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8 Troubleshooting

This chapter describes procedures for handling errors on this instrument and performing
error factor analysis.

8.1 Equipment-Related Errors

8.1.1 Errors That Occur When Starting Up the Equipment

This equipment starts reset operations when the MAIN POWER switch or POWER
switch is turned on. After completing the reset operation, it performs warming-up
operations (warms up the temperature of the photometric measuring ports, reagent
probe and cuvette slope). If a mechanical error occurs during rebooting, the equipment
stops in E-Stop status (an alarm will sound). After operating software is launched, it
checks the error status and displays it as an error log. Open the [Error Log] screen to
check the error details, and handle it referring to the "8.3 Data Alarms".

8.1.2 Errors that occur while the Equipment is in Operation or Stopped

Regarding mechanical errors that occur while the equipment is in operation or stopped,
from the [Menu Map] screen open the [Error Log] screen to check the error details and
handle it referring to the "8.3 Data Alarms".

Error message Error code

8.2 Error Factor Analysis Flow Chart (status-specific)
This flow chart shows how to handle errors when "Unable to start analysis in the
equipment “stop status" or "S-STOP", "E-STOP" and "Data Failure" errors occur.
This flow chart is for typical situations. Contact the dealer for more detailed information.

8.2.1 Unable to Start Analysis after Equipment is Stopped

Unable to start
analysis after the
equipment has

Check error message

Was there an error message?

Take necessary measures at
the error source
(refill or discard rinse water,
Check the temperature
waste liquid, cuvettes, etc.)
shown for equipment status

No No
Is the temperature abnormal? Is S-STOP cancelled?

Yes Clean the sensor at the Yes

error source

Has 20 minutes elapsed
after powering on?
No Is S-STOP cancelled?

Wait until the temperature No

becomes stable

Is S-STOP cancelled?


Measurement possible Contact the distributor Measurement possible

8.2.2 S-STOP Status during Measurement

S-STOP status

Check error message

Is the error related to No


Is this a probe collision
Take necessary measures at error?
the error source (refill the
reagent, buffer solution, diluted No
Open the cap of the reagent
solution, detergent, cuvettes, etc. bottle, etc. and cancel S-STOP.
and cancel S-STOP)

Is this a fluid level
detection error?

Clean both the sample and
reagent probe

Is this a cuvette rotor plate
rotation error?

Fix jamming in the cuvette
rotor plate and cancel S-STOP.
Clean the probe (both sample
and reagent)
Contact the distributor

*Note: For details on how to move the cuvette rotor plate manually, see

8.2.3 E-STOP Status during Measurement

During measurement
E-STOP status

Check error message

Is this an arm rotation/lifting
failure error?

Sub R or S?
Is this a cover open error?
No Confirm that there is no foreign
object in the paths of each
No probe, close the top cover and
press [E-STOP] to reset it.

Contact the distributor

Close the top cover and

press [E-STOP] to reset it

Contact the distributor

8.2.4 Data Failure Occurrences (coagulation items)

Abnormal data
(coagulation items)

Is the coagulation time

No Yes
Is there only one
abnormal item?


Replace the buffer solution (use Replace the reagent

the buffer solution at room

Above or below valid

No Yes
Is there only one
abnormal item?


Contact the distributor Clean the sample probe Replace the reagent
and check for water
leakage from the syringe
(the sample may not
have been aspirated)

Panic L/H resolved?


Contact the distributor Measurement possible

8.2.5 Data Failure Occurrences (colorimetric items)

Abnormal data
(colorimetric items)

Is this a control failure?
(AT, D-dimer etc.)

No Correct calibration
blanks or replace the
(possibly caused by
reagent concentration)

Is the control within


Contact the distributor Measurement possible

Is the sample abnormal?

Dilute the sample and
check it again (maybe
influenced by bilirubin or

Has the error been repaired?


Contact the distributor Measurement possible

8.3 Data Alarms

8.3.1 Measurement Data Alarms

Comment Description Coagulation Colorimetric Result
S insufficient Insufficient sample. X X [-]
Failed to dispense a sample
S failure X X [-]

DS failure Failed to dispense a diluted material. N/A X [-]

Insufficient deficient plasma. X N/A [-]
deficient plasma
B insufficient Insufficient buffer solution. X N/A [-]
Dil insufficient Insufficient diluted solution. X [-]
R1 insufficient Insufficient Reagent 1. X X [-]
R1 failure Failed to dispense Reagent 1. X X [-]
R2 insufficient Insufficient Reagent 2. X X [-]
R2 failure Failed to dispense the Reagent 2. X X [-]
Unable to detect the end point in the specified
Unable to detect X [-]
photometric measuring points.
All reading values in the specified photometric
ABS! measuring points are not within the valid reading X X [-]
Upper limit over The value exceeded the upper limit. X X (Yes)
Colorimetric: Absorbance change in the specified
photometric measuring points are judged as
Noise X X (Yes)
noisy. Coagulation: The profile rose after
completing coagulation.
The system determined that prozone occurred in
Prozone N/A X (Yes)
excess of the prozone limit value.
As there was a unit without a valid calibration Onlyshows
No Cal curve, quantitative calculations could not be X X seconds for
performed. clotting tests.
There was a unit whose density could not be Onlyshows
Approx. obtained by approximate calculation using a X X seconds for
calibration curve. clotting tests.
Determined as initial absorbance failure due to
S check X X (Yes)
lipemic sample, etc.
Abnormal P Determined to be an abnormal profile X X (Yes)
Measured result was lower than the lower limit for
Below Valid Range X N/A (Yes)
the valid range.
Measured result was higher than the upper limit
Above Valid Range X N/A (Yes)
for the valid range.
Non-controls: Measured result was less than the
lower limit for the reference (normal) range.
L X X (Yes)
Controls: Measured result was lower than the
reference measurement range L.
Non-controls: Measured result was higher than
the upper limit for the reference (normal) range.
H X X (Yes)
Controls: Measured result was higher than the
reference measurement range H.
The difference between the double measurement
Double X N/A (Yes)
results exceeded the defined value.
Not examined, An alarm was generated for the following reasons:
Mask examination not performed, insufficient detergent X X [-]
D failure for the reagent, mask items, and so on.
The result is subject to reanalysis (added to initial (Because of
Reanalysis X X
check results). other alarms)
To be reanalyzed Indicates that data will be reanalyzed (added to (Based on
or added recheck data) or added by reflex. other alarms)
X = applicable - = Not applicable
[-]=no result (Yes) = result obtained and can be printe

8.4 Error List (updated on July 1, 2011)
This section describes errors that occur while using this equipment. "E-S" in the internal process column indicates Emergency Stop, "S-S" indicates Sampling Stop
and "Other" indicates other states. Refer to this table when responding to errors.
If the error which occurred is listed here, record the error code and message, and contact the support team. Also contact the support team if you cannot resolve an
error after performing the action indicated in "Action required by User," or if an error is clearly due to hardware failure.
Even during the Emergency Stop (E-STOP) status, if there is an active port performing photometric measurement, the equipment will first perform
注 意 a Sampling Stop (S-STOP) until photometry is completed, and will then perform an E-STOP.
If the equipment needs to be rebooted, make sure to close the top cover before doing so. It cannot operate while it is open.

8.4.1 PC/Online-related Errors (errors related to PC operation, the host system, and transport)
Error code Error message Internal process Description Action Required by User
E-S S-S Other
0x000052 Diluent/Buffer Expired @B  There is a diluted solution of an expired lot.  Check the expiration date of the installed lot.
 See [Sample] on the [Change Parts] screen to check and adjust the
 The output value of the sample probe fluid
0x000053 Check Liquid Level Sensor (Sample Probe) sensitivity of the sensor.
level sensor is too high.
 If the sensitivity of the sensor is normal, replace the sample probe.
 See [Reagent Probe] on the [Change Parts] screen to check and
 The output value of the reagent probe fluid
0x000054 Check Liquid Level Sensor (Reagent Probe). adjust the sensitivity of the sensor.
level sensor is too high.
 If the sensitivity of the sensor is normal, replace the reagent probe.
 Check if the (small) filter of the rinse water tank is blocked. If it is
blocked, see [Replace Filter for Rinse Water Tank] on the
Check Warming Water Circulation (Reagent  The reagent probe heating water may not be
0x000055 [Maintenance] screen to replace the filter.
Probe). circulating normally.
 Check that the heating water tube reaches the bottom of the rinse
water tank.
 On the [Result data] screen, perform re-measurement for samples that
 The sampling may have failed because the were judged as abnormal from the measurement values or data profile.
Sampling Trouble May Occur (Sample
0x000057 sampling fluid level surface was higher than  Check that the set cup type corresponds to the type specified when
the previous time. requesting the measurement.
 Check that there is no bubble in the container being used.
 Check the request details and remove the duplicated rack.
 The rack registered with the calibrator is in use
0x00006A Calibrator Registration Failed  Check that the settings are correct on [Calibration/Control Conditions]
or the selected item does not exist.
on the [Test Master] and the [Calibrator] screen.
 Check the request details and remove the duplicated rack.
 The rack registered with the control is in use or
0x00006B Control Registration Failed  Check that the settings are correct on [Calibration/Control Conditions]
the selected item does not exist.
on the [Test Master] and the [Control Reagent] screen.

 Because a request without PID registration
Overwrite was located in the rack position, for which the  Check the overwritten PID and modify the PID if necessary.
0x0000AA Overwrite PID to the Request (No.xxxx).
the PID PID (sample barcode) was read, it was  Check the result and report it using the correct PID.
 Check that there is no problem with transport, and connect the
0x0000B1 “CANCEL” Detected (Conveyance System)  Received an abnormal signal from transport. equipment and transport again using [Start Transport] on the
[Status/Start] screen.
Liquid Level Detection May Failed (Reagent  On the [Result Data] screen, perform re-measurement for samples that
 The reagent fluid level surface is higher
0x0000B5 Probe) were judged as abnormal from the measurement values or data profile.
compared to the previous time.
@6(No.@E@F-@B)  Check that there is no bubble in the reagent.
 There is an overdue daily maintenance item
 Perform maintenance for the item on the [Maintenance] screen. After
(indicated by red font).
0x0000C2 Check Maintenance completing the maintenance, record a checkmark in the appropriate
 The equipment runs even when items are
highlighted in red.
 There are expired parts in the parts list
(replacement period or frequency of use).
(if frequency of use is exceeded, this is
 Replace items highlighted in red and yellow on the [Change Parts]
highlighted in red)
0x0000C3 Parts Exchange screen. After completing the maintenance, record a checkmark in the
(if expiration date is exceeded, this is
appropriate column.
highlighted in yellow)
 The equipment still runs even when items are
highlighted in red or yellow.
 Check the installation date and the expiration date of the reagent on
 There is a reagent that expired its usage or
0x0000C4 Reagent Expired the [Reagent Map] screen.
installation expiration date.
 If it is expired, exchange it for a new reagent.
 Attempted to perform calibration with a  Check the expiration date of the calibrator on the [Calibrator] screen. .
0x0000C5 Calibrator Expired
calibrator from an expired lot.  If it is expired, register a new calibrator.
 Check the expiration date of the control on the [Control Material]
 Attempted to perform measurement using a
0x0000C6 Control Expired. screen. .
control material from an expired lot.
 If it is expired, register a new control.
Reception Timeout1 @C  No response to transmission from the PC.  Check the communication cable (between the PC and equipment, PC
(@: The difference of Unit, Host, and  This also occurs when powering off the and host, and PC and transport).
Conveyance) analysis unit.  When displaying the host and transport, check that there is no problem
with the host system status and transport system status.
 Transmissions cannot be received within the  Connect the equipment and transport again in [Start Transport] on the
Reception Timeout2 @C
0x0000D3 specified time. [Status/Start] screen when in transport display mode.
(@: The difference of Unit, Host, and
 This also occurs when the analysis unit is  Connect the equipment and transport again in [Reconnect CP2000.] on
powered off. the [Status/Start] screen in unit display mode. If connection is not
possible, reboot the PC and equipment.

 A system error occurred during
Communication Error Occurred. Receive communication.
Disabled. @C  This also occurs when the analysis unit is
powered off.
 The checksum of the received data does not

0x0000D5 Received BCC Value Defective. @C
 This also occurs when the analysis unit is  Check the communication cable (between the PC and equipment, and
powered off. PC and host).
 The transmission and reception do not match.  Connect the PC and equipment again in [Reconnect CP2000.] on the
Sending and Receiving Not Synchronous.
0x0000D6  This also occurs when the analysis unit is [Status/Start] screen. If unable to establish connection, reboot the PC
powered off. and equipment.
 The command code of the received data is

0x0000D7 Received Command Code Defective. @C
 This also occurs when the analysis unit is
powered off.
 The length of the received data does not
0x0000D8 Length of Received Data Defective. @C
Timeout Occurred in Waiting for Read/Write  A conflict occurred while processing shared
Retry the
0x0000D9 of Common memory.  If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
Memory. (will be normally processed after retry)
0x0000DE Retry the  Detects a framing error during communication.
COM Port Error (Framing Error). @C
operation. (will be normally processed after retry)
 An overrun error occurs during  If it is in host display mode, check the host status.
Retry the
0x0000DF COM Port Error (Overrun Error). @C communication.  If this error persists in unit display mode, reboot the PC and analysis
(will be normally processed after retry) unit.
0x0000E0 Retry the  A parity error occurs during communication.
COM Port Error (Parity Error). @C
operation. (will be normally processed after retry)
0x000100 File Not Opened  Required file does not exist.

0x000101 File Not Read  Required file is broken/inoperable.

 Required file is broken/inoperable.  Reboot the PC.

0x000102 File Not Wrote
 The disk is full.

0x000103 File Not Closed  Required file is broken/inoperable.

 The communication cable is not properly  Check the communication cable (between the PC and analysis unit).
connected.  Connect the PC and analysis unit again in [Restart Unit Comm.] on the
0x000108 Connection Failed (Analyzing Unit)
 Rebooted only the analysis unit, but retry [Status/Start] screen. If unable to establish connection, reboot the PC
failed. and analysis unit.
 Check the communication cable (between the PC and host).
 The communication cable is not properly
0x00010A Connection Failed (Host System)  Check the host system status.
 If this error persists, reboot the PC.

8 - 10
 Check the communication cable (between the PC and transport).
 Check the transport system status.
 The communication cable is not properly
0x00010C Connection Failed (Conveyance System)  Connect the PC and transport again using [Start Transport] on the
[Status/Start] screen.
 If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Check the printer settings.
0x00010E Printer Initialization Failed  The printer is not properly set.  Check if the USB cable from the printer is connected to the specified
port on the PC.
 Register the diluted solution with the correct position on the
 Attempted to perform dilution measurement
[Reagent Map] screen.
0x000151 Diluent/Buffer Not Registered but the diluted solution is not registered with
 Properly set the diluted solution to be used on [Test Master] and
the map.
[General] screen.
 Check the settings (such as the save destination name) on the
 Failed to automatically back up the [Backup/Recovery] screen.
0x000156 Automatic Backup Failed
configuration file.  If a USB flash drive is specified as the backup destination, check that
the USB flash drive is connected to the correct port.
Serious Error. Terminate CP2000 Operating  Required operation was not performed
Program.. correctly.
0x000164 Initialization Failed.  An error occurred during process startup.
 An error occurred during date refreshing
0x000165 Initialization Failed (Request Operation)
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 An error occurred during date refreshing
0x000166 Initialization Failed (QC Data)
 An error occurred during date refreshing
0x000167 Updating Failed (Configuration File)
0x000168 Status Watching Failed  A timeout occurred during process.
 An abnormality occurred while executing the  Check that the top cover is not opened during the preparation process
0x000169 Pre-Use Preparation Failed
preparation process. or the [E-STOP] is not pressed.
 Check the equipment status of (sensors, consumable supplies,
temperature, etc.) on the [Status/Start] screen. The temperature is not
 Unable to start analysis due to abnormal stable for a while after starting up the equipment. Wait for 30 minutes
0x00016C Analysis Failed
status, etc. or so and check that the background of each temperature display area
is not highlighted in red.
 If there are insufficient consumable supplies, restock them.
 An abnormality occurred while executing  Check that the top cover is not opened during the post-processing or
0x00016F Shutdown Failed
post-processing. the [E-STOP] is not pressed.
 Retry the operation.
0x000172 Updating Request Occurred at One Time  Failed to modify a request.
 If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Check the communication cable (between the PC and host).
0x000180 Defective Data Received (Host System).  Received invalid data from the host.
 Check the host system status.

8 - 11
Data Processing Failed. Something Wrong  An error occurred while processing data
with Master file received from the unit.  Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
0x000186 Data Calculation Failed  An error occurred while calculating item data.
 Check the communication cable (between the PC and host).
0x00018B Data Sending Failed (Host System)  Host communication is abnormal.
 Check the host system status.
 Check that the settings are correct in [Calibrator/Control Condition] on
 An error occurred while processing a calibrator
0x00018E Calibration Failed the [Test Master] screen.
 Check that the reagent and calibrator are placed in right positions.
 An error occurred while converting the unit of
0x00018F Unit Conversion Failed  Check that the settings are correct on the [Test Master] screen.
item data.
 Failed to load the other data of double
 Check that the other data of double measurement or the original
0x000191 Reading Original Data File Failed. measurement or the original request data for
request data for reanalysis was not manually deleted.
 Failed to load the other data of double
 Check that the other data of double measurement or the original
0x000192 Reading Original Request Failed measurement or the original request data for
request data for reanalysis was not manually deleted.
0x000194  Because there is an error in the master file,
Approximate Calculation Failed  Reboot the PC.
abnormal data processing occurred.
 The calibration condition on the [Item Master]
0x000197  Check that the settings are correct in [Calibration Control Conditions]
Correction Concentration Mismatched. does not correspond to the density in the
on the [Test Master] and the [Calibrator] screen.
calibration curve data.
 The calibration conditions on the [Item Master]
0x000198 do not correspond to the number of points in  Check that the settings are correct in [Calibration Control Conditions]
Number of Correction Points Mismatched
the calibration curve data when performing on the [Test Master] and the [Calibrator] screen.
0x00019B File Path Not Taken  The directory structure is invalid.  Reboot the PC.
 An error occurred while converting the
0x00019D Calculation of Volume Conversion Failed.  Check Sampling Condition] on the [Test Master] screen.
dispensing amount.
Defective Statement Received (Host  Check the communication cable (between the PC and host).
0x00019E  Host communication is abnormal.
System).  Check the host system status.
 Check that there is no bubble in the reagent bottle or in the installed
 Failed to perform calibrator measurement with
Analysis of Calibrators Failed.@ calibrator.
0x00019F one or more density value, and thus, could not
@: Test Name  Check that the reagent and calibrator are placed in right positions.
retrieve the point value.
 Perform calibration again.
 Multiple requests are registered with one rack
0x0001A9 Two Requests at One Position (Rack xx-x).  Check if the registered rack position is correct.
Add x to the
PID head of  After reading a PID (sample barcode), it turned
 Check if the request displayed as No.xxxx is correct.
0x0001AB PID is conflicting with the request (No.xxxx). the out that a request is already registered with
 Check the result and report it using the correct PID.
opposing the rack position using another PID.

8 - 12
 Check the status of the transport and host systems.
Buffer Overflow.PID from transport unit can’t
0x0001AC  Received the transport ID repeatedly.  Reboot the PC, analysis unit, transport system and host system if
be received.
 Check the communication cable (between the PC and transport, and
Buffer Underflow.PID arriving at transport PC and host).
 Although the sample is already in position, the
0x0001AD unit hasn’t be  Check the status of the transport and host systems.
transport ID has not been received.
received.  If this error persists, reboot the PC, analysis unit, transport system and
host system.
Abnormal output of absorption photometric Continue the  Prior to analysis, the system detected that the
0x0001AF port is detected. measure- lamp output of the photometric measurement  See [Lamp] on the [Parts Replacement] screen to replace the lamp.
Check lamp or Log board.. ment. port is low.
 The lower limit check of the coagulation profile  Check that the profile check function settings are correct in [Reaction
Calculation of Profile Lower Limit
0x0001B3 check function failed to calculate the Condition] on the [Item Master] screen (service mode only).
Coefficients Failed.
coefficient from a control result.  If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.

8 - 13
8.4.2 Errors Related to Analysis and the Main System (errors related to the connection between the analysis unit and operating PC; errors
related to supplies such as detergent tank and reagent)
Error code Error message Internal process Description Action Required by User
E-S S-S Other
 Abnormal communication between the  Check the communication cable (between the PC and analysis unit).
0x010001 Communication error (PC).
analysis unit and the PC.  Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Abnormal communication between the
0x010002 Communication error (Barcode Reader).
equipment and barcode unit.
 Abnormal communication between the
0x010003 Communication error (Sub CPU-Timer).
equipment and unit T.
 Abnormal communication between the
0x010004 Communication error (Sub CPU-S).
equipment and unit S.
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Abnormal communication between the
0x010005 Communication error (Sub CPU-C).
equipment and unit C.
 Abnormal communication between the
0x010006 Communication error (Sub CPU-R).
equipment and unit R.
 Abnormal communication between the
0x010007 Communication error (Conveyance System).
equipment and transport.
 The water amount sensor in the tank was
0x010010 Washing Water Getting Low. activated (the remaining amount is about 1
 After occurrence of 0x010010 error during
 After confirming the S-STOP status (reagent dispensing finished) or
0x010011 Washing Water Getting Empty analysis, error has not resolved even after
that the equipment has stopped, fill the rinse water.
specified period of time passes.
 After occurrence of 0x010010 error during
0x010012 Washing Water Empty.S-STOP ○ analysis, error has not resolved even after
specified period of time passes.
 The waste tank level sensor was activated
0x010013 Waste Liquid Getting High. during analysis or while the equipment is
 After confirming the S-STOP status (reagent dispensing finished) or
that the equipment has stopped, dispose of the waste liquid.
 After occurrence of 0x010013 error during
 If the waste tank is dirty, clean the inside and outside of the tank.
0x010014 Waste Liquid Getting Full.. analysis, error has not resolved even after
 If an error occurs immediately after replacing the tank, check if the
specified period of time passes.
area between the waste tank outer surface and the waste tank level
 After occurrence of 0x010014 error during
sensor is not wet.
0x010015 Waste Liquid Full. S-STOP. X analysis, error has not resolved even after
specified period of time passes.

8 - 14
 The cuvette waste level sensor was activated
 Dispose of used cuvettes after stopping the equipment.
0x010016 Cuvette Waste Container Getting Full. during analysis or while the equipment is
 Clean the cuvette waste level sensor.
 After occurrence of 0x010016 error during
0x010017 Cuvette Disposal Container Full. analysis, error has not resolved even after
 After confirming the S-STOP status (photometric measurement
specified period of time passes.
finished) or that the equipment has stopped, dispose of used cuvettes.
 After occurrence of 0x010017 error during
 Clean the cuvette waste level sensor.
0x010018 Cuvette Disposal Container Full. X analysis, error has not resolved even after
specified period of time passes.
 After the equipment has stopped, make settings in [Washing Pump
Start], [Start-up] on the [Status/Start] screen ([Exchange Heating
 The heating water level sensor was activated Water] must be checked on the [Preparation Setting] screen).
0x010019 Reagent Probe Warming Water Empty. during analysis or while the equipment is  Check that the heating water tube is not bent and the tip of the tube
stopping. touches the bottom of the rinse water tank.
 Check if the (small) filter of the rinse water tank is blocked. If it is
jammed, see the [Maintenance] screen to replace the filter.
 After the equipment has stopped, make settings in [[Washing pump
start] and [Start-up] on the [Status/Start] screen ([Exchange Heating
Water] must be checked on the [Preparation Setting] screen).
 The heating water level sensor was activated
Reagent Probe Warming Water Getting  Check that the heating water tube is not bent and the tip of the tube
0x01001A during analysis or while the equipment is
Empty. touches the bottom of the rinse water tank.
 Check if the (small) filter of the rinse water tank is blocked. If it is
blocked, see [Replace Filter for Rinsing Water Tank] on the
[Maintenance] screen to replace the filter.
Pressure Level Abnormal (Washing Water  The rinse water pressure sensor was  Check that the rinse water return tube is not bent.
Pump).. activated during analysis.  Check that the rinse water tube is not bent and the tip of the tube
touches the bottom of the rinse water tank.
Rinsing water Pressure Abnormal (Washing  After occurrence of 0x01001B error during  Check that the rinse water tank filter (large) is not jammed. If it is
0x01001C Water Pump). X analysis, error has not resolved even after jammed, see the [Maintenance] screen to replace the filter.
E-STOP specified period of time passes.  Perform [Degas Rinse Water Pump] settings on the [Status/Start]
 Lack of rinse water was detected when
starting analysis (including S-STOP restart)
 After confirming the S-STOP status (reagent dispensing finished) or
0x01001D Pure water tank Empty. or normal operation (involving probe washing
that the equipment has stopped, fill the rinse water.
operation such as remaining amount, bottom
dead center, rinsing, etc.).
 The temperature of the heating water is 61°C
Temperature Abnormal. (Reagent Probe  Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
0x010021 or more.
Warming Water)  Check the external temperature.
(the first or the last half is 65°C or more)
Temperature Abnormal Low. (Cuvette  The cuvette slide sensor was activated
0x010022  Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
Supply Slide) during analysis.

8 - 15
Temperature Abnormal High. (Cuvette  The cuvette slide sensor was activated
0x010023  Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
Supply Slide) during analysis.
 The monitored external temperature went out  Clean the filter on the back of the unit.
0x010024 Room Temperature Range Over. of the defined temperature range (11 to  Check if the installation location satisfies the conditions (refer to
44°C) when starting analysis. Operation Manual 2.1).
 The light volume measured during lamp light
Lamp Abnormal. Or Wavelength Filter
0x010030 volume check exceeded the measurement  See [Lamp] on the [Parts Replacement] screen to check the lamp.
limit (over 32000).
No Sample Cup. Request Skipped..(Rack  No sample container was placed at the  Check the sample position.
@A) specified position.  Clean the sensor window.
 Check that the rinse water return tube is not bent.
 Check that the rinse water tube is not bent and the tip of the tube
 A signal indicating abnormal pressure in the
touches the bottom of the rinse water tank.
0x010034 Pressure Level Abnormal (Degassor Pump). embedded deaeration equipment was
 Check that the rinse water tank filter (large) is not blocked. If it is
blocked, see the [Maintenance] screen to replace the filter.
 If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
0x010035 PC Command Retry (BCC)
 Communication failure occurs between the
0x010036 PC Command Retry (Data Length)
PC and analysis unit. Although occasional
0x010037 PC Command Retry (Parameters)  Check the communication cable (between the PC and analysis unit).
singular occurrences can be handled with
0x010038 PC Command Retry (ESC)  If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
retries, countermeasures needs to be taken if
0x010039 PC Command Retry (Timeout)
this occurs frequently.
0x01003a PC Command Retry (STB)
 Too much data that needs to be sent to the
 Check the connection of the communication cable (between the PC
PC (such as photometric measurement data)
Some and analysis unit, and PC and printer).
has been stored in the analysis unit.
information  Check if the printer is ready for use.
 A communication failure occurred between
0x010040 PC Command Buffering Full. has been lost  Check that applications other than the operation software are not
the analysis unit and PC during analysis.
in the running.
 The data transmission request intervals from
equipment.  If there is no problem with the cable connection, reboot the PC,
the PC became too long (due to load from
analysis unit and the printer.
other applications, etc.).
 Place the container in direction where the barcode can be read.
 Check the print quality of the barcode (if it is blurred or too light).
 Could not read sample barcode. Or no  Check if the barcode is placed in the appropriate location (refer to User
0x010050 Barcode Reading Failed (Rack @A). container was placed (up to 3 retries are Manual 4.2.6).
possible).  Adjust the position so that the three pincers of the sample rack comes
to the center.
 Clean the barcode scanning window.
Detect change of sample position at restart.  Detected pre-S-STOP and post-S-STOP ID
0x010051  Check that the sample or rack was not replaced after S-STOP.
The rack No.@A has different PID data do not correspond.

8 - 16
 The specified rack# does not exist on the
sample table.  Set the specified rack.
 The rack# was outside the specification  If the specified rack is set but not properly identified, check if the rack
0x010060 No Rack No. @0 (Sample). Skip Request.
range (1-62). number ID metal plate is located at the appropriate position.
 There was no specification rack# matching (See in the operation manual)
the unit ID rack#.
 Make sure that a rack with the same number is not in place.
(If a rack with the same number exists, measurement is not possible.)
Skips the  Another rack with the same number is in  If the identified rack number is different from the labeled number,
0x010061 Duplicate Rack No.
request. place. check if the rack number ID metal plate is located at the appropriate
(See in the operation manual)
 There is no rack for the specified deficient
 Make sure that the rack with the specified rack number is used when
using deficient plasma.
No Rack No. (Deficiency Plasma) Skip  The rack# was outside the specification
0x010062 Skips the item  Check that the rack number for deficient plasma is properly set on the
Request. range (1-62).
[Rack Registration] screen.
 There was no specification rack# matching
the unit ID rack#.
 Make sure that a rack with the same number is not in place.
 (If a rack with the same number exists, measuring is not possible.)
 Another rack with the same number is  If the identified rack number is different from the labeled number,
0x010063 Duplicate Rack No.
placed. check if the rack number ID metal plate is located at the appropriate
(See in the operation manual)
 The necessary deficient plasma is not
registered with the reagent map when there  Register the necessary deficient plasma on the [Reagent Map] screen.
0x010064 No Deficiency Plasma. Skip Request.@5 Skips the item
are deficient plasma aspiration settings.  Refill the deficient plasma.
Or the amount of solution is 0.
 Register the necessary deficient plasma on the [Reagent Map] screen.
 The necessary deficient plasma is not
0x010065 Deficiency Plasma Insufficient. @5 S-STOP. X  After confirming the S-STOP status (reagent dispensing finished), refill
registered with the map.
the deficient plasma.
 Register the necessary reagent on the [Reagent Map] screen.
 The necessary reagent is not registered with
 After confirming the S-STOP status (reagent dispensing finished), refill
the reagent map but there are reagent
0x010066 Reagent Insufficient.@6 S-STOP. X the reagent.
aspiration settings. Or the amount of solution
 The reagent map (remaining amount, etc.) will be updated when
is 0.
analysis or S-STOP status is restarted.
 The reagent is not registered with the
0x010067 No Reagent@D. Skip Request.  Register the necessary reagent on the [Reagent Map] screen.
reagent map.

8 - 17
dispensing is  The remaining amount of detergent is not
0x010068 Detergent (Reagent) Insufficient. S-STOP. X cancelled if enough when there are detergent aspiration  After confirming the S-STOP status (reagent dispensing finished), refill
there is not settings. the detergent.
0x010069 Detergent (Sample) Insufficient. S-STOP. X  There is no detergent for the sample probe.
 After confirming the S-STOP status (reagent dispensing finished), refill
0x01006A Buffer Solution Insufficient. S-STOP. X  There is no buffer solution.
the buffer solution.
 The buffer solution is not registered with the
0x01006B No Buffers.  Register the necessary buffer solution on the [Reagent Map] screen.
reagent map.
 After confirming the S-STOP status (reagent dispensing finished), refill
the diluted solution.
0x01006C Diluent Insufficient. S-STOP. X  There is no diluted solution.  If the diluted solution is registered with the deficient plasma rack, set
the deficient plasma rack on the equipment.
 The deficient plasma rack number is not registered.
 The diluted solution is not registered with the
0x01006D No Diluents.  Register the necessary diluted solution on the [Reagent Map] screen.
reagent map.
 After confirming the S-STOP status (reagent dispensing finished), refill
0x01006E Detergent Insufficient. S-STOP. X  There is no detergent.
the detergent.
 The sample cover was opened during  During analysis, put the system into S-STOP status first before
0x010072 Sample Cover Opened.S-STOP. X
analysis. opening the sample cover.
 If there are not enough cuvettes in the cuvette supplier, refill cuvettes.
 If a cuvette gets stuck with the wing of the cuvette rotor plate, remove
0x010073 Cuvette Insufficient. S-STOP. X  There are not enough cuvettes.
 Clean the cuvette sensor in the cuvette heating slope.
 Check that there are not too many cuvettes in the cuvette supplier
(should be 500 or less).
 The reagent probe detergent is not
0x010074 No Detergent (for Reagent Probe).
registered with the reagent map.
 Register the necessary detergent on the [Reagent Map] screen.
 The sample probe detergent is not registered
0x010075 No Detergent (for Sample Probe).
with the reagent map.
 After confirming the S-STOP status (reagent dispensing finished) or
 Detected that the waste tank is full when
that the equipment has stopped, dispose of the waste liquid.
starting analysis (including S-STOP restart)
 If the waste tank is dirty, clean the inside and outside of the tank.
0x010076 Waste Liquid Tank Full. X or normal operation (that generates waste
 If an error occurs immediately after replacing the tank, check that the
liquid such as remaining amount, bottom
area between the waste tank's outer surface and the waste tank
dead center, rinsing, etc.).
sensor is not wet.

8 - 18
 If the system enters the S-STOP status (i.e. photometric measurement
has finished), open the photometric measurement port cover and
remove a cuvette if it fell on the slide rail.
 If a cuvette gets stuck in the wing of the cuvette rotor plate, remove it.
Cuvette NOT Set at Sampling position. S-  The no-cuvette error occurred two times in a
0x010077 X  If a foreign object blocks the cuvette heating slope, remove it.
STOP row.
 Clean the cuvette sensor in the cuvette heating slope.
 If there are not enough cuvettes in the cuvette supplier, refill cuvettes.
 Check that there are not too many cuvettes in the cuvette supplier
(should be 500 or less).
 Check the reagent lot on the [Reagent Map] screen.
0x010078 Setting Illegal (Reagent Lot)  The reagent lot information does not match.
 Register the correct reagent and lot number.
 The rack in which a barcode sample being
Detect change of rack position at  Check that the rack with the barcode sample being analyzed was not
0x010079 checked was replaced during barcode check
restart.(Rack @A) replaced after S-STOP.
after S-STOP.
 All photometric ports are disabled in the  Open [Measuring Part Check] screen by selecting [HW Check] on the
0x010080 Reaction Table Disabled. STOP
photometric port monitor. [Manual Operation] and verify that [Usable Port] is checked.
 Close the top cover and start operation.
0x010081 Top Cover Open. STOP.  The top cover is open when starting analysis.  Check that the top cover status is not highlighted in red on the
[Status/Start] screen.
 The heating water does not reach the
 It may take 20 to 30 minutes before the probe heating water
defined temperature when starting analysis.
temperature reaches the defined temperature immediately after
Temperature Below the Mark (Reagent The defined temperature range is from 43 to
0x010082 replacing the heating water. Check that the heating water temperature
Probe Warming Water). STOP 51°C (external temperature: 15 ~30°C).
is not highlighted in red on the [Status/Start] screen.
The lower the external temperature, the
 If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
lower the defined temperature becomes.
 It may take 20 to 30 minutes for the temperature to reach the defined
 The reaction component does not reach the
temperature immediately after powering on the equipment. Check that
Temperature Below the Mark (Reaction defined temperature when starting analysis.
0x010083 the reacting part temperature is not highlighted in red on the
Table). STOP. The defined temperature range is from 36 to
[Status/Start] screen.
40°C (approx.).
 If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 The rinse water tank is empty when starting  Refill water into the rinse water tank.
0x010084 Washing Water Tank Empty. STOP analysis.  Properly set the rinse water tank.
 Or no rinse water is set.  Clean the level sensor of the rinse water tank.
 Dispose of the waste liquid from the waste tank.
 Check that the outer surface of the waste tank is not wet.
0x010085 Drain tank Full. STOP.  The waste tank is full when starting analysis.
 Clean the waste tank.
 Clean the level sensor of the waste tank.

8 - 19
 Refill water into the rinse water tank.
 Dispose of the waste liquid from the waste tank.
 Because the rinse water tank is empty or the  Check that the heating water tube is not bent and the tip of the tube
Reagent Probe Warming Water Insufficient.
0x010086 waste tank is full when starting analysis, it is touches the bottom of the rinse water tank.
not possible to provide heating water.  Check if the (small) filter of the rinse water tank is blocked. If it is
blocked, see [Replace Filter for Rinsing Water Tank] on the
[Maintenance] screen to replace the filter.
 If there are not enough cuvettes in the cuvette supplier, refill cuvettes.
 Rotation of the cuvette rotor plate
 If a cuvette gets stuck in the wing of the cuvette rotor plate, remove it.
commenced when the analysis began, but
Cuvette Insufficient (Cuvette Supply Slide).  If a foreign object blocks the cuvette heating slope, remove it.
0x010087 could not detect cuvettes in the cuvette
STOP.  Clean the cuvette sensor in the cuvette heating slope.
heating slope after a certain period of time
 Check that there are not too many cuvettes in the cuvette supplier
has elapsed.
(should be 500 or less).
 It may take 20 to 30 minutes for the temperature to reach the defined
 The cuvette heating component does not temperature immediately after powering on the equipment. Check that
Temparature Below the Mark (Cuvette
0x010088 reach the defined temperature (approx. 39- the temperature of the cuvette heating slope is not highlighted in red
Supply Slide). STOP.
46 °C) when starting analysis. on the [Status/Start] screen.
 If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 The cuvette waste container is full when
 Dispose of the used cuvettes.
0x010089 Cuvette Disposal Container Full. STOP starting analysis. The sensor in the container
 Clean the cuvette waste level sensor.
may also be dirty.
 Check that the heating water tube is not bent and the tip of the tube
 Attempted to provide heating water when touches the bottom of the rinse water tank.
starting analysis but did not reach the  Check that the rinse water tank filter (small) is not blocked. If it is
0x01008A Reagent Probe Warming Water Insufficient.
necessary amount. A piping failure may have jammed, see the [Maintenance] screen to replace the filter.
occurred.  Make settings in the [Status/Start] screen, [Exchange Heating Water]
must be checked...
 Check that the rinse water return tube is not bent.
 Check that the rinse water tube is bent and the tip of the tube touches
the bottom of the rinse water tank.
 The alarm in the embedded deaeration unit  Check that the rinse water tank filter (large) is not blocked. If it is
0x01008B Rinsing water (Degasser Pump)
was turned on when starting analysis. blocked, see the [Maintenance] screen to replace the filter.
 Degas the tank in [Degas Rinse Water Pump] on the [Status/Start]
 If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 The light volume measured when starting
Lamp Abnormal. Or Wavelength Filter
0x01008C analysis exceeded the measurement limit  See [Lamp] on the [Change Parts] screen to replace the lamp.
Misstepped. STOP
(over 32000).

8 - 20
 Check that the rinse water return tube is not bent.
 Check that the rinse water tube is not bent and the tip of the tube
touches the bottom of the rinse water tank.
 The rinse water pressure is insufficient when  Check if the (large) filter of the rinse water tank is blocked. If it is
0x01008D Pressure Abnormal (Washing Water Pump)
starting analysis. blocked, see [Replace Filter for Rinsing Water Tank (large)] on the
[Maintenance] screen to replace the filter.
 Degas the tank in [Degas Rinse Water Pump] on the [Status/Start]
 The monitored external temperature went out  Clean the filter on the back of the unit.
Ambient Temperature Out of the Mark.
0x01008E of the defined temperature range (11 to  Check if the installation location satisfies the conditions (refer to
44°C) when starting analysis. Operation Manual 2.1).
0x01008F Illegal Setting (Reagent Lot) STOP.  The reagent lot information does not match.  Enter the correct lot information.
 The sample cover was open when starting
0x010090 Rack Cover Opened. STOP.  Start operation after closing the sample cover.
 The reagent cover was open when starting
0x010091 Reagent Cover Opened. STOP.  Start operation after closing the reagent cover.
 There was problem with version consistency
0x0100A0 Unit Software Version Mismatch when the system was reset (runs in Warning
mode only).
 All bit switches (S2) on the CPU board were
0x0100A1 Illegal Setting in BITSW of CPU Board
turned off.
 Mode was set to Demo Mode when starting
0x0100A2 Startup with Demonstration Mode
up the system.
 Mode was set to Debug Mode when starting
up the system. A number of check-purpose  If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
0x0100A3 Startup with Debug Mode
errors occur (unused under normal
 Mode was set to PCB Check Mode when
0x0100A4 Startup with PCB Check Mode
starting up the system.
0x0100DF Unit Software Error (Cuvette Parameters).  Abnormal parameters in the unit software.
 There is problem with communication
0x0100ED Unit Software Error (Sub CPU Timeout). between the main CPU and sub CPU within
the unit software.
 The top cover is opened during analysis or
0x010102 Top Cover Opened. E-STOP.  Close the top cover and press [E-STOP] on the equipment to reset it.
 The photometric measurement AD converter
was not calibrated correctly when starting up
0x010103 Measuring Error (AD Converter) the unit.  If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 It results in inferior photometric measurement

8 - 21
 The filter motor lost synchronization. The  If it occurred after replacing the light source lamp, check that the power
0x010104 Wavelength Filter Motor Misstepped. origin sensor could not perform detection at cable of the lamp does not prevent filter rotation.
the correct position.  If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 The cuvette slider temperature is too high
0x010105 Temperature High (Cuvette Slope). STOP.  If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
when starting analysis.
 Press [E-STOP] on the equipment to reset it.
Reagent Probe Warming Water Insufficient.  The heating water level sensor was activated  Make settings in [Preparation] on the [Status/Start] screen ([Exchange
0x010106 X
E-STOP during analysis after 0x010016 occurred. Heating Water] must be checked on the [Preparation Setting] screen).
 If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Press [E-STOP] on the equipment to reset it.
Reagent Probe Warming Water Insufficient.  Make settings in [Preparation] on the [Status/Start] screen ([Exchange
0x010107 X  The amount of heating water is insufficient.
E-STOP Heating Water] must be checked on the [Preparation Setting] screen).
 If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Clean the filter on the back of the unit.
 The temperature of the reacting part went out  Check if the installation location satisfies the conditions (refer to
Temperature Too High (Measuring Port). E-
0x010108 X of the defined range (35.0-40.0°C) during Operation Manual 2.1).
analysis.  Press [E-STOP] on the equipment to reset it.
 If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 The heating water temperature too high
during analysis.  Press [E-STOP] on the equipment to reset it.
Temperature Too High (Reagent Probe Error conditions:  Make settings in [Preparation] on the [Status/Start] screen ([Exchange
0x010109 X
Warming Water). E-STOP. The average temperature of heating water Heating Water] must be checked on the [Preparation Setting] screen).
circuit is 60°C or more, or the first half or the  If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
last half trip is 70°C or more.
 Attempted to pull out STAT when the STAT  Press [E-STOP] on the equipment to reset it.
0x01010A STAT Sample during Sampling. E-STOP X sampling operation was started during  Do not pull out the STAT part during STAT sampling (while STAT_LED
analysis. is blinking).
 Press [E-STOP] on the equipment to reset it.
 The reagent cover was opened during
0x01010B Reagent Cover Opened. E-STOP. X  After confirming the S-STOP status (reagent dispensing finished),
open the reagent cover.
Abnormal action of analysing module  Cuvette discarding operation and ejection
0x01010C  Contact the dealer.
detected.E-STOP operation conflicted with each other.

8 - 22
8.4.3 Errors Related to the Analysis Unit and Sub S (errors related to the sample probe and sample syringe)
Error code Error message Internal process Description User operation
E-S S-S Other
 Invalid command may have been executed by
0x020001 Command Defective.
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 A communication failure occurred between
0x020002 Communication Defective.
the equipment and slave S.
In case of a
move on to
 The amount of the dispensing target solution  Make sure to place the sample at the right position.
Solution Insufficient. @ Rack position, Cup the next
0x020003 is insufficient.  Place the correct container.
position request
 The container is not in place.  Clean the tip of the sample probe.
 Check that there is no bubble in the set container (cup/tube).
 See [Sample Probe] on the [Change Part] screen to adjust the sensor
Liquid Level Detection Defective. @ Rack  The specified container is not in place.
0x020004 Position, Cup  The probe may be dirty or there may be
position static.
 Problem occurs when reading the down limit
during manual operation.  Place the correct container.
0x020005 Bottom limit Defective. @ Type
 The specified container is not in place.  Check that the BDC reading position is correct.
 Solution remains in the container.
 Set the correct container type.
 Check that there is no foreign object (such as a cap and film) in the
occurs during  The collision sensor was activated while the
0x020006 Sample Probe Collision @ Rotation Position X destination.
ejection and probe was moving down.
 Check that the sample probe returns to its original position by moving it
vertically by hand.
 The software may have an operation timing
0x020101 Drive of Motor Defective.  Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Power off the equipment and move the sample probe vertically by
Reset of Sample Probe Failed in Vertical  Unable to determine upper limit while holding the shaft. If it does not move smoothly, apply small amount of
0x020102 X
Movement. resetting the vertical position of the probe. grease and move it vertically several times.
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Check if the lid of the reagent (standard temperature reagent) to be
 Unable to correctly detect the rotation sensor accessed by the sample probe is half open.
Reset of Sample Probe Failed in Horizontal
0x020103 X while resetting the rotation movement of the  Check that the reagent cover is properly set.
probe.  Check that there is no foreign object in the lane used by the sample

8 - 23
 Unable to detect the origin sensor while  Check that the rack is properly set to the sample table.
0x020104 Reset of Sample Turntable Failed. X
resetting the table rotation.  Check that there is no foreign object on the sample table.
 If use of the syringe packing (sample) exceeds the defined number or
period (6 months), see [Syringe Packing (Sample)] on the [Change
Parts] screen to replace it.
 Check that the syringe pump filter is not blocked.
 Unable to detect the origin sensor while
0x020105 Reset of S-Syringe Failed. X  If error occurred after replacing the syringe packing (sample), check
resetting the sample syringe pump.
that the plunger is not fixed in a diagonal position.
 If the sample probe is blocked, use the wire included in the package to
clear it.
 Check that the α belt of the syringe pump (sample side) is not cut.
 Power off the equipment and move the sample probe vertically by
holding the shaft. If it does not move smoothly, apply small amount of
0x020107 Moving up of Sample Probe Failed. X  Required operations not performed while
grease and move it vertically several times.
moving up the sample probe.
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Went out of synchronization due to collision
 Power off the equipment and move the sample probe vertically by
with a foreign object while moving down the
holding the shaft. If it does not move smoothly, apply small amount of
sample probe.
grease and move it vertically several times.
0x020108 Moving down of Sample Probe Failed. X  The vertical movement of the sample probe is
 Check that a foreign object-such as a reagent lid not placed near the
not smooth.
sample probe axis.
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Necessary operations were not performed
while rotating the sample probe.  Check if the lid of the reagent (standard temperature reagent) to be
 Went out of synchronization due to a collision accessed by the sample probe is half open.
0x020109 Turning of Sample Probe Failed. X with a foreign object while rotating the sample  Check that the reagent cover is properly set.
probe.  Check that there is no foreign object in the lane used by the sample
 The rotation movement of the sample probe probe.
is not smooth.
 If the tip of the sample probe does not enter the rinse waste ejection
 The collision sensor was activated at the position (a small hole on the pot), see [Sample Probe] on the [Change
0x02010A Sample Probe Detects Bottom at Wash Port. X
sample probe rinsing position. Parts] screen to adjust it.
 If the probe is bent, replace it with a new one.
 Required operations were not performed
while rotating the sample table.
 Went out of synchronization due to a foreign
 Check that the rack is properly set to the sample table.
0x02010B Turning of Turntable Failed. X object interfering with the rotation of the
 Check that there is no foreign object on the sample table.
sample table.
 The rotation movement of the sample table is
not smooth.

8 - 24
 The syringe does not perform intended
 If use of the syringe packing (sample) exceeds the defined number or
 Went out of synchronization due to a foreign
0x02010C S-Syringe Aspiration Failure. X period (6 months), see [Syringe Packing (Sample)] on the [Parts
object interfering with operation of the
Replacement] screen to replace it.
 Check that the syringe pump filter is not blocked.
 The syringe movement is not smooth.
 If error occurred after replacing the syringe packing (sample), check
 The syringe does not perform intended
that the plunger is not fixed in a diagonal position.
 If the sample probe is blocked, use the wire included in the package to
 Went out of synchronization due to a foreign
0x02010D S-Syringe Dispensing Failure X clear it.
object interfering with operation of the
 Check that the α belt of the syringe pump (sample side) is not cut.
 The syringe movement is not smooth.
 Timing failure occurred due to software
Sample Probe Cannot Move Down because
0x020111 X problem.  Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
Sample Turntable is turning.
 The sensor malfunctioned.
 Remove the cover of the photometric measuring component to check
that there is no cuvette on the slide rail.
 If a cuvette gets stuck in the wing of the cuvette rotor plate, remove it.
 Timing failure occurred due to software  If a foreign object blocks the cuvette heating slope, remove it.
Sample Probe Cannot Move Down because
0x020112 X problem.  Clean the cuvette sensor on the cuvette slide rail.
cuvette is not set.
 The sensor malfunctioned.  Clean the cuvette sensor in the cuvette heating slope.
 If there are not enough cuvettes in the cuvette supplier, refill cuvettes.
 Check that there are not too many cuvettes in the cuvette supplier
(should be 500 or less).
 Timing failure occurred due to software
Sample Probe Cannot Turn because sample
0x020113 X problem.
probe has moved down.
 The sensor malfunctioned.
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Timing failure occurred due to software
Sample Turntable Cannot Turn because
0x020114 X problem.
sample probe has moved down.
 The sensor malfunctioned.

8 - 25
8.4.4 Errors Related to the Analysis Unit and Sub R (errors related to the reagent probe and reagent syringe)
Error code Error message Internal process Description Action Required by User
E-S S-S Other
 Invalid command may have been executed by
0x030001 Command Defective. X
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 A communication failure occurred between the
0x030002 Communication Defective. X
equipment and slave S.
 The amount of the dispensing target solution is  Check that the position of the reagent on the table and the [Reagent
0x030003 Solution Insufficient. @Reagent Position X insufficient. Map] screen is correct.
 The container is not in place.  Place the bottle that has been set on the [Reagent Map] screen.
 Clean the tip of the reagent probe. Or clean the entire probe.
 Check that there is no bubble in the set reagent.
Liquid Level Detection Defective. @Reagent  The specified bottle is not in place.
0x030004  See [Reagent Probe] on the [Change Parts] screen to adjust the
Position  The probe may be dirty or there may be static.
sensor sensitivity.
 Place the correct container.
 The specified bottle is not in place.  Place the correct reagent bottle.
0x030005 Bottom limit Defective. @Bottle Type
 Solution remains in the bottle.  Check that the down limit reading position is correct.
 The collision sensor was activated while the
probe was moving down.
Reagent aspiration 1: Probe R1 collided at  Check that the position of the reagent on the table and the [Reagent
positions 1-20. Map] screen is correct.
Probe Operation Defective. @Rotation Reagent aspiration 2: Probe R2 collided at  Place the bottle that has been set on the [Reagent Map] screen.
0x030006 X
Position positions 21-25.  Check that there is no foreign object in the lower destination area.
Reagent aspiration 3: Probe R1 collided at  Check that the probe returns to its original position by moving it
positions 1-20. vertically by hand.
Reagent aspiration 4: Probe R2 collided at
positions 21-25.
 The software may have an operation timing
0x030101 Drive of Motor Defective.  Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Power off the equipment and move the sample probe vertically by
Reset of Reagent Probe Failed in Vertical  Unable to detect the TDC sensor while holding the shaft. If it does not move smoothly, apply small amount of
0x030102 X
Movement. resetting the vertical position of the probe. grease and move it vertically several times.
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Unable to correctly ascertain the rotation  Check that there is no foreign object in the path used by the reagent
Reset of Reagent Probe Failed in Horizontal
0x030103 X sensor while resetting the rotation movement probe.
of the probe.  Check that the reagent cover is properly set.
 Unable to detect the origin sensor while  Check that the reagent table is properly set.
0x030104 Reset of Reagent Tray Failed. X
resetting the table rotation.  Check that there is no foreign object in the reagent table.

8 - 26
 If use of the syringe packing (reagent) exceeds the defined number of
period (6 months), see [Syringe (seal) Reagent] on the [Change Parts]
screen to replace it.
 Check that the syringe pump filter is not blocked.
 Unable to detect the origin sensor while
0x030105 Reset of R-Syringe Failed. X  If error occurred after replacing the syringe packing (reagent), check
resetting the syringe pump.
that the plunger is not fixed in a diagonal position.
 If the reagent probe is blocked, clear it with the wire provided with the
 Check that the α belt of the syringe pump (reagent side) is not cut.
 Unable to detect the origin sensor while  Check that there is no object obstructing the shutter opening/closing.
0x030106 Reset of Shutter Failed. X
resetting the shutter.  If this error persists, reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Power off the equipment and move the sample probe vertically by
holding the shaft. If it does not move smoothly, apply small amount of
0x030108 Moving up of Reagent Probe Failed. X  Intended operation was not performed while
grease and move it vertically several times.
moving up the reagent probe.
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Going out of synchronization due to
 Power off the equipment and move the sample probe vertically by
interference from a foreign object while moving
holding the shaft. If it does not move smoothly, apply small amount of
down the reagent probe.
grease and move it vertically several times.
0x030109 Moving down of Reagent Probe Failed. X  The vertical movement of the reagent probe is
 Check that an object such as a reagent lid is not placed near the
not smooth.
reagent probe axis.
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Intended operation was not performed while
rotating the reagent probe.
 Going out of synchronization due to  Check that there is no foreign object in the lane that the reagent probe
0x03010A Turning of Reagent Probe Failed. X interference from a foreign object while rotating uses.
the reagent probe.  Check that the reagent cover is properly set.
 The rotation of the reagent probe is not
 If the tip of the sample probe does not enter the rinse waste ejection
Reagent Probe Detects Bottom at Wash  The collision sensor was activated at the position (a small hole on the pot), see [Sample Probe] on the [Change
0x03010B X
Port. reagent probe rinsing position. Parts] screen to adjust it.
 If the probe is bent, replace it with a new one.
 Intended operation was not performed while
rotating the reagent table.
 Going out of synchronization due to  Check that the reagent table is properly set.
0x03010C Reagent Tray Rotation Failed. X
interference from a foreign object while rotating  Check that there is no foreign object in the reagent table.
the reagent table.
 The rotation of the reagent table is not smooth.

8 - 27
 The syringe does not perform intended
 If use of the syringe packing (reagent) exceeds the defined number or
 Going out of synchronization due to
0x03010D Aspirating Failure of R-Syringe. X period (6 months), see [Syringe (seal) Reagent] on the [Parts
interference from a foreign object while
Replacement] screen to replace it.
operating the syringe.
 Check that the syringe pump filter is not blocked.
 The syringe movement is not smooth.
 If error occurred after replacing the syringe packing (reagent), check
 The syringe does not perform intended
that the plunger is not fixed in a diagonal position.
 If the reagent probe is clogged, clear it with the wire provided with the
 Going out of synchronization due to
0x03010E Dispensing Failure of R-Syringe. X product.
interference from a foreign object while
 Check that the α belt of the syringe pump (reagent side) is not cut.
operating the syringe.
 The syringe movement is not smooth.
 The shutter does not perform intended
 Going out of synchronization due to
0x03010F Opening of Shutter Failed. X
interference from a foreign object while
 Check that there is no object that obstructs opening/closing the shutter.
operating the shutter.
 If this error persists, reboot the PC and equipment.
 The shutter movement is not smooth.
 Defective opening/closing of the shutter for
0x030110 Closing of Shutter Failed. X light-blocking of the photometric measuring
 Timing failure occurred due to software
Reagent Probe Cannot Move Down because
0x030112 problem.
Reagent Tray is turning.
 The sensor malfunctioned.
 Timing failure occurred due to software
Reagent Probe Cannot Move Down because
0x030113 problem.
shutter is close.
 The sensor malfunctioned.
 Timing failure occurred due to software
Reagent Probe Cannot Move Down because
0x030114 problem.
cuvette arm has moved down.
 The sensor malfunctioned.
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Timing failure occurred due to software
Reagent Probe Cannot Turn because
0x030115 problem.
reagent probe has moved down.
 The sensor malfunctioned.
 Timing failure occurred due to software
Reagent Probe Cannot Move Down because
0x030116 problem.
Reagent Tray is turning.
 The sensor malfunctioned.
 Timing failure occurred due to software
Shutter Cannot Close because reagent
0x030117 problem.
probe has moved down.
 The sensor malfunctioned.

8 - 28
8.4.5 Errors Related to the Analysis Unit and Sub C (errors related to the cuvette arm)
Error code Error message Internal process Description Action Required by User
E-S S-S Other
 Invalid command may have been executed
0x040001 Command Defective.  Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
by software.
 A communication failure occurred between
0x040002 Communication Defective.  Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
the equipment and slave S.
 There is no cuvette in the slide. Retry  Refill cuvettes.
0x040003 Cuvette Insufficient.
operation multiple times.  Clean the cuvette sensor in the cuvette heating slope.
 Remove the cover of the photometric measuring port to check that there
is no cuvette on the slide rail.
 If a cuvette gets stuck in the wing of the cuvette rotor plate, remove it.
 If there is a foreign object such as broken parts of a cuvette in the cuvette
supplier, remove it.
 There is a failure with the cuvette supplier.
0x040004 Cuvette Not Set.  If a foreign object blocks the cuvette heating slope, remove it.
 There is a failure with the cuvette sensor.
 Clean the cuvette sensor on the cuvette slide rail.
 Clean the cuvette sensor in the cuvette heating slope.
 If there are not enough cuvettes in the cuvette supplier, refill cuvettes.
 Check that there are not too many cuvettes in the cuvette supplier
(should be 500 or less).
 The cuvette waste container is nearly full.  Empty the cuvette waste container.
0x040005 Cuvette Waste Container Full.
 The waste sensor may be dirty.  Clean the cuvette waste level sensor.
 Remove the cover of the photometric measuring port to check that there
is no cuvette on the slide rail.
 If a cuvette gets stuck in the wing of the cuvette rotor plate, remove it.
 If there is a foreign object such as broken parts of a cuvette in the cuvette
supplier, remove it.
0x040006 Catching Cuvette Failed. X  Failed to eject an cuvette.  If a foreign object blocks the cuvette heating slope, remove it.
 Clean the cuvette sensor on the cuvette slide rail.
 Clean the cuvette sensor in the cuvette heating slope.
 If there are not enough cuvettes in the cuvette supplier, refill cuvettes.
 Check that there are not too many cuvettes in the cuvette supplier
(should be 500 or less).
0x040008 Fuse Blown Out at I/O driver A-F2.  A fuse has blown  Contact the support team.
0x040009 Fuse Blown Out at I/O driver A-F1.  A fuse has blown.  Contact the support team.
0x04000A Fuse Blown Out at I/O driver A-F3.  A fuse has blown.  Contact the support team.
0x04000B Fuse Blown Out at I/O driver B-F5.  A fuse has blown.  Contact the support team.
0x04000C Fuse Blown Out at I/O driver B-F4.  A fuse has blown.  Contact the support team.

8 - 29
0x04000D Fuse Blown Out at I/O driver B-F3.  A fuse has blown.  Contact the support team.
0x04000E Fuse Blown Out at I/O driver B-F1.  A fuse has blown.  Contact the support team.
0x04000F Fuse Blown Out at I/O driver B-F2.  A fuse has blown.  Contact the support team.
 The cuvette rotor plate does not perform
intended operation.  If a cuvette gets stuck in the wing of the cuvette rotor plate, remove it.
 Going out of synchronization due to  If there is a foreign object such as broken parts of a cuvette in the cuvette
Turning of Cuvette Supply to Slope Unit
0x040010 X interference from a foreign object while supplier, remove it.
Failed. S-STOP.
operating the cuvette rotor plate.  Check that there are not too many cuvettes in the cuvette supplier
 The movement of the cuvette rotor plate is (should be 500 or less).
not smooth.
 The software may have an operation timing
0x040101 Drive of Motor Defective.  Contact the support team.
 Remove the cover of the photometric measuring part to check the status
and remove the cuvette causing the arm operation failure. .
Reset of Cuvette-Arm Failed in Vertical  Unable to detect the TDC sensor while  Power off the equipment and move the cuvette vertically by hand. If it
0x040102 X
movement. resetting the vertical position of the arm. does not move smoothly, clean the gear of the vertical drive motor and
arm vertical gear.
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Remove the cover of the photometric measuring part to check the status
and remove the cuvette causing the arm operation failure.
 Power off the equipment and move the cuvette vertically by hand. If it
Reset of Cuvette-Arm Failed in Horizontal  Unable to detect the rotation sensor while does not move smoothly, clean the gear of the vertical drive motor and
0x040103 X
Movement. resetting the rotation position of the arm. arm vertical gear.
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit. Power off the equipment and rotate the
cuvette arm manually. If it does not move smoothly, clean the gear of the
rotation drive motor and arm rotation gear.
 If a cuvette gets stuck in the wing of the cuvette rotor plate, remove it.
 If a foreign object blocks the cuvette heating slope, remove it.
 If there is a foreign object such as broken parts of a cuvette in the cuvette
supplier, remove it.
 Unable to detect the origin sensor while
0x040104 Reset of Cuvette Supply to Slope Unit Failed. X  Clean the cuvette sensor on the cuvette slide rail.
resetting the cuvette rotor plate.
 Clean the cuvette sensor in the cuvette heating slope.
 If there are not enough cuvettes in the cuvette supplier, refill cuvettes.
 Check that there are not too many cuvettes in the cuvette supplier
(should be 500 or less).

8 - 30
 Remove the cover of the photometric measuring component to check
that there is no cuvette on the slide rail.
 If a foreign object blocks the cuvette heating slope, remove it.
 If there is a foreign object such as broken parts of a cuvette in the cuvette
 Unable to detect the origin sensor while
0x040105 Reset of Cuvette Movement Failed. X supplier, remove it.
resetting cuvette transport.
 Clean the cuvette sensor on the cuvette slide rail.
 Clean the cuvette sensor in the cuvette heating slope.
 Check that there are not too many cuvettes in the cuvette supplier
(should be 500 or less).
 Remove the cover of the photometric measuring part to check the status
and remove the cuvette causing the arm operation failure.
 Check that the spring of the cuvette catcher is not extended or cut.
 If the cuvette catcher does not open/close smoothly, place a waste cloth
0x040106 Moving up of Cuvette-Arm Failed. X  Intended operation was not performed while
such as Kim Wipe and spray alcohol on the entire catcher, and then,
moving up the arm.
confirm that it moves smoothly by opening and closing it.
 Going out of synchronization due to
 If reagent is scattered inside and around the mixing port, clean it.
interference from a foreign object while
 Power off the equipment and move the cuvette vertically by hand. If it
moving down the arm.
does not move smoothly, clean the gear of the vertical drive motor and
 The vertical movement of the arm is not
arm vertical gear.
 If use of the cuvette catcher exceeds the defined number or period (6
0x040107 Moving down of Cuvette-Arm Failed. X
months), see [Cuvette Catcher] on the [Change Parts] screen to replace
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 Remove the cover of the photometric measuring component to check the
status and remove the cuvette that obstructs cuvette arm operation.
 Check that the spring of the cuvette catcher is not extended or cut.
 If the cuvette catcher does not open/close smoothly, place a waste cloth
such as Kim Wipe and spray alcohol on the entire catcher, and then,
confirm that it moves smoothly by opening and closing it.
 Intended operation was not performed while
 If reagent is scattered inside and around the mixing port, clean it.
rotating the arm.
 Power off the equipment and move the cuvette vertically by hand. If it
 Out of synchronization due to interference
0x040108 Turning of Cuvette-Arm Failed. X does not move smoothly, clean the gear of the vertical drive motor and
from a foreign object while rotating the arm.
arm vertical gear.
 The rotation movement of the arm is not
 If use of the cuvette catcher exceeds the defined number or period (6
months), see [Cuvette Catcher] on the [Change Parts] screen to replace
 Power off the equipment and rotate the cuvette arm manually. If it does
not move smoothly, clean the gear of the rotation drive motor and arm
rotation gear.
 Reboot the PC and analysis unit.

8 - 31
 Remove the cover of the photometric measuring component to check
 Intended operation was not performed that there is no cuvette on the slide rail.
during cuvette transport operation.  If a foreign object blocks the cuvette heating slope, remove it.
 Out of synchronization due to interference  Clean the cuvette sensor on the cuvette slide rail.
0x040109 Transporting Cuvette Failed. X from a foreign object while transporting  Clean the cuvette sensor in the cuvette heating slope.
cuvettes.  If there is a foreign object such as broken parts of a cuvette in the cuvette
 The cuvette transport drive does not work supplier, remove it.
smoothly.  Check that there are not too many cuvettes in the cuvette supplier
(should be 500 or less).
 Intended operation was not performed while
operating the cuvette rotor plate.  If a cuvette gets stuck in the wing of the cuvette rotor plate, remove it.
 Out of synchronization due to interference  If there is a foreign object such as broken parts of a cuvette in the cuvette
Turning of Cuvette Supply to Slope Unit
0x04010A from a foreign object while operating the supplier, remove it.
cuvette rotor plate.  Check that there are not too many cuvettes in the cuvette supplier
 The movement of the cuvette rotor plate is (should be 500 or less).
not smooth.
 Remove the cover of the photometric measuring component to check
that there is no cuvette on the slide rail.
 If a foreign object blocks the cuvette heating slope, remove it.
 Timing failure occurred due to software  Clean the cuvette sensor on the cuvette slide rail.
Cuvette-Arm Cannot Move Down because
0x04010C problem.  Clean the cuvette sensor in the cuvette heating slope.
cuvette is not set.
 The sensor malfunctioned.  If there is a foreign object such as broken parts of a cuvette in the cuvette
supplier, remove it.
 Check that there are not too many cuvettes in the cuvette supplier
(should be 500 or less).
 Timing failure occurred due to software
Cuvette-Arm Cannot Turn because sample
0x04010D problem.
probe has moved down.
 The sensor malfunctioned.
 Timing failure occurred due to software
Cuvette-Arm Cannot Turn because reagent
0x04010E problem.
probe has moved down.
 The sensor malfunctioned.
 Timing failure occurred due to software
Cuvette Cannot Transport because sample
0x04010F problem.
probe has moved down.  Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
 The sensor malfunctioned.
 Timing failure occurred due to software
Cuvette Cannot Transport because Cuvette-
0x040110 problem.
arm has moved down.
 The sensor malfunctioned.
 No response is received from EEPROM
when a certain period of time has elapsed
0x040111 EEPROM Access Defective.
after performing an EEPROM read/write

8 - 32
8.4.6 Errors Related to the Analysis Unit and Timer (errors related to the timer of the analysis unit)
Error code Error message Internal process Description Action Required by User
E-S S-S Other
0x050002 STX Received before ETX.  Received STX before receiving ETX.
0x050003 ETX Received before STX.  Received ETX before receiving STX.
0x050004 Current Date/Time Defective.  The current date/time setting value is invalid.
0x050005 Startup Date/Time Defective.  The startup date/time setting value is invalid.
 The power-off date/time setting value is  Check the communication cable (between the PC and analysis unit).
0x050006 POWER OFF Time Defective.
invalid.  Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
0x050007 COM Error (Overrun error).  Overrun error
0x050008 COM Error (Framing error).  Framing error
0x050009 COM Error (Parity error).  Parity error
0x05000A Improper Command Received.  Received an invalid command.

8.4.7 Other Errors

Error code Error message Internal process Description Action Required by User
E-S S-S Other
0x0100DF ---0xDF  C arm operation parameter failure occurred.
 A communication timeout occurred between  Reboot the PC and analysis unit.
0x0100ED ---0xED
the equipment and slave.
 For checking the sample fluid level sensor  N/A
0x0100F1 ---0xF1
 (S2BIT8ON CPU board only)
 For checking the sample fluid level sensor  N/A
0x0100F2 ---0xF2
 (S2BIT8ON CPU board only)
 For checking the sample fluid level sensor  N/A
0x0100F3 ---0xF3
 (S2BIT8ON CPU board only)

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