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Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Department of Software Engineering
Foundation of Software Engineering (SWEG5011)

Software System Analysis and Design

Design and Implementation of an automated Classroom Scheduling System

Group Members

Endeshaw Baylie Kassie GSR0376/15

Melsew Dagnaw Wondie GSR0379/15
Hayat Romedan GSR0377/15

Jerusalem Fetene Mekonnin GSR0378/15

Submitted to: Dr. Hussien S.

Submission date: 16/02/2023

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

February 2023

Overview of the proposed system

This project attempts to automate timetable generation. We would like to remove limitations of
the current system and make it automated and synchronize it with classroom timetable
management system, to avoid redundancy and make it easy to access for heads of departments
and registrar office. The project is rationalized by solution algorithms, diagrams, architectures,
implementations, testing, and code snippet. It begins with a presentation of the existing system
problems, objectives of the proposed system, significance of the proposed system, major
requirements of the system, the system analysis, and the system design, and then
implementations, tests that have persisted in the project. This required the treatment to be
condensed to a succinct coverage of the salient features of each topic. The subtle nuances that
differentiate the overviews of each topic to each other were covered in the extensive chapter that
follows. This broad project is carried out in order to illustrate the proposed system and trends of
timetable problems from the manual through to our system. The objective of the project is to
ascertain the way the solution to timetable problems is heading and then to provide a system that
can endeavor to assist in this project. In order to carry out this task it is necessary to summarize
the results of the system project and it will be presented in industrial project part II. Following
this a rationalization and classification of the project is carried out in order to highlight the trends
in timetabling. The database system produced supports the generation of our university
classroom timetable both from a manual and automated perspective. The other university
administrative functions are supported from this fundamental perspective. The system developed
satisfies the practical setting within which timetable generation and maintenance must integrate
from the perspective of seamlessly facilitating the role of ongoing system into this fascinating
problem. The objective of this work is the classroom timetable. The main purpose is to
demonstrate the possibility of building them, automatically, by using computers. The ACTGMS
automates each and every activity of the manual system and increases its throughput. It is created
for generating timetable that has the following features.

 In comparison to the current system, the response time of the system is very less and it
works very fast

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 Timetable will be very precise and accurate and will be declared in very short span of
time because assigning and allocation are done by the system itself.
 The proposed system is very secure since all users (Head of Department & Registrar
office) get into the system by their own user accounts.
 The logs of appeared students, classrooms, instructors, courses and their details are stored
and can be for backup for future use.
 The proposed system will reduce cost of timetabling process.
 It saves the department heads & Registrar office from time wasting while timetabling
classroom plan lists and they can get the timetable of their batches or departments
respectively from the system immediately.
 It can generate various timetable when and where required.
Overall view of the proposed system

Figure 1: Overall view of the proposed system

1. Proposed system Use case diagram

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Figure 2: proposed Class Scheduling system Use Case diagram

2. Class diagram

This is an organization of related objects the timetabling system. It gives an overview of the
timetabling system by showing its classes and their relationships. This Class diagrams only
displays what interacts and not what happens during the interaction of users and the system
developed. We have used * for ‘many’ cardinalities and 1 for ‘one’ cardinality, then the symbol
(1 *) is read as one-to-many cardinality. Moreover, this class diagram comes to show how the
static structure of our classes is, and the relationship between these classes. So, here under is our
proposed system class diagram:

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Figure 3: Class diagram for Class Scheduling system

3. Sequence diagram

In our project case the sequence diagram elaborates how the classes/ instances are interacting to
each other and how they exchange the interaction instance set which is said to be stimuli between
instances. Hence sequence diagram is an instance-oriented expression, we have depicted it below
for different operations of our system.

The head of department the one who is responsible for adding instructors to database
management system.

Adding instructors to the scheduling database

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Figure 4: Sequence diagram add instructor

Delete instructor form database of scheduling

The head of department the one who is responsible for removing instructors’ definition from
database management system. So, to remove instructors’ definition from database the head of
department should enter the delete instructor window and then search by inst_id or name, then
select it and hit delete button. Immediately you hit delete message comes ‘you are deleting
instructors <> definition’ and then if you click yes, it will be deleted unless leaves undelete.
Owing to the required fields are highly validated: if you enter non-exist inputs to the
corresponding search field ‘error message will be displayed’. E.g. Enter non-exist instructor list
for inst_name ’the field is empty, sorry try another’ message is going to be displayed. The field
is not saved, it leaves the field empty.

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Figure 5: Sequence diagram; delete instructor

Login window

The ACTGMS login window is authenticated with username & password. Both the head of
department &| registrar office has their own secure strong password. On the will of the user he/
she can change his/her password. If someone else who is not authorized to the system access
cannot log in. Even if he /she tries, it won’t be successful. Afterwards unauthorized person is
attempting to login tot the system in try and error, three consecutive trials hide the login window.

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Figure 6: :Registrar Office and Head of Department Login window

Figure 7: Sequence diagram for ACTGMS timetable generation A

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Figure 8: Sequence diagram for ACTGMS timetable generation B

Collaboration diagram

Figure 9: Collaboration diagram user logi

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State chart diagram

Figure 10: State chart diagram for editing/ deleting timetable generation

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Figure 11: State chart diagram for new timetable generation

Component diagram

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Figure 12: Component diagram for ACTGMS

Deployment diagram

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Figure 13: Deployment diagram of Class Scheduling

Activity diagram

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Figure 14: Activity diagram for timetabling system


ACTGMS—Automated Classroom Time Table Generation Management System

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