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* y Ey

Abhisheklia, USA



"If you tell the truth, you don't have to

remember anything."

—Mark Twain

'Ce was introduced to jyotisk Ly kis

Kendra-adhipati Dosha is an age old
Kulgum at tke a^e of eigkt. After tke
topic in the jyotish world. Back in
initial trigger early in life, ke kas pursued
the days when I used to active in
tke study of jyotisk witk utmost passion
cyber groups, a debate ensused on this
ever since. He writes witk tke pen name
topic. It has been 7 years since that debate
Akkiskekka and is tke Editor/Puklisk er of
AIAC Times, Ckicago. but the idea and the contradictions circling
this topic still exists today.


The Lord of a Rasi

The lord of a Rasi is the controller

of the Rasi. In a very simplistic
non-technical language, a Rasi can
be imagined as an apartment, the Rasi lord
as a land lord of the apartment, the
apartment owner.
A natural benefic in very layman terms can be equated to person who is well-behaved and
pleasing to the mind.

A natural malefic can be imagined as a person who is tough and well-guarded.

The best thing that can happen to an apartment is this - a strict owner and a kind tenant.
The strict owner will ensure that no trespassers occupy the apartment or enter it. She/he
will ensure that the apartment is taken care of, maintained and not exploited. After all it is
her/his own property.

On the other hand if the owner of the apartment is a soft-spoken, kind, considerate
individual, her/his friends might ask for the apartment's keys and stay there for free. She/he
may also decide to host some sick, ill people with no money due to his inherent kindness.
Such a deed will be great for those tenants but what about the apartment? It might not be
really taken care of. So, a bad combination for the apartment would be - a kind owner and a
sick or ill-tempered tenant.

Thus, a Rasi owned by a benefic tends to behave like an apartment owned by a kind owner.
On the other hand, a Rasi owned by a malefic tends to behave like an apartment owned by a
strict owner.

The Graha in a Rasi

As explained in the earlier section, a Graha in a Rasi is just like a tenant in an apartment.
Everyone would like a good tenant in their apartment. However, the magnitude of
"goodness" of a tenant is based on her/his comfort quotient. For example, if a super kind
tenant is kept in an apartment where the toilet doesn't work; she/he is probably not going to
be kind for a very long time.

The cumulative effect of the behavior of a tenant in an apartment is based on the tenant's
comfort level and meeting of requirements in the apartment she/he rents.

The Square Concept

The Kendras or Squares in the charts are gateways of urges, impulses, emotions that can
influence a person greatly. These are the gateways to the person's intelligence and the mind.

The placement and status of the Kendra Lord is of umpteen importance. It shows the status
of the controller of the impulses of the native.

Dual Lordship of Rasis

ukteshveshu hali yogo nirhalasya prahadhakah\

na randhreshatva doshotra suryachandramaso hharvetah \ \

Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, Yogaharahadhyay, Verse 7

The planet owning the stronger house will stall the effect of the lord of the weaker house.
Sun and moon as the lordship of the 8tl1 house does not produce evil effects.

Every Graha with the exception of the luminaries rules two Rasis. However, based on their
placement in a chart, a Graha is "more" functional controller of one rasi than the other. The
reason behind the "Why" is based on a principle detailed earlier.

Bhava Group Strongest Bhava Medium Bhava Weakest Bhava

Kendra 10 7 4

Trikona 9 5 1

T rishaday adhisha 11 6 3

Parashraya 8 2 12

Let's see an example. In a chart, let's assume for an Aquarius Lagna, Mercury is in Libra.
Mercury is in trines to Gemini [5tl1] and in the 2nd from Virgo. Mercury will thus tend to give
its henefic influence on Gemini more than Virgo.

V erses

What Parasara says

flteir si Rvifn

&41UWI: 11? II

kendradhipatayah saumya na dishanti shuhham phalam |

kroora naevashuhham kuryuhu shuhhadahacha trikonapaha || 2

Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, Yogaharahadhyay, Verse 2

Benefic planets owning the square rasis [Kendra Rasis] will not give auspicious results. On
the other hand, malefic planets owning the square rasis will not be inauspicious.

The lord of the trines will always give auspicious effects, irrespective of benefic or malefic
lordship of the Rasi.
Later in the verses, Parasara clearly states, that Lagna is to be considered a Kona [Trikona,
Trine] and not a Kendra. Lagna Lord is always benefic.

Parasara also goes on to explain the relative strengths of the Square Bhavas/Rasis - io'11
Bhava/Rasi is the strongest, then y'*1 and then 4th. There is a specific reasoning to this too but
for the sake of the size of the article, that explanation is being skipped here.

Let us now visit each of the twelve Rasis and see which of these when the Lagna can have a
lord of a Square [Kendra] as a Natural Benefic Graha.

Lagna 10H 7H 4H Problem


Aries Malefic Benefic Benefic Venus, Moon

T aurus Malefic Malefic Malefic

Gemini Benefic Benefic Benefic Jupiter

Cancer Malefic Malefic Benefic V enus

Leo Benefic Malefic Malefic V enus

Virgo Benefic Benefic Benefic Jupiter

Libra Benefic Malefic Malefic Moon

Scorpio Malefic Benefic Malefic V enus

Sagittarius Benefic Benefic Benefic M ercury

Capricorn Benefic Benefic Malefic Venus, Moon

Aquarius Malefic Malefic Benefic V enus

Pisces Benefic Benefic Benefic M ercury

The "Problem Graha" is a Benefic Lord of a Kendra who is not the Lord of Lagna. While
composing this table, we see that only for Dual signs as Lagna, we have one graha ruling two
Kendras [squares] and thus it is a tendency [incorrect technically speaking] to associate
Kendradhipati Dosha [Lordship of Squares Issue] to only Dual Signs.
IftVjal W nap? 3ai?ti

3cJI^ yi tnqr Wlf5.^Ewil: lie II

lOt^siUVjitiiy iw«i <W4M^i

^Jtlfto^ K: ^nt ft « I

^^f^iuri SMdUytrl^KH^H^ H

gurushukrau shuhhau proktau chandrah madhyama uchyate \

udasinah hudhah khyatah papa ravi arki hhoomijah \ \ 8

Jupiter and Venus are henefics, Moon is middling in henefic effects, Mercury is neutral; malefics are
Sun, Saturn and Mars

purnendu gye jya shukraha cha prahala uttarottaram |

ksheenendu arka arki hhoomiputraha prahalaha cha yathottaram || 9

Full Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are stronger in the ascending order. Weak Moon, Sun,
Saturn and Mars are stronger in the descending order.

kendradhipataydoshayoho shuhhanam kathito hi sah \

chandra gya guru shukranam prahalaha cha uttarottaram || 10

The Kendradipatidosha is spoken of the henefics. Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus is the order of

I find it really interesting that Parasara is so distinct and precise with the above verses
leaving no room for debate on which Grahas are to be considered malefic and which ones are
to be considered henefics.

Case Studies

Now, that we understand this, let us visit a few case studies to see how this would manifest.

Mother Teresa
(Sa) HL SL
AL Mo Ra Ke

10 As
Ve Ju
Teresa, Mother
Ma Gk
August 26, 1910 Su
14:25:00 (1:00 east) Gk
21 E 26,41 N 59 Mo Su
SL Ju Md (Sa) 4 Ma
As Ke Me

As; 1 Sg 40 Su: 9Le49-GK Mo: 26Ar01-AmK Ma: 20Le25-MK

Me; 6\/i36-DK Ju: 21Vi13-BK Ve; 16Cn18-PiK Sa (R): 13Ar56-PK
Ra: 0Ta 35- AK Ke: 0 Sc35 HL: 23Ta29 GL: 29Cn33

The Lord of the ioH is Mercury in Virgo. Mercury is alone with Jupiter which makes
Mercury a class one benefic. Mercury is also exalted and enhances the complete element of
Virgo [Service, Purity] rich in Prithvi Tattwa, like a fertile soil waiting for the seed to be
sown. The seed comes in the form of Jupiter who is the Lagna Lord and the 4L.

The life of Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu changed in a train journey [Mercury in a dual sign] to a
pilgrimage [Jupiter], Her final resolution was taken on 15 August 1928, while praying at the
shrine of the Black Madonna of Letnice, where she often went on pilgrimage. She had a
vision of Christ and the Holy Mother while returning from the shrine.

Mother's famous quote was - "By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, an Indian. By faith,
I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong
entirely to the Heart of Jesus." The way the benefic Mercury did not get auspicious results
was that it did not make Her the owner of a large corporation or perhaps the richest person
on Earth. However, the way that Mercury manifested was to the complete surrender and service
to the God [Jupiter] in a form of sacrifice for the world [Jesus Christ, Mercury in Virgo],
Abraham Lincoln

Ve Ve GL
Ju Ke AL Ju
Ke 12 As 10
Su Me

Abraham Lincoln
Mo February 12, 1809 Md
6:54:00 (5:42 west)
85 W44, 37 N 34 AL Gk
Ra Gk SL Ra
Sa Ma

As; 0 Aq 53 Su: 2Aq16-GK Mo: 5Cp48-PilK Ma: 4 Li18-PK

Me; 19 Aq 07-AK Ju: 0 Pi 54-DK Ve; 16Pi16-AmK Sa; 11Sc57-MK
Ra: 15 Li 45-BK Ke: 15Ar45 HL: 28Cp46 GL: 25Cp02

In the case of Lincoln, the forth Lord is a benefic and thus not auspicious for Lincoln. Venus
is exalted in the chart with another class one benefic Jupiter. Venus also lords the 9H for
which is it extremely auspicious and it fructifies the Vijaya Yoga between Mars and Rahu in
the 9H.

However, protection of the 4H is weak. How Venus caused the lack of protection for
Lincoln is detailed below. "After attending an April n, 1865, speech in which Lincoln
promoted voting rights for blacks, an incensed Booth changed his plans and became
determined to assassinate the president. Learning that the President, First Lady, and head
Union General Ulysses S. Grant would be attending Ford's Theatre, Booth formulated a plan
with co-conspirators to assassinate Vice President Andrew Johnson, Secretary of State William
H. Seward and General Grant. Without his main bodyguard, Ward Hill Lamon, Lincoln left to
attend the play Our American Cousin on April 14. Grant along with his wife chose at the last
minute to travel to Philadelphia instead of attending the play.

Lincoln's bodyguard, John Parker, left Ford's Theater during intermission to join Lincoln's coachman
for drinks in the Star Saloon next door. The now unguarded President sat in his state box in the
balcony. Seizing the opportunity, Booth crept up from behind and at about 10:13 pm, aimed at
the back of Lincoln's head and fired at point-blank range, mortally wounding the President.
Major Henry Rathhone momentarily grappled with Booth, but Booth stabbed him and escaped."
Swami Vivehammda

Ma Ke Me / Sl
So/QL As


Me Januarv 12, 1863 Md
6;33;00 (5;&4 east}
88 E 30, 22 N 40
Ma Md
Su HL Sa Gk AL
As Ra Ju Mo

As; 25 Gg 59 Su; 29Sg26-AK Mo; 17Vi27-AmK Ma; 6Af-20-GK

Me: 11 Cp47-MK Ju; 4Li01-DK Ve; 7Cp07-PK Sa; 13Vi34-BK
Ra; 22 Sc 15-PiK Ke; 22Ta15 HL: 23 Sg 32 GL; l6Sg12

Swamiji's chart is a very interesting study. Mercury is in trines to his ioH and S'11 to the yH.
It is associated with a benefic planet Venus who is the n'11 and the Lord. Mercury being a
benefic will be a weak protector for the ioH and yH.

In the ioH, Saturn and Moon, both malefics influence the ioH of career.

The death of Narendra's father (ioH is the Maraka to the 9H and shows its activation),
completely turned his life. His marriage which was to he consummated was cancelled. He
desperately tried to get a pb to support his mother and family. Even after having excellent grades
in school and an amazing memory, he was completely unsuccessful in securing a job for

At this juncture in his life, Ramakrishna, a servant of the Goddess [Virgo represents service;
Kali is represented by Saturn and Moon, the dark mother] enters his life and turns him to

The Mercury was unable to prevent this conversion from Grihasta to Sannyasa, the
conversion from Narendra Nath Dutta to Swami Vivekananda.
Adolf Hitler

Ma Md Me
Gk Gu HL Ra SL
Ma As

Adolf Hitler
GL April 20, 1889 Ma
18:19:36 (0:52 east) Me Md
13 E 2, 48 N 15
(Ve) Su Gk
Ju Ke SL
Mo As

As; 2 Li 30 Su; SAr30-PK Mo; 14Sg13-PiK Ma; 24Ar05-AmK

Me: 3Ar22-DK Ju; 15Sg56-MK Ve (R); 24Ar23-AK Sa; 21Cn09-BK
Ra; 23Ge4^GK Ke; 23Sg45 HL: 17Ta28 GL; 16Cp43

Moon is a benefic since it bright and the Lord of the ioH. Moon is with a "Class A" benefic
Jupiter. This reduces the protective ability of Moon greatly. "From 1905, Hitler lived a
bohemian life in Vienna, financed by orphan's benefits and support from his mother. He
worked as a casual laborer and eventually as a painter, selling watercolours. The Academy of Fine
Arts Vienna rejected him twice, in 1907 and 1908, because of his "unfitness for painting". The
director recommended that Hitler study architecture, but he lacked the academic credentials.
On 21 December 1907, his mother died aged 47. After the Academy's second rejection, Hitler ran
out of money. In 1909 he lived in a homeless shelter, and by 1910, he had settled into a home for poor
working men on Meldsmannstrafie

The inefficiency of Moon [emotions, Mother] to protect Hitler gave way to the activation of
Saturn [a malefic] in his 10H. "At the time Hitler lived there, Vienna was a hotbed of
religious prejudice and racism. Fears of being overrun by immigrants from the East were
widespread, and the populist mayor, Karl Lueger, exploited the rhetoric of virulent antisemitism for
political effect. Georg Schonerer's pan-Germanic antisemitism had a strong following in the
Mariahilf district, where Hitler lived. Hitler read local newspapers, such as the Deutsches
Volksblatt, that fanned prejudice and played on Christian fears of being swamped by an
influx of eastern Jews. Hostile to what he saw as Catholic "Germanophobia", he developed
an admiration for Martin Luther." This was inception of the Hitler the world knew.

As fellow-student of jyotish, I would like to warn my other fellow-students of jyotish

about literal translation. What may appear "Shubha" to the material world is
"Ashubha" to the spiritual world and vice-versa.

A natal chart is a life story, not a pile of dictums and rules that needs to remembered and
uttered. The better one can read the life story from the chart, the better jyotish he/she is.

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