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School: AMOBOCAN ES Grade Level: VI


DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: FEBRUARY 13 – 17, 2023 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of gravity and friction affect movement of objects
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to produce an advertisement demonstrate road safety.
Infer how friction and gravity affects movements of different objects. Infer how friction and gravity Infer how friction and gravity SUMMATIVE TEST
- Define friction affect movements of different affect movements of different
- Identify the different kinds of friction objects S6FE-IIIa-c-1 objects. S6FE-IIIa-c-1
- Demonstrate how friction work Describe how friction affects Knowledge: Describe how
C. Learning
- Work cooperatively with the group motion friction affects motion.
Identify conditions when friction Skills: Demonstrate ways on
seems to resist motion how friction affects motion.
Compare how objects move in Attitude: Develop awareness in
different surfaces keeping a road trip safety.
Describing How Friction Affects
II. CONTENT / TOPIC Gravitation and Frictional Forces Gravitation and Frictional Forces Frictional Force
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages TG TG TG TG
2. Learner’s Materials pages
Cyber Science 6, pp. 193-197 Cyber Science 6, pp. 193-197 Science Links 6, pp320-321
3. Textbook pages
Science Links 6, p. 314 Science Links 6, p. 314 Cyber Science 6 pp. 194-200
4. Additional materials from Powerpoint Presentation, Activity Powerpoint Presentation, Activity
LRMDS portal Sheet Sheet
Explore and Experience Science 6,
B. Other Materials
pp. 222 - 227
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask learners questions about the Teacher’s Instruction The teacher recalls the activity
presenting the new lesson previous lesson (friction). Brainstorming. The teacher ask during the other day.
the students what things they
remember when they hear the
word “FRICTION”. The students
will write it in their notebooks
then on the board.
Study the pictures. Identify the word Learners read again the definition Question of the day: The teacher will show the
that could describe the picture. friction How friction affects motion? signage or road sign “Slippery
B. Establishing a purpose for the when wet”. The teacher asks
lesson why there is a need to be
careful if the floor or road is
Show example of friction Teacher’s Instruction The teacher will introduce the
Activity 1.3 FRICTION FREE The activity.
teacher will use the activity as The pupils will do the activity.
C. Presenting examples/
guide. The pupils recall the setting
instances of the new lesson
standards in doing the science

Group activity Group activity Students present their output on Answer guided questions from
D. Discussing new concepts and
the activity. The teacher will give the activity
practicing new skills #1
See activity sheet See activity sheet feedback about the result.
Group discussion Group discussion Answer the Guide Questions. Group reporting or presentation
Discuss how friction affects of their outputs through
motion. differentiated activities. The
teacher will give feedback on
E. Discussing new concepts and See activity sheet See activity sheet the works of the pupils.
practicing new skills #2 Gr. I-Jingle Making
Gr. II. Dramatization
Gr. III. Poster Making
Gr. IV. Broadcasting
Gr. V. Advertisement
Analyze and discuss the outputs of Analyze and discuss the outputs of Video can be shown and
F. Developing mastery the learners about friction the learners about the different discussed.
(leads to formative assessment ) kinds of friction
Ask learners to cite other activities Discuss within the class the The teacher asks the importance Describe what will happen to a
G. Finding practical applications that has something to do with different kinds of friction of friction in schools and at vehicle that is running fast in
of concepts and skills in daily friction home. highway if there is no friction.
living How about if roads are too
Discuss the pictures shown in the Ask learners on the different kinds Through the use of Venn
motivation and ask learners about of friction Diagram, let the pupils describe
H. Making generalization and
the meaning of friction the effects of friction on the
abstraction about the lesson
objects motion. (How friction
affects motion?)
I. Evaluating learning Give multiple choice questions The teacher gives ten-question QUIZ NO. 1
about friction and different kinds of quiz about how friction affects
friction motion.

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Adviser Principal III

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