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SUMMER CUT PROGRAM INTRODUCTION OMe gn eee aoe ec ee et Cam te ee Cee Cnet heen ace toe eek ner te ee ean y eal During summer, it is gonna be hotter, you may also go on holiday and as a result we will be taking our shirts CeO due en he aor ae eae onc ea Oe ee ek ee eee ac Tae tee Ra Cee ee ee eee ee eet aeaer KEY TERMS TABLE OF CONTENTS SU aoc See Cue Le Mae Ta Peer ee Reed UCase CUTTING Se eee aeons ae ce oe) eee nee et eee eee ares CALORIE DEFICIT A calorie deficit is when the number of calories you consume eee a eee etn WHY SHOULD WE GO ON A CUT? ‘There is only so long you can bulk for, before eventually we Cre et ea eee ea eae es See eee ea en cone oe ees Se aces art See ana ee easy to make mistakes and end up losing a lot of muscle mass too. Rear cue ee Conant lose all your muscle mass through making the same mistakes | did. JOE FAZER WARMING UP (One thing that doesn't change within a fat loss phase ee Mee ee eee anes component of an optimised, injury-free, sustainable Se ee ee are) Cea ee ene a eee ey Ing performance. Dynamic stretching is eM eae cae ny See Ra a Cue stretching for optimising training performance and decreasing injury risk. recommend following what is known Bene a eee ee eee eee Peace CATEGORY SELECTION Soret ea eat ee emcees Cee Lea aoc) Pee CC ee OP eI ere ena en re Re euch ans Cee ae a Tae Cane SZ Se Uo CEC We her) Pea en ee nee eee oes eet eae eee ee eee een Pee eee men ote! Perera If you are in your first year of training, you are eo Set ee Cn re ee? manner. If you can Squat 2x Bodyweight, Bench Det er eee ey Cee a eS TCE eco aha a ee Pee ot ern in this manner. If you are not confident enough to run the advanced program, feel free to run the Perens JOE FAZER RAISE (Heart Rate) ee Cente eek Ceic EY Pa cee eC aon cts ee cn ec ene) ecu Neh ZN GS Cte tec} Seen tee eens Seen ee eae ey ete ee eer ees ee ee oe tel TM A SO) To engage the full range of motion and Ces cee eerie aD ee eae eee aes es oe Cr) SOE cee crc Ee ee ce ae ee OC Re eee) Pen ene ou Rag SR eee SOO ne a nn eae Cn Gee ecu Se na ee oe eee eee ene eee ue See Br ae) oll: )-\) Rete eente eeeeat een ene oer ena) BOR on Oo Pe Eee ere Pa eeneaey aeons ee fara ett AY an Cee ae ears Pi Lsshalndhthend 5-9, 10-15 Seal cea Paras Pan ead card 2n terete erie an eee area 1m eo Srar ard am ouhplemstest belidodtaghind al base Bee fe eer in ee RC is PULL Giatars emai a EXERCISE VOLUME REST err SEER Bent Over Barbed Row 5-9, 10-15 23m Perey arar er ee renin are ee Sot hapheainanall edad te ane Per Slabs ny did Sechatle 35m oo BParory Im De bed elabaied Saal loca corres Im cece eRe’ res — ert rrr arn ee ee Ce ee ees z peter ead 6m ee ens career er cane ter eee) am Oo Ss 2 ee ee ere nd ro Pear) 3m eee Pe en et ta eee ark — ct rarer an tet axr25 Im bere | Pee ‘anes i Eee err ae eee ceree 1m Eee een ars ca Cees aren Pee ee Aree a ee ee era eee ee Eee 2m ere een Teer a oa eet 2x Faire 1m foe) eee Bearer Po wert cerry 1m Peeve) eee eee a (erercise youu rest eee eet SE a coer ear aer = cone ear arty 1m Te Pee” renee an fas ea | reese Pee ee ree Par 5 ere eer ene een ea eae prenry 1m eter aaa 1m Leg Press parecer am eis cerned 2m freien ee eae ue ee er ed reds Uta hist Pete era ery 3 Volume is written as rep ranges, not sets and reps. So, for example, 5-9, 10-12'is not 5-9 sets of 10-12 reps, but in fact, 1 set of 5-9 eps Pn Pere eno Ee Re eee oe ee ee eee All sets should be taken close to or to complete Fallre, rep ranges prescribed as “fallre” just means you can pick your rep range for each eee ene te eee eer reece ets The optional bicep and tricep exercises are isolation exercises, such as overhead extensions, pushdowns, cable curls and dumbbell curls, Sena Cee een arene etie tres With pullupsitricep dips, f you can complete the prescribed volume with ease using only bodyweight, feel free to add load recommended Poets ca If you can not complete bodyweight pull-ups or tricep dips, please feel free to use an assisted pull-up or tricep eee Cee Ce eee eee eee eee eee carer erer res en ee en ee eee Sn ee Oe Wei ae en te ee too many times, and | don’t want this to happen to you guys. Since being smarter with the way | train and eat Cae eee ee mate ne ae aco Similar to the original program, the methodology sits with maximising muscular hypertrophy by attacking both of the primary mechanisms; a top-set (which is a heavier lower rep range set) to maximise mechanical tension and a back-off-set (which is a lighter, higher rep range set) to maximise metabolic stress. SSD eee ee So ee aE ne eee aed Ree Ree a te ae ee ene ea STO een en ome ene Re so that you could train Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, allowing Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday to be rest days. There are five sessions with the advanced split, so you could train Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, ee ae eh ue eet ac Te ca es When it comes to rest times, | recommend that you take between 3 and 5 minutes to rest in between sets of fee een etn eee Seca an ee ee ee ete eer cts pe eR te eee en ee et Se DG oe ne eee nce fee a ca een a eee ee Sree ee eee ee eee Red Pee ee ane on te eee ie Progressive overload is a method of strength training thi i Cee etme te a) within the a training routine. Progressive overload should be the primary objective when it comet eee ee ee eke ec Pees ee ene ee te ere eg | OTe a ee eee eco Se eee kee eee eee ary Ce et Roa ee Seren er Peers tena Peary eee eect Penne te Perea ogy Setter eee i Peer e eee est pee ene Prete ein 7.43): a Siena es Rese ae Sa ELC ar ee ea ecu Cee men heed ae SCR a ee a Pormtcd Ee eee ete es ee eet tere eer eee eee ete eee ed eens CS oe ST Nee na ae meee Se eee a ieee cas is 2500 a day; try decreasing your calorie intake to 2300 a day en ona en ee ae your weight has plateaued for a relatively long period of time. Ces ee ee nee he eee Pee eee ee eee ey Cee oC eee een ene ee ene ee esa ee eee ane) See ree en nee cae Paes ono ee aoe ea eee cem ry Cen ue cee ates example, instead of removing 100 calories of food, you could add eee er eee am ote ene Sete ec ets ea CC) PreeeE te eure ee nome Re eRe nt) Pon ee Zete las nae eens Cee LE Cue a Rog eee ae AS MEAL EXAMPLES LN | EGG BAGELS TOTAL MEAL COOK TIME: eae airs oy Cray Coon) 2x Cet oer) ea COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: DN a ee ae) Sm ee acme corti) ce PRS ee Ree ER ees SMe nunc Run Rae renee? Super easy to make and very short cooking t CO UR nk ee Urea Rese car MEAL 2 CHICKEN STIR FRY TOTAL MEAL COOK TIME: DESI ore Peers eee cies Deets i es So Tee ference hee am SAC oaD) eek COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: Penne Cun es Real Re ee uke! Cane ce Mole Reet RUCRC cao) Re eae Cree ene nee eRe Ce ee een iene RCE ER Ze ears PNP Rrra CeCe eR RRC? eae BERS REE AR co: JOE FAZER noodles and enjoy. MEAL 3 MONSTER MASH TOTAL MEAL COOK TIME: Sees Suc leery Rice (packet) pec Cetera aera od ered eave tetted ere cere ed COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: DRS ee an ee) sce Peo eee SOL eee Ae OCCU Cm CoiC ULE Cre ere ee ae ue ce ne etcetera Cm Peso Se Ue Let ote 6.Mix 1 stock pot with 200ml of boiling water ET esap tae bs Fed 41 D7 eis i ret TOTAL MEAL COOK TIME: pee Tod CW Rec Sano a Roars fore) 200g raw weight Soe Temanerad a Cea) pene ened foreeery eT COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: Pe een Ra Ung ten eget cel Rit ec ce Pa ee ecu oe eae Ra eae cee ech R CeCe ee ECE et Reg Ce Ron a Sar Ele eaeee! ME Recto Rene URE CO anche en aed toa RO Seine Re eae Ly Vy had TOTAL MEAL COOK TIME: arcs rea end Creu une Frozen Blueberries cue ay St AI Aare) leu Ea Ls EEE roi eras iro} COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: DPE Ra Cen ea rere er ye Crean See ee Reena eters eee MONITORING PROGRESS eR aca Prete eee parte coe you take a video/photos of your physique RR nna ee eee ere Cor) Rn aCe Teor ac anes oa oT anu uu? Pee eee co Eee ne heer) ee a seer es variables the same BP ceo ee a De eee) Fee eau ete} Cen LCE Ce eS Coen eeu ance er een) Seen enero ees ete ere eee ener hat pee ae ee ce tease discouraged by slight increases in body Reet ee eae ete etd OSC eae ae CNet ote eee POE ua ces CARDIO eee Pee i a ec a Res eke gees GOLF. Cee Reread Pats es 3 cs FOOTBALL Cre Skea Peon REMEMBER _ YOU APRAR NO PUMP SMALLER JOE FAZER RUNNING Cre ECCT r=) Burns: 700 Calories per fete a SWIMMING CMe ke eared Cras BOXING. Burns: 800 Calories Peas HACKS TO MAKE YOU LOOK EVEN MORE SHREDDED 1 TAN Re aa eee eet COE ec Ce ee OEE ea Race od Prete Cr eee Mn oa Coote ees) eect ch See pec en eee ee eee core ete ee eee eee Ree ena eet personally would not recommend sun beds as they increase risk of getting skin cancer. | also do not een RR tee CR a eu eee Lee SEC eee eo eto eae acne 2 HAIRCUT Yes | know what you're thinking; how the hell RTE ees cued ea hee ke a Pee ee eee ea ney skin fade) will make the face look thinner and Ge ee eee ee) CO te ee ee oie) Pe eae eget ee res BEFORE AFTER SUMMARY SHREDDING, TANNING So that's, everything you need to know about the Skinny kid Bulking Up CCN Orr tT before and after several weeks on the program take an after photolvideo, then HAIRCUT pe nee eee ke ee etre) on the website. Once again, thank you for purchasing this program. CUTTING FAQS Ne aso SU TscYs ‘Our focus has shifted from building muscle to losing body fat. It is important that we bring our best package to Se eee eee eee Why can't | just remove loads of calories and do unlimited cardio? ee eee era ne a eee ees Pe tee eo een ce kt ane eee eens Cg Se MSc SL? I think anywhere from 4000 - 6000 steps is a great starting point per day. From there, add a thousand or two Cee eeu a ee ONE RSE one ee ee ee ones era ey Sea tae ee eo ee oc Poin OTE CR Rune a Se en ee ee Ce oe LES warm-up (heart rate elevation and muscle activation). Not warming up could mean you end up injured and out, CGS Pre ee ee Re eT on eed TCE Ce ee oe Cees Doe a ee Nea a Ghee ete eee ca eee eee rors Bierce eRe TC coe Ce eee Re oe LL Penge ee ee eee ea aes ees OCU AC eR R uss De eee ee eee een eee ea eee Eee ee tee te nen ete Re eee Se ere eee PCG un eee a ed eee Ce Ce Cee a missing a piece of equipment, try and substitute the exercise for something similar which your gym does have. Feet ak eon oe oe oti ce PN I Nae ecto Firstly, don’t overthink it. Everyone misses sessions and it's completely normal, the best advice is to just move Se ee eae eee ena ce aE train Upper A and just push everything back by a day. Once the next week rolls around just bring the sessions Co eee uc ec How long until | will start noticing results? Sen ee ee ee eee eee factors influencing progression, such as your ability to adhere to the program, your diet, your sleep ete. See ee mee eee eee es WCET Cuca Cr RCC Supplements are absolutely not necessary but can provide acute benefit when added in the right places. The keyword to remember is that they ‘supplement’ your progress. If you struggle to reach your daily protein requirements, a protein powder will assist you. If you struggle to generate energy for your training sessions, a Eee ees ee eee ee een eee re en ees

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