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Jesneil Zhen Palangan February 4, 2021

GE-TCW (Group 5) BSHM-1
1. What do you mean by “awareness” “choice” and “responsibility”?
The meaning of “awareness” “choice” and “responsibility” is that the people are
aware and knows it responsibility for any situations that happened or may
happen and also take its ownership to their own choices and actions they make.
Just like the example on the discussion we had earlier this morning, the situation
that the whole world faced, the COVID-19- before you make a move you should
be aware of the possibilities and know your responsibility as a citizen of the
Philippines, and make actions that will benefit you, your family, and the frontliners
as well by staying at home and be safe.
2. How, if at all, is ACR exemplified in the short movie?
Based on my own understanding with regards of the short movie “The Howl and
the Fussyket”, how it relates with ACR is his family know his capabilities a
person, as a student. His family is aware by the chances his son will get into if
they will not seek help from the professionals and they also know their
responsibility as a parent by supporting their son all throughout his journey in the
contest, and also their son, knows his responsibility as a contestant. They have a
choice to continue or not to participate in the contest but fortunately they
continued with all the help they get and with the support. Gladly they won. A 2 nd
place is still a good job.
3. How may you apply the ACR model in your day-to-day experiences?
Well, as a daughter and a student, I can apply the ACR model by being aware of
the future I look up into, what future lies ahead of me and by choosing the career
I have taken right now, taking actions to have a better future and lastly knowing
my responsibilities not just a student but a great daughter to continue what my
heart set into since I was young.
4. The ACR model as a tool in looking into the contemporary world.
My understanding on the question, my example on the question number 1 is also
the best fit for this question, about the people on their ACR principle as a citizen.
Also, ACR helps all the people to be aware, their own choices and their own
responsibilities as a citizen in a country they live in. Like, environmental
problems, wealth, and many more.

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