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Teacher Education Department

SPEC 115- Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades

(Physics, Earth and Space Science)


John Syvel Lorenzo Quintro BEED 3-C Prof. Princess Lydia S. Fuentes

Activity 1.2

This activity will let you practice the thinking processes involved in the scientific
method. Study the following situations. Answer the questions posed. Choose one
situation only.

Situation 2
A doctor is studying causes of throat cancer. He found out that some of his
patients with throat cancer are usually teachers, public speakers, or habitual alcoholic
drinkers. But all are chain smokers. What hypothesis can he make about the possible
cause of throat cancer?

As we all know that smoking increases the risk of having a throat cancer by exposing the
larynx to these carcinogenic chemicals during inhalation. This type of diseases, we all know that
being chain smokers and alcoholic drinkers is one of the major factor on which your throat is
manifested and it is both time tested that this is too difficult to cure unless it has a proper
medications. It is important to take care with our throat because it is a pathway to both the
airway and the gastrointestinal tract. With these, it carries air, food, and fluids down from the
nose we inhale and exhale and mouth to chew and intake food in order to survive.

The doctor is conducting research or study about this matter so that it will help them to
find out what the certain causes of this cancer to the patients especially those smokers and
alcoholic drinkers. Actually, the use of tobacco or cigarettes and excessive alcohol consumption
are the two greatest risk factors for developing a throat cancer. And how can we make sure that
we can avoid this certain risky behavior? In order to avoid these certain influence, can we avoid
these in some factors? Well, as what saying goes, looks delicious when it’s forbidden come, but
you as an individual can control and limit on it. Taking it seriously, younger ones or usually the
adult ones couldn’t still avoid on it.
The hypothesis that he can make about this matter is to conduct a survey and interview on
how and why does individual taking such alcoholic or smoking. It is for making popularity or it
is a way to avoid problems? With these assumptions, it will be figure out that this hypothesis is
valid and appropriate because of the experiences in conducting survey. The majority of people
diagnosed with throat cancer are tobacco users and/or alcohol consumers. Also, through doing an
interview, the doctor can identify what symptoms of throat cancer his patients are experiencing
with, because symptoms for throat cancer can vary depending on where the cancer is found and
located. Generally, though, they include a sore throat that doesn't go away, pain or difficulty
swallowing, persistent ear pain, or a lump in the neck or throat. So, through this hypothesis, the
doctor can find out the causes of this cancer is the human itself by limiting to avoid this risky

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