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Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad

ID : 0000107946
Name : Sami Uddin Shinwari
Code : Educational Statistics (8614) Bed 1.5 year
Semester : Autumn 2022 (3rd Semester )
Tutor: Dr. Jehanzeb khan
Assignment No (One)
Q.1 Why is Statistics important for a teacher or researcher?
Statistics is important for a teacher or researcher because it allows them to:
1. Collect and analyze data: Statistics provides tools and methods for collecting and analyzing data,
which enables teachers and researchers to make informed decisions about their practice and to
evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching and research.
2. Identify patterns and relationships: Statistics allows teachers and researchers to identify patterns
and relationships in data, which can provide insights into student learning and behavior, as well as
the effectiveness of teaching and research methods.
3. Draw conclusions and make predictions: Statistics allows teachers and researchers to draw
conclusions and make predictions based on data, which can inform instructional decisions and
guide future research.
4. Communicate findings: Statistics enables teachers and researchers to present and communicate
their findings in an understandable and meaningful way, through the use of charts, graphs, and
statistical models.
5. Evidence-based practice: Statistics provides teachers and researchers with the tools to use
evidence-based practice, which is the use of research evidence in making decisions about teaching
and research.
6. Make informed decisions: Statistics allows teachers and researchers to make informed decisions
based on data, rather than relying on intuition or assumptions.
7. Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions: Statistics allows teachers and researchers to evaluate
the effectiveness of interventions, such as educational programs or teaching methods, by
measuring changes in student learning and behavior.
In summary, statistics is important for teachers and researchers because it provides them with the
tools and methods to collect, analyze, and interpret data, which enables them to make informed
decisions, evaluate the effectiveness of their practice, and communicate their findings in an
understandable and meaningful way.

Q.2 Discuss different types of data. Also elaborate differences between primary and
secondary data.
There are several different types of data in statistics, including:
i. Nominal data: Nominal data is categorical data that is used to label or categorize objects or
individuals. It is often used to represent qualitative information, such as gender, race, or religion.
ii. Ordinal data: Ordinal data is categorical data that is used to represent objects or individuals in a
specific order or ranking. It is often used to represent data that can be ranked or ordered, such as
levels of education or income.
iii. Interval data: Interval data is numerical data that is used to represent the distance between two
points on a scale. It is often used to represent data that can be measured, such as temperature or
iv. Ratio data: Ratio data is numerical data that is used to represent the proportion between two
values. It is often used to represent data that can be measured and has a true zero point, such as
weight or distance.
v. Continuous data: Continuous data is numerical data that can take on any value within a certain
range. It is often used to represent data that can be measured with precision, such as temperature
or time.
vi. Discrete data: Discrete data is numerical data that can only take on certain values, and it is often
used to represent data that is counted, such as the number of students in a class.
vii. Binary data: Binary data is data that can only take on two values, such as yes or no, true or false,
or 1 or 0. It is often used to represent data that can be dichotomized, such as the presence or
absence of a certain trait.
viii. Time series data: Time series data is data that is collected over a period of time, it is often used to
represent data that change over time, such as stock prices, weather data, or population data
Difference between primary and secondary data

Primary data and secondary data are two different types of data that are used in research and
statistics. The main difference between them is the way in which they are collected and the sources
from which they are obtained.
Primary data is data that is collected by the researcher for the first time, specifically for the research
project at hand. It is original and collected through various methods such as questionnaires, surveys,
interviews, experiments, or observations. The researcher is in control of the data collection process,
the design of the data collection instrument, and the sample selection.
Secondary data is data that has already been collected by someone else and is readily available for
reuse. It is obtained from existing sources such as books, journals, newspapers, websites,
government reports, or previous research studies. The researcher does not have control over the data
collection process, the design of the data collection instrument, or the sample selection.
In summary, primary data is collected by the researcher for the first time, specifically for the
research project at hand, whereas secondary data is obtained from existing sources and has already
been collected by someone else. Primary data is often considered to be more reliable and accurate
than secondary data, as it is collected under the researcher's control, whereas secondary data may be
subject to bias or inaccuracies due to the way it was collected or the sources from which it was

Q.3 Explain ‘pictogram’ as a technique to explore/explain data.

A pictogram is a type of graph or chart that uses pictures or symbols to represent data. It is a simple
and effective way to explore and explain data, as it allows for quick and easy comprehension of the
information being presented.
A pictogram uses pictures or symbols to represent a certain quantity of data. For example, if a data
set represents the number of people who prefer different types of fruits, a pictogram might use a
picture of an apple to represent 10 people who prefer apples, a picture of a banana to represent 15
people who prefer bananas, and so on.
Pictograms are particularly useful for displaying large amounts of data and for comparing data
across different categories. They can be used to display data on a wide range of topics, including
population, demographics, health, education, and many more.
One of the advantages of using a pictogram is that it is easy for people to understand and interpret,
even those who are not familiar with statistics or data analysis. Pictograms are also useful for
comparing data across different categories, as they allow for easy visual comparison of the relative
proportions of different data points.
In summary, a pictogram is a technique used to explore and explain data by using pictures or
symbols to represent a certain quantity of data. It is a simple and effective way to present data, as it
allows for quick and easy comprehension of the information being presented.

Q.4 Pie Chart is a common way to depict data. Discuss its usage and drawbacks.
Yes, a pie chart is a common way to depict data. It is a type of chart that is used to represent data in
a circular format, where each section or "slice" represents a different category of data. The size of
each slice is proportional to the amount of data it represents.
Pie charts are particularly useful for displaying data that can be broken down into categories or
parts, such as percentages or proportions. For example, a pie chart can be used to show the
percentage of students in a school who are from different ethnic backgrounds, or the percentage of a
company's revenue that comes from different products.
In summary, a pie chart is a common way to depict data, it is a type of chart that is used to represent
data in a circular format, where each section or "slice" represents a different category of data, and
the size of each slice is proportional to the amount of data it represents. It is easy to understand, as
the data is represented in a visual format that is easy to interpret.
Uses of pie charts:
 To represent data in a simple and easy-to-understand format
 To compare proportions of different categories of data
 To show the distribution of data across different categories
 To identify the relative size of different parts of a whole
 To show the relationship between different categories of data
 To compare data across different time periods
Drawbacks of pie charts:
 Difficult to compare data across different categories when the number of categories is large
 Can be misleading when the data is not presented in the correct proportions
 Does not provide accurate representation of data when the number of categories is small
 It's hard to read accurately when the slices are too small or too close in size.
 Does not provide information on the actual values of the data
 Not suitable for showing trends over time or changes in data over time
In summary, pie charts are useful for visualizing and comparing proportions of different categories
of data, but they have some limitations when it comes to comparing data across large numbers of
categories or providing accurate information on the actual values of the data. Additionally, they're
not suitable for showing trends over time or changes in data over time.


Q.5 What do you understand by ‘measure of dispersion’? Also briefly discuss some common
measures of dispersion.


Measure of Dispersion :-
Measure of dispersion, also known as measures of variability or measures of spread, is a statistical
tool used to describe how spread out or varied a set of data is. It provides an indication of how much
the data points in a set deviate from the central tendency, such as the mean, median, or mode.
There are several different measures of dispersion, including:
1. Range: The range is the difference between the highest and lowest values in a set of data. It is a
simple measure of dispersion that can be easily calculated.
2. Variance: The variance is a measure of dispersion that is calculated by taking the average of
the squared differences of each data point from the mean. It is often used to describe the spread
of data in a population.
3. Standard deviation: The standard deviation is a measure of dispersion that is calculated by
taking the square root of the variance. It is a more commonly used measure of dispersion than
the variance and is often used to describe the spread of data in a sample.
4. Interquartile range (IQR): The IQR is a measure of dispersion that is calculated by taking the
difference between the 75th percentile and the 25th percentile. It is a robust measure of
dispersion that is less affected by outliers than the range or standard deviation.
5. Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) : The MAD is a measure of dispersion that is calculated by
taking the average of the absolute differences of each data point from the mean. It is similar to
standard deviation, but it is less affected by outliers and can be used with any type of data.
In summary, measure of dispersion is a statistical tool used to describe how spread out or varied a set
of data is and provides an indication of how much the data points in a set deviate from the central
tendency such as mean, median, or mode. There are several different measures of dispersion, each
with its own strengths and limitations, and the most appropriate measure to use depends on the
specific characteristics of the data set and the research question being addressed.


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