R-2 Factor and Remainder Theorem

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MPS/R-2/Enthuse/RTEPQ/23/Theory of equation/Factor and Remainder

1. If P(x) is four-degree monic polynomial such that P  a   P  b   P  c   0 then the value of

P 0  P  4 .
2. If P ( x)  x3  3x 2  2 x  5 and P(a)  P(b)  P(c)  0 ,then the value of (2  a )(2  b)(2  c) is?

3. Find the remainder when x 23 is divided by ( x  1)( x  2) .

4. Let f(X) be a polynomial of degree 4 with leading coefficient unity such that f (1) =1, f (2) =4,

f (3) =9, and f (4) =16.then find the value of f (0).

5. When the polynomial f(x) is divided by (x-1) and (x-2) it leaves remainder 5 and 7 respectively.
What will be the remainder when f(x) is divided by (x-1) (x-2)?

6. When a polynomial P(x) of degree 3 is divided by 3x 2  8 x  5 then quotient and remainder are
linear polynomials such that P (1) =19 and P (5\3) =25. find the remainder polynomial.

7. Find remainder when x100 is divided by x 2  3x  2 .

8. If f  x   x 3  ax  b is divisible by  x  1 . Find the remainder when it is divided by  x  2  .


9. A polynomial f( x )of degree greater than 3 , when divided by  x  1 and  x  3 leave remainder

 2 x  1 and 15 respectively and the remainder when f( x ) is divided by  x  1  x  3 is ax 2  bx  c


then find the remainder when ax 2  bx  c is divided by  x  2  .

10. Find remainder when x 200  1 is divided by x 2  1 .

 
11. Let P  x   x 4  x 3  x 2  x  1 . Find remainder when P x 5 is divided by P  x  .

12. Let f(x) be a 5-degree polynomial with leading coefficient 2009 which follows f (1) = 1, f (2) = 3,

f (3) = 5, f (4) = 7 and f (5) = 9 then the value of f (0) and f (6).

13. Let f(X) be a polynomial of 4 degree with leading coefficient unity such that f (-1) = 1, f (2) = 4,

f (-3) = 9, and f (4) = 16. then find the value of f (1).

14. Let f(x) be a polynomial of four degree with leading coefficient 1 such that f (1) =1, f (2) =3,
f (3) =5, f (4) = 7, then f (5) =?
MPS/R-2/Enthuse/RTEPQ/23/Theory of equation/Factor and Remainder

15. Let P(x) be a polynomial whose degree is 1996. If P ( n)   n  1, 2,3,...1997 , compute the value
of P (1998).

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