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Text classification

This activity is to assess your understanding of the text classifier. It involves going through
spam email examples to understand the text classifier. You will be using different ensemble
learning techniques to test the performance of the classifier.

Task 1: Spam email example

Activity for Ensemble Learning

Question: Is the given email a Fraud, Spam, or Normal?

What is the Label/Class column?

Which classification it is?

Step 1: Import basic libraries

Step 2: Read file

Step 3: Filter out unnecessary columns

Step 4: Find target class

Step 5: Find the frequency of target class

Step 6: Import libraries for text processing

Step 7: Define functions to process text

Step 8: Call functions for text processing

Step 9: Convert text to vector
The code sample below converts text to vector using TfidVectorizer and
unigrams. In addition to it, use possible combinations of Countvectorizer,
unigram, and bigrams.

Step 10: Convert target values to numbers

Step 11: Develop machine learning models using one or

more of the Ensemble Learning techniques – Bagging,
Boosting, and Random Forest. Use following resources

Step 12: Check predictions

Step 13: Check accuracy scores

Step 14: Display confusion matrix

Explain how to read confusion matrix

Step 15: Obtain encoded labels to text

Note: Step 10 converts target labels to numbers. The numbers can be converted back to the
text using inverse_transform() function.

Step 16: Using the information in step 15, display confusion

matrix with text in X and Y axis.

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