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Internship Report on






Submitted to



In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of


Under the guidance of


Ms. NivyaFeaston Mr.K.C.Pillai

Asst. Prof General Manager, Marketing

NHCE, Bangalore KITEX LTD.





Projects completed just be visible from the idea stage to bring the reality is a lot of
translation students with the knowledge and awareness with the professional
theoretical background.

The study of some guidance, some will accept a lot of sweat and inspiration. I
conceived the idea or project stage to support my study term work projects and
who are willing to accept my obligations all have expanded their support.

I am very grateful to the KITEX LTD organization at Kizhakkambalam,

Eranakulam for giving me an opportunity to do my internship and project in the

I would like to thank Dr. SheelanMisra, M.B.A Department H.O.D and New
Horizon College for all the help and support extended.

I would like to extend my heart full respect and thanks to my faculty guide Ms.
NivyaFeastonfor extending her hand of support and allowing me to complete my
project. Last and not the least I am extremely thankful to Mr. K.C.Pillai, General
Manager, Marketing, KITEX LTD.











4.1 Regular customers 24

4.2 Customer preference 26

4.3 Satisfaction in the quality of product 27

4.4 Reason of using Kitex products 28

4.5 Period of using Kitex products 29

4.6 Satisfaction in the services 30

4.7 Attractive factors of Kitex products 31

4.8 Customers satisfaction from the usage 32

4.9 Satisfied with the price of product 33

4.10 Source of information about products. 34

4.11 Customers expectations 35

4.12 Customers satisfied with packaging 36

4.13 Opinion about the value of product 37

4.14 Factors affected in choosing product 38

4.15 Opinion about the availability of product 39

4.16 Advertisement effects 40

4.17 Satisfied from the consumption 41

4.18 Opinion about the flexibility of product 42

4.19 Comparison of products to its competitors 43

4.20 Customers opinion about dealers approach 44

4.21 Customers opinion about overall performance of 45


4.22 Recommendation of products to others 46


4.1 Regular customers 24

4.2 Customer preference 25

4.3 Satisfaction in the quality of product 26

4.4 Reason of using Kitex products 27

4.5 Period of using Kitex products 28

4.6 Satisfaction in the services 29

4.7 Attractive factors of Kitex products 30

4.8 Customers satisfaction from the usage 31

4.9 Satisfied with the price of product 32

4.10 Source of information about products. 33

4.11 Customers expectations 34

4.12 Customers satisfied with packaging 35

4.13 Opinion about the value of product 36

4.14 Factors affected in choosing product 37

4.15 Opinion about the availability of product 38

4.16 Advertisement effects 39

4.17 Satisfied from the consumption 40

4.18 Opinion about the flexibility of product 41

4.19 Comparison of products to its competitors 42

4.20 Customers opinion about dealers approach 43

4.21 Customers opinion about overall performance of 44


4.22 Recommendation of products to others 45


This project under the title “A STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION”is prepared

according to the study conducted in KITEX LTD. I have been placed in the marketing
department by the manager. Being a part of the marketing team, I was able to go through each
and every marketing process and steps. The duration of the study was 10 weeks, which extended
from December 9th, 2015 – February 15th, 2016. During the study I came to know about the
different marketing strategies to satisfy the customers. I used descriptive research methodology
for this study as I could collect the information from the own environment through convenience
sampling technique. The representation of the data have been done with the help of various kinds
of graphs and charts.The main objective of the project was to study the overall customer
satisfaction level of KITEX LTD.

This project about customer satisfaction study was done at KITEX LTD, Ernakulam. This study
focuses on customer’s satisfaction and the factors to earn customer satisfaction. Through
customer satisfaction, the customer are be pleased to use the product again.
This study prolonged for 10 weeks from 9 th December, 2015 to 15th February, 2016. I have been
an intern at KITEX during the study of this project and was placed in the marketing department
of the company.
It was so much convenient for me to be in the marketing team to complete this project
successfully. The Marketing Head of KITEX LTD Mr. K.C.Pillai have spared so much of his
valuable time to guide me in my study.



“To study about the factors of the products that dissatisfy customers”


Customer satisfaction depends on the products perceived performance relative to the buyer’s
expectations.Customer will be satisfied when the product meets the basic needs set and therefore
utility of a product is nothing but consumer’s estimation of products over all capacity to satisfy
his needs. Thus this report helps the company to know more about the customers and their needs.


• To study about customer satisfaction

• To find out the benefits of the product
• determine the relationship between consumers and dealers
• To raise the level of customer satisfaction among
• To identify the influencing factors of customers to buying products

• To study the view of customers on quality, price, packaging and availability of the

This study contains a detailed discussion on “Customer Satisfaction” in Kitex.ltd,

Kizhakkambalam. The collected data will help companies identify customers for different
products company, is a commentary to understand customer satisfaction Kitex Limited launched
products and services this project aiming more at highly satisfied customers is what they term
delighted customers.

Study and formulate a common means of finding information. Murray and Redman summary
"systematic efforts to achieve new information analysis is a tutorial activities, analysis of such
terms should be used in the technical sense consistent with. Including and analysis of the process
and redefine disadvantage, to develop assumptions or steering solutions to collect, collate and
assess data, create deduction and analysis results: meticulous final inspection results provided if
they can work out development work. Research is brilliant contribution by such information to
its advertising inventory. It is learning to observe, compare and pursuing experimental assistance
truth. Summary information analysis in order to find tire answer to bow to tire target system and

Style is the analysis and classification of knowledge aims to analyze the process and purpose of
economic research for the mixing process arrangements associated conditions. In reality, style
analysis, which is an abstract structure: it constitutes a blueprint for the collection and analysis of
measurement knowledge. Life and the population they need to want to define the audit should be
cut in the side of the transparent notification assay is an appropriate strategy, it should be ready
to clear outline. Since the purpose is to obtain complete and correct data in these studies, the use
of this program should be carefully planned. Prejudice style analysis should include the
establishment of appropriate regulations, and should be completed dependableness search
economy due attention.


The population of study in total person consist workers of Kitex Ltd.


Sampling thinks about with the choice of a set of people from inside a population to estimate
characteristics of the total population. Researchers seldom survey the complete population as a
result of the price of a census is simply too.
The sample size was 50 workers respectively

In order to achieve the specific objectives of this study data were collected from primary and
secondary sources.

Main source

• Department and its officials direct dialogue.

• Facial and staff talking face.

• Problem by collecting the views of staff.

• Observation of human resources activities.

Secondary literature

• Various recording companies.

• Different types of information systems

• Different communication.

• The company's annual performance appraisal form

• Employer’s personal file.


This is an important and very popular method of data collection. This is adopted by individuals,
organizations and governments. In this way the contents of the questionnaire by mail to the
respondents. Question questionnaire printed list. When sending questionnaires to the applicant,
requesting that the issue should be answered and returned. The success of this method depends
on the question of drafting proper to a large extent. Great skills and experience required for the
drafting of the questionnaire

Percentage: -

Percentage process provides statistical and graphical data for describing many types of variables
useful display. A good place to start the process to see the percentage of your data. Percentage of
reports and bar graphs, can be arranged in descending or ascending order different values, or you
can order the categories the percentage. When there are a lot of variables that can inhibit the
percentage reporting.


Paul S. Goldner (2006)

“If you are a consumer of any person or organization that has done business in the past twelve
Grigoroudis, E and Siskos, Y (2009)
“The output of products and services to individual consumers "and process-oriented approach,"
Consumer Affairs in assessing the quality of the person or group”
Berry and Parasuraman (1991)
“And customer service with the ability to influence consumer satisfaction, they argue that the
quality of customer service is the main concern for all businesses. Customer satisfaction has been
defined as the average product or service in the post-consumption analysis, judgment”.

• Some of the respondents wouldn't have given accurate information
• Illiteracy of the customers affect the study
• Sample of customers selected does not represent the entire population
• Another difficulty was the unwillingness of the respondents were not interested in filling
• The respondents were not always open and forthcoming their view even agitates and not
• The response of the customers is based on personal characteristics namely likes and
dislikes, biases, mood fluctuations etc.




New industrial revolution in the production, manufacture and innovative design to clothing -
these new wheels, looms and spinning forever changed the manufacturing of clothing. There
are various singes - from a historical perspective, wherein when the textile industry from the
industry, the domestic customer-oriented position, currently holds the development of small-
In the Industrial Revolution formed a recommendation from the British garment export
production, they total exports in 1701 and the center of the cotton industry in the UK between
1770 made a double dale, an important part, of which nearly 25 percent of Lancashire Xia
Comity - ten times and exports from 1701 to 1770 has increased. However, once this Mao 1s
main export products.
During this period, from cloth materials, including wool, linen, and cotton .The material
depends on the area where the fabric being produced, and they make time. In the second half
of the northern part of the middle Ages in Europe, cotton is considered the cotton fiber

During the Industrial Revolution, new machines, such as spinning wheels and handlooms
into the picture: production of clothing materials quickly became an organized industry,
domestic-related activities previously were compared. Many textile industry driven by new
innovations in the UK industry. In the initial phase, the plant will be located in and around the
river, because they are driven by the water wheel. After the stream engine was invented, no
longer heavily dependent on the river.

In the later stages of the 20th century, the space shuttle used in the textile industry has developed
faster and more efficient. This led to a new shuttle replacement of old. Today, modern science
and technology, electronics, and innovation leads to competitive low -priced textile industry to
provide virtually any type of fabric or designer can afford. With its low-cost labor base, China
has accounted for the global textile industry.

Global Program

According to statistics, the global textile market is more than 00 times the current value of the
next billion S. In the fierce competition and the industry is lacing, and more globalized
environment opportunities. It is predicted that the global textile production will increase in 2002
and 2010 increased by 25% in this area increase area. High production of wool, cotton, silk and
significant contribution to the world, led the vanguard of the industry.

Japan, India. Hong Kong and mainland China has become a leading manufacturer, due to its
cheap labor supply, which is the industry's World Trade Organization (WTO) has taken many
steps to improve an important factor in tins regard. In 1905, the WTO has reaffirmed its M1 7A
and textiles and clothing (ATC), which by agreement between the members of the WTO rules
and the textile and apparel quotas. However, the level of textile exports of developing countries,
even in economically developed countries limiting the amount of high tariffs and more and more
under the circumstances. In addition to multi-functional textiles, eco textiles and textile custom
roles, arc considered the future of the textile industry.


Textile industry in India is thelargest employment agricultural production. Itssignificant position

in India, because it provides one of the massive human necessities Exposed to the presence of the
textile industry in India, accounting for more than 30%, one of the oldest of the total export
industries. In fact, the Indian textile industry is the world’s second largest after China.

Until 1985, the overall development policy of the Indian textile sector inches occurred in 198.
the importance of the textile sector is a separate policy statement acknowledged first and textile
industries. Development, published in 2000, the national textile policy. Its main goal is a
reasonable price for the majority of the population combined with the national grid to provide
quality and help provide sustainable employment and economic growth of the country with
confidence, increased global competition in the market share. The policy also in 2010. our goal is
to reach $ 50 one-billionth of textile and clothing exports, the share of garments will be US $ 26
billion target.


 India has abundant resources of raw materials for the textile industry. This is one of the
world's largest cotton producer, is also rich in polyester, silk, viscose fiber resources;

 India has rich Gulf region trained human the country has a huge advantage, due to lower
wages. Due to low labor-cost textile manufacturing costs automatically comes down to a
very reasonable price;

 Indian textile industry is highly competitive, almost all methods of the present invention
in the value chain;

 Indian apparel industry in terms of the quality scale, manufacturing plants, production of
clothing type, quantity and yield, the cost of fabric requirements are very different. It
includes the domestic and export markets apparel suppliers;

 Indian textile industry is highly decentralized structure, small companies leading the
industry. Production and is designed to help small-scale enterprises to go abroad, should
be kept very small companies by distorting industrial competitiveness significantly
fragmented leadership. Smaller companies do not have sufficient financial resources to
strengthen the process of high-end engineering technology or investment. Therefore, they
lose efficiency.


Indian textile industry is the country's oldest and one of the most significant industries. It
accounts for about 4% of gross domestic product (GDI) and accounts is more than 14% of
industrial production and 13% of total export earnings per thecountry. In lack this is the country's
largest foreign exchange earning sector In addition, it provides more than 3,500 jobs. Indian
textile industry is estimated at about US $ 46 one billion yuan in 2012. may reach $ 11 5 one
billionth is likely domestic market from US $ 34.6 1 billion in the United States some $ 59 one
billion in 2012 increase, is expected India from The current increase of about 4% -7 world
exports necessities will provide an important industry period. Textile the people. It is an
independent industry, from raw materials to finished products, great value addition to the basic
requirements at each stage of the process. In fact, it is estimated that one every six the country
directly or indirectly dependent on the industry dynamics through porter sector.


a. Raymond ltd. Mumbai

b. Grasim Industries Ltd.
c. S.Kumar. Kolkata
d. Reliance Industries Ltd. Mumbai
e. Mafatlal Industries. Mumbai
f. Arvind Mills Ltd. Ahmadabad
g. Nirmala Fabrics. Thane
h. Ramraj Cotton Mills



More than three years of age in 1968, when Anna Mr. M C. Jacob aluminum creation, lie made a
break with the past. Belonging to a wealthy planter family, he was involved in the manufacture
of the world's most promising risk, although very hard, to make his first business, a great
success. Today, participation aluminum, round, containers and utensils, spices and fabrics, bags,
clothes manufacturing and export of aquatic products group. "Anna" containers and utensils are
in the range of the domestic market and the Middle East, the Americas, Africa and Australia are
very popular.

Anna group, the title of the new millennium multicore success story began to push in
1968, now' popular. Private yachts and aluminum manufacturing company, it comes to spices
and fabrics, bags, clothes and ship exports tableware. It has become in various fields, from
textiles to spices giant cube luggage interest. Quality Anna Group buzzwords open challenge
exciting new prospects. Today, the domestic and overseas markets products, Anna range is very

Anna Kitex Group employs more than 12.500 people over the past 40 years, a leading
industrial group. The Group is engaged in a wide range of products, such as clothing, textiles,
luggage, travel bags, umbrellas, aluminum tableware, kitchenware, brand seasoning, curry'
powder, instant product sales throughout Kitex well-known brands. Anna - Kitex group is a
group of fashion Anna, a pioneer in quality - the buzzwords - has been completed successfully.


Anna Group loom, Kitex Ltd. was established in 1975. The company is engaged in production of
cotton and other blended fabrics, hemp fabric Lungies of. Over the years, the company can be a
niche for itself in this highly competitive industry, world-class quality and tradition.

Kitex is engaged in the production of cotton, cloth fabrics, linens and Lungies There are four
different types of execution, speed all prices, the economy is different available. Kitex While
dhothies to our single, double array, it became added to our dhotis appearance color and g^^
stripes. We also have a beautiful and rich under the label paper sweet dreams. After many years
the company has caned a niche for itself in this highly competitive industry, world-class quality
and tradition.

Kitex has a well-organized production sector, and is committed by% mass proportion of the
online production process. In the production sector Kitex 383 automatic power looms and 22
looms. About 390 workers in the factory. They use automated production processes and power
loom. S 10 annual sales in the range of between a hundred million - dollar a US $ 50 billion.
Kitex range of organizational structure and management along such, their priority, to strengthen
the relations of power, to prevent cross-communication and other advantages.

February 2007 through ISO9001-2000 Kitex their commitment to manufacture and deliver
quality. Kitex Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of ISO9001 - 2000 in the southern Indian cotton
varieties gauze, cotton, cotton cloth, cotton, linen, cotton. Lycra, cotton, polyester. Lycra fabric,
yarn-dyed, jacquard and jacquard fabrics, they can do anything woven / image quality,
compression grid, poplin, mulls, casement windows, drill, twill. LINOS, silk, bed ferry, Oxford,
stripes, etc., they run 525 Sulzer. Bega music, Road Neil loom about 13,00,000Mtrs fabric. They
are a leading manufacturer with ISO9001 - 2000 in southern India, all varieties cloth, cotton
cloth, cotton cloth, cotton cloth, cotton, linen, cotton, linen, and cotton, Lycra, such as dyeing.


 In order to achieve excellence in quality standards in the coming year;
 Bay in place in order to maintain a modern technology and ideas;
 In order to minimize the cost to the fullest extent of Materials Supply Organization
without any compromise on quality;

 World-class manufacturing enterprises to focus on the full range of excellent business
cooperation customer satisfaction and the satisfaction of employees in environmental
organizations through a comprehensive quality


Fabrics and processed fabrics as per the customer specification efficiently in a professional and
environment friendly manner, on time, and at the right cost with at most customer specification
to become a world class organization through improvement.

 Increase sales of value added item by 20% from the existing level;
 Reduce rejection by 10% from the present level;
 Reduce customer complaint by 10%;
 Increase product range by introducing new inner garments.

1. Lungies
2. Bed Sheets
3. Scoobee Products : In the dawn of the new millennium a new generation presented
from the main branch Kitex. Anna Group, an innovative bag Scoobee Day Bag Compact
design with unique features that make it durable, comfortable and easy to carry. Allergy
bags strain the shoulder pad and acupressure bud specially designed back and shoulder
pressure to a minimum.
4. Trolley Day Bags : The Company has ventured into a new segment of bag production
as Trolley Day Bags. This wide ranges of luggage and baggage products with latest
trends and design and is made from imported raw materials. The bags are priced premium
and has good market share. The price range is from Rs.650/- to Rs.3000/-.

KITEX engaged in cotton production, and in our various fiber pieces and other blended fabrics.
Super high-rise, the economic cycle is different
KITEX whites are whites Doty single and dual array. It comes with color and gold stripes added
to the pedicle look KITEX under the sheets also has beautiful and broad label sweet dreams.
Through the year the company became traditional industries with world-class quality.

1. Lungie's
2. Dothy’s
3. Bed sheets
4. Scoobee day products

Administrative excellent quality lunge variety of styles and colors to choose from. Moderate
super comfortable lunge you will like drape, in different designs and color combinations
SMART LINE- single white Dhotis either dark red or dark blue and green lines, you can at home
relaxing outdoor striped worm.
1. Sweet Dreams 60
2. Sweet Dreams 50
3. Sweet Dreams Double Sheet
4. Solitude double
Sheet ScooBee Bags
 School bags
 Plus 2 bags
 College bags
 Travel bags

Kitex Ltd follows the line or military organizational structure Managing Director is the top level,
other functional managers followed by him. The span of management in the organization is
narrow span. The main advantage of this type of control is that close supervision, clear chain of
command, and close control and fast communication between Successful and efficient
management system in all business sectors plays a leading role. It is a statement output, product
design, pricing, technology, marketing and behavioral style, with their level executives even part
of the pattern.
Managing Director who is an important determinant of interest groups on behalf of shareholders
taken. They perform Kitex strategic planning and the company’s decision-making functions. For
their help, the appointment of senior management, general manager of the company's

management. Unit general manager in charge of sales from production to smooth and efficient
production operations.
Middle management, including production managers, marketing managers, financial managers,
personnel managers, purchasing managers, store managers and quality.
Average Qualification of Employees
a) Low Level: Professionally qualified having sufficient industries experience;
b) Middle level: Graduation and above with experience in the relevant areas;
c) Junior and first line management: Diploma/ industrial training certification in the
textile industry.



• Great Repute:

The company said the community, especially in its famous all-round social responsibility

• Invention Worth:

The quality of products on the market rating.

• Provision Eminence:

Quality of service, the company received full value.

• Up-to-date Know-how:

And the use of high quality materials and technology skills in qualitative cross.

• Economic Immovability:

Financial stability, such as dark market, competition has helped to withstand any difficulties.

• Sequence CSR

The system strong corporate social responsibility policy.



Promotional activities such as the most effective means of advertising.


Product prices rose compared to competitors; In front of any one of its unions to represent
workers in their difficulties.; Lack of raw materials for the plant level.


Market demand; International customers expect in this field; Environmentally friendly business;
Limit the number of competitor's trademark; Market demand growth outside Kerala.


Come on competition in the market; The company, the Indian rupee's volatility is a loss;
Changing political conditions and legal regulations; Irregular supply of raw materials;
Introduction of new products and innovation.



Marketing, more than any other business functions to support multiple clients, creating customer
value and satisfaction is the heart of modem marketing thinking and practice. More optimistic
about the value of marketing to deliver customer satisfaction by offering to keep existing
customers. Definition of marketing for the American Marketing Association "Marketing is its
guiding goods and services from the producer to the business activities of the performance of the
consumer or user traffic." Philip Kotler. Marketing is filled as "Marketing is a social and
personal management processes and organization to get what they need, and creating and
exchanging products and value with others want.

Marketing business today imagine that many elements of the company. Until recently, even the
best marketing agency is defined as "from producer to consumer or user's business activities in
the performance of the direct flow of goods and services." While this definition is still not broad
enough. It does not include marketing concept including development of the market and the
market need to identify and guide the products and services to meet the needs of profit

Various activities that a marketer follows:-

1. Identify the specific market products and services;
2. Determine the current and future needs of these markets and hope; to guide the
development of profitable products, packaging and services to meet these needs and
provide sales and receivables, and the tin a I consumer of these goods and services or the
legal transfer of user Impact;
3. A more simple definition is an easy to remember at the right price at the right time right
place right products or services, profits do;
Customer satisfaction can be measured by requests, using a wide range of services offered by
companies increasingly high level of customer satisfaction is a very important business. In order
to successfully meet customers’ business needs is very obvious, Receive payments from external
customers for ail business enterprise income products and services. The customer is the only
reason for existence of the business because sales is the most important objective of any
commercial enterprise, it is necessary to satisfy the customer. Customer satisfaction, it is
necessary to establish and maintain, as some important features:-
1. Quality;
2. reasonable prices
3. Good customer handling skills;

There are seven steps to customer satisfaction:-
1. Encourages Face-to-Face transaction: This is downright grim mid frightening
customers the most interesting part. If you are not accustomed to this sort of thing can
also be a nerve-wracking experience. Rest assured, though, it becomes easier to w ork
overtime, it is designed to meet the client’s project faced in this process at least once or
twice, or even very important that important.
2. Immediate response: This goes without giving really. We all know how annoying it is to
wait days, e-mail or phone to response it may not always he realistic within a few hours
to process ail customer inquiries space, but at least e-mail or call them back and let them
know you have received their message.
3. Approachable: A colleague once told me pointers website, you can hear a smile over
the phone, and this is very true. To the friendly, courteous and make your customers feel
that you are their friend, they are here to help you have a very important.
4. Clarity: When you're just starting, hut a dear customer service policy, in the
long run you a lot of time, energy conservation, this may not be too important If a
customer has a problem, what should they do? If the first option docs not work, then
what? They should be people with different billing and technical advice?
5. Details (also known as "small courtesies"): Note that you do not receive your e-mail
client or company happy birthday card? Have you ever had a service, you can tell from
the beginning to enter the personalized registration confirmation e-mail? These sleek very
time-consuming and not always cost-effective, hut remember to do them. Even a small
message sent Happy Holidays to all of our customers, it's something. It shows you care
about; it shows that there are real people at the other end of the screen or telephone; most
importantly, it allows customers to feed at home, wanted and valued.
6. Look forward to your customers' needs: Sometimes, this is easier said than done!
However, to achieve the highest level of with your customers know1 that your
relationship will work wonders. In the front end of an exciting new' job, you as a
7. Honor your commitment: It is possible that this is the most important in this article.
Sun pie message: If you promise something through, In this regard, the most common
example is the delivery date of the project
Customer Relationship Management CRM as create a positive reputation, customer experience
and tools to monitor the recommendations generated. Of a series of CRM activities are often
direct communication, events and customer satisfaction surveys will help me find the customer
satisfaction, customer service station knows the reasons for the decline of the implementation, to
understand the customer's perception and understanding of what custom ci' service suggestions
appreciated center, cost center, to improve its services or rates. This study was approved by the
predetermined questionnaire thus prepared, which will be die focus of the prim an data and other
information on a variety of variables, attributes it to understand factors that influence satisfaction
and purchase decisions is important.

Use of the following methods to measure customer satisfaction to measure customer satisfaction
with the company:-
1. complaints and suggestions system:- The company, through its customer service
center, and further recommended that complaints by customers to meet their wishes;
2. Customer Satisfaction Survey: - The company through regular surveys, direct
response to customer satisfaction. They were randomly distributed questionnaires to their
customers, how they perceive various aspects of the performance of the company, and to
solicit their competitors’ performance views. It is a measure of the customer; the
company is willing to recommend the brand to others is very useful;
3. Toss of customers:- To whom should I who had stopped to buy or switch to another
vendor's customers understand why the company;
4. Consumer behavior consumer behavior is that individuals obtain proper selection,
purchase, use of goods and services. YVoertesi and Paul said, consumer behavior is
individual what, when, how, and to whom the purchase of goods and services in the
decision-making process.
About personal (micro behavior), as well as public or personal total (macro behavior) of
consumer behavior and consumer behavior research focused on consumer behavior as the family
decision-making process for personal consumption or consumption units.
In contrast, the study of consumer behavior is described as a consumer or consumer units
gathered to refrain from action. Consumers around the entire rotating system sales. Study buying
behavior is a sign of success is the key, the most important one.

 Consume research to help businesses and organizations to improve their
marketing strategies by understanding the problem, such as how;
 Consumers believe that the psychological feelings, intellect between different
 How consumption by his or her environment (for example, culture, family, signs,
media) psychology;
 Consumer shopping behavior or other marketing decisions;
 influence decision-making and marketing efforts to knowledge or information
processing capabilities;
 The importance of consumer their Level how different consumer motivation and
decision-making, strategic email or their interests between products;
 How can marketers improve their marketing campaigns and marketing strategies
to more effectively reach consumers? Consumer behavior "official is defined as

’’an individual, group or organization, and they use it to select the products,
services, ideas and experience, safely, use and disposal, in order to meet the
research needs of the process, their impact in consumers and society." Although
there is no need to remember this process definition, it brings some useful points;
 Whether the use and disposal of consumer products and how they happened
buying behavior Usage is often great interest in marketing, because it may in Hue
nee how a product is the best location, or how we can encourage increased
consumption. Since many environmental problems due to the disposal of the
product (for example, the engine oil is sent into sewage treatment system to save
on cost recovery, or landfill in the slack), which is also a mallei of concern an
 Consumer behavior involving services and ideas, as well as tangible products;
 Influence consumer behavior, but also to the community. For example, high-fat
foods, or easy credit aggressive marketing aggressive marketing, it may cause a
serious health and the national economy;

Consumer behavior has four main applications:-

 First most obvious is marketing strategy_ that is, in order to belter marketing campaigns.
Often the first and alter several consumers, and then only gradually, the rest of the
population, we understand that the introduction of new products by only. Spread By
Understanding new products, enterprises must reject funding so that they can be left to it
until they products become successful and is to please the customer's business, as they
can adversely affect the subsequent selection brand many customers is very important;
 1980 Second generation application Accutane acne treatment, a new miracle, were
introduced. Unfortunately, if pregnant women lake Accutane can cause severe birth
defects. Although doctors have been advised female patients warning them, but some
drugs are still pregnant. In order to get the attention of consumers. Fedral and Drug
Administration (FDA) provides a pharmaceutical container steps show birth defects in a
very vivid picture;
 Relates to the idea of social marketing across consumer, rather than selling things.
Marketing professor Madifeisi continue to leave work for the Centers for Disease
Control, trying to use illegal drugs, to reduce the spread of the disease occur. The best
solution, obviously, is that if we can find illegal drug users to stop however, this is not
considered feasible It also identifies drug cultivation practice is loo ingrained to stop
sharing needles. As a result, the use of consumer altitudes knowledge, encourage the
creation of bleach to clean needles Dr Fishbein share their movement, which is a more
realistic goal before be believed;
 As a final benefit, study consumer behavior should make us belter consumers. Common
sense tells us, for example, if you buy a little of detergent 64 fluid ounces, less than one
ounce, if you buy two 32-ounce bottles In practice, however, often the size of insurance
premiums paid to purchase larger quantities. In other words, in this case, knowing the tact
that you will need to chock the unit cost-sensitive labels to determine if it has a real

Some of the units on the market can be analyzed at present. Our main push in the
consumer process. But we also need to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of their own
business. These companies compete. For example, we do older consumers, growth areas
of the product.Rival company's goal babies, shrinking market, is likely consider our
position in the market In order to assess the potential threat of a rival company, we need
to cheek its assets (for example, technology, patents, market knowledge, and its Brands
consciousness), it laces pressure from the market. Finally, we need to assess conditions
(the Marketing environment). For example, although we might develop a product, to
provide consumers with a great attraction, the recession may cut demand.

In other words. "Consumer behavior is the consumer search display in purchase, use,
evaluation, processed products, and services they want Will meet their hopes "According
Woertesi and Paul" Consumer behavior is a process, what, when, where, how, individuals
who purchase goods and services decisions. "Consumers can be defined as the purchase
and acquire all goods in different age. income, education levels and tastes, and
individuals and families, as well as consumer preferences for individual consumption anti
services all the way all the way, so marketers should determine development based on
consumer demand for products and services of different consumer groups.

The term refers to the behavior of consumer behavior, consumers looking for the
procurement, use and evaluates products, they want to show their services to meet the
processing requirements. Consumer behavior is decided to spend its existing learning
(time, money, effort) personal research project on how consumer-related. It includes what
they buy, why they buy, when they buy. They buy it, and how they buy, they often use it
to study.

The importance of consumer behavior:-

1. His consumer behavior is dynamic and constantly changing. Tastes and according to
consumer preferences. Therefore, research, analysis, monitoring and understanding of
consumer behavior is essential;

2. Only bystudying consumer behavior businessman can solve the problems faced by
3. Research on consumer behaviorcontribute to the effective marketing management;
4. In determining prices, promotions and products taken after research the Consumer action
distribution, they are the product of the reaction;
5. Change in the Indian market, a lot of the tune, because the government lias been on
Changing, change based on their study of consumer expectations is essential;
6. Consumer behavior research will help to develop new opportunities and meet the needs
of Indian consumers' the Challenges and markets.

Perception is the process by which individual’s select organize and interpret the world, to
stimulate meaningful and coherent picture. In view of the marketing strategy, because consumers
make based on how they think, but it is not based on an objective decision In particular a
perceived stimulus absolute threshold is the lowest level of men Environmental stimuli
consumers to according to their own expectations and motivation for interaction. Principles the
Selective perception include the following concepts; selective exposure, selective attention,
perception and perceptual defense interceptor. Consumers according to Gestalt psychology
principle of a unified whole arrangement their views of interest. Stimulation is very subjective
interpretation, see the expectations of consumers based on past experience, a reasonable
explanation, he or she can imagine, motivation and interest in the amount of time perception of
things, and stimulate located clarity itself.
Since the individual to consider their own image, they also have views of the product and brand
image Product or service is than it may actually be the physical characteristics of products and
services have a good sense of ultimate success, more important is the perception of the image has
to buy their products or services, or adverse natural image a lot of opportunities.
Dissonance - reducing buying behavior
After the client, you can see the other Products or interfere with the function and listen to
something good buying experience disharmony. If the product does not meet the expectations of
the customer's perception can be dissatisfied, where he developed disharmony.



1. Regular Customer Of Kitex Group
Table number 4.1
opinion No of Percentage
Yes 45 90
No 5 10
Total 50 100
Source: Questionnaire
The table 4.1 shows that out of 50 respondents 45 of them are regular
customers of Kitex group and45 of them are not.
Graph number 4.1

Regular Customer




Interpretation. From the above table, it can be explained, 90 percent of
respondents were regular customers Kitex group.

2. Customer preference on products of Kitex group
Table number 4.2

Opinion No of Percentage
Quality 25 50
Price 18 36
Availability 2 4
Brand Image 5 10
Total 50 100
Source: Questionnaire
Table 4.2 shows that out of 50 respondents 25 of them prefer products of Kitex
group based on quality, 18 of them based on price, 2 of them based on availability
and 5 of them based on brand image.
Graph number4.2

Customer Prefrence

4% 10%

price availability brand image


Interpretation. From the above table, it is clear that 50% of customers are willing
to knowledge products quality customer base. 36% prefer based on 4%, since 10%
of its availability, price and brand preferences reaming fund their products.

3. Customer satisfied with the quality of the products.
Table number 4.3

Opinion No of respondent Percentage

Yes 46 92
No 4 8
Total 50 100
The above table show that out of 50 respondents, 46 of them are satisfied with the
quality and the remaining 4 are not.
Graph number4.3

Customer satisfied with the quality of products


Yes No


Interpretation. As can be seen from the table above, 92% of users satisfied with
quality of our products for reaming of 8% to be eliminated.

4. Why customers prefer Kitex products?
Table number 4.4

Opinion No of Percentage
Discount 10 20
Commission 25 50
Others 15 30
Total 50 100

From the above table out of the 50 respondents 10 of them opted discount, 25 of
them commission and 15 for others for preferring Kitex products.
Graph number4.4
Why customers prefer Kitex products

Discount Commission Others


Interpretation. As can be seen from the table above, 92% and 8% of the reaming
quality customer satisfaction and product quality product is eliminated.

5. Period of using Kitex products
Table number4.5

Opinion No of respondent Percentage

1-2 years 10 20
2-3 years 15 30
Above 3 years 25 50
Total 50 100

From the above table out of the 50 respondents, 10 respondents were using
the kitex products 1-2 years, 15 of them for 2-3 years and remaining 25 of
them are for more than 3 years.

Graph number4.5







1-2 Years 2-3 years Above 3 years


Interpretation. From the above table shows that 20% of customer’s use 1 - Kitex
between 2-vear product, 30% of customers, using 2-3 years, 3 years, and 50% of
these products are among those products.

6. Customers satisfied with the services offered by the company
Table number4.6

Opinion No of respondent Percentage

Yes 40 80
No 10 20
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 40 of them are satisfied with the
services offered by kitex and 10 of them not.
Graph number4.6

0 0




Interpretation. From the above table can be explained 80% of customers are
satisfied, and by the company in its remaining 20% are not satisfied with the
service of service

7. More attractive factors of Kitex products.
Table number4.7

Opinion No of Percentage
Packaging 5 10
Price 18 36
Quality 20 40
Design 7 14
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 5 of them opted packaging as a
more attractive factore for kitex products, 18 of them for price, 20 of them for
quality and 7 of them for design.
Graph number4.7

Main attractive factors

14% 10%



packagingpricequality4th Qtr

Interpretation. The about tables shows that 10% of customers are attracted by
packaging 36% of customers purchased this products on the basics of 40% of
customers looking for the quality criteria 14% of them are attracted to its design.

8. Customers level of satisfaction get from the usage of production
Table number 4.8

Opinion No of Percentage
High 40 80
Medium 8 16
Low 2 4
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 40 of them opted high for level of
usage satisfaction, 8 of them for medium and 2 of them for low.

Graph number4.8

Customer level of satisfaction





Interpretation. The above table shows that 80% of customers get high level of
satisfaction 16% of customers get medium level of satisfaction and the remaining
4% of them get only low level of satisfaction

9. Customers satisfied with the price of the
products. Table number4.9

Opinion No of Percentage
Yes 40 80
No 10 20
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 40 of them opted as yes for the
satisfaction from price and 10 them as no.

Graph number4.9

satisfied with the price of the products.




Interpretation. From the above data it was clear that 80% of customers were
satisfied with the price of the products and 10% of customers were dissatisfied
with the price of the products of the company.

10. Source of information about Kitex products.
Table number4.10

Opinion No of respondents Percentage

Advertisement 25 50
Clear Network 15 30
Friends 6 12
Other services 4 8
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 25 of them responded
advertisement as source of information about the product, 15 of them as clear
network as source, 6 of them as friends and 4 of them as other services.

Graph number4.10

Source of information




AdvertisementClear NetworkFriendsOther services

Interpretation.The above tables shows that 50% of customers get information

about Kitex products advertisement 30% of customers replied that clear network
helps them to know about the products 12% of customers get information through
their friends and remaining 8% of them know about the products

11. Customers expectation from a Kitex product

Table number4.11

Opinion No of respondents Percentage

Reasonable price 20 40
Attractive packing 2 4
More usefulness 8 16
High quality 20 40
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 20 of them responded as
reasonable price as customer expectation, 2 as attractive packages, 8 as more
usefulness, and 20 as high quality.
Graph number4.11

Customers expectation

40 40


Reasonable price Attractiv packing More usefulness High quality

Interpretation.The above table shows that 40% of customers expected reasonable

price from a Kitex product 4% of customers expect attractive packing 16% of
customers expect more usefulness of the products 40% of them expect high quality
from Kitex product.

12. Customers satisfied with the packaging of these products.
Table number4.12
Opinion No of Percentage
Satisfied 39 78
Dissatisfied 11 22
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 39 opted satisfaction for
packaging, and 11 as dissatisfied.

Graph number 4.12

Customers satisfied with the packaging
0 0



Satisfied2nd Qtr

Interpretation. From the above table it was clear that 78% of customers were
satisfied w ith the packaging of these products and remaining 22% of them were
dissatisfied with the packing of the products.

13. Customers opinion regarding the value for money spend on Kitex
Table number4.13

Opinion No of Percentage
Yes 40 80
No 10 20
Total 50 100

From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 40 of them responded as yes for
the vslue of the money they spend on kitex products and 10 of them as no.
Graph number4.13


Yes No


Interpretation: The above table shows that 80% of customers were satisfied with
the price of products of the company and considered that they get the value of
money pay for these products and 20% of customers were considered that they did
not get the value of money pay for these products

14. Customers opinion about the factors affected in choosing
products. Table number4.14

Opinion No of respondents Percentage

T V ads 18 36
Newspaper ads 16 32
Magazine ads 12 24
Refer Approach 4 8
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 18 of them responded as tv ads for
the factor affecting in choosing the product, 16 as newspaper ads, 12 as magazine
ads, and 4 as refer approach.

Graph number4.14
factors affected in choosing products



T V adsNewspaper adsMagazine adsRefer Approach

Interpretation. The above table shows that 36% of customers replied that T V ads
helps them to choose these products 32% of customers replied that Newspaper ads
help them to know about these products, 24% of them through Magazine ads and
the remaining 8% of them through dealer approach .

15. Customers opinion about the availability of the products of the
Table number4.15

Opinion No of Percentage
Easy available 8 16
Moderately 40 80
Not available 2 4
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 8 of them responded as easy
available for the opinion about the avialability of the product, 40 as moderately
available and 2 as not available.
Graph number4.15
Availability of the products


Easy availableModerately availableNot available

Interpretation. From the above table it can be interpreted than 16% customers get
easy available of the products of the company 80% customers get moderately
available of these products. Remaining 4% of them did not available of the product
of the company.

16. Customers feels about the advertisement of Kitex products.
Table number4.16

Opinion No of Percentage
Effective 42 84
Ineffective 8 16
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 42 of them responded as effective
about feeling of advertisements, and 8 as ineffective.

Graph number4.16
Advertisement Effect




Interpretation. The table shows 84% of customers about Kitex effective product
advertising, and the remaining 16% of customers about Kitex invalid product

17. Customers satisfied from the consumption of these products.
Table number4.17

Opinion No of Percentage
Yes 46 92
No 4 8
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 46 of them responded as
satisfaction from consumption, and 4 as no.

Graph number4.17
Satisfied from the consumption



Interpretation. From the above data it can be seen that 92% customers are
satisfied from the consumption of Kitex products and the reaming 8% of them are
dissatisfied from the consumption of these products.

18. Customers opinion about the flexibility of these product
Table number4.18
Opinion No of Respondents Percentage
Very horrible 4 8
Flexible 38 76
Less horrible 6 12
Rigid 2 4
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 4 of them opted for very horrible
as opinion about products flexibility, 38 as flexible, 6 as less rigid, and 2 as rigid.

Graph number4.18



Very horribleFlexibleLess horribleRigid

Interpretation.From the above table it was clear that 8% customers opinioned that
Kitex products are flexible 76% of customers say that these products are flexible
12% of customers replied that these are less flexible.

19. Comparison of products to its competitors
Table number4.19

Opinion No of Percentage
Excellent 4 8
Good 40 80
Average 6 12
Bad 0 0
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 4 of them opted as excellent for
the comparision with competitors , 40 as good, 6 as average.

Graph number4.19

Comparison of products to its competitors


12 8



Interpretation. The above table shows that 8% of customers replied that Kitex
products are excellent to its competitors 80% of customers replied that these
products are good 12% of them replied that the products are average.

20. Customers opinion about the dealers friendly and approachable
Table number4.20

Opinion No of respondents Percentage

Yes 30 60
No 20 40
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 30 of them responded as for
friendly dealership and 20 as no.

Graph number4.1




Interpretation. From the above table 60% of customers replied that the dealers
friendly and approachable to them and 40% of them replied they are not satisfied
with their behavior.

21. Customers opinion about the overall performance of the products
Table number4.21

Opinion No of Percentage
Excellent 2 4
Good 45 90
Average 3 6
Bad 0 0
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, 2 of them responded as excellent
about the opinion for overall performanc e, 45 as good, 3 as average.
Graph number4.21
Overall performance



Interpretation. Opinionated performance from 4% of the data is the client of 90%

and 6% of the average system opinionated excellent customers. Customers are not
satisfied with the overall performance of these products.

22. Customers interested in recommending Kitex products to others
Table number4.22

Opinion NO OF Percentage
Yes 50 100
No 0 0
Total 50 100
From the above table, out of the 50 respondents, all the 50 of them responded as
yes for interest in recommending kites products to others.

Graph number4.2

Customers interested in recommending Kitex products to







Yes No

Customers interested in recommending Kitex products to others

Interpretation. The above table shows that 100% of customers are interested in
recommending Kitex products to others.



□ Majority of the customer are satisfied with the quality of the products
□ Most of the customers were using these products above 3 years.
□ 80 % of customers were satisfied with the ramify offered by the company.
□ Majority of the customer yet high level of satisfaction from the usage these
□ Reasonable price and high quality of the products are the min expectation of
customers from Kitex products.
□ Majority of the customers were satisfied with the price and packaging of the
□ Advertisements are the main some of information about Kitex products for
the customers.
□ 80% of customers yet moderately available of the products.
□ 84% of customers feel effective about the advertisement of Kitex products.
□ Majority of the customers are satisfied by the comparison of these products
to its competitors.
□ 60% of customers are satisfied with the behavior of dealers.
□ 90% of the customers are satisfied about the overall performance of the
□ 100 % of customers are interested in recommending Kitex products to
□ 88% of customers suggested that these were no improvisation needed for
these products.


 The company should retain the quality of materials and it

should be well informed to the customers in time.
 Suitable pricing strategies should be formed to attract more
 The company has to give advertisement consistently to retain
all the customers and to invite prospective customers.
 Customers satisfaction must be maintained and after sales
services to be provided in the time


I really got a unique experience in Kitex LTD Kizhakkambalam during my training

period.' I learned many new things, which are out of my knowledge of
management aspects. 1 experienced management in my practical life. I have
collected all the necessary information from the concerning department. 1 have
come across many intelligent and experts person in the Kitex LTD.
The visit in a whole was great experience for me. As it was the first time, I got
opportunity to view those things and learn practically that we do not study in our
classes. This visit gave a great knowledge and experience of practical business to
me, which will be really and highly beneficial for me in my future.
I am again thankful to the concerned and entire staff of Kitex LTD to deliver me
response and co- operation.



1. Kothari C R Research Metholody 2nd Edition Viswaprakash publication Trivandrum

2. Kumar V Research Methodology 5th Edition Lekshmi Narayan Agarwal Publication Agra
3. L.R Potti Business Studies 2nd Edition Yumana Publication Trivandrum
4. Kotler Philip Marketing Management 3rdEdition Half of India Private Ltd, New Delhi


1. www.annaaluminium.com

Participant Profile
Name :
Age :
Sex : Male /Female
Educational Qualification
Matriculation Higher Secondary
Graduate Post Graduate
Occupation :
Annual Income
Below 10000 10000-20000
20000-50000 Above 50000
1. Are you a regular customer of Kitex group?

Yes No
2. Why do you prefer the products of Kitex group?

Quality Price Availability

Brand Image

3. Are you satisfied with the quality of the products of the Company?

Yes No

4. The benefits offered by the company to you

Discount Commission Others

5. Period using Kitex products

1-2 Years 2-3 Years Above 4 Years

6. Are you satisfied with the services offered by the Company?

Yes No

7. What are the main attractive factors of Kitex products?

Packing Price Quality Design

8. What is the level of satisfaction you get from the usage of Kitex product?

High Medium Low

9. Are you satisfied with price of the products of the Company?

Yes No

10. Some of information about Kitex Product?

Advertisement Dealer Network

Friends Other Services

11. What is your expectation about from a Kitex Product?

Reasonable price Attractive packing

More usefulness High Quality

12. Are you satisfied with the Packing of the products?

Satisfied Dissatisfied

13. Do you think that you get the rate for money you spend on Kitex products?

Yes No

14. Which of the following factors affected you in choosing the product ?

TV Ads Newspaper

Ads Magazine Ads Dealer Approach

15. What is your about the availability of the products of the Company?

Easy available moderately available

Not available

16. Are you satisfied consumption of these products?

Yes No

17. How do you feel about the advertisement of Kitex products?

Effective Ineffective

18. What is your opinion about flexibility of these products?

Very flexible Flexible Inflexible

Less flexible Rigid

19. How do you compare the Kitex products to its competition?

Excellent Good

Average Bad

20. Did you find the dealers are friendly performance of Kitex product ?

Yes No

21. Your opinion about the overall performance of Kitex products ?

Excellent Good

Average Bad

22. Are you interested in recommending Kitex products to other ?

Yes No


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