Arduino-Based Watering System For Plants

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Arduino-Based Watering System for Plants

In this plant watering system, the soil moisture sensor measures the soil's moisture

content, (al, 2018)and if it is low, Arduino activates a water pump to supply the plant with

water. When the device detects enough moisture in the soil, the water pump automatically

shuts off. (Saddam 2016)

Arduino Board usage is an experimentation technique. The design stage, the

development/manufacturing stage, and the installation stage are a few of the processes that

must be taken into account. The product that has been made will then be tested using some

previously stated variables. The system may therefore operate with a working voltage of 208-

214 VAC and 15 VDC, as well as a continuous Arduino pin voltage of 4.8 VDC, and perform

automatic misting, hydroponic nutrient drainage, and watering. The system may also show

the greenhouse’s temperature and the present status of the soil’s moisture content. (M

Mediawan et al 2018)

SOP 1.

Is the Automatic plant watering system good for plants?

The correct automatic irrigation system can make it easier to ensure that plants

receive the amount of water they need in addition to ensuring that they receive it where and

when they need it. Using a system that constantly supplies plants with the proper amount of

water to encourage healthy plant growth and helps boost the output from your polytunnel.

The system operates on the principle of sensing the soil moisture level using sensor

technology, which controls the water pump via microcontroller to supply the plant with

adequate water as needed. (Đumić, 2017)

SOP 2.

How essential does automatic watering plant system?

Watering is made easier with an Automatic Watering system. It properly waters your

plants throughout the season, even if you are away. Whether you want a simple system to

water your container plants while you're away on vacation or a sophisticated system to water

your entire garden, an Automatic Watering system will help you manage your garden much

more easily, allowing you to spend more time doing what you want rather than what you

have to. (System, 2022)

Even if you have the time to water by hand most of the time, an automatic watering

system can be useful for when you want to go away. When you are not available to water

your polytunnel, an automatic watering system can be programmed to do the job for you

while you are on vacation or traveling for work. (Waddington, 2019)

SOP 3.

Is there significance in the automatic watering plants system for the farmers?

Given that we currently live in a time of advanced electronics and Using technology,

human existence should be easier and There is a need for several automated systems that can

replace or minimize human effort in daily tasks and jobs in order to make things more

convenient. (Đuzić, 2017)

To assist minimize the overwatering and underwatering of the plants that may cause

soil corrosion, the system normally aims for smart data logging and automatic irrigation.

Additionally, the system sends an SMS to farmers or the administrator of the greenhouse

informing them of the status of the parameter. (Anthony, 2017)

Observation 1:

People often forgot to water their plants.

In (Đumić,2017) article, the automatic plant watering system, which is one of the

most commonly used and beneficial automated systems today, assisting people in their daily

activities by reducing or completely replacing their effort. The goal of this project is to

demonstrate how anyone can easily create their own low-cost automatic plant watering

system in a matter of hours by connecting various electronic components and other materials.

According to (Mr.X, 2021) , plants require very little care and can be left alone for

days, but our long trips that last a week or two can be harmful to the health of plants due to a

lack of moisture in the soil. In such cases, the plant may wither or die due to a lack of

adequate watering. To address this issue, creating an Automatic Irrigation System with an

Arduino Uno in this project, which will irrigate your plants automatically and keep them

healthy even if you are out of town for weeks or months

Observation 2:

Water is vital for the life and survival of all plants.

Water makes up to 95% of a plant's tissue, making it a critical nutrient for plants. A

seed needs water to sprout, and as a plant grows, water transports nutrients throughout the

entire organism. Within plant tissues, water plays a number of significant roles.

Photosynthesis, the process by which plants harness solar energy to make their own

sustenance, requires water. Plants utilise hydrogen from water absorbed through their roots

and carbon dioxide from the air during this process, releasing oxygen as a by-product.

Through pore-like stomas on the leaves, this exchange takes place. (Jodi Richmond,2021)

Additionally, water is necessary for the transfer of carbohydrates and nutrients from

the soil to the plants. At some point, all plants will experience drought or a water scarcity. In

some situations, this can be lethal, or it can significantly limit the growth of those plants.

Long-lasting droughts can leave plants vulnerable to secondary pest and disease invasion.

(Imagery, 2017)

Observation 3:

Arduino based watering system is very convenient for farmers.

The implementation of an irrigation management system is crucial. Healthy soil and

plants need to be watered regularly at the right times and quantities in order to generate

proper crops or plant fields. Additionally, time and optimum water rates are crucial for

producing outcomes that are of high quality. Automatic systems are employed more
frequently for convenience and ease of usage since systems are frequently too comprehensive

or properties are too large to water areas manually. (Lanzara, 2019)

Due to the current reduction in water resources and expanding agricultural operations

caused by a growing population, high irrigation efficiency is becoming more and more


Improvements in irrigation technology include more effective irrigation systems with

controllable water release that provide crops only the amount of water they require. (Byelich,


Ideal Condition 1:

Individuals remember to water their plants on time.

One of the tree and shrub experts suggests using soaker hoses or drip irrigation to

thoroughly soak your plants as close to your departure date as possible. Add a few inches of

mulch to the top of the soil to help conserve moisture. If you are only going to be gone for a

few days, your garden beds should be fine until you return. (Damman, 2021)

According to (Damman, 2021), one of the experts that she interviews also

recommends watering everything thoroughly before leaving and placing your pots on a

humidity tray for indoor plants. Make sure the pots are above the waterline; you are not

watering them in this manner, but rather allowing the water to slowly evaporate and keeping

the air humidity at a level that most indoor plants prefer. Most indoor plants can survive on

their own for up to a week if thoroughly watered.

Ideal Condition 2:

The right amount of water that needs to be distributed to the plant.

It may be tempting to water the soil only slightly and infrequently enough to keep it

moist, especially during hot weather. Deep root development is nonetheless discouraged by

superficial surface watering. Choose a less frequent watering schedule instead, making sure

the soil is completely saturated. By using this technique, even when the soil's surface appears

dry, the roots of the plants are encouraged to dig deep in search of lingering moisture. Give

plants the equivalent of at least 1 inch of water per week, and as much as double that much at

the height of summer, according to the general rule of thumb. (Taylor, 2022)

Plant owners frequently schedule when they water their plants, doing it at the same

time every day or every week. While there is nothing wrong with following a routine for

watering your plants, it is possible that your particular plants won't benefit the most from a

rigid regimen. Since each plant has different requirements for growth, not all of your plants

will require the same amount of water at the same time. In actuality, a plant's water

requirements may vary from week to week. (Baron, 2022)

Ideal Conditions 3:

Less work will be carried out by farmers.

Agriculturalists are acting. Without any outside assistance, they have been responsible

for the development, expansion, and improvement of irrigated agriculture. Smallholder

farmers may encounter difficulties obtaining financing from banking organizations to expand

their operations. Since irrigation equipment vendors don't frequently operate in rural areas,

they frequently lack access to the most effective irrigation technologies. (IZZI, 2021)

The main goal for irrigation is to provide plants with the proper amount of water at

the best time. Adequate soil water will influence the entire growth process from seedbed

preparation, germination, root growth, nutrient utilization, plant growth and regrowth, yield,

and quality. (Bohle, 2023)

Discrepancies 1:

People frequently forget due to their hectic schedule.

According to (Rodriguez, 2021) Anyone who has plants knows the feeling of panic

when seeing their plant looking dehydrated. Maybe they were out of town for a while and

when they got back, they noticed that their houseplant was looking droopy or looks wrinkled

because maybe they can’t remember the last time, they watered their plant but they know it’s

been way too long.

When planning a vacation or weekend getaway, people sometimes forget what to do

before leaving home. Plants, in particular, can be easily overlooked by those with pets or

children to care for. (Huang, 2022)

Discrepancies 2:
Discrepancies 3:

Farmers takes much of their time to water their plants.

The environmental implications of water waste are a major issue in agriculture, even

though many farmers throughout the world rely on groundwater and other piped resources to

properly irrigate their crops. Wasted water can result in overwatered crops, soil degradation,

and wasted expenditure. (Rostand, 2018)

Farmers usually waste their time by watering their plants and their plants need water

to complete their life cycle from seed to harvest, plants need a regular supply of water every

day. Another reason why growing produce uses so much more water than growing cattle is

because irrigation wastes a lot of water. (Balsom, 2022)

Intervention 1:

Establish a watering day or a schedule to water the plants.

Select a day once a week when people can devote some time to watering their plants.

Set a reminder on their phone so that they will not forget about it, and try hardest to follow

through. (Swank, 2022)

According to (Grammer, 2022)inclined to ‘stay hydrated’ but plants can drown if they

are flooded with too much water. Be flexible in taking care of the plants. Don't stick to strict

schedule. Watering on exactly the same day every week, it may do more harm than good. Use

that day to check in on the plants instead, watering only those that need it. Naturally, if it has

rained or if rain is in the forecast, people should adjust their watering days accordingly.

Intervention 2:

Intervention 3:
Using the Automatic watering system will make their work easier.

Automated irrigation system, excluding surveillance, operates the system

automatically. The use of timers, sensors, computers, or mechanical devices can automate

almost any system (drip, sprinkler, surface, etc.). By doing so, workers may focus on other

crucial farming chores while the irrigation process is made more effective. However,

designing and implementing such a system may require the assistance of professionals, be

expensive, and be quite complex. There are many advantages to automating irrigation

systems. Once established, water distribution on fields or small gardens is simpler and does

not require constant operator management. (Stauffer, 2019)

When plants require water, modern watering devices could be used successfully.

However, when and how much to water must be taken into account while using this manual

method. We have developed an autonomous plant watering system to replace manual tasks

and make gardening easier. (Drashti Divani, n.d.)

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