The Beings of The Middle Astral Plane A

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A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation:

Part XV: The Beings of the Middle Astral Plane

By Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.
Abstract and Summary

It is elu idated that there are real astral ei gs thriving within the
middle 4th dimensional plane of consciousness. An overview of the
beings domicile in the Middle Astral sub-dimensional plane of the 4th
dimension as pertains to the Elohims, Devas, and particularly,
Elementals has been presented, herein. The Devic Kingdom
e o passes all the holders of for fro the highest i ratio al
Elohim to the lowest vibrational Elementals. Elohim are the rulers of the
Elemental and the Devic kingdom. Just as humans evolve into Ascended
Masters, and angels evolve into Archangels, Elementals will eventually
evolve into Devas and then to Elohim. Elohim have a male and a female
aspect, and are the creator Gods and Goddess who are the highest
evolution of the Devic Kingdom. The Elohim and Archangels might be
thought of as the left and right hands of God. Each of the Elohim is
associated with one of the Seven Rays, and therefore contributes the
characteristics or qualities of their individual ray to all of creation. The
Elohim work together with their Divine Complements to carry out their
Cosmic SERVICE. All beings in the Nature Kingdom are a part of the
Devic Kingdom. The Devic Kingdom works from the Mental Plane to
translate thought-forms into physical forms by transforming mental
patterns into etheric patterns and then into physical patterns. Each
being in the Devic Kingdom is a specialist in creating a specific form
from an electron to a planet or a solar system. Like angels, Elemental
Beings begin their evolution small in size, and increase their size as they
evolve. The elementals serving on planet earth have all sworn to portray
hu a it s thoughts a d feeli gs. The are u der o ligatio to
aterialize hate er the pi k up fro the thoughts a d feeli gs of
mankind. This relationship was intended to facilitate the re-
a ifestatio of hea e o earth, ut hu a it s thoughts a d
feeli gs fell i to ge eral i perfe tio . This proje tio of hu a it s
thoughts a d feeli gs ofte results i atural disasters, su h as
tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, and the polluted oceans
and atmosphere. In fact, there are elemental beings working around the
clock in our atmosphere to purify the environment of the accumulation
of distorted energies resulting from all the negative thoughts and
feelings of mankind. For each human soul who chooses to take the
evolutionary route of physical incarnations, there are Elemental Beings
hi h olu teer to ake that jour e ith hi or her. Ele e tals
serve to create and maintain a physical body for us for as many
lifetimes as it takes to complete our ascension and graduate from the
Dualit U i ersit of Earth. The individual body Elementals are
overseen by the collective consciousness of our Body Deva. Devas,
therefore, act as the group consciousness of the different Elementals
that hold form. Devas gather many Elementals together to create a
form made of more than one element. Devas are divine beings who
oversee every constructive activity from forming mountains, to any
structure upon the planet to our own human bodies. For example, our
Body Deva is the group consciousness of the Elementals of Earth, Air,
Fire and Water that join together to form our physical bodies. If we can
establish a good rapport with our body Elementals and our Body Deva,
we can maintain a healthy and vital body. There are many types of
Devas, both subhuman and superhuman. Each group of Devas has a
specific work and methods of development whereby they attain their
goals and evolution. For example, a Water Deva can assist us in the
final clearing of our emotions so that we may step into the Mental
Plane. The Mental Plane has much less form. The Devas have a group
consciousness. Their consciousness is in unity with all the other Devas as
well as all the Elementals who serve to create form from thought. In
their world, form and thought are one. When they think about
something it immediately takes a form, but when it leaves their
thoughts, it loses all form. In their world, thought is pure a potential. It
is their responsibility to receive Divine Will, which is each and every
thought of the SOURCE, from the planes above, and create a matrix for
it here on the Mental Plane. Then, they send that matrix to the Astral
Plane to be filled with emotion, energy in motion. The Divine Will is then
passed into the Etheric Plane where the elementals feed the infant Idea
with their etheric substance. At this point, the Etheric Body of a human
who resonates to that idea will be able to carry it over into the third
dimension. Our Etheric Body holds all the knowledge, pain and
experience of all of our third dimensional lives. The Divine Ideas that will
attract our Etheric Body are probably Ideas that we have worked on in
many lives. Once the Etheric Body magnetizes a Divine Idea, it can more
easily be passed into the consciousness of our Physical Body. Some of
the humans are able to visit them in the Mental Plane so that they may
become aware of their Divine Idea. This awareness is obtained by
merging with our own mental body. In our mental body is stored all the
thoughts and beliefs of all of our third and fourth dimensional lives.
Therefore, it is easier to absorb our personal Divine Ideas because
we have believed in and thought about it for many, many incarnations.
These thoughts and beliefs leave a residue within our Mental Body
which acts like a magnet to attract concepts of that frequency and
atri . If e allo oursel es to feel frustrated that e are ot doi g it
right e ill lo er our i ratio a d ter i ate our isit. I a De i
meeting, the inspirational thoughts of humanity are gathered up,
matched with the Divine Ideas of the SOURCE, and sent back to the
earth plane. Just close your eyes and allow your particular Divine Ideas
to grow in wisdom and illumination and you shall find yourself there. In
particular, the Elemental beings existing in the four fundamental forms
of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire not only function at the planetary level
within the body of Gaia, but also within our own physical-ethereal
bodies. Thus, as sentient beings, we are also composed of 4th
dimensional beings WITHIN. Furthermore, although they possess some
sense of individuality, these Elementals only exist under the auspices of
the unity or collective consciousness, being ever entangled with and
commune with one another. Thus, the Elementals are all joined in
consciousness, and do not perceive themselves as being individuals as
we humans do. Moreover, every experience that any Elemental attains
is instantly shared with all the Elementals. It is through our Elementals
that we impact the planet, the weather, and all the people, plants and
animals that we come in contact with. The Earth Ele e t for s the
foundation of our carbon-based physical structure. Thus, the Earth
Element gives our physical bodies its substance. Within the INNER
reality of our perso al earth essel, our thoughts a d e otio s
stimulate all the Elementals, who in turn, stimulate all the Elementals in
our OUTER reality. In fact, our thoughts arise as a result of cooperative
efforts between our Earth Elementals (constituting matter associated
with the neurotransmitters, enzymes and other chemicals that initiates
the electrical signal) and the Fire Elementals (that fire the euro ). We
have the innate power to call upon our inner Elementals to assist us
with our personal health and transformation, as well as the health and
transformation of our planet. Any Ascended Master who has gained a
mastery over its thoughts and feelings, has attained mastery over its
inner Elementals. Ele e tals ser e to raise the i ratio of their
perso , also raising the vibration of the planet. In general, reality is
unsettled and is more malleable or, is easily influenced, by the thoughts
and feelings of earth s i ha ita ts. Any chaotic thoughts, which have a
great influence on the internal and external worlds via influencing the
OUTER Elementals, would perpetuate geological instability on earth.
Thus, the cataclysmic events are often the direct results of hu a it s
intense emotions. And, the headline news constantly portraying fearful
and negative incidents, inciting anxiety and reinforcing the need for
survivability, do not help the situation. Ha e loud thoughts, and you
relay that message to the atmosphere. I o trast, ha e lear a d
positive thoughts, and you will convey that to form a clear day. Being
fearful of a hurricane hitting the land only attracts it to extend to the
shoreline, while in essence, it is only supposed to stay on the waters and
clear and cleans the planet. It is all influenced by the collective
consciousness of the humanity on earth. Generally, air is associated
with thoughts, while water is concomitant with emotions. The air
elementals are often referred to as Sylphs. The Sylphs live in our aura as
well as constantly contribute to the atmosphere or the aura of Gaia.
They are in SERVICE to maintain the quality of the pla et s air effecting
high atmospheric integrity. Furthermore, Air Elementals assist the flow
of oxygen, which triggers or facilitates the process of life, and gives our
consciousness. Adequate flow of oxygen throughout our system is vital
for clear thinking. Conversely, oxygen deprivation leads to thought
confusion and, ultimately, unconsciousness. The Air Elementals assist us
in breathing. By the conscious control of our breath, we can assist these
elementals in harmonizing our bodies and purifying our surroundings.
The Sylphs also blend our thoughts with the thoughts of others through
the unity consciousness that all Elementals share. With every inhalation,
we are receiving the thoughts of others, and with every exhalation, we
are distributing our thoughts throughout our world via our Air
Elementals. Our thoughts then feed into the collective consciousness
and the planetary consciousness to influence our daily experiences, as
well as the experiences of others. The essence of the air Elementals rules
the air element of our third dimensional world and body. They serve our
world by clearing and neutralizing our atmosphere from the harmful
Chemtrails. These chemicals destroy our immune system and affect our
pineal gland to stop secreting the essence of our higher
multidimensional consciousness known as DMT (Dimethyltryptamine),
as well as ruthlessly degrading and harming our genetics, damaging our
DNA/RNA system, utterly impeding our forward evolution. The sylphs
also often interact with our thoughts and feelings that form hurricanes,
tornadoes, cyclones, or severe weather patterns. The water Elementals
interact with our emotions just as air Elementals do with our thoughts.
They rule our bodily fluid, particularly our blood, and are responsible for
circulation of blood, into and out of our heart, which through beating
anchors us within this space-time. The importance of the Water
Elementals cannot be overemphasized as our emotions are the basis of
our consciousness for they represent our ability to feel and be aware of
our self. When our heart is not functioning well, we experience the
emotion of fear of death; conversely, our heart is the Home of our
soul/self from which unconditional love is felt that transmutes the fear
of death. In this respect, our heart, and hence the Water Elements,
serve as the distributors of our emotions. Our cerebral spinal fluid is also
under the domain of our Water Elementals as it flows between our
brain and up and down our spine cord to cushion our nerves and
facilitate our primary neural synapses. The Water Elementals assist us in
differentiating our emotions by working directly with our physical body,
from the uncomfortable feelings of pain and darkness to the glorious
feelings of light and love. Our thoughts are the end result of the neural
activity that our inner Fire Elementals initiate and complete. Since our
inner Fire Elementals work in concert with all the Fire Elementals of the
pla et, our i di idual thoughts e o e pla etar thoughts ia the
unity in which all the Elementals live. Therefore, our thoughts influence
all the Fire Elements of the planet and all earth creatures. When we
choose positive thinking, we influence our Fire Elementals in a positive
manner, which, in turn, positively influence the Fire Elementals of others
a d of the pla et. The photo s of the su , hi h u if ith earth s Fire
Elementals, can more easily integrate into the planet by our channel. If
our inner thoughts are sad, angry or fearful, we impose our own fear or
anxiety to reate a ad feeli g i others. Pla ts o t gro for us,
animals will run away or attack, and we will o tri ute to earth s
weather in a destructive manner. The contribution of the Fire
Elementals to humanity is that Fire is pure energy and it is the intention
of the user that determines the activity of this Elemental. Without the
Fire Elementals, we would not receive the photons from the sun, and
our bodies would not have neuron synapses. The Fire Elementals carry
Spirit to the world, and into our very essence.
Introduction: The Middle Astral Plane

 The Middle Astral Plane is generally a tranquil, serene environment,

which belongs to the Elementals and the Devic Kingdom as well as
the Human (Ascended Masters) and Angelic (such as Archangels)
Kingdoms that have chosen to be stationed there in order to provide
SERVICE to humanity, appearing as our spiritual guides [1].
 The o d ge e all as adopted here to emphasize the fact that
not all of the territory of the Middle Astral Plane is, strictly speaking,
benevolent or totally void of mischief.
 Part of it, ei g i the i i it of the Lo e Ast al Pla e, is tainted
with certain traits indigenous to leprechauns who are known to play
so e t i ks o the isiti g hu a s, eithe passi g th ough o
having sojourns in their domain.
 However, most of these are devoid of real harm, and to certain
extent resonate with some humans that have traditionally had such
sense of humor in the lower planes of the third dimension.
 However, by far, the most majority of the residents of the Middle
Astral Plane are interesting, kind, and benevolent, and highly helpful
and dedicated to assist and support their human brothers and sisters
on the lower planes of the third dimension.
 Although, the Middle Astral Plane is primarily a realm of
consciousness and non-physical, and as a part of the even 4th
dimension provides a bridge to the next domain of physical
consciousness (the 5th), most aboriginals of this plane can shape-shift
to any suitable form they desire.
 These fo s are known to be partial or homegrown to one type or
another as described, herein.
The Elohim
 Elohim are the rulers of the Devic kingdom and the Elementals.
 Just as humans evolve into Ascended Masters, and angels evolve into
Archangels, Elementals will eventually evolve into Devas and then to
 Elohim have a male and a female aspect, and are the creator Gods
and Goddess who are the highest evolution of the Devic Kingdom.
 The te Elohi ea s all that God is.
 Elohim were referred to in the Old Testament over two thousand
five hundred times as the a e of God.
 In the Kabbalah, the Jewish book of mysticism, Elohim are referred
to as the Divine Mother.
 The term Yod Jay Vod Jay, or Jehovah, refers to the Divine Father.
 Rudolph Steiner, the great German mystic, calls the Elohim the
spi its of fo .
 The Keys of Enoch refers to the Elohim as those beings who created
the world by the will of YHWH (YHWH being the Jewish name for the
 The Elohim and Archangels might be thought of as the left and right
hands of God.
 The term Elohim is plural as it refers to many gods.
 Each of the Elohim is associated with one of the Seven Rays, and
therefore contributes the characteristics or qualities of their
individual ray to all of creation.
 The Elohim work together with their Divine Complements to carry
out their Cosmic SERVICE.
The Devic Kingdom
 The Devic Kingdom is ruled from the Mental Plane to infuse Divine
Ideals into all physical manifestations.
 The De i Ki gdo e o passes all the holde s of fo f o the
highest vibrational Elohim to the lowest vibrational Elementals.
 The Devic Kingdom works from the Mental Plane to translate
thought-forms into physical forms by transforming mental patterns
into etheric patterns and then into physical patterns.
 All beings in the Nature Kingdom are a part of the Devic Kingdom.
 Each being in the Devic Kingdom is a specialist in creating a specific
form, whether it is an electron, a biological cell, a flower, a tree, a
valley, a river, a planet, a solar system, or inter-stellar space.
 Ele e tals a e the uildi g lo ks of fo a d ep ese t the fou
elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.
 Devas gather many Elementals together to create a form made of
more than one element.
 Like angels, Elemental Beings begin their evolution small in size, and
increase their size as they evolve.
 Humans, on the other hand, maintain the same size as they evolve,
although their auras get larger.
 The elementals serving on planet earth have all sworn to portray
hu a it s thoughts a d feeli gs.
 They are u de o ligatio to ate ialize hate e the pi k up
from the thoughts and feelings of mankind.
 This relationship was intended to facilitate the re-manifestation of
hea e o ea th, ut as hu a it s thoughts a d feeli gs fell i to
general imperfection, these elemental beings were obligated,
against their preference, to out-picture mass imperfection.
 This p oje tio of hu a it s thoughts a d feeli gs ofte esults i
atu al disaste s, su h as to adoes, hu i a es, ol a oes,
earthquakes, and the polluted oceans and atmosphere.
 In fact, there are elemental beings working around the clock in our
atmosphere to purify the environment of the accumulation of
distorted energies resulting from all the negative thoughts and
feelings of mankind.
 For each human soul who chooses to take the evolutionary route of
ph si al i a atio s, the e a e Ele e tal Bei gs hi h olu tee
to make that journey with him or her.
 Elementals serve to create and maintain a physical body for us for as
many lifetimes as it takes to complete our ascension and graduate
f o the Dualit U i e sit of Ea th.
 These individual body Elementals are overseen by the collective
consciousness of our Body Deva.
 If we can establish a good rapport with our body Elementals and our
Body Deva, we can maintain a healthy and vital body.

The Devas
 Devas are divine beings who oversee every constructive activity (e.g.,
those of great cathedrals, majestic mountains, lakes, woodlands, or
any structure upon the planet) as well as our own human bodies.
 Devas act as the group consciousness of the different Elementals
that hold form.
 For example, our Body Deva is the group consciousness of the
Elementals of Earth, Air, Fire and Water that join together to form
our physical bodies.
 There are many types of Devas, both subhuman and superhuman.
 There are also many different hierarchies of Devas that are distinctly
diffe e t f o the Hu a Ki gdo s hie a h , although the o k
in perfect harmony with each other.
 Each group of Devas has specific work and methods of development
whereby they attain their goals and evolution.
 A Water Deva can assist us in the final clearing of our emotions so
that we may step into the Mental Plane.
 The Mental Plane has much less form.
 The Devas have a group consciousness.
 Their consciousness is in unity with all the other Devas as well as all
the Elementals who serve to create form for thought.
 In their world, form and thought are one.
 When they think about something it immediately takes a form, but
when it leaves their thoughts, it loses all form.
 That is the way of the Mental Plane.
 In their world, thought is pure potential.
 It is their responsibility to receive Divine Will, which is each and
every thought of the SOURCE, from the planes above and create a
matrix for it here on the Mental Plane.
 Then they send that matrix to the Astral Plane to be filled with
emotion, energy in motion.
 The Divine Will is then passed into the Etheric Plane where the
elementals feed the infant Idea with their etheric substance.
 At this point, the Etheric Body of a human who resonates to that
idea will be able to carry it over into the third dimension.
 Our Etheric Body holds all the knowledge, pain and experience of all
of our third dimensional lives.
 The Divine Ideas that will attract our Etheric Body are probably Ideas
that we have worked on in many lives.
 Once the Etheric Body magnetizes a Divine Idea, it can more easily
be passed into the consciousness of our Physical Body.
 What joy and jubilation the Elemental feel when the seed of the ONE
blooms upon the Physical Plane!
 Some of the humans are able to visit them in the Mental Plane so
that they may become aware of their Divine Idea.
 This awareness is obtained by merging with our own mental body.
 In our mental body is stored all the thoughts and beliefs of all of our
third and fourth dimensional lives.
 Therefore, it is easier to absorb our personal Divine Ideas because
we have believed in and thought about it for many, many
 These thoughts and beliefs leave a residue within our Mental Body
which acts like a magnet to attract concepts of that frequency and
 If e allo ou sel es to feel f ust atio that e a e ot doi g it
ight e ill lo e ou i atio a d te i ate ou isit.
 In a Devic meeting, the inspirational thoughts of humanity are
gathered up, matched with the Divine Ideas of the SOURCE, and sent
back to the earth plane.
 Just close your eyes and allow your particular Divine Ideas to grow in
wisdom and illumination and you shall find yourself there.
The Elementals
 Embedded in our earth vessel are all the components of the planet,
as well as all the components of our oversoul members who chose to
be first, second and fourth dimensional beings.
 Our first and second dimensional selves live in unity with the planet,
as these elements of our body, and of Gaia s, a e ot e ol ed
enough to understand the separation of the third dimension [2].
 It is from their unity that they commune in ONENE““ with the
fourth dimensional creatures, the Elementals of Earth, Air, Fire, and
Water [3-4].
 Just as some of our oversoul chose to be first and second
dimensional beings, some chose to be fourth dimensional entities.
 Unlike the first and second dimensional beings, the fourth
dimensional entities have some sense of individuality, but they also
have a strong unity consciousness, which keeps them in constant
communication with each other, as well as with all the lower
dimensional beings.
 The fourth dimensional beings that most directly interface with our
everyday life are the Elementals.
 The fi st a d se o d di e sio al ele e ts of Ea th, Ai , Fi e, a d
Water a e gi e life the spi it/p a a of the fou th di e sio al
 The Elementals share their life-giving spirit essence with these
elements, just as our soul shares its spirit essence with our third
dimensional earth vessel.
 The human expression of the oversoul has Elementals within the
physical body, just as the planetary body does.
 We are the microcosm of Gaia.
 In our carbon-based atte , Earth Element, e ha e the Ea th
Elementals, the Gnomes.
 I ou odil fluid, ate ele e t, e ha e the Wate Ele e tals,
the Undines.
 I the spa e a d o ge ithi ou od , ou ai ele e t, e ha e
the Air Elementals, the Sylphs.
 Fi all , i ou eu al a ti it a d Ku dali i fo e, fire element, e
have the Fire Elementals, the Salamanders or Fire Dragons.
 Since Elementals are fourth dimensional beings, they do not abide by
the rules of third dimensional separation.
 Every experience that any Elemental has is instantly shared with all
the Elementals.
 In fact, all four groups of Elementals, inside and outside our earth
vessel, work in concert with each other.
 Withi the INNE‘ ealit of ou pe so al earth vessel, our thoughts
and emotions stimulate all the Elementals, who in turn, stimulate all
the Elementals in our OUTER reality.
 In this manner, the Elementals within our physical body and aura [5-
6] live in constant unity with the Elementals in the planetary body
and the atmosphere.
 Although the Elementals are members of the fourth dimension, they
appear to change with the light of consciousness [7].
 This is rather analogous to the life existing deep within our oceans.
 Namely, as the light is increased, it curtails less and less matter.
 Conversely, the decrease in the degree of light, or increasing
darkness, entails creation of more condensed matter [8].
 The Elemental beings join together to create all forms in the third
and fourth dimension [9-10].
 Elementals serve through each of the elements to hold the pattern
for every manifestation.
 For example, oxygen, wind, atmosphere, etc. are formed from the
element of AIR.
 Rain, rivers, lakes, etc. are formed from the element of Water.
 Flowers, trees, rocks, etc. are formed from the element of Earth.

The Earth Elementals

 Our thoughts are actually a cooperative event between our Earth
Elementals and the Fire Elementals.
 Earth Elementals work with matter associated with the
neurotransmitters, enzymes and other chemicals to create the
change in polarity that initiates the electrical signal.
 On the other hand, the Fi e Ele e tals fire the neuron.
 Hence, our thoughts also have a great influence on the Earth
Elementals of our internal and external worlds.
 When our thoughts are chaotic, obsessive and/or confused, our
Earth Elementals find it difficult to stabilize themselves.
 This pe so al instability then influences the Planetary Earth
Elementals to perpetuate geological instability.
 As we walk on our planetary body, the earth, our every step
influences the Earth Elementals of the planetary body.
 The planetary Earth Elementals hold the message that our step has
sent and relay it on to the next person or animal that walks in our
 Have you ever wondered why it is so glorious to walk in the
wilderness, on a deserted beach or in virgin snow?
 It is be ause it is ps hi all uiet, and our Elementals are not
resonating to others.
 Hence, it is easier for them to resonate to our self.
 This is why walking in nature often incites a sense of tranquility in us.
 Alternatively, we begin to resonate with the vibrational rate of our
ea th that is du ed as the Schumann Resonance [11].
 What occurs here, is that we begin to depressurize our aura of the
excessive internal energy built up WITHIN as a result of stress,
anxiety, fear and such.
 Thus, our auric skin begins to develop microcracks relieving the
excessive pressure built up, and as a result, we begin to equalize and
resonate with the frequency of our planetary body or the aura of the
earth [12].
 This experience is also analogous to the o igi of the sa i g, Walk i
the footsteps of the Maste s.
 The Maste s a e Bei gs, hu a a d o -human, who have gained
a mastery over their thoughts and feelings, and, hence, a mastery of
their inner elements and Elementals.
 These Masters consciously work with their personal and planetary
Elementals, as well as the inner elements of others to convey the
deep, inner peace of living in constant communication with our
multidimensional self.
 And, in the former case of relieving excessive auric energetic built
up, this is analogous to the process of clearing and cleansing that
leads to attainment of full auric integrity, which is attained through
acquiring impeccability and spiritual mastery [13-14].
 A d, gai i g su h spi itual aste , ge e all leads to stalli it
[15], which is the pre-requisite to ascension to the inner dimension
of the 5th or higher [16-17].

The Gnomes
 The Gnomes serve as the Earth Elementals.
 Elves and brownies are also Earth Elementals.
 Gnomes are said to live in caves under the earth and give their
service there.
 They work largely with the Mineral Kingdom, whereas brownies and
elves serve from the surface to assist the Animal Kingdom and
 It is the Earth Element that gives our physical bodies substance.
 If we can learn to truly respect the earth element of our physical
forms, then we will learn to respect the earth element of our planet.
 The elementals work together to create a harmonious environment.
 Only humans who can focus on love can visit them there.
 Hence, they do not have to out-picture their emotions in the form of
storms and natural disasters as we do on earth.

The Air Elementals

 The Air Elementals assist the flow of life-giving oxygen, which gives
our consciousness [18].
 The first thing that happens when we suffer from oxygen deprivation
is that our thinking becomes increasingly confused until we become
u o s ious.
 Hence, an adequate flow of oxygen throughout our system is vital
for clear thinking.
 This is why the element of air is also associated with our thoughts.
 We are all aware of how ea th s weather is changing.
 This is because we, our planet, are now largely fourth dimensional.
 Therefore, reality is more changeable or unsettled, and more easily
influenced by the thoughts and feelings of ea th s inhabitants.
 As each of us gain mastery of our own inner elements, our inner
Elementals will assist us in holding that resonance of mastery [19].
 The Elementals also se e to o t i ute that eso a e of aste
to the inner Elementals of others and to the Elementals of the
 In this manner, the Elementals se e to aise the i atio of thei
pe so , while they also raise the vibration of the planet and all her
 The mastery we gain over the physical elements of our earth vessel
allows us to move into an active partnership with our inner
Elementals, as well as the Elementals of our planet.
 We have the innate power to call upon our inner Elementals to assist
us with our personal health and transformation, as well as the health
and transformation of our planet.
 We are, indeed, truly powerful beings!

The Sylphs
 The Sylphs are the air elementals.
 The Sylphs live in our aura and constantly contribute to the aura of
Gaia, the at osphe e, a d the ualit of the pla et s ai a d sk .
 The Sylphs are beautiful, wispy creatures who fly through the air.
 The Sylphs are also known as faeries.
 The air element is very important for the maintenance of life on the
physical plane.
 By the conscious control of our breath, we can assist these
elementals in harmonizing our bodies and purifying our
 The Air Elementals, the Sylphs, assist us in breathing.
 The Sylphs also blend our thoughts with the thoughts of others
through the unity consciousness that all Elementals share.
 With every inhalation, we are receiving the thoughts of others, and
with every exhalation, we are distributing our thoughts throughout
our world via our Air Elementals.
 Our thoughts then feed into the collective consciousness and the
planetary consciousness to influence our daily experiences, as well
as the experiences of others.
 Let us take a moment to differentiate collective and planetary
 Collective consciousness is the combined consciousness of all
humans, whereas planetary consciousness is the combined
consciousness of ALL Ea th s i ha ita ts i ALL di e sio s.
 Hence, planetary consciousness is more expansive than human
collective consciousness.
 Whe e ha e loud thoughts, e ela that essage to the
 O the othe ha d, he e ha e lea thi ki g, e o t i ute to
a clear day.
 Wind can clear the air or be tainted by pollutions, depending on the
activities of the resident humans.
 Humanity was meant to be the guardian of the earth, but instead,
many of us have become the destroyers.
 Although the Sylphs may look like only one being to us, they are all
joined in consciousness and do not perceive themselves as being
individuals as we humans do.
 Their essence rules the air element of our third dimensional world
and body.
 The fourth dimensional beings continually change their forms.
 They waver in the wind like feathers.
 They serve our world by clearing our air and atmosphere.
 They only follow their assignment which is to assist humanity.
 Recently, they have been very busy cleansing and neutralizing our
atmosphere from the harmful chemical sprayed upon us under the
direction of Dark Cabal by way of Chemtrails.
 These chemicals eventually destroy our immune system and have a
way of severely rendering our pineal gland and other divine organs
responsible for multidimensionality and higher consciousness
damaged and inoperable.
 They also ruthlessly degrading and harming our genetics, damaging
our DNA/RNA system, utterly interfering with our forward evolution.
 The Chemtrail program is consistent with the agenda of genocide
and drastic population reduction (typically by 90%) for our near
future, devised by the Illuminati for the global control of earth,
disguised under the false pretenses of World Order.
 The sylphs often interact with our thoughts and feelings and express
the negative thoughts and emotions of humanity in the form of
hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, or severe weather patterns.
 Humanity needs to understand that the cataclysmic events are often
di e t esults of hu a it s i te se e otio s.
 For example, hurricanes are useful, clearing phenomenon that are
ea t to lea se o o e t Ea th s e e geti s.
 The same is true for volcanoes, earthquakes, etc.
 The hurricanes are preordained to stay on the large bodies of water
such as oceans and large seas.
 They are not destined to reach shorelines at all.
 However, they contain tremendous energies that need to be cleared.
 When humans are plagued by fear, for example, for hurricanes
devastating their homes and businesses near the coastlines, and
embark in intense negative energies of fear for survival, anxieties,
and such, these actions actually have tremendously bad
consequences on their realities.
 To begin with, we are all creators and determine our realities.
 As we are consumed by fear and severe negative emotional
energies, according to the Law of Attraction [20], these intense
negative energies actually attract the similar energies of the
hurricanes and drive them to the coast lines.
 In particular, the commotions of gossip, and fearful and negative
publicities of our local and national news casts exasperate the
situation by adding to the negative intensities of the fearful drive,
thus ensuring to bring catastrophe to our reality [21-22].
 This is, of course, the very typical function of our TV broadcast
systems to incite fear and anxiety in public.
 It adds to the o e fo su i a ilit .
 It creates the ideal condition of Dark energetic atmosphere for our
Dark Cabal and their alien cohorts and masters to embark on a
frenzy of feeding under such opportune circumstances.
 Fear is what separates us from our divinity.
 By constantly providing the appropriate measures for the vitality and
longevity of fear to exist and thrive, the Cabal has always strived to
provide such ultimate environments to maintain control of the
pu li .
 Suppression through establishment of fear is the oldest trick in the
book by which oppressors have always managed to subjugate,
plunder, self-i dulge, a d take thei fill.
 Nothing has changed now, except may be for the fact that
throughout experiences of mankind under bondage in purposeful
dualit , due to odest aise i a ki d s o s ious ess, pe haps
his/her tolerance for outright tyranny, cruelty, and open exhibition
of narcissistic supremacy has diminished.
 This had forced our dictators to seek mutated deceit and trickery
beyond open slavery or racism, by resorting to disinformation,
misinformation, make-beliefs, and false propaganda.
 And, during the past few decades, superior technology has provided
the means for them to adopt subliminal messaging, mind control,
and more recently, the use of low frequency HARRP weaponry.
 Are you surprised that the headline news often does not provide you
with any useful information, or that the events portrayed are all
ega di g egati e i ide ts o e i g a ki d s sojou s, al a s
i iti g fea a d a iet a d ei fo i g o e s o ditio i g of eed
for survivability?
 Be advised, or rest assured that ALL prominent TV news stations are
the properties of the Dark Cabal.
 They own them ALL, they censor news to suit their agendas only,
and, there is a very well-established and communicated silent code
among the epo te s that “hape up e sile t o oope ate or ship
 There is NO hope for advancement for those who openly defy this
simple directive.

The Fairies
 Fairies are also sylphs because they serve in the air.
 Some of them live in the Land of Faerie, but many of them also live
in the lower vibrations [23] of the Astral Plane.
 It is there that they learn about beings alled changers.
 A ha ge is o e ho assists the seaso s i ha gi g.
 They assist the old leaves to fall from the tree in the fall and the new
buds to open in the spring.
 You may find them in a nice garden.
 The light and the colors in Faerie are so bright that it is like coming
out of a dark cave and into a bright field.
 Our fairy tales and fantasy novels give a true representation of life in

The Water Elementals

 Water has been associated with emotions just as air has been
associated with thoughts.
 Our Water Elementals, the Undines, rule our bodily fluid, blood, and
the circulation of our blood, which is the domain of our heart.
 If our heart does not function, we die.
 Hence, if our heart is not functioning well we experience the
emotion of fear, fear of death.
 Conversely, the emotion of love is also associated with our heart.
 This is likely because our heart is also the Home of our soul/self from
whence unconditional love can be felt [24].
 In this respect, our heart, and hence the Water Elements, serve as
the distributors of our emotions.
 Our emotions are the basis of our consciousness for they represent
our ability to feel and be aware of our self [25].
 Whe e e e fi st o , ou self was our soul/self.
 The , as a p o ess of g o i g up, e e a e o e a d o e
aware of our physical body and our ego who ruled it.
 E e tuall , ou self became our ego/self [26].
 Fortunately, as we expanded our consciousness, we could feel, be
aware of our inner guides, Holy Spirit, Angels, and other members of
our inner world.
 Eventually, as we continued on our path, e ega to e o s ious
of our own HIGHERSELF, whom we have downloaded and are now
integrating into our physical earth vessel [27-29].
 Our cerebral spinal fluid is also a water element, and hence, under
the domain of our Water Elementals, the Undines.
 Cerebral spinal fluid flows between our brain and our skull, through
the ventricles of our brain, and up and down our spine between the
nerves and the spinal cord to cushion our nerves and facilitate our
primary neural synapses.

The Undines
 The Undines are the Water Elementals.
 Undines can be seen with our physic vision as wispy creatures in
water, as waves, currents, or sparkles of light on the water.
 Mermaids and Mermen are also Undines.
 The water element, which is a large part of our physical body, is
related to the emotional body.
 Negative emotions can damage our health, whereas the emotion of
love is a powerful healing force.
 Our planet is also largely covered with water.
 Water is a great cleansing agent and one of the many factors for the
success of our harvest.
 Without clear water, life as we know it, could not continue on our
 The Undines usually live by moving clear streams.
 The Sylphs often serve with the Undines to create rain.
 This way, gardens and forests can flourish.
 The U di e s essence rules the Water Element in our third
dimensional bodies as well.
 Just as thoughts are like air, emotions are like water.
 There is much water on our third dimensional earth, as there is in
the Astral Plane.
 Therefore, there is also much emotion in the Astral Plane.
 There, the denser emotions, such as fear, anger, and sorrow, sink
into the Lower Astral Plane.
 This allows a boundary between the pain of darkness and the purity
of light.
 In our world, on the other hand, the pain and purity are intermingled
and often difficult to identify.
 The Undines can assist us in differentiating our emotions if we ask
for their help.
 They work directly with the physical body to create uncomfortable
feelings for pain and darkness and glorious feelings for light and love.
The Fire Elementals
 It is through our Elementals that we impact the planet, the weather,
and all the people, plants and animals that we contact.
 For example, our thoughts are the end result of the neural activity
that our inner Fire Elementals, the Salamanders, initiated and
 Since our inner Fire Elementals work in concert with all the Fire
Ele e tals of the pla et, ou i di idual thoughts e o e
pla eta thoughts via the unity in which all the Elementals live.
 Therefore, our thoughts influence all the Fire Elements of the planet
and all earth creatures.
 Hence, when our thoughts are clear and kind, our inner Elementals
attract other Elementals who are also clear and kind.
 When we choose positive thinking, we influence our Fire Elementals
in a positive manner, which, in turn, positively influence the Fire
Elementals of others and of the planet.
 The photons of the sun, which unify with ea th s Fire Elementals, can
more easily integrate into the planet by our passage, and the
thoughts of others will be calmed as our inner Elementals share a
serene blessing with their inner Elementals [30].
 On the other hand, if our inner thoughts are sad, angry or fearful, we
dispense our own anguish and discomfort in the form of fear or
anxiety throughout our environment.
 We the ag etize othe s ho a e suffe i g, o eate a ad
feeli g i othe s.
 Pla ts o t g o fo us [31], animals will run away or attack, and
we will contribute to ea th s weather in a destructive manner.
 Ea th s eathe is a espo se to Gaia s o upa ts, as “HE is the
su /total of ALL the pla et s eatu es.

The Salamanders or the Fire Dragons

 The Salamanders are the Fire Elementals.
 The least is known about these elementals, but we can use our
psychic vision to see them dancing in the flames of a fire.
 The “ala a de s o t i utio to hu a it is that the a e the
expression of the Sacred Fire of life.
 One of their constructive activities is the purification of disharmony
within the ALL THAT IS of nature.
 On a physical level, fire can warm a house or burn it down.
 Fire is pure energy and it is the intention of the user that determines
the activity of this Elemental.
 You can thank the Salamanders for a sunny day.
 They rule the Fire Element.
 Without the Fire Elementals, we would not receive the photons from
the sun, have fire to warm our homes and cook our meals, and our
bodies would not have neuron synapses.
 The Earth, Water, and Air Elements deeply appreciate the
Salamander Fire Elementals as they carry Spirit to the world, into our
very essence.

This manuscript is partially influenced by the dependable testimonies
of the Arcturians and Pleaidians.
1. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation, Part XIV:
The Sub-planes of the Fourth Dimension Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
2. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part XII:
The First Harmonic Universe Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
3. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., We are ALL Connected: The Principle of Local and Non-
local Entanglement The Human Physiology and Energetic System,
4. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Quantum Entanglement The Human Physiology and
Energetic System,
5. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Cosmos and the Human Energetic System – Part II: The
Human Bio-Plasmic (Etheric) Field, Eden magazine, January 2017.
6. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Cosmos and the Human Energetic System – Part III: The
Inner Cosmos (Aura, Chakras, Nadis), Eden magazine, February 2017.
7. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part I:
Light of Consciousness Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
8. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Fundamental Laws of Cosmos Inter-relating
Consciousness, Constitution [Matter-Antimatter] and Energy Quantum Micro
Mechanics of Cosmos,
9. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Conscious
Creation Multidimensional Consciousness,
10. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Creation of Reality through Conscious
Observation Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
11. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi,, Ph.D., Soul-Body Vibration Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
12. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Fundamentals of Auric Skin Microcracking and
Energetic Leakage: Cleavage Microcracking due to Differential Pressure Human
Physiology and Energetic System,
13. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Journey to Spiritual Mastery Multidimensional-
14. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Crystalline Consciousness and the Dawn of
Ascension Ascension,
15. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Re-emergence of Crystallinity [Ascension] and the
Need for Optimal Auric Circuitry Human Physiology and Energetic System,
16. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation, Part XIII:
The Second Harmonic Universe Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
17. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation, Part XVI:
The Fifth Dimension, Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
18. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part X:
Consciousness Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
19. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Journey to Spiritual Mastery Multidimensional-
20. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Several Stages of Awakening, and their Relations to
the Different Phases of the Universal Law of Attraction Eden magazine, November
21. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Fear: Mankind’s Worst Enemy Multidimensional-
22. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Anxiety Spiritual Science 101,
23. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation,
Part XVIII: The Transference of Consciousness - Vibration, to appear in
Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
24. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Unconditional Love Spiritual Science 101,
25. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Essays on humanity – Part III: The Essence of
Man Spiritual Science 101,
26. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Ego Spiritual Science 101,
27. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the Phenomenon of
Holographic Universe – Part IV: The Space Time Programs of Reality Quantum Micro
Mechanics of Cosmos,
28. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part VIII:
The Holographic Universe and the Concept of Parallel Reality Quantum Micro
Mechanics of Cosmos,
29. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Account of Creation – Part IX:
On the True Nature of the Holographic Programs of Reality Quantum Micro
Mechanics of Cosmos,
30. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Effect of Cosmic Radiation and Ionization on Earth
Humanity Ascension Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,
31. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Quantum Entanglement in Light-Harvesting Complexes
(Chromophores) Quantum Micro Mechanics of Cosmos,

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