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7) Describe in detail the Stampede Trail.

Answer: The Stampede Trail is the route Chris McCandless followed to go “into the
wilderness”. It was blazed in 1930 by Alaska miner Earl Pi;grim. Later in 1961 it was
under Fairbank company, Yutan Constraction who won a contract to upgrade the trail
and build a road. Although some fifty miles road was built, the project was halted in 1963
and eventually was cancelled. The route was shortly rendered impassable because of
harsh weathering and seasonal flood.

8) What did Kea Thompson and his companions discover when they entered the
Fairbanks 142 bus in September 1992?
Answer: Before thwy even entered the Fairbanks bus, they noticed a strong foul smell.
And two people standing over the bus. But once they entered the bus they discovered a
dead boby, which is mostly propably Chris McCandless and a note that was asking for
help and signatured by Chris McCandless

9) In what condition was McCandless' body when it was found and subsequently
Answer: According to Scientific Crime Detection Labrotory, “the remains were so badly
decomposed that it was imposible to determine when McCandless had died”. Other than
that there were no physical injuries. Also there werent any fat remaining on the body and
muscles were significantly withered days or weeks prior to death. The most probable
cause was death by starvation.

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