Science 9 Worksheet Week 7

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Pob. Guipos, Zamboanga del Sur

Quarter 3 - Week 7

Name of Learner: ________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________ Date: ________


B. MELCS with Code: Describe certain climatic phenomena that occur on a global level (S9ES-IIIf-31)
C. Week Number: Quarter 3 – Week 7
D. Objectives: After going through this worksheet, you are expected to:
a) describe climate change;
b) describe how human activities contribute to climate change; and
c) describe how climate change is lessened or reduced.
E. Background Information:
What is Climate Change?
Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s
local, regional and global climates. These changes have a broad range of observed effects that are
synonymous with the term. Some experts assert that the Earth does go through a period of cooling and a
period of warming. The increase in temperature that we are experiencing right now is caused by factors other
than human activity. There are also claims that the changes observed in Earth’s climate since the early 20th
century are primarily driven by human activities. The burning of fossil fuels specifically increases heat-trapping
greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere. This causes a rise in the Earth’s average surface temperature.
These human-produced temperature increases are commonly referred to as global warming. Natural
processes can also contribute to climate change like El Niño and La Niña.

This rising of global temperatures causes sea levels to rise due to the melting of ice caps and glaciers.
We may experience severe weather disturbances such as stronger typhoons and heavier rainfalls, resulting in
extreme weather events such as floods and even droughts. It also increases the spread of tropical diseases,
and worse, it can cause the extinction of some flora and fauna.

Climate change is expected to affect the entire world, but its impact will not be the same across all
regions. Some will be worse hit than others because of a range of different threats. Developing countries,
countries with widespread poverty, and ineffective environmental policies are expected to face the most severe

The impact of climate change has costly effects on the day-to-day life of people, especially those living
in big cities in terms of basic services, infrastructure and housing, human livelihoods, and health. At the same
time, big cities are a key contributor to climate change, as urban activities are major sources of greenhouse
gas emissions.

What exactly is greenhouse effect? Let’s find out.

The greenhouse effect starts with these greenhouse gases contained in

the atmosphere. The gases trap the heat, thus preventing it from escaping
from Earth. These gases absorb heat, although some just absorb more than
others. Assuming solar radiation is constant, the average atmospheric
temperature depends on the mix of these gases. Figure 1 shows the
different greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane (CH4),
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and nitrous oxide (N2O).

The higher amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the higher the
temperature will be as these gases absorb more heat. This will eventually
lead to an increase in global temperature. On the other hand, a lesser amount of greenhouse gases will mean
lower temperatures.
Figure 1 The greenhouse effect
These greenhouse gases offer us a significant contribution to our daily
living. Any alteration as to the amount of these gases, the Earth’s
temperature will also change significantly. New conditions will surface that we are not used to, which we will
need to adapt to, or even face extinction. Places located in temperate regions may have shorter winters, and
places located in tropical regions may have longer and drier summers. While in the polar regions, land mostly
covered with glaciers will melt, which will result in the rise of sea levels.
F. Activity
Activity 1: Read and Supply
Direction: Complete the statements below by supplying the correct word found in the Word Bank.
1. ____________ is the change in global temperature and climate patterns over the years
2. ____________ is the warming up of Earth due to the greenhouse gases keeping it from escaping the
3. ____________ is the primary cause of the overall rising trend in CO2 in the atmosphere
4. ____________ are group of gases in the atmosphere mostly produced by human activities.
5. ____________ major causes of sea level rise
6. As average global temperature rises, _______________________.
7. The strongest and earliest impacts of global warming occurred in ______________________.
8. ____________ is a renewable energy source.
9. _____________ is the greenhouse gas that is most abundant in the atmosphere.

10._____________ measure the effect the amount of carbon we each use has on the environment.

Word Bank: carbon footprint, climate change, water vapor, greenhouse effect, geothermal energy, burning
fossil fuels, Arctic region, greenhouse gases, melting of glaciers and ice caps, increased average precipitation.

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