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MODULE 3B Lesson 3

Activity 1
Study the LR Rapid Assessment Tool. Download an LR from either Deped Commons or
LRMDS Portal and assess the material using the tool . Answer the following questions in your
Study Notebook.

I downloaded Filipino Grade 10 Module in the Deped Portal.

1. Was the material able to meet all the requirements?

• Yes

2. Were there any questions in the assessment tool where you answered "No" or "Cannot
Be Determined"? What decision will you make on the LR material? Why?
• None
3. Are there other aspects of the material not covered by the tool but still need to be
assessed? Specify which aspect/s.
• None
4. How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LRs for your lesson
and your learners?
• This assessment tool was a great help for us teachers in choosing the best LR for our subject
matter. It taught us to consider first all requirements needed in obtaining our desired L .R.

Activity 2
1. Based on the Assessment Tool, how does the material from a non-DepEd Portal compare
with the LR from the DepEd Portal?
- Deped prescribe LRs are reliable and aligned in the basic requirement needed for choosing LR's
while non deped LR's sometimes deviate from the requirements of standard LR's.
2. Based on the results of the Assessment Tool, what improvements do the materials —
both from DepEd and Non-DepEd portals — still need?
- Deped materials before posting to the deped portal were being examined by the deped
personnel so I think there's no revisions for that but non deped materials of course need to be
examined first and must be aligned to the assessment tool given by deped.
3. How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LRs for your lesson
and your learners?
- Because of this exercise and assessment tool I can now choose better Learning Resources for
my subject matter.

Activity 3
Choose one of the LR materials that you have developed. Assess this material using the
same tool. Answer the following questions in Your Study Notebook:
1. How does your material compare with the ones that are obtained from the online
• I had made a learning resources in my grade 10 students with the Title Activity sheet Gamit ng
Pandiwa. When I saw the assessment tool I had knew that I am lacking and didn't meet some
requirement prescribe by deped.
2. What improvements do you still need to make in your developed material?
• Need to improve the sources of the activity and the type of font to make it readable to my
students. Also I will consider the culture and gender fair next time.

Activity 4
1. Share and discuss your answers to the questions in Activities 1, 2, and 3 in your next
LAC Session. Jot down insights and information that can be useful to you in choosing
the appropriate LR’s.
• After the LAC session we had seen a clearer view in making our own LR's and in choosing
and downloading LR's in our deped portal.
• A member of the group suggested that we must adapt this tool and use it every time we make
our own LR’s.

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