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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Regional Diagnostic Assessment

Grade 11- Oral Communication In Context

Name: ________________________________ Date: _______________________

Score: ________________________________
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

The communication process refers to steps used in order to respond in return successfully.
Firstly, it entails several components such as the sender of the message, also called the encoder of
the actual message. Secondly, the receiver of the message is also called the decoder. Next, the
message may include verbal content, such as written or spoken words, sign language, email, text
messages, phone calls, snail-mail, and even skywriting, John O. Burtis and Paul D. Turman note in
their book "Leadership Communication as Citizenship," adding: Intentionally or not, both verbal and
nonverbal content is part of the information that is transferred in a message. If nonverbal cues do not
align with the verbal message, ambiguity is introduced even as uncertainty is increased. A message
will also include nonverbal content, such as meaningful behavior beyond words. This includes body
movement and gestures, eye contact, artifacts, and clothing, as well as vocal variety, touch, and
timing. Also, part of the process is the channel used and considered. This refers to the way a
message is conveyed. Lastly, feedback refers to the response or reaction of the receiver to the
sender’s message. Feedback is the essence of communication. This feedback may be an oral or
written message, action, or simply silence.
Senior High School learners who have so many struggles with their communication skills in the
English language may find it difficult to function effectively and proficiency may be learned and applied
technically and conversationally if practiced the way it should be not just in the four corners of their
classrooms but even outside environment.
Use the information about Struggles in Oral Communication above to answer the questions below.

1. Why is learning Oral Communication important?

A. It allows the learner to signify interest in reading.
B. It promotes good relationships among peers.
C. It reduces challenges and struggles as one communicates.
D. It values the way they communicate with their relatives and friends
E. The information is not provided.

2-3. Using the boxes, write the Process of Oral Communication.

4. This refers to the written context of the speech.

A. Channel
B. Feedback
C. Message
D. Receiver
E. Sender

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

5. Teacher A was discussing tips on how to write a speech. The learner raised her hand for a question. Which part of
the process of communication is that?
A. Channel
B. Feedback
C. Message
D. Receiver
E. Sender
6.The guidance counselor gave a talk on how to deal with stress. What is his role in the communication process?
A. Channel
B. Feedback
C. Message
D. Receiver
E. Sender
7. This model of communication has occurred when a message has been sent and received.
A. Linear Model.
B. Interactive Model.
C. Transactional Model.
D. Transmission Model
E. The information is not provided.
8. This is the major difference between models of communication and the interactive transactional model of
A. The interactive model was developed by Aristotle.
B. The interactive model follows the spiral progression.
C. The linear model shows a one-way communication process.
D. Interactive and linear models have the concept of the receiver.
E. The information is not provided.
9. It is known as the mother of all communication models.
A. Berlo’s SMCR Model
B. Lasswell’s Model
C. Schramm Model
D. Shannon-Weaver Model
E. The information is not provided.
10. Which of the following elements is missing in the transmission model?
A. Feedback
B. Noise
C. Receiver
D. Sender
E. The information is not provided.
11. Suppose you are speaking with spasmodic repetition of syllables which includes the blocking and
prolongation of sounds. In that case, you have the speech defect called _____________.
A. Breathiness
B. Lisping
C. Stammering

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

D. Stuttering
E. The information is not provided.

12. Daniel Padilla is a transferee from China. He introduced himself to his Senior High classmates, but they can’t
understand his language. What type of barrier is this?

A. Cultural Barrier
B. Physical Barrier
C. Semantic Noise
D. Psychological Barrier
E. The information is not provided.
13. Ma’am Lyn Dado is discussing the lesson in a virtual class, but Kathryn couldn’t understand it due to the loud
noise outside. What type of communication barrier is this?
A. Physical Barrier
B. Linguistic Barrier
C. Semantic Barrier
D. Psychological Barrier
E. The information is not provided

Read the transcript below. (14-15)

14. What type of oral activity is being carried out?
Eliza: Good morning, ENMAR Industries, Eliza speaking. How may I help you?
Mr. Ramos: Good day to you too, I am calling to speak with Mr. Enrique Martin.
Eliza: I am sorry, but Mr. Martin is not available at the moment. He is presiding over an important board meeting.
May I know who is calling?
Mr. Ramos: This is Mr. James Ramos, a client with whom he has been dealing. Can you please inform him that I
called? I just need to discuss with him some important matters regarding our next project.
Eliza: I most certainly will Sir. Expect us to give you a call as soon as my Boss is done with his meeting. Would that
be all Sir?
Mr. Ramos: Yes Ma’am, that would be all for now. Thank you!
Eliza: Thank you for calling ENMAR Industries. Goodbye!

A. Business Presentation
B. Face-to-face Conversation
C. Round table Discussion
D. Telephone Conversation
E. The information is not provided
15. How will you describe the language used in the previous oral communication activity? Is it:
A. Formal
B. Informal
C. Slang
D. Technical
E. The information is not provided

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Read the transcript below (16-20)

One of the things that makes Chris shiver is standing in front of a crowd and speaking about a topic he cannot easily
decide. One Friday afternoon, his teacher gave the class a task to prepare a three to five minutes speech concerning
current trends in a digital world. There are a few things that he can think about but he’s not sure which one to choose or
which topic can he really speak about with confidence. After the class, he approached his friends and asked:
Chris: Hi there! Have you chosen a speech topic for our English class?
Stephen: Not yet, but I am considering talking about online streaming of games and earning money through vlogs.
How about you?
Justin: I think I’m going to give an informative speech about cryptocurrencies since many are getting into it.
James: I really don’t have any idea, so I’d probably search online when I get home. How about you, Chris?
Chris: Well, I’m still confused about what to choose. I was thinking of talking about the topics you already mentioned
but since you will speak about them already, I’ll just go with the NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) games. I know some
details about it but I’m too nervous to speak in front of our class.
Jessica: I know you can deliver it well because you know about the topic. Just believe in yourself and be confident. If
I were you, practice speaking in front of the mirror. That will help you boost your confidence and perfect your
Chris: Thanks, guys! Let’s do our best to achieve this task. See you next week.
16. What type of speech context makes Chris nervous?
A. Dyad Communication
B. Mass Communication
C. Oral Communication
D. Public Communication
E. The information is not provided
17. What is the context of communication that took place among Chris’ friends?
A. Dyad Communication
B. Mass Communication
C. Oral Communication
D. Public Communication
E. The information is not provided.
18-19. How did the conversation help Chris in preparing his speech topic? Choose two answers from the choices.
A. His friends suggested topics he can consider
B. He was encouraged by his teacher to try his best on his own.
C. Jessica tried to boost his confidence and gave him good advice.

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

D. He eliminated the topics that his friends already have in mind and chose the one that wasn’t mentioned yet.
E. The information is not provided.
20 Based on the conversation, what is the best way to practice delivering a speech effectively?
A. Know well about your topic
B. Choose only one topic to avoid confusion
C. Ask your friends’ opinion on how to deliver a speech
D. Practice speaking in front of a mirror to master the delivery and believe in oneself.
E. The information is not provided.
Read the selection below for items (21-25)
Before the student government election, the student journalists organized a miting de avance for the candidates.
This is a venue where the aspiring student leaders can present their platforms to the school and student community. The
audience can also ask questions to the candidates to hear what they have to say about the query. There can also be an
arranged debate between the parties if they will.
Aspiring Student Leader A prepared her speech for the miting de avance. She wrote the things that she thought
were relevant to present her clear platform. She took a day or two to put the piece in her memory. She even rehearsed
to ensure that she will not forget any detail of her speech.
Aspiring Student Leader B on the other hand prepared just a few bulleted points. He thinks that he is ready to
answer the questions on the spot. He believes that he could be given any question any time so he did not prepare that
much. He will answer based on what he could think of that moment upon hearing the question.
Aspiring Student Leader C managed to ask a few of his classmates about the questions they may ask a few hours
before the miting de avance. He tried to note possible answers in case these will be thrown at him. He spent a few
minutes preparing the ideas that he could use as the answer to the questions given to him.
Aspiring Student Leader D fears that he would forget what he prepared. He printed his speech on sheets of paper
and plans to read them. He indicated when to pause and what words to emphasize. Despite this, he rehearsed reading
this to ensure that he is not obviously reading from paper.
All of them answered the questions given to them with confidence. They used different styles and managed to
show how much they know and how willing they are to serve the students through their existing leadership ideas,
preparation, and manner of delivery.
21. What kind of speech did Student Leader D prepare?
A. Manuscript
B. Impromptu speech
C. Memorized speech
D. Extemporaneous speech
E. The information is not provided.
22. What sets Student Leader B apart from Student Leader C?
A. Content
B. Delivery
C. Preparation

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

D. Questions
E. The information is not provided.
23. What type of speech did the first Aspiring Student Leader deliver?

A. Extemporaneous speech
B. Impromptu speech
C. Memorized speech
D. Manuscript
E. The information is not provided.
24. How is memorized speech similar to a manuscript?

A. Both have similar contents.

B. Delivery requires copies on hand.
C. Preparation is essential before the speech.
D. Questions are raised during the speech.
E. The information is not provided.
25. How did they all manage to present their speeches successfully despite the different styles?
Read this excerpt from President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s SONA 2021.
26. What type of speech act is employed in this part of the President’s address?
“That is why I cajoled, I shoved, I pushed, and I tangled with men of wealth and influence who were oblivious to the
anguish and pleas of the weak and impoverished, and for that, I was pilloried to no end. But I did not succumb to the
attacks. And neither did I allow criticisms, no matter how intense, to dampen my determination and initiatives,
because my purpose was pure and unpolluted.”
A. Illocutionary
B. Locutionary
C. Perlocutionary
D. Revisionary
E. The information is not provided

Read the following conversations and answer the following questions.

Conversation A:
Maria: Good afternoon, Mr. Lee. I heard that there is a new tennis court near your place. Have you been there
Mr. Lee: Yes, I heard it too. I haven’t been there yet but I’m planning to go there this weekend. Would you like to go
there with me?
Maria: Yes, I’d love to see you this weekend.
27. What type of communicative strategy did Maria use in this conversation?
A. Nomination
B. Repair

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

C. Termination
D. Topic Control
E. The information is not provided.
Conversation B:
Debbie: (on a phone call with Karen) Hi, Karen! I’m going to play Roblox with Dianne later. Would you like to join
Karen: Yes, that would be fun! But I cannot leave the house now because I must wait for my mom to come home.
Debbie: Oh, I’m sorry I forgot to tell you that we will only play it online, so we don’t have to leave our houses.
Karen: That would be nice then. I’ll see you online. Thank you.
28. What communicative strategy did Debbie use to clear up her statement to Karen?
A. Repair
B. Restriction
C. Topic Control
D. Topic Shifting
E. The information is not provided.
29. How will you differentiate Conversation A from Conversation B?
30-31. If you are Karen in Conversation B, compose your response to Debbie. (2 Points)
32. In SPED classes for visually and hearing-impaired students, teachers prepare various instructional materials in
Braille, Sign, audio, and visual formats. What has to be adjusted for this kind of speech context and communicative
A. Delivery
B. Language Form
C. Duration of interaction
D. Delivery and Duration of interaction
E. The information is not provided
33. When the Lord’s Prayer is delivered as a prayer and as a song, what shift is committed and what factor of
communication is changed?
A. Delivery and Duration
B. Delivery and Message
C. Delivery and Language Form
D. Duration and Role of the speaker
E. The information is not provided
Reading Text 02
34. What should the speaker inquire about so there could be a way for them to adjust?

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

35. What should be considered by public speakers based on the

36. What tip reminds the speaker to speak to the audience naturally?
A. Consider the audience size
B. Do some research
C. Be Conversational
D. Prepare
E. The information is not provided
37. What was stated to be natural but should not be permitted to control
the speaker?
A. Audience
B. Guide
C. Nervousness
D. Stage Presence
E. The information is not provided
38. Which of the following preparations contribute to the success of the
A. Familiarization of the content
B. Establishment of the speaker confidence
C. Identification of errors
D. Preparation for future questions
E. All of the given choices

39-44. How will you apply a tip in your future public speaking
engagement? (6 points)

45-49. Categorize the tips into more generalized concepts. (6 points)

50-55. Create another tip that can be helpful to students who wish to become public speakers. (6 points)

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 • Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

56-60. How will you relate the tips to your speaking problems in terms of articulation, modulation, stage presence,
nonverbal language, and audience rapport? (5 points)

Address: Matalino St., D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
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