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단답형·서술형 문제 채점 기준표

학년 1 학기 1 고사 중간 과목 영어 실시일 2021.04.29.

문항 정 답 배점 유 사 정 답

That enthusiastic effort will become the driving force

1 4
to help you overcome the difficulties.

(1) crocodiles seem to cry while they eat

2 6
(2) ignoring everything else along the way

③ : Would you please introduce yourself to our audience?

3 6
⑤ : there are a couple of problems with that

4 it was difficult for me to get electricity from sunlight. 2

5 그가 좋아하는 말을 더 이상 볼 수 없게 되는 것 2

(A) Stood before her was a large, mysterious object

wrapped in a sheet.
6 6
(B) What a lovely feeling to be on the move without
her feet touching the ground.

(A) : willingness
7 4 (B)에 shared를 쓴 경우 1점
(B) : collective

예상 평균점수·실제평균점수

예상평균점수 학급별 평균점수 실제평균점수

1반 2반 3반 4반 5반 6반 7반


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