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November 2010 Q(24)

diagram repr
epresent two different sound waves.

wave P wave Q



A time

How do the
frequencyand pitch of P compare with the frequency and pitch of 0?

frequency of P pitch of P
A greater than Q Q
higher than

3 greater than Q same as Q

C same as Q higher than Q
D same as Q same as Q

June 2011 Q(23)

Sound travels by wave motion.

Which property of waves causes echoes?

A diffraction

B dispersion

C reflection

D refraction

June 2011 Q(24)

He can hear one
to a machine that makes sounds of different frequencies. only
A student listens
of the sounds.

is the student able to hear?

Which frequency of sOund

B 10Hz C 2kHz D 30kHz

A 2Hz
11) June 2012 Q(25)
hands anda short time hears
A girl stands
at a distance from a large building. She claps her later

an echo

why is an echo produced when the sound waves hit the building?

A The sound waves are absorbed.

B The sound waves are diffracted.

C The sound waves are reflected.

D The sound waves are refracted.

12) June 2012 Q(26)

The scales are the same
The diagrams represent the waves produced by four sources of sound.
for all the diagrams.

Which sound has the highest frequency?

A time

B time

AA A time

AAAA time
16) November 2013 Q(24)
When the volcano Krakatoa erupted in 1883,it was heard 5000km away

Which statementabout the sound from the volcano is not correct?

A vacuum) at a
such a an space
loud sound were to be made today, astronaut orbiting
in (a

height of 400km could hear it.

B People further from the volcano heard the sound later than people nearer to the volcano.

C The amplitude of the sound waves would have been smaller further from the volcano.

was transferred the air.

D The sound was very loud because a lot of energy to vibrations of

17) November 2013 Q(25)

produces a pulse of sound in the sea. The echo
of the pulse is
A loudspeakeron a boat
boat 2250 m.
back at the boat after 3.0s. The depth of the sea under the is


pulse of

Sea bed

to scale)

what is the speed of sound in the sea water?

From this information,

B 750m/s C 1500 m/s D 6750m/s

A 330m/s

June 2014 Q(23)

has a frequencyof 10000 Hz. The boy's friend cannot hear the sound
A boy blows a whistle that

from the whistle. The friend has normal hearing.

What could be a reason why he cannot hear the sound?

The amplitudeis too large.

too small.
B The amplitudeis
too high.
C The frequency is

The frequency is too low.

21) November 2014 Q(24)
A fire
An so that t
not loud enough and the pitch is too low. engineer adjusts the alarm
produces a louder note of a higher pitch.

What effect does this have on the amplitude and on the frequency of the sound waves that the
alarm produces?

amplitude frequency

A larger larger

B larger smaller

C smaller larger

D smaller smaller

March 2015 Q(23)

for a human with good hearing?
What is the approximate range of audible sound frequencies

A from 20Hz to 2000 Hz

B from 20Hz to 20000 Hz

C from 200 Hz to 20000Hz

D from 200 Hz to 200000 Hz

March 2015 Q(24)

the water and is
A at the bottom of a boat. The sound travels through
pulse of sound is produced
reflected from the sea-bed.The sound reaches
the boat again after 1.3s. The sea-bed is
1000 m
below the boat.



of sound the water?

Using this information, what is the speed

769 m/s B 1300m/s C 1538 m/s D 2600m/s

March 2016 Q(25)
The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s.
and in a solia
wnich row gives the speed of sound in a liquid
typical values for

speed of sound in speed of sound
aliquid/ (m/s) a solid/ (m/s)

A 250 180

B 250 5000

C 1500 180

D 1500 5000

June 2016 Q(20)

a substance at a speed of 800 m/s.
Sound waves of frequency 2.0 kHz travel through

What is the wavelength of the waves?

C 400Dm D 1600 m
A 0.40m B 2.5m

June 2016 Q(24)

as a series of compressions
and rarefactions.
A sound wave travels through
and the air pressure in a
the air pressure in a compression
Which row correctly compares no sound wave?
where there is
rarefaction to the air pressure nearby

air pressure in
air pressure
a rarefaction
a compression

A higher higher

B higher

lower higher

D lower lower

June 2016 Q(25)

and a certain frequency.
A sOund wave has a certain amplitude
and pitch than the sound wave.
A second sound wave lower
is in first

The second wave has

A a larger amplitude and a greater frequency.

B a larger amplitude and a smaller frequency.

C a smaller amplitude and a greater frequency.

D a smaller amplitude and a smaller frequency.

me ICCcr Page 451

Which March 2017 Q(23)
waves is
A They are able to travel
through a vacuum.
B They are able to travel
through solids.
C They are transverse waves.
D They travel at the same speed in all substances.

March 2017Q(24)
Which statementabout
ultrasound is correct?

A It is
produced by a rapidly
vibrating source.
B It is uncomfortable to human ears.

C Its
frequencymust be greater than 300kHz.
D It travels the fastest in a vacuum.

36) November 2017 Q(27)

A m front of a flat cliff and bangs together two pieces of wood to
studentstands 180 in vertical,
make a short, loud sound.

A timer records the echo of the sound 1.5 seconds after the pieces ofwood are banged together.

Based on this result, what is the speed of sound?

A 120m/s B 240m/s C 270m/s D 540m/s

37) March 2018 Q(27)

:7 Both the amplitudeand the frequency of a sound wave decrease.

What happens to the sound heard?

The sound is louder and has a higher pitch.

B The sound is louder and has a lower pitch.

C The sound is quieter and has a higher pitch.

D The sound is quieter and has a lower pitch.

March 2018 Q(28)


8A sound wave is travelling through water.

What is a possible speed for the wave?

150 m/s B C 1500m/s D 5000m/s

A 300m/s
42) March 2019 Q(27)
A boy stands 150 m from a wall. He claps and when he hears the echo, he immediately claps
again. He continues this for some time.

Another student has a stop-watch. She starts the watch on the first clap and stops it on the
eleventh clap. The watch reads 10.0s.

Which value do her measurementsgive for the speed of sound in air?

A 150 m/s B 170m/s C 300 m/s D 330m/s

43) June 2019 Q(24)

A pulse of produced at the bottom of a boat. The sound travels through the water
sound is and
the boat again after 1.2s. The speed of sound
reflected from a shoal of fish. The sound reaches
in the water is 1500

shoal offish

How far below the bottom of the boat is the shoal of fish?

A 450 m B 900m C 1800 m D 3600 m

44) June 2019 Q(25)

What is the approximate value of the speed of sound in air at normal temperature?

A 340 m/s B 34000 m/s C 340 km/s D 3.0x 10 m/s

45) November 2019 Q(25)

Which row gives a possible set of values for the speed of sound in ice, in water and in steam?

speed of sound speed of sound speed of sound

in ice in water in steam

m/s m/s m/s

A 500 1500 4000
B 1500 4000 500
C 4000 500 1500
D 4000 1500
46) March 2020 Q(24)
The diagrams show examples of wave motion.

ripple tank


waves on water waves in air


waves on a rope waves in a springg

Which waves are longitudinal?

A 1 only B 2 and 3 only C 2,3and 4 D 2 and 4 only

47) March 2020 Q(28)

The diagram shows compressions and rarefactions in air as a sound wave moves from left to


A quieter sound of the same frequency is made.

What will happen to the number of particles in a of rarefaction

region and in a region of

number of particles in number of particles in

region of rarefaction region of compression

A decrease decrease
B decrease increase

C increase decrease

D increase
3) November 2009 Q(21)
A ray of light in
glass is incident on a boundary with air.

Which path does the ray of light take when the angle of incidence i is less than the critical angle?


ray of

4) November 2009 Q(22)

An object O is placed in front of a converging lens of focal length f.

At which point will the top of the image be seen?

14) June 2012 Q(23)
The image formed by a plane mirror is upright.

object of image


What are the other characteristics of the image?

inverted magnified virtual

(left to right) (larger than the object)

A no yes yes

no no
B yes
C no yes
yes no
D yes

November 2012 Q(23)

A thin converging lens formsan image.



be formed on a screen?
What is the nature of this image and can it

can be formed
nature of image on a screen?

A not real no

B not real yes

C real no

real yes
21) November 2013 Q(23)
Which diagram shows how an image of an object is formed on a screen by a converginglens

2 x focal length 2x focal length

object object

Screen Screen


focal length focal


object object

Screen Screen
32) March 2015 Q(21)
A ray of light is reflected by two parallel plane mirrors X and Y.

mirror XX


mirror Y

Which statement is correct?

A The angleof incidence at mirror X is 30.

B The angleof incidence at mirror Y is 60.

C The angle of reflection at mirror X is 120°.

D The angle of reflection at mirror Y is 0°.

March 2015 Q(22)

How do infra-red waves differ from ultraviolet waves?

A Infra-red waves are longitudinal.

B Infra-red waves have a lower speed in vacuo (in a vacuum).

C Infra-red waves have lower frequencies.

D Infra-red waves have smaller wavelengths.

June 2015 Q(20)

The diagram shows the electromagnetic spectrum, in order of increasing wavelength.

Three types of radiation, P, Q and R, are missing from the spectrumdiagram.

y-rays X-rays P visible light

Q microwaves R

Which types of electromagnetic radiation are represented by P, by Q and by R?


A infra-red radio waves ultraviolet

B infra-red ultraviolet radio waves

D C ultraviolet

ultraviolet radio

radio waves

37) November 2015 Q(21)
draws a diagram representing three P througn a
A Student rays of light from point passing
Onverging lens. Each point labelled F is a principal focus of the lens.



ray Y ray Z

Which of the rays has the student drawn correctly?

A ray X and ray Y

B ray X and ray Z

C ray Y only

D ray Z only

November 2015 Q(22)

the glass is
angle for the
inside a glass rod. The light
The diagram shows a
ray of light


surface of
normal rod
ray of


glass rod

when reachesthe surface of the glass rod?

Which row shows what happens to the light

any light any light

reflected? refracted?

A no no

3 no yes

C yes no

D yes yes
42) Specimen paper 2016 Q(25)

he diagram a semi-circular glass Dioc

shows a ray of monochromatic light passing through

in air
ray emerges
50° close to glass

ray glass

What is the refractive index of the glass?

B0.77 C 1.31 D 1.56

A 0.64

March 2016 Q(22)

a reflected by a plane mirror?
Which diagram correctly shows ray of light


ray of 40°
ray of 50
77 777


ray of 40° ray of 40°


45) June 2016 Q(22)
The diagram shows
light traveling from air into
Four angles v, w, x and
y are shown.




Which formula is used to calculate the refractive index n of the glass?

w sin w
A n onV B n: Cn= Sin
Dn= x
sin y sin x sin. sin

46) June 2016 Q(23)

The diagram shows a converging lens forming an image of an object.

image object

Which statement aboutthe image is correct?

A It is real and can be seen by an eye at X.

B It is real and can be seen by an eye at Y.

C It is virtual and can be seen by an eye at X.

D It is virtual and can be seen by an

eye at Y.
62) March 2018 Q(24)

An object is placed before a plane mirror as shown.

A student views the image of the object in the mirror from point
Where does she see the image?



March 2018 Q(25)

has a speed of 1.24 x 103m/s in diamond.

What is the refractive index of diamond?

B C 2.42 D 3.72
A 0.41 1.54

March 2018 Q(26)

Which statement describes monochromaticlight?

A light that does not difract

B light that has a single frequency

C light that spreads out when shone through a glass prism

D light that travels at the same speed in all materials

June 2018 Q(23)

The Sun emits infra-red radiation and light.

Light from the Sun reachesthe Earth in 8 minutes.

Which row gives correct information about the infra-red radiation?

wavelength of time taken for infra-red

infra-red radiation radiation to reach Earth

A longer than wavelength of light

8 minutes
B longer than wavelength of light much less than 8 minutes
shorter than wavelength of light 8 minutes
D shorter thanwavelength of light much more than 8 minutes
17 November 2019 Q(24)

The diagram shows the electromagnetic spectrum.

y-rays X-rays ultraviolet visible infrared microwaves waves


A word is missing from the label below the spectrum. e

Which word is missing?

A amplitude

B frequency

C speed
D wavelength

78) March 2020 Q(26)

A converging lens can be used as a magnifying glass.

What will be the nature of the image?

A real, inverted, diminished

B real, upright, enlarged

Cvirtual, inverted, enlarged

D virtual, upright, enlarged

79) March 2020 Q(27)

The wavelength of blue light changes from 4.7x 10 m to 3.5 x 10 m as it
passes from air to

What is the speed of this light in water?

A 7.4 x 10 m/s
B 1.3 x 105 m/s O
C 2.2 x 10 m/s
D 3.0x 10 m/s

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