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FCPS PART 1 DENTISTRY 2015 with answers


1. A diabetic patient is advised fasting blood glucose level, at what value doctor is confusing and needs
further evaluation with glucose tolerance test?
a. 04 mmol/l
b. 05 mmol/l
c. 07 mmol/l
d. 10 mmnol/l
e. 15 mmol/l
ans = c

2. Which one contains the highest cholesterol content ?

a. Chylomicrons
b. hdl
c. vldl
d. ldl
ans = ldl
3. Nerves supplying muscle fibers have
a. 60% motor fibers 40 % sensory
b. 40%motor, 60 % sensory
c. 60 motor, 40 sensory , some autonomic sympathetic fibers
d. parasympathetic fiber like option was there
ans= c

4. growth hormone increases during

a. REM sleep
b. Exercise
c. Free fatty acids
ans= b or a. there is controversy bw ganong/guyton as
it increases in both. I marked A cz I thought it increased more in A (plus group me dekha tha shaid :/,
maybe im wrong- CONFIRM URSELF PLZ)

5. in phenylketonuria, pt is unable to convert phenylalanine to

a. phenylpyruvate
b. phenylacetate
c. tyrosine
d. phenylactate
ans= c

6. aminogroup of nonessential amino acids is derived from

a. glucagon
b. arginine
c. oxaloacetate
d .pyruvate
e. glutamate
ans= e

7. histones are ?
a. covalently bonded to DNA
B. Are largely composed of lysine n arginine
ans= b

8. systemic antifungal is contraindicated in

a. oral candidiasis
b. aspergillosis in lungs
c. positive blood culture in indwelling IV catheter
d. 2 or more fungal infections
e. lichen planus
ans= c

9. Scenario related to a young boy, probably 9 yrs has streptococcal throat infection. fever is due to
a. complements
b. interleukin 1 production
c. decreased temperature set point in thalamus
ans= b

10. endotoxin activates

a. IL- 1
b. complement system
I forgot the rest of the options
11. Ideal dental plaster is. If I’m not wrong the question was about ideal model plaster :/ (not sure)
a. alpha hemihydrate
b. beta hemihydrate
c. hydrocal
d. calcined caso4
Ans= I marked A (confirm urself plz)

12. What is true about hyaline cartilage?

A) collagen fibres are visible
B) elastic fibres are visible
C) collagen and elastic fibres are not visible
D) collagen and elastic fibres are visible
E) collagen fibres are not visible
ans= e (refer laiq hussain)

13. Regarding hyaline cartilage

a. precursor of endochondral bone formation
b. cartilage of pinna
c. not present in nose septum
d. present in knee meniscus
e. present in epiglottis
ans= a

14. in fresh sections elastic cartilage is more yellow than hyaline cartilage because
a. elastic fibers are visible
b. is more basophilic
c. rest options were same like visible not visible of elastic collagen fibers
ans= a (due to presence of elastin- laiq hussain)

15. muscles of mastication derived from which branchial arch

a. 1st arch
b. 2nd arch
c. 3rd arch
d. no pharyngeal arch
e. 4th arch
ans= a

16. first pass effect is seen in

a. oral route
b. inhalational
c. transdermal patch
d. IM
e. sublingual
ans= a

17. Which enzyme is responsible for conversion of nor-epinephrine into epinephrine?

A) tyrosine hydroxylase
B) Monoamine oxidase
C) phenylethanoline N-Methyl transferase( PNMT)
D) Dopamine beta-hydroxylase
e) Dopamine carboxylase
ans= c

18. Following the administration of which drug does the blood level needed to be monitored closely?
a. acyclovir
b. penicillin
c. ofloxacillin
d. vancomycin
e. cyclosporine
ans= d

19. Pt after profuse sweating ingests 2L of pure water. what will happen
a. increase in ECF volume
b. increase in ICF volume
c. decrease in plasma osmolarity
d. increase in plasma osmolarity
ans= I marked A cz there was no “both” ka option)

20. second heart sound is due to

a. ventricular filling
b. closure of pulmonary and aortic valves (ans)
c. other options related to the cardiac cycle

21. which one is neurosecretion

a. Oxytocin
b. Prolactin
c. Acth
ans= a

22. Fraction of excreted sodium used to assess?

a. kidney tubular function
b. kidney glomerular function
c. pressure of osmolarity
d. ECF
e. sodium homeostasis
ans= a

23. a girl, partial absence of clavicles, some permanent teeth missing (other findings were also given)
a. gardener syndrome
b. achondroplasia
c. cleidocranial dysplasia
ans= C

24. spore producing organism

a. mycoplasma
b. mycobacterium
c. clostridia
d. pneumococcus or I think it was cryptococcus
ans= c

25. pt had osteosarcoma of limb. Underwent radiotherapy. after 2 years he presents with atrophy of
muscles and epidermis the cause is
a. end arteritis obliterans
b. nerve injury
c. venous thrombosis
ans= A

26. most common tooth involved in cementoblastoma

a. lower 6
b. upper 6
c. lower 7
d. upper premolar
e. lower premolar
ans= a

27. which of the following agent present in saliva causes breakdown of bacterial cell wall
a. secretory igA
b. lactoperoxidases
c. lyzozyme (ans)

28. if factor 8 is not available for transfusion, what is the best alternative
a. FFP
b. cryoprecipitate
c. whole blood
d. plasma
ans= b

29. diagnosis of hemophilia best done by

a. vWF antigen absent
b. increase PT
c. deficiency of factor 8
ans= c

30. atropine is given before surgery to

a. reduce respiratory secretions
b. muscle relaxation
ans= a

31. anticholinergics used to treat

a. chronic asthma
b. allergic asthma
c. chronic bronchitis
d. acute bronchospasm
ans= d

32. which acts to cause irreversible injury to platelets

a. aspirin
b. indomethacin
ans= a

33. 25 yr old pregnant lady with occult blood in stools. (other features like weakness, pallor were also
given) –asim mcq
a. iron deficiency anemia
b. megaloblastic anemia
c. sideroblastic anemia
d. anemia of chronic disease
ans= a (asim shoaib key) ref f.a and brs
34. Halothane mixed with which substance to maximize the effect?
a. NO
b. thiopental
ans= a

35. Buffer of kidney

a. phosphate
b. ammonia
ans= a

36. Buffer of blood

A. bicarbonate
B. hb
ans= a

37. reteromandibular vein form by?

a. maxillary vein plus superficial temporal
b. superfacial vein plus transverse facial vein
ans= a

38. Site of memory?

a. Hippocampus
b. Parietal
c. Occipital
d. Amygdla
ans= a

39. Scenario of pateint with polyuria and nocturia. Labs showed increased Ca2+, increase PO4, Alkaline
phosphatase (I guess it was normal), albumin normal, increased urea. What is the cause
(Normal values were also given so it was easy to decide wat is increased or decreased. I hope I’m
recalling this qs correctly)
a. Primary hyperparathyroidism
b. Hypervitaminoses D
c. milk alkali syndrome
d. vit D deficiency
e. thiazide diuretics?? (not sure about this option)
ans= I marked C

40. Pharmacodynamic example is

a. Effect of morphine reversed by naloxane (ans)
b. one option was I guess atropine and neostigmine

41. At age of 10-11 which teeth are present?

a) 13,23,35,45
b) 13,23,34,44
c) 14,24,33,43
d) 15,25,33,43
Ans: a

42. Which of the following is enzyme inducer? (actually the question was not worded straightforwardly.
It was like which drug increases metabolism of other drugs or decreases effect of other drugs )
a) Phenobarbitone
b. cemitidine
c. levodopa
ans= a

43. Woven bone?

a. found in epiphysis
b. synonymous with primary or immature bone
c. synonymous with secondary bone
ans= B
44. Scenario regarding pleomorphic adenoma
a. at junction of hard n soft palate (ans)

45. free nerve ending

a. capsulated
b. non encapsulated
c. myelinated
ans= b

46. scenario of a patient having anemia associated with chronic renal failure is due to
a. decreased erythropoietin secretion (ans)

47. Hydro colloid impression material, difference in temperature of gelation and sol formation?
a. hygroscopy
b. Hysteresis
c. Imbibition
d. syneresis
ans= b

48. which is natural sympathetic neurotransmitter

A. norepinephrine
B. dopamine
C. serotonin
ans= A

50. In vitamin D toxicity what will be the ca2+ and PO4 levels in the blood
a. hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia
b. both hyper
c. hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia
d. hypercalcemia, normophophatasia
ans= b

decrease vitamin D- calcium n phosphate level

a. both hypo (ans)

51. not an action of barbiturates

a. analgesia
b. anesthesia
c. anti seizure
d. to treat kernectirus in childern
e. sleep
ans= a

52. action of BZD due to action on

b. barbiturates
c. glutamate receptors
ans= I marked A

53. Inhibition of transcription done by

a. tetracyclines – it inhibits translation
b. erythromycin
c. rifampicin
d. ofloxacin
ans= I marked C and acc to what I looked up its correct as well. (feel free to confirm it urself)
54. Nursing mother suffering from herpes labialis/ herpes simplex. Which drug would u give. (I guess its
asim mcq)
a. acyclovir
b. trifluridine
other options were related to antifungals and antibiotics
ans= I marked A

55. allergy to lidocaine is due to

a. additives/preservatives in the solution (ans)
b. can be treated with hydrocortisone

56. not a derivative of neural crest cells

a. c-cells of thyroid
b. ameloblasts
c. glial cells
d. dermis of face
ans. b

57. myelination of CNS nerves done by

a. oligodendrocytes
b. schwann cells – they do myelination in PNS
c. fibrous astrocytes
d. microglia
ans= a

58. increased serum alkaline phosphatase

a. ca pancreas
b. ca prostate
c. bone disease
ans= I marked A I guess (I don’t remember this qs properly)

59. disturbance in level of ALP in

a. bone
b. liver disease
c. kidney disease
ans= I marked B I guess (I don’t remember this qs properly)

60. Nerve supply of oral pharynx membrane / oropharyngeal mucosa derived from (forgot the exact
a. 1st branchial arch
b. 2nd BR. Arch
c. 3rd BR. arch
4. 4th Br ach
5. not any branchial arch
ans= I marked C

61. type of gold alloys used for crown and bridges

a. type 1
b. type 2
c. type 3
d. type 4
e. type 5
ans = C
62. silver is added to amalgam to
a. increase setting time
b. increase strength
c. decrease setting time
d. decrease expansion
ans = B

63. abduction of vocal cord by

a. posterior cricoarytenoid
b. cricothyroid
ans. a

64. increase in what causes decrease in anxiety (I don’t remember this question clearly, neither do i
remember what i marked)
a. glucocorticoid receptors
b. cortisol
c. norepinephrine
d. gaba
ans= don’t remember, either I did B or D :/

65. which is used as a second messenger

a. AMP
b. ADP
c. ATP
d. adenyl cyclase
ans= a

66. which is the strongest chemotactic agent

a. c3a + c3b
b. c3a
c. c3b
d. c5a
e. c5b
ans= c5a

67. neutrophils are seen in

a. chronic bacterial infection
b. acute MI
c. prolonged infection
ans = B

68. Scenario, male patient having clasp knife rigidity, atrophy and weakness of ipsilateral left arm.
Hyper reflexia. lesion in
a. cerebellum
b. basal ganglia
c. pons
ans= b

69. cranial nerve VI arises from

a. midbrain
b. pons
c. medulla
ans= b
70. in erect position hyoid lies at which level
a. c1
b. c2
c. c3
d. c4
ans= c. C3

71. During tracheostomy increased bleeding is due to

a. isthmus lies near it
b inferior thyroid artery
c. anterior jugular vein
d. superior thyroid artery
ans= I marked C –ref big snell clinical notes topic of tracheostomy

72. gypsum is used for the casting of which material

a. gold
b. cobalt, chromium
c. aluminium
ans= a

73. porosity in the thickest part of the denture is due to

a. rapidly cooling after curing
b. leaving the lid open during mixing
c. increased temperature above boiling point of monomer
ans= c

74. When curing a denture base, if insufficient pressure is used while packing, porosity will be seen?
(vijay partab)
1: at the denture periphery
2. in the frenum areas
3. in the thickest portion of the denture
4. Uniformly distributed throughout the denture base
5. at the junction of the teeth and acrylic base
Ans: 4

75. The modulus of elasticity or Young's modulus of a materials is indicative of its? (vijay partab)
1: rigidity
2. resilience
3. Impact force
4. Breaking strength
5. Malleability
ans= 1
76. Scratch hardness is determined by
a. vicker's no
b. knoop hardness number
c. brinell’s micro hardness test
ans= I marked A. confirm urself

77. best curing of MMA is carried out via

a. microwave
b. cold curing
c. pressure curing
d. heat curing
e. boiling in 100.c
ans= c

78. Localized malformed permanent central incisors of 7 yr old boy. Mother says there was some local
infection to the predecessors. this condition is
a. turner teeth
b. talon's teeth
c. hutchinson's incisors
d. amelogenesis imperfect
ans= A

79. a longitudinal section of tooth shows alternate dark and light lines, this is due to
a. periods of active and inactive deposition
b. calcium deficiency
c. age changes
d. tetracyline
ans= a

80. Pits and furrows on teeth of a child. Mother says there was some endemic intoxication in the area.
a. flourosis
b. amelogenesis imperfecta
c. dentinogenesis imperfecta
d. hypocalcemia
ans= a

81. bronze discoloration of mucosa seen in

a. peutz jegher's
b. diabetes mellitus
c. melanosis
d. addisons
ans= d

82. adverse effects of prolong use of glucocorticoids

a. osteoporosis and sudden fracture of bones (ans)

83. which acts more selectively as cox 2 inhibitor

a. aspirin
b. celecoxib
c. diclofenac
ans= b

84. aspirin acts by inhibiton of (scenario of arthritic pt taking aspirin n pain is relieved)
a. Prostaglandin synthesis (ans)
b. leukotriene synthesis

85. indicator of apoptosis

b. rupture of cell membrane
c. cell shrinkage
d. cell swelling
ans= c

86. sign of irreversible injury

a. swelling of ER
b. swelling of mitochondria
c. rupture of lysosomes
ans= c

87. co-trimoxazole acts on

B. folate synthesis
c. cell wall synthesis
d. protein synthesis
ans= b

88. tetracycline acts by (I don’t remember the options clearly)

a. Inhibits amino transferase on bacterial ribosome
b. the other option was something like- bind to 30S and prevent attachment of aminoacyl t-rna to m-
rna (f.a + lippincot)
ans= I marked B.. all I remember is I marked the option which had t-rna in it

89. Saliva is important in digestion as

A. It causes complete digestion of amino acids
b. complete digestion of starch
c. swallowing
d. complete digestion of lipids
ans= C

90. alveolar pressure

a. equal to zero in between inspiration and expiration
b. is 5-6cm H20 LESS than atmospheric pressure in quiet inspiration
c. is 5-6 cm greater than atmosphere in quiet expiration
d. maximum on forced inspiration
e. becomes sub-atmospheric during inspiration or expiration type option
ans= I marked A

91. renin is inhibited by

a. increase ADH
b. angiotensin 2
c. angiotensin 1
ans= B

92. The portion of drug which makes it temporarily inactive is

a. bound to protein
b. ionized form
c. free in plasma
ans= A

93. elimination of a substance depends on / plasma half life depends on

a. rate of clearance
b. mode of administration
c. volume of distribution
ans= A

94. property of denture clasp that makes it easy to go in and out of teeth
a. modulus of elasticity
b. hardness
c fatigue resistance
ans= I marked A
95. property of a material that makes it resist finishing/polishing
A. hardness
b. modulus of elasticity
c fracture resistance
d. tensile strength
ans= A

96. ---- ye question aya tha??

knoop hardness of type 2 gold
a. 45-90
b. 90-120
c. 120-1250
ans= don’t remember this qs, I would hv marked B. plz confirm

97. In chronic renal failure what can be expected-ye qs tha???? Don’t remember
A. increase Extracellular PO4 production

98. External carotid artery- anatomical relations- remember options??????

a. terminal branch is superficial temporal and transverse facial artery
b. aik option me kuch carotid sinus ya body tha?
c. aik option was like ascends with internal carotid artery???
d. aik option me tha k gives no branches in neck?
e. supplies brain?? ---- plz recall
ans= I marked A, although I know terminal branch is maxillary artery n superficial temporal but for me,
I found this one relevant. If someone remember the option then plz add

99. in parathyroid hyperplasia , which cells are expected to be increase

a. chief cells
b. clear cells
c. oxyphil cells
d. chief and oxyphil cells
e. chief and clear cells
ans= D

100. most common cause of blindness worldwide (there were names of specific microorganisms given in
paper, not generalized viral bacterial etc)
a. viral
b. chlamydiae
c. fungal
d. ameobic
e. parasitic
ans= B chlamydiae

101. Scenario- RBC'S agglutinate with anti sera A and D. serum agglutinates with B red cells . what is
the blood group (asim shoaib mcq- the whole exact statement can be found there; maybe in chandkian
a. A positive
ans= A

102. After surgery to remove a ranula , patient is unable to protrude tongue. which muscle is damaged
a. genioglossus
b. mylohyoid
c. stylohyoid
d. palatoglossus
ans = A

103. The first diagnostic sign of low calcium level in blood

a. tetany
b. bone fractures
c . low serum ca
d. 25 oh cholecalciferol (Jahangir ans ) ---- ye D option ppr me tha???
ans = I marked A

104. the type of collagen present in dermis

a. type 1
b. type 2
c. type 3
d. type 4
e. type 5
ans = a

105. Scenario of an experiment performed in laboratory, where a cell is injured to understand role of
bla bla. How leukocytes reach to the site of inflammation...?
a. Chemokines
b. histamine
c. bradykinin
d. interleukin 1
ans= I marked D

106. Increase water powder ratio of plaster during setting will?

a. inc setting expansion
b. dec setting expansion
c. Increase setting time
d. Decrease setting time
ans= I marked A

107. Concentration of nitrous oxide ppm in an 8 hour general anesthesia

a. 20ppm
b. 10ppm
c. 50ppm
d. 500ppm
e. 100ppm
ans= I marked A (the correct answer is 25ppm which was not in options)

108. oral ulcers

a. Intra epithelial n subepithelial
b. Caused by herpes virus
c. Snail trick like ulcers of secondary syphills ulcers are painless.
ans= I marked C

109. 3rd stage of deglutition z?

a. gravitational
B. peristaltic movement
ans= A
110. Exudate v/s transudate difference
a. increase no of inflammatory cells.
b. specific gravity equal to 1.020
c. proteins are more in transudate
ans= A

111. Maximum cerebral blood flow in? (c.i in icp)

a. Sevoflurane
b. Halothane
c. Enflurane
ans. b

112. Scenerio related to neutrophil defect, periodontitis –(clinical feature were given, and name of
disease in option which I forgot. Plz read either cawson or soames for the c/f )
ans= Papillon lefever syndrome

113. Mandibular gland duct obstruction. X ray view..???

a. mandibular occlusal veiw
c. periapical view
ans. a

114. plaque adheres to teeth by

a . dextran
b. materia alba
c. sucrose
ans= A

115. true about Active transport ?

a. against electrochemical gradient
b. don’t require ATP
other options were related to carriers, ions, proteins transport something
ans. a

116. cardic pt... prophylaxis befor surgry..?

a. 3g amoxicillin PO 1 hr before surgery
b. 2g amoxicillin PO 1 hr before surgery
c. 5g amoxicillin PO 1 hr before surgery
d. 2.5g amoxicillin PO 1 hr before surgery
ans = B (ref nbde)

117. Cell wall is protected by

a. Ca
b. Na
c. Lipid breakdown product
d. Phosphoric acid
ans= I marked C

118. Scenario of Pt with pedal edema n swelling, urine analysis shows fat oval bodies. diagnosis
a. Nephrotic syndrome
b. Nephritic syndrome
c. Acf
ans=a (remember O for Oval, O for nephrOtic)

119. rapid action of insulin

a. Protien synthesis
b. Moves k in to cell from extracellular fluid
c. transport glucose to extracellular space
ans= B

120. First line defence after hemorrhage or bleeding..?

a. Blood vessels.
b. Platelets
ans= A

121. Abdominal sugery scar strength ..2 months later

a. 50-70% increase will improve rapidly
b. 50-70% improve slowly by modification of collagen
ans. B (asim key)

122. Hypoxemia causes hyperventilation by acting on...? (chandkian 5th ed medicine mcq 1382)
a. Respiratory centre in pons
b. Respiratory centre in medulla
c. Carotid body
ans = i marked C ------ option A and B were not in ppr as far as i remember. we got chandkian options.

123. metastatic calcification (asim mcq??)

a. normal kidney
b. goitre
c. tb
ans= a

124. Scenario, a premature infant bruises on skin and jaundice. Mother used anti biotic during
pregnancy. Malnourished. Which vitamin deficiency is there? (and yes there were two vit B, B options) –
nov 2014, feb 2015
a. Vit A
b. Vit B
c .Vit B
d. Vit C
e. Vit K
ans= e

125. Material of choice for Impression for obturator?

a. Elastomers
b. Black GP
c. Impression waxes
ans= B

126. Young boy, discoloration by tetracycline seen due to incorporation in

a. enamel
b. dentine
c. cementum
d. pulp
ans= I marked B (I followed cawson n soames. However nbde says enamel. Suit urself)

127. Blood loss after severe hemorrhage, unconscious pt, 1 hour passed, pulse pressure 50mmhg. Pulse
is rapid, cool and clammy skin. Which mechanism is active at this stage? (rabia ali mcq)
a. Volume reflex
b. Baroreceptor
c. cns ischemic response
d. brain bridge reflex
e. peripheral chemoreceptors
ans= I marked C

128. When cranial vault fail to fuse (cranioschisis) and brain tissue exposed to amniotic fluid
degenerates. It leads to? (langman 12ed, pg 137)
a. meningomyolcoele
b. hydrocephalus
c. craniosynostosis (premature closure of one or more sutures)
d. anencephly
ans= d

129. Rapidly transport from cell membrane in brain----- ye qs tha ppr me?
a. co2

130. lower lip lymph drainage

a. sumandibular
b. submental plus submandibular
c. juglodigastric
d. deep cervical nodes
ans. b

131. Primary adrenal insufficiency

A. hyperkalemia
b. addisons disease----- ye option tha????
c. low serum ACTH level
ans= A

132. Gastrin inhibited by?

a. somatostatin
b. epinephrine
c. secretin
ans= A

133. Pt using denture came to doctor and complained about denture. Dr said there was corrosion due
to absence of
a. chromium
b. zinc
c. iron
d. carbon
ans. a

134. Highest protein binding LA

a. bupivacane
b. lidocane
c. prilocane
d. procane
ans. a

135. Strength of porcelain reduced by?

a. increase initial compression by firing of ceramic
b. firing porcelain n molten state
ans= A
136. metabolism of tsh in liver?
A .deidonation
b. demethylation
c. methylation
ans= A

137. Quartz in porcelain?

d. frit
ans= a

138. Scenario was given of diabetic patient, dark bronze skin, working in sun. With increased blood iron
n transferrin saturation given abt 98%, diagnosis? (in scenario features mentioned indicated bronze
diabetes- triad of d.m, micronodular cirrhosis, skin pigmentation. There is marked elevation of serum
transferring saturation because of combination of increased serum iron and decreased TIBC--- brs patho
a. hemosidren deposition in liver kuppa cell
b. a Dec secretion of copper in bile
c. Hemolytic anemia
d. Increased absorption of iron from small intestine
e. anemia
ans= d (its hereditary hemochromatosis- ref brs patho)

139. 2 days post op lady of cholecystectomy presents with (some symptoms i don’t remember..sorry!)
with no bile flow from liver to intestine. blood will show
a. unconjugated bilirubin
b alkaline phosphate
c. ggt
(I don’t remember this question and its options and what I marked)

140. fissured grove seen on

A) buccal surface of mandibular molars
B) Buccal surface of Maxillary molars
C) Lingual surface of Mandibular molars
D) Lingual surface of Maxillary molars
E) Lingual surface of mandibular pre molars
ans= I marked A

141. ML cusp of upper 6 interdigitates with (it was a long scenario about an orthodontist adjusting
teeth and bla bla)
a. Central fossa of lower 6
b. mesial fossa of lower 6
c. distal fossa of lower 5
d. mesial fossa of lower 5
e. mesial fossa of lower 7
ans= I marked A

142. A tooth with mesial and distal margins not meeting, it intercuspates with
a. lower 2nd pm
b. upper 4
c. upper 5
ans= I marked A
143. scenario of male patient having anorexia nervosa, tone of lower esophageal sphincter loss due to
decrease in
a. acetylcholine
b. dopamine
c. nor-epinephrine
d. Nitrous oxide
ans= I marked D (f.a confused me :/) but I think its correct answer is B. plz confirm

144. dental porcelain is formed by the process known as

a. Fritting
b. Sintering
c. Vulcanization
ans= a

145. antiarythmic given to patient. After 2 hrs he complains of muscle pain + fever. What was the drug
a. amiodarone
b. quinine
c. digoxin
ans= I marked C

146. lignocaine overdose (initial sign)

a. treated with hydrocortisone
b. given as 2% solution to avoid adverse effects
c. causes convulsions before cardiac toxicity for several hours
d. perioral paresthesia
ans= d

147. afferent pathway of corneal light reflex (corneal light reflex controlled by)
a. II
b. V
ans= B (chandkian 5th ed pg 497, #149)

148. stapedius muscle is supplied by

a. V
d. VII facial nerve
ans= D

149. Something regarding cochlear part of vestibulocochlear nerve?

a. exits or enters?? Through internal acoustic meatus- I marked the acoustic meatus related option. Plz
study structure of ear

150. loss of secretions of nose and palatine gland due to

a. otic ganglion
b. pterygopalatine ganglion
c. ciliary ganglion
ans- B

151. Sequence of structures anaestheitized during an inferior dental nerve block

1. mucous membrane-buccinator-areolar tissue
2. mucous membrane - lateral pterygoid- areolar tissue
3. mucous membrane -medial pterygoid-areolar tissue
4. mucous membrane -masseter-areolar tissue
ans= A

152. in neurolytic block, advantage of phenolic over alcoholic groups

a. effects can be evaluated immediately
b less painful
c. more painful
ans. B

153. Arterial po2 is detected by----- ye qs tha????

a. dissolved o2 in plasma
b. o2 bound to hb
c. conc of hb

154. baroreceptors respond to

a. hypotension
b. hypertension
c. rapidly reducing bp
d. rapidly increasing bp
ans= C

155. cause of flow of blood into systemic arteries

a. pulse pressure
b. systolic pressure
c. mean arterial pressure
d. ventricular contraction
ans= I marked A

156. fibrous dysplasia is due to

a. inhibition of G protein of GNAS 1 (cawson)
b. inhibition of cAMP of GNAS 1
c. increase production of cAMP (soames)
d. decrease production of cAMP
ans= I forgot which obe was cawson option and which one soames. It’s a confusing mcq so I marked C in
the end. Suit urself

157. gamma 2 phase in amalgam is

a. Sn3Hg
b. Sn2Hg
c. Ag3Sn
ans. A (cpsp gives sn3 in the options)

158. human can hear sounds best in what frequency range

a. 200-500db
b. 1000-2000db
c. 2000-3000 db
d. 3000-4000 db
ans= I marked B

159. regarding trachea

a. 15cm long
b. lies below cricoid cartilage
c. shaped open from posteriorly
d. ends above cricoids cartilage
ans= I marked B

160. external jugular vein

a. forms at angle of mandible anterior to sternocleiomadtoid

161. facial artery

a. travels deep to gland and emerges on face
b. travels across the gland
c. travels over the gland
d. forms a groove on deep part of submandibular gland n becomes superficial to it
ans. I marked D (my ref is big snell)

162. thyroid gland is derived from

a. ectoderm
b. parenchyma
c. mesoderm
d. ventral gut endoderm
e. dorsal gut endoderm
ans= I marked D

163. foramen caecum

a. lies anterior to junction of anterior 1/3 and posterior 2/3
b. shows site of origin of thymus gland
c. shows site of origin of thyroid gland
ans= C

164. cervical fascia divides/splits to enclose

a. trapezius muscle
b. mylohyoid
c. scaleneus ant
ans= a

165. posterior triangle contains---- ye qs tha???

a. posterior rami of c2, c3, c4

166. sodium laurel sulfate added to dentrifices acts as

a. detergent
b. humectants
c. abrasive
ans. A. detergent

167. Long scenario. nikolsky sign positive, igG C3 in linear pattern along basement membrane.
Symblepharon formation. (The qs was taken from nbde pg 524, same lines of book)
a. pemphigus vulgaris
b. mucus membrane pemphigoid
ans= B

168. difficulty in mouth opening , tight cheeks etc

a. oral submucous fibrosis
b. leukoplakia
c. lichen planus
ans= A

169. bilateral white reticular pattern with itching on buccal mucosa

a. lichen planus
b. leukoplakia
ans= A

170. saw tooth rete pegs

a. lichen planus
b. leukoplakia
ans= A

171. Young male patient comes with pain in socket 2 days after extraction. Upon examination and xray
the socket is empty. The clot is dislodged due to ---- came twice, both in paper A and B
a. plasminogen
b. bradykinin
c. substance p
d. plasmin (ans. d )

172. After scratching a sharp point on skin, the red flare is due to
a. mechanical stimulation
b. tissue injury
c. histamine
d. bradykinin
ans= I marked C

173. which is not a chemical mediator

a. acetylcholine
b. dopamine
c. serotonin
d. bradykinin
ans= b

174. pain in epigastrium, radiated to midback. serum lipase and amylase is raised(scenerio)
a. acute pancreatitis
b. acute cholecystitis
c. acute appendicitis
ans= I marked A

175. Diabetic patient comes to the emergency dept in hypoglycemic coma. glucagon is given. the
action of glucagon in this situation is- forgot the qs and options

176. some question about endoneurium, perinuerium, epineurium

A. perineureum is composed of collagenous fibers
b. fascicle is covered with endoneurium
c. perineurium is a delicate layer which provide support something like that
ans= perineurenium controls transport across nerves/ provides a barrier to passage of materials (laiq

177. Flouroacetate are responsible for damage of

a. Cytochrome complex
b. Golgi cmplex
c. Mithocndria
d. protein
e. lipid
ans= A

178. neurogenic shock is due to

a. PSTH stimulation
b. loss of vasomotor tone
c. hypovolemia
d. dec cariac output

179. Which of the following have no role in acute inflammation?

a) Epinephrine
b) Dopamine (ans)
c) Lymphocytes
d) Neutrophils

180. Which process of temporal bone is absent at birth?

A-Mastoid process
B-Styloid process
C-Zygomatic process
Ans: A

181. Hep B infection is detected by

a) Hbs Ag and Hb e antibody
b) Hbc ag
c) Hbs antibodies
d. core antigen
ans= I marked A

182. Biologically active vitamin d is?

a) Ionized
b) Bind to albumin
c) Bind to globulin
d) free in plasma
ans= I marked A

183. Solution hardening process causes

a. Force of attraction bw atoms of different radii
b. force of attraction bw atoms of similar radii
ans= I marked A

184. Most important mediator of acute inflammation

a. histamine
b. prostaglandin
c. leukotriene
ans= I marked A

185. Parenchymal tissue of thyroid gland derives from

a. 1st pharyngeal pouch
b. 2nd
c. 3rd
d. 4th
ans= I marked C

186. True about thyrocervical trunk

a. superior thyroid artery
b. inferior thyroid artery
c. vertebral artery
ans= B – ref big snell
187. Energy absorbed before deformation / energy absorbed without permanent deformation
a. resilience
b. toughness
c. hardness
ans= I marked A

188. Muscle which does not have any function but is an important landmark
a. scalenus anterior
b. trapezius
c. SCM
ans= A

189. Cimetidine mechanism of action?

Ans: H2 receptor Antagonists

190. H1 antagonists?
a) Metabolism is slow In childern
b) Metabolism is fast in adults
c) Enzyme inducers
d) Metabolism not affected by liver disease
Ans: c

191. Taste carried by?

a) Solitary tract
b) Internal capsule
Ans: a

192. Which of these do not carry input of taste

a) Amygdala
b) Parareticular pontine
c) Ventral thalamic nucleus
d) solitary nucleus
Ans: I marked A (im forgetting the exact options but amygdala was the only one not related to taste
hence I marked that, rest all other options were related to taste in some way or other)

193. Glucagon secretion is inc by----- ye qs humy aya tha???? Not sure
a) Exercise.
b) Glucose
c) Somatostatin
d) Fatty acids
e) Secretin
Ans: a

Thanks to dr who shared..

Posted by Swaid at Tuesday, August 11, 2015   

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