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Comprehension Exercise 2

Name……………………………………… Class………… Date……………………………

Checking understanding 1
Read the text Harry’s Mad (Learner’s book page 59) and answer these questions
using textual evidence in your answers. (The answers given must be supported by
the text to get a correct mark)

Remove the answer line before typing your answer.

Use complete sentences to answer the questions.
1. What is Mad’s full name? …………………………………..
2. What three feelings did Harry have when Mad first spoke to him?
3. What body language showed Harry’s
feelings? ..........................................................................
4. Where did Mad think he was being sent?
5. What words tell you Mad is pleased to be with Harry’s family?
6. Why do you think Harry spoke to Mad slowly and clearly, as you would to a
foreigner or someone rather deaf?
7. Write a short paragraph to describe how you might react if you came across
an animal that could talk to you. (Consider a paragraph having more than 3
or more compound and complex sentences.

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