CAE Conditionals

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\ AQT 7a Grammar: Conditionals 138 = ‘ype 0 Condon I+ present singe proton simple etic fs intl got bo, ‘expands genera he ifyou dnd inthe rin, you gal wet. tows of te “ype | Condional + preset ose foo tel svat itl to open e [or should + bore infinitive: impacative [insrction, advice) in the present or ftvo} more deubflopolie) ought advice) hd bots jovi inte should, mit may, can arcing, wel 70 hare. ity shoul sbi gir Kin my mesage ‘ype 2 Conditional + pos fee woul ache imaginary co | + Sheton a he pres ot Shed | ive Kare (oral or way : hope] ‘Here yo, "ull orth ah fod) the wee br, he cul klp me rograry shor “ype 3 Conditional + pos pact woul imagery scion coud eity/ inte pat pemisson |rhave+ pp. rages, uid plas, thud edi stor impor hil igo crc) the hod worked harder, he weld hove boon promod. nile pon Note + Foto terse (wl/would) wit future meaning is reve ved in loses, However, wil/would can be sed fo express pole raquess or insistence 1 you wil wait for o moment II rap it fer you. [request 1 you wil goon cht, Il send you out the classroom. insistence) +The ilause cn eer precede flow he main clause. When the ifleuse precedes the man clause, wo puta cama att. When the mein cows comes fis, no comma is used to separate he wo louse. Fe is sil in vs, he may vis us (He may vi sib sil n Pris) unless (=f no is used in First conditional sentences Unless he gets 2 prometion, hel resign. ‘+ When slerng fo imoginary or unreal vations, suppose canbe followed eiher by Simple Post or Pas Pet for presen or passivation respectively. Suppose, however, can be followed by Simple Present fo expresso sivation which may happen in he flue, orf inkoducw suggestions Suppose she had moried the fm str, do you think she'd be hoppy? ‘Soppove she i on holiday, how shall we contact her? 7a Grammar: Conditidhals, * In reported speech, the verb tenses of first conditional sentences change in the usvel way, whereas those of second tnd third conditional do not follow the usual chonges with the verb tenses remaining unchanged. “Flom back early, we'll go out for dinner,” he soi. He said that if he were/was back early, we would go out for dinner. “IF wore you, | wouldn't say that,” he soid He said thot ithe were me, he wouldn't say that “Fhe had bean il, he wouldn't have come 10 werk,"she soi. ‘Sha said thor if he hod been il he wouldn't have come/gone to work + Oer expressions used in place of Hore the flowing: on condition that, oven if, even though, when, provided thai), providing [thai], as long as, suppose, supposing, since, os, unless (if not}, but for + gerund/noun, it Frasn forthe presen) or Past (forthe pt Fhe Mayor comes, we'll hold o meeting. (Me may come or he may not) When the Mayor comes, we'll old @ meeting. Ho wil detnialy come ) Even f the Mayor doesn come, well hold @ meeting, (Whether he comes or not doen’ fc he res Provided that) Providing tha] | the Mayor comes, we'll hold 2 meeting: (Weil only hod a meeting ihe cones) As long e8 Unless the Mayor comes, we won't hold @ meeting. (We'll only hold a meeting if he comes) Spo the Mayor comes, we' old mowing (i ener he wil como, but he does, wed Spoaing | holda moving] sme | Remar co cane we won Blo meg He ec cne me ee a” cont had a mecing} Incase the Mayor comes, we'll prepare for @ meeting. t's unlikely that he will come, but we'd beter be ready for the event asi’ not impossible that he wil INUERSION IN IF-CLAUSES When there is shoud, ware or had inthe itlause, the subject ond the auxiliary verb con be inverted and ifis omit, he should ring, tel him to come at 7.00, ‘Seuid bering, tel him 1 come ot 7.00. Flere you. | wouldn't say tht War! you, | woulda’? say that Fad known earlier, | wouldn't hove done such thing. Had known earlier, | wouldn't have done such a thing. [MIXED CONDITIONALS nixed conditional sentence makes use of one type of ilause and a aiferent type of main clause Heclause Moin Clouse Type | If sho is honest she would have fold the ruth Typo 3 Type 2 If she knew the rath, she would have told me. Type 3 Type 3 IF sho had accepted his propose, she would be maried now. ‘Type 2 Type 2 Ihe missed the rain, he willbe lot. Type | 139 \ve Grammar: Conditionals SS 140 1. Pat the verbs in brackets into the correc tense Ts (be yous (rater) voi es 2 ithe (o01/ea hot sondwich, he would not have suffered from food poisoning 3 Father Chrisiras won't bring you any presons unless you Ibe) 0 good gi. 4 Aslong os you (€6} your bet, 10 one wil rics you 5 He put he enswarphone on in cose anyone {wanl to leave him « messoge 6 Supposing we (be/s0p) by the polce, what (wo/say)? 7 you el me you were col, 1 {bd the freon. 8 What Ss fe ‘John od helped s? 9 If she were rich, she {not/have) to work 10 Go and see 0 decor in cose you {have} o serious illness. 11 You wont undestond his unless you {o03) otention, 12 Who {you/give) me if {keop] you secre? 13 Even if be {beg} me | would not help bi, 14 ifs cose (90) tio, wit cause a national every. 15. Supposing no one {ven the sticon chip, (hings/b0) different now? 2. Wite the conse! condlional forthe Fellowing sentences 1 He hasn't got © free weekend. He would hove Visited us, then. 2. He has made a lot of fiends, He isn't lonely row. 10 u 2 You ore soaked. Why didn’ you bring an umbrs with you? He can’ be in rouble. He would have called by He hot lot his security poss. He won't be allowed to enter he building, 1 They cant have caught the ferry. Otcwisa te would be here by now. He must eat meat. He osked for 0 steak She ie eliable, She would never hove let you dwn, Thy id on ht, Te ge nord Aren't you sure? Why did you agree fo it then? ‘My fathor loves Shirley Bassey. He bough! all hx records He is @ pessimist. He always looks on the black side STRUCTURAL CONVERSION ~<-- you don’ dive corefuly, you'll hove on accent | Unless you drive careuly, you'll have an accident You won't have on acciden! provided that you drive corhly ‘As ong o& you dive corel, you won't hove an ‘occiden Dive carehily or abo you'l have an accident Yau had beter take his advice Mi were you. I take his advice. Wer | you, take hie advice You should tobe his adice. ‘Should she come, tl hor to wot for oe. aho should come, tl hor to wit fr me. 4 Ashe couldn’ afford! « holiday, he stayed of home. He coukh' afford « holiday, so he stayed ot home. Ihe hod been able to oford @ holiday, he wouldn't hve stayed of home. | He woyad ot home because he couldn’? afford a hold. Sire he does hove any quoliicatons, he con't find 2 jo, Ihe bod quolicotions, be could find o fob, ‘Aske doesn't hove any qualifications, he can't find a jab. Iti hado’ boon for my methor's gonorosiy, | woulda’? fave my car now. But fr my mothers generosiy | would’ hove my cor ‘Suppose he phoned you, what would you tll hin? he phoned you, who! would you el him? What would you tl him he phoned you? 7a Grammar: Conditiohals, 8 Ifyou help me I'l help you help you provided (he) you help me. 9 Suppose he marries hor? What if he marries her? 10. Suppote the eocher caught you cheating inthe et? Whar would you doi the leacher cough you choat in the es? 11 fhe had been 00 time, we woul? have missed the bus Hod he been on time, we wouldn't hove misod the bus 12. Ifyou won the lotery, what would you do? ‘Should you win he latory, who would you de? | you were fo win the latory, what would you do? 13. habe were rch, she would buy o vil, Wore she rich, she would buy a vile 14H thad bean you, | wouldnt hove accepted his offer, IF had been in your shoes, | would’ have accepted his offer : lf bad been in your poston, |wouldh have accepted his offer 15. Fm no rich, 20 Icon’ afford « long holidey abroad. IF ware ch, | ould afford a long holiday abroad, 16. did’ go ovt bocouse | had o lot of work wo do. Wi hadn' hada lt of work to do, | would have gone 17, She must be out since she didn't anewer the phone. | I she were in, she would have answered the phono. 18 Sho must have lived in Fronce because she hos perfec French accent Uf she hoch’ lived in France, she would’? have pperoc French accent 3. Complete the second sentence so that it has @ similar meaning to the Fist sentence using the word given. Do rat change the ward given. You must use between tree and eigh! words, including the word given 1 It were him, 1 would not be late forthe interview, bate He the intrviow, 2. You won't be punished provided you admit it was your mistake, feng You wor’ be fo your misicke. 3 Srce he ison only child, his parents have epailed bin, oot his parents wouldn't have spoiled him. 4-H had been you, | would have punished him. shoes owe punished him 5 you revise all your notes, you'll poss the exam provided You'll poss ‘ll your note. 6 Fitwasn't for the good pay, | wouldn' stay inthis job. but woulda’ oy. 141 7. Wyou dont gat to work on time, you'll be given the sock punctual Unless ‘he sock, 8 As you've got a high temperature, you'd beter go to the doctor's 1 ‘about your high temperature. 9 As couldn't answer any of he questions, | walked fut of the Maths exc, couldn't ‘out af the Maths exam. 10. But for hit halp, | wouldn't be in my evtrent job, ot Fit had my current job. 11 If Mary were feling wel, she would have come 10 Tom’ pay Mary must ta Tom’ part, If someone gove you o free sirlne ticket, where would you travel to? © yee 2 ‘where would you Wavel io? CONVERSATIONAL GRAMMAR 142 4. Choose the conect item. 11 "Should | eot tha?” "AY a you, I woulda’ A would hove been C were B would be D had been 2 “Thark God we came across tht policemen!" "Oh, yes! What... done if you hodn'¥?” ‘A would youhove Chad you B were youtohave —D will you hove 3 "So, are you going 0 buy itor not?* IF so expensive, | would” A were © hada't been B weren't D isnt 4. "Why do you have to get 0 tox to work?” "Well if did’ live 30 For away, Vento." A wouldn't hove © wouldn't hove had B hadn't had D did't have 5 ay attention in class, you won't poss the he, A ihyou did't C ifyou don't B Unless you don’ D_ Unless you would 6. "Why don't we ask Martin to chair the meeting? "Well, suppose... 1 ask him, do you think he would accept?” A sero we C we hod beon B we wore D had we been 7 Whe onan a8 honest as you believe, he woulda have done tha. A were C would hove been B would be D have been 8 "What would you do in my place?” Were stead lke tht, 'd complain te he rmanoger” A lobe € Ihave been B Ito had bean D tolbe 9 Whet would you do if yOu wn eh? A have been © would be B were D would have been 10. Whot would you buy, provided .... the money? A had you C hove you B you had D you would have u yu go on talking, hell ask you to leave A Unless © When BF D Suppose 12. "Why are you screaming?” “if you burn yourself, t..... you know!” A would have hurt hove hurt B hunts D hut 13 | been informed, I'd hove ottended the mocting A Should C Hed B Were D Would 1d"... you ware il, we wouldn't have come.” “Don't be sill | always enjoy your company” A Were we to know Should we have known B Hod we known -D Had we 10 know 1S. Suppose they... at home, what shall we do? aren't © hoch’ been B weren't D won't be

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