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Instructions: Evaluate research methods and outcomes in the given journal articles
and create a critique paper based on the recommendations provided in the topic.

1. Critique for Journal Article:

Limon, M. R. (2016). The effect of the adequacy of school facilities on students’

performance and achievement in technology and livelihood education. International
Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 5(1), 45-58.

The paper "The influence of inadequate school facilities on students' performance and
accomplishment in technology and livelihood education." by Mark Raguindin Limon tries
to explore how inadequate school facilities affect students' performance and
achievement in technology and livelihood education. The study question being
addressed is if school facilities have any bearing on how children perform in TLE in
acceptable school facilities.

School administrators devote numerous hours to keeping their buildings in the greatest
possible condition via routine maintenance, inspections, and other preventative
measures. While these efforts detract from the position for which they were employed,
maintenance is critical. Positive environments benefit students and the educational
community as a whole, particularly student health and learning. Schools must do all
possible to foster a healthy learning environment, and proactive facilities management
is an essential component. The safety of students and faculty is a key priority.
Performance degrades when facilities hinder this. Many aspects of the educational
process rely on comfortable, secure environments. Students may feel frustrated and
struggle to focus if the temperature is excessively hot or cold, or the lighting is too dark
or too bright. Teachers may become frustrated as they struggle to conduct classes.

Optimizing school facilities should be a cornerstone of any district's purpose to ensuring

that students, teachers, and staff perform to their full potential and produce good
sentiments about your district as a whole.
Adequate facilities provide more than just a better learning environment. Physical health
of children and instructors has also improved significantly.

A student with asthma may find it difficult to concentrate in a room with poor air quality.
Students who are more vulnerable to certain diseases and germs may be more prone to
become ill in a classroom if surfaces are not consistently sanitized. These issues can
prohibit a kid from attending class, reducing the attendance and performance ratings of
a district. Similarly, an unhealthy atmosphere may result in increased sick days for

As seen on methodology, it should also include students because it is their performance

being studied on. The researcher can also interview them since this is a mixed method
study. Furthermore, the researcher should also consider the following years since in the
study, it is stated that school years 2009-2013 are only accounted for.

Overall, this research is a good one since the problem of students not having an
outstanding performance is the lack and old facilities of a school. It should be noted that
the safety of students, staff, and instructors should also be considered.
2. Critique for Journal Article:

Aquino, S. D., & Manuel, M. C. (2018). Work Attitude and Competency of Technology
and Livelihood Education Teachers. PSU Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 1(2),

The paper "Work Attitude and Competency of Technology and Livelihood Education
Teachers." by Aquino & Manuel tries to describe the work attitude and competency of
TLE teachers.

They concluded that TLE teachers were experts whose skill was gained or developed
via regular practice, which is typically associated with the highest levels of education.
educational attainment, years of teaching experience, field of expertise, and number of
TLE-related trainings. The level to which TLE instructors' work attitudes such as
punctuality, honesty, respect, dedication, and teamwork were displayed was very high.
The TLE instructors' levels of competency in achieving learning objectives, as well as
the four areas of concern, were somewhat competent. TLE instructors' teaching
experiences and quantity of relevant trainings were determined to be crucial to their
competency level. When comparing TLE teachers across occupational profiles, there is
no significant variation in the level of expression of work attitudes. The proposed
programs may be utilized to improve or enhance TLE instructors' competency levels, as
well as agricultural arts, fisheries arts, industrial arts, and entrepreneurship.

Individuals who work alone or as part of a team must have two crucial attributes, among
others, to generate excellent results in the job. These are a good mindset and genuine
work competence.

A positive attitude toward achieving set targets is essential because it fosters

togetherness and teamwork, demonstrates our willingness to learn and constantly
improve, and is an indication of a strong desire to achieve positive results, which will
ultimately result in the achievement of organizational goals.

The researchers could have done the study in a quantitative correlational study. This is
because work attitude and competency can be correlated to each other to evaluate if
the teachers have a lack of experience or their work or social attitude may be not that
good. Overall, the paper could have been more impactful if it were a correlational study
since it urges schools and Department education to further survey the employees or
instructors about their performance, experiences ,and their attitude to students and
other people.

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