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How to make a form in HubSpot.

Go to marketing portal
Click Lead capture
Select forms.

Click the orange button in the upper right corner “Create a form”
Choose what type of form you would want.
(For example purpose, embedded form is selected in the video guide)

Go with a Blank template and start.
Select as inputs the name up top, last name, email, then phone number.
(Click and drag the property to the right side of the interface to put selection)
- Now for all these, you can make them required or not required.
- We can also add notes per box selection.

Contact properties can also be added
We'd be able to add a tag to them so that whenever someone would end up registering, they would
be able to get tagged.
We have to pre-select it.
That means that's always be the one that it selects for these people.
Make this field hidden so that whenever people are on this form, they do not see this,
they only see field they need to fill up

In the options tab, we can type in a little thank you note
Redirect to another page, a thank you page is also an option.

2:58 Scroll down to the bottom for options, and we are going to turn on
Always create contact for a new email address.

And then whenever you're done well you can go through and style and preview.
We always like to try to make it so that the submit button is the correct color as far as the AAP brand

And once you go to automation, you can create a workflow. So when this is just gonna automate
what happens after a form is submitted, you can create our own simple workflow, create a new

4:43 And then you'll click update and it'll be live.

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