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 Golden Guide For Toppers

 
 
 Answer the following questions :
1-Who wrote Great Expectations?

  This
novel was written by the second greatest novlist ‫ روائى‬, called Charles 
 2-What is the setting ( place and time ) of Great Expectations?
 It took place ‫ حتدث‬in Kent and London in the early to mid 19 century.
th 
 3-What is the moral ‫ املغزى‬of Great Expectations ?
 Money can’t bring you happiness. The only thing that can truly bring you

 4-Howhappiness is loving relationships with your family and friends.
did Pip get his name?

 His name, Philip Pirrip, was difficult to say when he was small.
5- How badly did Mrs Joe Gargery treat ‫ تعامل‬Pip? 
 She said that he should have been put in the graveyard ‫ املقربة‬. She didn’t want
to look after ‫ تعتنى بــ‬him. 
 6- Mrs.
Because she never liked to look after her brother as well as ‫ باإلضافة اىل‬she didn’t
Joe wasn’t satisfied with ‫ مرضية بــ‬her life, Do you think so? Why|orWhy not?

 7-Mrs.
like being a blacksmith’s ‫ حداد‬wife.
Joe was injustice ‫ غري عادلة‬, oppressive ‫ ظامل‬and unfair ‫ غري عادل‬person, 
 Do I think so because she was unkind ‫ غري حنون‬sister. She didn’t like taking care of
you think so? Why?

8-Pipherreceived contradictory treatment ‫ معاملة متناقضة‬from his sister and her husband. 
brother and made him work in the kitchen preparing the food.

 (OR) Joe and How?

his wife treated Pip differently . How? 
 (OR)
 His sister treated ‫ تعامل‬him badly, but her husband treated him kindly/ friendly
What did Pip say about his sister and her husband?
‫ بطريقة ودودة‬.She always complained ‫ يشتكى‬about Pip and was aften angry.
 However ‫ بالرغم من‬, her husband was Pip’s friend. 
9-Why do you think Pip’s childhood ‫ طفولة‬was terribly ‫ بشكل رهيب‬miserable ‫? بائس‬
  Because he lost his parents when he was still very young, he often felt lonely 
‫ يشعر بالوحدة‬. This made ‫ جيرب‬him live with his sister, who never liked taking care
 ofhusband.
him and made him serve ‫ خيدم‬in the kitchen and prepare the food, and her 

 10-How do you think that Pip was feeling lonely most of the time?
 He usually went to the march and sit behind the graveyard.

 11Because
-Why was Pip crying and sad on Christmas Eve?
he was orphan ‫ يتيم‬and he was sitting alone near the marshes beside ‫جبانب‬

 12his parents’ grave. Meanwhile ‫ فى نفس الوقت‬, Mrs. Joe’s house was full of guests ‫ ضيوف‬. 
-What difficult situation did Pip encounter ‫ يواجه‬in the graveyard? How did he
  Inovercome ‫ يتغلب على‬it?
the graveyard, he came across ‫ يقابل بالصدفة‬an esaped covict ‫ حمكوم عليه‬with

 leg irons ‫ أصداف االقدام‬. The convict asked Pip to bring him some food and a file 
‫ مربد احلداد‬to let him live.
 a grave?
13-How did Pip react when an escaped convict appeared to him from behind 
  He nearly jumped out of his skin ‫ اتفزع‬. He was scared to death ‫ خائف جدا‬. 
 Mr Hassan El naggar
‫شاهد باهتمام علي قناة المستر علي‬
Great Expectations

 Golden Guide For Toppers
14-Why do you think the convict needed a blacksmith’s file?

  To break / take off his leg-iron and get away ‫ يهرب‬. 
 15-What are prisonships?
 They are ships where they put people who have committed a crime ‫ يرتكب جرمية‬.

 16-Why did the soldiers ‫ اجلنود‬give a warning ‫ انذار‬to people in the village ‫ ? القرية‬
 To warn everyone that convicts have got away from the prisonship.
17-What did Pip steal to give to the convict?

  He stole some delicious ‫ لذيذ‬cheese, nuts ‫ بندق‬, apples or oranges; cold meat 
 18-Pip’s
pie ‫ فطرية‬and a blacksmith’s file.
meeting with the convict was just a chance, Do you think it was a good

 or a bad chance? Why? 
 Ithim
was both good and bad as it was good for the convict that he made Pip give 
a file and some food. However, it was bad for Pip as he was made to
 steal a file and some food to help the convict. 
 19-Describe Pip’s contradictory feeling ‫ شعور متناقض‬towards the convict. 
 Though Pip felt frightened of the convict, he felt sorry for him.
 20-In what way were Pip and the convict Similar? 
  Both Pip and the convict were terrified. Pip was frightened of the convict, but
the convict was scared of the police.
 21-Though Joe was Pip’s friend, the latter ‫ االخري‬didn’t tell him about his stealing 
 the file and the food. Give reason. 
 Pip feared that Joe mightn’t want to be his friend again.
 22-Why was Pip unable to stay at the table with the guests? 
  Because his sister and Joe were about to ‫ كانوا على وشك ان‬discover that the pie had
 23-Pip felt horror in the graveyard and in his sister’s house. Illustrate ‫ فسر‬.

  He felt horror ‫ مفزوع‬when he encountered ‫ يقابل‬two convicts in the 
 graveyard. Meanwhile, he felt horror when his sister invited her guests to try
the delicious meat pie which he had stolen and gave it to the convict. 
 24- The policeman who made Pip upset ‫ منزعج‬and anxious ‫ قلقان‬were also his 
 Yes,
rescuers ‫ منقذين‬, Do you agree? Why? Why not
I agree because they made the guests forget about the pie that Pip had

 stolen to give it to the escaped convicts. 
 25- What did Pip hope while following the soldier ? Why?
He hoped they wouldn’t find the convicts because they would think that Pip

 was responsible for ‫ مسئول عن‬turning them in ‫ تسلمهم‬. 
 Mr Hassan El naggar
‫شاهد باهتمام علي قناة المستر علي‬
Great Expectations

 Golden Guide For Toppers
 
 Answer the following questions : 
 1-What did the convict that Pip helped told Joe?
 He told him that he stole the meat pie. However, in reality, Pip was the person who

 2-How
stole the pie and gave it to the convict.
kind was Joe to the convict?

The convict said he had eaten the meat pie, but Joe said they didn’t want him hungry.
convict proved ‫ يثبت‬that he didn’t misunderstand Pip although he was
 Doarrested ‫ يقبض على‬in a place not known to any other one but for Pip,
you agree with this? Why?

 (OR) Do you think the convict understood Pip’s signal “ shaking his head” which
indicates ‫ يشري‬that Pip did not inform ‫ خيرب‬the police? Why?
  Yes, he understood that. He acquitted ‫ يربأ‬Pip of the charge ‫ تهمة‬of stealing food 
and accused ‫ يتهم‬himself of it.
 4-The convict showed that he was not a bad person. Explain. 
 He released ‫ يهدأ‬Pip from his worries about finding out ‫ اكتشاف‬that Pip stole the
 food. He told Joe he was sorry. 
5-How grateful was Joe to his father?
  Although Joe’s father did not let him to go to school, he said his father was a good 
person, and Joe was grateful to ‫ ممنت لـ‬his father for teaching him to be a blacksmith.
 6-Explain how Joe respected his wife. 
 Although she was cruel ‫ قاسية‬and hated being the blacksmith’s wife, he said that she
 was a fine woman. 
7-Joe’s good natured appeared clearly with Pip and his sister. Explain.
  He said that she was a fine woman. He was proud of ‫ فخور بـ‬Pip as Pip learnt reading
and writing. He also wished that his wife wouldn’t have hit Pip and he would
 rather ‫ يفضل‬she had hit him than Pip. Joe told Pip that they would be best friends. 
8-Pip was clever. Explain
  He worked every day, helping neighbours ‫ جريان‬with small jobs, but in the evening 
he went to the village ‫ قرية‬school. At home, he practised his writing.
 9-Mrs Joe thought that Pip wasn’t grateful to her. Do you think she was right to 
think so? Why? Why not?
  No, she is wrong. Pip tried hard to look grateful as he worked everyday helping 
neighbours with small jobs.
 10-Why did Mrs. Joe think that Pip should be grateful to her? 
Mrs Joe thought that because she was the reason for sending Pip to Miss Havisham’s
 house as Pip will make his fortune by going to Miss Havisham’s house and he might
 11-Why did Pip agree to go to Miss Havisham House?
be given some money.

 Because his sister threatened ‫ تهدد‬him if he refuses to go there, she would make
 him work hard, and jumped on him like an eagle ‫ صقر‬on a lamb ‫ خروف‬. 
12-Why was Pip taken to Miss Havisham’s house?
  To play with a child who lived there. 
13- What did Pip think of Estella?
  He thought she is very proud, arrogant ‫ مغرور‬, very pretty, very rude ‫ وقح‬and tough. 
14-Why didn’t Estelle want to play with Pip?
  Because she thought he was a poor working boy. 
 Mr Hassan El naggar
‫شاهد باهتمام علي قناة المستر علي‬
Great Expectations

 Golden Guide For Toppers
15-Describe Miss Havisham’s house. (OR) Why were all the rooms in Miss

 Havisham’s house lit by candles?
 The house looked unused and most of the doors were closed. Everything was

 dark inside and lit by candles because the curtains ‫ ستائر‬were closed and no day
light could enter.

16-How did Estelle treat with Pip in their first meeting?
(OR) Estelle was pretty and rude, Do you agree with this description?Why?

 She treated ‫ تعامل‬Pip rudely. She called him as a common poor working boy. She
made him felt ashamed ‫ خجالن‬. She insulted ‫ يهني‬him and said he had dirty hands

 and ugly ‫ قيبح‬shoes. She did not hand ‫ تسلم‬him the food, she put it on the ground.
She saw that he was crying and smiled.

17-On their meeting, Estelle had a strong effect on Pip. Explain.
(OR) According to ‫ طبقا لـ‬Pip, what might change Estelle’s attitude ‫ تصرف‬- ‫سلوك‬

 towards him?
(OR) To make Estelle love or respect him, Pip thought only about education,

 Do you think he was right or worng? Why?
 He was right. Pip began to see his clothes and shoes were ugly. He began to

 question ‫ يسأل‬everything in life. He decided to learn as much as he could at the
village school.He thought if he had a better education, perhaps she would be

 kinder. He hoped that with hard work, he would leave his simple life behind
and became a fine gentleman.

18-Tears ‫ دموع‬came to Pip’s eyes when Estelle put the food on the ground,
what does this tell us about the two characters?

 Estelle was rude and cruel, on the other hand, Pip was ashamed and he was a kind
hearted and sensitive ‫حساس‬.

19-Why do you think miss Havisham wears a wedding dress?
(OR) Miss Havisham’s heart was broken. Can you tell us why?

 Miss Havisham has shut ‫ تغلق‬herself away since being jilted ‫ مهجور‬on her wedding
day. She always wears her wedding clothes and has left the prepared wedding feast

 ‫احتفال الزفاف‬to decay ‫ تعفن‬in one of her rooms because she was never recovered ‫تتعافى‬
from not getting married.

20-What is the real reason for Miss Havisham’s request ‫ طلب‬to bring a boy into
her house?

 As a result of her experiences, Miss Havisham hates humanity ‫ إنسانية‬, particularly 
‫خاصة‬, men. She has adopted ‫ تتبنى‬a young girl, Estelle, and is training her to be cold
 and cruel so that she will break men’s hearts. She invites the young Pip to the
house so that Estelle can practice on him.

21-Why do you think the clock had stopped?
 She never leaves the house and has stopped all the clocks so that she is unaware

 ‫ غري واعى‬of time passing. Because time stopped for Miss Havisham on the day she
didn’t get married.

22-Why the man in the inn ‫ فندق صغري‬made Pip feel uncomfortable?
 The man asked Joe if any escaped convicts had been found recently ‫ حديثا‬. The man

 stirred ‫ يقلب‬his cup of tea, and Pip saw that the man was using a blacksmith’s file.
It was the same file that Pip had taken from Joe’s workshop. Pip learnt that someone

 knew he had helped the convict on the marshes ‫ مستنقعات‬.
23-Why do you think the man in the inn had Joe’s file?

 Because I think he wanted to know if it belonged to Joe’s. He must know the convict.
24-What was Joe’s advice to Pip  To be happy with his position in life.

 Mr Hassan El naggar
‫شاهد باهتمام علي قناة المستر علي‬
Great Expectations

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