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Justin S. Smith, M.D., Ph.D. OBJECTIVE: To review current classification systems for adolescent and adult scoliosis.
Department of Neurosurgery, METHODS: The literature was reviewed in reference to scoliosis classification systems
University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Virginia for adolescent and adult scoliosis.
RESULTS: There are multiple classification systems for scoliosis. Classification of sco-
Christopher I. Shaffrey, M.D. liosis is dependent on patient age, spinal abnormality, scoliotic curve, and global
Department of Neurosurgery, spinal alignment. To date, classification systems have focused predominantly on ado-
University of Virginia,
lescent idiopathic scoliosis or adult/degenerative scoliosis; a single classification sys-
Charlottesville, Virginia
tem evaluating scoliotic deformities of different ages and spinal abnormalities has not
Charles Kuntz IV, M.D. been identified.
Department of Neurosurgery, CONCLUSION: The importance of scoliosis classification schemes lies in their ability
University of Cincinnati, to standardize communication among health care providers. With regard to the classi-
Mayfield Clinic and Spine Institute,
Cincinnati, Ohio
fication of adolescent scoliosis, the Lenke system has addressed many of the signifi-
cant limitations of the King system and is now the standard classification scheme.
Praveen V. Mummaneni, M.D. Classification schemes for adult scoliosis have been reported only recently, and each offers
Department of Neurosurgery, specific advantages (the simple pathogenesis-based system of Aebi, the strong clinical
UCSF Spine Center, relevance of the Schwab system, and the richly descriptive Scoliosis Research Society
University of California, San Francisco,
system). This article highlights the salient features of currently used scoliosis classifica-
San Francisco, California
tion systems.
Reprint requests: KEY WORDS: Adult, Classification, Pediatric, Scoliosis, Spine deformity
Praveen V. Mummaneni, M.D.,
Department of Neurosurgery,
Neurosurgery 63:A16–A24, 2008 DOI: 10.1227/01.NEU.0000320447.61835.EA
UCSF Spine Center,
University of California San Francisco,
505 Parnassus Avenue, M-779, Box 0112,
San Francisco, CA 94143–0112.

Email: here are four main purposes for a spinal bar, lumbar, and combined double primary.
deformity classification system: system- Curve type remains an important part of mod-
Received, August 8, 2007. atic categorization of disorders, defini- ern classification systems, attributable in large
Accepted, May 5, 2008. tion of natural history and outcomes of care, part to the subsequent work of Ponseti and
correlation with health status or severity of Friedman in 1950 (20). They described the nat-
deformity, and a guide for treatment decisions ural history of scoliosis based on curve type,
(6, 16). Multiple spinal deformity classifica- concluding that curve type and location are
tions have been reported over the last century. readily recognized features that correlate with
New classification systems have been added natural history and rarely change as the curve
as advances in clinical understanding of scolio- grows. Although fundamental to classification,
sis and advances in surgical techniques have curve type and location alone do not capture
evolved. The first reported classification, by the complexity necessary to formulate strate-
Schulthess in 1905, introduced the idea of gies for care, and further advancements have
curve patterns as a means of grouping (25). aimed to address these needs.
This early description of curve patterns Adolescent scoliosis and adult scoliosis are
included cervicothoracic, thoracic, thoracolum- fundamentally distinct, differing in clinical
presentation, radiographic features, therapeu-
ABBREVIATIONS: AIS, adolescent idiopathic sco- tic approaches, and prognosis (17, 27). Perhaps
liosis; CSVL, central sacral vertical line; PUMC, the most widely recognized classification sys-
Peking Union Medical College; SRS, Scoliosis tem, that of King et al. from 1983 (9), was
Research Society intended to provide guidance for treatment of
thoracic deformity in adolescents. The Lenke



classification (14), subsequently developed in 2001 to overcome

several significant limitations of the King classification, also
primarily addresses adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS).
Although the vast majority of scoliosis study before the last
25 years has focused on the adolescent form, recent attention
has turned to improving the classification schemes for adult
scoliosis. Adult scoliosis has long been recognized, but few
surgeons offered treatment because surgery in these patients
was considered risky based on patient age, deficient bone
quality, and the lack of adequate instrumentation to enable
and maintain correction. Advances in surgical techniques and FIGURE 1. Illustration of King classification for idiopathic scoliosis
anesthesia care, as well as the development of powerful seg- (from, Richards BS, Sucato DJ, Konigsberg DE, Ouellet JA: Comparison
mental instrumentation, have enabled significant progress in of reliability between the Lenke and King classification systems for adoles-
the surgical care of adult scoliosis patients (18). These devel- cent idiopathic scoliosis using x-rays that were not premeasured. Spine
28:1148–1156, 2003 [23]).
opments, coupled with longer life spans and a gradual shift
toward an aging society, have renewed interest in better
understanding and classifying adult scoliosis as a first step
toward evidence-based approaches and improved outcomes.
TABLE 1. King classification for idiopathic scoliosis
Toward these ends, three classification schemes have been
recently reported for adult scoliosis: the Aebi system (1), the Group Criteria
Schwab system (26), and the Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) Type I S-shaped curve in which both thoracic curve and
system (16). lumbar curve cross midline
The objective of this review is to provide the reader the back- Lumbar curve larger than thoracic curve on
ground with which to classify scoliosis in different age groups standing radiograph
using the most modern and commonly applied classification Flexibility index a negative value (thoracic curve 
systems. Limited discussion regarding the benefits and limita- lumbar curve on standing radiograph, but more
tions of each approach is also provided. flexible on side-bending)
Type II S-shaped curve in which thoracic curve and
PATIENTS AND METHODS lumbar curve cross midline
Thoracic curve  lumbar curve
The literature pertaining to classification of scoliosis was reviewed
Flexibility index  0
with a MEDLINE search from 1960 to February 2007 using the search
terms “scoliosis,” “classification,” and either “adolescent” or “adult.” Type III Thoracic curve in which lumbar curve does not
This search yielded 456 articles. This list was narrowed using the fol- cross midline (so-called overhang)
lowing inclusion criteria: studies presenting comprehensive classifica- Type IV Long thoracic curve in which L5 is centered over
tion schemes for adolescent and/or adult deformity and English lan- sacrum but L4 tilts into long thoracic curve
guage. The remaining seven articles, four for adolescent (4, 9, 14, 22)
Type V Double thoracic curve with T1 tilted into convexity
and three for adult deformity (1, 16, 26), were reviewed in full and are
the basis of the present review. of upper curve
Upper curve structural on side-bending

RESULTS From, King HA, Moe JH, Bradford DS, Winter RB: The selection of fusion levels in
thoracic idiopathic scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 65:1302–1313, 1983 (9).
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Classifications
King Classification the lumbar curve to yield the flexibility index. Final treatment
The King classification of AIS arose from a study designed results were evaluated based on age at the time of surgery,
to facilitate selection of fusion levels in thoracic idiopathic sco- degree of curvature, curve patterns, vertebral rotation, flexibil-
liosis (9). King et al. retrospectively reviewed 405 patients from ity index, and stable vertebra. These analyses resulted in a
their series who had undergone posterior spine fusion with classification scheme based on preoperative standing antero-
Harrington rod instrumentation for thoracic AIS. They posterior or posteroanterior plain x-rays and a complete set of
assessed curve type based on the central sacral line, a line preoperative supine side-bending x-rays (Table 1; Fig. 1).
drawn through the center of the sacrum perpendicular to the Accordingly, treatment recommendations were made based
iliac crests (Fig. 1). They introduced the term “flexibility on the classification groups (9).
index.” This was determined first by assessing the percentage Although used as the primary classification scheme for AIS
of flexibility of the thoracic and lumbar curves on maximum for nearly two decades, it became apparent early on that the
lateral bending. The percentage of correction of the thoracic King approach had several significant limitations. First, it did
curve was then subtracted from the percentage of correction of not include thoracolumbar, lumbar, double major, or triple



Simple, objective rules were

used to define six curve types
(Fig. 2). First, they defined the
curve location as proximal
thoracic, main thoracic, or
thoracolumbar/lumbar (Fig.
2). Curves were distinguished
as major if they had the
largest Cobb measurement;
otherwise, they were termed
minor. Structural curves were
those lacking normal flexibil-
ity, which they defined objec-
tively (Fig. 2).
A lumbar spine modifier
was included in the scheme in
recognition of the importance
of lumbar deformity. When
planning operative interven-
tion, the lumbar deformity
must be taken into account
because it may alter spinal
balance and affect proximal
curves. Use of the lumbar
modifier enables definition of
lumbar spine alignment in
relation to the curve type and
also allows assessment of the
lumbar spine position after
surgical treatment. This mod-
ifier was determined based on
the central sacral vertical line
FIGURE 2. Illustration of Lenke classification of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Summary of all necessary criteria (CSVL), a vertical line drawn
for curve classification (from, Lenke LG, Betz RR, Harms J, Bridwell KH, Clements DH, Lowe TG, Blanke K: to bisect the proximal sacrum
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: A new classification to determine extent of spinal arthrodesis. J Bone Joint Surg Am and to be parallel with the lat-
83:1169–1181, 2001 [14]). eral edge of the x-ray (Fig. 2).
The most proximal lower tho-
major curves. Second, it focused solely on coronal imaging and racic or lumbar vertebra most closely bisected by the CSVL
did not take sagittal alignment into account. Third, the interob- was designated as the stable vertebra, and the apex of the curve
server and intraobserver reliability of the King classification was designated as the most horizontal and laterally placed ver-
system was found by multiple groups to have very limited tebral body or disc. Modifier A was used when the CSVL fell
validity, reliability, and reproducibility (5, 10, 14). between the lumbar pedicles up to the stable vertebra and
required the presence of a thoracic apex. If there is doubt
Lenke Classification regarding whether the CSVL touches the medial aspect of the
Recognizing the limitations of the King classification system, lumbar apical pedicle, the authors indicated that it is appropri-
Lenke et al., in conjunction with the SRS, set out to develop an ate to use Modifier B. Modifier B was used when the CSVL falls
improved classification scheme (14). Their system is based on between the medial border of the lumbar concave pedicle and
both coronal and sagittal planes and is designed to determine the lateral margin of the apical vertebral body. Modifier B also
the appropriate vertebral levels to be included in an arthrode- required the presence of a thoracic apex. Modifier C was used
sis (12, 15, 21). In addition, they assessed the interobserver and when the CSVL fell medial to the lateral aspect of the lumbar
intraobserver reliability of their approach. For each of 27 apical vertebral body. For Modifier C, cases could have a tho-
patients, they reviewed four x-rays: standing long-cassette racic, thoracolumbar, and/or lumbar apex.
coronal and lateral as well as right and left supine side- A sagittal thoracic modifier was included in recognition of
bending. The devised classification scheme included six curve the importance of thoracic spine alignment when planning
types (Number 1–6), a lumbar spine modifier (A, B, or C), and operative intervention. This modifier was determined by meas-
a sagittal thoracic modifier (–, N, or +). uring from the superior endplate of the fifth thoracic vertebra



to the inferior endplate of the 12th thoracic vertebra on a stand- curve magnitude. Interobserver and intraobserver reliability
ing lateral x-ray. Based on these criteria, the mean normal tho- testing for the PUMC classification were 85% (κ  0.83) and
racic alignment has been reported to be +30 degrees, with a 91% (κ  0.90), respectively (22). It remains too early to judge
range from +10 to +40 degrees (3). The following thoracic mod- the extent to which the PUMC classification will gain accept-
ifiers were designated: minus sign for a curve of less than +10 ance and application as a clinical and research tool.
degrees, N (normal) for a curve of +10 to +40 degrees, and a
plus sign for a curve more than +40 degrees (Fig. 2). Classification Example
Lenke et al. demonstrated good to excellent interobserver Shown in Figure 3 are x-rays of an adolescent with idiopathic
and intraobserver reliability for their classification system scoliosis. Based on the King classification, this represents a Type
using two separate groups of surgeons drawn from the SRS. II curve. Using the Lenke classification, this case is classified as
Interestingly, one of the groups was composed of the same five a Type 1 curve type, lumbar modifier B, and a sagittal thoracic
reviewers who had previously reported on the reliability of the modifier of N (normal).
King classification. For these five surgeons, the mean interob-
server reliability for determining curve type using the Lenke Adult Scoliosis Classifications
system was 93% (range, 85–100%), with a mean κ value of 0.92
(range, 0.83–1.00). Using the King system, the interobserver Aebi Classification
reliability was 64%, and the κ value was 0.49 (10). Despite the The Aebi classification system of adult scoliosis is composed
initially reported good to excellent interobserver reliability of of four groups (Types I, II, IIIa, and IIIb), distinguished prima-
the Lenke system, subsequent studies from independent inves- rily based on cause rather than on specific details of the defor-
tigators suggest an interobserver reliability in the moderate mity (1) (Table 2). Type I is used to designate primary degener-
range (19, 23). Richards et al. reported interobserver and ative scoliosis, which is most commonly associated with curves
intraobserver reliabilities of 56% (κ  0.50) and 65% (κ  0.60), having an apex at L2–3 or L3–4. Degenerative scoliosis is
respectively (23). thought to derive from asymmetric degenerative change of the
The Lenke classification overcomes many of the limitations disc, with attendant frontal deviation and rotation with the
of the King system. Specifically, the Lenke system offers a more facet joints on one side acting as a pivot. Type II designates pro-
objective and complete classification of curve types as well as gressive idiopathic scoliosis, resulting from idiopathic scoliosis
lumbar and sagittal thoracic modifiers to aid in surgical plan- present since adolescence or childhood that progresses in adult-
ning. Two potential criticisms of the Lenke system are the com- hood because of mechanical, bony, or degenerative changes.
plexity and the lack of three-dimensional classification. Type III is subdivided into two subgroups. Type IIIa consists of
Although the Lenke system introduces 42 different groups, secondary adult scoliosis cases, resulting from disease either
these are based on only six straightforward curve patterns with within the spine, such as an adjacent thoracic or thoracolumbar
two simple modifiers. curve, or from disease outside of the spine, such as pelvic obliq-
uity caused by leg length discrepancy. Type IIIb designates
Other Classification Schemes deformities resulting from bone weakness, such as a deformity
In 1998, Coonrad et al. studied 2000 consecutive idiopathic resulting from an osteoporotic fracture.
scoliosis curve patterns and described 21 patterns that incorpo- The Aebi classification offers a relatively simple means of
rated the five King curve types (4). This categorization comple- classifying adult deformity based on cause. Because cause may
mented the King classification system by incorporating the help predict the natural history of a deformity, the Aebi system
curve types that had not been included in the original classifi- may allow tempered broad generalizations about treatment
cation. In the report detailing the Coonrad classification, the approaches. However, the system does not reflect the complex-
authors reported interobserver and intraobserver reliability to ity of specific deformities to a degree adequate to be used for
be 98.7% and 100%, respectively (4). A subsequent study found detailed surgical planning.
the interobserver reliability of the Coonrad classification to be
only 46% (κ  0.38) (2). The Coonrad classification, like the Schwab Classification
King system, focused only on coronal imaging and did not take Schwab et al. recently reported a clinical impact classification
into account sagittal alignment. Although the study by Coonrad of scoliosis in adults based on a multicenter, prospective, clini-
et al. represented an outstanding description of a large series of cal series of 947 adult patients with spinal deformity (26).
idiopathic scoliosis cases, its application was limited by the Radiographic assessments included frontal Cobb angle, defor-
introduction of the Lenke classification shortly thereafter. mity apex, lumbar lordosis, and intervertebral subluxation.
The Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) classification These parameters were correlated with clinical outcomes meas-
was proposed by Qiu et al. in 2005 (22). This system was ures, including the Oswestry Disability Index and the SRS out-
designed to facilitate selection of a surgical approach and come measure. Three parameters proved useful for classifying
fusion level, and consists of three major categories, termed their patients: deformity apex, lordosis, and intervertebral sub-
Types I, II, and III, having single, double, and triple curves, luxation (Table 3). In the Schwab classification, patients are first
respectively. These categories include a total of 13 subtypes grouped by apical level and assigned a specific type from I to V
that are based primarily on apex location, curve flexibility, and (Table 3). A simple lumbar lordosis modifier was added, with A,



B, and C indicating marked, moderate,

A B C and no lordosis, respectively. A sublux-
ation modifier was also added, with
measurement based on maximal inter-
vertebral subluxation at any level of the
spine in either the coronal or sagittal
plane (Table 3).
Schwab et al. also offered assessment
of the reliability of their classification
system (26). Eight surgeons read a
series of 20 adult scoliosis patient x-
rays, with four of these surgeons per-
forming a second classification of the
same x-rays 2 weeks later. These meas-
ures identified excellent reliability with
κ  0.6 interobserver/0.8 intraobserver
for apical level (type) and κ  0.9 for
lordosis and subluxation scores.
Perhaps the greatest strength of the
Schwab classification scheme is that it
distinguishes groups of adult scoliosis
patients with clinically relevant differ-
ences. Higher grades of lumbar lordosis
and subluxation were closely linked to
increased surgical rates and increased
disability and pain based on outcomes
D E F tools. There are two main limitations of
this classification scheme. First, although
it was designed based on nearly 1000
patients, some subcategories of curve
description contained few patients.
Second, the classification is not fully
descriptive; rather, it focuses on the clin-
ical impact factors. Thus, for the pur-
poses of recording and communicating
specific deformities, it may be important
to include additional information, such
as Cobb angle and end level.

SRS Classification
The SRS recently reported a classifica-
tion with the intent of providing a
framework for an evidence-based
approach to the management of adult
scoliosis patients (16). This system relies
on standing full-length x-rays in the
coronal and sagittal planes and classifies
based on curve type as well as three
additional modifiers (Table 4). Six major
coronal curve types—as well as a single
sagittal plane deformity that lacks any
associated thoracic or lumbar coronal
FIGURE 3. Posteroanterior (A) and lateral (B) and side-bending (C and D) x-ray scans of a patient with
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, classified as King Type II; Lenke 1BN (curve Type 1 with a lumbar modi-
deformities that would meet require-
fier of B and a sagittal thoracic modifier of N). The CSVL is indicated in A. The sagittal C7 plumb line is ments of a primary deformity—are dis-
drawn in B. Posteroanterior (E) and lateral (F) x-ray scans following surgical correction of the deformity. tinguished (Table 4). Coronal curve clas-
sification is based on apex location, and



TABLE 2. Aebi adult deformity classification

Type Description Cause
I Primary degenerative scoliosis; Disc degeneration (asymmetric);
Most commonly has curve apex L2–3 or L4 Facet joint degeneration
II Idiopathic scoliosis that has progressed; Progression of idiopathic scoliosis (present since childhood) caused
Lumbar and/or thoracolumbar by degenerative disease and/or mechanical/bony reasons
IIIa Secondary adult scoliosis; Secondary to an adjacent curve of idiopathic,
Typically thoracolumbar or lumbar-lumbosacral neuromuscular or congenital origin;
Obliquity of pelvis caused by leg length discrepancy or hip abnormality;
Lumbosacral transitional anomaly
IIIb Deformity resulting from bone weakness Metabolic bone disease, osteoporosis
(e.g., osteoporotic fracture)

Modified from, Aebi M: The adult scoliosis. Eur Spine J 14:925–948, 2005 (1).

criteria for specific major curve type are defined objectively (Table
4). To be classified as a sagittal plane deformity, there must be a TABLE 3. Schwab adult deformity classification
kyphosis present that meets the criteria under the regional sagit- Classification Radiographic criteria
tal modifier (Table 4).
The SRS classification also includes three radiographic mod- Type
ifiers. A regional sagittal modifier was added in recognition of I Thoracic-only curve (no other curves)
the impact that regional kyphosis or hypolordosis has on health II Upper thoracic major, apex T4–T8
status and surgical strategies. The sagittal modifier is included III Lower thoracic major, apex T9–T10
only if the curve lies outside of the designated normal range,
IV Thoracolumbar major curve, apex T11–L1
and separate modifiers are listed for each of the four regions of
the spine (Table 4). Because degenerative changes of the lumbar V Lumbar major curve, apex L2–L4
spine are common in adults with scoliosis and because these Lumbar lordosis modifier
changes are often the reason for clinical presentation, a lumbar A Marked lordosis (40 degrees)
degenerative modifier was added to the classification. This B Moderate lordosis (0–40 degrees)
modifier is only included if the patient exhibits disc space nar- C No lordosis present (Cobb  0 degrees)
rowing, facet arthropathy, degenerative spondylolisthesis, or
Subluxation modifier
rotatory subluxation of 3 mm or more in any plane. The third
modifier, based on global balance, describes imbalance in either 0 No intervertebral subluxation any level
the coronal or the sagittal plane. For the purposes of this clas- + Maximal measured subluxation 1–6 mm
sification, sagittal imbalance was considered significant if the ++ Maximal subluxation  7 mm
C7 plumb line is 5 cm or more anterior or posterior to the sacral
promontory. Coronal imbalance was significant if the C7 plumb From, Schwab F, Farcy JP, Bridwell K, Berven S, Glassman S, Harrast J, Horton W: A
line was 3 cm or more to either side of the CSVL. clinical impact classification of scoliosis in the adult. Spine 31:2109–2114, 2006 (26).
The authors of the SRS classification also offered validation
of interobserver reliability. Fourteen surgeons evaluated 25 Based on the Aebi classification, this is categorized as Type II,
radiographic cases, with good interobserver reliability for curve because it represents progression of an idiopathic scoliosis pres-
type (κ  0.64), sagittal modifier (κ  0.73), degenerative lum- ent since adolescence. Based on the Schwab classification, this
bar modifier (κ  0.65), and global balance modifier (κ  0.92). case is classified as VB+, based on a Type V curve (lumbar
The primary limitation of the SRS classification system is major curve with apex L2–L4), lumbar lordosis Modifier B
that it does not take into account clinical parameters such as (moderate lordosis, 0–40 degrees), and subluxation Modifier +
presenting symptoms, age, and comorbidities including osteo- (maximal measured subluxation 1–6 mm). Based on the SRS
porosis and systemic disease. Such parameters certainly affect classification, this case is classified as L (lumbar curve), +DDD
the management process. (degenerative disc disease) lumbar modifier (L1–S1), and +LIS
(listhesis) Modifier L4–5.
Classification Example
Figure 4 shows anteroposterior and lateral x-rays of an adult DISCUSSION
patient with a history of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis who
presented at the age of 60 with symptomatic stenosis, L4–5 lis- Spinal deformity classifications provide the fundamental
thesis (approximately 5 mm), and mild curve progression. nomenclature that enables systematic organization of these



TABLE 4. Scoliosis Research Society adult deformity classificationa

Primary curve types
Single thoracic (ST)
Double thoracic (DT)
Double major (DM)
Triple major (TM)
Thoracolumbar (TL)
Lumbar “de novo”/idiopathic (L)
Primary sagittal plane deformity (SP)
Adult spinal deformity modifiers: regional sagittal modifier (include
only if outside normal ranges as listed)
Proximal thoracic (T2–T5):  +20 degrees (PT)
Main thoracic (T5–T12):  +50 degrees (MT)
Thoracolumbar (T10–L2):  +20 degrees (TL)
Lumbar (T12–S1):  –40 degrees (L)
Lumbar degenerative modifier (include only if present)
Decreased disc height and facet arthropathy based on x-ray:
include lowest involved level between L1 and S1 (DDD)
Listhesis (rotational, lateral antero, retro) 3 mm: include lowest
level between L1 and L5 (LIS)
Junctional L5–S1 curve 10 degrees (intersection angle superior
endplates L5 and S1) (JCT)
Global balance modifier (include only if imbalance present)
Sagittal C7 plumb  5 cm anterior or posterior to sacral
promontory (SB)
Coronal C7 plumb  3 cm right or left of CSVL (CB)
SRS definition of regions C D
Thoracic: apex T2–T11–T12 disc
Thoracolumbar: apex T12–L1
Lumbar: apex L1–L2 disc–L4
Criteria for specific major curve types
Thoracic curves: 1) curve  40 degrees; 2) apical vertebral body
lateral to C7 plumbline; 3) T1 rib or clavicle angle  10
degrees upper thoracic curves
Thoracolumbar and lumbar curves: 1) curve  30 degrees; 2)
apical vertebral body lateral to CSVL
Primary sagittal plane deformity: no major coronal curve

SRS, Scoliosis Research Society; ↓ , XXX; CSVL, center sacral vertical line. Adapted
from, Lowe T, Berven SH, Schwab FJ, Bridwell KH: The SRS classification for adult
spinal deformity: Building on the King/Moe and Lenke classification systems. Spine
31:S119–S125, 2006. (16), with permission.
FIGURE 4. Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) x-ray scans of an
disorders. Perhaps more importantly, beyond the simple adult patient with scoliosis. Aebi Type II; Schwab Type VB+ (lumbar
grouping of various curve patterns, a classification system major curve, lumbar lordosis Modifier B, subluxation Modifier +);
SRS curve Type L (lumbar) with +DDD (degenerative disc disease)
should also serve as a guide for patient management and a
lumbar Modifier L1–S1 and +LIS (listhesis) Modifier L4–5.
foundation for evidence-based care. The earliest of the classi- Posteroanterior (C) and lateral (D) x-ray scans following surgical cor-
fication schemes for AIS described in this article, the King rection with segmental instrumentation from T8–S1 and pelvis poste-
system, was originally devised as a means of facilitating selec- riorly as well as L4–S1 anterior lumbar interbody fusion.
tion of fusion levels in thoracic AIS (9). The tenets of the King



system guided the surgeon in selecting the appropriate fusion Spinal Deformity Study Group database, Schwab et al. divided
levels for a selective thoracic fusion, with the goal of center- 947 adult patients with deformity into two groups: those treated
ing the lower level of fusion over the sacrum and the expec- surgically and those managed nonoperatively. Although curve
tation that the lumbar curve spontaneously corrects to balance type was not predictive of surgical management, they did note
the thoracic curve (9, 11, 24). a significant increase in surgical rate with increasing lordosis
The Lenke classification system for AIS has replaced the King modifier (A versus C, 36% versus 54%, respectively; P  0.04)
classification and offers significant assistance in determination and with higher intervertebral subluxation (Modifier 0 versus
of optimal surgical management (12–15, 21). In the Lenke clas- ++, 36% versus 52%, respectively; P  0.001).
sification, it is proposed that spinal arthrodesis includes only In the original report of the SRS classification of adult defor-
the major curve and structural minor curves (14). Validation for mity, the surgeons who reviewed the cases for interobserver
this recommendation and the Lenke classification on which it and intraobserver reliability also had considerable reliability
rests was provided by a retrospective review of patients treated in interobserver recommendations for a caudad fusion level
by Lenke et al., in which the structural regions included in the (κ  0.77) and were within one level for a cephalad level with
arthrodesis were found to be consistent with the predictions moderate reliability (κ  0.56) (16). These latter reliabilities
derived from the classification system in 284 of 315 consecutive suggest that this classification system, designed to emphasize
patients (14). As further validation, Lenke et al., in a retrospec- degenerative, regional, and global modifiers, promotes consen-
tive multicenter consecutive case review, evaluated 606 cases sus with regard to treatment, despite the lack of specific sur-
classified by the Lenke system (12). They noted that all 606 gical treatment recommendations based on classification.
cases were classifiable and that 90% of the operative cases had Furthermore, sagittal balance, a factor emphasized through a
surgically structural regions of the spine included in the instru- modifier in the SRS system, has been shown to be of clinical rel-
mentation and fusion as predicted by curve type. Lenke et al. evance. In a study by Glassman et al., positive sagittal balance
have also demonstrated the use of the Lenke classification to was the most reliable predictor of clinical symptoms among 298
select AIS cases that are candidates for selective spine fusions adult patients with deformity, including 172 with no prior sur-
(15). In an independent investigation, Puno et al. reviewed 135 gery and 126 who had undergone prior spine fusion (7).
patients treated with fusion and instrumentation in accordance Further study, including refinement and validation through
with the Lenke classification and 48 patients whose treatments study of treated cases, will be necessary for complete validation
were not based on the Lenke classification (21). They reported of the SRS system as a guide for treatment approach, including
that better radiological results were achieved through the use of choice of fusion levels.
the Lenke classification to select the levels of fusion, specifically
avoiding unnecessary fusion of the nonstructural lumbar or CONCLUSION
thoracic spine and avoiding undercorrection of the structural
secondary curves. The importance of scoliosis classification schemes lies in their
The classification system for AIS proposed by Coonrad et ability to standardize communication among health care
al. was a purely descriptive classification that did not include providers and to facilitate comparison of management ap-
correlation with treatment recommendations (4). The PUMC proaches and outcomes. With regard to the classification of
classification of AIS includes detailed recommendations AIS, the Lenke system has addressed many of the significant
regarding surgical management of each proposed subtype limitations of the King system and is now the standard classi-
(22). The authors also performed a prospective study of 152 fication scheme. Further study will be necessary to assess its
cases that were treated surgically commensurate with the utility in clinical practice and its ability to aid in treatment deci-
recommendations of the PUMC classification. At a minimum sions, although preliminary studies suggest favorable results.
follow-up of 18 months, none of the cases had developed The adult classification schemes described in this article have
decompensation or other complications related to selection of been reported only recently. Each offers specific advantages: the
fusion level. simple pathogenesis-based approach of Abei, the strong clini-
Classification systems for adult scoliosis have only very cal relevance of the Schwab approach, and the richly descrip-
recently been introduced, and further study is necessary to tive SRS system. Regardless of its current strengths and utility,
assess the clinical and treatment correlations of these systems. the durability of any classification scheme will require flexibil-
Although the Aebi classification was not designed to predict ity to adapt as significant advances continue to be made in the
specific optimal surgical management, it may ultimately prove care of scoliosis patients.
to have a correlation with natural history of the deformity
because of its basis in pathogenesis (1). Disclosures
The clinical relevance of the Schwab classification is inherent, Christopher Shaffrey, M.D., is a consultant for DePuy Spine and Medtronic
because the criteria, including lumbar lordosis and subluxation and has received honoraria from DePuy Spine, Medtronic, and Synthes Spine,
Inc. Charles Kuntz IV, M.D., has received grants from AO North America,
modifiers, were selected based on correlation with pain scores BioAxone, Stryker, and Synthes Spine, Inc. Praveen Mummaneni, M.D., is a con-
and disability (26). Importantly, this classification demonstrates sultant for DePuy Spine and Medtronic and has received grants from DePuy
significant correlation with patient management. Using the Spine and Medtronic.



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