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First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to The Lord God
Almighty, for being with us during the difficulties, for without his showering blessing
we might not be able to complete this research paper. We will keep on trusting you.

To our parents that supported us emotionally and financially during our

conducting of research. For the support and understanding while we were making the
research paper. For the words of encouragements to all those nights that we've spent
making the research paper.Your prayers for us was what sustained us this far.

We would also like to extend our gratitude to our Practical Research Teacher,
Maam Charlene Daguplo, for guided us through out the way. Also, to all panelists, for
sharing their knowledge and expertise. Without their corrections and help this
research would not be possible.

Appreciations also goes to our respondents, who willingly helped and

cooperate which has made the research done. We would like to give thanks for the
time and knowledge that you have given us to conduct this research paper.

And lastly to our selves, for not giving up no matter how hard it already is. For
trying our best to completely finish our research paper. We are extremely proud of our
selves for completing this research paper


In today's world of strong competition on a global scale, maintaining customer

satisfaction is essential to our ability to remain in a business. To maintain their loyalty
and repeat business, we must satisfy and even delight our customers with the value of
our software goods and services. Therefore, one of major goals of service quality
management is customer satisfaction.

This paper presents an methodological approach of customer satisfaction

which consist of 5 factors; these are Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance
and Empathy Factor. Based on our findings, with the help of survey questionnaire the
instrument we use and the likert scale , we were able to identify how satisfied the
customer on the service of Bed and Breakfast in Malaybalay City.

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