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Economics Paper
1. A country's net national income is Rs. 20,000 7. Innovation as a key to the process of
crores, net external income earnings economic development was propounded by
Rs.5,000 crores; commodity tax Rs. 2,000
crores and subsidies provided is Rs. 1,000 1) Harrod-Domar
crores. What will be the Net Domestic 2) Arthur Lewis
Product at factor cost?
3) Schumpeter
1) Rs. 13,000 crores
2) Rs. 17,000 crores 4) Scitovsky

3) Rs. 14,000 crores 8. Which of the following is more liquid?

4) Rs. 16,000 crores 1) Fixed Deposit
2. .The Wealth of Nations' is written by

2) Real Estate
1) Adam Smith
3) Savings Bank Deposit
2) J.M. Keynes
4) Equity
3) Alfred Marshall

4) David Ricardo 9. Which one does not belong to Market?
3. The concept of Mixed Economy was 1) Bonds
introduced in the 2) Debentures
1) Second Five Year Plan
3) Preference Shares
2) Framing of the Constitution
4) Salary Certificate
3) Industrial Policy of 1948

4) None of the above 10. Amartya K. Sen is associated with the

4. The primary factors of production are following investment criterion
1) land and capital 1) Balance of Payments criterion

2) land and labour 2) Social Marginal Productivity criterion

3) land and organisation
3) Time Series criterion

4) labour and capital

4) Human Development criterion
5. 'Intermediate technology' is suggested by
11. Which one is not an objective of Monetary
1) Adam Smith

2) J.M. Keynes
1) Full employment
3) Alfred Marshall
2) Economic growth
4) Schumacher
3) Price stability
6. Balanced Growth Doctrine is associated with
4) Savings and investment
the name of
1) Hirschman 12. The Lending Rate of Bank is influenced by
2) Rosentein Rodan 1) Money Market Rate of Interest
3) Ragner Nurkse 2) Government Borrowing Rate
4) Both (2) and (3) above 3) Bank Rate
4) None of the above

z~°Orq 166 Cell: 9959513530,9490942125

Economics Paper
1. XHõ ^Õâ=◊ Ú xHõ~° *ÏfÜ«∂^•Ü«∞=Ú ~°∂. 20,000 HÀ@∞¡, 7. Pi÷HÍaè=$kúH˜ H©ÅHÍOâ◊OQÍ #=HõÅÊ# ÉèÏ=##∞ „Ѩ"âÕ ◊
xHõ~° ÉÏǨϺ P^•Ü«∞ ~å|_»∞Å∞ ~°∂.5,000 HÀ@∞¡, =ã¨∞Î ÃÑ\˜#ì J~°â÷ ß„ã¨A
Î _˝ ∞» ?
Ѩ#∞fl ~°∂.2,000 HÀ@∞¡ =∞iÜ«Ú ã¨aû_ôÅ∞ WzÛ#k 1) Ǩ~°_£–_À=∂~ü
~°∂.1,000 HÀ@∞¡ J~Ú#ѨC_»∞, L`«ÊuÎ HÍ~°HÍÅ Ys^Œ∞
^Œ$ëêì º ^ÕjÜ≥∂`«ÊuÎ ZO`« LO_»∞#∞? 2) P~°~÷ ü Å∂~Ú
1) ~°∂. 13,000 HÀ@∞¡ 3) +¨μOÑ‘@~ü
2) ~°∂. 17,000 HÀ@∞¡ 4) ã≤\’"£ã‘¯
3) ~°∂. 14, 000 HÀ@∞¡ 8. D „H˜Ok "å\˜Ö’ Uk JkèHõ „^Œ=º`åfixfl Hõey LO@∞Ok?
4) ~°∂. 16,000 HÀ@∞¡ 1) HÍÅ =º=kè _çáêl@∞¡
2. ''^ÕâßÅ ã¨OѨ^—Œ — J<Õ „QÆO^äŒ ~°K~« Ú`«?

2) iÜ«∞Öò Z¿ã@ì ∞
1) P_»"∞£ ã≤‡`ü 3) ¿ãqOQÆ∞û ÉϺOH± MÏ`å
2) *ˇ.Ü«∞"£∞. H©<û£ 4) DH˜fi\©
3) P„ÖˇÊ_ù £ =∂~°¬Öò

4) _Õq_£ iHÍ~À¤ 9. =¸Å^è#Œ =∂Ô~¯@∞ì‰Ωõ K≥O^Œx JOâ◊O?
3. q∞„â◊=∞ Pi÷Hõ =º=ã¨÷ J<Õ ÉèÏ=# „Ѩ"âÕ Ã◊ Ñ@ì|_ç#k WO^Œ∞Ö’. 1) ÉÏO_»∞¡
2) _çÉOˇ K«~∞° ¡
1) ~Ô O_»= ѨOK«=~°¬ „Ѩ}ÏoHõ
2) ~å*ϺOQÆO ~°∂ѨHÅõ Ê# 3) „Ñ≤Ñ~¨¶ <° û£ ¿+~°∞¡
3) 1948 áêi„âßq∞Hõ hu 4) P^•Ü«∞ ^è$Œ = Ѩ„`«O
4) ÃÑ"· gÕ HÍ=Ù

10. J=∞~°ºÎ HÔ . ¿ã<£‰Ωõ D „H˜O^Œ Hõ#|~°z# ÃÑ@∞ì|_ç Ѩ^uúŒ `À

4. „áê^äqŒ ∞Hõ L`«ÊuÎ HÍ~°HÍÅ∞ U=#QÍ? ã¨O|O^è=Œ Ú HõÅ^Œ∞?
1) Éè∂í q∞ =∞iÜ«Ú =¸Å^è#Œ =Ú 1) q^Õj K≥eO¡ ѨÙÅ âı+=¨ Ú Ñ¨^uúŒ

2) Éè∂í q∞ =∞iÜ«Ú „â◊=∞ 2) ™êOѶ∞≤ Hõ LáêO`« L`åÊ^ŒH`õ « Ѩ^uúŒ

3) Éè∂í q∞ =∞iÜ«Ú ã¨Oã¨÷ 3) HÍÅ„âı}∞ŠѨ^uúŒ

4) „â◊=∞ =∞iÜ«Ú =¸Å^è#Œ =Ú

4) =∂#= Jaè=$kú Ѩ^uúŒ
5. =∞^躌 ã¨÷ ™êOˆHuHõ `«`åfixfl „Ѩu áêkOz<å~°∞.
11. „^Œ=º q^è•#O ÅHõΔ ºO HÍx JOâ◊O Uk?
1) P_»"∞£ ã≤‡`ü

1) ã¨OѨÓ~°‚ L^Àºy`«
2) *ˇ.Z"£∞. H©<û£
3) PÖò„ÃÑ_¶ £ =∂~°¬Öò 2) Pi÷Hõ =$kú
4) +¨μ=∂Hõ~ü 3) ^è~Œ Å° ã≤~÷ `° fi« O
4) á⁄^Œ∞Ѩ٠=∞iÜ«Ú ÃÑ@∞ì|_ç
6. ã¨O`«∞e`« =$kú ã≤^•ÌO`«=Ú W`«x`À ã¨O|O^èŒ=Ú
Hõe=æ Ù#flk? 12. ÉϺO‰õΩÅ∞ *Ïs KÕ¿ã |∞∞}ÏÅ ~ˆ @∞ P^è•~°Ñ_¨ Õ JOâ◊O?
1) ǨÏ~ü¬=∞<£ 1) „^Œ=º =∂Ô~¯@∞ìÖ’x =_ô¤ ~ˆ @∞
2) ~˘Ãã<£ ã‘<ì £ ~À_»<£ 2) „ѨÉ∞íè `«fiO K≥eO¡ KÕ =_ô~¤̂ @∞
3) ~åQÆfl~ü #~ü¯¿ã 3) ÉϺO‰õΩ ~ˆ @∞
4) ÃÑ#· `≥eÑ≤# (2) =∞iÜ«Ú (3) 4) ÃÑ"· gÕ HÍ=Ù
z~°Orq 167 Cell: 9959513530,9490942125

13. Liquidity preference and interest rates are 19. Commercial banks are regarded as the
related creators of money because
1) Negatively 1) they are bound to make known their
2) Positively obligations
3) Not related 2) their loans create deposits
4) All the above 3) they buy securities from the central bank
4) None of the above
14. The developed economies are in this stage
of demographic transition 20. The Reserve Ratio is usually determined by
1) First stage 1) the commercial banks
2) Second stage 2) the free play of market forces

3) Third stage 3) the monetary authority
4) Fourth stage 4) All the three together
15. Which is not a cause of population growth in 21. Which one of the following countries is the

India? largest partner in India's Foreign Trade?
1) Shortage of foodgrains 1) U.S.A.
2) Early marriages 2) Russia
3) Poverty 3) Japan
4) Illiteracy 4) OPEC Nations
16. These characteristics of population growth 22. Customs Duties imposed by a Government

is known as "The First Stage of Demographic on the importation of a good are known as
Transition" 1) Import Quotas
1) birth rate high and death rate low 2) Tariffs

2) birth rate low and death rate high 3) Non-tariff barriers

3) birth rate high and death rate high 4) Surcharges

4) birth rate low and death rate low

23. Real income is less than money income
17. If the growth rate of money is kept constant under
and output is growing 1) Deflation

1) price level would be falling 2) Inflation

2) price level would be constant 3) Stagflation
3) price level would be rising 4) Full employment
4) no change in price level
24. The system in which there are both private
18. Which system of Note Reserves is followed enterprise and an authoritarian economy is
in India? 1) Mixed Economy
1) Fixed Fiduciary system
2) Primitive Socialism
2) Proportionate Reserve system
3) Gandhian Socialism
3) Minimum Reserve system
4) None of the above 4) Liberal Socialism

z~°Orq 168 Cell: 9959513530,9490942125

13. „^Œ=º`åfiaè~∞° z =∞iÜ«Ú =_ô¤ ~ˆ @∞Å =∞^躌 ã¨O|O^èOŒ ? 19. "å}˜[º ÉϺO‰õΩÅ#∞ „^Œ=º ã¨$+≤Hì ~õ Åΰ QÍ Ñ¨iQÆ}O˜ K«∞`å~°∞.
1) |∞∞}Ï`«‡HõO ZO^Œ∞HõO>Ë?
2) ^èŒ<å`«‡Hõ=Ú 1) Jq "å\˜ ÉÏ^躌 `«Å#∞ `«Ñʨ xã¨i `≥eÜ«∞KÕÜ∂« e
3) U ã¨O|O^èOŒ LO_»^∞Œ 2) "å\˜ |∞∞}ÏÅ∞ _çáêl@¡#∞ HõeOæ K«∞#∞
4) ÃÑ·=hfl 3) Hˆ O„^Œ ÉϺO‰õΩ #∞O_ç Jq Ãã‰õĺi\©Å#∞ H˘#∞#∞
4) ÃÑ"· gÕ HÍ=Ù
14. Jaè=$kú K≥Ok# Pi÷Hõ =º=ã¨Å÷ ∞ D „H˜O^Œ Hõ#|~°z#
[<åÉèÏ =∂~°∞Ê ^ŒâÖ◊ ’ L<åfl~Ú? 20. i[~°∞fi ~ˆ +≤Ü∂≥ ™ê=∂#ºOQÍ nxÃÑ#· x~°~‚ ÚOѨ|_»∞#∞?
1) "≥Ú^Œ\ ˜ ^Œâ◊ 1) "å}˜[º ÉϺO‰õΩÅ∞
2) ~Ô O_»= ^Œâ◊ 2) =∂Ô~¯\ò |ÖÏÅ x~°ƒOù ^è=Œ Ú ÖËx HÍ~°ºHõÖÏáêÅ∞
3) „^Œ=ºx~°Ü ‚ ∞« JkèHÍi

3) =¸_»= ^Œâ◊
4) <åÅ∞QÆ= ^Œâ◊ 4) ÃÑ· =¸_»∂ Hõeã≤ XHõ¯\˜QÍ
15. ÉèÏ~°`« ^Õâ=◊ ÚÖ’ [<åÉèÏ ÃÑ~°∞QÆ∞^ŒÅ‰õΩ HÍ~°}=Ú HÍxk? 21. ÉèÏ~°`« ^Õâ◊ q^Õj "åºáê~°=ÚÖ’ U ^Õâ◊=Ú`À Z‰õΩ¯=
ÉèÏQÆ™êfi=∞º=Ú HõÅ^Œ∞?

1) PǨ~° ^è•<åºÅ H˘é`«
1) U.S.A.
2) =ÚO^Œ∞QÍ q"åǨÅ∞ KÕÜÚ« @
2) ~°ëêº
3) ¿Ñ^ŒiHõ=Ú
3) [áê<£
4) x~°HõΔ~å㨺`«
4) OPEC ^ÕâßÅ∞
16. D „H˜O^Œ Hõ#|~°z# HÍ~°}ÏÅÖ’ XHõ\ ˜ [<åÉèÏ ÃÑ~°∞QÆ∞^ŒÅ 22. XHõ „ѨÉ∞íè `«fi=Ú XHõ =ã¨∞=Î Ù#∞ kQÆ∞=∞u KÕã∞¨ H˘#flѨC_»∞
ÅHõΔ}ÏÅ =Å# ''[<åÉèÏ =∂~°∞Ê "≥Ú^Œ\ ˜ ^Œâ◊—— QÍ

qkèOKÕ kQÆ∞=∞u ã¨∞OHÍÅ#∞ D q^èOŒ QÍ Ñ≤Å∞™êÎ~∞° ?

K≥Ñʨ |_»∞#∞.
1) kQÆ∞=∞u HÀ\ÏÅ∞
1) [## ~ˆ @∞ Z‰õΩ¯= =∞iÜ«Ú `«Q∞Æ `æ ∞« #fl =∞~°} ~ˆ @∞
2) \ÏiѶÅπ ∞

2) [## ~ˆ @∞ `«‰Ωõ ¯= =∞iÜ«Ú =∞~°} ~ˆ @∞ Z‰õΩ¯=

3) \ÏiѶÅπ ∞ HÍx J_»O¤ ‰õΩÅ∞
3) [## ~ˆ @∞ Z‰õΩ¯= =∞iÜ«Ú =∞~°} ~ˆ @∞ Z‰õΩ¯=
4) ã¨~ü Kås˚Å∞
4) [## ~ˆ @∞ `«‰Ωõ ¯= =∞iÜ«Ú =∞~°} ~ˆ @∞ `«‰Ωõ ¯=

23. "åã¨=Î P^•Ü«∞O „^Œ=º P^•Ü«∞O Hõ<åfl `«‰Ωõ ¯= LO_Õ ã≤u÷ ?

17. „^Œ=º=$kú ~ˆ @∞ xÅHõ_Q» Í LO_ç, L`«ÊuÎ ÃÑiy`Õ? 1) „Ѩu „^Œ"ÀºÅƒ}O
1) ^è~Œ ° =∞@ìO `«Q∞Æ #æ ∞ 2) „^Œ"ÀºÅƒ}O

2) ^è~Œ ° =∞@ìO ã≤~÷ O° QÍ LO_»∞#∞ 3) ã¨÷|ú`«

3) ^è~Œ ° =∞@ìO ÃÑ~°∞QÆ∞#∞ 4) ã¨OѨÓ~°‚ L^Àºy`«
4) ^è~Œ ° =∞@ìOÖ’ =∂~°∞Ê LO_»^∞Œ 24. x~°O‰õΩâ◊ Pi÷Hõ =º=ã¨÷ =∞iÜ«Ú „ÃÑ"· @Õ ∞ ã¨Oã¨Å÷ ∞ LO_Õ
18. ÉèÏ~°`« ^Õâ=◊ ÚÖ’ Hõ~Ô hû <À@¡ xH˜ÑΔ "Ψ ∞≥ #ÿ Z@∞=O\˜ Ѩ^uúŒ x =º=ã¨?÷
J#∞ã¨iOK«∞K«∞<åfl~°∞? 1) q∞„â◊=∞ Pi÷Hõ =º=ã¨÷
1) ã≤~÷ ° qâßfi™ê„t`« Ѩ^uúŒ 2) Pk=∞ ™È+¨eã¨∞ì =º=ã¨÷
2) J#∞áê`« xHΔ̃ÑÎ̈ Ѩ^uúŒ 3) QÍO^èÜ Õ ∞« ™È+¨eã¨∞ì =º=ã¨÷
3) Hõh㨠xHΔ̃ÑÎ̈ Ѩ^uúŒ 4) L^•~°"å^Œ ™È+¨eã¨∞ì =º=ã¨÷
4) ÃÑ"· gÕ HÍ=Ù

z~°Orq 169 Cell: 9959513530,9490942125

25. Income tax in India is a 31. Aggregate consumption expenditure

1) Proportional tax depends on

2) Regressive tax 1) GNP

3) Indirect tax 2) National Income

4) Progressive tax 3) NNP

4) Disposable Income
26. The Production Possibility Curve is
1) convex to the origin 32. Undervalued currency would result in a/an

2) concave to the origin 1) Increase in imports

3) L-shaped 2) Increase in exports

4) U-shaped 3) Balance of Trade deficit
4) Balance of Payments deficit
27. Components of National Income are

indicated by 33. 'Legal Tender Money' refers to
1) C + I + G + (X – M) 1) Cheques
2) TR – TC 2) Drafts
3) C + I – G 3) Bills of Exchange
4) C – S 4) Currency notes

28. MV = PT refers to 34. The Lead Bank Scheme was evolved by RBI

1) Fisher to follow

2) Keynes 1) Population approach


3) Milton Friedman 2) Area approach

4) Modigliani 3) Sectoral approach


4) Target approach
29. In calculating National Income which of the
following is not included? 35. The Central bank in India is
1) Rental income 1) Reserve Bank of India

2) Wages and salaries 2) Central Bank of India

3) Indian Bank
3) Interest and profits
4) State Bank of India
4) Pensions
36. In India's total savings, which sector is the
30. NNP is equal to most important?
1) GNP + Depreciation 1) Household sector
2) GNP – Depreciation 2) Public sector
3) GNP + Exports 3) Corporate sector
4) GNP – Imports 4) Foreign sector

z~°Orq 170 Cell: 9959513530,9490942125

25. ÉèÏ~°`« ^Õâ=◊ ÚÖ’ P^•Ü«∞Ѩ٠Ѩ#∞fl D „H˜O^Œ `≥eÑ≤# ^•xÖ’ 31. ã¨=∞+≤ì qxÜ≥∂QÆ =ºÜ«∞O P^è•~°Ñ_¨ ç =ÙO_Õ JOâ◊O?
XHõ *ÏuH˜ K≥OkOk? 1) GNP
1) J#∞áê`«O Ѩ#∞fl 2) *ÏfÜ«∂^•Ü«∞=Ú
2) u~ÀQÍq∞ Ѩ#∞fl 3) NNP
3) Ѩ~ÀHõΔ Ñ¨#∞fl 4) =ºÜ«∂~°› P^•Ü«∞O
4) ѨÙ~ÀQÍq∞ Ѩ#∞fl 32. Hõ~Ô hû JÅÊ =¸bºHõ~}° D „H˜Ok ^•xH˜ ^•i fã¨∞OÎ k.
26. L`«ÊuÎ J=HÍâßÅ =„Hõ ~ˆ Y? 1) kQÆ∞=∞`«∞Å∞ ÃÑ~°∞QÆ∞@
1) =¸ÅaO^Œ∞=Ù‰õΩ ‰õΩOÉèÏHÍ~°"∞≥ #ÿ k 2) ZQÆ∞=∞`«∞Å∞ ÃÑ~°∞QÆ∞@
2) =¸ÅaO^Œ∞=Ù‰õΩ Ñ¨Ù\ÏHÍ~°"∞≥ #ÿ k 3) q^Õj "åºáê~° âı+=¨ Ú Ö’@∞

3) L- PHÍ~°"∞≥ #ÿ k 4) q^Õj K≥eO¡ ѨÙÅ âı+=¨ Ú Ö’@∞
4) U- PHÍ~°"∞≥ #ÿ k 33. 'bQÆÖò >ˇO_»~ü =∞h— J#QÍ

27. *ÏfÜ«∂^•Ü«∞OÖ’x JO`«~åƒùQÍÅ#∞ ã¨∂zOKÕ ã¨g∞Hõ~}° O. 1) K≥‰Ωõ ¯Å∞
1) C + I + G + (X - M) 2) „_®Ñ¨ÙìÅ∞
2) T R - T C 3) ZˆHû ÛOl aÅ∞¡Å∞
3) C + I - G 4) Hõ~Ô hû <À@∞¡
4) C-S 34. i[~°∞fi ÉϺOH± PѶπ WO_çÜ∂« KÕ`« ~°∂Ѩ٠k^Œ|Ì _ç# b_£
ÉϺO‰õΩ Ñ¨^HŒä =õ Ú nxH˜ L^ÕtÌ OK«|_ç#k?

28. MV=PT ã¨g∞Hõ~}

° Ïxfl „ѨuáêkOz# "å~°∞?
1) [<åÉèÏ =∂~°=æ Ú
1) Ѷ+≤ ~¨ ü
2) UiÜ«∂ =∂~°=æ Ú
2) H©<£û

3) ~°OQÍÅ =∂~°=æ Ú
3) q∞Åì<£ „Ѷ_‘ =£ ∂<£
4) ÅHõΔ ºO =∂~°=æ Ú
4) "≥Ú_çQÍ¡ ºx

35. ÉèÏ~°fÜ«∞ Hˆ O„^Œ ÉϺO‰õΩ Wk?

29. *ÏfÜ«∂^•Ü«∞ =∞kOѨÙÖ’ ѨiQÆ}O˜ K«Q∂Æ _»x JOâ◊"∞Õ k?
1) ÉèÏ~°fÜ«∞ i[~°∞fi ÉϺO‰õΩ
1) ÉèÏ@HõÑÙ¨ P^•Ü«∞O

2) ÉèÏ~°fÜ«∞ ÃãO„@Öò ÉϺO‰õΩ

2) ‰õÄe =∞iÜ«Ú ÖÏÉèÏÅ∞
3) WO_çÜ∞« <£ ÉϺO‰õΩ
3) =_ô¤ =∞iÜ«Ú ÖÏÉèÏÅ∞
4) ¿ã\ì ò ÉϺOH± PѶπ WO_çÜ∂«
4) Ñ≤OK«#∞Å∞
36. ÉèÏ~°`« ^Õâ=◊ Ú "≥Ú`«OÎ á⁄^Œ∞ѨÙÖ’ U ~°OQÆ=Ú „Ѩ^•è #"≥∞#ÿ k?
30. NNP ^ÕxH˜ ã¨=∂#=Ú?
1) QÆ$Ç¨Ï ã¨O|O^èŒ ~°OQÆ=Ú
1) GNP+ `«~∞° QÆ∞^ŒÅ
2) ѨaH¡ ± ~°OQÆ=Ú
2) GNP- `«~∞° QÆ∞^ŒÅ 3) HÍ~˘Êˆ~\ò ~°OQÆ=Ú
3) GNP+ ZQÆ∞=∞`«∞Å∞ 4) q^Õj ~°OQÆ=Ú
4) GNP- kQÆ∞=∞`«∞Å∞

z~°Orq 171 Cell: 9959513530,9490942125

37. The Finance Commission is appointed for 43. Which of the following is an invisible receipt?
every 1) Value of shares of an existing firm
1) 5 years purchased by foreign persons
2) 6 years 2) Value of machinery sold abroad
3) 7 years 3) Expenditure by a foreign tourist in the
4) 4 years country
4) Value of shares of a new company
38. The revenue of the State Governments is
purchased by a foreign firm
raised from all the following sources except
1) Land revenue 44. Adverse Balance of Payments can be
corrected with this method
2) Agricultural income tax

1) Overvaluation of the currency
3) Entertainment tax
2) Loan from IMF
4) Expenditure tax
3) Devaluation of currency
39. Which one of the following taxes is levied by

4) Suspension of all imports
the States and Shared with the Union
Government? 45. MRTP Act applies to
1) Irrigation tax 1) small scale sector
2) Agricultural income tax 2) large scale sector
3) Entertainment tax 3) large scale private sector
4) None of the above 4) All key sectors

40. Biggest source of capital receipts of the 46. The rate of growth of an economy mainly
Union Government is depends upon
1) Market borrowing 1) Investment Income Ratio (IIR)

2) External assistance 2) Capital Output Ratio (COR)

3) Small savings 3) IIR / COR
4) Provident fund

4) COR / IIR
41. Largest source of non-tax revenue of the
47. Balanced development refers to equal
Union Government is
development of all

1) Surplus from public enterprises

1) sections of the people
2) Contribution of railways
2) sectors
3) Profits of the RBI
3) nations
4) Interest receipts
4) regions
42. Which of the following is the solution for
48. Finance Commission makes
unemployment according to Classical
recommendations on
1) Devolution of divisible pool of tax revenue
1) Government investment
2) Tax transfer
2) Lowering wages
3) Tax shifting
3) Reducing interest rate
4) Expenditure control
4) Population control

z~°Orq 172 Cell: 9959513530,9490942125

37. q`«Î ã¨OѶ∞¨ =Ú D HÍÅ=º=kèÖ’ xÜ«∞q∞OK«|_»∞#∞? 43. D „H˜Ok "å\˜Ö’ Uk J^Œ$â◊º ~å|_ç?
1) 5 ã¨O=`«û~°=ÚÅ∞ 1) q^ÕjÜ«ÚÅ∞ H˘#∞QÀÅ∞ KÕã#≤ XHõ ã¨Oã¨÷ Ü≥ÚHõ¯ ¿+~°¡
2) 6 ã¨O=`«û~°=ÚÅ∞ qÅ∞=
3) 7 ã¨O=`«û~°=ÚÅ∞ 2) q^Õj =∂Ô~¯@∞ìÖ’ Jq∞‡# Ü«∞O„`åÅ qÅ∞=
4) 4 ã¨O=`«û~°=ÚÅ∞ 3) q^Õj ã¨OKå~°‰Ωõ _»∞ =∞# ^ÕâO◊ Ö’ KÕ¿ã =ºÜ«∞O
38. ~å¢+ì¨ „ѨÉ∞íè `åfiÅ ~å|_ç D „H˜O^Œ Hõ#|~°z# =∂~åæÅ ^•fi~å 4) XHõ #∂`«# ã¨Oã¨÷ Ü≥ÚHõ¯ ¿+~°¡#∞ q^ÕjÜ«ÚÅ∞
á⁄O^Œ=K«∞Û#∞ J~Ú`Õ XHõ =∂~°=æ Ú `«Ñʨ . Jk U^Œ#QÍ? H˘#∞QÀÅ∞ KÕÜ∞« _»O
1) Éè∂í q∞ tã¨∞Î 44. „Ѩu‰õÄÅ q^Õj K≥eO¡ ѨÙÅ âıëêxfl D Ѩ^uúŒ `À K«H¯õ k^ŒÌ
2) =º=™êÜ«∞ P^•Ü«∞ Ѩ#∞fl =K«∞Û#∞?
3) q<À^Œ Ѩ#∞fl 1) Hõ~Ô hûx JkèHõ =¸bºHõ~} ° O KÕÜ∞« _»O

4) qx=∞Ü«∞ Ѩ#∞fl 2) JO`«~å˚fÜ«∞ „^Œ=ºxkè#∞O_ç |∞∞}=Ú#∞ fã≤H˘#_»O
3) Hõ~Ô hû qÅ∞= `«yOæ K«_O»
39. ~å¢ëêìÅ KÕ`« qkèOѨ|_ç, Hˆ O„^Œ „ѨÉ∞íè `«fiO`À HõÅã≤ ѨOK«∞H˘#∞
Ѩ#∞fl? 4) Jxfl kQÆ∞=∞`«∞Å#∞ xÅ∞ѨÙ^ŒÅ KÕÜ∞« _»O

1) h\˜ áê~°∞^ŒÅ Ѩ#∞fl 45. MRTP K«@=ì Ú nxH˜ =iÎOK«∞#∞?
2) =º=™êÜ«∞ P^•Ü«∞ Ѩ#∞fl 1) z#fl `«~Ç° ¨ ~°OQÆ=Ú
2) ÃÑ^ŒÌ `«~Ç° ¨ ~°OQÆ=Ú
3) q<À^ŒÑÙ¨ Ѩ#∞fl
4) ÃÑ"· gÕ HÍ=Ù 3) ÃÑ^ŒÌ `«~Ç° ¨ „ÃÑ"· @
Õ ∞ ~°OQÆ=Ú
40. Ü«¸xÜ«∞<£ „ѨÉ∞íè `«fi=Ú Ü≥ÚHõ¯ JuÃÑ^ŒÌ =¸Å^è#Œ ~å|_»∞Å 4) „Ѩ^•è #"≥∞#ÿ Jxfl ~°OQÍÅ∞

=∂~°=æ Ú? 46. XHõ ^Õâ=◊ Ú Pi÷Hõ =$kú ~ˆ @∞ „Ѩ^•è #OQÍ nxÃÑ#· P^è•~°Ñ_¨ ç
1) =∂Ô~¯\ò #∞O_ç JѨC fã≤H˘#∞@ LO_»∞#∞?
2) q^Õj ã¨Ç¨ Ü«∞=Ú 1) ÃÑ@∞ì|_ç–P^•Ü«∞ x+¨ÊuÎ (IIR)

3) z#fl "≥Ú`åÎÅ á⁄^Œ∞ѨÙÅ∞ 2) =¸Å^è#Œ –L`«ÊuÎ x+¨ÊuÎ (COR)

4) „áêq_≥O\ò ѶO¨ _£ 3) IIR/COR

41. Ü«¸xÜ«∞<£ „ѨÉ∞íè `«fi=Ú Ü≥ÚHõ¯ JuÃÑ^ŒÌ Ѩ#∞fl~°ÇÏ≤ `« ~å|_ç

=∂~°=æ Ú? 47. ã¨O`«∞e`« =$kú J#QÍ?
1) „ѨÉ∞íè `«fi ã¨Oã¨Å÷ #∞O_ç q∞QÆ∞Å∞ 1) Jxfl ~°HÍÅ „Ѩ[Å ã¨=∂<åaè=$kú

2) ~Ô Ö· fiË Å #∞O_ç ã¨Ç¨ Ü«∞O 2) Jxfl ~°OQÍÅ ã¨=∂<åaè=$kú

3) i[~°∞fi ÉϺO‰õΩ ÖÏÉèÏÅ∞ 3) Jxfl ^ÕâßÅ ã¨=∂<åaè=$kú
4) =_ô¤ ~å|_»∞Å∞ 4) Jxfl „áêO`åÅ ã¨=∂<åaè=$kú
42. x~°∞^Àºy`« x"å~°}‰õΩ ã¨O„Ѩ^•Ü«∞ "å^Œ∞Å∞ ã¨∂zOz# 48. q`«Î ã¨OѶ∞¨ =Ú nxÃÑ#· ã≤áê¶ ~°ã∞¨ Å∞ KÕÜÚ« #∞?
Ѩiëê¯~° =∂~°Oæ ? 1) ÉèÏl`« ã¨=¸Ç¨Ï Ѩ#∞fl ~å|_ç Ü≥ÚHõ¯ ã¨O„Hõ=∞}
1) „ѨÉ∞íè `«fi ÃÑ@∞ì|_ç 2) Ѩ#∞fl |kb
2) "Õ`<« åÅ#∞ `«yOæ K«_O» 3) Ѩ#∞fl =∂~°∞Ê
3) =_ô¤ ~ˆ @∞#∞ `«yOæ K«_O» 4) qx=∞Ü«∞ xÜ«∞O„`«}
4) [<åÉèÏ xÜ«∞O„`«}

z~°Orq 173 Cell: 9959513530,9490942125

49. At the time of Independence, India's 55. Which of the following statements is true?
population was 1) The Finance Commission is a
1) 339 million Constitutional Body
2) 340 million 2) The Finance Commission is controlled
3) 341 million by the Finance Ministry
4) 342 million 3) The Finance Commission is a part of the
Planning Commission
50. The Chairman of the First Finance
4) All of the above are true
Commission was
1) Dr. Rajamannar 56. An ad valorem tax is based on
2) A.K. Chanda 1) Income

3) K. Santhanam 2) Wealth
4) K.C. Neogi 3) Quantity of the good
4) Value of the good
51. The economist responsible for the New

Economic Policy in India was 57. The labour intensive technique is more
1) Raja Challaiah suitable for India because
2) Lakadawala 1) There is shortage of capital
3) Manmohan Singh 2) Financial sector is not developed
4) Rangarajan 3) The private sector is reluctant to invest
4) The country has large unskilled labour
52. Rourkela steel plant was set up with the

seeking employment
assistance of
1) Russia 58. Disguised unemployment is generally found
in this sector
2) Germany

1) Transport
3) U.K.
2) Agriculture
4) U.S.A.
3) Banking

53. The system of Five Year Plan for economic

4) Heavy industry
development was first introduced in this
country 59. Call Money Market transaction period is

1) China 1) three months

2) Yugoslavia 2) one month
3) India 3) one year
4) USSR 4) one day
60. The initiator of the concept of mixed economy
54. The main objective of Land Reforms in India
1) Jawaharlal Nehru
1) to provide self-employment to the farmer
2) J.M. Keynes
2) to provide security to the tiller of the soil
3) Alfred Marshall
3) mechanisation of agriculture
4) Adam Smith
4) to provide modern inputs to farmers

z~°Orq 174 Cell: 9959513530,9490942125

49. ™êfi`«O„`«º=Ú =zÛ# <å\˜H˜ ÉèÏ~°`« ^Õâ◊ [<åÉèÏ? 55. D „H˜Ok "å\˜Ö’ Uk "åã¨=Î O?
1) 339 q∞eÜ«∞#∞¡ 1) q`«Î ã¨OѶ∞¨ O ~å*ϺOQÆ|^Œú ã¨Oã¨÷
2) 340 q∞eÜ«∞#∞¡ 2) q`«Î ã¨OѶ¨∞O Pi÷Hõ =∞O„u`«fi âßY Jnè#OÖ’
3) 341 q∞eÜ«∞#∞¡ LO@∞Ok.
4) 342 q∞eÜ«∞#∞¡ 3) q`«Î ã¨OѶ∞¨ O „Ѩ}ÏoHÍ ã¨OѶ∞¨ OÖ’ XHõ ÉèÏQÆO
4) ÃÑ=· hfl "åã¨=Î O
50. "≥Ú^Œ\ ˜ q`«Î ã¨OѶ∞¨ =Ú J^躌 ‰õΩΔ _»∞?
1) _®. ~å[=∞<åfl~ü 56. J_£ "åÖÁÔ~O Ѩ#∞flÅ q^è•#O nxÃÑ· P^è•~°Ñ_¨ ç LOk?
2) Z.ÔH. KåO^• 1) P^•Ü«∞O
3) HÔ . ã¨O`å#"£∞ 2) ã¨OѨ^Œ

3) =ã¨∞ΠѨi=∂}O
4) HÔ .ã≤. xÜ≥∂y
4) =ã¨∞=Î Ù qÅ∞=
51. ÉèÏ~°`« ^Õâ=◊ ÚÖ’ #∂`«# Pi÷Hõ q^è•<åxH˜ HÍ~°‰Ωõ _≥#· Pi÷Hõ
âß„ã¨"Î `Õ ?Ϋ 57. ÉèÏ~°`« ^ÕâßxH˜ „â◊=∞„Ѩ^•è # ™êOˆHuHõ=Ú KåÖÏ J#∞=ÙQÍ

LO_»∞#∞ ZO^Œ∞‰õO>Ë?
1) ~å*Ï K≥ÅÜ ¡ ∞« º
1) =¸Å^è#Œ O H˘é`« HõÅ^Œ∞
2) ÅHõ_®"åÖÏ
2) q`«Î ã¨O|O^èŒ ~°OQÆO Jaè=$kú K≥O^ŒÖ^Ë ∞Œ
3) =∞<£"∂≥ ǨÏ<£ ã≤OQ∑
3) „ÃÑ·"Õ@∞ ~°OQÆO ÃÑ@∞ì|_ç ÃÑ>Ëì^•xH˜ q=ÚY`«
4) ~°OQÆ~å[<£ K«∂Ѩ_»O
52. ~°∂Ô~¯ÖÏÖ’x ã‘ìÅ∞ áê¡O@∞ D ^Õâ◊O ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞O`À 4) ^Õâ◊=ÚÖ’ L^ÀºQÆO H˘é‰õΩ „Ѩܫ∞`«fl=Ú KÕÜ«Ú

™ê÷ÑO≤ K«|_ç#k? <≥Ñ· Ù¨ }º=Ú ÖËx ÃÑ^ŒÌ „âßq∞Hõ =~°=æ Ú.

1) ~°ëêº 58. „ѨKÛ« #ù fl x~°∞^Àºy`« ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ HõxÑ≤OKÕ ~°OQÆO?
2) *ˇ~°‡h 1) ~°"å}Ï

3) Ü«Ú.ÔH. 2) =º=™êÜ«∞O
4) Ü«Ú.Ü«∞ãπ.Z. 3) ÉϺOH˜OQ∑

53. Pi÷HÍaè=$kú ѨOK«=~°¬ „Ѩ}ÏoHÍ Ñ¨^uúŒ x "≥Ú@ì "≥Ú^Œ\ Q˜ Í 4) ÉèÏs Ѩi„â◊=∞Å∞

„Ѩ"âÕ ◊ ÃÑ\˜#ì ^Õâ=◊ Ú? 59. Ñ≤Å∞K«∞ q`«=Î Ú =∂Ô~¯@∞Ö’ ÖÏ"å^ÕgÅ HÍÅ=º=kè?

1) K≥<· å 1) =¸_»∞ <≥ÅÅ∞

2) Ü«ÚQÀ™ê¡qÜ«∂ 2) XHõ <≥Å
3) WO_çÜ«∂ 3) XHõ ã¨O=`«û~°O
4) Ü«Ú.Ü«∞ãπ.Ü«∞ãπ.P~ü. 4) XHõ k#=Ú
54. ÉèÏ~°`« ^ÕâO◊ Ö’ Éè∂í ã¨O㨯~°}Å =ÚYº ÅHõΔ ºO? 60. q∞„â◊=∞ Pi÷Hõ =º=ã¨÷ ÉèÏ=##∞ „Ѩ"âÕ ◊ ÃÑ\˜#ì "å_»∞?
1) ~Ô `· ∞« ʼnõΩ ã¨fiÜ«∞O Láêkè HõeÊOK«_O» 1) [=ǨÏ~üÖÏÖò <≥„Ǩ˙
2) Éè∂í q∞ ™êQÆ∞KÕ¿ã"åiH˜ Éè„í ^Œ`« HõeÊOK«_O» 2) *ˇ.Ü«∞"£∞. H©<û£
3) =º=™êÜ«∞ ~°OQÆ Ü«∂O„fHõ~} ° 3) P„ÖˇÊ_ù £ =∂~°¬Öò
4) ~Ô `· ∞« ʼnõΩ P^è∞Œ xHõ =#~°∞Å#∞ ã¨~Ñ° ~¨¶ å KÕÜ∞« _»O 4) P_»"∞£ ã≤‡`ü

z~°Orq 175 Cell: 9959513530,9490942125

61. The First Five Year Plan was started in the 61. "≥Ú^Œ\ ˜ ѨOK«=~°¬ „Ѩ}ÏoHõ „áê~°OaèOK«|_ç# ã¨O=`«û~°=Ú?
year 1) 1949–50
1) 1949 - 50 2) 1950–51
2) 1950 - 51 3) 1951–52
3) 1951 - 52 4) 1952–53
4) 1952 - 53
62. Jaè=$kú K≥O^Œ∞`«∞#fl ^ÕâßÅ#∞^ÕÌtOz QÆ∞#fl~ü q∞~°¤Öò
62. The theory developed by Gunnar Myrdal for „ѨuáêkOz# ã≤^•úO`«=Ú?
underdeveloped economies is 1) ¿Ñ^ŒiHõ q+¨=ÅÜ«∞ ã≤^•úO`«=Ú
1) The theory of vicious circle of poverty 2) q∞QÆ∞Å∞ „â◊=∞ ã≤^•ÌO`«=Ú
2) The theory of surplus labour 3) ã¨OkQÆú Hõh㨠„ѨÜ∞« `«fl ã≤^•úO`«=Ú
3) The theory of critical minimum effort

4) u~ÀQÆ=∞# Ѩi}Ï=∂Å ã≤^•úO`«=Ú
4) The theory of backwash effects
63. 14 "å}˜ [ º ÉϺO‰õ Ω Å∞ *ÏfÜ« ∞ =Ú KÕ Ü « ∞ |_ç #
63. The fourteen commercial banks were ã¨O=`«û~°=Ú?
nationalised in the year

1) 1967
1) 1967
2) 1968
2) 1968
3) 1969
3) 1969
4) 1970
4) 1970
64. 1991 [<åÉèÏ ÖˇH¯õ Å „ѨHÍ~°O PO„^èŒ „Ѩ^âÕ ò ~å¢+=ì¨ Ú [<åÉèÏ
64. What is the population of Andhra Pradesh
State according to 1991 census?
1) 664 ÅHõÅΔ ∞

1) 664 lakhs
2) 665 lakhs
2) 665 ÅHõÅΔ ∞
3) 666 lakhs
3) 666 ÅHõÅΔ ∞

4) 668 lakhs
4) 668 ÅHõÅΔ ∞
65. Mahalanobis planning model emphasises 65. =∞ǨÏÅ<Àaãπ „Ѩ}ÏoHÍ #=¸<å <˘H˜¯ K≥¿ÑÊk?
1) ¿Ñ^ŒiHõ x~°∂‡Å#

1) Poverty eradication
2) Growth rate 2) =$kú̂~@∞
3) Rural development 3) „QÍg∞}Ïaè=$kÌ

4) Employment 4) L^Àºy`«
1) 3 8) 3 15) 1 22) 2 29) 4 36) 1 43) 3 50) 4 55) 1 60) 2
2) 1 9) 4 16) 3 23) 2 30) 2 37) 1 44) 3 51) 3 56) 4 61) 3
3) 3 10) 3 17) 1 24) 1 31) 4 38) 4 45) 3 52) 2 57) 4 62) 4
63) 3
4) 2 11) 4 18) 3 25) 4 32) 2 39) 4 46) 2 53) 4 58) 2 64) 2
5) 4 12) 3 19) 2 26) 2 33) 4 40) 1 47) 2 54) 2 59) 4 65) 2
6) 4 13) 1 20) 3 27) 1 34) 2 41) 4 48) 1 ã¨∂K«# :– 21) „Ѩã∞¨ `Î O« UAE
7) 3 14) 4 21) 1 28) 1 35) 1 42) 2 49) 4 41) „Ѩã∞¨ `Î O« _çq_≥O_£Å∞, ÖÏÉèÏÅ∞
z~°Orq 176 Cell: 9959513530,9490942125

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