SOP-DPR-04 DPR Free Rider Policy

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Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

Policy Title: Free Rider

Number: SOP-DPR-04 Rev No: 1 Effective Date: 06/07/2022 Page No: 1 of 1

A. Definition of Free Rider

 Free riding members doing less than their share of the work because others will make up
for their slack - Source: Forsyth, D. R. (2009). Group dynamics. Cengage Learning, Inc.

 Individuals who perform little in a group because they believe their individual efforts
unimportant and they will receive the groups reward regardless of individual effort -
Source: Levi, D., & Aska, D.A. (2020). Group dynamics for teams (6th ed.). Sage

 Free riders are individuals who decide not to participate in cooperative learning group
activities and often lower the group’s morale, productivity, and effectiveness - Source:
McArdle, G., Clements, K.D., & Kim, H. L. (2005). The free rider and cooperative
learning groups: Perspectives from faculty members (ED492459). ERIC.

 Free-riding in group work occurs when one or several members of a group contribute so
little to a group project that if the same grade is given to all members of the group, the
grade would be misleading and unfair - Source: Börjesson, P.O., Hamidian, A.,
Kubilinskas, E., Richter, U., Weyns, K., & Ödling, P. (2006). Free-riding in group work -
Mechanisms and countermeasures.

B. The Department Practice and Standard Operating Procedure

The course leader can opt for any of the practice below:
1. Peer Evaluation
Peer evaluation can be included as part of the course assessment depending on the suitability
of the course. The course leader must ensure that the peer evaluation is mapped to the
appropriate CLOs.
2. Assessment Penalty
The course leader can consider including a provision in the marking scheme that allows for
penalty to ‘free riders’ who do not contribute to the group assessment tasks, with proper
discussion with the accused and the group members conducted beforehand.
3. Department Standard Operating Procedure
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Policy Title: Free Rider
Number: SOP-DPR-04 Rev No: 1 Effective Date: 06/07/2022 Page No: 1 of 1

Student to inform lecturer/tutor about free rider problem

Lecturer/tutor to request both complainant and complainee to provide evidence/supporting

document of the accusation and refutation

Lecturer/tutor to meet both parties to discuss if there is a potential case of free riders in the
group based on the evidence submitted

Lecturer/tutor and students to reach an agreement either to award or deduct the mark to the

If the marks to be deducted, lecturer/tutor to put a note in the marking scheme about the
problem and total marks deduction. Ensure all members to sign on the marking scheme to
indicate their agreement

If the marks to be awarded, then the case is dismiss

Key term and description:

a. Complainant
 One who makes complaint.

b. Complainee
 One who is complained about; the subject of a complaint.

c. Marks awarded
 All group members will receive the equal marks as stated in the marking scheme.

d. Marks deducted
 The complainee will receive the marks as agreed by the group members
 The complainee can be give ZERO (0) or maximum of 50% of the total group
assessment marks can deducted depending on the discretion of the lecturer/tutor based
on the evidence presented. The marks must be agreed by both complainant and

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