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How does social media affect privacy?

After a tiring day of work, you get home. Make yourself a coffee, sit comfortably
on your couch, and finally, entertainment. First 15 minutes, you text your friends,
next 30 minutes you check what's new on Instagram.1 minute you are laughing
and the other you are crying, be it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any other
“app”, you my friend, are a user of social media.
So you may be wondering, why am I telling you this? Well my puzzled but not so
puzzled audience, the said statement leads to a question that I know has been a
topic that has been on fire since 2005.
“ How does social media affect your privacy?”
Since social media was created in 1996 by Andrew Weinreich, individuals and
organizations known as “Cyber Predators” have been attacking social media users
and illegally gaining confidential information which are used mostly for bad than
Firstly let me just talk about the obvious process that they make you go through
so that they could steal information. They act as if they are friendly and trying to
help you, then then they ask for personal data which you will then give because
you have already made a conclusion that your so thought “friend” is trust-able.
Afterward, the said Cyber Predator will cease all communication between himself
and you, the affected “prey”. This only one way and the most obvious.
Next let's talk about what he will do with the stolen information. In most cases,
the cyber predator will threaten that he will release the confidential information to
the public and demand money for keeping it secret. Another possible way is that
he will take advantage of the gained information and would act against you in
legal and illegal ways.
Finally, to the last segment of my speech, how can we stop ourselves from being
tricked by cyber predators? Talking in digital security perspective, one must not
accept messages or any other form of data from an unknown individual. I must
admit that people these days are a lot more greedy than ever before and that greed
has taken control of all the individuals and organizations that have enough
resources and mental power to harm others. Most of this greed can not be ceased,
so someone has to prevent himself from deeply falling into unneeded wants from
the moment he understands what greed is. I believe that out of the two statements,
the second is the most correct, it is not a problem of peoples' “digital security”,
from the beginning, it was the people's emotion check.
It is never too late for anyone to look back at his past and fix what's wrong, but
with our present state I won't be sure that any will believe that history can be fixed
in the present. In conclusion, I state that social media affects our privacy in a way
that it can completely ruin lives and the only way to stop it is to stop corruption in
each an every community on Earth.

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