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Your goal and tasks 1

Project features 2

Tips and recommendations 3

Examples of bad chats 5

Order of answering questions in multichat: 10




Useful templates 16

Dramatic Stories (Life-story)(Later) 20

Your goal and tasks
Your goal is to motivate clients to actively use the app.

Operators’ task is to provide engaging communication.

1. Operator logs in using his personal log in information given to him personally.
2. During working shift an operator answers messages from clients in multichat within
1-2 minutes
3. First 10 msgs are free - when client sends msgs for free and here’s an opportunity for
you to convert client to a paying one
a. The first one who reaches 10 free msgs - the dialog reaches rating: Bump-Pass
b. Use these 10 msgs as productive as possible so that client decides to buy Bolts

What are your actions?

i. Respond to the newest messages
ii. Aks open-ended questions, motivating client to Bump you = Think
what would interest client and hook him
iii. Support dialogues under different profiles (any sexes, ages and
iv. Develop a dialogue (not less than 3 messages from each side)
v. Answer to a question expressing interest
vi. Ask questions (=call to action), switch to another chat not waiting
for an answer from the client.
vii. Don’t use copy-paste answers and questions

Be more positive when chatting (app is a game, make it more adventurous)

Project features
After sending 10 messages the client needs to choose to bump you or to pass you.
Bump -> continue chat = Like
Pass -> stop chat = Dislike

Bump and pass from Animator are made automatically, you don’t need to choose anything

Photos are linked as Avatar + Real photo (shown after Bump)

Animator are fixed to one location

There are Prompts and Interests

Prompts = short
answers to standard
(Can be used as a hot
Interest = interests

Tips and recommendations

● Pay attention to the client’s profile

Make compliments about the customer’s photo, discuss his interests and react to
the description
*It will give the client an impression that you are interested in communication
with him.

● Use honeyed words

Baby, honey, dear, darling and use it when it really fits the conversation
*Using such words will help you to create a flirty mood in your conversation to
involve the clients more.

● Ask open-ended questions

Where it fits the context, making the conversation more interesting to continue
*Such questions literally make the client answer them, so he will continue
communicating with you.

● Adapt your writing style to the clients

Adapt to the client’s style of communication and use emojis with the
appropriate clients
*This will help the client feel more comfortable in chat with you and create
more intentions to continue communication.

● Reassure client that the service is legit and you have serious
Some clients have doubts about the service and will try to exchange numbers as
fast as possible. In such cases you have to reassure the client of your intentions
I know babe , I will do everything to make you happy. I only wanted to find my
one and only and I have already found one. It is you
There is no any frame, it is just a feeling, if you feel confident and ready to go
on a next level

Please do not insist. when i am ready i will tell you my number myself

● Be expressive and alive in dialogue

Be empathetic and express your feelings in chat to make the client feels you are
real person
*If the client feels you and your emotion, he will definitely stay in chat with you.

● Don’t write short messages

Try to find the optimal size of messages for you to be productive and
*Short messages may be an indication that you are not really interested in
continuing communication with a client.

● Don’t repeat yourself

Don’t use the same expressions repeatedly, such as well, I see, so and etc.
*This recommendation will make your dialogue more interesting for the client
and variate your chats.

● Check messages before sending to avoid spelling mistakes

Pay attention to the messages you printed and take a quick look before sending
them. It won’t take a lot of time and would increase the quality of your
*Most of our clients used phones, and phones do autocorrection. When you
make a mistake, it will give the client doubts about your realness.

Examples of bad chats

Not an engaging response. A customer, who is probably also bored, will likely not
continue the chat.
Instead, there could be an interesting question here, or something to spice up the mood of
the customer.
Just an example: Pretty well, now that you have responded Did you speak to other
people here? Anyone interesting?

Once again, no customer engagement. We should assume customers will need to be taken
by the hand and "led" in a conversation - guided. They may not be talkative.
Just an example: Really? My avatar is like way off. Dunno why... How can I see
your face?

Ok, it is a question, but a bit of a silly one, and asked out of the blue. Most likely, the
customer will not be doing 3 other things while chatting on Magnet. Unless the
conversation brings up some activity that the customer is doing like "Hold on, I need to
check the oven as I am making food", there are many better questions to ask.

Just examples:
Glad to hear! Any luck using this app? You looking for someone special?
Can you actually see my photo or not?
Are you a real person then? I can only see a cartoon avatar...
I see you are from [location], how is it there right now? With the virus and all
Would you like to know how I am doing? Or you are busy?
Have you heard what happened in [location] yesterday?
Any question about the customer prompts that will make him/her want to
talk about themselves

Here, it is as if the animator is the customer, and I am the one who is prompted to ask him
more questions to keep her interest. This needs to be completely vice versa.
If there will be such a customer, who also asks questions that are not ridiculous, then he is
a gold mine! Return questions are ground for conversion.
Just an example: Are you sure you want to see each other's real faces? What if we don't
like each other? Haha, it's been pretty cool just chatting

It was quite evident what a customer wanted to talk about, and oh boy, this topic if talked
about correctly, can totally convert.

Just an example: I know it's terrible... How is it for you in your location? Are there

Just a heads up on the topic of COVID, we must be extremely careful here, as it splits
people into different hating camps. The question I gave as an example above is good
because it does not show taking sides (like pro vaccine or anti vaccine) but rather, tests
the water, sees what camp the customer belongs in to match his camp.

Order of answering questions in multichat:
if the client’s waiting for “green” are your current if you haven’t “green”
the answer longer than 30 chats with unanswered messages, answer all
min, you have to answer messages: answer all “grey” (answered)
him/her first of all; there “green” messages in messages in order how
are the high priority order how they are given they are given in
messages, and your task in multichat multichat
is to make sure that If a client didn’t answer 1
doesn’t happen last message, ask 1-2 more
questions which would
animate him; e.g.
Are you still there?
Have you seen my message?
Hey there?
Why don’t you reply?
Are you still interested?
If a client didn’t answer 3
or more last messages,
skip this chat without
asking this client further

Logic of query in multichat
There are 2 types of queries

Clients who did not receive any reply to any 2nd queue consists of two more filters, which
of their sent messages. are applied automatically with 50/50
possibility chance
For example, John, 23 sent messages to 10
profiles (Lisa, Mary, Jane, Olivia, Julie, Clara, 1) VIP clients from highest spends and latest
Tony, Claire, Amy, Jen) and did not receive message to the lowest spends with the oldest
an answer from any of them. He and other message
such users will be marked red
2) new clients with the latest message

Pay attention:
You will be logged out of the system in 15 minutes without showing any activity. All your
chats will be sent to another operator. If you get back to the system you can receive the chats
you were in in the following case: before you log out you sent more messages than the next
operator who picked up the chat, e.g.

Operator 1 chatted with John,43 and sent 10 messages

Operator 1 logged out

Chat with John,43 got to Operator 2 who sent him 9 messages

Operator 1 logged in and chat with John,43 gets back to him even if operator 2 is still online

*if Operator 1 sent 10 messages and Operator 2 sent 11 messages, chat with John,43 will
remain by Operator 2



Make the notes for saving Life-story can help you to diversify the
your time and your colleagues’ conversation. It contains some interesting
time. facts of the animator’s life. You use this
Please, use the template of the option at will.
notes’ sections (see page). When you use the animator’s life story,
don’t forget to check “The story has been
told” (see page).


When you start your work in Multichat, you get a new chat and the Timer starts
to count your response time from 00:00. You reply to the client’s message, your
Timer resets, you press the button NEXT and get a new chat.
What’s the point of that? You can control your response speed and improve this


To send any contact details and to ask for the client’s contact
information, or agreeing to accept it
(“Thanks for the number, I’ll call you later”; “Here’s my
Snap”, “Can you give me your number?”...) - warning/ 10$/

To promise to meet in person

(“Let’s meet this weekend”, “What are we going tomorrow?”,
“I’ll be so happy to see you in two weeks”...) - warning/ 10$/

To be rude, to swear or to ignore the client’s questions

(“I’m busy rn”, “You’re wasting my time”, “I’m not your
type”...) - warning/ 10$/ 20$

To answer with a huge delay

To use any other foreign languages (e.g. Russian, Spanish etc)

- 10$/ 20$

To send automatic-like messages (no call-to-action)

(OK, hi, I see…) - warning/ 10$/ 20$

To initiate sexting or sexually explicit chats
(“Are you a virgin?”, “Ask me smth about sex”...) - warning/
10$/ 20$

To tell clients that you get payment for communication - 20$

or account locking

To ask for money or presents, or to send more messages

(“You should buy me a ring”, “Tell me you love me 100

More examples and templates of restricted messages and questions:

There are some other types of violations:
typos (systemic);
grammar mistakes;
insulting etc.
If any of these restrictions are mentioned within weekly quality checks, an
operator will be warned or fined for 10-20$ (it depends on the violation’s level)
for each message which contains a violation. Total sum of fines will be deducted
from the monthly payment manually.

You have to send a report, if a client...
● is under 18 y.o.
● asks for sex for money (in the profile’s
● sends inappropriate or immoral content in
● posts smth inappropriate in his/her profile
● is begging for money
● initiates sexting at the outset of the chat
● insults you

1. Click …

2. Type your report

Report a message
The operator has the ability to complain
about a message from a client, animator or
The Report button will appear next to
messages from customers.
The operator will need to select a reason
from the drop-down list and write a
comment (without it the complaint will not
be sent).
Possible reasons for a customer
a. The client is disappointed with the
b. The client insulted an animator
c. The client reported a technical issue
d. The client is a scammer
e. Other
Possible reasons for reporting an animator or bot:
● a. Poor grammar
● b. Inappropriate content
● c. Out of context
● d. Suggestion to meet
● e. Contact detail

Useful templates
1. The system automatically sends invitations to clients. There is no need to
initiate chats with the clients.
2. The response to a client’s message should be detailed and should contain a
question to this client in order to develop the conversation (call-to-action)

a. Response should make sense and be no copy-paste or automatic-like
b. Copy-paste or automatic-like messages can be sent only at the beginning
of a chat or in answers to client’s questions to give numbers/ email or to
meet BUT be suitable and make sense:
i. (C) Hi – (A) Hi hru; (C) Hi – (A) Hi what are you doing? etc.
ii. (C) Give me your number – (A) Sorry I chat here etc.
= not seem outrageous!
3. An operator should be polite and easy to talk to, and should support any topic.
4. An operator shows interest in communication, asks questions and makes
suitable compliments.
5. When a client asks for contact information, links to social networks, or
offers to meet in person, an operator refuses in a polite manner and asks any
other questions that will allow changing the topic of conversation. E.g.:
- After the break up with my ex-boyfriend, I have deleted everything, and I no longer
have Skype-I want to start all over again, so let's talk here first.
- I would like to communicate on the website, because it is safe and my private data is
protected here
- First I would like to know each other better, and if the communication moves to
another stage, then in the future we will exchange contacts
- I like the app. I have never used online dating before, so I want to try it a little
longer here
- The application is convenient because I can control myself when and with whom to
communicate. Phone calls and letters to personal Inbox can be distracting during the
working day.
- My data/photos in social networks are hidden. Let's talk here for now.
- I use social networks only for work purposes
- I like to keep some mystery about myself and I prefer to get acquainted with each
other step by step. What would you like to know about me?
- I do not use social networks because it causes addiction
- The application allows each of us to keep some private space. What do you think if
we communicate here?
- It would be great to meet but I would like to get to know each other better. So let’s
chat here first.
- I don’t have enough time for personal meetings that’s why I’m here

- Currently I’m not willing to have close relationship, but simple communication in
app is interesting for me
- I had tough break up that’s why I would prefer to chat in app for at least some time
- I dedicate a lot of time to my job at the moment and I don’t have time for meetings
6. Operator should never maintain sex chats or ask questions concerning those
issues and topics
7. During communication, an operator should be aware of the weather forecast,
time and other specific details of the user's city.
8. Each shift operator makes notes about interesting/ important/ useful
information, any feedback and suggestions will be useful.

Not-to-do things Do-not-forget-to-do things

1. Forget about brackets aka 1. Make notes!

skobochki )) Each chat should contain the following
Use emojis. sections:
2. Speak English only. CHAT START:
3. Don’t ask about Russia and CURRENT:
everything connected with Russia NAME, AGE &
randomly LOCATION:
4. Don’t ask the same questions you WORK:
or other operators already asked FAMILY:
– for that don’t forget to read at IMPORTANT DATES:
least 5 last messages and all the HOBBIES:
notes you have in this chat. FOOD:
5. Don’t send random “what about MOVIES/MUSIC:
you”, “and you” etc. if you’re not PREVIOUS
sure this was already discussed and RELATIONSHIP:
the client already said something or It will help you to answer more quickly
not. when you get the chat back as you won’t
spend time reading through the chat
The same applies to the chat with long
history you receive from other operators
(who are not working at the moment)


2. You can and should use

templates in 2 kinds of situations:
1) When client asks you to give him
your number/ email/ any contact
info or suggest to meet (in any
2) When you can answer using a
template like:
Hi hru wyd
What you liking for here
Etc. = any questions and answers you have
in your templates and which would suit
this chat
3. Use Google Chrome browser for
working in multichat and don’t
forget to adjust window size to
multichat so that everything in it
gets into the window and does not
hide somewhere

4. Don’t forget to read file !News on

Google Drive at least once in 2
days. All updates and important
news are given there. Pay attention
to the update date (at the end of the
name of the file), it will help you
understand when was the last news.
5. Stick to the same style in this
particular chat
a. If you see sentences starting
with capital letter – continue
the same way
b. If you see “u” typing this
way – continue using “u”
instead if “you”
c. If you see calling the client
“sweetie” – continue the

same way (and don’t forget
to make a note about it!)
d. Etc.
6. Read at least 5 last messages to
understand the situation of the chat

Dramatic Stories (Life-story)

When you log into Multichat, in the Animator’s Profile field you can see several sections.
The second one contains a life-story.

Not all profiles contain dramatic stories, but many of them do. You can tell these stories to
the clients when you feel it is suitable and can make the conversation more interesting.

In any chat you have, you need to check whether the story has been told before to avoid
inconsistencies (see the checkbox in the bottom).

Bad example:

The animator’s story tells that she has lost her parents in a car accident. The story has been
told. Another operator hasn’t paid attention to the checkbox and wrote that her parents help
her financially.
Good example:
The animator’s story tells that she has been cheated by the man she met online before.
Operators can use this story to answer the client’s suggestions to meet or exchange contacts.

Why should you use dramatic stories?

1. They can make the chat more interesting
2. They can help you revive the conversation
3. They can help the client feel closer to the animator and continue chatting
4. They can help you find new topics for discussion

Before using the story please make sure that:

1. The story has not been told before in this chat
2. The context of the chat is appropriate for telling this particular story
You can use the story:
a. When the topic of the conversation relates to the story
Client: Kids can be very cruel sometimes.
Operator: Yes, I agree… When I was a kid, my classmates often abused me
because I was fat.
b. When the client mentions his own experience similar to the animator’s story
Client: I hit my car yesterday
Operator: Oh my God, I hope you are all right?
Client: Yeah, I’m fine, but I’ll have to repair the car
Operator: I understand you… Last month I crashed into a tree…
You should not use the story:
a. When the conversation is positive and the story is sad
Client: I love you so much, we are such an amazing couple
Operator: Thank you. My ex cheated on me with my best friend
b. When the client shares something important with you
Client: My uncle died today, I’m just back from the hospital
Operator: Sorry to hear that. My brother is a drug addict, he is in prison.
! Always use common sense and pay attention to the context !

When you decide to use the story:

Examples based on the following Story:
My ex was a cool dude until he started drinking. Once he was so drunk that he couldn't find our apartment door
and kept knocking our neighbor's door. The other time, he started throwing up from the balcony on our

neighbor's brand new Turkish carpet. That last time that got me over the edge was when he was running half
naked around our neighborhood with a knife trying to find the demons to fight.
1. Do not copy-paste the whole story. Divide it into parts or rephrase it keeping the idea
and the details
Message 1: You know, my ex was actually a cool dude… until he started drinking.
Message 2: He was a heavy drinker. Once he was so drunk that he couldn't find our
apartment door and kept knocking on our neighbor's door.
Message 3: The other time, he started throwing up from the balcony on our neighbor's
brand new Turkish carpet.
Message 4: That last time that got me over the edge was when3. he was running half
naked around our neighborhood with a knife trying to find the demons to fight.
2. Listen to the client’s replies and react to them properly. If he shows his empathy, you
should thank him for it, not just continue telling the story
Operator: You know, my ex was actually a cool dude… until he started drinking.
Client: I am so sorry to hear that… It must have been tough, how did you bear with it?
Operator: Yes, it was very hard. It was just a nightmare when I had to wait for him
home alone and he was with his friends in the bar…
Client: You must be a very strong and brave woman
Operator: Oh, thank you for such kind words, you made me feel better. I had such an
awful experience with him
3. Don’t continue telling the story if the client starts telling his own: listen to him
Operator: You know, my ex was actually a cool dude… until he started drinking.
Client: Oh, I understand you. My ex was a drinker too
Operator: Really? Then you know what I mean! How did you bear with her?
4. You can add some details to the story or even change some of them: in this case make
sure to add comments about it to the Notes
My ex was a cool dude until he started drinking. Once he was so drunk that he
couldn't find our apartment door and kept knocking on our neighbor's door. The
neighbor was so angry, they started fighting and as a result they both had to go to the
hospital. He is still angry with both of us, because he thinks it’s my fault as well...

After you use the story:

1. Don’t forget to check the box and mark that the story has been told when it is told in
2. If the story was told partially, make a note about it in the Notes and do not check the
box yet
3. If you receive the chat where the story has been told partially, you can continue telling
it when the context allows

4. You can continue talking about the facts mentioned in the story in the following chats
(when it is appropriate) and expand it (don’t forget noting it).

The story is not an obligatory option: you can use it or not. These stories were added
to help the operators make their communication more interesting. You can develop
the story, add or alter the details and create its continuation. Just use common sense,
pay attention to the context and don’t forget about the checkbox and notes.


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