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Lived Experiences of Nurses in the COVID-19 Surge Situation: An Input of Mental Health

Awareness Program
Mara Marielle Alejandre , Charmae Aica Barroquillo 1,2,3, Jeffry Dela Cruz1,2,3 Jesus Louise

Gabriel Rosales 1,2,3, Rain Franchesca Rubi 1,2,3, David Ryan Salarda 1,2,3, Rohaida Samo 1,2,3, Dr.
Joel John A. Dela Merced 1,2,3,4

College of Nursing
Research Development and Innovation Center
Our Lady of Fatima University

Dr. Joel John Dela Merced

Research Adviser

December 2021


This thesis entitled: “Lived Experiences of Nurses in the COVID-19 Surge Situation: An Input of
Mental Health Awareness Program” prepared by Mara Marielle R. Alejandre et al. of BSN 3YA-
8S, in partial Fulfillment of the requirements for degree Bachelor of Science in nursing has been
examined and now recommended for oral examination.

This is to that Mara Marielle R. Alejandre et al. are ready for the oral examination.

Dr. Joel John Dela Merced

Research Adviser

This is to certify that the thesis: “Lived Experiences of Nurses in the COVID-19 Surge Situation:
An Input of Mental Health Awareness Program” was prepared and submitted by Mara Marielle
R. Alejandre et al. of BSN 3YA-8S, is recommended for an oral examination.

Michael Aggari, PhD, MSN, RN


Cecile Guevarra, MAN, RN Daisy Yadan, MAN, RN

Member Member

Maria Luisa T. Uayan, DHSc, MSN, RN

Dean, College of Nursing

Certificate of Originality

We hereby declare that this thesis is our own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and
belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material to
which to a substantial extent has been accepted for award of any other degree or diploma of a
university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement is made in the

We also declare that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of our work, even though
we may have received assistance from others on style, presentation, and language expression.

Mara Marielle R. Alejandre

Principal Investigator

Charmae Aica Barroquillo
Jeffry Dela Cruz
Jesus Louise Gabriel Rosales
Rain Franchesca Rubi
David Ryan Salarda
Rohaida Samo

Dr. Joel John Dela Merced,

Research Adviser

Date Signed:

Table of Contents
A. Preliminaries
Lived Experiences of Nurses in the COVID-19 Surge Situation: An Input of Mental Health
Awareness Program.........................................................................................................................i
Certificate of Originality...............................................................................................................iii
Table of Contents..........................................................................................................................iv
1.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................................1
2.0 Literature Review.....................................................................................................................2
2.1 Theoretical Framework........................................................................................................2
2.2 Variable Discussion..............................................................................................................3
2.2.1 Lived Experiences of Nurses.........................................................................................3
2.2.2 COVID-19 Surge...........................................................................................................4
2.2.3 Mental Health and Wellbeing........................................................................................4
2.2.4 Coping Mechanisms.......................................................................................................5
2.3 Statement of the Problem.....................................................................................................5
2.4 Assumptions.........................................................................................................................7
2.5 Conceptual Framework........................................................................................................7
3.0 Research Methodology.............................................................................................................8
3.1 Research Design...................................................................................................................8
3.2 Research Locale...................................................................................................................8
3.3 Population Sampling............................................................................................................9
3.4 Research Ethics....................................................................................................................9
3.5 Research Instruments..........................................................................................................10
3.6 Data Collection...................................................................................................................11
3.7 Data Analysis.....................................................................................................................12
4.0 Results....................................................................................................................................12
4.1 Thematic Representations...................................................................................................12
4.2 Theme 1: Mental Health: Shades of Blues..........................................................................13
4.2.1 Sub-Theme 1.1 Exhaustion: Shattered Vigor...............................................................14
4.2.2 Sub-Theme 1.2: Stress: An Inactive Volcano..............................................................15
4.2.3 Sub-Theme 1.3: Anxiety: A Hidden Enemy................................................................17
4.2.4 Sub-Theme 1.4: Depression: Silent Plague..................................................................18
4.3 Theme 2: Social Well-Being: Refrained Melodies.............................................................19
4.3.1 Sub-Theme 2.1: Concern of Transmission of Covid-19: Dreading Unpleasant Growth

4.3.2 Sub-Theme 2.2: Less Interaction: Impaired Connection..............................................21
4.3.3 Sub-Theme 2.3: Isolation: Mandatory Prison...............................................................23
4.4 Theme 3. Coping Mechanism: Distraction from Real World.............................................24
4.4.1 Sub-Theme 3.1: Resilience: Coping & Control............................................................24
4.4.2 Sub-Theme 3.2: Personal Growth: Determination & Termination...............................26
4.4.3 Sub-Theme 4.4.2: Social Support: Storge & Philia......................................................27
4.4.4 Sub-Theme 3.4: Faith: Uplifting spirit.........................................................................29
4.4.4 Sub-Theme: 3.5: Hobbies: Recreational & Diversion..................................................30
4.5 Theme 4: Perspective: Wearing the shoes of others............................................................31
4.5.2 Sub Theme 4.2: Opportunities: New light in the darkness...........................................33
4.6 Symbolic Representation....................................................................................................35
4.7 Mental Health Awareness Program for Nurses...................................................................36
5.0 Discussion...............................................................................................................................44
5.1 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................46
5.2 Recommendation................................................................................................................46

List of Figures
Figure 1: Lazarus’ Cognitive-mediational Theory..........................................................................2
Figure 2: Conceptual Framework: In-depth comprehension of lived experiences of nurses...........7
Figure 3: Shades of Blue...............................................................................................................14
Figure 4: Shattered Vigor.............................................................................................................15
Figure 5: An Inactive Volcano......................................................................................................16
Figure 6: Hidden Enemy...............................................................................................................18
Figure 7: Silent Plague..................................................................................................................19
Figure 8: Refrained Melodies.......................................................................................................19
Figure 9: Dreading Unpleasant Growth........................................................................................21
Figure 10: Impaired Connection...................................................................................................22
Figure 11: Mandatory Prison........................................................................................................24
Figure 12: Distraction from Real World.......................................................................................24
Figure 13: Coping & Control........................................................................................................26
Figure 14: Personal Growth: Determination & Termination.........................................................27
Figure 15: Storge & Philia............................................................................................................29
Figure 16: Uplifting spirit............................................................................................................30
Figure 17: Recreational & Diversion............................................................................................31
Figure 18: Wearing the shoes of others.........................................................................................32
Figure 19: A Steep Mountain........................................................................................................33
Figure 20: New Light in the Darkness..........................................................................................35
Figure 21: Symbolic Representation.............................................................................................35

List of Tables
Table 1: Exhaustion: Shattered Vigor...........................................................................................14
Table 2: Stress: An Inactive Volcano...........................................................................................16
Table 3: Anxiety: A Hidden Enemy.............................................................................................17
Table 4: Depression: Silent Plague...............................................................................................18
Table 5: Concern of Transmission Of Covid-19: Dreading Unpleasant Growth...........................20
Table 6: Less Interaction: Impaired Connection...........................................................................22
Table 7: Isolation: Mandatory Prison............................................................................................23
Table 8: Resilience: Coping & Control.........................................................................................25
Table 9: Personal Growth: Determination & Termination............................................................26
Table 10: Social Support: Storge & Philia....................................................................................28
Table 11: Faith: Uplifting spirit....................................................................................................29
Table 12: Hobbies: Recreational & Diversion..............................................................................30
Table 13: Challenge: A Steep Mountain.......................................................................................33
Table 14: Opportunities: New light in the darkness......................................................................34
Table 15: Mental Health Awareness Program Flow.....................................................................44

List of Appendices

Appendix A: Letter to the Dean....................................................................................................61

Appendix B: Letter to the Participants..........................................................................................62
Appendix C: Informed Consent....................................................................................................63
Appendix D: Letter to the Validators............................................................................................68
Appendix E: Interview Guide Questions......................................................................................69
Appendix F: Certificate of Validation (Clinical Nurse)................................................................72
Appendix G: Certificate of Validation (Psychologist)..................................................................73
Appendix H: Certificate of Validation (Psychometrician)............................................................74
Appendix I: Validation Rubric......................................................................................................75
Appendix J: Curriculum Vitae of Validators................................................................................79
Appendix K: Letter to the Counselor............................................................................................89
Appendix L: Letter to the Grammarian.........................................................................................90
Appendix M: Certificate of Proof Reading...................................................................................91
Appendix N: Recruitment Material (Letter)..................................................................................92
Appendix O: Recruitment Material (Poster).................................................................................93
Appendix P: Interview Transcription............................................................................................94
Appendix Q: Certificate of Validity of Transcription.................................................................120
Appendix R: Ethics Certificate...................................................................................................129
Appendix S: Curriculum Vitae of Researchers...........................................................................131


COVID-19 is defined in the introduction as a highly contagious disease caused by the

novel coronavirus that first emerged in Wuhan City. The virus to this day is still affecting the
lives of millions all over the world. We cannot deny that the Nurses have a huge role in fighting
the COVID-19 virus, day by day they are faced with multiple challenges brought by this
pandemic, including mental and social well-being issues. The aim of this study was to find out
what the lived experiences of the nurses were in the COVID-19 Surge, if they took these
experiences as a challenge or an opportunity, how these affected them in not only their mental,
but with their social well-being, and what they did to overcome and cope with these obstacles.
Moreover, the researchers aim to conceptualize a Mental Health Awareness Program for Nurses
with the results of this study. Qualitative Descriptive Phenomenological Approach was used for
the investigation of this study. The researchers utilized convenience sampling to determine the
participants. Through extensive research on what the lived experiences of the nurses were, the
researchers found that the participants saw these events as both a challenge and an opportunity,
they also expressed how they experienced a number of mental health and social well-being issues
which include the feeling of being depressed, anxious, stressed, and exhausted, furthermore they
feared the possibility of contracting and spreading the virus. Resilience, personal growth, social
support, faith, and hobbies were what the participants mentioned to be their coping mechanisms
during the surge.

keywords: Lived experiences of Nurses, COVID-19 Surge, Mental Health, Social Well-being.
Coping Mechanisms, Lazarus’ Cognitive-mediational Theory, Descriptive Phenomenological

1.0 Introduction
Severe acute respiratory syndrome, coronavirus disease or COVID-19 is a highly
contagious disease caused by the novel coronavirus that first emerged in Wuhan City, China in
December 2019 that has spread rapidly over the world via direct and droplet transmission. As of
October 26, 2021, there have been 243,572,402 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 4,948,434 deaths
reported globally. (World Health Organization, 2021). In the Philippines, the first COVID-19
case was in January 2020 that was admitted to the San Lazaro Hospital (Edrada et al., 2020).
Based on the recent report of the Department of Health (DOH), there are 2,765,672 people that
have been infected with the said disease. The COVID-19 virus still continues to run its course
and has been spreading at a steady burn.
Nurses' roles and responsibilities are very important in fighting the COVID-19, yet their
experience in facing the disease makes them susceptible to acquiring the contagious disease.
(Gunawan, 2021). According to PhilStar (2021), nurses particularly in tertiary care hospitals, defy
the reality and danger brought by the unparalleled risk and challenges of the pandemic. Many
nurses provide care within the ordering scope of physicians, and this traditional role has shaped
the public image of nurses as care providers in the modern-day challenge against COVID-19.
Their dedication in caring for others and unwavering passion to help has reached their limit. The
dramatic increase of COVID-19 patients resulted in an increased workload of nurses in the
patient that they needed to care for. (Hoogendoorn et al., 2021). Subsequently, nurses experience
numerous problems that jeopardize their physical, emotional, and psychological well-being that
have contributed detrimental effects on their experience.
According to Biana and Joaquin (2020), the Philippine administration has disregarded the
call for help of the medical frontliners. Some officials stated that a lockdown is no longer
necessary since Metro Manila will be a living experiment and that medical personnel should
simply do better on their jobs. The administration's insensitivity neglects the compassion and
dignity of the frontliners who are under strain and are only seeking alleviation from the
unexpected surge of COVID-19 cases. Filipino nurses are having anxiety related to the COVID-
19 that affects their well-being and work performance (Labrague and De los Santos, 2020) but
despite these challenges, they were willing to work and care for the patients in the current
situation. (Jackson et al., 2020).
This research aims to address exactly the lived experiences of nurses working at tertiary
hospitals in Quezon City when it comes to the COVID-19 Surge. This will bring to light how
their experience has affected their mental health and wellbeing, as well as the coping mechanisms
that they used to help them get past these obstacles. Furthermore, it will give awareness to how

important it is for our nurses working in the frontline to take care of their mental health during
these trying times.
It is imperative to determine the lived experiences of the nurses in our society who are
facing the pandemic in order to alleviate its consequences. Therefore, this study aims to establish
relevant resources pertaining to the mental health wellbeing and coping mechanisms of frontline
providers. This will also contribute to the further development of new knowledge for the next
generation and be beneficial particularly to the following recipients:

Nursing Service
This study will help improve the service given by the nurses. This will give solutions to
the situation the nurses are currently facing, which has impacted the way that they are able to
provide care to their clients, by removing those hindrances and obstacles resulting in them to be
able to give the proper service that they are intended to provide.

This study will majorly benefit the nurses as they are the focus of said study. It will bring
out ways and methods that they can use to help them in coping with their situation.

Clinical Instructors
This study will also help Clinical Instructors as they are also in the frontline, much like
our nurses. If they are experiencing similar situations, they can use the findings of this study to
help them as well in coping with the circumstances.

Guidance and Career Office

This study will expound their understanding and awareness of how to properly deal with
individuals who are dealing with this situation. Given their added knowledge on this topic, they
will then be able to provide assistance and proper counseling to those who have gone through the
same or similar circumstances.

This study will help bring awareness to the community about the situation. This
awareness will then give them ideas on what they can do to help those who are struggling with
similar cases.

Future Researchers
This study will give them a basis and provide them with furthermore ideas of the given situation.
This will then give them the leverage they need to add onto what the current researchers have
already conceptualized and conduct a similar study.

Researchers of this Study

This will give them beneficial insights and information on the given topic.

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Theoretical Framework

Lazarus’ Cognitive-mediational Theory


Figure 1: Lazarus’ Cognitive-mediational Theory

Through the Cognitive-mediational Theory of Emotion, Richard Lazarus explains how
experience, cognition, and emotion are related to one another. His idea is centered on the role of
appraisal, which is the human mind's tendency to make an automatic judgment on every given
event. These analyses are frequently performed subconsciously, assisting each individual in
understanding what a certain circumstance means to them (health research funding, 2021).

Specifically, appraisal theory aims to explain why various individuals perceive and react to the
same situations differently.
The figure shows that when a person encounters a stressor, which is in this research
study; the COVID-19 surge. Nurses will experience two major types of appraisal methods,
namely the primary and the secondary.
The primary appraisal is when an individual encounters a stimulus and decides to analyze
it. Like the nurses, who have been experiencing the surge of this pandemic. They will form a
judgment on what degree of potential harm or threat that the COVID- 19 might cause on their
well-being. They might perceive it as a challenge, which they should overcome and outgrow
themselves to be better. Or they could see it as a threat, which may lead to harm and negative
consequences. Thus, the perception of a threat then triggers the secondary appraisal.
The secondary appraisal evaluates the individual's ability to deal with the consequences
of the situation, within the context of emotion and stress. Whereas the nurses may lookout for
possible coping mechanisms as they face the surge of the pandemic, as well as perceptions of
how effective such options will be. This research aims to help and develop a mental health
awareness program, in order to focus on effective options that will decrease the threat that they
have been experiencing.

2.2 Variable Discussion 

These were the studies and literature gathered which were of great significance to the
study, by the researchers.

2.2.1 Lived Experiences of Nurses 

At the heart of the COVID-19 surge, healthcare workers such as nurses face several
challenges as they fight on the frontlines to safeguard the lives of everyone affected. There is an
excessive number of covid cases, and our health care systems are being tested. (Djalante et al.,
Nurses represent the majority of healthcare workers on the front line of the COVID-19
pandemic's control efforts. A better understanding of their nursing experiences, when facing a
resurgence of COVID-19 or new pandemics, the challenges they faced, and the strategies they
used to address them may inform efforts to better prepare and support nurses and public health
measures. (Chun Chau et al., 2021)
Frontline nurses' health and safety are critical for providing safe and high-quality nursing
care to patients as well as for overcoming the COVID-19 crisis and future pandemics. Various

studies have shown that nursing is a stressful profession that has a negative impact on physical,
mental, and social well-being, particularly during outbreaks. (Lee et al., 2018)

2.2.2 COVID-19 Surge

A COVID-19 surge is a rapid large increase of confirmed cases. The virus is continually
changing and spreading through asymptomatic carriers, indicating a serious global public health
risk. (Sharma et al., 2021). Another concern that the global is dealing with is the second wave of
COVID-19, which can result in the development of new virus types over time. (CDC, 2021)
COVID-19 has an impact on the lives and health of over millions of individuals all over
the world. This entraps many nations' healthcare systems, which, in turn, impacts healthcare
personnel like nurses who are battling on the frontlines to save the lives of those who are
afflicted. The immediate shortage of nurses, beds, and medical supplies, including personal
protective equipment, are among the major challenges confronting nurses in this circumstance, as
do psychological changes and worries of infection. (Thobaity et al., 2020)
Hospitals in the National Capital Region (NCR) are still experiencing a heavy influx of
patients presenting with severe to critical symptoms of COVID-19. The NCR has been the
epicenter of COVID-19, contributing to almost half the cases in the Philippines (Agrupis et al.,
2021). The COVID-19 surge had a significant influence on intensive care nurses' mental health,
raising the risk of burnout and jeopardizing service continuity. To ensure care in the next months
of the COVID-19 pandemic, efforts should be undertaken to improve working conditions and
reduce workload. (Heesakkers et al., 2020).

2.2.3 Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health and well-being are something that should be prioritized by all as this has a
great impact on our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. This is why prioritizing the protection of
the mental health and wellbeing of our nurses is a must, for they are the ones at the frontline and
are the core for fighting against COVID. Because of this current crisis, they are more exposed to
intense emotional stress, which then causes a negative impact on mental health and can even
contribute to the development of depression and anxiety. (Pappa et al., 2020)
It has been shown and proven in studies that the pandemic has been linked to various
psychological disorders especially in healthcare workers involved in the direct care of COVID-19
patients, with many studies showing increased levels of depression, anxiety, stress, and burnout
most notably among frontline nurses. (Zhi-hao et al., 2020)

Knowing the psychological distress that comes with the pandemic and how this has
affected the nurses, these problems can lead to our frontline nurses leaving and resigning from
their jobs as everything is just taking too much of a toll on them. Quitting has been on the minds
of many nurses, and some have said they are planning to quit either their jobs or the profession
altogether. (NCMB News, 2020). These are just some of the many consequences that COVID-19
has brought onto the mental health and wellbeing problems where they felt like they had no other
choice than to leave their jobs.

2.2.4 Coping Mechanisms

The pandemic has created a huge impact on our frontline nurses, especially in terms of
their mental health. In saying this, they have different ways of coping with the given situation.
Coping mechanisms are the strategies that people often use in the face of stress and/or trauma to
help manage painful or difficult emotions and situations. Coping mechanisms can help in
adjusting to those stressful events (Good Therapy, 2018).
Coping strategies can be categorized into two, problem-focused; responses aimed at
“managing or altering the problem causing the distress”, and emotion-focused coping; “regulating
emotional responses to the problem” (Stanisławski, 2019). Keeping those categories in mind,
finding out what our participants do to cope that are within those categories, and which strategies
are helpful to them, will be the biggest stepping stones to be able to come up with the most
effective coping strategies in regards to the mental health struggles that come with the COVID-19
It is crucial that we prioritize the mental health of our more frontliner nurses as they are
the ones who handle and take care of the health and wellbeing of the patients. Their well-being
should also be taken care of, especially in trying times such as this. This is why the researchers
have made it a point to bring awareness to this topic as it will help with the overall mental
wellbeing of our nurses and help them wit5h this serious problem.

2.3 Statement of the Problem

The study aims to probe the lived experiences of nurses in terms of mental health and
well-being and coping strategies:
Specifically, it seeks to attain the answers to the following questions:
1. What are the lived experiences of nurses in the COVID-19 surge in terms of;
a.     Their mental health challenges?
b.     Their social well-being and work environment?

c. Their coping mechanisms strategies?
According to the study conducted by (Mathew et al., 2020), mental health problems that
trigger among frontline health workers in private care homes and domiciliary care agencies are
fear of infection and infecting others, lack of recognition or disparity between National Health
Service (NHS) and social care, lack of guidance, unsafe hospital discharge, death and loss of
professionals and residents, testing methods that are unreliable accompanied with delayed release
of results, and staff shortages. It is crucial that we support our frontline workers who are assigned
in the private care homes and domiciliary care agencies.
Due to the influx of COVID-19 cases, nurses' responsibilities and the environment
change. They were deployed and assigned to their not designated task. Therefore, they adapt to
the new changes. (Ralph Villar et. al, 2021). The nurse's tremendous awareness of COVID-19
was linked to a positive work environment perception. (Ashwaq Alosaimi et al. 2021). To allow
nurses to perform their jobs efficiently, the work environment should be of the highest quality
(Winfred Wambui & Simon Githui, 2019). Frontliners were using different coping mechanisms,
including formal and informal social assistance from therapists, colleagues, family and friends, to
cope with undoubtedly difficulties and sometimes devastating circumstances. (E. L. Kinsella,
2. What insight can be derived from the lived experiences of nurses in the COVID-19
Patients were cared for by health-care providers who volunteered and did their best to
provide the care that was needed for them. Lived experiences of the health-care providers are
challenged by facing a totally new environment, exhaustion due to heavy workloads and lack of
PPE’s, the fear of becoming infected and infecting others, feeling powerless handling a patient's
condition, and to this stressful situation, managing relationships is also a challenge for them.
However, the insights that can be taken on their participation as a frontliner is that amidst
the pandemic, they remain resilient. Health-care providers are trying to identify many sources of
social support and use self-management strategies to cope with stressful situations. They were
also able to achieve enlightenment as a result of a new experience. Health-care providers tried to
provide the best care possible on treating patients with COVID-19 in a difficult situation. (Qian
Liu et al., 2020).
3. What are the thematic representations that can be derived from the lived experiences of
4. What symbolic representation can be extracted from the thematic representation?

5. Based on the findings, what mental health awareness program for nurses can be

2.4 Assumptions
1. Nurses can handle mental health challenges based on their lived experiences during the
COVID-19 surge.
2. Nurses can adapt their social well-being and work environment during the COVID-19
3. Nurses can come up with different coping mechanisms strategies during the COVID-19

2.5 Conceptual Framework

Figure 2: Conceptual Framework: In-depth comprehension of lived experiences of nurses

The conceptual framework is based on the study of Dela Merced (2018). The figure
shows the personal experiences of nurses in the COVID-19 surge, which provides a
comprehensive grasp of how COVID-19 influences nurses' mental health. Recorded online
interviews and written manuscripts were used to determine the significance of those personal
experiences, which were then validated and affirmed by the nurses themselves. By understanding
the intensity of how nurses explained their personal experiences on the COVID-19 surge,
clustering the categorized meanings resulted in forming themes, creating a symbolic presentation
of the study, and then led to development of a mental health awareness program for nurses.

3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Research Design

The researchers of this study applied the descriptive phenomenological research quality
approach. A qualitative research method involves analyzing and gathering non-numerical data to
interpret opinions, views, concepts, or experiences. It can be used to meticulously collect insights
about a problem or create new ideas for research.
The Qualitative Descriptive Phenomenological Approach is applicable to elaborate on
and identify the exact experiences of the participants about COVID-19 through investigation and
explaining further their responses. According to (Creswell, 2018) a qualitative study is defined to
culminate the essence of the experiences of several individuals who have all experienced the
phenomenon. The researchers described the lived experience of individuals about a phenomenon
narrated by the participants. In principle, this approach is more so on conducting in-depth

interviews to get the desirable answers of the participants pertaining to their COVID-19
The researchers expressed a tremendous amount of interest in the lived experience of
nurses during the COVID-19 surge. Ultimately, this is to accurately focus on a person’s lived
experience in connection to what is being studied.

3.2 Research Locale

The research was conducted in Quezon City. There are level 3 tertiary hospitals that have
been designated to provide health services, along with teaching, training, and research functions.
In Quezon City, there were 142 barangays reported to have a number of approximately 178,000
combined COVID-19 cases. Furthermore, Quezon city is the most populous city and has a land
area of 171.17 square kilometers, and has four congressional districts. Specifically, the
researchers selected Quezon City due to its wide range of tertiary hospitals with over 50 different
levels of hospitals strategically located across the 142 barangays of the city proper.

3.3 Population Sampling

The key informants chosen for this research paper consist of nurses working in COVID
tertiary hospital facilities in Quezon City during the COVID-19 surge. There is a total of 11
participants who are from different nursing units are expected to participate in the study. The
researchers utilized convenience sampling where the sample was taken from a group of persons
who are easy to contact. There is no particular pattern in the way these participants were gathered.
This is to clearly understand the meaning of a phenomenon from the perspectives of those who
experienced it firsthand
The researchers used a different criterion in choosing participants who would be relevant
to the research topic: [1] Either Male or Female; [2] 25 to 45 years old; [3] Registered Nurse
assigned in the COVID facilities, with at least 6 months experience; [4] Working in a tertiary
hospital in Quezon City; [5] Capable of giving personal consent; [6] Participants capable of
reading and writing; [7] Willingness to participate to the study.
As the exclusion criteria: [1] Those nurses working in a primary and secondary level
hospital; [2] Serious to critical condition; [3] Underboard nurses; [4] 24 years old and below and
46 years old and above; [5] Below 6 months professional experience [6] Persons with Disability
(PWD), and [7] Pregnant

3.4 Research Ethics
The researchers strictly adhered to the interest of ethical issues that may arise when
people are involved as “participants” in research. Objectively, this is used to protect human
participants from any unethical practices, deceptions, risks, frauds, and falsification. Finally, the
specific researchers were fair and ethical to their participants and protected their privacy for any
confidentiality through the process of informed consent (Mozahidul. BD, 2017).
There was no vulnerable population involved in this study and the participants were not
exposed to any risks such as harm or injury, their privacy and confidentiality was protected at all
times. On the other hand, beneficence played a role because this will benefit them by knowing the
effective coping strategies they may use in order to decrease the threat that they have been
experiencing due to the coronavirus surge. With the frontliners applying and practicing these
mechanisms they could provide a better service for the patients and in the community.
To ensure the privacy of information, strict confidentiality was followed, as well as the
permission to view, distribute, and utilization of the collected data. The 10173 or the Data
Privacy Act of 2012, was implemented to preserve the basic human right to privacy in
communication while also enabling the free flow of information to encourage innovation and
progress. Thus, data confidentiality is significant to establish trust and rapport with the
participants, as well as to uphold ethical standards and the integrity of the research process.
Researchers will not reveal any of the information of participants provided in the online interview
and the identity of the participants is protected by making the demographic profile not included in
the study. To protect the participants, the researchers numerically coded them and identified them
as Participant #1, Participant #2, and so forth.
The researchers ensure that all data and information gathered was stored securely in a
password-protected file and will not be shared with anyone who is not a member of the study
team. The gathered data is classified as confidential and will be immediately deleted and
destroyed after the study. Furthermore, people who have declined to participate in the study were
not treated unfairly since autonomy was always observed, it is a person's ability to make his or
her own decisions regarding what to do and what to consent to and researchers respected that
right. The researchers provided provisions for the counseling of participants during and after the
interview. The interview guide questionnaires were not embarrassing or invasive in nature.
Lastly, participants were also free to back out or to leave the research at any time, without
penalty. They also did not receive incentives and were free of undue inducements.

3.5 Research Instruments
The open-ended interview that was utilized is researcher-made. The questions asked
during this were crafted by the researchers who spent a considerable amount of time designing
them to generate answers from the participants on their perspectives and experiences with the
COVID-19 surge. The questionnaire was validated by a licensed psychologist, psychometrician
and clinical nurse specialist, wherein the researchers gave the validators a letter of consent before
they conducted their validation on said questionnaire. The manuscript was also checked by the
The questions in this research were more focused on the lived experience of the nurses,
so the content of the questions will all pertain to those experiences with COVID-19. First, the
researchers asked Phase 1: Building Rapport which consisted of 4 questions to establish a
connection and trust between the researchers and participants followed by the guide questionnaire
with 6 questions in 3 different sections; “Mental Health”, “Social Well-Being”, and “Coping
Mechanism” with sub-questions. Asking these questions and allowing the participants to answer
freely and say everything that comes to mind ensured that the researchers got the best possible
responses for the asked questions. Informed consent was also given to the participants for them to
read and agree to before participating in the interview.

3.6 Data Collection

The researchers informed the Dean of the College of Nursing to conduct a research study
entitled "Lived Experiences of Nurses in the COVID-19 Surge Situation: An Input of Mental
Health Awareness Program". Researchers forwarded the research manuscript and necessary
documents as part of requirements with Research Development and Innovation Center (RDIC)
until approval was obtained. Following the approval, the researchers looked and recruited
participants who were easy to contact by posting on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram. These being 11 nurses at the tertiary hospitals in Quezon City. After the invitation,
the researchers provided a given consent form, inquired about their available time and date for the
interview, and explained every possible question that the target population encountered. The
researchers ensured that the privacy of the participants was observed at all times. A link was
provided via an online meeting platform like Google Meet or Zoom, which consisted of an
interviewer and an interviewee in every meeting, that lasted for 45-60 minutes. There was also a
standby counselor for the participants during and after the interview.
Prior to commencement of the interview, participants were prompted that personal
information such as name, address, and other deemed personal was not to be used during the

interview instead each participant was labeled as “Participant #” respectively. Then, researchers
began by introducing themselves and discussed the background and importance of the study.
Each participant was also informed that the interview was to be recorded and transcribed for
analysis and all personal information gathered by the researchers was to be kept confidential.
Then, the researchers proceeded to the semi-structured interview, in which the participants were
asked 6 primary questions with follow-up questions, significant in collecting information about
the research study. Necessarily, researchers requested follow-up questions to investigate for
further information if needed to validate.
The collected data from the interview supplemented by the participants was compiled in a
secured folder with password encryption and was available for both online (google drive,
dropbox, one drive, mega, or other online storage platform) and offline via hard drive or flash
drive access. Only the principal investigator had the full access to facilitate the files. Furthermore,
after securing and transcribing the data, it was returned to the participants so that they were able
to check and validate the responses or the data to ensure the truthfulness and fidelity of the

3.7 Data Analysis

In this study, the researchers utilized the Hermeneutic Phenomenology, where it focused
on the interpretation of participant lived experiences. It led to a grasp of the meaning of a
hermeneutic circle, in which the researchers' and participants' understanding scopes were fused to
create a greater understanding of the phenomenon under study. (Patrick, 2020). The following are
the six steps or phases of this explicit process: [1] Turning to the nature of lived experience; [2]
Investigating experience as we live it; [3] Reflecting on the major themes that characterize the
phenomenon; [4] Describing the said phenomenon in the form of writing and rewriting; [5]
Retaining a strong and orientated connection to the phenomenon.

4.0 Results

4.1 Thematic Representations

The researchers are interested in the lived experiences of nurses working at tertiary
hospitals in Quezon City during the COVID-19 Surge Situation. They found that the
phenomenology method would be the best approach to describe and present the experiences of
the participants that the researchers had obtained from this study. In this section, the researchers
identified four themes that emerged from the interview process.

What are the thematic representations that can be derived from the lived
experiences of Nurses in the COVID-19 Surge Situation?
The first theme described nurses' mental and physical burdens during the COVID-19
surge. Many nurses expressed that they are stressed, burn out, toxic, feel down, and exhausted.
Most of the participant's mentally and physically stressed during this time. However, they need to
serve their patient as their responsibility. The following four sub-themes discuss anxiety,
depression, stress, and exhaustion of the nurses.
The second theme explains how the nurses manage their social well-being and what
impact this has on their profession. Apparently, it shows if there’s both positive and negative side
factors in their work environment and social daily activities. Social well-being can be crucial as
they share, build, and maintain meaningful relationships with people. Most of the nurses limit
themselves to other people as they protect each one of us against the virus COVID-19. The third
theme enlightens the manner on how nurses describe their own coping mechanisms to be able to
survive the surge of COVID-19 pandemic. Working in a congested setting with COVID-19
patients is difficult and exhausting. On the other hand, many nurses have developed their own
coping mechanisms in order to continue caring for patients and saving lives on a daily basis. The
following five sub-themes will present us with a more thorough analysis on how the nurses
overcome hurdles using their own way of coping.
The fourth theme described the crucial reasons about the facts and thoughts of lived
experiences of nurses. The “shades” signify the different lived experiences of nurses from
COVID-19. Nurses were also experiencing facades; it may vary from bad to good emotions that
elicit moods depending on their daily responsibilities. The following two sub-themes gave a
better understanding on the reasons why there are opportunities and challenges based on lived

What are the lived experiences of nurses in the COVID-19 surge in terms of;
a. Their mental health challenges?
b. Their social well-being and work environment?
c. Their coping mechanisms strategies?

4.2 Theme 1: Mental Health: Shades of Blues

The first theme defined the understanding of how nurses manage mental health, their
usual experience, and the manner of eliciting mental perception over situations. Mental health is

the coordination of psychological, emotional, and social well-being. It affects decisions, acts,
feelings, and cognition.
Mental health is a primary factor in becoming and staying coherent in adjusting to
different situations and applying suitable actions to a specific situation. Objectively, realizing his
or her own potential in certain predicaments. According to Dr. J. Salinas, 2021 “It’s a fight or
flight response. We are not good at being focused when there’s danger.” This entails that the
human mind may not be at its best.
An influence is a stimulus that indicates how we act and react to “Blues” - this could be
within our control or beyond but we instinctively strive to clear the shades without assurance of
what is the outcome. The following sub-themes unveil a better understanding of the explanation
of their lived experiences.
Figure 3: Shades of Blues
The image resonates with ambiguity. Blue can
represent various meanings; Personality of enthusiasm,
compassion, and sincerity, while can also be an emotion
of serenity and tranquility. But, the one true color is
freedom. This expresses that nurse can be free from the
Blues of sadness or depression. These shades of darkness
shall be gone from sun rays of light through a window of

4.2.1 Sub-Theme 1.1 Exhaustion: Shattered Vigor

Sub-theme Participant comments
Exhaustion: Shattered “Burnout… mas lalong nawalan ng gana pumasok ganon,
Vigor regarding lang sa pagpasok sa duty ganon lang naman." (P1)

"Nakakaubos ng motivation mag work" (P2)

"Hindi kami makapag break, umihi man lang, or maka poop kasi…
mataas yung demand ng… [uhh] mataas yung parang kailangan ng
patient, in demand sila na in a way na [uhm]... toxic sila ganon…
wala na kaming time para sa sarili namin… 50/50 kung
magreresign ba ako or hindi.. ngayon kasi gustong-gusto ko na
talaga magresign…" (P3)

"It was exhausting, mentally and physically. Kasi takot ka mahawa

and makahawa." (P4)

"Parang nagkaroon ako ng [laugh] chronic fatigue eh sa panahon na

to… ung fatigue ko eh, parang… mas lumala siya… although yung
mahirap lang kasi talaga yung pagod sa COVID." (P6)

“Parang iilan ilan na lang kaming pumapasok, nakakapagod” (P9)

“Medyo mahirap ang patient care during covid [ahh..] in pandemic

lalo na yung time na yung yung unang phase ng covid” (P11)
Table 1: Exhaustion: Shattered Vigor

Sub-Theme 1.1 showed that 7 out of 11 participants confirmed that they were
experiencing exhaustion on their COVID 19 experience. The vast number of coronavirus patients
and admissions to hospitals has pushed some nurses to their exhaustion point, with no end in
sight. Some of them considered the thought of resigning amidst the pandemic, since they’ve
experienced worsening symptoms of chronic fatigue. Some have lost the motivation to continue
serving the patients, but some remain dedicated to their duty as a healthcare professional, even
putting other people before themselves just to give the patients the proper care they deserve and
demand. This is also true to the study of Vraka et al. (2021), that nurses experience severe levels
of burnout, which is caused by a range of sociodemographic, social, and occupational factors.

Figure 4: Shattered Vigor

The figure showed that
nurses were also vulnerable at rough
times, and they are no exception
from torpidity.

4.2.2 Sub-Theme 1.2: Stress: An Inactive Volcano

Sub-theme: Stress: An Participant comments
Inactive Volcano "Mentally focus ka sa pag aalaga sa pasyente kahit yung nararamdaman

mo hindi na maganda." (P1)

"Very stressful yung ano… yung working environment… yung trabaho

mas mas mabigat siya ngayon kasi kokonti nalang kaming nag she-share
nung workload… originally dapat 8 hours lang pero minsan na e-extend
ng 12 hours tapos pinaka sagad na talaga yung 16 hours." (P2)

"Not only physically but ayon mentally. Pero sakin kasi, yung work kasi
toxic… tanggap ko yung toxicity ng work about during those COVID
surge. Pero minsan, syempre you’ll feel down… Onti-onti nag resign
yung mga kasama ko ngayon and ilan nalang kami natira sa unit namin…
so wala na kaming time para sa sarili namin, it really affects us not only
physically but also mentally at that time… alam mo yun parang routine
na parang iniisip mo palang na papasok ka, pagod ka na… Nung during
COVID days, [uhh] siguro nasa 75% ng answer" (P3)

"Yun first time ko nagkacovid, sobrang depressing and stressful." (P4)

“Paikot ikot lang yung buhay ko sa bahay na dagdagan lang yung

activities of daily living ko sa tahanan ko” (P6)

"Hindi maganda dahil kasi yung stress mo nun napakataas lalo na pag
umuuwi ka sa sariling mong bahay… medyo marami kang iniisip" (P8)

“Siyempre stressful yung work pag nasa hospital ka” (P9)

Table 2: Stress: An Inactive Volcano

Sub-Theme 1.2 showed that 7 out of 11 agreed that they are experiencing stress during
COVID-19 surge. Most people called nurses a hero during this time, even though they didn't
know that nurses were so depressed during this time. Some nurses even feel proud of being in this
pandemic to create such a history for their lives, but some want to quit. The emotions that nurses
perceive are mixed from negative to positive feelings with the change. However, most developed
themes are considered negative, (Smith E., Hill M., Anderson C., Sim M., Miles A., Reid D. and
Mills B., 2021) Nurses have no voice about their rights, nor fight for fear. The feelings of
isolation and being rejected have a huge impact on their mental health.

Figure 5: An Inactive Volcano
The image likens the mental state of a
healthcare worker as a dormant volcano, oftentimes it
remains inactive, wherein seismic waves cause little to
no disruptions in its activity. However, where
instability grows, unease follows. These waves of
stresses may cause a chain of events that cause a
volcano to erupt violently, destroying everything in its
path. Unaddressed and unresolved fatigues of life can
and will cause our emotions to bubble up to the surface,
manifesting in erratic outbursts that are similar as to
when a volcano erupts.
4.2.3 Sub-Theme 1.3: Anxiety: A Hidden Enemy
Sub-theme: Participant comments
Anxiety: A “Pag everyday kang negative parang iniisip mo lagi, ‘kailan ba to matatapos,
Hidden Enemy parang hindi na matatapos” (P2)

"Like nakafeel ako ng anxiety… feeling ko it really affects na yung parang

wala kang makausap at that time… tapos napansin na every other month,
akala ko din hormonal imbalance lang siya na nagkakaroon ako ng anxiety…
nagpa psych referral ako, and ngayon parang for scheduling nalang ako for
psych because of that kasi bumabalik nanaman yung anxiety ko." (P3)

“Nakakaparanoid din, kasi kahit konting sumama lang pakiramdam feeling mo

meron ka na. Ang dami nagkakasakit and worst dami namamatay.” (P4)

"May pag-iingat sa bawat taong nakakasama sa loob at labas ng ospital" (P5)

"Ngayon, parang pag papasok ako naduduwal ako parang ganon" (P6)

"Sa panahon ng pandemic, hindi mo din maiwasan mag isip, matakot para
saiyong sarili" (P7)

"Naapektuhan talaga yung mental health ko nun kasi syempre unang una
nandun nga yung takot and nag ka COVID narin kasi ako… everynight
natatakot akong matulog kasi feeling ko nahihirapan akong huminga." (P10)

Table 3: Anxiety: A Hidden Enemy

Sub-Theme 1.3 Showed that 7 out of 11 nurses have experienced or suffered anxiety
amid COVID-19 virus. Regardless of the nature of its effects, the COVID-19 pandemic has
caused major anxiety and impacted the individual behavior of nurses due to its virus's wide
growth. Most of them are terrified of how the virus will affect themselves, as well as the anxiety
of transmitting it to other people. The workplace itself gives a lot of pressure for the nurses, with
the fear of making an error in the hospital settings where staffing is scarce. Some immediately
refer to their psychologist when they feel that their anxiety level is gradually increasing again. In
addition, without the comforting accommodation of other people, this makes it much more
difficult for them to manage their anxieties. There are some qualitative studies in Turkey (Kackin
O, Ciydem E, Aci OS, et al. 2021), Iran (Galehdar N, Kamran A, Toulabi T, et al. 2020), and
Spain (Fernández-Castillo R-J, González-Caro M-D, Fernández-García E.,9oi 2021) of nurses
dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic that found the increased high mortality and uncertainty had
a negative psychological impact, including anxiety and depression.

Figure 6: Hidden Enemy

The image portrays a warning that no
matter how nurses strive for safety and calmness, a
sense of dread creeping on their back awakens the
shadow of tenseness slowing down their emotional

4.2.4 Sub-Theme 1.4: Depression: Silent Plague

Sub-theme: Participant comments
Depression: "Nakaka burn out na rin, na minsan namamatayan lalo na ngayon
Silent Plague nakakadepress… madalas na iyak ganon, ganon lang which is dati wala
namang nakakapagod sa depression… admit super depress akala mo last day
mo na."(P1)
"Mostly po ng katrabaho ko nag resign talaga from the Hospital kasi [uhm]

naubos [laugh] na daw yung ano nila yung motivation… makiki breakdown
ka nalang din sa family kasi hindi ka nakatulong na maka-save ng buhay
parang ganon"(P2)
"Hindi ako makatulog ng ilang araw tapos I don’t know how to feel kung
bakit hindi ako masaya… last week talaga sobrang down ako so nagpasched
ako ng psych referral or therapist… sobrang naaapektuhan pa yung mental
health ko"(P3)
"It was depressing that time." (P4)
"Although may time na gusto nila ako halos ipa-quit" (P6)
"Yung outlook ko in life low low lang ganyan. Ngayon mas lalong naging
low low." (P9)
Table 4: Depression: Silent Plague
Sub-Theme 1.4 showed that 7 out of 11 participants suffered from mild to severe
depression, primarily as a result of failing to save the patients' lives due to a huge number of
patients to manage, as well as participant #1, who also broke down with the family of the
deceased patient. This is also true According to Weadlock, (2016), “Depression is like a cardiac
disease: you don't know you have it. You don't realize the subtleties.” Even if the plague is silent,
they will still be able to make noises for their profession in a world full of depression.

Figure 7: Silent Plague

The figures illustrate that nurses face an
unwelcome outbreak that causes many nurses
to experience depression during this time;
however, they still need to do their
responsibility as a nurse.

4.3 Theme 2: Social Well-Being: Refrained Melodies

We cannot deny that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected every individual differently.
Even those who are not frontline workers have experienced the effects of this virus. Nurses, who
are in the frontline of this pandemic, are being affected more directly than those who are not in
the frontline.
Social well-being can be described as the sharing, developing, and maintaining
relationships with others, including how they interact with the people around them. Through this,

we aim to know in what ways were the Nurses affected when it came to their social well-being
and their interactions, whether it be with their families, friends, and even work colleagues.

Figure 8: Refrained Melodies

The figure describes that the nurse
harmoniously produces melodies as conversations
but the notes were broken unexpectedly, refraining
themselves from the outside world and also to
people that surround them where the tune of tones is
no longer sung.

4.3.1 Sub-Theme 2.1: Concern of Transmission of COVID-19: Dreading Unpleasant

Sub-theme: Participant comments
Concern of "‘di na ko masyadong umuuwi sa bahay namin [uhm] kasi ang iniisip ko na
Transmission of baka mahawa sila yun" (P1)
"Less yung time sa family kasi kailangan lang humiwalay kasi baka
makapag uwi ako ng virus sa family ko" (P2)
unpleasant growth
"Okay na siguro na makapag [uhm] mag manage ng patient kesa naman
magkasakit family ko" (P3)

"Sobrang laki ng chances maghawa kami and madala namin sa family

namin… it was exhausting, mentally and physically. Kasi takot ka mahawa
and makahawa." (P4)

"Ang COVID 19 ay napakabilis kumalat at ayokong maging source ng

transmission… mas lalo akong nag-ingat para maprevent ang pagkalat ng
virus." (P5)

"Nilimitahan ko ang pakikipag interaksyon sa mga tao, lalo na ako'y isang

healthcare worker. Maaring ako'y maging carrier o makahawa sa mga taong
makakasalamuha ko… nakakaapekto dahil yung mga tao kapag nakakakita
ng nakaputi ay iniiwasan." (P7)

"Siyempre risk din para sa aming kalusugan at kasama sa bahay" (P7)

“Vigilant ka, na ‘wag mahawaan. Kasi iniisip mo na ‘wag mo rin mahawaan
yung mga kapamilya mo… kasi yung mga kasamahan mo sa ward
nagkaroon na eh. So kapag kunyari may contact tracing feeling mo one of
them ka na rin.” (P9)

“‘di rin ako masyadong nakikipagkita sa mga kabarkada ko, sa mga kaibigan
ko, sa family yun nga minsan lang din ako umuwi kasi bukod sa malayo
ayun, natatakot din ako na mahawaan ko yung lola ko… inaalala mo yung
pamilya mo kung kamusta na ba sila, hindi rin kasi maiwasan na
mahawaan… nandun yung takot na, baka mahawaan ka kung ano mangyari
sayo." (P10)

Table 5: Concern of Transmission of Covid-19: Dreading Unpleasant Growth

Sub-Theme 2.1 showed that 8 out of 11 participants agreed that they are frightened that
they may be the carrier of transmitting COVID-19 unto their loved ones. It affected their social
well-being in the way that they had limited their interaction with other people because of their
severe worrying that they might be a carrier, therefore possibly making the people they interact
with vulnerable to COVID-19. This is also true according to (Bagcchi, 2020; Taylor, 2019),
HCWs have been feared, avoided, shunned, or ostracized due to public fear that HCWs are
sources of infection.

Figure 9: Dreading Unpleasant Growth

The figure showed nurses experienced
extreme fear. Nurses working in the COVID-19 Unit
are afraid to be the source of infection, especially to
their families, they choose not to go home to make
their families safe.

4.3.2 Sub-Theme 2.2: Less Interaction: Impaired Connection

Sub-theme: Less Participant comments
Interaction: Impaired "[Uhm] limited na ngayon [uhm] unlike dati na pwede mong batiin kung

connection sino-sino pero ngayon wala na masyadong interaction… dati, after work
kakain wala na yung ganun so medyo wala ka na lang mavent out ng
problems mo, yung pagkatoxic mo sa duty" (P1)

"Kung lumabas man ako, sobrang bihira lang talaga with my friends.
Hindi siya masyado naka apekto sa akin… nakaapekto kasi hindi ako
makauwi but at least merong [uhm] merong internet, nakakausap ko
sila.” (P3)

"Walang masyado interaction with others, pina practice ang social

distancing… pag nasa hospital naman, nililimit ang interaction din sa
patients and co-workers" (P4)

"Sa pamilya pala medyo na lessen kasi ano eh kadalasan sa kwarto

nalang ako deretso di katulad noon… parang medyo ilang sila sakin
tapos [uhm] yung parang di ako inaaya sa mga ganitong gathering" (P6)

"Nilimitahan ko ang pakikipag interaksyon sa mga tao, lalo na ako'y

isang healthcare worker. maaring ako'y maging carrier o makahawa sa
mga taong makakasalamuha ko" (P7)

"Malayo ka sa pamilya mo, so… di ka kaagad nakaka uwi… makikipag

kita ka sa mga kaibigan mo [ahh] yung dating kung baga madalas
kayong mag kita, ngayong pandemic parang nabawasan na" (P10)

"Sa mga katrabaho ko, ah ayun nung una siyempre cautious kami na
magkaron kami ng interaction" (P9)
Table 6: Less Interaction: Impaired Connection

Sub-theme 2.2 showed that 8 out 11 participants had less interaction during COVID-19
surge. For the reason that they need to avoid themselves to not be the source of the virus. A lack
of PPE and medical supplies is another impact that nurses are afraid to be a source of infection.
Another reason that might put the nurses at risk of depression is they worry about the health of
their family and child but still have no choice. Some nurses have strong coping mechanisms that
express through using social media, they are still able to communicate with their family as less
interaction is one of the challenges facing the healthcare profession. Working within the red zone
area is extremely dangerous, they need more psychological support from general people and
respect. This is also true to the study of, (Marek Bartzik et al., 2021), Additional stressors have

been reported during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as increased workload due to increased
hygiene regulations and requirements to perform COVID-19 tests – or psychological stressors
related to the fear that family members will become infected.

Figure 10: Impaired Connection

The image tells that in between of every relationship
there is a string that ties us to people. Nurses are made
to become people-person, they build connections and
value relationships. The pandemic left nurses like
empty cans with no one to speak to from the other side
that they could lean on during hard times.

4.3.3 Sub-Theme 2.3: Isolation: Mandatory Prison

Sub-theme: Participant comments
Isolation: “Since high risk din ako, high risk din sa trabaho so more on, bibihira na lang
Mandatory kaya medyo malungkot laging mag isa” (P1)
"So, pagka nandun nalang ako sa room, mag isa nalang, dun talaga
mararamdaman mo na ‘ay ang lungkot!" (P2)

"Hindi ko masyado nafeel yung about sa social interaction kasi ayon nga, mas
feel ko na mag-isa." (P3)

“Nung start ng pandemic, yun mga nurses and other frontliners nag-iistay
nalang sa hospitals para di makahawa.” (P4)

"Medyo mahirap dahil alangan kana lumabas mag-isa at same alangan kana
lumabas at all" (P8)

"Nagkaroon ng divider tsaka distancing talaga… lagi akong naququarantine."


di ka kaagad nakaka uwi so most of the time mag isa ka lang, ayon. (P10)

Table 7: Isolation: Mandatory Prison

Sub-Theme 2.3 showed that 7 out of 11 participants isolate themselves to protect their
loved ones and friends from getting the COVID-19 virus. This is also true according to the study
of Arnetz et al (2020), that on top of the fear of contracting the virus themselves, nurses suffered

additionally from having to isolate themselves from their loved ones in fear of possibly
transferring it to them. Some of them also experienced depression due to isolation affecting their
working experience. There are also participants who are already immune to being alone because
of repeated scenarios. All of their previous hardships and sacrifices saved lives up until now, and
they learned what to do and teach others as a
result of it.
Figure 11: Mandatory Prison
The figure illustrates the nurses
willingly isolating themselves from everyone
around them. They put themselves away in
what seems to be their own “prison cell”, in
hopes to shield themselves from other people.

4.4 Theme 3. Coping Mechanism: Distraction from Real World

The coping mechanisms of nurses describe how they cope with or deal with their mental
health and social well-being in the COVID-19 surge situation. It showed that they have different
strategies or own ways to survive these challenges, especially in their daily life. The following
five sub-themes will present us with a more thorough analysis of how nurses overcome hurdles
using their own way of coping.

Figure 12: Distraction from Real World

The image represents nurses with a vase of
kaleidoscopic imagination, a world full of wonders
where fantasy and pleasure exist. A connection of
two worlds for them to wander, travel, and live
freely away from distress.

4.4.1 Sub-Theme 3.1: Resilience: Coping & Control

Sub-theme: Participant comments

Resilience: Coping & “Pinag uusapan niyo yung mga nangyari pangit man yan o maganda…
Control pag tatawanan lang namin yung mga stressful na nangyari… pagka
nakakaramdam kana na nalulungkot ka, labanan mo siya… kung ano
yung… fine-face mong challenge ngayon i-resolve mo muna… ilayo
mo talaga yung sarili mo sa… sa source of stress mo… take things one
day at a time or slowly ba” (P2)

“Wala naman pong nagbago sa mental health ko.” (P5)

“Yun lang makakapag patatag sayo eh kung saan ka masaya tuloy

mo… nag sumumpa sa oath taking sabi ko sa kanila ‘misyon ko eh’
parang ganon, lalo sa mga ganitong pandemic kailangan kong ipag
patuloy… adjust nalang ako kasi wala, ganito trabaho ko eh… you
have to find ways to enjoy what you’re doing because if you’re not
having fun of what you’re doing, you’re not doing it right.” (P6)

“Kailangan positive thinker ka dahil hindi naman makakatulong kapag

puro worries ang iniisip mo.” (P7)

“Preparedness talaga. Bago ka mag duty mag aano muna yan

magpeprepare muna sa sarili mo.” (P8)

“So kailangan mas maging positibo ka na, na wag magpatalo sa mga

pangamba in life.” (P9)

“Natutulog para may lakas, kumain ng masusustansiya, ayun.” (P10)

“Pinaka lesson natin sa jan sa COVID-19 yung preparedness mo talaga”


Table 8: Resilience: Coping & Control

Sub-Theme 3.1 showed that 8 out of 11 participants manifested resiliency as their coping
mechanisms while facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Resilience is a quality that helps nurses
manage better in stressful situations and accomplish jobs more effectively, it allows them to
anticipate and prepare which allows the avoidance of any disruption in their daily routine at the
hospital. This is also true according to Jan Odom-Forren (2020), that some of the measures that
the respondents are doing to improve and maintain their resilience is self-care. Physical activity,
adequate sleep, and eating nutritious food assist them to keep a healthy physique, which aids in
their coping. The respondents also kept in mind that being optimistic through troubled situations

helps in alleviating the problems instead of worrying. They learned to sustain their endurance and
perseverance to help the patients and serve their duty as healthcare professionals. As a nurse,
remembering why they started is important to overcome all the hurdles, take things one step at a
time, and always enjoy what they are doing. Although, the thought of giving up and keeping on
moving forward is colliding, in the end, dedication and professional commitment still prevail.

Figure 13: Coping & Control

The figure illustrates that nurses have
control over matter and coping while under stress.
Nurses continue to revitalize themselves and carry
on with life by controlling the negativity that
surrounds them.

4.4.2 Sub-Theme 3.2: Personal Growth: Determination & Termination

Sub-theme: Participant comments
Personal Growth: "Gumanda yung naging response ko kapag meron ng stressful situation na
Determination & kailangan ko nanamang harapin." (P1)
“Minsan dun ka rin kasi makakakuha ng paano ba mag improve kapag
may kausap ka... dun kayo makaka realize na ‘ahh… dapat pala ganito
yung ginawa natin mga ganon.” (P2)

"I think it made me a stronger and better person… alam na natin ang mga
do’s and dont’s ng pandemic. Kaya na natin sya lagpasan." (P4)

"Alagaan ang iyong sarili mental health. by refreshing yourself." (P7)

"Mas nag iimprove yung self -awareness mo pati sa pag-aalaga mo sa

family mo… magandang pagbabago is mas naging aware ako sa..[ahh]
paligid lalo na naging mas malinis ako" (P8)

"Hindi lang dapat mentally yung malakas sayo dapat pati yung pisikal na
pangangatawan mo." (P10)

"Sa tingin ko mas lalong gumanda pananaw ko sa buhay sa ano na yun sa

covid-19… mas lalong na develop yung skills mo mentally yung parang
cope up yun” (P11)

Table 9: Personal Growth: Determination & Termination

Sub-theme 3.2 confirmed that 7 out of 11 participants expressed determination despite

the hurdles in their battle against an unseen foe. The idea of mindset is resolute to surpass the
affliction that causes a stronger mentality and building courage. According to M. Swick Ph.D.
(2020), “Courage is the quality shown by someone who decides to do something difficult or
dangerous even though they may be afraid”. Fear can deceive perception and with termination,
some participants use COVID-19 to transform and become an upgraded version of themselves.
Most of the participants learned the hard way by risking their health to nurse patients but also to
preserve thriving mental health by having control over their choices.

Figure 14: Personal Growth: Determination &

The image tells those nurses can also be derived
from a plant, that despite the hurdles caused by an
unpleasant storm, they thrive to survive to flourish and
bloom, just like nurses blooming beyond infinity.

4.4.3 Sub-Theme 3.3 Social Support: Storge & Philia

Sub-theme: Participant comments
Social Support: "Siguro ngayon makipag more on socialize na since bumababa na naman na
Storge & Philia yung covid 19… umuuwi naman ako sa family ko para may makausap rin
ganun" (P1)

"Mostly talking with friends… kasama mga kaibigan para mag tatawanan
lang kami… maganda rin na may active listener kang kasama" (P2)

"Communication sa family tapos sa close friends ko… nakakahelp din yung

mga patient relatives namin, nagbibigay din sila ng mga parang food din sa
mga nurses ng patient… yes, of course. Especially doon sa family ko so
most of the time i talk to them and sila lang naman talaga yung hugot ng

lakas, parang inspiration ko to keep going" (P3)

"Family and friends, kung hindi dahil sa love, care and support nila, hindi
ko malalagpasan yun pagsubok na yun… kahit malayo or di nagkikita, may
mga ways para mag reach out" (P4)

"I always find time to talk with my loved ones kasi I always have them, my
strength , to face the challenge of COVID 19, everyday" (P5)

"Sobrang laking bagay na yun once in a while kinakamusta kalagayan


"Family and friends, kailangan mo rin ng mga taong mapapag-sasabihan

mo ng mga problema" (P7)

"Family ko sila yung naging ano ko talaga stress reliever… maganda jan
yung ano [ahhh] makikipag usap talaga sa kapamilya" (P8)

“Mag reach out sa family, kung talagang nahohomesick pwede naman

tawagan sila or pati yung mga kaibigan mong matagal mo ng hindi nakikita
ayun pwede rin naman mag video call.” (P9)

"So maganda mag reachout kana para makapag labas ka rin ng mga
saloobin mo… naiibsan naman pag nakakausap ko sila"(P10)

"sa mga anak ko yan ang pinaka source of your strength na para sa ka
kinabukasan nila yung ginagawa mo… pangatlo yung family mo yung
family support mo." (P11)

Table 10: Social Support: Storge & Philia

Sub-theme 3.3 shows that all of the participants asserted that the social support they got
from friends, family, and the community was a factor that helped them cope with the burdens that
were brought by the virus. Each one of our participants emphasized that it was the love, care, and
support that they received from their loved one that kept on inspiring them to carry on despite all
of the struggles. A simple message or call from them was enough to alleviate the weight that the
frontliners had on their shoulders. Communication with their loved ones was their own way of
taking a break from reality, they found peace and comfort in them, which ultimately gave them
more than enough reason to keep going on with their duties as frontliners. This is also true as
other studies found that nurses and individuals who experienced greater organizational and social

support were more likely to have lower anxiety and stress due to COVID-19 (Leodoro J.
Labrague RN, DM, PhD et al,. 2020).

Figure 15: Storge & Philia

This picture illustrates that nurses find strength,
courage, and love above all else even if there is danger
and fear ahead of them. They mustered up all support
from their families and close friends to keep up the
fight and fulfill their sworn duties.

4.4.4 Sub-Theme 3.4: Faith: Uplifting spirit

Sub-theme: Faith: Participant comments
Uplifting spirit "Mag dasal ahm focus lagi sa work… Then si Lord, laging super pray
hard." (P1)

"Dasal lang na sana matapos na… or sana mas maging manageable yung
situation." (P2)

"Mag pray kay God, ayun ilet go mo talaga sa kanya kasi siya lang talaga
makakapag heal sayo." (P3)

"Everyday kami nag-pipray ng rosary via videocall, naging routine na

namin magpray ng rosary every 6pm." (P4)

"We pray always so that God guide us everyday in our duty." (P5)

"Naging mas madasalin ako ngayung pandemic." (P8)

"Syempre unang una kay God, bibigyan ka ng lakas ng loob na

malagpasan ang mga pagsubok." (P10)

"Prayers lang, prayers to the lord." (P11)

Table 11: Faith: Uplifting spirit

Sub-theme 3.5 showed that 8 out of 11 participants prayed and let God guide their souls
before, during, and after their task, allowing God to take over and help them break free and
overcome the obstacles. Some of the participants also make some time every day at 6:00 p.m. to

pray the Rosary as part of their daily routine to express gratitude and receive blessings for their
job. Nurses gathered their courage through faith and prayers to provide care in the midst of the
pandemic and have survived until this day. This is also true to the article of Hansen (2022)
wherein, she stated that faith fosters optimism, strengthens interpersonal relationships, builds
support systems, and improves the quality of life. Scientific evidence demonstrates promising
links between religiousness and enhanced mental health.

Figure 16: Uplifting spirit

The figure showed nurses' improved communication to God.
Their faith in God became stronger during this situation. This
is one of the reasons why nurses cope with the situation
because they believe that God will provide, guide, and protect

4.4.4 Sub-Theme: 3.5: Hobbies: Recreational & Diversion

Participant comments
"Lumabas ng mag out of town pag may time… ayun sumasaya naman
Recreational &
kapag yung mga strategy na paglabas, pagkain kahit minsan nalilift
naboboost naman yung energy ko." (P1)

"Lumabas, mag gym… nagbasa din ako ng mga books na para makahelp
about my mental health." (P3)

"Nilibang ko ang sarili ko, nanuod ng mga k-drama, laging pakikipag-usap

sa pamilya." (P5)

"Bumili ako ng ano eh computer eh kasi parang binalik ko yung dati kong
pagiging gamer." (P6)

"Gumawa ng mga bagay na pag kakaabalahan." (P7)

"Nagtatahi ako, or ano minsan nagbabasa ako ng books…naghanap ako ng

mga diversional activities tulad ng nagtatahi ako, or ano minsan nagbabasa
ako ng books… panonood ng movies." (P9)

"Nililibang ko nalang yung sarili ko nag fafacebook nanonood ng movie…

naghahanap kami ng panibagong hobbies." (P10)
Table 12: Hobbies: Recreational & Diversion
Sub-theme 4.5 showed that 7 out of 11 have different hobbies to serve them as their
coping mechanism. Nurses may find happiness in themselves by doing their hobbies. It is an
escape to the real world and distracts them from stressful work environments, especially amid the
COVID-19 surge. The respondents have developed hobbies and methods for dealing with their
everyday challenges. They cope with the stressors by engaging in activities such as going out of
town, exercising, reading, playing, exploring new hobbies, watching, and eating. This is also true
according to Rahman (2022) relaxation activities such as reading books, watching movies, and
the like were found to be beneficial for coping among nurses. Ever since social separation has
been established this has influenced some of the nurses’ existing coping techniques, making them
adapt to these kinds of changes.

Figure 17: Recreational & Diversion

The figure illustrates the nurses doing
diversions after their jobs and recreational
activities as their coping mechanisms to relax and
unwind from reality.

What insight can be derived from the lived experiences of nurses in the COVID-19 surge?

4.5 Theme 4: Perspective: Wearing the shoes of others

The fourth theme gives an explanation of a deeper understanding of how nurses elicit
perception even in the absence of safety. Involves signals that trigger cognition and outline the
formation of ideas, thoughts, and sensations in certain situations. It would be hard to face a battle
without knowing your enemy or juggling through a forest and then finding yourself lost. The
lived experiences of the nurse and their perceptions will be lucid and shades will deform to
establish how front liners and COVID-19 has put a lot of strain on them.
Considering nurses are on the front lines of care, they experience the same detrimental
effects of COVID-19, each one of them has different control over perceiving their experiences.

It’s not the same situation and perspective in each person because they have different views of
how they see the world. Their emotional, mental, and physical responses vary since it is formed
by their personal point of view, which is shaped by their life experiences, values, the current state
of mind, and assumptions they bring into the situation. The following two sub-themes will
provide insights and a better understanding of why there are opportunities and challenges based
on their lived experiences.

Figure 18: Wearing the shoes of others

This illustration shows that understanding
the views of nurses in the COVID-19 surge and how
they perceived it as a challenge or an opportunity

4.5.1 Sub Theme 4.1: Challenge: A Steep Mountain

Sub-theme: Participant comments

Challenge: A steep “Hamon, na ah nag add, parang nadoble yung pag aalaga naming sa pasyente"
mountain (P1)

"Very challenging kasi kagaya nga nung nabanggit ko kanina nung umpisa,
nangangapa pa kung paano i-manage" (P2)

"Challenging siya kasi sobrang [uhm] may time na iniisip ko na ‘is it time to give
up? Or is it… ano lang siya hamon nga or challenge na to still keep going’" (P3)

"Challenge talaga sya at risk kasi lahat, lalo na mga nurses kasi kami lagi kasama
ng mga patients" (P4)

"A challenge for all health workers and family, that was also the start of health
workers to find their own place far away to their family, to protect them to any
harm." (P5)

"Challenge kasi hindi ganon ka-readily equipped yung mga gamit natin" (P6)

"Hamon sa aming healthcare hindi lang buhay ng tao ang nakasalalay dito pati

buhay din ng bawat healthcare worker.: (P7)

"Isa pa rin siyang balakid or hamon sa, sa ano, sa mismong bansa natin" (P9)

"Naging challenge siya dahil pag may surge ang dami nanamang pasyente,
maraming maraming healthcare worker yung naaapektuhan" (P10)

"Hamon na papano mo lalabanan yan o papano mo idedeal yang [ahh] mga covid
patients na maiicounter mo" (P11)

Table 13: Challenge: A Steep Mountain

Sub-Theme 4.1 showed that 10 out of 11 participants confirmed that they were
experiencing obstacles on their COVID-19 experience. Nurses could see it as a threat because our
healthcare is not properly equipped to address the pandemic. They have to accommodate new
protocols, work long shifts, and deal with a lot of patients as COVID-19 cases increase. Also,
every disease has the same intervention or management but in the COVID-19 there is always
evolution or a variant that the intervention is not applicable to all patients. which makes it a more
difficult and challenging task than usual. According to (Penwell-Waines et al., 2018) the
challenges experienced by the nurse in this crisis might not only affect them but also compromise
their work and the quality of providing care to their patients. Most of them are terrified,
especially about the transmission of the virus within themselves and their family. They are all
caught off guard with the unusual setup our country is currently involved in.

Figure 19: A Steep Mountain

This image expresses those nurses may face a crisis or
circumstances and could be viewed as challenges like
a mountain that is beautiful from afar but get steeper
and more difficult as it gets when you get close to it.

4.5.2 Sub Theme 4.2: Opportunities: New light in

the darkness

Sub-theme Participant comments

Opportunity: New light "In a way po opportunity siya para… ma… ahh… ma… upgrade ba o ma-

in the darkness enhance ba yung thinking skills natin as a nurse." (P2)

"Opportunity siya to at least aware us about COVID-19, and especially

during nung una talaga." (P3)

"Opportunity as a nurse, [uhm] madami kaming nalaman about COVID."


"Pero at the brighter side, you have the chance to help other people to take
care of them, be with them at their lowest point of their lives." (P4)

"You learned a lot, how to prevent the disease, how to handle it and gain
knowledge from it." (P4)

"Opportunity rin kasi dahil [uhm] dahil sa learning na nakukuha natin during
the pandemic give us [uhm] opportunity to elevate the health care system
dito sa Pilipinas.” (P6)

"Actually, naging oppurtunity sya sa... mga nurse kasi nag expand yung
knowledge mo " (P8)

"Career wise, siyempre isa rin siyang opportunity para uhm ma-enhance
yung skills and knowledge bilang nurse" (P9)

"Opportunity kasi.. Maddidiscover yung ano yung malelevel up yung ano mo

[eh!] opportunity to level up your skills as a nurse ganun po." (P11)

Table 14: Opportunities: New light in the darkness

Sub-Theme 1.2 showed that 7 out of 11 participants perceived the COVID-19 as an

opportunity, looking at it from the perspective of a Nurse. They mentioned that this experience
became a learning opportunity for them to acquire new knowledge and information. Some
participants stated that this virus could be the means for the health care system to furthermore
elevate, especially here in our country.
Being Nurses, they took these unfortunate events and made them into something that they
could benefit from career-wise. In the medical field, every experience, good or bad, can be used
to expand your expertise and skills, which is exactly what these Nurses did in regard to their
experience with the COVDI-19 Surge. It has been found that based on the study by Ayden et al.
(2022), Nurses experienced self-transcendence because they take the pandemic as an opportunity.

Wherein there is a development in their nursing roles and abilities, being proud of oneself and the
team due to the obligations, and knowing the value of life.

Figure 20: New Light in the Darkness

The figure illustrates the nurses being surrounded by
darkness, yet they are trying to grasp or take hold of the light
that serves as their guide to keep moving forward.

4.6 Symbolic Representation

What symbolic representation can be extracted from the thematic representation?

Figure 21: Symbolic Representation: The Solace in Dimness

The picture is divided into 4 parts, the first illustration centers on the day-to-day life of a
nurse located at the bottom part. The research revolves around nurses and their mental health and

where the research begins. Subjectively, the question of how a nurse grasps their situation during
COVID-19 is? After thorough analysis, the researchers discovered that nurses experience
complex emotions and various predicaments while in the workplace such as exhaustion, stress,
anxiety, and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic. It symbolizes manifestations of
challenges and hurdles.
The second part of the picture is the middle section. Imagine, fighting on a battlefield
without a sword or a plan? A shield to protect yourself from danger in all directions? It
symbolizes the reality that nurses have been facing a sudden war without knowledge and a sword
for battles against a phantom enemy which is COVID-19 - the will and honor are beyond doubt,
to save wounded allies and ill comrades from a conquering plague. Nurses have been working
tirelessly until their body gives up on them, entangled with strings attached to them by their
sworn duty despite the stigma associated with them given by society and their prejudices during
their fight against COVID-19. The nurses have tried to sever the line to put an end to a
continuous routine. The feather symbolizes beginnings and endings, in every ending there is
always a new beginning to start over again.
The third part symbolizes all the coping strategies to keep the nurses' heads up on their
daily lives, these strategies let them escape the real world that they are facing. We can see that
the top portion of this illustration is a bright, yellow color; it stands out from the rest of the colors
in the illustration. The color yellow represents happiness, warmth, optimism, and positivity. It can
be seen in this portion as well the support and interaction with family, engaging in hobbies and
leisure activities, and hanging out with friends. Through these strategies, they are able to find
peace and comfort despite all of the commotions that are happening around them.
Looking at the illustration as a whole, we can see that the experiences of the nurses
during the COVID-19 surge causes them burdens. Not only are they being tested physically and
emotionally, but also mentally. These experiences and the unfortunate effect they have on the
nurses make this the lowest point in their lives, the reason why these scenes are to be seen at the
lower portion of the illustration. As we move upward the illustration, we can see it start to
brighten up. This is brought by the coping mechanisms that the nurses used to be able to break
free from that low point.

4.7 Mental Health Awareness Program for Nurses

Based on the findings, what mental health awareness program for nurses can be

This program helps nurses to be aware of their current mental health and cultivate
strategies in terms of the mental health continuum, promote emotional well-being practices, and
reduce mental health stigma. COVID-19 nurses experience an unprecedented amount of anxiety,
stress, depression, and exhaustion. They also lessened their social interaction because of being
frightened of being a carrier and transmitting the disease to the people that surround them.
Understanding the lived experiences of nurses in the COVID-19 surge situation in terms of their
mental health and social well-being will help to present their unique needs and possible ways to
assist them in reaching their best achievable potential as individuals such as their wellness.

The purpose of this program is to:

- Outline how nurses deal with everyday life during COVID-19
- Raise awareness about the mental health continuum and efficient ways of coping
- Equip nurses with effective strategies to manage emotions by presenting/suggesting ways
through collaborative and holistic approaches.
- Decline the increasing mental health stigma

Mental wellness and why are they important

Nurses are the ones who provide continuous care for the physical, emotional, and
spiritual health of their patients. Not only should they attend to their patients, but they should also
make it a point that they make their own health a priority as well. Mental health has a huge
impact when it comes to how we function in our day-to-day lives. It can affect sleeping patterns,
appetite, mood, and behaviors. Poor mental health can leave healthcare workers feeling
exhausted, therefore making their ability to provide safe, high-quality care less effective.
It is important for Nurses who are struggling with their mental wellness to have the ability to
 Identify precisely what they are feeling (anxiety, depression, stress, exhaustion) and
what is causing it
 Explain how their mental wellness struggles are starting to affect them, not only in
their personal lives, but also their work-life
 Manage how they respond to their mental wellness struggles
 Be aware of and seek opportunities to help themselves

Social interaction skills and why are they important

Nurses are proficient in social interaction. Most of their knowledge in social skills is
obtained by observing others around them and how the patients behave in various situations. As
healthcare professionals, they must learn to interpret the nuances of body language and facial
expressions. Nurses also have to behave differently in formal and informal situations and what is
considered appropriate or inappropriate in different settings.
It is important for the nurses who experience the surge of the pandemic, to have the ability to:
 Control their fear of the transmission of the COVID-19 virus
 Interact with peers with less worry
 Value how they perceive their lived experiences with others
 Be aware of and seek opportunities for help from others
 Be their own advocate

Roles of the Occupational Psychologist

Occupational Psychologists are the ones responsible for creating and sustaining a positive
work environment, as well as better workplace cooperation, higher levels of job satisfaction, and
increased productivity amidst the pandemic. In dealing with healthcare professionals, they may
provide consultation, collaboration, planning, evaluation, as well as psychological factors that can
help nurses to raise awareness of their mental health. They focus on improving the nurse's work
performance, development, and understanding of their lived experiences, and how they interact in
the hospital settings such as;
 To carry out individualized psychological assessments for nurses
 To present data, and interpreting the results based on initial assessments
 To provide suggestions, resources and/or support to others involved in
 To monitor and record the progress of nurses
 To be aware of the unique needs of the nurses during the surge of COVID-19
in the workplace

Role of the Therapeutic Psychologist

The Therapeutic Psychologist plays an important role in identifying psychological, emotional
or behavioral issues. It diagnoses psychological, emotional, or behavioral disorders. Many nurses
experienced mental distress during this time and some expressed that they go to a psychologist.
There are many different styles of therapy, but this one is the best fit for the individual to identify

the best approach to address the personal problem. Psychologists develop and implement
treatment plans and therapeutic processes for some nurses in difficult situations. It helps nurses
define goals and plan action to cope with the situation. Some aspects of the role of the Guidance
Counselor, as it pertains to the nurses are:
● To build self-esteem, reduce anxiety, strengthen coping mechanisms, and improve social
and community functioning.
● To cope more effectively with life issues and mental health problems.
● To provide a written or oral report to another member of team
● To make referrals as required to the appropriate educational and/or psychological
services and/or community agencies

Role of the Psychiatric Nurse

Psychiatric Nurses are a key element to help those in need of assessing, addressing, and
monitoring health and behavioral issues. Their role is just as important as the Psychiatrists
themselves, they all work together as a team to administer mental health care. These Psychiatric
Nurses will help their fellow nurses to recover from the struggles that they are currently facing.
Some aspects of the role of the Psychiatric Nurse, as it pertains to the nurses are:
● To assess and evaluate the patient’s mental health
● To develop treatment care plans
● To consult with other health professionals
● To provide care and psychotherapy treatment to the nurses
● To give support and education to the patients and their family

Role of Nursing Administrator

Nurse Administrators supervise nurses and other health care team members. They recruit,
hire and train nurses. They do not get directly involved with patient care, their job duties are to
oversee the day-to-day performance of employees. Depending on the company, a supervisor may
manage a team, a shift or an entire department. These professionals usually work out of an office
(but may travel) and keep more traditional hours than an RN.
Nurse Administrators are keeping their staff motivated especially in this time of
pandemic. Sometimes they provide a needed training to the nurses who need support, and ensure
that the regulations of the hospital are successfully met.
Nurse administrators are responsible for:
● Serving as a liaison between nurses and other hospital workers, department heads.

● Establishing policies and procedures and ensuring staff is in compliance.
● Developing a strategic vision for the hospital or department.
Mental Health Awareness Program for Nurses: A Focused Group Discussion
There must be adequate personnel preparation programs to prepare nurses to provide
specialized services which address and raise awareness of the mental health of the nurses to have
proper management and intervention.
Instruction: Formal setting is required, and must be provided by professionals and
comprehensively prepared and qualified to raise mental health awareness for the nurses. The
skills and knowledge needed by these staff can be defined by three classifications. First, the
external facilitator must have specialized expertise and foundation in the workplace environment,
including but not limited to methodology and terminologies and other areas of subject matter.
Second, collaborative techniques for program adaptation for professional nurses and their lived
experiences so that the concepts taught remain the same with adapted teaching methodology and
materials. Third, the licensed psychologist must know how to assess skills and deliver instruction
in the specialized areas of independent living skills, social skills, career outlook, and specific
areas of expertise related to the subject matter.

Training Method:
Blended Learning (Traditional, and E-learning)
The training will be conducted in face-to-face interactions following online self-
assessment, or vice versa, to optimize the unique benefits of each; the combination will boost the
learning of the participants that will be able also to assess them online. A productive partnership
between the real and digital world allows participants to plan their learning and develop their
critical thinking and problem-solving skills in their mental health and social well-being.
The training program will have its (8) eight-hour session for the face-to-face setup and
then will have its online modules/assessments and it depends on their availability, to revisit
should they need to refresh information and announcements about the training.

Monitoring and Evaluating the Program:

An evaluation will be held after the training program session one month from the date of
commencement. To identify and validate information retention from participants who attended
the program. The quality assurance team will be held responsible and accountable for the strict
compliance with new guidelines effective immediately.

A new hire training program will include this module as mandatory to ensure familiarity
and implementation across all nurses and departments.

Evaluation Plan:
Learning Outcomes will be determined with Kirkpatrick’s Four-level Training Evaluation
Model. Its logical, staged approach is easy to apply, and once the evaluation is complete, you’ll
have a deep and wide understanding of participants learning during training. Objectively, an
increase in nurse satisfaction will add great value and substantially serve as evidence of learning
application thus increasing stable mental health and social well-being.

Learning Environment:
● Instructional materials will be used to serve as a personal copy for those nurses who are
learning in reading materials to purposely deliver the goal of the training.
● Visual Aids are a great visual tool to be particularly effective in presenting difficult
concepts or clarifying materials. Flip charts provide a great medium for recording the key
concepts, ideas, or points that the class would remember.
● Practicing new learnings with colleagues to develop familiarity and proper application
based on real-life scenarios.
● Utilized based-on-experience examples for the program to re-enact situations with a
better outcome.
● Rewards will be awarded to all participants and active attendees will receive abundant
prizes and bonuses. Creating enthusiasm that bolsters learning.

Program Session: 1 Day

Program Duration: (8) Eight hours/session
Program Location: Formal Setting/Forum/Meeting Hall/Auditorium
Program Facilitators:
● Occupational Psychologist
● Therapeutic Psychologist
● Psychiatric Nurse
● Nursing Administrator
Number of Participants: 10 - 20 / Session
Target Audience/Attendees: Registered Nurses (All Departments)

Program Objective Time Audience/ Methodology Evaluation
Content Allotment Attendees

Thinking out To delegate the 30 minutes Nurse Self-assessment Discussion

loud: What is importance of and Discussion End Report
mental health mental health
and social and social well-
well-being being

Wearing their To recognize 60 minutes Nurses Core group Discussion

shoes: and have a Discussion End Report
Understandin prior
g mental knowledge to
health and understand the
other related nurse’s lived
needs of the experiences in
nurses the COVID-19

Belt was a To validate 20 - 30 Nurses Lecture- Open-

snake that what stressor’s minutes Discussion Forum
needs to be trigger their
loosen: emotion in their
Outline the mental health
stressors of
nurses in

their mental

Conquering To encourage 30 - 60 Nurses Core group Open-
Barricades: nurses to seek minutes Discussion Forum and
Declining the help and Question
stigma and understand the and Answer
breaking reason behind
down barriers the stressors

No, I have To utilize lived- 30 - 60 Nurses Activity Open

not: experiences by minutes Exercises, Role Forum,
Exploration re-enacting Play, Flip Cards Report
of emotions situations and
and mental re-evaluate
cognition perceptions of

Unhooking: To learn new 30 - 60 Nurses Lecture- Open

Strategies coping minutes Discussion, Core Forum, and
and actions to mechanisms Group Discussion Question
cope up with and enhance and Answer
the stressors strategies in
dealing with the

A plan of To help 30 - 60 Nurse Lecture- Discussion

action: Build improve the minutes Discussion, Core End Report
an effective health and well- Group Discussion
self-care being, manage
strategy the stressors,
and retain their
as a nurse.

The To rebuild 30 - 60 Nurses Open-

Crossroad: relations at the minutes Forum
Enhancing workplace and

the social flourishing
connection of work-life
nurses in balance
work and

Making a To know if the 60 minutes Nurses Activity Narrative

room: discussed Exercises, Role Role Play,
Comprehensi program had an Play, and
ve impact on Reflection, Reflective
application of nurses and be Core group Essay
learnings of able to adapt Discussion
the nurses in with the
their mental application.
health and
social well-

Table 15: Mental Health Awareness Program Flow

5.0 Discussion
This study found out that nurses working on the frontlines during the COVID-19 surge
have experienced mental health, and social disturbances. In line with this, the study made by Da
Rasa et al., (2021) along with (Sampaio, 2020), showed that nurses have high psychological
distress during the pandemic even though they have adapted to the new normal. This also
suggests that nurses’ interactions within the organization and family ties were dramatically
affected by the constraints of recent events.
Moreover, nurses in this study were precise in their agreement that COVID-19
enormously influenced the development of their stressors, this is also mentioned in the recent
study of Said et al., (2021), showing that most significant stressors for the nurses are related to

their physical working environment workload. Furthermore, significant findings in this study
have pointed out that in caring for more patients, nurses face many challenges such as longer
work hours, and the shortage of personal protective equipment has substantially contributed to the
emotional distress of nurses, this statement also mentioned in the study of Gebreheat, G et al.,
(2021), showed that there are some studies that will justify the challenges on nurses that they
have experienced numerous obstacles in carrying out their professional duties and responsibilities
since the outbreak of COVID-19. Nurses also experienced fewer interactions, being isolated, and
being concerned about transmitting COVID-19 to their families and friends, in relation to the
recent discussion of a study conducted by Razu et al., (2021), stated that healthcare professionals
also faced social stigma and the neighbors saw them as a nuisance and avoided communicating
with them out of fear of infection. Other findings suggest that social support has played a big role
in mitigating social isolation, in relation to the recent discussion of a study conducted by Jan
Oden-Forrem (2020), stating that nurses have to stay connected, and checking those they care
about is one way to facilitate relationships.
Furthermore, this research also revealed that nurses have different strategies or ways of
coping with challenges, particularly in their daily lives. Some of the sub-themes of coping
mechanisms in this study, also mentioned in the study of Tahara et al., (2020), that resilience
factors are effective coping mechanisms for strengthening the ability to cope with the mental
health crisis related with COVID-19. They are positive coping mechanisms for COVID-19-
related changes in work and life routines.
On the other hand, nurses are also taking the COVID-19 as an opportunity to expand and
enhance their skills, this is also mentioned in the study of Galehdar et al., (2020), stating that the
COVID-19 crisis provided an opportunity for nurses to gain a better understanding of the depth of
their field and profession, as well as the true value of nursing in practice. This suggests that the
nurses are taking the COVID-19 as a challenge for them to learn more and also an opportunity to
improve their skills.
A major limitation of this study was that the researchers were not able to conduct a study
inside the hospital because of strict protocols due to COVID-19. Hence, the alternative way of
conducting the interview that we used to conduct the study is an online interview to overcome the
limitation. Considering the limitations, the researchers acknowledge that there is still room for
improvement and enhancement of the research. Given the limited number of participants
gathered, the lack of face-to-face interactions between the researchers and the participants, and
the rising of technical problems, the data gathered by the researchers were also limited.

5.1 Conclusion
The nurses’ experiences in this study showed that they endured a number of mental and
social well-being issues during the COVID-19 Surge. These were primarily because of the
excessive workload given to them to make up for the lack of manpower in their place of work,
exposure to the many fatalities brought by COVID-19 on their patients, and the fear of
transmission of the virus. Even though nurses are the ones who provide care and health services
to the public, they too deserve that same care and attention when it comes to their own health.
Given the negative effects of these issues, it can possibly affect the nurses’ ability to provide safe,
high-quality care, therefore making it less effective. This is why it’s important that we provide
support to the nurses to help in boosting and improving their mental and social well-being so they
can continue to provide needed quality care to their patients. Contributions that can be made to
help produce the needed care for our front liners are bringing more emphasis on the importance of
mental health and social well-being in the Nursing Academe. For the Nursing Profession, as they
are experiencing the same case, they should be each other’s support system and help each other
out in these circumstances. Medical Institutions can contribute by providing workshops and
seminars regarding how to effectively cope with the issues on their mental health and social well-
being during the COVID-19 Surge. Conducting furthermore studies by Nursing Research can
significantly increase the knowledge that we currently have on this issue, ultimately improving
the capacity of how we can provide support to our nurses. Lastly, the Community can contribute
by following and adhering to the health protocols currently implemented to reduce the continuous
spreading of the virus, which in turn will minimize the workload of the nurses.

5.2 Recommendation
On the basis of findings and conclusions, the following recommendations were

For nurses, the study will elaborate your depth understanding of your lived experiences
during the pandemic. Joining the Support group or Organization may alleviate the mental health

Support Group for the Nurses

There must be adequate personnel preparation programs to train staff in providing
specialized services which address the unique needs of nurses for their mental health and social
well-being. There must also be a further support group or organizations for the nurses to lean on

and share their same experiences during the pandemic which can give more awareness and
intervention in their mental health.

For the tertiary hospitals in Quezon city, this research will give more pieces of information and
understanding on how to properly handle the nurses, the necessary types of equipment needed
during the surge, the awareness and understanding of the mental health situation of nurses, and
lastly, hospital should hire more nurses to alleviate the workload and reduce the suffering of
frontliners inside and outside the hospital.

Future Researcher
The researcher encourages to expound and get more respondents in order to obtain more reliable
and accurate results. The time in conducting the research should also be emphasized when there is
an exact surge, so the lived experiences of the respondents will be more vivid and evocative. The
establishment of the program should also be considered, so the study will serve its purpose of
giving and educating the nurses on possible and enhanced coping mechanisms.


We, the researchers, would like to express our deepest and most sincere gratitude, first
and foremost, to the Almighty GOD - who blessed and guided the researchers in finishing this

research study. Without His never-ending love, the accomplishment of this study would never
We would like to use this opportunity to give thanks to our research professor Ms. Anne
Lopez, who gave this research topic a chance to be proven worthy of the effort. With, her
guidance and supervision become a great help in overcoming a series of problems met by the
researchers. For the encouragement and motivation, she has given each time when the researchers
were of dire help.
To our research paper adviser, Dr. Joel John Dela Merced who gave pieces of advice
and suggestions that had proven a significant help in the conduct of this research. His intelligence
and assistance helped the researcher to finish the paper properly. He is always there to support
and guide us when we are not sure of what steps we should take.
To our panelists, Dr. Aggari, Ma’am Guevarra, Ma’am Perez, and Ma’am Yadan for
their efforts in giving us clear insights, suggestions, and recommendations to furthermore
improve our study.
We would like to express our gratitude to our respective parents’ who constantly
support us in any way they can just to make sure we are in good health and in the right state of
mind to finish this study. Lastly, to those individuals who helped us on our research journey, in
any way they did.


COVID-19 surge - The increase in local cases of the highly contagious disease, known as
'COVID-19', which is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Coping Mechanisms - Response of an individual, either conscious or nonconscious, on how they
will adjust and/or adapt to a situation, as to which most of the time these experiences are stressful
or cause anxiety to the individual.

Mental Health - It is an important part of well-being wherein a person recognizes their own
capabilities in coping with everyday obstacles, allowing them to function well and contribute to
their community.

Nurses - Professionals who are trained to give medical care and attention to those who are ill or
injured. They are also the main focus of this research study.

Social Well-Being – Interaction of nurses inside and outside of workplace


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Appendix A: Letter to the Dean

Our Lady of Fatima University
Quezon City Campus
College of Nursing

Maria Luisa T. Uayan, DHSc, MSN, RN

Dean, College of Nursing
Our Lady of Fatima University

Greetings of Peace!
We are the nursing students, who would like to seek permission from your good office to
allow the undersigned to conduct a research study entitled “LIVED EXPERIENCES OF
AWARENESS PROGRAM”. The purpose of this research is to recognize the experiences of the
nurses during the COVID-19 surge, their coping strategies and well-being. Furthermore, the
researchers of this study will utilize the said experiences of the nurses which will lead to
developing awareness towards the mental health of our nurses.
Rest assured that all data involving the study will be held strictly confidential and will
only be used in the study.
Thank You!

Respectfully Yours,
Alejandre, Mara Marielle
Barroquillo, Charmae Aica
Dela Cruz, Jeffry
Rosales, Jesus Louise Gabriel
Rubi, Rain Franchesca
Salarda, David Ryan
Samo, Rohaida

Maria Luisa T. Uayan, DHSc, MSN, RN

Dean, College of Nursing
Our Lady of Fatima University

Appendix B: Letter to the Participants

Our Lady of Fatima University

Quezon City Campus
College of Nursing

Dear: Participants

Greetings of Peace and Prosperity!

We are the Bachelor of Science in Nursing students of Our Lady of Fatima University. Presently,
we are conducting a research study entitled “Lived Experiences of Nurses in the COVID-19
Surge Situation: An Input of Mental Health Awareness Program”

In this regard, we are asking for your precious time, and effort to answer all the questions in the
interview that are crucial and helpful to the completion of the study.

Rest assured that all the data gathered from you will be strictly confidential.

Your enthusiasm to this request will be a valuable contribution for the success of the study and
will be highly appreciated. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Respectfully yours,

Mara Marielle R. Alejandre et al.,

Noted by:

Dr. Joel John Dela Merced,


Research Adviser

Appendix C: Informed Consent

Our Lady of Fatima University

Quezon City Campus
College of Nursing

Informed Consent Form for Qualitative Studies

This Informed Consent Form is for the registered nurse in a tertiary hospital in Quezon
City, regardless of gender and marital status. Ages 25 and above, with any years of experience
working as a registered nurse and for those participants within the criterion who are willing to
participate in the research entitled “Lived Experiences of Nurses in the COVID-19 Surge
Situation: An Input of Mental Health Awareness Program”.

Part I: Information Sheet

I am Mara Marielle R. Alejandre, a nursing student from Our Lady of Fatima University, Quezon
City. Along with my members, we will conduct research about the Lived Experiences of the
Nurses during the COVID-19 Surge and how did you cope with the mental struggles that came
along with it. We are inviting you to participate in the research study by providing all relevant
information. Any confusion or concern will be handled, and we humbly request that you
approach any of us so that we can thoroughly explain it to you. You can opt to participate in this
study whenever it is convenient for you.

Purpose of the research

The goal of this study is to recognize the experiences of the nurses during the COVID-19 surge,
their coping strategies and well-being. Furthermore, the researchers of this study will utilize the
said experiences of the nurses which will lead to developing awareness towards the mental health
of our nurses. This research aims to establish relevant resources pertaining to the mental health,
wellbeing, and coping mechanisms of frontline providers. This will also contribute to further
development of new knowledge for the for the nursing service, nurses, clinical instructors,

guidance and career office, community, future researchers, and researchers of this study to give
them beneficial insights and information.

Type of Research Intervention

This research will involve your participation in a recorded online interview via Zoom or Google
Meet. Questions that will be asked during the interview will be answered using your own words,
all pertaining to your experience with COVID-19 Surge.

Participant Selection
Based on the given criteria stated above, you were selected as an eligible participant in this study.
Your honesty in answering the questions will help us to propose or suggest effective ways on
how to cope with the mental struggles that COVID-19 has brought to nurses. This will help other
nurses who are also struggling with this same situation and give them guidance on how to
effectively cope with these.

Voluntary Participation
Should you wish to participate in this research is completely voluntary, your decision not to
participate in this study will have no impact on any of your current work services.

We are inviting you to take part in this research project. If you accept, a link will be sent to you
and it will direct you to either Zoom or Google Meet, whichever is more convenient or accessible
to you. You will be asked to answer a set of 6 questions in 3 different sections; “Mental Health”,
“Social Well-Being”, and “Coping Mechanism” with sub-questions, all pertaining to your
experience with COVID-19. All questions will be answered by you stating your answers, which
we will then transcribe all that you had verbalized. We guarantee that the information you provide
will be considered confidential; only the researchers will have access to the information acquired.

It will take approximately 45-60 minutes to complete the study. The survey will be conducted
entirely online.


We guarantee that by participating in this study, you will not be involved in any risks such as
harm or injury, or that your privacy and confidentiality will be violated. The researchers will not
reveal any of the information you provide in the online interview; the online interview is neither
embarrassing nor invasive in nature; however, if you feel uncomfortable answering any of the
questions, please notify the researchers immediately so they can help you withdraw from the

The participants will benefit from this research by knowing the effective coping strategies they
may use and apply it to themselves. The researchers will also assist the nurses in developing a
group support system that will decrease the threat that they have been experiencing due to the
coronavirus pandemic.

The participants will not be receiving incentives for taking part in the research study.
Nonetheless, it will raise awareness about how critical it is for our frontline nurses to take care of
their mental health during these rough patches. The researchers will ensure that they will provide
guidance on how to deal with the pandemic’s surge, in the context of emotion and stress. As well
as on how to prevent or regulate the implication of the situation by applying the possible coping

The information acquired will be used solely for the purposes of this study. The researchers will
not disclose any information about the participants and will ensure that all data and information
gathered during this research study will be stored safely and securely in password-protected files,
in which only the research investigators and the adviser will have access. All copies and types of
data collected will be wiped from all devices on which they were initially kept. Leaving only the
necessary and essential information required in order to preserve the authenticity and validity of
the research study. The manuscript will be submitted to the university and will be accessible for
the participants to read at their own convenience.

Sharing the Results

None of the information you provide will be shared with anybody outside of the research team.
During this time, the knowledge gained from this research will be communicated and offered to

the participants in a traditional approach of learning about health. Information that is strictly
confidential will not be shared.

Right to Refuse or Withdraw

The participants are able to withdraw any time without penalties in the participation in this study.
Alternative to Participation
An alternative way to get the participation of the nurses if they could not attend the
virtual interview, is that they may record themselves as they answer the given questions. The
researchers could just also provide the questionnaire and let the participants answer it even in a
written or verbal form, whatever it is more convenient to each individual. With this alternative
participation it would not lose the essence of collecting information about the lived experiences
of the nurses.

The participants will be informed about the progress and outcome of the research through email
or any communication platforms. This will include the transcribed data of their answers during
the interview to show the authenticity of the data. The researchers will also notify the participant
in any details regarding the Mental Health Awareness Program that will be conducted further in
the research study.

Who to Contact:
If you have any questions, you may contact the researcher at any time, even after you've begun
filling out the questionnaire. If you wish to ask questions later, you may contact the principal
investigator of the research using the following: email: or
contact the number: 0955-871-9426

Part II: Certificate of Consent

I have been invited to participate in research about Lived Experiences of Nurses in the COVID-19
Surge Situation: An Input of Mental Health Awareness Program

I have read all the information necessary prior to this study, or it has been read to me.
I have/had the opportunity to ask questions about the study and I have been answered to my
satisfaction. I consent voluntarily to be a participant of this study.

Printed Name of Participant: ______________________________
Signature of Participant: __________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________

I confirm that the participant was given the opportunity to ask questions about the study, and all
the questions asked by the participant have been answered correctly and to the best of my ability.
I confirm that the individual has not been coerced into giving consent, and the consent has been
given freely and voluntarily.

A copy of this ICF has been provided to the participant.

Print Name of Researcher/person taking the consent: ____________________________

Signature of Researcher /person taking the consent: _____________________________
Date: _____________________

Appendix D: Letter to the Validators

Our Lady of Fatima University

Quezon City Campus
College of Nursing

Dear Sir/ Ma’am:

Greetings of Peace!

We are the nursing students, currently doing a research work entitled “LIVED EXPERIENCES

With your expertise, we humbly asking your permission to validate the attached self-made
interview guide question for our study.

I am looking forward that my request would merit your positive response

Thank you and more power.

Respectfully yours,

Mara Marielle R. Alejandre et al.,

Noted by:

Dr. Joel John Dela Merced,

Research Adviser

Appendix E: Interview Guide Questions

Our Lady of Fatima University

Quezon City Campus
College of Nursing

Interview Guide Questionnaire

Researcher - Made Questionnaire on Lived Experiences of Nurses in the COVID-19 Surge
Situation: An Input of Mental Health Awareness Program S.Y 2021 – 2021.
a. This paper will contribute to further development of new knowledge for the nursing
service, nurses, clinical instructors, guidance and career office, community, future
researchers, and researchers of this study to give them beneficial insights and
information about the experiences, coping mechanisms, and well-being of nurses during
the COVID-19 surge
b. Participants are free not to answer some questions, but it would be greatly appreciated if
all questions are left answered.
c. The questions in the online interview are neither embarrassing nor invasive in nature; if
you feel uncomfortable answering any of the questions, please notify the researchers
immediately so they can help you withdraw from the study.

Phase 1: Building Rapport

1. Maari po bang malaman ang iyong pangalan at edad? (May I know your name and age?)
2. Gaano katagal na po kayong nagtatrabaho bilang isang nurse? (How long have you been
working as a nurse?)
3. Kumusta ang inyong kalagayan ngayong araw/sa araw na ito? (How are you feeling today?)
4. Maari ba naming malaman ang rason kung bakit pinili niyong maging nars? (May I know the
reason why did you become a nurse?)

Phase 2: Guide Questions
1. Maari niyo bang ilahad kung ano o anu-ano ang iyong mga karanasan ngayong COVID-19
pandemic (Could you tell us about your situation experience in the COVID-19 today?)
2. Sa anong paraan mo nakikita ang COVID-19 surge? Ito ba ay nagsisilbing hamon sa iyo, o
isang oportunidad bilang isang nurse? Sa paanong paraan? (How do you perceive the covid-19
surge? Do you see it as a challenge or an opportunity as a nurse? How do you say so?)

3. Mental Health
- Paano mo mailalarawan ang iyong mental health noong panahon na tumaas ang kaso ng
COVID-19? Ito ba ay lubhang mabuti, napakabuti, mabuti, hindi masama, masama, o
pinakamasama/malala? Paano mo ito nasabi? (How would you describe your mental health when
cases surge? It is extremely good, very good, good, not bad, bad, or worst? How do you say so?)
- Sa iyong obserbasyon, may nakikita ka bang pagbabago sa iyong mental health? Ito ba ay posito
o negatibo? Maaari mo bang ilahad kung ano o anu-ano ang mga pagbabago na ito mula bago,
magsimula, hanggang sa ngayong kasagsagan ng pandemya? (In your observation, do you see
any changes in your mental health? Like positive or negative aspects, and would you be so kind
to describe these changes in chronological order from when the COVID -19 start, up until to this
- Ano o anu-ano ang mga estratehiya na iyong ginawa upang makayanan o labanan ang mga
pagsubok sa iyong mental health sa kalagitnaan ng COVID-19 surge? (What are your strategies
to cope up with the challenges in your mental health and in the COVID-19 surge?)

4. Social Well-being
-Paano mo mailalarawan ang iyong social well-being o ang interaksyon mo sa mga taong nasa
paligid mo sa loob at labas ng ospital, lalo na sa panahon ng pagtaas ng COVID-19? (How would
you describe your social well-being, especially during the surge of COVID-19?)
- May epekto ba ang COVID-19 sa inyong social well-being bilang isang frontliner? Kung
meron, ano o anu-ano ang mga ito? Kung wala naman, paano ninyo nasabi? (Does COVID-19
have an impact on your social well-being as a frontliner? If so, what are they? If not, how do you
say so?)
- Kung ito ay may epekto, ano o anu-ano ang mga estratehiya na iyong ginawa upang makayanan
ang mga pagsubok sa iyong social well-being? (If it is have an effect, what are your strategies to
cope up with the challenges in your social well-being?)

5. Coping Strategies
-Ano o anu-ano ang iyong pinagkukuhaan ng suporta at lakas upang makayanan ang mga
pagsubok sa iyong mental health at social well-being? Tulad na lamang ng pamilya, kaibigan,
katrabaho, at sa komunidad. Paano ito nakakasuporta sa iyo? (What are your sources of support
and strength that helps you get through with the challenges in your mental health and social well-
being? from family, friends, workplace, government, community, etc. If so, how does this support
- Nakatutulong ba ang iyong mga estratehiya at suporta sa iyong mental health at social well-
being upang makayanan mong magpatuloy sa iyong araw-araw na pamumuhay? (Are these
strategies for your mental health and social well-being enough to help you get through your daily
life? How?)
-Kung hindi, sa tingin mo paano ka masusuportahan sa iyong mental health and social well-
being? (If not, how else do you think you could be supported?)
- Bilang isang frontliner, ano sa palagay mo ang pinaka mabisang paraan upang maging mas
madali ang pagharap sa mga hamon at pagsubok sa iyong mental health at social well-being? (As
a frontliner what would you think would be the best way to make it more manageable in dealing
with your mental health and social well-being?)

6. Base sa iyong mga karanasan bilang isang COVID-19 frontliner, ano o anu-ano ang iyong mga
natutunan at naging pananaw na idinulot ng pandemya? Paano nito naimpluwensiyahan ang iyong
propesyon at sa pang araw-araw na pamumuhay? (With your experiences as a COVID-19
frontliner, what were your learnings or insights during COVID-19 surge that impacted you? How
does it influence you as a nurse and life in general?)

Validated by:
Mr. Adrian Bartolo, RN
Clinical Nurse

Ms. Abbey Angelli L. Alapag, RPsy, MP, RPM

Mr. John Patrick E. Sicabalo, RPm

Appendix F: Certificate of Validation (Clinical Nurse)


This is to certify that Alejandre, Mara Marielle R., and her co-researchers who were working
on their research paper entitled, “LIVED EXPERIENCES OF NURSES IN THE COVID-19
has conferred with me for validation of their interview guide research questionnaire. I
acknowledge them for their efforts to consider my judgement.

This certification was issued for whatever purpose it may serve.

Adrian Bartolo, RN
Clinical Nurse

Appendix G: Certificate of Validation (Psychologist)


This is to certify that Alejandre, Mara Marielle R., and her co-researchers who were working
on their research paper entitled, “LIVED EXPERIENCES OF NURSES IN THE COVID-19
has conferred with me for validation of their interview guide research questionnaire. I
acknowledge them for their efforts to consider my judgement.

This certification was issued for whatever purpose it may serve.

Ms. Abbey Angelli L. Alapag, RPsy, MP, RPM

License No: 0001319

Appendix H: Certificate of Validation (Psychometrician)


This is to certify that Alejandre, Mara Marielle R., and her co-researchers who were working
on their research paper entitled, “LIVED EXPERIENCES OF NURSES IN THE COVID-19
has conferred with me for validation of their interview guide research questionnaire. I
acknowledge them for their efforts to consider my judgement.

This certification was issued for whatever purpose it may serve.

John Patrick E. Sicabalo, RPm

License Number: 0015339

Appendix I: Validation Rubric

Validator Name: Adrian Bartolo, RN (Clinical Nurse)

Question Comments/Suggestions/Recommendations
Question 7 Disregard question 7 because I think it’s just the same content in question
Question 8 If you may allow me to tweak the question but of course it’s all up to you
guys and of course take account as well the psyche side because I think
his input is more important (that’s just my opinion) My question that I’ll
put would be.
As a frontliner what would you think would be the best way to make it
more manageable in dealing with these challenges without getting
stressed out or burnout?
I did read the question I think it will tackle the frontliner side in dealing
with the challenges in covid-19 (excellent job)
anything I can help just let me know and I’m happy to help you guys.
Good luck.

Validator Name: Ms. Abbey Angelli L. Alapag, RPsy, MP, RPM (Psychologsit)

Statement of the Comments/Suggestions/

Interview items
Problem Recommendations

What are the 1. Maari niyo bang ilahad kung ano ang

Statement of the Comments/Suggestions/
Interview items
Problem Recommendations

lived experiences iyong mga karanasan ngayong COVID- (1) Question 1 is already okay.
of nurses in the 19 pandemic (Could you tell us about
COVID-19 surge your situation experience in the
in terms of; COVID-19 today?)

a. Their mental (2) Question 2 needs revision.

health Confusing. How do they
2.Sa anong paraan mo nakikita ang
challenges? perceive it? of what? Is it
COVID-19 surge ? Ito ba ay
aligned with their profession
b. Their social nagsisilbing hamon? o isang
as a nurse? Kindly clarify.
well-being and oportunidad? Sa paanong paraan? (How
work do you perceive the covid-19 surge? Do
environment? you see it as a challenge or an
opportunity? How do you say so?)
c. Their
mechanisms For Mental Health:
3. Mental Health

-Paano mo mailalarawan ang iyong (1) Question 1: Revise.

mental health noong tumaas ang kaso ng Include rating from 1-10 to
COVID-19? (How would you describe know the severity level or
your mental health when cases surge?) intensity level.

- Anong pagbabago ang iyong na Is this question pertain to

obserbahan sa iyong sarili mula bago, mental health? Or to self?
simula, hanggang sa ngayong Revise. Kindly refocus the
kasagsagan ng pandemya? Ito ba ay question to mental health.
positibo o negatibo na pagbabago? At
bakit? (Have you observed any
difference in your MH when the
pandemic initially hit the country and
when cases surge? Were they positive or
negative changes? why?)

Statement of the Comments/Suggestions/
Interview items
Problem Recommendations

- Ano ang mga estratehiya na iyong Question is okay.

ginawa upang makayanan o labanan ang
mga pagsubok sa iyong mental health sa
kalagitnaan ng covid-19 surge (What are
your strategies to cope up with the
challenges in your mental health and in
the COVID-19 surge?)

Social well-being is an
4. Social Well-being interaction or socialization of
nurses inside and outside of
-Paano mo mailalarawan ang iyong the hospital – revise question.
social well-being, lalo na sa pagtaas ng In your question, it was not
covid-19? (How would you describe properly clarified with how
your social well-being, especially during they interact with others.
a surge?) Make sure that the respondents
would be able to understand
- Paano nakakaapekto ang COVID-19 sa
better the concept of social
inyong social well being bilang isang
frontliner? (How does your profession
affect your social well-being in the
COVID-19 surge ?)

Coping Strategies
- Ano ang mga estratehiya na iyong
ginawa upang makayanan ang mga
pagsubok sa iyong social well-being
(What are your strategies to cope up
with the challenges in your social well-

5.1 Pagsubok para saan?

5. Coping Strategies Clarify. Refocus question in
context of coping strategies for
-May iba ka pa bang pinagkukuhaan ng COVID 19
suporta at lakas upang makayanan ang
mga pagsubok na ito? Tulad na lamang
ng pamilya, kaibigan, katrabaho, at sa 5.2 Magpatuloy para saan?
komunidad.(Is there any other support Clarify. Refocus question in
that helps you get through with these the context of coping
challenges? (from family, friends, strategies for Covid 19
workplace, government, community,

Statement of the Comments/Suggestions/
Interview items
Problem Recommendations

- Sapat na ba ang mga ito upang 5.3. Masusuportahan para

makayanan mong magpatuloy? (Are saan? Clarify. Refocus
these enough to help you get through?) question in the context of
coping strategies for COVID
-Kung hindi, sa tingin mo paano ka
masusuportahan? (If not, how else do
you think you could be supported?) 5.4. Revise. Remove stress or
burn-out. Refocus question in
the context of coping
- Bilang isang frontliner, ano sa palagay strategies for COVIFD-19.
mo ang pinakamabisang paraan upang
maging mas madaling harapin ang mga
hamon at pagsubok na ito nang hindi na-
iistress o na-buburnout? (As a frontliner
what would you think would be the best
way to make it more manageable in
dealing with these challenges without
getting stressed out or burnout?)

What insight can

be derived from
Base sa iyong mga karanasan bilang Change the word,
the lived
isang COVID-19 frontliner, ano ang naapektuhan. Look for more
experiences of
iyong mga natutunan at naging pananaw suitable words.
nurses in the
na idinulot ng pandemya? Paano nito
naapektuhan ang iyong propesyon at sa
pang araw-araw na pamumuhay?
(With your experiences as a COVID-19
frontliner, what were your learnings or
insights during COVID 19 surge that
impacted you? How does it affect you as
a nurse and life in general?)

Validator Name: John Patrick E. Sicabalo, RPm (Psychometrician)

Appendix J: Curriculum Vitae of Validators

Clinical Nurse



Appendix K: Letter to the Counselor

Our Lady of Fatima University

Quezon City Campus
College of Nursing

Dear Sir Richard Laus,

Greetings of Peace!

We are the third-year nursing students of Our Lady Fatima University – Quezon City, currently
doing a research work entitled “LIVED EXPERIENCES OF NURSES IN THE COVID-19

As per requirement of our nursing research and with your expertise, we are humbly asking for
your permission to be the counselor of our research participants during and after the interview.

We are looking forward that our request would merit your positive response.

Thank you and more power.

Respectfully yours,

Mara Marielle R. Alejandre et al.,

Noted by:

Dr. Joel John Dela Merced,


Research Adviser

Appendix L: Letter to the Grammarian

Our Lady of Fatima University

Quezon City Campus
College of Nursing

Dear Sir/ Ma’am:

Greetings of Peace!

We are the nursing students, currently doing a research work entitled “LIVED EXPERIENCES

With your expertise, we humbly asking your permission to be our research grammarian in our

I am looking forward that my request would merit your positive response

Thank you and more power.

Respectfully yours,

Mara Marielle R. Alejandre et al.,

Noted by:

Dr. Joel John Dela Merced,


Research Adviser

Appendix M: Certificate of Proof Reading


This is to certify that Alejandre, Mara Marielle R., and her co-researchers who were working
on their research paper entitled, “LIVED EXPERIENCES OF NURSES IN THE COVID-19
has conferred with me for validation of their interview guide research questionnaire. I
acknowledge them for their efforts to consider my judgement.

This certification was issued for whatever purpose it may serve.

Adrian Bartolo, RN
Clinical Nurse

Appendix N: Recruitment Material (Letter)

Call for Participants

Good day! We are 3 rd year nursing students from Our Lady of Fatima University and we are
conducting a research study entitled: “Lived Experiences of Nurses in the COVID-19 Surge
Situation: An Input of Mental Health Awareness Program” in partial fulfillment of our
requirements in Nursing Research II.

Qualifications for participants:

✅ Male or Female
✅ 25 to 45 years old
✅ Registered Nurse assigned in the COVID facilities, with at least six (6) months experience
✅ Working in a tertiary hospital in Quezon City
✅ Capable of giving personal consent
✅ Capable of reading and writing
✅ Willingness to participate to the study

If you meet the above requirements, may we ask for your time and kind consideration to answer
google form through this link or scan the QR below:

Rest assured that all information collected will be kept private and used just for academic

If you have any questions or concerns, you may reach us through email at:

Appendix O: Recruitment Material (Poster)

Poster for Social Media Posting

Appendix P: Interview Transcription

Building Rapport Participant’s Responses

1. Maari po bang Participant 1

malaman ang iyong
pangalan at edad? “Uhmm.. Joan Kabukin, 29 years old

Participant 2
(May I know your
name and age?) “Ahh.. Ako po si Keina Molina, 29 po.”

Participant 3
“[Uhm] LJ,28 years old.”

Participant 4
“Joy Sulay, 36 y/o”

Participant 5
“Angelie Sevilla Pantanilla, 32 years old”

Participant 6
“I’m Charles Benedict Enero, 27 years of age.”

Participant 7
“Shaira Mabanan, 24”

Participant 8
“Jose, John Monico Antonio, 32 years old.”

Participant 9
“Ako po si Iska and I am 29 years old”

Participant 10
“[uhm] ako po si Sharlyn Gutierrez I’m 30 years old na ako ngayon.”

Participant 11
“[ahh...] Warren Jason Diaz, [ah...] 47 years old.”

2. Gaano ka na po Participant 1
katagal nagtatrabaho
bilang isang nurse? “Uhhmm..6 years”

Participant 2
(How long have you
been working as a “Uhmm… f-four years mahigit naman”
Participant 3
“[Uhm] actually, wait lang. 2015 pa ako nagstart eh. 7 years, pero dyan sa St.
Lukes, [Uhh] almost 4 years.”

Participant 4
“5 years”

Participant 5
“5years and counting.”

Participant 6
“Siguro mga ano, [uhm] 3 years!”

Participant 7
“2 years”

Participant 8
“dito sa heart center [uhm] umabot na ako ng 6 na taon mahigit."

Participant 9
“Ahh..bale 8 years in total”

Participant 10
“[uhm] ako po si Sharlyn Gutierrez I’m 30 years old na ako ngayon.”

Participant 11
“[ahh..] 21 years? Twenty. [Ahm] I'm going 21 na.”

3. Kumusta ang Participant 1

inyong kalagayan
ngayon? “Uhmm, pano ba, okay naman”

(How are you feeling Participant 2
“Nahmm.. Ngayon po na bumaba na yung COVID cases kasi COVID nurse na
po ako nitong past 2 years. Uhh mas relaxed na po. [giggles]”

Participant 3
“[Uhm] ngayon, ano na since close na kasi yung COVID unit namin. So [uhm]
sa ngayon, medyo lumalabas na kami sa ibang unit. Parang isa nalang yung ano
eh… yung patient namin. So medyo nakaka luwag luwag na sa… sa schedule.
Pero toxic padin sa ibang unit. Yun lang pinagkaiba kasi wala nang PPE, so
nakaka galaw na ng maayos.”

Participant 4
“I am in good condition, covid free and healthy”

Participant 5
“Well enough!”

Participant 6
“Sa ngayon as a nurse… okay naman. Siguro physically okay, financially siguro
okay naman, stable naman. Mas okay siya kesa… before pandemic.”

Participant 7
“Mabuti naman “

Participant 8
"Ngayun medyo maganda naman ang kalagayan namin mga nurse lalong-lalo
na sa heart center kasi medyo alaga naman po."

Participant 9
“Ayos naman, medyo pagod”

Participant 1
“Okay naman.”

Participant 11
“[ahh..] Well satisfied [amm..] Pagod sa work pero masaya.”

4. Maari ba naming Participant 1

malaman ang rason
kung bakit ka naging “Uhm, inspirasyon ko yung tita ko kaya ako naging nars.”

nars? Participant 2
“[uhm] sa maiksing sagot po, gusto ko talaga siya simula nung bata [giggles]”
(May I know the
reason why did you Participant 3
become a nurse?)
“[Uhm] nung time kasi, [uhh] in demand yung ano… yung nursing profession.
Tsaka yung, my aunty and my uncle are also similar… similar courses den. So
[uhh] I noticed overseas din is in demand until now actually, especially this
time. That’s why yun yung parang naging [uhm]... naging goal ko na makalabas
ng bansa. Which is yung [uhh] magiging reason nun is yung career ko.”

Participant 4
“To serve and help other people.”

Participant 5
“It's because of my mother's health condition. Heart problem”

Participant 6
“[ahhh] Yung reason [ahh] actually di ko talaga gusto maging nurse eh pero…
since nurse yung Mom ko, and yung Brother ko, nahikayat* hinikayat nila
akong mag nurse narin so I have no other choice dahil hindi naman* dahil yung
Mother ko yung nag papaaral sakin eh, so sinunod ko nalang.”

Participant 7

Participant 8
"[uhm]. brief history lang naman dahil lang sa lola ko, yung nagpalaki kasi
sakin yun so tanging ginawa ko lang goal na [ahh].. ako naman yung [ahh] ..
mag-aalaga sa kanya in the future nagawa ko naman so goal succeed naman

Participant 9
“Uhm, dahil ano gusto ng nanay ko char”

Participant 10
“[uhm] ahh… tawag dito, dito ko talaga first choice yung pagiging nurse. Ang
gusto ko talaga is pagiging stewardess pero dahil di ako pinalad dun sa pinag
applyan kong school, napadpad ako dun sa isang school na wala akong ibang
mapiling course kung hindi nursing.”

Participant 11

“[ahhh]. Napili ko kasi yan kasi mother ko nars tapos uncle ko doctor kumbaga
yun ang naline na ano namin [eh] more on medical. Kaya ayun ang napili ko.”

Interview Guide Participant’s Response


1. Maari niyo bang Participant

ilahad kung ano ang “Karanasan tungkol ba sa pasyente?”
iyong mga karanasan
ngayong COVID-19 “Uhmm masaya na mahirap, masaya kase kaming mga frontliners lang yung
pandemic mga lumbalabas which is iwas sa traffic. Mahirap kasi nakikita naming yung
hirap na dinadanas ng mga pasyente. Ganun po”
(Could you tell us
about your situation Participant 2
experience in the “Uhmm… In general po masasabi kong para siyang roller coaster ride, kasi
COVID-19 today?) nung umpisa kasi hindi pa naman natin alam kung paano siya i-treat talaga
[uhm] hindi natin alam kung paano sisimulan yung mga management, paano
aalagaan yung mga pasyente. [uhm] Mahirap, tapos nung kalagitnaan naman
nung medyo nahahandle na natin [uhm] mataas parin kasi yung cases non so
medyo matrabaho padin. Tapos [uhm] nakakaubos ng motivation mag work
pero sa dulo naman po tulad nung ano na pababa na yung mga cases [uhm] mas
ano na siya, mas kampante na rin tayo na, [uhm] kami na… Alam na namin
yung gagawin kaya pag may mga bagong dating na COVID case, mas mabilis
na namin na ma-manage.”

Participant 3
“Nag start siya 2019 pero pumasok kasi satin yung COVID is 2020. So nung
una, nakalimutan ko na kung ano-ano yun… [uhm] ano nga bang ano yun…
yung key variant ba, yung pinaka una… Alpha alpha ba yon? Yung pinaka
unang case natin, [uhm] actually parang una mahirap imanage hindi kasi lahat…
or hindi alam kung paano talaga siya imanage nung una. So lahat talaga
experimental. And then [uhm], sa una ang pinaka maraming cases nacater
namin is yung mga [uhm] yung mga staff din doon sa Hospital na pinag
woworkan ko, pero mild sila. Tapos, habang tumatagal parang mas nalaman na
yung management pero lumala yung sakit… or yung tama nung virus sa patients
namin. Especially yung mga may comorbidities. Ang pinaka malala is yung
delta, na sobrang parang everyday or every shift may nag cocode saamin. So
kapag sinabing regardless of age, [uhm] basta may comorbidities siya,
especially kapag may obese patient, sobrang lala ng tama sa kanila. [Uhm] so
mahirap grabe nun, i can’t imagine na parang nakaya namin kasi… 8 to 12
hours dirediretso. Hindi kami makapag break, umihi man lang, or maka poop
kasi… mataas yung demand ng… [uhh] mataas yung parang kailangan ng
patient, in demand sila na in a way na [uhm]... toxic sila ganon, So wala na
kaming time para sa sarili namin and it really affects us not only physically but
also mentally at that time and wala eh, kailangan talaga, hindi kami makauwi.
So, sabi ko nalang that time, okay na siguro na makapag [uhm] mag manage ng
patient kesa naman magkasakit family ko. Yun nalang yung motivation ko,

Participant 4
“5 times na ako nag-covid, twice dun naadmit ako sa hospital kasi may
symptoms ako, the rest asymptomatic naman. Yun first time ko nagkacovid,

sobrang depressing and stressful, kasi iniisip mo kalagayan mo, yun pamilya
and mga kawork mo baka nahawa mo sila at yun mga sasabihin ng iba. Sobrang
stressful nun. And hindi pa alam kung pano ihandle ang covid cases. Dami
nagkakahawaan, dami lumalala and worst dami namamatay. Pero nung tumagal
parang ok lang, tanggap na ng lahat, alam na mga protocols, and alam na pano
ihandle ang covid.”

Participant 5
“It's a different situation, prior COVID we do a lot of things with my family.
But when the pandemic started. It started to change. Bawal lumabas.”

Participant 6
“[uhm] karanasan dito sa Pilipinas bilang isang nurse, dito sa emergency room
ng [uhm] dito sa may Quezon ave. [uhm] masasabi ko medyo challenging [ahh]
than the nurmal, usually yung normal kasi nung wala pang pandemic [uhm]
umaabot kami ng mga 150 hanggang 200 patients a day, [ahh] although nung
nag pandemic mas kumonte siya kaya lang mas mahirap kasi gumalaw due to
[ahh] sa mga personal protective equipments [ahh] tapos syempre mas medyo
deprived kami ng ano sa mga respirators N95 [uhm] medyo same siya ng pagod
eh kaya lang iba kasi yung sa pag kilos, medyo mas mabagal ka sa pag ca-
cacarry out sa mga pasyente.”

Participant 7
“Mahirap dahil naka PPE ka habang nag-aalaga ng mga pasyente at syempre
risk din para sa aming kalusugan at kasama sa bahay.”

Participant 8
"Ang pinaka mahirap na... part na pagiging COVID nurse lalo na yung
pandemic kasi naging covid unit ang CCU ng heart center yung mga panahong
wala pang vaccine ang mga tao so medyo at medyo nangangapa pa tayo so
medyo mahirap kumilos mahirap gumalaw medyo marami kang iniisip.. dahil
nga doon."

Participant 9
“Ahhh, hindi pa ako nagka-covid pero na assign naman ako sa covid ward for
siguro mga dalawang buwan din. Tapos after non nag transition kami sa non-
covid ward, pero sinusunod pa rin namin yung mga protocols ng covid sa
hospital kasi mandated ng ano eh ng protocol.”

Participant 10
“[uhm] syempre nung bago palang nag sisimula yung COVID ano… kumbaga
nandun yung takot na, baka mahawaan ka kung ano mangyari sayo tapos isa pa
dun yung malayo ka sa pamilya mo, so… di ka kaagad nakaka uwi so most of
the time mag isa ka lang, ayon.”

Participant 11
"[ahh..] during duties?."

"[ahhhmm..] medyo mahirap ang patient care during covid [ahh..] in pandemic
lalo na yung time na yung yung unang phase ng covid kasi [ahh...] iingatan
kailangan ingatan mo yung pasyente at iingatan mo din ang sarili mo. Tapos
[ahhh..] Gagamit ka ng PPE’s and so ang init doon sa loob tapos talagang
nakaplano na talaga yung gagawin mo sa patient pagpasok doon hindi basta
basta makakapasok ka pero yung eventually, habang nagsasubside habang
tumatagal alam mo nang maghandle ng ano kumbaga ngayun hindi naman na

kailanagan ireport although may mga ano covid ano patients so yung mga lesser
[nahh].... scrabs [ahh]. Suot mo ganun protection mo yung nalang [ah..] di na
ganung kahirap [ahh..] Ihandle sa ngayun yung mga covid patients ganun. So
pagkameron doon. So yung ano lang [ahh...] yung proper hygiene mo tyaka
yung proper protective wearing lang naman yun kailangan mo dun."

2. Sa anong paraan Participant 1

mo nakikita ang “Uhhmm isang hamon siguro”
COVID-19 surge? Ito
ba ay nagsisilbing “Hamon, na ah nag add, parang nadoble yung pag aalaga naming sa pasyente
hamon o isang kasi minsan uhh madalas uhh lagi pala, sa sitwasyon walang bantay silang
oportunidad bilang kasama so kaming mga nurses at doctors ang lagi nilang nakikita during stay
isang nurse? Sa nila sa hospital, yon.”
paanong paraan?
Participant 2
(How do you “[uhm] para sakin personally po very challenging kasi kagaya nga nung
perceive the covid-19 nabanggit ko kanina nung umpisa, nangangapa pa kung paano i-manage kasi yu’
surge? Do you see it wala talaga eh, from scratch talaga yung [uhm] management [uhm] and then
as a challenge or an [silence], so yung challenge na yon, pa ano siya, pa.. increasing ba [giggles]
opportunity as a yung intensity kasi yung, nag eevolve yung strain, so yung management na
nurse? How do you applicable nung umpisa sa first na variant, hindi siya ganun ka applicable sa
say so?) mga sumusunod na variant so ang dami nang namatay ganon kasi, [uhmmm]
nagbabago-bago nga yung management na kailangang gawin so talagang
[ahhh] nakakaubos siya ng ideas kung paano i-manage yung isang patient,
paano alagaan kasi minsan din yung applicable [silence] sa [silence] patient mo
sa sa isang room, hindi sa applicable dun sa kabila [silence] mga ganun po, and
then… [silence] [uhm] in a way po opportunity siya para… ma… ahh.. Ma..
upgrade ba o ma-enhance ba yung thinking skills natin as a nurse kasi hindi nga
siya ordinary na sakin na.. [uhm] mababasa mo lang sa libro kung paano mo i-
manage [ahh] this time para siyang novel na sakit nga na nangyari kasi [uhm]
mag reresearch ka muna, tatry mo muna kung applicable ba to, gagana ba to,
parang ganon bago mo [uhm] bago mo siya [ih] gamitin sa patient tapos hindi
rin ganun katagal yung research na time na pwede mong [silence] [ahh] gawin
before mo siya i-apply, so parang pag may naisip ka na idea [uhm] konting
research lang i-apply mo na agad parang ganun [giggles] yung nangyari nung
[uhm] pandemic so, very challenging talaga siya.”

“[uhm] Para sakin po, pinaka na challenge ako.. Sa Delta, kasi yung nung
umpisa [uhm] ano nga ba yung pinaka unang strain natin yung”
“pinaka COVID, alpha ohh. Yung pinaka COVID talaga 2020 ng mga bandang
January yata yon na… [uhm] tawag dito parang ang nangyari kasi nag
kagulatan nalang diba na, hindi naman kasii tayo nag lockdown agad,
nagkagulatan nalang na tumataas na yung cases tapos ang daming inuubo, ang
daming nahihirapan huminga, medyo [silence] [uhhm] in a way para samin po
noon, ang thinking namin, ‘ay sige kakayanin to’ na.. alam natin gagawin,
ganyan ganyan. Tapos, [uhm] kaso nung dumating yung DELTA talaga na akala
namin tolerate, tolerable yung [uhm] magiging… situation, biglang hindi na kasi
yung DELTA talaga yung sobrang daming [uhm] kumabaga… mortality cases
yun ang daming namamatay kasi kahit anong ibigay naming gamot, kahit anong
management namin, pag ka medyo delayed lang ng konti yung pagdating nila
dito sa Hospital, namamatayan talaga kami. Yung, halos… [uhm] makiki
breakdown ka nalang din sa family kasi hindi ka nakatulong na maka-save ng
buhay parang ganon.”

Participant 3

“[Hhm] di ko ano… both parties din siguro. [Uhm] opportunity siya to at least
aware us about COVID-19, and especially during nung una talaga. Since
lockdown, lahat ng tao nagsiuwian, at home talaga sila. So nagkaroon ng time sa
family lalo na sa mga office workers, so naappreciate nila yung time with their
families siguro. [Uhm] it’s time na siguro para maaware din sa ating self-
awareness. I think it’s also a… ano yung isa? sorry.”
“Ahh oo challenge. Challenging siya kasi sobrang [uhm] may time na iniisip ko
na ‘is it time to give up? Or is it… ano lang siya hamon nga or challenge na to
still keep going’. Ayon, mahirap siya talaga, ang daming nagresign sa amin
during those days, and hindi ko sila masisisi that nag decide sila ng ganon. And
ayon, as an opportunity as a nurse, [uhm] madami kaming nalaman about
COVID. Pero as times goes by, parang medyo nakakabobo na, kasi parang
originally ang work kasi namin is about we cater patients who have cardiac
problems, so yung mga post-op. So parang labanan talaga eh. Labanan din siya,
pero may time ka naman para uminom ng tubig, pero toxic pa din naman siya.
Because heart, it’s about heart, nakakachallenge siya. Unlike ngayon sa COVID,
parang feeling ko nastuck ako don sa knowledge ko don kasi parang parepareho
nalang yung management and ayon, yun yung ayaw ko sa COVID, COVID

Participant 4
“Masasabi ko challenge sya and the same time opportunity din sya. At first,
challenge talaga sya, at risk kasi lahat, lalo na mga nurses kasi kami lagi kasama
ng mga patients. Sobrang laki ng chances maghawa kami and madala namin sa
family namin. Hindi kami makakauwi sa family namin nun kasi takot kami
mahawa namin sila. Nung stary ng pandemic, yun mga nurses and other
frontliners nag-iistay nalang sa hospitals para di makahawa. Stress sa work and
malayo ka pa sa family mo. Sobrang hirap nun. Pero at the brighter side, you
have the chance to help other people, to take care of them, be with them at their
lowest point of their lives. And at the same time, you learned a lot, how to
prevent the disease, how to handle it and gain knowledge from it.”

Participant 5
“Maybe a challenge for all health workers and family... because when the
COVID started . That was also the start of health workers to find their own
place far away to their family, to protect them to any harm.”

Participant 6
“I think it’s a challenge and also is an opportunity. Challenge kasi, syempre
[uhm] dito sa Pilipinas we’re considered as na 3rd world country hindi ganon
ka-readily equiped yung mga gamit natin unlike other country [uhm] countries
pero opportunity rin kasi dahil [uhm] dahil sa learning na nakukuha natin during
the pandemic, at least it gives as [uhm] full of resources tyaka give us [uhm]
opportunity to elevate the health care system dito sa Pilipinas.”

Participant 7
“Hamon sa aming healthcare worker dahil hindi lang buhay ng tao ang
nakasalalay dito pati buhay din ng bawat healthcare worker.”

Participant 8
"Actually, naging oppurtunity sya sa... mga nurse dahil kasi nag expand yung
knowledge mo tyaka kung nagiging aware ka jan [ehh]. kung paano ka
makikisasama sa... ibat- ibang tao lalo na sa.. iba't iba kasi ang stress sa
panahon ng covid."

Participant 9
“Uhhmm feeling ko ano pa rin naman siya, isa pa rin siyang balakid or hamon
sa, sa ano, sa mismong bansa natin. Pero as ano career wise, siyempre isa rin
siyang opportunity para uhm maenhance yung skills and knowledge bilang
nurse. Kasi ibang way siya eh na bukod dun sa protocols na naranasan namin
pre-pandemic, so bagong experience siya”

Participant 10
“Ano para sakin syempre naging challenge siya dahil pag may surge ang dami
nanamang pasyente, maraming maraming healthcare worker yung naaapektuhan
din so yung stopping kulang na kulang din talaga. So kung baga, lahat nag
cocompensate para magampanan yung trabaho ganon.”

Participant 11
"Both na hamon at opportunity [ahmm] hamon na papano mo lalabanan yan o
papano mo idedeal yang [ahh] mga covid patients na maiicounter mo.
Opportunity kasi.. Maddidiscover yung ano yung malelevel up yung ano mo
[eh!] opportunity to level up your skills as a nurse ganun po.”

3. Paano mo Participant 1
mailalarawan ang “Worst”
iyong mental health “Uhm kasi dina ah sakin naging ano rin ako, covid positive . so kung ano yung
noong tumaas ang dinanas ng inaalagaan ko dati, naranasan ko din ganon.”
kaso ng COVID-19? “Noong kasagsagan okay lang naman, kasi uhm medyo narerecognize rin kami
Ito ba ay lubhang na hero nga, tayo na nurses na hero ganon medyo masya pero nung tumatagal na
mabuti, napakabuti, paulit ulit na lang na, covid 19 na lang ;ahat ng hinahawakan naming na
mabuti, hindi pasyente. Nakaka burn out na rin, na minsan namamatayan lalo na ngayon
masama, masama, o nakakdepress at nung dumating ako sa stage nan admit din ng mag isa walang
pinakamasama/malala kasama yon, sobrang nakakadepress pero yon yon po.”
? Paano mo ito
nasabi? Participant 2
“[hmmm] para sakin po in general lalo na nung kasagsagan na toxic talaga yung
(How would you environment na working environment namin [uhm] [silence] parang mag fa-fall
describe your mental sa not bad [giggles] kasi… [silence] [uhm] [silence] [tsk] medyo [uhm]
health when cases positive naman yung outlook ko as a person, kaso nga lang… pag ka talagang
surge? It is extremely very stressful yung ano… yung working environment hindi mo rin kasi
good, very good, mapigilan na [silence] [ahh] kahit [silence] kahit [uhm] masayahin kang tao,
good, not bad, bad, or kahit na… maitindihin kang tao, pagka talaga [silence] [uhm] china-
worst? How do you chinachallenge ka na… halos maubos na yung pasyensya mo, maubos na yung
say so?) lakas mo… na nakakabago siya ng ugali, parang ganon pero at the end of the
day [silence] kailangan lang mag reflect na kung ano yung mga nagawa mong
tama, nagawa mong mali at kung meron mang mga kailangang [uhm] [silence]
i-adjust [uhm] mag rereflect ka lang and then yun lang po yung ginawa ko tapos
pagka ano naman, nakakabawi naman ako ng mga ano… ng source of
motivation, nakakakuha pa naman.”

Participant 3
“Nako. Parang pag sinasabi kasing mental health, di lang kasi sa COVID yan, so
parang as whole na siya. So while working at COVID unit, tapos [uhm] i can
say sometimes it’s bad, sometimes it’s very bad, sometimes naman it’s good.
But right now, [uhm] not bad. Pero nung nakaraan, nung during COVID days,
[uhh] siguro nasa 75% ng answer ko is bad. Ayon.”

“[Uhm]... about mental health… kasi during those days kasi ang hirap [uhm]...
paano ba… mahirap mag isolate den sa isang room na sobrang… sa isang unit

namin sa isang araw… sa isang room ng patient tapos medyo maaapektuhan ka
din kasi eh sa mga kinalalagyan ng patients. So [uhh] parang uuwi ka paranag
ramdam mo pa din yung burden ng… burden sa patient. Aside from that, parang
paulit ulit kasi yung process na parang papasok ka, pagod ka, tapos gigising ka
para mag work, papasok ka nanaman. Alam mo yun parang routine na parang
iniisip mo palang na papasok ka, pagod ka na. Not only physically but ayon
mentally. Pero sakin kasi, yung work kasi toxic. Tanggap ko na yung toxicity ng
work, lalo na sa unit namin. Umabot kami sa tatlong e-cart, usually isa lang e-
cart per unit so sa sobrang lala ng mga nagcocode at nag RRT rapid response
team ng mga patients namin, umabot kami sa tatlong e-cart sa sobrang lala
talaga ng mga namamatay doon before. Sakin, okay lang yung ganon katoxican
pero [uhm] minsan talaga may mga tao din sa paligid mo na itetest ka kung saan
yung patience mo, and yun yung malaking part na [uhm]... malaking part na
makakaapekto sa mental health. Na instead na maappreciate nila yung work mo,
kahit na pala binigay mo na yung best, and kung nagkamali ka isang beses na di
naman siya ganon kalala na kasalanan or what, they tend na or assume na
sobrang bigat ng kasalanan yun. Like oh my gosh, 4 years ako dyan and then
it’s just eto hindi ko lang nagawa yung isang bagay, it really affects our [uhh]
health… mental health. As i’ve said a while ago, tanggap ko yung toxicity ng
work about during those COVID surge. Pero minsan, syempre you’ll feel down,
kailangan din natin ng kausap to let out our feelings and minsan den kailangan
pagpipilian mo pagsasabihan mo kasi [uhm] hindi mo din sure kung sino yung
pwede mong pagkatiwalaan at sa work mo den ayon, hindi mo den lahat
makakapagkatiwalaan. Just do your best and umuwi ka nalang, ganon nalang
talaga siya.”

Participant 4
“Nung tumataas ang cases ng covid 19, it was exhausting, mentally and
physically. Kasi takot ka mahawa and makahawa. Lahat ng pag-iingat gagawin
mo. Nakakaparanoid din, kasi kahit konting sumama lang pakiramdam feeling
mo meron ka na. And dami nagkakasakit and worst dami namamatay. It was
depressing that time. Pero with the help of family and friends, yun love and
support nila. Nakakagaan ng pakiramdam, yun naappreciate ka ng patients and
family nila, nakakataba ng puso. Yun madami nagbibigay ng food for
frontliners, yun mga libreng transportations para sa mga medical staff,
nakakatulong sa mental health, kasi naappreciate yun effort namin. For us,
laking tulong yun. Parang nababalance lahat”

Participant 5
“For me it's good. When it started our duty is 5 days and off of 7days. In that 7
days, We find some time to our family even though we have some restrictions.”

Participant 6
“Ahh! Sa ngayon ano, siguro… marami kasing ano eh, na deprived sa mga
nurses na ano eh syempre di katulad dati na [uhm] mga post duties mo
mapapagala ka makaka unwind ka punta ka sa mga gusto mo puntahan okaya
simple sa mga alak-alak ganyan, makaka bonding kayo. Ngayon kasi wala eh,
parang gugustuhin mo nalang mag ano ka after duties sa sobrang pagod mo
papahinga ka nalang ganon. Hanggang sa… dumami yung ano dumami yung
ano, maiisipan nalang din ng iba na umalis.”

Participant 7
“Mental health ay importante bawat indibidwal may kanya-kanyang coping
mechanism, asa iyo pano mo ihandle ang problema.”

Participant 8
"Masasabi mong [ahmm] ano sya in short term hindi maganda dahil ksi yung
stresss mo nun napakataas lalo na pag umuuwi ka sa sariling mong bahay
although may sarili akong kwarto pero syempre lalo na pag may kasama kang
senior citizens sa bahay na napakaaa.. prone sa covid actually mas iisipin mo
yung pamilya mo kaysa sa sarili mo sa panahon na to eh."

Participant 9
“Ahh sakin kasi, sabi ko nga di naman ako nagkaroon ng covid pero andun pa
rin yung pangamba. So para sakin andun ako sa average or medyo ano uhm
medyo good or hinde. Dun ako sa medyo bad.”

“Oo, average or bad kasi siyempre nangangamba ka pa rin na magkaroon ka.

Kasi yung mga kasamahan mo sa ward nagkaroon na eh. So kapag kunyari may
contact tracing feeling mo one of them ka na rin. Kaya mag iisip at magiisip ka
rin talaga and yon magiging cautious ka lalo na hindi ka mahawaan para mas
ano ka, mas ano ka, mas ahh–”

“Vigilant ka, na wag mahawaan. Kasi iniisip mo na wag mo rin mahawaan yung
mga kapamilya mo.”

Participant 10
“Para saakin naging mas ano… masama?”

“Kasi parang ano, mix emotion kasi siya, syempre… nagka trabaho ka tas
inaalala mo yung pamilya mo kung kamusta na ba sila, hindi rin kasi maiwasan
na mahawaan din sila ng COVID-19. So malayo ako sa kanila, kung baga
nandito ako pero yung isip ko andun sa kanila parang stress kana sa work tapos
stress kapa sa kung anong nangyayari sa kanila ayun.”

Participant 11
“Sakin parang good lang kasi di ako yung type na person di nagpapanic agad
[eh] tyaka parang I treat it as a normal situation na [eh] sanay ka sa mga
pressure moments yun. Parang wala lang din sakin. So... good lang ganun lang.”

4. Sa iyong Participant 1
obserbasyon, meron “Negative”
kabang nakikitang
pagbabago sa iyong “Hmm bago masipag pumasok excited, nung during pandemic anon a lang ahh
mental health? Ito ba pinipilit na lang pumasok nung mga panahon na burnout ka na ahh pero andun
ay posito o negatibo? pa rin yung care mo sa pasyente kasi kailangan full ano ka ahh mentally focus
Maaari mo bang ka sa pag aalaga sa pasyente kahit yung nararamdaman mo hindi na maganda,
ilahad kung ano ang atleast mapagaling mo sila. Ngayon okay lang nman. Mas lalong nawalan ng
mga pagbabago na ito gana pumasok ganon, regarding lang sa pagpasok sa duty ganon lang naman,
mula bago, simula, pero yung pag aalaga sa patient wala namang pinagbago, mas focus pa din,
hanggang sa ngayong yon.”
kasagsagan ng
pandemya? “Ahm sighuro ano, pwede ba yung pag iiyak? Ganon? Madalas na iyak ganon,
ganon lang which is dati wala namang nakkapagod sa depression ano siguro
(In your observation, yun.”
do you see any
changes in your Participant 2
mental health? Like “[Uhm] Changes sa mental health.. Hin-ah, hindi naman siya sobrang nagbago-
pero siguro, mas, mas ano pa [uhm], mas tumibay ba yung [uhm] or mas

positive or negative maganda-mas gumanda yung naging response ko kapag meron ng stressful
aspects, and would situation na kailangan ko nanamang harapin. Kase nung-Nung start, di syempre-
you be so kind to di nga namin alam yung gagawin [uhm] medyo nakaka panic. [uhm] tapos
describe these pagka - kunwari- akala mo okay na yung inaalagaan mong patient tapos biglang
changes in nagbago yung situation niya., yung kondisyon niya. Tas hindi mo nanaman alam
chronological order yung gagawin- So, magpapanic kang ganyan-NUNG UMPISA. Pero nung
from when the tumatagal na [uhm] para kaseng nakasanayan na namin na anytime pwedeng
COVID -19 start, up magbago yung kondisyon ng patient [uhh] So para samin, hindi na siya ganon
until to this day? nakaka [uhm] Nakaka bago ng composure back. Parang ganon. So hindi kana
masyadong kakabahan [uhhm] In a way kasi ineexpect mo nayon. So kahit na
[uhm] kailanganin yan ng tito ng may kailangan intubate mga ganon. Medyo
less na yung anxiety [uhm yun po] Teka nasagot ko ba yung tanong *Laughs

“Opo para sakin , positive [uhm] Mas- mas gumanda yung reaksyon ko kapag
may stressful events”

Participant 3
“That’s a good question actually, kasi recently lang [uhm]... paano ba… last
year june ayon nadiagnose din ako, so naano din ako naisolate din ako for 7
days or 10 days pa ata yon that time na yon. Mild lang ako, okay naman ako that
time, tapos after kong makalabas, like nakafeel ako ng anxiety, hindi ako
makatulog ng ilang araw tapos i don’t know how to feel kung bakit hindi ako
masaya. So sabi ko dahil nga siguro na ano lang ako… naisolate lang ako, so
parang feeling ko it really affects na yung parang wala kang makausap at that
time. So hinayaan ko lang siya, bumalik din naman pero ang tagal eh, parang
mga 1 month na ganon ako. Tapos napansin na every other month, akala ko din
hormonal imbalance lang siya na nagkakaroon ako ng anxiety. Tapos
naapektuhan talaga siya during [uhh] sa career ko sa work na may nangyare…
may nangyare about sa unit namin. Onti-onti nag resign yung mga kasama ko
ngayon and ilan nalang kami natira sa unit namin, supposedly dapat nasa 30
something kami, ngayon parang umabot nalang kami sa lima sa unit namin. So
ayon may nangyari nga in our unit na i can’t disclose na siya so ilan nalang
kami natrira ngayon. So [uhm] ngayon, dahil sa nangyare ngayon, nagpa psych
referral ako, and ngayon parang for scheduling nalang ako for psych because of
that kasi bumabalik nanaman yung anxiety ko and sinabi nila na parang
kailangan ko nang magpa psych pero sabi ko ‘baka po magpa ano nalang muna
ako… magpa therapy na muna kasi ayoko muna mag gamot’. So ngayon [uhm]
laban pa den, pero last week talaga sobrang down ako so nagpasched ako ng
psych referral or therapist. So ayon, pero mas okay naman na ako ngayon. There
are seasons lang siguro talaga na hindi mo maintindihan yung sarili mo, pero
primary reason talaga is sa work related siya.”

Participant 4
“I think it made me a stronger and better person. Nawitness namin kasi yun
experience ng mga patients and family nila, naexperience din namin
magkacovid, kahit papano nakatulong kami sa iba. Parang I feel bless na
nasurvive natin yung situation. Hindi pa tapos pero alam na natin ang mga do’s
and dont’s ng pandemic. Kaya na natin sya lagpasan.”

Participant 5
“Wala naman pong nagbago sa mental health ko.”

Participant 6
“Siguro parang naging negative side siya kasi… parang yung fatigue ko eh,

parang… mas lumala siya. Parang nag karoon ako ng [laugh] chronic fatigue eh
sa panahon na to, kasi kahit makumpleto ko yung walong oras kong tulog
parang gusto ko paring mag pahinga, yung parang papasok ako… dati excited
ako kasi di dahil* kasi dati parang tawag ba dito, excited ako dahil sa trabaho
ko, medyo exciting pa dito sa ER sa mga ka-trabaho ko. Ngayon, parang pag
papasok ako… naduduwal ako parang ganon ba although kailangan kumapit eh
kasi syempre iilan nalang yung nurses dito sa Pilipinas dito sa emergency room

Participant 7
“Sa panahon ng pandemic, hindi mo din maiwasan mag isip, matakot para
saiyong sarili, pero para sakin look always at the brighter side. Kailangan
positive thinker ka dahil hindi naman makakatulong kapag puro worries ang
iniisip mo.”

Participant 8
"Isa sa pinaka nakita kong magandang pagbabago is mas naging aware ako sa..[
ahh] paligid lalo na naging mas malinis ako ngayun kesa sa dati, ngayun kada
kilos mo mag aalcohol ka mas iisipin mo yung ginagawa ng family mo bago sila
lumabas ipeprepare kung ano mga kailangan nila ganun mas nag iimprove yung
self -awareness mo pati sa pag-aalaga mo sa family mo."

Participant 9
“Uhm ang masasabi ko lang siyempre meron, sabi ko nga kanina experience pa
rin yung naging covid. So kung dati ano ahh… medyo ano lang, yung outlook
ko in life low low lang ganyan. Ngayon mas lalong naging low low.”

“Oo kasi, madami kang nawitness na mga naging pasyente na ano, ahh mabilis
lang yung buhay. So kailangan mas maging positibo ka na, na wag magpatalo sa
mga pangamba in life. Kailangan ano, you live your day as if it is your last.
Wow Hahaha”

Participant 10
“Sakin ano kasi, parang lubos na naapektuhan talaga yung mental health ko nun
kasi syempre unang una nandun nga yung takot and nag ka COVID narin kasi
ako so parang everynight natatakot akong matulog kasi feeling ko nahihirapan
akong huminga so ayun parang patong patong nalang yung nararamdaman ko.”

Participant 11
"Ang pinaka ano lang naman sa through mental mental health this. [Ahh]. It will
make you strong yun lang para sa akin. Mas lalong nadevelope yung skills mo
mentally yung parang cope up yun. Sa tingin ko mas lalong gumanda pananaw
ko sa buhay sa ano na yun sa covid-19.”

5. Ano ang mga Participant 1

estratehiya na iyong “Ah, siguro ano uhm makipagmeet ano gmeet up with friends na co-nurses din,
ginawa upang ah na lumabas mag outing ganon. Mag out of town yun po.”
makayanan o labanan
ang mga pagsubok sa Participant 2
iyong mental health “Ang pinaka effective talaga sa lahat is… medyo… pagka off mo, ilayo mo
sa kalagitnaan ng talaga yung sarili mo sa… sa source of stress mo. So, kunwari kagaya sakin ang
COVID-19 surge source of stress ko is yung [uhm] everyday duty so pagka off ko hahanap talaga
ako ng… way para mag unload ng stress, so if ever na may free time ako sa
(What are your family ko tapos maganda rin na may active listener kang kasama para kahit mag
kwento ka ng mag kwento… parang ganon. Matanggal* mabawasan manlang

strategies to cope up yung stress na nararamdaman mo tas hanap ka din* hahanap din ako dati ng
with the challenges in [uhm] ways din na… pano mag [uhm] tawag dito… parang enjoy or [uhm]
your mental health pano pagandahin yung lifestyle kahit na medyo challenging din kasi close nga
and in the COVID-19 yung mga leisure area mga ganon so mag a-ano ako, mag wa-walk in ako…
surge?) kasama mga kaibigan para mag tatawanan lang kami, pag tatawanan lang namin
yung mga stressful na nangyari… minsan dun ka rin kasi makakakuha ng*
paano ba mag improve kapag may kausap ka, pinag uusapan niyo yung mga
nangyari pangit man yan o maganda [uhm] dun kayo makaka realize na ‘Ahh!
Dapat pala ganito yung ginawa natin’ mga ganon.”

Participant 3
“Ayon, communication sa family tapos sa close friends ko. Lumabas, mag gym
hangga't maaari maging busy sa buhay buhay natin. Nagbasa din ako ng mga
books na para makahelp about my mental health. Tapos, eto yung pinakamalala
nagpa psych therapy. Pero number one talaga is mag pray kay God, ayun ilet go
mo talaga sa kanya kasi siya lang talaga makakapag heal sayo.”

Participant 4
“Wala naman strategies, parang with the love and support of family and friends
malalaban ang lahat. Nung nagkacovid ako, everyday kami nag-pipray ng rosary
via videocall, dahil dun gumanda yun relationship namin family. Then yun mga
padala ng mga relatives and friends na gamit, food and supplies nung admitted
ako sa hospital, nakakagaan ng pakiramdam. I felt loved and important. Parang
hindi ka nag-iisa, madami nagmamahal at nag-aalaga sayo, yun ganun

Participant 5
“I always find time to talk with my loved ones”

Participant 6
“[hmm] Siguro naging coping mechanism ko non, siguro bumili ako ng ano eh
computer eh kasi parang binalik ko yung dati kong pagiging gamer eh, dati
natanggal ko na siya tas binalik ko ulit ngayon kasi hindi nga kasi halos maka
alis-alis. Eh nung nag trabaho kasi ako dito eh, gala ako ng gala eh since di ako
maka gala dun nalang ako gumala sa computer tapos ano pa ba yun lang nag
alaga ako ng mga pets ng aquarium [uhm] ano pa ba, wala parang ganon lang
paikot ikot lang yung buhay ko sa bahay na dagdagan lang yung activities of
daily living ko sa tahanan ko.”

Participant 7
“Syempre kailangan mo rin alagaan ang iyo ng sarili/mental health. by
refreshing yourself, Lumabas ng comfort zone mag relax gumawa ng mga bagay
na pag kakaabalahan para maiwasan yung pag iisip ng mga negative.”

Participant 8
"Okay, maganda jan yung ano [ahhh] makikipag usap talaga sa kapamilya mo
jan sa ano panahon na to actually, mas naging close kami ng family ko sila
yung naging ano ko talaga stress reliever soo.. halimbawa pag stress kana sa
work yan mapag sasabihan mo mga family mo relatives mo pagdaitng dun at
ayun ayun sa tingin ko ang pinaka naging [ahh] . coping mechanism ko about
dun sa stress."

Participant 9
“Uhm ako, nag divert ako ng ano kasi siyempre stressful yung work pag nasa
hospital ka. Eh ako dito lang din naman ako nakatira sa hospital, sa dorm. So

wala akong inuuwian na ano, na pamilya or bahay. Kasi yung bahay namin nasa
malayo pa, nasa Laguna pa. Naghanap ako ng mga diversional activities, then
ayun nagtatahi ako, or ano minsan nagbabasa ako ng books, ganyan naadik din
ako sa panonood ng movies, dati di naman ako ganun. Mas ano, mas dati kasi
anoa ko eh. outgoing person as in literal. Pag off ako pupunta ako ng mall ng
mga park ganyan, pero dahil Covid tsaka restrictions, kailangan mo maghanap
ng pagkakaabalaan. So yun, mga hobbies lang.”

Participant 10
“[uhm] Syempre nung natamaan kasi ako ng COVID malayo ako sa pamilya ko
so ang means of communication lang namin is through facebook messenger
ganyan, naiibsan naman pag nakakausap ko sila, minsan nililibang ko nalang
yung sarili ko nag fafacebook nanonood ng movie, ganyan.”

Participant 11
“Simple lang yung usually ano natin prayers lang, prayers to the lord and tyaka
[ahhh] dapat ay okay yung co-workers mo pwede mong mapagsabihan ng ano
mo ano [ahh] mahingan mo ng tulong. Pangatlo yung family mo yung family
support mo.”

6. Paano mo Participant 1
mailalarawan ang “Ah, panong interaction? Uhm limited na ngayon uhm unlike dati na pwede
iyong social well- mong batiin kung sino sino pero ngayon wala ng masyadong interaction uhm
being o ang ano pa kasi lahat din naka face mask na eh di mo na din makikilala kung sino
interaksyon mo sa yung mga dati mong kinakausap tsaka siyempre iwas ka na din dahil baka
mga taong nasa magkaron ka rin ng covid iiwasan mo rin parang ganun, yun po.”
paligid mo sa loob at
labas ng ospital, lalo Participant 2
na sa pagtaas ng “okay, [hehe] simula nang nag start po yung Pandemic [uhm] less yung time sa
COVID-19? family kasi kailangan lang humiwalay kasi baka makapag uwi ako ng virus sa
family ko so… medyo, [uhh] prone sila to acquire yung infection so kailangan
(How would you ko mag* dumistance and hindi rin ako ng madalas [uhm] so most of the time
describe your social ang kasama ko po [uhm] co-workers ko, kasi… kapag ano naman, [uhm] kapag
well-being, especially kami kami naman yung magkakasama at least alam ko kung sino sa kanila yung
during the surge of possible may symptoms tsaka yung safe talagang kasama… ganon, so…
COVID-19?) [uhhhm] yun lang puro, puro ano lang puro work mates lang yung ano [ahhhh]
ka-interact ko non madalas.”

Participant 3
“[Hmm] nung surge talaga is sa bahay talaga ako kasi ano eh, pagod talaga
kailangan ko lang ng tulog, tapos pag may time talaga, ayon kumakain kami ng
mga kasama ko sa labas tapos alam mo yon parang chill chill lang ganon. Ayun
lang naman talaga yung routine ko talaga most of the time, nasa bahay lang
talaga ako. So simple lang talaga ako, hindi ako yung parang [uhm]... mas
madami yung time ko alone, mas nageenjoy ako.”

Participant 4
“During the surge of pandemic, lahat ng tao ay takot at nag-iingat. Walang gusto
lumabas, walang masyado interaction with others, pina practice ang social
distancing. Pag nasa hospital naman, nililimit ang interaction din sa patients and
co-workers, lagi nakasuot ng PPEs, nag foflow ng hospital protocols. Pero with
the use of technologies, para wala din pinagbago, kasi everyone we’re trying to
connect with one another, to help each other and to show their love. Kahit
malayo or di nagkikita, may mga ways para mag reach out. Itong pandemic, one
of the advantages, is naging close talaga ang mga relationship siguro kasi

nakikita ng bawat isa ang mga value ng tao.”

Participant 5
“May pag-iingat sa bawat taong nakakasama sa loob at labas ng ospital dahil
ang COVID 19 ay napakabilis kumalat at ayokong maging source ng

Participant 6
“[uhm] para sakin ano, well maintained parin naman [uhm] syempre follow
parin ng ano [uhm] protocol tuwing nakikipag usap.”

“Oo nananatili pairn naman”

“Sa pamilya pala medyo na lessen kasi ano eh kadalasan sa kwarto nalang ako
deretso di katulad noon na sasalubungin nila ako pag dumating ako ngayon
deretso na ako eh, sabi ko sa kanila wag nila ako sasalubungin pag galing ako

Participant 7
“Sa loob ng pandemic kailangan malawak rin ang iyong pag iisip. nilimitahan
ko ang pakikipag interaksyon sa mga tao, lalo na ako'y isang healthcare worker.
maaring ako'y maging carrier o makahawa sa mga taong makakasalamuha ko
kaya nag dodoble ingat ako para rin sa kapakanan ng bawat isa.”

Participant 8
"Actually, mas naging gumanda nga yung ano yung bond ng ano lahat in
particular yung sa ccu yung unit namin mas gumanda yung bond namin kasi
yung mga panahong pandemic kami kami lang din kasi yung ano yung mga
nagkakacampaign so mas nakilala namin ang isa't-isa at ayun mas naging
kampante kami sa isa't-isa.."

Participant 9
“So dun sa mga katrabaho ko, ah ayun nung una siyempre cautious kami na
magkaron kami ng interaction tapos ahh pag dati kasi mahilig kaming kumain
sabay sabay. Pero nung nagkacovid parang medyo ano kami, ano ba yun, nag

“Oo nagkaroon ng divider tsaka distancing talaga. Tapos ayun hinintay lang
naming mawala or sobrang bumaba ung cases. After non tsaka lang kami ulit
nagkaroon ng chance na magsama-sama sa isang room ganon. Sa labas naman
ahm ganun din, di rin ako masyadong nakikipagkita sa mga kabarkada ko, sa
mga kaibigan ko, sa family yun nga minsan lang din ako umuwi kasi bukod sa
malayo ayun, natatakot din ako na mahawaan ko yung lola ko. At the same time
yung mga tita ko na medyo pa senior na, so ayun.”

Participant 10
“Ano syempre, nung kasagsagan ng pandemic lalo na nung wala pang vaccine
syempre kung baga iwas na iwas ka sa mga tao so kung baga pinoprotektahan
mo yung sarili mo pati narin yung iba para di kayo magka hawaan.”

Participant 11
“eh medyo conscious kana din [ahh] lagi ka nang nakamask [ahh] naka
protection ka na anoo.. [Ahh] yung dati nakaface shield pa [ahh] para kang
merong barriers na din pero although at the same time nadevelope mo naman
yung well fort or ah fort mo naman sa co-worker's mo kasi ano eh sila talaga

yung katulong mo sa paghandle mo sa patients kaya [ahhhh] both ways yun ang
nakita ko”

7. Paano Participant 1
nakakaapekto ang “Ah ganun pa din, uhm sa family kase uhm di na ko mayadong umuuwi sa
COVID-19 sa inyong bahay naming uhm kasi ang iniisip ko nab aka mahawa sila yun, since high risk
social well-being din ako high risk din sa trabaho so more on, bibihira na lang kaya medyo
bilang isang malungkot laging mag isa sa. Sa trabaho wala na po y ung dating after work
frontliner? kakain wala na yung ganun so medyo wala ka na lang mavent out ng problems
mo yung pagkatoxic mo sa duty, so pag uwi matutulog ka na lang, kakain ahm
(How does your tapos papasok ulit medyo routine na lang yung nangyayari ngayon, yun po.”
profession affect your
social well-being in Participant 2
the COVID-19 “[uhm] Social well being… Sa* hindi naman ganon na apektuhan kasi [uhm]
surge?) meron naman ano eh, may… [uhm] online video chat mga ganyan naman
although less yung physical interaction pero yung virtual naman hindi naman
masyadong nag bago yun lang pagka… kasi syempre mas madalas na yung mga
times na mag isa nalang ako kasi wala nga yung family pag uwi ko ng bahay
[uhm] hindi rin naman* ang living situation ko kasi mag rent ng room na solo
ko lang, although marami kami sa… sa… apartment… pero may mga sariling
kwarto para mas safe din. So, pagka nandun nalang ako sa room, mag isa
nalang, dun talaga mararamdaman mo na ‘ay ang lungkot!’ parang ganon. Pero,
hindi ka dapat mag dwell dun sa ganung feeling kasi feeling lang yun, saglit
lang yon. Pagka lumabas naman ako ulit ng room ko tas may mga makakausap
na ako ulit, mawawala na siya so, [uhm] [silence] [uhm] tawag dito wag lang
mag dwell sa negative feelings”

Participant 3
“[Hmm] during those surge talaga parang parepareho naman tayo na kailangan
mag ano… mag isolate. Nakaapekto siya saakin kasi [uhh] every month kasi
umuuwi ako sa province so yung interaction ko sa family ko family wise is
naapekto kasi hindi ako makauwi but at least merong [uhm] merong internet,
nakakausap ko sila. Tapos in other forms like yung sa work, [uhm] parang
ganon pa din naman. [Uhm] kailangan lang ng ano… ng parang… still may
communication pa din, yung interacation namin sa isat-isa. Pero yung
pinagkaiba lang siguro is distance, kasi diba may requirement tayo na sa
distance. And lumalabas pa din kami pero ano lang siya minimal. Hindi ko
masyado nafeel yung about sa social interaction kasi ayon nga, mas feel ko na
mag-isa. Kung lumabas man ako, sobrang bihira lang talaga with my friends.
Hindi siya masyado naka apekto sa akin.”

Participant 4
“Parang naging mas nagkaroon ako ng sympathy sa mga patients. Parang mas
naiintindihan ko na nararamdaman nila ngayon. Kasi nawitness namin yun
lowest part of their lives, na wala yun mga loveones nila sa tabi nila (kasi bawal
na relatives sa loob ng hospital nun eh). Mas naging ok yun patient -nurse
relationship. And yun mga patients nakita nila yun halaga namin, naging mas
more cooperative and appreciative sila.”

Participant 5
“Mas lalo akong nag-ingat para maprevent ang pagkalat ng virus.”

Participant 6
“[ahh!] Marami talagang instances kahit dun sa mga kamag anak parang medyo
ilang sila sakin tapos [uhm] yung parang di ako inaaya sa mga ganitong

gathering kasi nga yun mga baka nga may dala ako, although naintindihan ko
naman sila, adjust nalang ako kasi wala, ganito trabaho ko eh.”

Participant 7
“Nakakaapekto dahil yung mga tao kapag nakakakita ng nakaputi ay

Participant 8
"Actually, medyo mahirap dahil alangan kana lumabas mag-isa at same alangan
kana lumabas at all, kasi iisipin mo kasi baka isa sa pasyente mo biglang nag
positve pala tapos naging contact ka tas lalabas labas ka ayun isa yun sa pinaka
risk thing ."

Participant 9
“Uhm paano ba? Actually hindi ko naman hinayaan. Kasi nung kasagsagan ng
covid parang yung mga frontliner mga express pass naman eh. So nakakapag
grocery pa rin kami, yun nga lang madaming nagsarang stores.”

“More on ano kasi eh, close group lang. So, usually katrabaho ko lang din yung
kainteract ko.”

“Ah di rin ako mahilig mag zoom tsaka video call. Pero siguro yung mga
kaibigan ko nung highschool, medyo messenger ahh viber ganyan. Pero ano,
yung mas nakakasalamuha ko talaga yung mga katrabaho ko kasi kami kami
lang din eh. Para di na rin kami magka, nagka, makahawa sa iba kami kami na
lang din yung nag iinteract.”

Participant 10
“Ano, katulad ng sinabi ko syempre minsan halimbahawa makikiipag kita ka sa
mga kaibigan mo [ahh] yung dating kung baga madalas kayong mag kita,
ngayong pandemic parang nabawasan na. Minsan ano, kung baga… iseset mo
pa yung date para lang mag kita kayo. Dahil nga iniiwasan niyong

Participant 11
"[ahhhh] nakakaapekto? Ah walang lang parang ano lang [ahhh...] serve as a
challenged lang talaga. [Ahhhh] kung yung iba nalalmpasan mo ito pa kayang
covid-19 kumbaga ganun yun lang ang nasa isip ko.”

8. Ano ang mga Participant 1

estratehiya na iyong “Ah strategy uhm, ganun pa rin lumabas ng mag out of town pag may time.
ginawa upang Umuuwi naman ako sa family ko para may makausap rin ganun.”
makayanan ang mga
pagsubok sa iyong Participant 2
social well-being “[ahhh] yun nga, mostly talking with friends at tyaka pagka nakakaramdam
kana na nalulungkot ka, labanan mo siya [laugh] mag hanap ka ng mga ways
(What are your kung paano* kung paano ka ma didistract parang ganun po”
strategies to cope up
with the challenges in Participant 3
your social well- “Ayun nga, parang most of the time with my friends. Usap lang talaga, yun lang
being?) talaga yung parang pinaka ano ka talaga sa social interactions. Kaya buti nalang
talaga mayroong messenger, telegram, ganon. Kasi kailangan mo lang talaga
siyang ilabas eh.”

Participant 4

“Wala naman stategies, as I said earlier, everyone we’re trying to connect with
one another. Mas nag-eeffort mga tao to reach out. Mas nagtutulungan. Like sa
family ko, naging routine na namin magpray ng rosary every 6pm, so everyday
kami magkakausap via messenger. Mas nagstrengthen yung relationship namin,
naappreciate namin isa’t isa. Mas naging open kami sa feelings namin.”

Participant 5
“Nilibang ko ang sarili ko, nanuod ng mga k-drama, laging pakikipag-usap sa

Participant 6
“[uhm] ano ba I just do things in my own way nalang kung ano yung mga
ginagawa nila gawin ko nalang siya sa sarili ko din kahit mag isa lang ako, wala
namang problema kasi hindi naman ako ganon ka social active talaga, ano ako
eh, may pagka home buddy ako eh tapos… yun lang naman minsang depende
rin kasi eh sa ano eh, sa tao eh.”

Participant 7
“Yung mga protocols ay dapat sinusunod at kailangan malawak ang iyong pag
iisip sa mga bagay at ikaw dapat umintindi sa mga tao na hindi marunong

Participant 8
"Actually, ang naging pinaka ano ko katulad nga kaninang sinabe ko, dati kasi
usually yung nakaraan kasi hindi ako palakausap sa family sa pati sa ano sa
mga kiabigan. So ngayun mas [ahh] naging open ako sa kanila kasi ano [eh]
mahirap yung wala kang mapagsasabihan."

Participant 9
“Ah ayun nga, dahil uhm naalala ko kasi nung kasagsagan ng covid nag renta
kami ng condominium. So ano kami lima kaming magkakasama don, inaaliw
lang naming yung sarili naming yun, nagluluto kami ng masarap na pagkain.
Kasi dun mo na lang mababawi yung ano eh yung stress mo eh, or naghahanap
kami ng panibagong hobbies. Nagkakaraoke kami, nanonood ng movies, or
tumutugtog kami ng ukelele ganyan, mga ganung bagay. Tapos kung kailangan
naman mag reach out sa family, kung talagang nahohomesick pwede naman
tawagan sila or pati yung mga kaibigan mong matagal mo ng hindi nakikita
ayun pwede rin naman mag video call. Tas yung mga cravings na pagkain,
magpapagrab ka na lang para ano less interaction ganyan, so ayun para hindi na
rin naman maano yung, yung madeprive yung sarili mo sa kasiyahan.”

Participant 10
“Wala na po eh, yun lang.”

Participant 11
"[ah] syempre ano ah back to basic [ah]? You have to prepared yourself
physically, mentally yun as in sa bahay palang bago ka pumasok iset mo na
yung minds mo kasi lahat it will follows pagka utak mo [eh] wala kang disiplina
wala kang preparation [ah..] Wala, gulo ang duty mo [ah] kaya kahit nasa social
ka din kailangan talaga nasa mindset bago palang umalis prayers kalang muna
mga ganun kasi alam mo na talaga yung mga gagawin mo.”

9. Ano ang iyong Participant 1

pinagkukuhaan ng “Ah so yun po yung family, then si Lord laging super pray hard para
suporta at lakas malampasan yung everyday na struggle lalo na sa work ganon po.”

upang makayanan
ang mga pagsubok sa “Ah kaibigan, siguro sa ngayon kasi bibihira na lang yung meet up ng kaibigan
iyong mental health since sa covid 19 nga. Siguro once a year yung nangyari last year na meet up
at social well-being. ganon.”
Tulad na lamang ng
pamilya, kaibigan, Participant 2
katrabaho, at sa “[uhm] Primarily… very religious din naman kasi ako so, dasal lang na sana
komunidad. Paano? matapos na… or sana mas maging manageable yung situation tapos pangalawa,
yung family, so, [uhm] nakikidasal din naman sila sakin na* na sana hindi rin
(Is there any other ako tamaan nung sakit para [uhh] mas makatulong nga ako sa iba. And then,
support that helps you yung friends [uhm] sabay-sabay kami na lalabas kasi maganda rin yun pagka
get through with may lagi kang kausap nga and [uhm] sa community… maganda rin na… kahit
these challenges? papaano nung Pandemic may mga bukas na kainan kasi mahirap nga din yung
from family, friends, situation pagkain dati kasi nga either mag grocery ka lang tapos mag luluto ka
workplace, sa bahay eh hindi rin naman siya ganon ka applicable sa amin so, maganda rin
government, na may mga open na kainan noon mga ganun po.”
community, etc. If so,
how?) Participant 3
“Okay, so actually may ibat ibang coping mechanisms, so ayun may nabanggit
na ako kanina, pero yung sa sitwasyon natin, they have benefits na binibigay sa
amin, so every friday may natatanggap kami na something parang simple lang
siya parang foods ganon. Tapos yung mga [uhh] somehow nakakahelp din yung
mga patient relatives namin, nagbibigay din sila ng mga parang food din sa mga
nurses ng patient. Tapos sa government, ayon SRA nagbibigay sila pero of
course it’s not enough yung binibigay nila and ayon nga as nurses, nineneglect
tayo. Yung lang naman yung ano, yung parang support na binibigay nila.”

Participant 4
“Yung family and friends, kung hindi dahil sa love, care and support nila, hindi
ko malalagpasan yun pagsubok na yun. Sila talaga ang pinagkukunan ko ng
lakas. Lagi sila tumatawag, nangangamusta. Kahit yun mga nawalan ng contact
before nagrireach out sila. Sa akin sobrang laking bagay na yun once in a while
kinakamusta kalagayan ko, kung may need ba ako. Makikita mo talaga yun
sincerity and concern nila.”

Participant 5
“I always pray to God kasi pagsubok lang Ito and it will end soon.
Talk to my family and loveones and telling to them na we can face the
challenges together”

Participant 6
“Sakin sa family full support naman sila sakin kasi eh [uhm] although may time
na gusto nila ako halos ipa-quit kaya lang syempre ako as a nurse basta syempre
nag sumumpa sa oath taking sabi ko sa kanila ‘misyon ko eh’ parang ganon, lalo
sa mga ganitong pandemic kailangan kong ipag patuloy. Tapos, sa mga kaibigan
naman mga church mates, marami namang nag papray sakin minsan
tinatawagan ako, kinakamusta… patuloy naman yung ano yung support system
na binibigay sakin sa mga sa mga equipments may mga kakilala din ako na mga
nag papadala lalo na ng mga nung nawawalan kami ng stocks ng PPE’s may
mga nag padala rin naman ng tulong. Sa government siguro yung naging tulong
nila samin, yun napataas yung ano namin yung, nag karoon kami ng COVID
pay tas yung ospital tinaasan din yung retensyon namin kaya medyo naka cope
up din naman kami although yung mahirap lang kasi talaga yung pagod sa

Participant 7
“Family and friends, kailangan mo rin ng mga taong mapapag-sasabihan mo ng
mga problema.”

Participant 8
"[Hmm] actually, ayun nga yung family, kasama, tyaka naging mas madasalin
ako ngayung pandemic dati kasi hindi ako madasaLin para naman para naging
sense mo na."

Participant 9
“More on ano kasi ako eh, hindi talaga ako family person, more on friendships
talaga ako. Mas naano kasi yung anxiety ko pag kausap yung mga kaibigan kasi
siyempre nakakapag share ka palagi sa kanila.”

Participant 10
“Syempre unang una kay God, bibigyan ka ng lakas ng loob na malagpasan ang
mga pagsubok. Yung sa pamilya yun nga yung communication nga yung
mahalaga pag malayo ka sa pamilya mo para at least feeling mo malapit parin
sila pati narin sa mga kaibigan ganon communication kasi minsan nababawasan
na rin eh, so maganda mag reachout kana para makapag labas ka rin ng mga
saloobin mo..”

Participant 11
“Yun yung sa mga anak ko yan ang pinaka source of your strength na para sa ka
kinabukasan nila yung ginagawa mo, tyaka yung prayers syempre kahit na kahit
na tayo ay nakakalimut minsan ay yan yung ano yung magbibigay sayo ng ano
lubos na lakas para sa akin. Yung dalawa na yun ganun.”

10. Nakatutulong ba Participant 1

ang iyong mga “Ah nakakatulong naman”
estratehiya at suporta “Ayun sumasaya naman kapag yung mga strategy na paglabas, pagkain kahit
sa iyong mental minsan nalilift naboboost naman yung energy ko.”
health at social well-
being upang Participant 2
makayanan mong “[uhm] sobrang nakatulong po yung mga na-mention ko nga na pinag gagagawa
magpatuloy sa iyong ko nung Pandemic kasi lalo na [uhm] nung* kasagsagan, actually nung start
araw-araw na palang ang dami nang nag-si resign so yung workload napasa lahat dun sa mga
pamumuhay? naiwan kagaya ko po hanggang ngayon [uhm] hindi pa ako nag reresign
[laugh] so… [ahh] yung… yung trabaho mas* mas mabigat siya ngayon kasi
(Are these strategies kokonti nalang kaming nag she-share nung Workload [uhm] so… in a way,
for your mental parang [uhm] motivated parin naman ako na pumasok dahil nga hindi, hindi…
health and social hindi, kumbaga hindi naubos yung [silence] [uhm] pano ba, source of strength
well-being enough to parang ganon, hindi siya na-deplete during the Pandemic kaya ngayong dulo
help you get through [ahh] kaya ko parin makapasok dun sa work.”
your daily life? “[uhm] Originally dapat 8 hours lang pero minsan na e-extend ng 12 hours
How?) tapos pinaka sagad na talaga yung 16 hours kasi [uhm], hindi talaga kami
pumapayag na umabot na ng 24 hours kasi naka Bunny Suit pa, mag kakasakit
ka na talaga pagka ganon [laugh]”

“[uhm] Oo, ano [Mmhm] Ang schedule naman po namin [uhm] 8 days ay sorry,
8 hours per day na 5 days a week so may 2 days off ka po a week yun talaga
yung original pero depende parin sa situation.”

“[uhm] Mostly po ng katrabaho ko nag resign talaga from the Hospital kasi
[uhm] naubos [laugh] na daw yung ano nila yung motivation [laugh] nila na

mag continue working as a Bedside nurse.”

Participant 3
“Yes, of course. Especially doon sa family ko so most of the time i talk to them
and sila lang naman talaga yung hugot ng lakas, parang inspiration ko to keep
going. And also ayoko na din umasa sa kanila kapag nag resign ako, ayoko
ipasa sa kanila yung burden. Kaya ayon yung nagiging inspirasyon ko to keep
going. And kailangan natin lumabas ng bansa, okay na siguro tong 6 years 7
years dito sa bansa natin kasi parang hindi na siya work.”

Participant 4
“With the help of prayers, love and support of family and friends. Makakayanan
lahat ng pagsubok hindi lang during this pandemic kundi sa lahat ng pagsubok
ng buhay.”

Participant 5
“Yes po, kasi I always have them, my strength, to face the challenge of COVID
19, everyday.”

Participant 6
“[uhm] parang ano siya eh, ewan ko, sabi ko nga, parang… depende siya sa…
sa mind capacity ng isang tao kung makakapag cope siya o hindi. Minsan kasi,
kulang dun sa mga sinabi ko pero ang madalas na kailangan dito, kailangan mo
ng therapy yung mga counseling mula sa mga ano, ano ba… regarding sa
mental illness tapos yung mga seminars kailangan eh.”

Participant 7
“Oo malaking tulong ang suporta ng pamilya at kaibigan para sa pang araw-
araw na buhay.”

Participant 8
"Malaki naman ang tulong nya so far naman hindi pa naman ako nagkakaroon
ng mental breakdown mga ganun kaya pa naman as of now."

Participant 9
“Siyempre naman, up until now kahit hindi na ganun kaboom yung covid uhm,
even wala pa rin naman yung covid.”

Participant 10
“Oo nakatulongg naman syempre pag, kung baga yung malakas yung support
system mo, kung baga na eenganyo ka rin na mabuhay pa na magkaroon parin
ng saysay yung buhay mo kahit may mga pagsubok, so yun.”

Participant 11
"Oo naman syempre pagka nakaset na yung ganung mindset mo yung coping
abilities mo [ahhh] tuloy tuloy na kasi yun [eh] mahirap iexplain but it will
come up naturally. Yun ang tingin ko ah sakin [ah].”

11. Kung hindi, sa Participant 1

tingin mo paano ka
masusuportahan sa
iyong mental health Participant 2
and social well-
Participant 3

(If not, how else do
you think you could Participant 4
be supported?)

Participant 5

Participant 6

Participant 7

Participant 8

Participant 9

Participant 10

Participant 11

12. Bilang isang Participant 1

frontliner, ano sa “Ahm sigurpano ahm mag dasal ahm focus lag isa work then ahm ano ba.
palagay mo ang Siguro ngayon makipag more on socialize na since bumababa na naman na yung
pinaka mabisang covid 19 cases natin ayun lang po.”
paraan upang maging
mas madali ang Participant 2
pagharap sa mga “[uhm] Siguro ang masasabi ko lang po is ‘take things one day at a time or
hamon at pagsubok sa slowly ba’ [uhm] kumbaga kung ano yung… fine-face mong challenge ngayon
iyong mental health i-resolve mo muna, tapusin mo muna tapos i-acknowledge mo yung mga
at social well-being? nagawa mong maganda mga ganon para, parang [ahhh] maging positive ka
padin kasi pag everyday kang negative parang iniisip mo lagi, ‘kailan ba to
(As a frontliner what matatapos, parang hindi na matatapos’, pagka ganun kasi yung thinking mo
would you think talagang susuko ka pero pagka makakahanap ka ng mga small things lang na
would be the best mga, ‘ay ang ganda ng mga nangyari ngayon, mas maganda yung mga nangyari
way to make it more ngayon kaisa kahapon’, parang ganon, dun makakahanap ka ng para bang
manageable in source of motivation para mag patuloy.”
dealing with your
mental health and Participant 3
social well-being?) “Pinaka mabisang paraan… iba iba kasi tayo ng ano eh yung kung how to deal
with our mental health. Ako personally, ginagawa ko [uhm] actually ngayon
kasi gustong-gusto ko na talaga magresign kasi sabi ko wala na talagang peace
of mind tapos sobrang naaapektuhan pa yung mental health ko. Pero ayoko kasi
magdecide na sobrang taas ng emotions ko, yung yung natutunan ko na wag
mag dedecide kapag sobrang happy ka or malungkot ka. So ngayon, 50/50 kung
magreresign ba ako or hindi. Pero, it’s about ano talaga eh faith kay God. Ayon
hinihingi ko sa kanya, kung saan ako dapat talaga. Sabi ko ‘Lord, make way.
Give me peace kung saan ako. Yun talaga as in yung pinaka importante about
[uhh] yung faith to God. Aside from that, sa family and friends, you need to
actually talk to them talaga. Ayun kahit na sobrang successful ka sa career, may

pera ka man, yun talaga yun kahit okay ka on both ways. Kapag wala kang
peace of mind di ka magiging masaya.”

Participant 4
“Love and support of family and friends is the best way to manage this
situation. Malaking bagay yun, hindi lang ngayon covid kundi sa pang araw-
araw na pasubok ng buhay. It helps us to keep our health healthy, emotionally
and mentally. Kaya nga yun love and belongingness ay isa sa basic natin. We
can’t survive without love.”

Participant 5
“Before we start our duty. We pray always so that God guide us everyday in our

Participant 6
“[uhm] ano pa ba…? Parang wala na masyado eh, basta… siguro masasabi ko
lang, you have to find ways to enjoy what you’re doing because if you’re not
having fun of what you’re doing, you’re not doing it right! Yun lang naman,
kailangan mo ma enjoy yung bawat ginagawa mo lalo ngayong pandemic kasi…
yun lang makakapag patatag sayo eh kung saan ka masaya tuloy mo. Kung hindi
ka masaya sa ginagawa mo, tigil mo na. Kaya ako, medyo naeenjoy ko yung
ginagawa ko ngayon although medyo mahirap… I’m finding ways to enjoy it.”

Participant 7
“Wala namang madali, kailangan mo lang lagi ay maging positibo sa araw-

Participant 8
"Preparedness tlaga. Actually, bago ka mag duty mag aano muna yan
magpeprepare muna sa sarili mo."

Participant 9
“Ahm sa tingin ko, ayun gawin lang yung mga nasabi ko kanina. Kasi ayun nga,
kung ano sa tingin mong mas magpapasaya sayo or magpapa what makes you
comfortable in this setup would eventually uhm ano yun, would eventually
change your perspective in life. So kung masaya ka sa ginagawa mo yung
outlook mo rin in life”

Participant 10
“Siguro sa isang frontliner, hindi lang dapat mentally yung malakas sayo dapat
pati yung pisikal na pangangatawan mo ganyan, natutulog para may lakas,
kumain ng masusustansiya, ayun.”

Participant 11
"Number 1 talaga yung ano spiritual preparedness. You have to prepared [ahh]
guidance and wisdom at sympre protection for any adverse effects yun talaga
yung pinakamain na macope makacope up ka sa lahat ng klaseng stress di lang
COVID-19 basta sa lahat ng klaseng.. Bago ka palang pumasok na maging tama
yung daan mo [ahh] may kumbaga equip ka sa pagharap sa mga challenges
especially itong COVID-19 is the worth.”

13. Base sa iyong Participant 1

mga karanasan bilang “Ahm siguro lumabas kahit may mga pagsubok na dumadating ah
isang COVID-19 malalampasan din naman yun, lilipas din yung araw na mawawala din yung
frontliner, ano ang problem ana dumadating. Like yung sa akin na admit super depress akala mo

iyong mga natutunan last day mo na parang mamamatay ka na pero ayun ngayon andito ako
at naging pananaw na nagtatrabaho pa din nag aalaga pa ren. Ayun fight lang!”
idinulot ng
pandemya? Paano “Ahh siguro as a frontliner yung nurse, malaking epekto siyempre na nag aalaga
nito ka ng covid 19 na pasyente ayun, nakakalungkot. Nakakalungkot lang kasi
naimpluwensiyahan madalas may namamatay so maaapektuhan ka rin hanggang sa paag uwi mo,
ang iyong propesyon maapektuhan din yung gagawin mo pagkauwi mo imbes na may gagawin ka
at sa pang araw-araw matutulog ka na lang kasi maiisip mo pa yung pasyente mo ganun”
na pamumuhay?
“Nung mga kasagsagan lang ng covid 19 kasi nakikita mo silang mag isa
(With your ngayon kasi ang hinahandle ko na is hindi naman na covid 19, normal na
experiences as a pasyente naman na. Yung mga covid 19 surge lang yon, makikita mo silang mag
COVID-19 frontliner, isa ah hihingi sila ng tulong sayo ang magagawa mo lang is alagaan sila ganon.
what were your Ah, pag nawala sila medyo madadala mo sa bahay pero kinabukasan naman na
learnings or insights wala na.”
during COVID-19
surge that impacted Participant 2
you? How does it “[hmmm], Ang insight siguro is [uhm] [silence] yung ano po yung, pag [ahhh]
influence you as a pag-face sa challenges na bigla biglang dadating so hindi mo siya kakayanin pag
nurse and life in magisa ka lang, so kailangan [uhh] marunong ka din [uhm] humingi ng tulong
general?) from other people… marunong ka makipag communicate, pagka may ayaw ka
sa nirerecommend ng ibang tao i-voice out mo ng maayos kasi mas* mas
mabilis siyang, mas mabilis mareresolve ang isang bagay na akala mo sobrang
laking problema pagka tulong-tulong. Yun po…”

“[uhm] Siguro yun nga maam, kung paano ako, [uhm] nag rereact sa situation
na biglaan tas sobrang laki niyang challenge para sakin na hindi ko pa nga, hindi
ko pa na… na eencounter before, parang ganon… so natuto nga ako na, maki…
makipag communicate better sa mga katrabaho ko sa ibang tao parang ganon po,
yun yung… [uhm] naging learning ko.”

Participant 3
“Naka apekto siya sa akin [uhh] minsan kasi okay naman, maganda naman.
Nung una, sobrang ganda kasi ng benefits talaga, tapos as time goes by,
nababawasan na din siya. So umabot kami ng 3 something, 3K. Tapos yung
SRA minsan hindi siya sapat, so alam mo minsan sa buhay den ang kailangan na
therapy minsan sa buhay ay pera, honestly speaking talaga. Pero sa ano den
work-wise, yun nga minsan kailangan natin iaccomplish yung isat-isa. Be kind
always kahit na sobrang toxic kasi hindi natin alam kung ano pinagdadaanan ng
tao and minsan yung words natin it really affects sa atin. Minsan okay sayo, sa
iba hindi pala okay, so minsan naaapektuhan yon. Pero yon, nasabi ko nga
kanina pinaka naapektuhan ako sa management on how they treat us and
narealize ko na ngayon na yung about pandemic [uhm] sorry lumayo na ata ako.
Sa pandemic, siguro as front liner nakikita ko kasi yung mga patient namin na
bata pa kasi sila eh so parang… [uhh] ang masasaabi ko lang talaga is life is too
short talaga. Kasi karamihan sa kanila namatay sila na bata pa sila and at that
time may matitigas din ang ulo, hindi sila naniniwala sa vaccine so mga
unvaccinated pa sila. Let's take as ano parang challenge talaga in all of us, hindi
lang sa amin na frontliner ng COVID-19. Lesson learned din na you know,
hindi dapat natin tinitake for granted yung life and we need to communicate
talaga or maging open sa family natin, kahit na hindi man ako nurse, hindi man
sila nagwowork sa hospital, it's about ano talaga communication is key talaga.
Kasi when it talks about mental health, kailangan mo talaga ilabas. Kung iiyak
mo, iiyak mo siya, ayun din pala, kailangan mo iiyak talaga kasi kung ikekeep
mo siya, maiipon at maiipon talaga siya, and magiging sensitive ka at

maapektuhan ang work mo, and lahat magffail na. And ang pinaka natutunan ko
siguro is time is precious, very precious.”

Participant 4
“Prioritize your health, live a healthy lifestyle, help other people, have fun and
love yourself and your family. Life is too short, spend it wisely. Magtulungan
tayo para sa ikabubuti natin lahat. Just follow the rules and protocol of covid 19,
we can prevent and fight this disease.”

Participant 5
“When the pandemic started nasabi ko nalang sa sarili ko, totoo pala yung
pandemic kala ko isa lang itong study na nakasulat sa books. Ung profession
namin mas naging worth it. Doon Nakita ng maraming tao na ang mga nurses is
also a hero.”

Participant 6
“Wala, yung ano, parang the joy of mga savings peoples life lalo dito sa
pandemic iba kasi talaga yung ano eh. Although nandun na siya dati kaso mas
sumobra kasi siya ngayon eh. Ngayon eh, simula nung pandemic lahat nag
kakamatayan pero iba yung may na na liligtas ka eh, nag papasalamat sayo
sarap sa pakiramdam. Ayon, that motivates me to… [uhm] to endure may ano
eh profession ba.”

Participant 7
“Natutunan kong maging matatag sa hamon ng buhay, dahil kailangan ng
tulong ng ating bansa”

Participant 8
"Actually, ayun nga mas naging mas maingat ka."

"Oo! actually, sobra so.. nakikita mo talagang konti nalang ang mga nurses isip
isipin mo na lang isa sa mga kapamilya mo nagkaganun sino mag aalaga ang

Participant 9
“Ayun nga nung surge kasi ng covid 19 lagi akong naququarantine, kahit di
naman ako nagkakacovid. So tapos marami nga rin akong nawitness na
namamatay, kaya yun nga sabi ko na paigtiin ko yung pananaw ko na, you only
live once. Na kailangan you live your day to the fullest. Tapos pag may gusto
kang kainin, kainin mo lang yun!”

“Ah okay naman, kasi kung walang nurse especially nga mga nurse kasi sila
yung skeletal ng hospital eh. Kung walang mga nurse pilay talaga yung mga
hospitals eh lalo na nung nagkasurge halos kalahati ng staff namin yung
Nawala. Parang iilan ilan na lang kaming pumapasok, nakakapagod pero
kawawa kasi yung mga pasyente, kawawa yung mga co-staff mo na ano,
naapektuhan tsaka yung mga, mga co-stuff mo rin na natira. So nakakapagod
pero ayun, keri lang naman. Laban pa rin!”

Participant 10
“Siguro ano nalang kasi diba ngayong pandemic hindi mo masabi kung anong
nangyayari sayo at anong mga bagay yung darating sayo kaya ang natutunan ko
is i-enjoy mo lang kung anong meron ngayon tapos ano, wag kang magpa
epekto sa mga nangyayari sayo, ganyan. Enjoy lang!”

Participant 11
"[ahhhh] tingin ko ang pinaka lesson natin sa jan sa COVID-19 yung
preparedness mo talaga atleast kung kaya mong mag100% mag 100% ka. Tyaka
[ahh] di lang naman itong covid-19 ang iexpect mo there will more mas much
contagious things na mangyayari and then your future kaya kailangan [ahh]
ready ka mentally, emotionally, spiritually lalo na yung physically para di ka
magkasakit ganun. Kaya ano tingin ko mas ano [ahhh] it will change your life
talaga lalo na yung near future yung mga pwede pang mangyari satin at dahil na
din dito sa pandemic na’to.”

Appendix Q: Certificate of Validity of Transcription


I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the transcription in the interview form was

returned, true, correct, and complete. The transcription has not been altered.

Name of Participant and Signature
Date: Apr 22, 2022


I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the transcription in the interview form was

returned, true, correct, and complete. The transcription has not been altered.

_____Jasmin Joy Sulay_______

Name of Participant and Signature
Date: Apr 25, 2022


I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the transcription in the interview form was

returned, true, correct, and complete. The transcription has not been altered.

____Angelie Pantanilla______
Name of Participant and Signature
Date: May 1, 2022


I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the transcription in the interview form was

returned, true, correct, and complete. The transcription has not been altered.

Charlene Gonzales______
Name of Participant and Signature
Date: May 12, 2022


I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the transcription in the interview form was

returned, true, correct, and complete. The transcription has not been altered.

________Nick Antonio_______
Name of Participant and Signature
Date: May 12, 2022


I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the transcription in the interview form was

returned, true, correct, and complete. The transcription has not been altered.

___Samantha Mascaronas_____
Name of Participant and Signature
Date: May 12, 2022


I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the transcription in the interview form was

returned, true, correct, and complete. The transcription has not been altered.

_Keith Narelle A. Molina_____

Name of Participant and Signature
Date: Jun 1, 2022


I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the transcription in the interview form was

returned, true, correct, and complete. The transcription has not been altered.

Name of Participant and Signature
Date: May 23, 2022


I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the transcription in the interview form was

returned, true, correct, and complete. The transcription has not been altered.

Name of Participant and Signature
Date: May 30, 2022


I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the transcription in the interview form was

returned, true, correct, and complete. The transcription has not been altered.

Shaira Mae Mabanan, RN_

Name of Participant and Signature
Date: May 30, 2022

Appendix R: Ethics Certificate

Appendix S: Curriculum Vitae of Researchers


Blk 4 Lot 3 Kabutihan St. Batasan Hills, Quezon City

Contact No.: 0955-871-9426


COLLEGE Our Lady of Fatima University

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

2019 – Present

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Batasan Hills National High School

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

2017 - 2019

With Honors

Best in Physical Education

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Batasan Hills National High School

2013 - 2017

With Honors

ELEMENTARY Pres. Corazon C. Aquino Elementary School

2010 – 2013

Ijediah Elementary School

2007 – 2010


Dean List, 2020 – 2021

Best Animated Presentation, October 2019
Quezon City Youth Development Office - Economic Scholarship, 2019 – Present
Rotary Club of Batasan Hills Scholarship, 2019 – Present
Best in Physical Education, 2017 – 2018
With Honors, 2017 – 2018
Aiducation International Scholarship, 2015 – Present


Team Leadership Easily Adaptable

Communication Computer Proficiency
Hardworking Problem-solver
Critical thinking Compassionate


September 2021 Webinar #69 “Limited Face-to-Face School: Ligtas Ba?

University of the Philippines

September 2021 Mental Health Training for HCWs

Our Lady of Fatima University

June 2021 The COVID-19 Management Training

Our Lady of Fatima University

April 2021 Virtual Career Expo 2021: Career Webinar Series

Our Lady of Fatima University

April 2021 Creatiovisionism: Creative Media Pool Skills Training

Quezon City

March 2021 Anti-VAWC International Webinar: #StayHome, #StaySafe?:

Sheltered Stigma Women and Children

University of Batangas

December 2018 Synpulse Project Management Academy

International Institute of Rural Reconstruction Silang, Cavite

November 2018 WIWAG Business Weeks

Oracle Hotel, Quezon City

April 2018 Swiss Re Start Up Academy

International Institute of Rural Reconstruction Silang, Cavite

February 2018 Core Values Training 2018

Ateneo De Manila University

November 2017 Alay Ni Ignacio Creatives Workshop 2017

Ateneo De Manila University

July 2017 Pathways Kapihan Session: True Colors

Ateneo De Manila University

March 2017 Pathways Kapihan Session: Tasa ng Maiinit na Isyu ng Lipunan

Ateneo De Manila University

November 2016 Communication Skills Training

Ateneo De Manila University


Secretary, Rotaract Club of Batasan Hills, 2021- Present

 Organized events and activities
 Coordinated with other organizations
 Documented meetings and handled social medias
Program Committee for Voters Education, JJC Quezon City, October 2021
 Planned and supervised events and activities

 Handled logistics and operations of online events

Volunteer, Kalayaan B Batasan Hills Community Pantry, May 2021

 Communicated and negotiated for partnerships to provide financial support

Interviewer, Tayo Kabataan, July 2020

 Interviewed parents who have 4-6 years old children to help them in their education
through modular distance learning amidst of pandemic

Awareness Small Management Committee, Tayo Kabataan, June 2021 – Present

Organizational Advocacy, JJC Quezon City, February 2021 – Present

Member. Nightingale Civic Action Group, 2019 – Present

Member, Pathways to Higher Education, 2015 – Present

Mara Marielle R. Alejandre



19# Sampaguita St. Payatas A, Quezon City
Contact No.: 0935-351-0035



COLLEGE Our Lady of Fatima University

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
2019 – Present

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Batasan Hills National High School

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
2017 - 2019
With Honors

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Batasan Hills National High School

Department of Science, Technology Program
2013 - 2017
With Honors

ELEMENTARY Commonwealth Adventist Elementary School

2008 – 2013
Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School
2007 – 2008


Dean List, 2020 – 2021

Quezon City Youth Development Office - Economic Scholarship, 2019 – Present
Pathways to Higher Education 2016-2018
With Honors, 2013 – 2019
Achiever Award, 2008-2013


Responsible Active Learning

Effective Communication Collaborative
Adaptability Optimistic
Computer Proficiency Emotional Intelligence


September 2021 Mental Health Training for HCWs

Our Lady of Fatima University

June 2021 The COVID-19 Management Training

Our Lady of Fatima University

April 2021 Virtual Career Expo 2021: Career Webinar Series

Our Lady of Fatima University

February 2018 Core Values Training 2018

Ateneo De Manila University

November 2017 Alay Ni Ignacio Creatives Workshop 2017

Ateneo De Manila University

July 2017 Pathways Kapihan Session: True Colors

Ateneo De Manila University

March 2017 Pathways Kapihan Session: Tasa ng Maiinit na Isyu ng Lipunan

Ateneo De Manila University

November 2016 Communication Skills Training

Ateneo De Manila University


Member. Nightingale Civic Action Group, 2019 – Present

Program Organizer for Symposium, Batasan Hills National High School, January 2017
 Managed the documentary team

Program Committee for Praxis Project: Pathways to Higher Education, November 2016
 Planned and operate events and activities
 Handled recordings and photo op of the main event

Member, Pathways to Higher Education, 2016 – 2018

Executive Office: Pathfinder Club, Commonwealth Adventist Elementary School, 2011-2013

Charmae Aica A. Barroquillo


2738 Barangay Manggahan Street, Malaria, Tala, Caloocan City
Contact No.: 0977-234-1175



COLLEGE Our Lady of Fatima University

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

2019 – Present

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Our Lady of Fatima University

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

2017 - 2019

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Manuel Luis Quezon Highschool

2013 - 2017

With Honors

ELEMENTARY Manuel Luis Quezon Highschool



Cooperative Team Member Communication

Easily Adaptable Computer Proficiency
Hardworking Problem-solver
Critical thinking Hardworking


 Certificate of Appreciation - Webinar on Mental Health (2021-2022)

“Rising Above Covid-19 Challenges: The Harder you Fall, The Higher you Bounce.”
 HERO-SEA - Mental Health Training for HCWs (2021-2022)

Dela Cruz, Jeffry T.


Blk 3 Lot 7 Hobart Village Zabarte Rd,
Kaligayahan Quezon City, 1124
Contact No: +63 905 883 4865
Email: /


COLLEGE Our Lady of Fatima University

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

2019 – Present

AMA University

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


HIGH SCHOOL Cielito High School Annex II

2004 - 2008

ELEMENTARY Lagro Elementary School

1998 - 2004


● Mental Health Training for HCW, 2021 Assist Asia - Argao Psych
● The COVID 19 Management Training, 2021 Project HOPE & Our Lady of Fatima
● Understanding Dementia, 2017 - 2018 University of Tasmania
● Preventing Dementia, 2017 - 2018 University of Tasmania
● Standard First Aid and BLS w/ AED Training, 2018 - 2021 Philippine Red Cross
● Best in Thesis, Enrollment System for Public Secondary School, 2012

● Best in Mathematics, 2008
● Best in Physics, 2008


● Fluent in Filipino and English

● Copywriting and copy editing
● Pleasing Personality
● Customer Service skills
● Proficient in Computer Applications and Telecommunication software's
● Communication skills, Technical skills (Windows & MS applications)
● Team-player, reliable and fast-learner


September 2021 Mental Health Training for HCWs

Our Lady of Fatima University

June 2021 The COVID-19 Management Training

Our Lady of Fatima University

April 2021 Virtual Career Expo 2021: Career Webinar Series

Our Lady of Fatima University

October 2017 Selling Through Curiosity

RingCentral co., Acquire Asia Pacific
Ortigas City


Blood Donor, Philippine Red Cross
2012 to Present

Volunteer, Philippine Red Cross

2018 - 2019


Native or bilingual proficiency

Business professional proficiency

Jesus Louise Gabriel P. Rosales



271 Sto. Rosario Street, Republic Avenue, Brgy. Holy Spirit,

Quezon City

Contact No.: 0916-348-7156



COLLEGE Our Lady of Fatima University

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

2019 – Present


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

2017 - 2019


2016 - 2017

A.S.L.E Learning School of Quezon City


ELEMENTARY South Lake Primary School

2010 – 2013

Canterbury Public School

2006 – 2010


Best Investigatory Project, March 2019


Strong Verbal Communication Fluent in English

Computer Skills Graphic Designing

Can multi-task Good in Oral reading

Team Leadership Extremely Organized


September 2021 Mental Health Training for HCWs

Our Lady of Fatima University

June 2021 The COVID-19 Management Training

Our Lady of Fatima University

April 2021 Virtual Career Expo 2021: Career Webinar Series

Our Lady of Fatima University


Member. Nightingale Civic Action Group, 2019 – Present

Rain Franchesca M. Rubi


Blk 3 Lot 2 Ph 3 E.G Fernandez St.
Palmera Homes Novaliches, Quezon City
Contact No.: 0926-649-1830


COLLEGE Our Lady of Fatima University

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
2019 – Present

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Our Lady of Fatima University Lagro Quezon City
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
2017 - 2019

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL National College of Business and Arts Fairview

2012 - 2017

ELEMENTARY Little Lazaret Christian Academy

2006 - 2012


Certificate of “Covid-19 Management Training for Filipino Families” -2021

Certificate of “Mental Health Training for HCWs” -2021
Certificate of “The Covid-19 Management Training HCWs” -2021
Certificate of Attendance for “1st International Nursing Conference with Dr. Patricia Benner” -
Certificate of Recognition for “Best Quotation” -2019


Cooperative Team Member Computer Proficiency

Easily Adaptable Good at Communication

David Ryan A. Salarda


Ph12 Riverside, Brgy 188 Tala Caloocan City
Contact No.: 09051585393


COLLEGE Our Lady of Fatima University

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

2019 – Present

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Alternative Learning System(ALS)

With honors

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL National Housing Corporation (2013-2015

ELEMENTARY Dona Rosario elementary School ( 2006-2010)

National Housing Corporation (2010-2012)


Certificate of Appreciation - Webinar on Mental Health (2021-2022)


Easily Adaptable
Communication Cooperative
Computer skills


September 2021 Webinar #69 “Limited Face-to-Face School: Ligtas Ba?

University of the Philippines

September 2021 Mental Health Training for HCWs

Our Lady of Fatima University

June 2021 The COVID-19 Management Training

Our Lady of Fatima University

April 2021 Virtual Career Expo 2021: Career Webinar Series

Our Lady of Fatima University

April 2021 Creatiovisionism: Creative Media Pool Skills Training

Quezon City

Rohaida Torilla Samo



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