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LOG Inclusive Dates October 10 – 13, 2022 Learning Area ORAL COMMUNICATION IN
SCHOOL Scheduled Time 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM Topic Speech Context and Style


A. Content The learner recognizes that communicative competence requires understanding of speech context, speech style, speech act and
Standard communicative strategy
B. Performance The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech situations.
C. Learning Identifies the various types of speech context. Distinguishes types of speeches and speech style.
Competencies / EN11/12OC-Ifj-15 EN11/12OC-Ifj-17
(Write the LC
III. CONTENT Speech Context and Style
A. References
1. Teacher’s Sipacio P. F., Balgos A. G. Oral Communication in Context: Techer’s Sipacio P. F., Balgos A. G. Oral Communication in Context: Techer’s
Guide pages Manual. C &E Publishing, Inc. Department of Education. Manual. C &E Publishing, Inc. Department of Education.
Page 18 - 24 Page 18 - 24
2. Learners’
3. Textbook Sipacio P. F., Balgos A. G. Oral Communication in Context: Sipacio P. F., Balgos A. G. Oral Communication in Context: Textbook. C
pages Textbook. C &E Publishing, Inc. Department of Education. &E Publishing, Inc. Department of Education.
Page 29 - 40 Page 29 - 40
4. Additional
B. Other Learning
A. Revising The teacher reviews the students their previous lesson by asking
previous lesson the following questions:
or presenting  What was our topic last meeting?
the new lesson  Give me an example of each oral communication activity
you learned last meeting.
B. Establishing a Group Activity To introduce the concept of speech styles, the teacher will ask
purpose for the the students how they would ask each of the following people to wait
lesson Directions: for them/give them a moment:
1. Create five groups. and read the following scenes.  Classmates (trend in the answers must generally follow a
Scene 1: Someone making an announcement to the public casual speech style)
Scene 2: Two small groups of people discussing something  Close family members or boyfriends/girlfriends (trend in
separately answers must generally follow the intimate speech style)
Scene 3: One person talking to himself  Cashier at a store (trend in answers must generally follow the
Scene 4: Two people speaking with each other on the phone consultative speech style)
Scene 5: A reporter appearing live on screen
2. Weave the scenes together into a story. You are free to
interchange the order of the scenes.
3. Act out your story and present it to the class within five

C. Presenting The teacher will introduce Types of Speech Context The teacher will use the answers to point out that although
examples/ through a group activity. students were basically sending the same message to each of the given
instances of people, they phrased differently depending on who they were talking
the new Group Activity to.
lesson Directions: With the same group, discuss in three minutes what
information can be contained in each of the following types of
communication. Fill in each box with the information needed.

(See the box on page 31 of Oral Communication in Context


D. Discussing The teacher will synthesize the answers of the students in The teacher will introduce Speech Styles to the students using a
new the previous group activity and use it to segue to the discussion PowerPoint presentation.
concepts and on the types of speech contexts.
practicing The teacher will use the textbook in discussing the topic. The context dictates and affects the way people communicate,
new skills which results in various speech styles. According to Joos (1968), there
#1 Types of Speech Context are five speech styles. These are (1) intimate, (2) casual,
1. Intrapersonal (3) consultative, (4) formal, and (5) frozen. Each style dictates what
 Self as the sender-receiver of message appropriate language or vocabulary should be used or observed.
2. Interpersonal: Dyad 1. Intimate – This style is private, which occurs between or among
 Communication that occurs between two people close family members or individuals. The language used in this style
3. Interpersonal: Small group may not be shared in public.
 Communication that involves three or more people 2. Casual – This style is common among peers and friends. Jargon,
4. Public Communication slang, or the vernacular language are used.
 Message that is delivered before the public 3. Consultative – This style is the standard one. Professional or
5. Mass Communication mutually acceptable language is a must in this style.
 Communication that takes place through a media. 4. Formal – This style is used in formal settings. Unlike the
consultative style, this is one-way.
5. Frozen – This style is “frozen” in time and remains unchanged. It
mostly occurs in ceremonies.
E. Discussing The teacher will ask the students to give more example of these
concepts and speech styles.
new skills Then, the teacher will list some people and have students
#2 identify what type of speech style they will use when talking to that
person. Have them explain why.

 Special someone
 Teacher
 A friend on Facebook
 Your peers
 Confessing to a priest/pastor
F. Developing The teacher will ask the students to give their own The teacher will tell the students answer Exercise III on p. 35 of
mastery example of each type of speech context and then, let the students the textbook. If some students answer differently in some of the items,
(Leads to identify the type of speech context used in the situation have them justify their answers.
Formative examples below.
Assessment 3) Directions: Identify the type of speech style appropriate for the
Examples: following situations. Write your answer in your notebook.
1. Journaling
2. Self-talking 1. talking to a counselor or psychiatrist
3. Thinking 2. giving last-minute instructions to players
4. Group meeting in class 3. delivering campaign speeches
5. Meeting with other members/officers of the organization 4. delivering a speech at the UN Summit
6. Teaching small groups 5. delivering news reports
7. Giving public announcements 6. talking and laughing about memorable experiences
8. Delivering any type of public speeches 7. communicating while playing sports
9. Doing the role of a master of ceremonies or 8. having a one-on-one conversation with a loved one
hosting an event/program. 9. delivering an oratorical speech
10. Reading a magazine 10. leading a prayer before meal
11. Watching your favorite talk show T.V.
12. Browsing the internet

G. Finding The teacher will show practical application of the concept The teacher will show practical application of the concept and
practical and skills in daily life by asking the student a question. skills in daily life by asking the student a question.
of concepts Ask students to describe their experiences when doing the Ask students to describe their experiences when doing the
and skills in following situations: following speech styles:
daily living  Giving a public announcement  Frozen
 Self-talking  Formal
 Group meeting in class  Consultative
 Browsing the internet  Casual
 Intimate

H. Making The teacher leads the students to fully understand the lesson by The teacher leads the students to fully understand the lesson by
generalizatio asking the following questions: asking the following questions:
ns and
abstractions  What are the different types of speech context and its  What are the different types of speech styles and its brief
about the brief description? description?
lesson  Give an example of each type of speech context.  Give an example of each type of speech styles.
 What is the importance of speech context in  What is the importance of speech styles in communication?
Speech is paramount in human life. Humans use various
The importance of Speech context speaking styles and speech styles to communicate for different
purposes. Speaking styles are the unique ways in which people deliver
Context is critical, because it tells you, the receiver, what information to people. They involve using the most appropriate
importance to place on something, what assumptions to draw methods to ensure the intended message reaches a specific audience
(or not) about what is being communicated, and most and achieves its purpose. Speaking styles rely on the use of speech
importantly, it puts meaning into the message. styles to deliver information. Characteristics of speech styles include
distinct grammatical structures, vocabulary, intent, and
pronunciation. The speech style entirely depends on the formality
I. Evaluating Individual Activity Individual Activity
learning Directions: Identify the differences among the types of speech Directions: Identify the type of speech style appropriate for the
contexts using the graphic organizer below. following situations. Write your answer in a ¼ sheet of paper.
1. reading school policies
(See the graphic organizer on page 34 of Oral Communication in 2. talking to a superior
Context textbook.) 3. reading pledge of allegiance to the flag
4. talking to a stranger
5. inquiring at a hotel
6. talking to a counselor or psychiatrist
7. giving last-minute instructions to players
8. delivering campaign speeches
9. delivering a speech at the UN Summit
10. delivering news reports
11. talking and laughing about memorable experiences
12. communicating while playing sports
13. having a one-on-one conversation with a loved one
14. delivering an oratorical speech
15. leading a prayer before meal
J. Additional
activities for
A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did it
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared By: Reviewed by: Noted By:


SHS Teacher II SHS Master Teacher II Principal I

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