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Hiding Zeros in a Chart

On this page
 Use Zero Suppression to Hide Zero Value in Charts

 Use a Formula or Filter to Hide Zero Values in Charts

Hide zero values in a chart.

As a story editor, you may not want your chart to show bars or columns that have zero values.
(For example, every measure for a dimension point is zero.)

Unbooked Data and Zero Suppression are mutually exclusive, meaning that both options
can't be applied at the same time. If you select Zero Suppression while Unbooked Data is
already selected, a message appears informing you of this, and asking you if you want to turn
off Unbooked Data. Once you select OK, the Zero Suppression option is applied to the

Use Zero Suppression to Hide Zero Value in

Create a chart and add measures and dimensions to it.

Hide Zero Values

1. In the Builder, select a measure or dimension.

2. Select   (More)  Zero Suppression.

Show Zero Values

1. In the Builder select a measure or dimension that has zero suppression switched on.

2. Select   (More)  Zero Suppression.

Use a Formula or Filter to Hide Zero Values in

One disadvantage of using zero suppression is that it may alter results when you are using
ranking. In those situations, you could use a cross calculation instead.

You could use the following formula in a cross calculation to remove zero value measures:

IF ([measure] = 0, null, [measure])

Zero suppression can also be replaced with a page or story filter that filters out zeros.

If you use a page or story filter, you may get a warning about performance.

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