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1. Drag the words to complete the sentences.

savannah desert jungle mountains rivers long jump climb

hump heavy thin furry tall short weak strong tail

a. The bear is a ........................ animal. It lives in the ........................

b. The camel has got a ........................... It lives in the .........................

c. The crocodile has got a ................... body and very ............... legs. It lives in ............................

d. Small snakes are ..................... They can be fat or ....................

e. Giraffes are ..................... They live in the ............................

f. The kangaroo has got a big ......................... It can .........................

g. The elephant is very ......................... It has a big and ....................... body.

h. Monkeys can .......................... trees. They live in the savannah and in the .......................

2. Copy the words under the correct picture. There two extra words.
3. Write the comparative form of the adjectives below.
Example: Fast - faster

big - tall- heavy- strong-

small- short- light- weak-

fast - furry- long- good-


4. Compare the animals below. Choose the correct word.

a. The elephant is stronger / weaker than the snake.

b. The kangaroo is taller / shorter than the giraffe.

c. The monkey is thinner / fatter than the bear.

d. The camel is furrier / faster than the zebra.

e. The zebra is faster / slower than the bear.

f. The spider is lighter / heavier than the snake.

g. The giraffe is shorter / taller than the kangaroo.

h. The monkey is better / worse at climbing than the lion.

6. Match each sentence to the correct photographs.

The desert is windier than the mountains.

The jungle is rainier than the savannah.

The mountains are cooler than the desert.

The savannah is sunnier than the jungle.

5. Write comparative sentences using the words given.

Example: lions/ fast/ snakes Lions are faster than snakes

a. Bears/ strong/ monkeys ______________________________

b. Kangaroos/ light/ giraffes ______________________________

c. Zebras/ short/ elephants ______________________________

d. Lions/ furry/ giraffes ______________________________

e. Snakes/ weak/ crocodiles ______________________________

f. Camels/slower/ lions ______________________________

g. Snakes/ thin/ crocodiles _______________________________

6. Find ten adjectives to describe animals.

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