Research Report

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Research guidelines for 6 th year ARCH students

Quick guideline for thesis report writing

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1.Background of study 1.4. Research questions

1.2.Statement of the Problem 1.5. Significance of study
1.3.Research objective 1.6. Scope of study
1.3.1.General objective 1.7. Research limitation

1.3.2. Specific objectives 1.8. Description of study area

1.9. Organization of the document

Chapter Two: Literature review

Based on the nature of your Thesis and your advisor's advice, you may break the Literature Review
in to:
 Theoretical review
 Conceptual review
 Contextual review

The literature review shall be made in a sense to address the objectives of your study by reviewing
literatures /researches conducted in different periods of time by different researches from Global
to Local level. Moreover, please follow your advisor's advice.

Chapter Three: Research Methodology

3.1. Research design 3.4.2. Sample size
3.2. Data types 3.5. Method of data collection
3.3. Data sources 3.6. Method of data analysis
3.4. Sampling design 3.7. Method of data presentation
3.4.1. Sampling techniques 3.8. Validation & reliability
Chapter Four: Results and Discussion
This section should be written in accordance with the order of the specific objective. It is
recommend that the discussions to be compared/argued with previous similar studies either
positively or negatively

Chapter Five: Conclusion and recommendations

5.1 Conclusions

5.2 Recommendations, including Recommendations for future studies, if any.

Chapter six: Design Proposal

This section should contains all the design process and products based on the analysis and the
result of the thesis.

Citation and referencing styles- the chosen style should be consistent across the body of a Thesis.
The specific type of referencing/citation style shall be decided by the supervisor, if needed.

Annexes (or Appendices):

Thesis/Monograph writing guideline
 All the other mandatory sections of a scientific research write-up element should be
included such as Abstract, Table of contents, ----
 Table captions should be written at the top of each Table, sources in bracket at the bottom
 Figure captions should be written at the bottom of each figure, sources in bracket.
 Tables and Figures should be numbered based on where they are located (E.g. Table 1.1.
1.2 ..... Figure1.1. 1.2.... - if located in chapter One, Table 2.1, 2.1...... Figure 2.1, 2.2 ... -
if located in Chapter Two, etc.)
 Thesis shall be between:

i. 35 & 45 pages (for proposal)

ii. 75 and 95 pages (for Thesis). However, the supervisor in discussion with the candidate shall
fix the number of pages for B.Sc. Thesis write-up, when necessary.

Please discuss with your respective supervisor and make use of the guideline to write the
Thesis report Outer Cover Page
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------

Name of Candidate (Full Name)

Thesis Submitted to the department of----------------,

School of ……………..

Dilla University

Month, year
Thesis report Inner Cover Page
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------

Name of Candidate (Full Name)


Thesis Submitted to the department of----------------,

School of ……………..

Dilla University

Month, year
Approval of Board of examiners
We, the undersigned, members of the board of examiners of the final open defense by
…………………… have read and evaluated his thesis entitled
“………………………………………………..” and examined the candidate.
This therefore, to certify that the thesis has been accepted in partial fulfilment of the
requirement of the degree of bachelors of Science in Architecture.

_________________ _____________________ ___________________

Name of Student Signature Date
________________ _________________ ___________________
Advisor /Supervisor/ Signature Date
________________ _________________ ___________________
Department head Signature Date
________________ _________________ ___________________
Examiner Signature Date
I hereby declare that this BSc thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree
in any other university, and all sources of material used for this thesis have been duly

Name: ___________________________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________________

This BSc thesis has been submitted for examination with my approval as thesis advisor/

Name: __________________________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________________

Date of submission…………………
Advisor’s approval sheet

To: Architecture department

Subject: Thesis submission

Thesis is to certify that the thesis entitled “…………………………………………………….”

submitted in partial fulfilment of requirements for the degree of bachelors of Science in
Architecture, in the department of architecture and has been carried out by ……………………
Id No ………………………… under my supervision.

Therefore, I recommend that the student has fulfilled the requirement and hence hereby he can
submit the thesis to the department.

………………………. (MSc) ___________ ____________

Name of Advisor Signature Date

Table of Content
AKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………………………... I

TABLES OF CONTENT ………………………………………………………………... II

LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………... III

LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………………………. IV


ABSTRACT …………………….……………………………..………………………….VI

CHAPTER ONE……………………………………………………………………….……...1

1. INTRODUCTION…….…………..………………………………………………….…..…1

1.1.Background of study……………………………………………………………….....……………..
1.2.Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………………....…..
1.3.Research objective………………………………………………………………..........…………...
1.3.1.General objective……………………………………………………………..………..
1.3.2. Specific objectives………………………………………………………….……..….
1.4. Research questions .....................................................................................................................
1.5. Significance of study..................................................................................................................
1.6. Scope of study ............................................................................................................................
1.7. Research limitation
1.8.Description of study area……………………………………………………………………..
1.9 .Organization of the document ………………………………………………………………...

CHAPTER TWO…………………………………………….…………..………………………..

2. LITRATURE REVIEW…………………………………...…………………………………...

2.1. Theoretical review ……………………………………………………....……………………

2.1.2……………....…continued ……………………………….…..………………………...…
2.2. Contextual review ………………………………………….…….……………………………
2.2.1 ………………………………………………………………...……………….………….
2.2.2………… ………continued ……………………… ……….…………………………….

CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................................

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………......

3.3 …………………………………………………………………………………………..………
3.4………………………………continued …………………………………………..……………

CHAPTER FOUR ...........................................................................................................................

4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................
CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................................
5. CONCLUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION .....................................................................
5.1. Conclussion ..........................................................................................................................................
5.2. Recommendation .................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER SIX ..............................................................................................................................
6. DESIGN PROPOSAL ..............................................................................................................

6.2. …………………………………………………………………………………….continued


Annexes (or Appendices)……………………………………………………………………

Figure 1.2………………………………………….continued
Figure 2.1………………………………………………………………………………………
Figure 2.2………………………………………….continued
Figure 3.1………………………………………………………………………………………
Figure 3.2………………………………………….continued
Figure 4.1………………………………………………………………………………………
Figure 4.2………………………………………….continued
Figure 5.1………………………………………………………………………………………
Figure 5.2………………………………………….continued
Figure 6.1………………………………………………………………………………………
Figure 6.2………………………………………….continued
List of tables
Table 1.1…………………………………………………………………………………………
Table 1.2………………………………………….continued
Table 2.1…………………………………………………………………………………………
Table 2.2………………………………………….continued
Table 3.1…………………………………………………………………………………………
Table 3.2………………………………………….continued
Table 4.1………………………………………………………………………………………
Table 4.2………………………………………….continued
Table 5.1…………………………………………………………………………………………
Table 5.2………………………………………….continued
Table 6.1…………………………………………………………………………………………
Table 6.2………………………………………….continued

……………. ………………………………..

……………. ………………………………..

……………. ………………………………..

……………. ………………………………..

……………. ………………………………..

Key words: ----------------, ----------------, ----------------,

Standard format for Reporting
The research report should be written in a style that it is clear and concise. Therefore the
following considerations should be kept in view in writing a research report.

Language English
Paper Specifications:

Color White
Size 21 cmx29.7 cm (A4)

Left margin 3 cm
Right margin 2.5 cm
Top margin 2.5 cm
Bottom margin 2.5cm
Spacing 1.5
Side Front Single
Font size 12
Font type Times New Roman,
Font style Regular
Font color Black
Breaking a word on 2 lines Not allowed
Corrections with fluid Not allowed
Overwriting Not allowed
Crossing out words Not allowed
Typing machine Computer
Printing quality Laser or better quality
Copies High quality photocopy

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