payment has been deducted from the purchase price,

Mortgage loan=Purchase price−Down payment =₱ 312,500−₱ 62,500=₱ 250,000

Term of the Loan: Total Number of Payments

The instalment payment on the loan is termed amortization. It is a process for repaying a loan through
equal payments at a specified rate for a specific length of time. The schedule prepared showing the
instalment payments for the period of payment is called amortization table.

Illustration 2: Assume that Stephanie have to make one payment per month for 3 years.

Three years is the term of the loan.

n=3 years× 12months per year=36 monthly payments

Monthly Payment

To determine the monthly payment, we use the following formula:

i × P ×(1+i)n A=
P ×i
A= n or −n
(1+i) −1 1−( 1+ i )

Where: A is the monthly payment

P is the loan’s initial amount

i is the monthly interest rate; and

n is the total number of payments

Illustration 3: Stephanie wish to purchase a second-hand car worth ₱312,500.00 with a 20% down
payment. Your bank agreed to provide you with a ₱250,000 mortgage at a fixed interest rate of 5% for 3

[Type here]
[Type here]


Annual Percentage Rate 0.05

Monthly rate: i= = = 0.004167%
12 12

Thus, i=0.004167 , P=₱ 250,000 and n=36

Using the formula, we have:

i × P ×(1+i)n 0.004167× P250,00 ×(1+0.004167)36

A= n
= 36 ¿ ₱ 7,492.77
(1+i) −1 (1+ 0.004167) −1

Determining the total interest

₱7,492.77 x 36 payments = ₱269,739.72  (rounded-off to two decimals)

Amortization Schedule is a table or chart showing each monthly payment on an amortizing loan indicating
how much of each payment goes to interest and how much goes to principal.

Illustration 4: Calculate an amortization schedule is to do the following:

1. Starting in month one, multiply the principal balance by the monthly interest to get the interest
amount of the first month’s payment.

Example: ₱ 250,000 × 0.004167=₱ 1,041.75

2. Subtract the amount from the periodic payment to get the principal amount.

Example: ₱ 7,492.77−1,041.75=₱ 6,451.02

3. To calculate the next month’s interest and principal payments, subtract the principal payment
made in one month from the load balance to get the new loan balance, and then repeat the steps

Example: ₱ 250,000−₱ 6,451.02=₱ 243,548.98

The amortization table:

Period Payment Principal Interest Balance

1 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,451.02 ₱1,041.75 ₱243,548.98
2 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,477.90 ₱1,014.87 ₱237,071.08
3 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,504.89 ₱987.88 ₱230,566.18
4 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,532.00 ₱960.77 ₱224,034.18

[Type here]
[Type here]

5 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,559.22 ₱933.55 ₱217,474.96

6 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,586.55 ₱906.22 ₱210,888.41
7 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,614.00 ₱878.77 ₱204,274.41
8 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,641.56 ₱851.21 ₱197,632.86
9 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,669.23 ₱823.54 ₱190,963.62
10 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,697.02 ₱795.75 ₱184,266.60
11 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,724.93 ₱767.84 ₱177,541.67
12 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,752.95 ₱739.82 ₱170,788.71
13 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,781.09 ₱711.68 ₱164,007.62
14 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,809.35 ₱683.42 ₱157,198.27
15 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,837.72 ₱655.05 ₱150,360.54
16 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,866.22 ₱626.55 ₱143,494.33
17 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,894.83 ₱597.94 ₱136,599.50
18 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,923.56 ₱569.21 ₱129,675.94
19 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,952.41 ₱540.36 ₱122,723.53
20 ₱7,492.77 ₱6,981.38 ₱511.39 ₱115,742.15
21 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,010.47 ₱482.30 ₱108,731.67
22 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,039.69 ₱453.08 ₱101,691.99
23 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,069.02 ₱423.75 ₱94,622.97
24 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,098.48 ₱394.29 ₱87,524.49
25 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,128.06 ₱364.71 ₱80,396.44
26 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,157.76 ₱335.01 ₱73,238.68
27 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,187.58 ₱305.19 ₱66,051.09
28 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,217.54 ₱275.23 ₱58,833.56
29 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,247.61 ₱245.16 ₱51,585.95
30 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,277.81 ₱214.96 ₱44,308.14
31 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,308.14 ₱184.63 ₱37,000.00
32 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,338.59 ₱154.18 ₱29,661.41
33 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,369.17 ₱123.60 ₱22,292.24
34 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,399.88 ₱92.89 ₱14,892.36
35 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,430.71 ₱62.06 ₱7,461.65
36 ₱7,492.77 ₱7,461.68 ₱31.09 -₱0.03
  ₱269,739.72 ₱250,000.03 ₱19,739.69  

Lesson Title: Solving Problems Involving Stocks

Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Understanding Stocks
Stock is a share in the ownership of a company. The price of the stock is called the market value.
[Type here]
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Dividends or the stockholder’s share of corporate earnings, are based on par not on the market value.
Stock prices change according to supply and demand. There are many factors influencing prices, the most
important of which is earnings.

Two main types of stock:

1) Preferred stock is further divided into categories known as non-participating, which means the
stockholders receive only the fixed dividend and no more; and participating means the
stockholders may receive additional dividends if the company does well.
2) Common stock is one of the common stocks. They are observed over time to yield returns for as
long as company is doing well.

Dividends per share for common stock formula is

Total Dividend
DPS (Common Stock )=
Number of shares (common)

To solve the amount of dividend: Dividend = rate of dividend x DPS x no. of shares

Steps to distribute dividends in preferred and common stock follow:

1. If the preferred stock is cumulative, any dividends that are in arrears are paid first; then the
preferred dividend is paid for the current period. When the dividend per share is stated in pesos
(no-par stock), go to Step 2. When the dividend per share is stated in percent (par stock), multiply
the par value by the dividend rate. (The entity that issues a financial instrument like a bond or stock
assigns a par value to it. Par value refers to the "face value" of a security and the terms are
Dividend per share (preferred) = Par value x Dividend rate
2. Calculate the total amount of the preferred stock dividend by multiplying the number of preferred
shares by the dividend per share.
Total preferred dividend = Number of shares x Dividend per share
3. Calculate the total common stock dividend by subtracting the total preferred stock dividend from
the total dividend declared.
Total common dividend = Total dividend – Total preferred dividend
4. Calculate the dividends per share for common stock by dividing the total common stock dividend
by number of shares of common stock.
Total common dividend
Dividend per share (common) =
Number of shares ( common )

Stock is equity, bonds are debt. Bondholders are guaranteed a return on their investment and have a
higher claim than shareholders. This is generally why stocks are considered riskier investments and require
a higher rate of return.
Let’s have an example,
1. The MAX Corporation has 3,200,000 shares of common stock outstanding. If a dividend of
4,500,000 was declared by the company directors last year, what are the dividends per share of
common stock?
Since MAX Corporation has no preferred stock, the common shareholders will receive the entire
dividend. Go directly to Step 4.
[Type here]
[Type here]

Total common dividend 4 ,500 , 000

Dividend per share (common) = = = ₱1.41 per
Number of shares(common) 3,200,000

Now you try number 2!!!

2. The board of directors of NET Inc. declared a dividend of ₱300,000. The company has 60,000
shares of preferred stock that pay ₱0.50 per share and 100,000 shares of common stock.
Calculate the amount of dividends due the preferred shareholders and the dividend per share of
common stock.

Since the preferred dividend is stated in pesos (₱0.50 per share), the first step is dispensed with.
Proceed to step 2.
Total preferred dividend = Number of shares x Dividend per share
Total preferred dividend = 60,000 x ₱ 0.50 = ₱30, 000
Total common dividend = Total dividend – Total preferred dividend
Total common dividend = ₱300,000 – ₱30,000 = ₱270,000
Total common dividend
Dividend per share (common) =
Number of shares(common)
270 ,000
Dividend per share (common) = =¿ ₱2.70 per share
100 ,000

Lesson Title: Solving Problems Related to Buying

and Selling Bonds

Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

In finance, a bond is an instrument of indebtedness of the bond issuer to the holders. The most common
types of bonds include municipal bonds and corporate bonds. A bond is a written promissory note to pay a
certain designated amount at a specified future date. Bonds are just like IOUs. Buying a bond means you
are lending out your money. Bonds are also called fixed-income securities because the cash flow from
them is fixed. The issuers of bonds are governments and corporations. A bond is characterized by its face
value, coupon rate, maturity and issuer.
What Is a Treasury Bond (T-Bond)?
Treasury bonds (T-bonds) are government debt securities issued by the federal government that
have maturities greater than 10 years. T-bonds earn periodic interest until maturity, at which point the
owner is also paid a par amount equal to the principal. Treasury bonds are part of the larger category of
U.S. sovereign debt known collectively as treasuries, which are typically regarded as virtually risk-free since
they are backed by the U.S. government's ability to tax.

[Type here]
[Type here]

 Treasury bonds (T-bonds) are fixed-rate U.S. government debt securities with a maturity range
between 10 and 30 years.
 T-bonds pay semiannual interest payments until maturity, at which point the face value of the bond
is paid to the owner.
 Along with Treasury bills, Treasury notes, and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS),
Treasury bonds are one of four virtually risk-free government-issued securities.

Retail Treasury Bonds (RTBs) are medium to long-term investments issued by the Philippine government.
They form part of the Government’s program to make securities available to small investors.
Whether you’re an individual or a corporation, RTBs allow you to invest and grow your money with very low
risk of losing. It’s considered a fixed income security, which means that you earn a fixed interest rate based
on the principal market given on a quarterly basis.
This is for investors looking for:
 A low-risk investment
 An accessible investment
 A higher-yielding investment
For more information about Retail Treasury Bonds, visit Bureau of Treasury‘s website.

Different Types of Bonds

1) Government Bonds. Fixed-income securities are classified according to the length of time before
maturity. The three main categories:
(a) Bills - debt securities maturing in less than one year.
(b) Notes - debt securities maturing in 1 to 10 years.
(c) Bonds - debt securities maturing in more than 10 years.

2) Municipal Bonds. Issued by municipalities or cities, since they don't go bankrupt that often, so the risk is
next lesser. Sometimes, this is tax free that varies in different places.

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3) Corporate Bonds. A company can issue bonds just as it can issue stock. Large corporations have a lot of
flexibility as to how much debt they can issue: the limit is whatever the market will bear. Corporate bonds
are characterized by higher yields because there is a higher risk of a company defaulting than a

4) Zero-Coupon Bonds. This is a type of bond that makes no coupon payments but instead is issued at a
considerable discount to par value.

Purchase Price - refers to the price that a company pays for an item.

[ ]
P = I + R(1+i) −n and I = F r
F = face value or par value of the bond R = redemption price
r = bond interest rate per period r = (
bond interest rate
m( years) )
n = number of periods until redemption date
P = purchase price
I = interest paid for the bond in interest dates
i = yield interest rate per period

Note: If the price P of a bond is greater than the redemption value F, we say that the bond is purchased at a premium
where P – F is the premium. On the other hand, if P is less than F, then we say that the purchased at a discount.

A. Bonds on Bond Interest Dates

Example #1. Intelligent Philippines is aggressively expanding its communication facilities. To help achieve
its goal, the company is selling ₱2,000 bonds that each pays interest at 5% compounded semiannually.
How much should the bond be sold to yield to the investor 4% compounded semiannually, if it is
redeemable for ₱2,250 at the end of 5 years.

a) Solve for interest ( I ): I = F r = 2,000 ( 0.052 ) = ₱50
b) Solve the purchase of bond, we have i = = 0.02

[ ]
1−(1+i) −n
P =I + R(1+i)

[ ]
1−(1+ 0.02) −10
P = 50 + R (1+0.02)

[ ]
1−(1.002) −10
P = 50 +2,250 (1.02) = ₱2,294.91
Thus, a person who pays a purchase price of ₱2,294.91 for this bond in investing at 4% compound semi-

A. Bonds Between Bond Interest Dates

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Example #2. Find the purchase price on December 1, 1995 of a ₱1,000 bond issued by Metallica. It is
redeemable at par on August 16, 2020 and pays bond interest at 7% compounded semiannually to yield
6% compounded semi-annually.
a) Solve the interest ( I ): I = F r = 1, 000
2 ( )
= ₱35
b) Solve the purchase of bond, we have i = = 0.03

P=I [
i ]
+ R(1+i) −n

[ ]
1−(1+ 0.03) −50
P = 35 +1 ,000(1+ 0.03)
0 .03

P = 35 [ 1−( 1.03)−50
0 .03 ]
+ 1, 000(1+ 0.03) −50

P = ₱1,128.65 (purchase price of bond on preceding interest date to yield i )

P = P (1 + i)f , where f is fractional part of interest period that has elapsed since the
preceding interest date.
P = 1, 128.65(1 + 0.03)105/ 180
P = ₱1, 148.28 (purchase price on the day of sale)

Note: In getting 105, count 30 days to each month.

Lesson Title: Solving System of Linear Inequalities

Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

A linear inequality resembles in form an equation, but with the equal sign replaced by an inequality
symbol. The solution of a linear inequality is generally a range of values, rather than one specific
value. Such inequalities arise naturally in problems involving words such as 'at least' or 'at most'.

Consider this problem:

 An 18-wheel truck stops at a weigh station before passing over a bridge. The weight limit on the bridge is
65,000 pounds. The cab (front) of the truck weighs 20,000 pounds, and the trailer (back) of the truck
weighs 12,000 pounds when empty. In pounds, how much cargo can the truck carry and still be allowed to
cross the bridge?

[Type here]
[Type here]

This problem offers us an upper limit—65,000 pounds—but we are interested in finding out the full range of
possibilities for the weight of the truck’s cargo. We can represent the situation using the following inequality,
where c is the weight (in pounds) of the truck’s cargo:
 cab trailer cargo allowable
+ + ≤
weight weight weight weight
20,000 + 12,000 + c ≤ 65,000
Solving this inequality for c, we find that c ≤ 33,000. This means that the weight of the cargo in the truck
can be anywhere between 0 pounds and 33,000 pounds and the truck will be allowed to cross the bridge.
20,000 + 12,000 + c ≤ 65,000
20,000 + 12,000 + c – 32,000 ≤ 65,000 – 32,000
c ≤ 33,000
Steps in Graphing Inequalities
1. Replace the inequality sign with an equal sign and then plot the graph of the equation.
2. Select a test point lying in one of the half-planes determine by the graph and substitute the values of x and
y into the given inequality. Apply the origin whenever possible.
3. If the inequality is satisfied, the graph of the inequalities includes the half-planes that contains the test point.
Otherwise, the solution includes the other half-planes not containing the test point.
Example: Graph the solution set of the given systems of inequalities and identify the feasible region by
shading the appropriate plane.

{ x+ y ≤ 6
x−2 y ≥−4
a. Equate and solve for the x and y intercepts.
x + y=6  y=−x+6  y – intercept (0, 6)
 x=− y +6  x – intercept (6, 0)

x−2 y=−4  y= +2  y – intercept (0, 2)
 x=2 y−4  x – intercept (–4, 0)

Then, sketch the graph and determine the half-plane which is the solution set of inequalities.

[Type here]
[Type here]

[Type here]
[Type here]

Thus, the intersection of their solution sets is shown below

Lesson Title: Solving Linear Programming: Maximization Problem

Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Linear Programming is a method of dealing with decision problems that can be expressed as constrained
linear models. It will help managers to ideally develop a production schedule and an inventory policy that
will satisfy sales demand in the future period at the same time minimize the total production and inventory

Two Properties of Linear Programming Problems

1. Maximizing (P=ax+ by)
2. Minimizing (C=ax +by )

3. The function to be optimized in linear programming is called the objective function. This usually refers to
profit maximization or cost minimization. In linear programming problems, constraints are given by inequalities (called
inequality constraints).
5. There are two types of constraints:
6. Structural Constraint is a limit on the availability of resources; it is also referred as explicit constraint. Non-negativity
constraint is the constraint that restricts all the variables to zero and positive solution; it also referred as implicit constraint.

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Let’s take the linear programming model below.

Maximize : P=1200 x +1600 y Objective Function

Explicit Contraints ¿ ⋯ ¿ x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0 ¿ Implicit Constraints ¿
¿ : ¿

Solving linear programming: Maximization problem.

Example. A firm manufactures 2 products, A and B. Each product is processed by 2 machines, M 1 and
M 2. Each unit of type A requires 1 hour of processing by M 1 and 2 hours in M 2 and each unit of type B
requires 3 hours on M 1 and 1 hour on M 2. The profit on product A is ₱20 per unit and on product B is ₱30
per unit. If M 1 is available for 200 hours each month and M 2 for 300 hours, how many units of each type
can be manufactured in one month in order to maximize the profits?

Step 1. Create a summary table (if necessary).
Let x be the product A and y be the product B. Make a contingency table if necessary.
Product Machine 1 Machine 2 Profit
x → 1x → 2x → 20x
y → 3y → 1y → 30y
Availability 200 hours 300 hours

Step 2. Set-up the functions: (objective, explicit and implicit)

Maximize: P=20 x +30 y
Subject to: x +3 y ≤ 200 hours time in Machine 1
2 x+ y ≤ 300 hours in Machine 2
x, y≥0

Step 3. Solve for feasible vertices algebraically or graphically using the equality functions above.
a) x +3 y=200 Let x = 0, y = 66.67 (0, 66.67) let y = 0, x = 200 (200, 0)
2 x+ y =300 Let x = 0, y = 300 (0, 300) let y = 0, x = 150 (150, 0)
(Choose the once closest to graphs origin since there are no other explicit constraints given.)
*selection varies depending on the functions

b) Point of intersection of x +3 y ≤ 200 and 2 x+ y ≤ 300 ,

2 x+ y=300
2 x+ y=300 2 x + y=300 −2 x−6 y=−400
x +3 y=200 −2(x +3 y=200) −5 y=−100
Solve for x: x +3 y=200 x+ 3 ( 20 )=200 x=200−60 x=140  (140, 20)

Thus, the feasible vertices are (0, 66.67), (150,0) and (140, 20).

(Or use graph to locate the feasible vertices easily, you may use )

[Type here]
[Type here]

Step 4: Substitute the feasible vertices to the function to get the maximum
Maximize: P=20 x +30 y
20 ( 0 ) +30 ( 66.67 ) =₱ 2 , 000.10
20 ( 150 ) +30 ( 0 )=₱ 3 , 000.00
20 ( 140 ) +30 ( 20 )=₱ 3 , 400.00
Step 5. Decision
Therefore, there are x = 140 units of product A and y = 20 units of product B.
Maximum profit of P3, 400.00


$14,800 in close to:
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the a. 1 year
correct answer and write it on the space provided b. 2 years
before the number. (1 pt. each) c. 4 years
d. 5 years
______1. An investment of $10,000 at the rate of
8% per annum, compounded quarterly, will reach ______2. Arnie earned $504 when he invested

[Type here]
[Type here]

$16,820 for 8 months. His rate of simple interest b. The market is undervaluing the stock.
was: d. The market is overvaluing the
a. 0.37% p.a. stock.
b. 2.00% p.a.
c. 3.00% p.a. ______ 7. If an investor may have to sell a bond
d. 4.49% p.a. prior to maturity and interest rates have risen
since the
______3. The yearly interest payable on a bond was purchased, the investor is
deposit of $250 at 5.5% p.a. simple interest is: exposed to:
a. $137.50 a. the coupon effect.
b. $13.75 c. interest rate risk.
c. $12.50 b. a perpetuity.
d. $125.00 d. an indefinite maturity.

______4. The growth of an investment over a ______ 8. Virgo Airlines will pay a $4 dividend
period of time is shown as a graph which depicts next year on its common stock, which is currently
a straight selling at
line. Which of the following investments $100 per share. What is the market's
would depict a straight line? required return on this investment if the
a. 6% p.a. simple interest dividend is expected to grow at 5%
c. 6% p.a. compounding yearly
b. 6% p.a. compounding quarterly a. 4 % b. 5 %
d. 6% p.a. compounding monthly c. 7 % d. 9 %

______5. What's the value to you of a $1,000 _____ 9. Interest rates and bond prices:
face-value bond with an 8% coupon rate when a. move in the same direction.
the required
rate of return is 15 percent? b. move in opposite directions.
a. More than its face value. c. sometimes move in the same
c. Less than its face value direction, sometimes in opposite
b. $1,000. directions.
d. True d. have no relationship with each other
(i.e., they are independent).
______6.  If the intrinsic value of a stock is ______10. Sam deposited ₱80,000 in her
greater than its market value, which of the account. Her account earns 9% per
following is a annum interest and compounded
reasonable conclusion? annually. If she does not deposit or
a. The stock has a low level of risk. withdraw any money, how much will be
c. The stock offers a in her account after two years?
high dividend payout ratio.
a. ₱15,088 b. ₱15,048 d. ₱14,200
c. ₱14,400
interest account which pays 8% for 3
______11. Jasmin invests ₱8,000 in a simple years. What is her total investment
return at the end of the 3 years?
a. ₱1,920 b. ₱1,420 d. ₱1,800
c. ₱1,250
[Type here]
[Type here]

at 9% simple interest per year. How

______12. Florendo borrows $2,400 for 3 years much will he owe at the end of 3 years?
a. $3,448 b. $4,048 d. $3,088
c. $3,048
______13. How long has Elaine invested in a to earn about $1,890 interest?
bank $4,500 at 7% p.a. interest compounded
a. 6 years b. 7 years d. 8 years
c. 5 years
4.3 % compounded quarterly for 5
______14. An amount of $1,500 is deposited in a years. What is the compound interest?
bank paying an annual interest rate of
a. $347.57 b. $337.62 d. $357.66
c. $387.86
principal ₱20,000 borrowed at 6%
______15. What is the compound amount on the compounded annually for 3 years?
a. ₱23,280.32 b. ₱23,802.23 d. ₱23,800.30
c. ₱23,820.32
compounded quarterly. How much will
______16. Noelyn invested her ₱2,000 at 6% be the amount at the end of 5 years?
a. ₱2,699.61 b. ₱2,696.16 d. ₱2,693.71
c. ₱2,691.17
______17. How much Judy earn at the end of 8 a. ₱46,224.15 b. ₱46,124.45
years if he invested ₱25,000 at 8% compounded c. ₱46,624.35
semi- d. ₱46,824.53
includes at 10% simple interest for 2
______18. If an amount of ₱2,160, which years is paid back, how much was
borrowed 2 years earlier?
a. ₱1,800 b. ₱1,700 d. ₱1,600
c. ₱1,200

______19. Rommel deposited ₱1,000 in a bank d. ₱1,004.50

paying 5% simple interest per annum for
3 years. How much would he have in his ______20. A person invested ₱30,000 in stocks
account at the end of 1 month assuming and bonds. Her investment in bonds is
that no withdrawals were made? ₱6,000 more than half her investment
a. ₱1,001.50 b. ₱1,002.50 in stocks. How much did she invest in
c. ₱1,003.50 stocks?
a. ₱15,000 b. ₱18,000 need to change your trading techniques as well.
c. ₱16,000 b. Now a day’s technology is very helpful
d. ₱17,000 for stock traders and there are so
many trading systems that are present
in the market to increase your trading
______21. Which of the following is not true profit.
about stocks? c. Online Robotic Stock Trader is design
a. To increase your trading profit you to avoid the loss from your stock
[Type here]
[Type here]

trading and also provide you regular years if ₱150,000 is placed in a time
profit. deposit that earns 5.2% simple interest
d. Stock value is always fixed in anytime per annum?
of the year. a. ₱40,000 b. ₱38,000
c. ₱37,000
______22. What is the interest earned after 5 d. ₱39,000
institution at 11% simple interest per
______23. It is the total amount you need to pay annum after 3 years.
if you borrowed ₱45,000 from a lending
a. ₱59,850 b. ₱59,800 d. ₱59,550
c. ₱59,580
______24. If after 10 years of investing 5.5% a. ₱151,808.71b. ₱151,828.71
annually at simple interest and found out c. ₱151,888.71 d. ₱151,838.71
that your invested money is already
₱235,350, how much is your original
______25. Compute the interest earned from an b. Interest Earned = ₱1,015.10
initial deposit of ₱50,000, without any d. Interest Earned = ₱1,150.12
withdrawal within the 2 years in the bank
for 1.01% yearly compounded interest ______26. You put $1000 into an investment
rate. yielding 6% annual interest; you left the
a. Interest Earned = ₱1,105.09 money in for two years. How much
c. Interest Earned = ₱1,115.15 interest do you get at the end of those
two years?
a. ₱120 b. ₱130 c. ₱140 d. ₱150
a.10% b.11%
______27. Kyle invested $500 and received c.12%
$650 after three years. What had been the d.13%
interest rate?.
be in the account after 4 years?
______28. Jared puts ₱15,700 into an account a. ₱16,794.18 b. ₱16,994.18
to use for school expenses. The c. ₱16,594.18
account earns 2% interest, d. ₱16,294.18
compounded annually. How much will
a. Quailing Theory b. Waiting line
______29. Which technique is used in finding a c. Linear Programming d. Both
solution for optimizing a given objective, such as A and B
profit maximization or cost minimization under
certain constraints? ______30. The objective functions and
constraints are linear relationship between:
a. Variables b. Constraints d. All of the above
c. Functions
a. Variables b. Constraints
______31. All the parameters in the linear c. Functions
programming model are assumed to be: d. All of the above
changing the sign of the coefficients of what
______32. A minimization problem can be components of the given conditions?
converted into a maximization problem by
[Type here]
[Type here]

a. Constraints b. Objective A and B

Functions c. Variables d. Both
______33. What is the objective of the b. It provides decision within its limited
maximization problem? context d. It presents a variety of possibilities
a. to maximize the cost
c. to maximize the profit ______36. Why does a mathematical model of
b. to estimate error an LP problem is important?
d. both A and B a. It helps in converting the verbal
description & numerical data into mathematical
______34. The world “programming” means. expression
a. taking decisions systematically b. Decision-makers prefer to work with
c. progressing slowly formal models
b. solving rapidly c. It captures the relevant relationship
d. buying goods instantly among decision factors
d. It enables the use of algebraic
______35. Which of the following best describe technique
an optimization model?
a. It provides the best decision ______37. What does the “Constraints” in an LP
c. It helps in evaluating various model represents?
a. Limitations b. Requirements
c. Balancing limitations & d. All of the above
______38. Maximization of objective function in characteristic of the LP model?
an LP model means: a. Alternative courses of action c. An
a. Value occurs at allowable set of objective function of maximization type
decisions c. Highest value is chosen b. Limited amount of resources d. Non-
among allowable decisions negativity condition on the value of decision
b. Value is maximized. variables.
d. Greatest amount of optimization.
______40. While solving a LP model graphically,
______39. Which of the following is NOT a the area bounded by the constraints is called:
a. Feasible region b. Infeasible
region c. Unbounded solution d. Critical value
______41. In linear programming the objective function aims to:
a. Maximize or minimize b. function and objective constraints are:
Subset or proper set modelling a. Solved b.
c. Row or column modeling Quadratic c. Linear
d. Adjacent modeling d. Adjacent

______42. In linear programming, objective

______43. In mathematical programming, goals the above

represented by objective functions includes:
a. profit level ______44. It is a method of dealing with decision
c. percent rate on investment problems that can be expressed as constrained
b. total cost and revenue d. All of linear models.
[Type here]
[Type here]

a. Linear Programming c. a. 3700 b. 3800

Linear Engineering c. 3750 d. 3650
c. Balancing Functions d.
Optimization Theory ______48. The price you pay for bonds is usually
________ than the face value.
______ 45. Jackson buys a $40 shares in a a. smaller b. bigger
company, which pays 10% dividend. Jackson c. equal
buys the share at such a price that his d. constant
profit is 16% on his investment. At what price did
Jackson buy the share? ______49. An 8000 bonds is sold for 50% and
a. $ 15 b. $ 25 the interest is 5%. After a year you make:
c. $ 35 d. $ 45 a. 4000 * 5% b. 8000 * 5%
c. 400
______46. The MAX Corporation has 3,200,000 d. 200
shares of common stock outstanding. If a
dividend of ______50. Interest rates and bond prices
4,500,000 was declared by the company ____________________’
directors last year, what are the
dividends per share of common stock? a. move in the same direction.
a. ₱1.25 per share b. ₱1.54 per b. move in opposite directions.
share c. ₱1.36 per share c. sometimes move in the same
d. ₱1.41 per share direction, sometimes in opposite
______47. A 5000 bonds is sold for 75%. The d. have no relationship with each other
cost of the bond is: (i.e., they are independent).

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