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Media Information and Literacy

Date:October 08,2019

Content Standards
The learner understands how ICT enslaves, emancipates, and empowers individuals.
Performance Standards
The learner organizes and mobilizes an event that deals with a significant global issue, using ICT.
Learning Competencies
• Discuss the benefits of technology
HUMSS_MCT12- IId-f-2

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners must be able to:
 Identify benefits of ICT.
 Create an output showing the benefits of ICT.
 Show appreciation on the benefits of ICT.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Benefits of ICT
Reference: Trends,Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Literature
Diwa Learning Systems INC
Materials: Visual Aid, Strips,Pictures, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation
III. Procedure:
A. Preparation ( 5 minutes)
A.1 Prayer
A.2 Greetings
A.3 Arranging of Chairs
A.4 Checking of attendance
A.5 Review
(The teacher will call the student/s to recap the previous lesson) -3 minutes
B. Motivation:
“Digital Society”

C. Activity Proper: Concept Mapping

Activity 1 (Group Activity)
Let the student create Concept Map on the benefits of ICT.
Group 1 – Education
Group 2 – Commerce
Group 3 – Health Service
Group 4 - Banking

Activity 2 (Group Activity)

Using the same output each group will be given 2 minutes to present their output.
D. Analysis (5 minutes)
 How ICT has benefitted life in all dimensions?
 How ICT change our society and the way we live?

E. Abstraction (10 minutes)

The teacher will partially introduce the benefits of ICT.
1. Education
Smart whiteboard for visual illustration.
Internet for long-distance research.
Social media to link students and teachers.
Schools use to keep the database of information.
2. Commerce
Online shopping and payment.
Advertise the products through online marketplaces and classified ads.

3. Health Services
Information stored data such as medical data and patients’ records.
Online appointment and health information.
Ordering of medicines through phone and online.

4. Banking
Transactions (deposits, withdraw, pay bills) through online banking,
automated teller machine (ATM), and smartphones.

F. Application
Create an output showing the benefits of ICT.
Group 1 - Role Play(video)
Group 2 - Video Blog
Group 3 - Create a collage on the benefits of ICT through powerpoint.
IV. Evaluation
1. Which sector/section in our society that online application is applicable?
a. Banking b. Education c. Health Services d. Commerce

2. Which of the following is NOT the benefit of ICT in the field of education?
a. Smart whiteboard for visual illustration.
b. Internet for long-distance research.
c. Social media to link students and teachers.
d. Online appointment

3. What area/field of society where ICT benefitted much?

a. Banking b. Education c. Health Services d. Commerce

4. Which of the following is a benefit of ICT in the field of banking?

a. Advertise the products
b. Online appointment
c. Transactions (deposits, withdraw, pay bills) through online
d. Smart whiteboard for visual illustration.

5. How do you recognize a benefit of ICT in our society?

a. Technology advancement
b. Retention span
c. Communication enhancement
d. Quality of lives improvement

Read in advance about Weakest Link.

Prepared By:


Observed By:

SNHS Head Teacher – V

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