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(ENT 300) / MAC 2022








Assalamualaikum, first and foremost, I'd want to express my heartfelt

gratitude to Allah SWT for bestowing upon me the patience, stamina, bravery,
and fortitude necessary to complete this endeavour. This assignment is the
result of several people working together. To begin, I'd want to express my
heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to Madam Hadhifah, my great lecturer, for
sharing her wealth of knowledge, helpful guidance, and experience with me.

My thanks and appreciation also go to all of my friends for their helpful

recommendations and insightful comments. Thank you. I'd also want to
convey my regret for any errors or omissions in carrying out this job.


1. Executive Summary 4
2. MyEnt Registration 5
3. Project Description 6-7
BMC Of Serunding Halia Bukit Ilmu
4.1. Customer Segment
4.2. Value Proposition
4. 4.3. Channel 8-11
4.4. Customer Relationship
4.5. Revenue Stream
4.6. Key Activities
4.7. Key Resources
4.8. Key Partner
4.9. Cost Structure
5. Experiential Learning 12
6. Conclusion 13
7. Appendices 14
1.0 Executive Summary

The purpose of this project is to expose students to the process of

discovering business opportunities. For this project, I want to commercialise a
culinary product named Serunding Halia Bukit Ilmu. We use the same high-
quality ginger as Halia Bentong in our product (Serunding Halia). We called
our product (Serunding Halia Bukit Ilmu) after our farm in the slopes of Uitm
Machang, Kelantan. Halia Bentong is also known as "Halia Bukit Tinggi" since
it grows on the slopes of highland hills such as Bukit Tinggi, Janda Baik, and
Bentong Pahang. The BMC selling report (Serunding Halia Bukit Ilmu) will be
utilised as a business plan.
The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is vital to include since it guides the
organization's thinking through each of the major segments or blocks for the
implementation of a business model. Using a tool like the Business Model
Canvas to generate a rudimentary portrayal of where the business is today
and where it will be tomorrow can help to unite my group. BMC frequently
holds a community or team brainstorming session that focuses on examining
ideas for corporate strategy and uncovering new combination possibilities,
where the concept is drawn and created piece by piece. The nine components
of the visual map are the product offer, client segment, channel, customer
connection, revenue stream, key resources, key activities, key partners, and
cost structure.
2.0 MyEnt Registration

3.0 Project Description

I'm a business and management student (BA111). As part of my business
assignment tasks for ENT300 course this semester, I have the ability to sell
whatever product I want to. I was assigned to market a food product for this
I've decided to make Serunding Halia Bukit Ilmu available for purchase.
Serunding Halia Bukit Ilmu is a product that was made in Uitm Machang,
Kelantan. This ginger was produced from a plant that belonged to the
university, making it one of its most valued innovations. We utilize top-quality
ginger to make our Serunding Halia successful. A botanist from Uitm has
been sent to help plant this ginger. We claim that the ginger we use has
nearly the same nutritional value as Bentong Ginger as a result. Are you
knowledgeable? Ginger is a spicy root spice that has been used in traditional
medicine all across the world. It is helpful for medicine and wellness. It is rich
in organic ingredients that are beneficial to health. There are a few clear
advantages of ginger, but further research is needed to completely
understand and demonstrate their value. Therefore, the reason I chose to sell
this Halia Serunding product is not only to impart knowledge to students, but
also to show them how to strengthen their health throughout the buying and
selling process.
I began by seeking for consumers through word-of-mouth marketing to
family, friends, and other individuals in order to make sure that this buying and
selling procedure was effective. Most of my orders come from my favorite
science instructor, family, and close friends. I saw that during the time we had
been given to do this task, Serunding Halia was in great demand.
The process of purchasing and selling Serunding Halia Bukit Ilmu goods has
been ongoing in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, which is close to my village. Most of
the purchases I received were paid by cash on delivery (COD), while others
were done online and must be sent.
As part of a business strategy, the BMC selling report (Serunding Halia Bukit
Ilmu) will also be used. The objective is to look beyond financial projections,
business analysis, and spreadsheets. It is important to remember that the
BMC will continue to develop my business service as it expands, even though
its main goal is to offer the framework for the business model. At BMC, there
are several opportunities. Using the BMC method, I can simply focus on my
business and learn more about how to attract more clients, satisfy customers,
and build strategies for future marketing that will be more effective.
This product was offered for RM17 per unit. The original price was RM12,
however the selling price is now RM17. I get an RM5 profit from the sale of
this item. I did not make capital because I was just working as a dropship
when I started my business.

Sales price RM17
( - ) Original price ( RM12 )
Profit for each Jar RM5
( x ) Quantity of Jar sold 10
Gross profit RM50
4.0 BMC Of Serunding Halia Bukit Ilmu




- Personal assistance - WORD OF MOUTH


4.1 Customer Segment
a) Demographic
- Used on both men and women.
- Target on all ages people.
b) Psychographic
- The ideal client for this product is someone who always leads a healthy
lifestyle and wants to take excellent care of their health. They might also be
someone who wants to use the product as medication.
4.2 Value Proposition
a) High quality raw material
- use only the best ginger breeds.
b) Affordable price
- Even if the greatest ginger breeds are used in this product, Serunding halia,
the opinions of the intended customers are crucial. if the intended outcome is
not achieved. As a result, the buyer cannot afford the price which has been
4.3 Channels
a) Words of mouth
- used to reach out to specific customers and share marketing publicly. This
strategy works well for increasing consumer interest in the products we sell.
b) Social media
- Full use of social media like Whatsapp and Instagram. Customers will know
more information about the product such as product description, product
advantages and also make it easier for customers to buy without going to the
c) Indirect selling - Three level
- One-level channel (Manufacturer to Retailer to Customer)
- A Two-Level Channel (Manufacturer to Wholesaler to Retailer to Customer)
- A Three-Level channel (Manufacturer to Agent to Wholesaler to Retailer to
4.4 Customer relationship
a) Personal assistance
- Always says thank you or show grateful when customer made a purchase.
- Keep in touch with customers to asking for feedback.
4.5 Revenue stream
a) Sales of product
- Both online banking and cash on delivery are acceptable payment methods
for this produk Serunding Halia Bukit Ilmu.
4.6 Key activities
a) Networking
- Through networking, I operate my business. The best solution to growing my
company's network is finding the right development partner.
b) Advertising
- The first stage in my major activity to reach target consumers was to
recognize the need for marketing, which starts with identifying client
requirements and finally satisfies those requests. Market statistics and their
analysis are also stored in the field of marketing. I promote this by sharing my
article on all social media platforms that I use for marketing purposes, such as
Facebook and WhatsApp.
c) Sales
-.Selling is the primary method used to perform the sale of this Serunding
Halia product. First, I gather orders for the sale of this Serunding Halia goods.
Next, I take inventory with our Serunding Halia supplier. Finally, I handle
delivery to the client. Stocks play a crucial role in commercial activity. How will
the trading session go if stocks or products are insufficient.
4.7 Key resources
a) Financial resources
- Using two methods for this Serunding Halia during purchased process,
either pay by cash on delivery or by online banking This will gave me more
knowledge how to handle this situation in future.
b) Intellectual resources
- In Microsoft Excel, I will save customer purchase information such the
address and total amount of purchases. Customers who wish to purchase
something will complete a Google form that I will provide. I can monitor client
orders in this manner and make sure nothing is missed.
c) Human resources
- With the expertise of botanists, Uitm Machang, the party who founded
Serunding Halia Bukit Ilmu, was able to make this product a success.
4.8 Key partner
a) Supplier for Serunding Halia Bukit Ilmu
- It is important to conduct business professionally and cautiously with
Serunding Halia Bukit Ilmu's supplier. It is possible to increase demand for
huge supplies continuously.
b) Partnership
- My friend is one of the people who can help me improve my selling skills.
They continue to help me promote my business and attract new clients.
c) Courier service
- I used Ninja Van to post out customer order.
4.9 Cost structure
a) Product cost
- The cost of the product is RM12 each jar, and the selling price is RM17 per
jar, thus my profit is RM5 every jar sold.
b) Delivery cost
- The cost of delivering each jar of Serunding Halia is around RM4.00,
depending on the customer's location. Customer pays for the courier delivery

The major goal of this business opportunity was to introduce students to real-
world professional situations. Students may examine the entrepreneur
process from concept to entrepreneur interests through this business
opportunity. The most crucial stage of this process is determining whether or
not a business plan is viable. The initiator of a business interest is a business
opportunity, which is made up of a set of market circumstances that allow a
firm notion to become a commercial venture. There are several methods for
assessing and verifying a company proposition.
Running a business is a tough challenge that we must handle independently.
There are benefits and drawbacks to learning new skills in the area of
business, but I am thankful for the chance. Since joining this dropship, I've
through a lot of change, including learning how to handle every customer's
character issues, improving communication, and delivering excellent service.
Since it may enhance our service even more effectively, this is a common
circumstance known as drop shipment or seller.
Lastly, I discovered that we must identify client problems, particularly those
that arise during payment. It's also common for me to have customers who
make purchases but then change their minds right before they check out. Due
to a number of issues, including an erroneous location, they had to cancel it.
Whatever it may be, I will have to do what I am instructed and wait until the
right time.

Ultimately, I was able to maximize the effectiveness of this business strategy,

and it is clear that this initiative benefits all of us. Because of the challenges
we had to overcome, I was also able to pick up some knowledge in this area
of business. We could discover that in order for our company to be successful
and organized, we must first construct a business framework.
Additionally, each of these entrepreneurs plays an important role in ensuring
that the business continues to grow successfully toward its goals. I am sure
that the things provided will go a long way towards benefiting all consumers.
Furthermore, i believe that this product will be able to compete fairly with other
brand products on this scale of industry.

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