Proverbs 17 17 Meaning of A Friend Loves at All Times

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Proverbs 17:17 Meaning of A Friend Loves at All Times

�A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.�

This proverb describes in its purest sense a Christ-centered relationship based

primarily on the love for God and neighbor (Matthew 22:36-40). A natural friendship
does not love at all times. This kind of friendship is based on some common
interest or belief. Perhaps two people share the same passion. But as soon as one
goes another direction, the friendship falls apart. Or maybe two people are in the
same low position, but one begins to rise out of it or becomes a more moral person,
and the other determines to drag them back or end the friendship.

A relationship bound by the same Holy Spirit and the love of God will stand any
test and any adversity. God does not call us to do life alone. Unless one finds
himself in some desert by him or herself, he or she is called to relationship and
community in Christ. If one is the only Christian, then evangelism is the order of
the day (as it should be anyway). Christ must be between us and all other people.
In this way, one can experience genuine love and true Christian fellowship.

Breaking Down the Key Parts of Proverbs 17:17

�A friend loves at all times,�
A true Christian friend will love his or her friend in any and every kind of
situation. Love means caring, helping, listening, covering an offense, being
patient, never envying or boasting (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). This kind of love and
friendship can only be supernatural. It also means speaking the truth in love when
it is necessary (Ephesians 4:15). Christians should seek to love God more than
their friends (2 Corinthians 8:5) so that they can be a true friend and love �at
all times.�

�and a brother is born for a time of adversity.�
Whether this is speaking of one�s blood brother or a brother in the Church, this
refers to the one who is going to be there when things get hard. Jesus indicated
that our blood relatives might turn against us because we believe in his name, so
it�s preferable to see this as referring to brothers in the faith. This is proper
because we have been adopted into a family by our Father in Heaven (EphESIANS 1:5).
In one certain sense, even Jesus is our great older brother who is one with the
Father (Hebrews 2:11). Christ was clearly �born for a time of adversity,� in that
he was born to die for us at Golgotha. At the Father�s right hand he has poured out
his Spirit to walk with us through all adversity, even carrying us on his
shoulders. We should remember to be that sort of brother to others. This applies to
sisters as well, and for the same reason, in Christ, they are adopted into the
family of the Father by the blood of Christ. In him, they have the inheritance of
the firstborn Son.

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