Writing Task (1) Maysa

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Terra Sancta College / Franciscan Subject: English Language

Fathers/ Amman
Date: / / 2020

Name: _Maysa Al-Safadi___ Writing an Essay providing a

solution to a problem
Class: 6th grade Section: A / B / C

Introduction: (Para.1) Main Body: (Para.2) Main Body: (Para.3)

state the problem first suggestion and second suggestion
and/or its causes expected result and expected result

Conclusion: (Para.5) Main Body: (Para.4)

summarise your third suggestion and
opinion expected result

* Steps of writing an essay providing a solution to a problem:

*Choose one environmental issue, and write an essay providing three solutions to that

problem. (air pollution / deforestation / water pollution / extinction)

___air pollution___

Air pollution is when something dirties the air . like the factories the car

and vans ,and what causes it is when the smoke of the cars spreads around the hole

world . like when we where all in the houses because of covid-19 the atmosphere

closed a bit that is why the winter stayed a big time in the summers time .

Firstly ,when your school or work is nearby your house go on your legs no

need to go in a car or a bus another example if you are living next to your friend`s

house and he have a car and you are in the same work with him go with him in

the same car no need to go in your car and he goes in his car because if all the

people will do like this the atmosphere will open and we will be in danger of dying .

Secondly factories should put a filter on their chimneys because if all

factories did not put filters all the air on the earth will finish or will be dirty and

if that happened no other place to live in so all living things will die and the world

will finish .

Thirdly do not smoke because it will kill the earth its smoke is more

harmful than the factories smoke . lastly, plant many trees and plants because plants

make oxygen which we need in order to stay living freely and happy in this planet.

We have to protect our planet in any cause to do that we have to decrease polluting

our planet to keep living in a healthy way

Teacher: Haifa Rehani

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