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What is hydrology?

H ydrology is defined as the science that deals with

the process governing the replenishment and
deflection of water resources on, above and below the
surface of the earth in all state of it's existence.

Importance of hydrology in engineering

Hydrology is important in the design, connection and
operation of hydraulics structure.
It is also important for the control, storage and irrigation
of water resources.

Branches of hydrology
- Rainfall and Precipitation:- The state of occurrence,
causes, magnitude, frequency, variation and origin.

- Evaporation and Transpiration:- The return of water to

the atmosphere, Evaporation, Transpiration and also

- Surface water hydrology:- stream flow of water, storage

in ponds and lakes, run off and it's variation and origin.

- Sub-surface water hydrology:- nature and occurrence of

Sub-surface water, infiltration into the ground, passage or
percolation through open holes and it's seepage from
Scope of hydrology
- The maximum probable flood that may occur at a given
- The water yield from a basin, it's occurrence, quality
and frequency.
- The ground water development for which a knowledge
of the hydrogeology of the area is required.
- The maximum intensity of storm and it's frequency for
the design of drainage project in an area.

What is Hydrometerology
Hydrometerology is the science that deals with the
movement of water and water vapour in the atmosphere.

Components of Hydrometerological station

- Wind vane mounted on masonry pillar.
- Cut counter anemometer (three cups) mounted on
masonry pillar.
- Rain guage with inner can fixed on a masonry platform
at 30cm above ground level.
- Sunshine recorded mounted on masonry pillar.

- Stevenson's screen - double louvered, holding

maximum and minimum thermometer and dry and wet
bulb thermometer and piche evaporimeter kept

- Assman Hygrometer with hand driven aspiration fan

and insulated thermometer, wooden framework erected
on the ground for keeping the hygrometer at different
- Dew guage-stand with four exposure brackets ( two on
other side ) with chocolate coloured blocks of wood and
book of dew scale standard.

- Soil temperature thermometer with stems bent -3nos,

embedded at 5,15 and 30cm in the soil.

- IMD land pan and vernier hook guage placed on a

wooden framework 10cm in depth.

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