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A claim that argues that certain conditions should exist, or that something should or should not be done, in
order to solve a problem. It attempts to establish, reinforce, or change a course of action. CLAIM OF POLICY
2. DATA consists of facts, statistics, experiences, comparisons, and examples that show why a claim is valid.
3. A MANIFESTO is a published declaration of intentions, motives or views of the issuer, be it an individual, group,
political party, or government.
4. A claim that makes an assertion about something that can be proved or disproved with factual evidence. It
attempts to establish that something is or is not the case. CLAIM OF FACT
5. CLAIM Is the bottom line conclusion or position of the argument.
6. CLAIM OF VALUE Ideas that are targeted toward needs or values that readers are likely to care about.
7. WARRANT Is the reason behind the claim.
8. SUPPORT Are the facts used to support the warrant.
9. ARGUMENT Are claims backed by reasons that are supported by evidence.
10. COUNTER ARGUMENT An argument or set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea or theory developed in
another argument.
11. Problem or controversy about which people disagree. ISSUE
12. The position on the issue. CLAIM
13. Reasons and evidences that the claim is reasonable and should be accepted. SUPPORT
14. Opposing viewpoints. OPPOSING ARGUMENT
15. Expressing a point of view on a subject and supporting it will evidence. ARGUMENT
16. The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. EVIDENCE
17. Provide sufficient evidence for each argument such as data, interviews with experts, and testimonies. BODY
18. Restate your position and main arguments. Suggest course of action. CONCLUSION
19. Define the issue and discuss its background. INTRODUCTION
20. An essay that expresses a position about an issue. It presents the writer’s stand or viewpoint on a particular
21. It is a systematic and scientific way of investigating and gathering information to answer a particular problem,
establish facts, and reach conclusion. Conducting a research can be done in various field such as arts,
humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, technology, and health sciences. RESEARCH
22. The condition is created by imposing a treatment on the sample. SURVEY
23. Measures characteristics of interest about a population using a sample selected from the population. NON
24. The collection of information from a sample of individuals through their responses to questions. EXPERIMENT
25. The method if identifying a given term and making its meaning clearer. DEFINITION
26. Method of explanation describes that those sentences, verses, quotes, or passages are taken from a literary or
academic work and then interpreted and explained in a detailed way. EXPLICATION
27. Signal words that can be used in a definition method of explaining a concept. MEANS
28. Decreasing carbon dioxide emissions from car exhaust, manufacturing processes, fertilizers, and landfills, while
slowing deforestation, may help slow the process of global warming. CLAIM OF FACT
29. It’s better to apply good nutritional choices at home than teach them at school, because good nutrition then
becomes ingrained in the child’s experience. CLAIM OF VALUE
30. The city’s board of education should institute an honors program not only for high school students, but for
elementary and junior high school students as well. CLAIM OF POLICY
31. Just as smoking ads have been banned in order to decrease the urge to engage in an unhealthy behavior, soda
ads should be banned for the same reason. CLAIM OF POLICY
32. Although immunotherapy has produced some good results in fighting cancer, overall it is less effective that
chemotherapy. CLAIM OF VALUE
33. Vaping can lead to increased blood pressure, lung disease, and insulin resistance. CLAIM OF FACT
34. In order to insure that graduates are competitive for top jobs in their fields, the college must put additional
resources into its career services office and internship programs. CLAIM OF POLICY
35. Parents should not only be aware of how their children are using social media, but also understand the potential
positive and negative impacts of social media use. CLAIM OF POLICY

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